Weekly List of Planning Applications WEEK ENDING 21 March 2014 Copyright: Uttlesford District Council Date: 21 March 2014 Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4ER Telephone (01799) 510510, Fax (01799) 510550 E-mail planning@uttlesford.gov.uk Website www.uttlesford.gov.uk Please note: Application and decision details can be viewed by selecting the searches available under viewing Planning Applications on the Council’s website. Please note that these details are published for the purpose of planning and building control matters only. They should not be used for any mailing other lists without being filtered against the Mailing Preference Service (MPS) Consumer File. Details of how to obtain the MPS Consumer File can be found on the MPS website www.mpsonline.org.uk. Use of applicants details without such filtering constitutes an offence under the regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority, and can result in penalties. GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING PLANNING APPLICATIONS The suffix on planning application numbers indicates the type of application as follows: Suffix AGR FUL DFO OP LB CA AV DC CC LB CLE CLP OHL HHF Type of Application Agricultural Determination Fully Detailed Details following Outline permission Outline Permission Listed Buildings Conservation Area Advertisement District Council County Council Listed Buildings Certificate of Lawful Use or Development existing Certificate of Lawful Use or Development proposed Overhead Lines Householder Application Any comments on the attached list of planning applications must be submitted to the Planning Department by noon on 17 April 2014 Occasionally application sites will approach close to Parish Boundaries. The District Council does not send a copy of such applications to the adjoining Town or Parish Council. It is therefore advisable for Councils to check all applications on this list. Please note that where applications appear to be duplicated, these are usually joint applications including Listed Building consent for the development or duplicates where applicant wishes to appeal against non-determination in 8 weeks on one case to allow the other to be determined. If you have any general enquiries regarding these lists, please contact the Planning Team on (01799) 510510. Applications Received Birchanger APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0626/HHF Erection of detached garage 4 Forest Hall Cottages Forest Hall Road Stansted Essex CM24 8TU Mr D Marks 4 Forest Hall Road Stansted Essex CM23 8TU 551145 - 223804 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 Birchanger APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0680/HHF Single storey front extension 39 High View Birchanger Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 5QG Mrs E Wright 39 High View Birchanger Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 5QG 550429 - 223082 Luke Mills 01799 510458 Birchanger APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Chrishall APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: UTT/14/0817/TPO Prune back to previous pruning points 1 no. Lime The Chestnuts 4 Churton Birchanger Lane Birchanger Bishops Stortford Mr A Carrett The Chestnuts 4 Churton Birchanger Lane Birchanger Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire 551261 - 222398 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0820/TPO Reduce by 2 metres and re-shape, crown raise over driveway 2 no. Yew Mapletons Crawley End Road Chrishall Royston Hertfordshire Mr P Holmes Mapletons Crawley End Road Chrishall Royston Hertfordshire SG8 8QN 544689 - 239879 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Debden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: UTT/14/0686/LB Retention of internal alterations. Wash Cottage 55 Thaxted Road Debden Saffron Walden Essex LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Mrs Alison Raine Wash Cottage 55 Thaxted Road Debden Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3LS 556659 - 232611 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 Elsenham APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0808/CLE Use as dwelling Crown Cottage The Cross Hall Road Elsenham Bishops Stortford Mr Gregg Pettit 29 Grange Park Bishop's Stortford Herts CM23 9HX 553847 - 226349 Sarah Marshall 01799 510307 Felsted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0786/HHF Proposed sun room Birch House Bannister Green Felsted Dunmow CM6 3ND Mr Barnowski Birch House Bannister Green Felsted Dunmow CM6 3ND 569681 - 220700 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 Felsted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0847/HHF The application of external cladding to provide thermal insulation 4 and 6 Oxney Villas Felsted Dunmow Essex CM6 3EQ Uttlesford District Council Council Offices London Road Saffron Walden CB11 4ER 568906 - 220993 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0729/HHF Erection of orangery to rear Brook Cottage 56A North Street Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1BA Mr & Mrs Guant Brook Cottage 56A North Street Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1BA 562781 - 222418 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: UTT/14/0780/HHF Proposed replacement single storey garage including rear store and erection of entrance gates to front of property. The Stables 44 Stortford Road Dunmow Essex CM6 1DL Mr & Mrs Robert & Caroline Moore The Stables 44 Stortford Road Dunmow Essex CM6 1DL 562236 - 221954 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 UTT/14/0787/OP Outline application, with all matters reserved except access, to demolish all buildings on site, extinguish use and erect 7 no. dwellings Land rear of Canada Cottages Stortford Road Great Dunmow Essex EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: CM6 1DA Mr R Blackwell RW Blackwell Builders Tingie Ho Duck Street Gt. Easton Gt Dunmow CM6 2JC 561291 - 221868 Karen Denmark 01799 510495 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0791/CLP Proposed roof area conversion to include dormer 26 St Edmunds Lane Great Dunmow Essex CM6 2AJ Mr & Mrs D Watkins 26 St Edmunds Lane Great Dunmow Essex CM6 2AJ 563258 - 222708 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0792/HHF Proposed rear single storey and two-storey side extension 26 St Edmunds Lane Great Dunmow Essex CM6 2AJ Mr D Watkins 26 St Edmunds Lane Great Dunmow Essex CM6 2AJ 563258 - 222708 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0824/FUL Conversion of existing dwelling in to 2 no. dwellings. 9A High Street Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1AB The Roper Family 18 Emblems Great Dunmow Essex CM6 2AG 562767 - 221979 Luke Mills 01799 510458 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0825/LB Conversion of existing dwelling in to 2 no. dwellings. 9A High Street Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1AB The Roper Family 18 Emblems Great Dunmow Essex CM6 2AG 562767 - 221979 Luke Mills 01799 510458 APPLICANT: ADDRESS: Great Easton APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Great Sampford APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: UTT/14/0774/HHF Proposed orangery Colletia Mill End Green Mill End Green Road Great Easton Dunmow Mr Layte Colletia Mill End Green Mill End Green Road Great Easton Dunmow Essex 561384 - 225926 Katherine Mathieson 01799 510494 UTT/14/0071/OP Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of five dwellings with associated parking and landscaping Land to the south and east of Snowdrop Cottage Monks Corner APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Hatfield Broad Oak APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Hatfield Broad Oak APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Hatfield Heath APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Hatfield Heath APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: Parsonage Farm Lane Great Sampford Saffron Walden Mr & Mrs C & K Eastwood Snowdrop Cottage Monks Corner Parsonage Farm Lane Great Sampford Saffron Walden Essex 564623 - 235479 Sam Heath 01799 510363 UTT/14/0756/FUL Demolition of pole barn and conversion of farmyard buildings to dwelling and cartlodge garaging. Sparrows Hall Farm Hammonds Road Hatfield Broad Oak Hertfordshire CM22 7JS R N Broard & Son Sparrows Hall Farm Hammonds Road Hatfield Broad Oak Hertfordshire CM22 7JS 555628 - 215714 Luke Mills 01799 510458 UTT/14/0757/LB Demolition of pole barn and conversion of farmyard buildings to dwelling and cartlodge garaging. Sparrows Hall Farm Hammonds Road Hatfield Broad Oak Hertfordshire CM22 7JS R N Broard & Son Sparrows Hall Farm Hammonds Road Hatfield Broad Oak Hertfordshire CM22 7JS 555628 - 215714 Luke Mills 01799 510458 UTT/14/0782/HHF Proposed part single, part two storey rear extension. Ivy Cottage Stortford Road Hatfield Heath Bishop's Stortford CM22 7DU M & S Brooks Ivy Cottage Stortford Road Hatfield Heath Bishop's Stortford CM22 7DU 551904 - 215257 Luke Mills 01799 510458 EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0815/HHF Proposed alterations and extensions Bramfield Friars Lane Hatfield Heath Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire Mr & Mrs Gingell Bramfield Friars Lane Hatfield Heath Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM22 7BE 553109 - 214888 Luke Mills 01799 510458 Hempstead APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: UTT/14/0746/HHF Garage conversion and link building Mill Cottage High Street Hempstead Saffron Walden Essex Mr & Mrs Booth ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Mill Cottage, High Street Hempstead Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2PD 563395 - 238077 Sam Heath 01799 510363 Henham APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0324/HHF Proposed front and rear extension with loft conversion The Laurels Old Mead Lane Henham Bishop's Stortford CM22 6JH Mr Chris Hayes The Laurels Old Mead Lane Henham Bishop's Stortford CM22 6JH 553463 - 227807 Luke Mills 01799 510458 High Roding APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Little Bardfield APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Little Sampford APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Little Sampford APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0482/HHF Single storey rear extension The Old School House Dunmow Road High Roding Dunmow Essex Mr Chris Mangham The Old School House Dunmow Road High Roding Dunmow Essex CM6 1NR 560279 - 217232 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 UTT/14/0788/CLP Proposed carport April Cottage Hawkspur Green Little Sampford Road Little Bardfield Braintree Mr D Campbell April Cottage Hawkspur Green Little Sampford Road Little Bardfield Braintree Essex 565722 - 232085 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 UTT/14/0771/HHF Proposed two storey extension Waterhall Cottage Finchingfield Road Sampford Road Little Sampford Saffron Walden Mr & Mrs J May Waterhall Cottage Finchingfield Road Sampford Road Little Sampford Saffron Walden Essex 565660 - 233782 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 UTT/14/0773/LB Proposed two storey extension Waterhall Cottage Finchingfield Road Sampford Road Little Sampford Saffron Walden Mr & Mrs J May Waterhall Cottage Finchingfield Road Sampford Road Little Sampford Saffron Walden Essex 565660 - 233782 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 Quendon & Rickling APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Quendon & Rickling APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: UTT/14/0719/HHF Single-storey rear extension (renewal of planning permission UTT/0128/11/REN) Quendon White House Cambridge Road Quendon Saffron Walden Essex Mr R White Quendon White House Cambridge Road Quendon Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3XJ 551522 - 230808 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0839/LB Single-storey rear extension (renewal of planning permission UTT/0129/11/LB) Quendon White House Cambridge Road Quendon Saffron Walden Essex Mr R White Quendon White House Cambridge Road Quendon Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3XJ 551522 - 230808 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 Radwinter APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0784/HHF Proposed first floor extension Chips Cottage Stocking Green Radwinter Saffron Walden CB10 2SS Mr Gerhard Chips Cottage Stocking Green Radwinter Saffron Walden CB10 2SS 559191 - 238165 Sam Heath 01799 510363 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0652/FUL Conversion of existing outbuilding to 2 no. dwellings. Site east of 3 Market Street Market Street Saffron Walden Essex Mr Paul Richards Poundhouse Properties C/o Bidwells 553940 - 238478 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0653/LB Conversion of existing outbuilding to 2 no. dwellings. Site East Of 3 Market Street Market Street Saffron Walden Essex Mr Paul Richards Poundhouse Properties C/o Bidwells 553940 - 238478 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: UTT/14/0734/HHF Two storey front extension 35 Audley Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3HW Mr & Mrs Richards LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: 35 Audley Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3HW 554090 - 238300 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0764/TCA 1 no. Walnut - Reduce height of crown by 3-4m. and reshape. Remove 1 Branch. 27 Audley Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3HW Mr & Mrs Messenger 27 Audley Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3HW 554117 - 238325 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0770/HHF Proposed single storey side extension 20 Beck Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4EH Mr & Mrs Bedward 20 Beck Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4EH 553560 - 238091 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0789/HHF Proposed two storey side extension 14 Lambert Cross Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2DP Mr & Mrs Wright 14 Lambert Cross Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2DP 554069 - 239199 Sam Heath 01799 510363 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: UTT/14/0798/HHF Replacement of existing single storey extension with a two storey extension and a dropped kerb. 16 Debden Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4AB Mr & Mrs Butcher c/o agent United Kingdom 553773 - 238020 Sam Heath 01799 510363 LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Stansted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0772/HHF Orangery to rear 8 Bentfield Road Stansted Essex CM24 8HW Mr Wells 8 Bentfield Road Stansted Essex CM24 8HW 550876 - 225218 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 Stansted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0796/TPO Reduce height by 50% 1 no. Lime Cardinals Church Road Stansted Essex CM24 8PY Mr J Butcher 1 The Spinney London Road Newport Essex CB11 3PP 551500 - 224709 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Stansted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0832/TPO Fell 1 no. 1 no. Lime Cardinals Church Road Stansted Essex CM24 8PY Mr J Butcher 1 The Spinney London Road Newport Essex CB11 3PP 551500 - 224709 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Stansted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0823/TPO Fell 1 no. Oak and 1 no. Sycamore 3 Spencer Close Stansted Essex CM24 8AN Mr M Adams 3 Spencer Close Stansted Essex CM24 8AN 551068 - 224984 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Thaxted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0605/HHF Erection of orangery to rear Elmcott Copthall Lane Thaxted Dunmow Essex Mr & Mrs Rodda Elmcott Copthall Lane Thaxted Dunmow Essex CM6 2LG 561350 - 230980 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 Thaxted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0755/CLP New detached garage Jareth Cutlers Green Thaxted Dunmow CM6 2QD Mr Martin Grant Jareth Cutlers Green Thaxted Dunmow CM6 2QD 559392 - 230933 Chris Tyler 01799 510547 Ugley APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: UTT/14/0723/HHF Proposed rear extension The White Cottage Ugley Green Snakes Lane Ugley Bishops Stortford Mrs Rachel Allen The White Cottage, Pound Lane Ugley Bishop's Stortford Hertfordshire CM22 6HP 552058 - 226999 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 UTT/14/0128/FUL Proposed part demolition of existing lean-to, removal of front facing gable and part removal of rear wall. Addition of stable loose box at South East end to form private amenity storage and stables. Conversion and alteration of outbuildings to form a small commercial kitchen, associated office and dining space. New vehicular access, drive and parking area. Westbury Barn Royston Road Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex Mr & Mrs Willmott Berryfield House Duck Street Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: CB11 45JU 550881 - 236388 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0129/LB Proposed part demolition of existing lean-to, removal of front facing gable and part removal of rear wall. Addition of stable loose box at South East end to form private amenity storage and stables. Conversion and alteration of outbuildings to form a small commercial kitchen, associated office and dining space. New vehicular access, drive and parking area. Westbury Barn Royston Road Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex Mr & Mrs Willmott Berryfield House Duck Street Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex CB11 45JU 550881 - 236388 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0493/HHF Proposed two storey rear extension and dormer alterations Meadows Mill Lane Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden CB11 4JP Mr Barton Meadows Mill Lane Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden CB11 4JP 551976 - 236307 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: White Roding APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: UTT/14/0710/HHF Timber oak framed detached garage /carport with Storage Tinkers Cottage Rookery Lane Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex Mr C Snow Tinkers Cottage Rookery Lane Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4JS 551721 - 235892 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 UTT/14/0844/HHF The application of external cladding to provide thermal insulation 25 and 27 Station Road Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4LB Uttlesford District Council Council Offices London Road Saffron Walden CB11 4ER 551691 - 236491 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 UTT/14/0731/FUL Change of use from garden of domestic dwelling to grassed seating area to Black Horse Inn Land to rear of 1 Bretts Villas Marks Hall Lane White Roding Dunmow Essex Mr M Deakin The Black Horse Inn White Roding Chelmsford Near Dunmow Essex CM6 1RF EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: 556298 - 213603 Luke Mills 01799 510458 White Roding APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0809/TPO Reduce by 30 % 1 no. Oak Willow Cottage Church Lane White Roding Dunmow Essex Mr G Kemsley Willow Cottage Church Lane White Roding Dunmow Essex CM6 1RN 556524 - 212848 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Wicken Bonhunt APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0494/HHF Construction of a new stable with PV array on roof. Bonhunt Lodge Wicken Road Newport Saffron Walden CB11 3UE Mrs Karen Broomhead Bonhunt Lodge Wicken Road Newport Saffron Walden CB11 3UE 551167 - 233463 Sam Heath 01799 510363 DECISIONS MADE Arkesden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Clavering APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Clavering APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: UTT/14/0598/TPO Fell 1 no. Irish Yew and reduce 1 no. Irish Yew Saint Marys Church Main Street Arkesden Essex Mr A Lumsden Little Becketts Duddenhoe End Road Arkesden Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4HG 548230 - 234598 Delegated Decision Tree Rejected - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 UTT/14/0133/AV Application for 16 no. hoarding signs, 4 no. flags and 1 no. V board Jubilee Works Stickling Green Clavering Saffron Walden Essex Mr Paul Reynolds Weston Homes PLC The Weston Group Business Centre Parsonage Road Takeley CM22 6PU 548048 - 232807 Delegated Decision Refuse - 21st March 2014 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 UTT/14/0272/HHF First-floor side and rear extension Little Paddocks Clatterbury Lane Clavering Saffron Walden Essex Mrs S Birch Little Paddocks Clatterbury Lane Clavering Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4QU 548282 - 232945 DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Debden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Elmdon APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Elsenham APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Great Chesterford APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 UTT/14/0227/HHF Erection of single storey extensions and two storey rear extension Sparrows Farm Henham Road Debden Saffron Walden Essex Mr Russell Sears Sparrows Farm Henham Road Debden Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3LZ 557475 - 230927 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 UTT/14/0486/TCA Pollard at 3m 1 no. Yew The Old Vicarage Ickleton Road Elmdon Saffron Walden CB11 4LT Mr D Hunter The Old Vicarage, Ickleton Road Elmdon Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4LT 546160 - 239610 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 UTT/13/2836/FUL Proposed erection 6 No. new dwellings Land at Alsa Leys Alsa Leys Elsenham Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire Mr Mark Jones The Laurels The Heath Hatfield Heath Elsenham CM22 7AB 552999 - 226782 Committee Decision Approve with Conditions - 17th March 2014 Katherine Mathieson 01799 510494 APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0360/FUL Proposed new dwelling Land rear of 5 London Road Great Chesterford Saffron Walden Essex Acorn Developments C/o Agent 550479 - 242520 Delegated Decision Refuse - 19th March 2014 Sam Heath 01799 510363 Great Chesterford APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: UTT/14/0391/TCA Prune 1 no. Apple and 1 no. Fig Camber House High Street Great Chesterford Saffron Walden CB10 APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Great Chesterford APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: 1PL Mr Ian Deatker Camber House, High Street Great Chesterford Saffron Walden Essex CB10 1PL 550981 - 242815 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 17th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0642/TPO Crown reduce approx 1.5 metres and shorten lateral limbs all round by approx 2.5 metres 1 no. Indian Cedar 9 Bartholomew Close Great Chesterford Saffron Walden Essex CB10 1QH Mrs T Lacey 9 Bartholomew Close Great Chesterford Saffron Walden Essex CB10 1QH 551027 - 242936 Delegated Decision Tree Granted - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/13/3320/LB Alterations to shop front and internal alterations. 44 High Street Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1AH C/o Agent C/o Agent 562814 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 20th March 2014 Karen Denmark 01799 510495 Great Dunmow APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0564/TCA Fell 1 no. Field Maple Sycamore House 34 The Downs Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1DT Mr D Scarfe Sycamore House 34 The Downs Great Dunmow Essex CM6 1DT 562669 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 19th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: High Roding APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0043/LB Demolition of side porch and kennel and erection of side extension. Internal alterations Barnston House Farm High Roding Dunmow CM6 1NQ Mr & Mrs Simons Barnston House Farm, High Roding Dunmow Essex CM6 1NQ 561588 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 21st March 2014 Luke Mills 01799 510458 Littlebury APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Littlebury APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Littlebury APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Manuden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Newport APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: UTT/14/0259/CLE Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land as garden land Mallards Littlebury Green Saffron Walden CB11 4XB Mr J Bates Mallards Littlebury Green Saffron Walden CB11 4XB 548944 - 238544 Delegated Decision Approve Certificate of Lawfulness - 19th March 2014 Sarah Marshall 01799 510307 UTT/14/0563/TPO Fell and replace 3 no. Horse Chestnut Trees Audley End Estate Land Chestnut Avenue Littlebury Essex Audley End Estate Audley End Estate Office Bruncketts Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4JL 551884 - 237770 Delegated Decision Tree Conditional Approval - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 UTT/14/0567/TPO Fell 1 no. Horse Chestnut Tree Audley End Estate Land Chestnut Avenue Littlebury Essex Audley End Estate Audley End Estate Office Bruncketts Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4JL 551884 - 237770 Delegated Decision Tree Conditional Approval - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 UTT/14/0735/OHL Notification under Electricity Act 1989 - Overhead Lines (Exemption)(England and Wales) Regulations 2009 - To install a new pole Mount Pleasant Butt Lane Manuden Hertfordshire UK Power Networks C/o Freedom Group 548875 Delegated Decision No Objections - 18th March 2014 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 UTT/14/0218/FUL Removal of condition 5 (There shall be no takeaway food/drink sales from the premises. No food or drink shall be supplied to any person for consumption off the premises) from planning permission UTT/13/1631/FUL. Radhuni 56 High Street Newport Saffron Walden Essex APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Newport APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Quendon & Rickling APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Radwinter APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Mr Nazmul Tapadar Radhuni London Ltd Radhuni Indian Cuisine 56 High Street Newport Saffron Walden Essex 552159 - 234057 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 UTT/14/0658/TCA Reduce by 30% 3 no. Silver Birch and 1 no. Cherry 39 Wicken Road Newport Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3QF Mr C Johnson Cracknells Cottage High Street Hempstead Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2PD 551888 - 233999 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 17th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 UTT/14/0713/TCA Reduce by 4 metres and trim branches overhanging driveway by up to 2 metres 1 no. Yew and prune 2 no. Holly. Bradbury Hall Cambridge Road Quendon Saffron Walden Essex Cleo Martino Bradbury Hall Cambridge Road Quendon Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3XQ 551269 - 230165 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 UTT/14/0180/HHF New vehicle access and parking space Fox Cottage Princes Well Radwinter Saffron Walden Essex Mr Baker Fox Cottage, Princes Well Radwinter Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2TE 560718 - 237039 Delegated Decision Refuse - 19th March 2014 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 UTT/14/0068/HHF Single storey rear extension to form garden room. 101 Goddard Way Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2EB Mr A Lee 101 Goddard Way Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2EB 554288 - 239150 Withdrawn - 17th March 2014 Emmanuel Allanah 01799 510629 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0193/FUL Change of use of existing extension into separate dwelling 19 Gibson Gardens Saffron Walden Essex CB10 1AW Mr Y F Man 19 Gibson Gardens Saffron Walden Essex CB10 1AW 553673 - 238060 Delegated Decision Refuse - 17th March 2014 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0195/HHF Proposed first floor side extension and single storey rear extension 10 Saxon Way Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4EG Mr & Mrs J Hedges 10 Saxon Way Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4EG 553520 - 237951 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 18th March 2014 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0223/HHF Installation of roof lights to front elevation to light hallway Northfield Seven Devils Lane Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4BB Mr & Mrs J Keyes C/O Brian Christian Building Surveyor Station Road Great Chesterford Essex CB10 1NY 553863 - 236964 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Clive Theobald 01799 510464 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0302/HHF Front single storey extension and lean-to pitched roof. 18 Northfield Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3EP Mr Mark Brett 18 Northfield Road Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3EP 554232 - 237558 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Rosemary Clark 01799 510675 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0416/TCA Reduce new growth by 2 metres 1 no. Yew 3 Chaters Hill Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2AB Dr C D Shennan 3 Chaters Hill Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2AB 554300 - 238630 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 17th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: UTT/14/0643/TCA Reduce by 3 metres lateral branch SE and reduce by aprox 4 metres LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: large branch growing east 1 no. London Plane Audley End House Audley End Estate Audley End Road Saffron Walden Essex Dr R Bain English Heritage Porters Lodge Wrest Park Silsoe Beds MK45 4HR 552467 - 238150 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0712/TPO Prune to previous pruning points and cut through ivy 3 no. Lime Land to the east of Sports Pavilion Crabtrees Saffron Walden Essex CB11 3BH Mr S King Uttlesford District Council Shire Hill Depot Shire Hill Industrial Estae Thaxted Road Saffron Walden Essex 554543 - 237763 Delegated Decision Tree Granted - 19th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Saffron Walden APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0722/TCA Fell 1 no. Larch Tree to ground level 57 - 59 Castle Street Saffron Walden Essex CB10 1BD Ms Cameron 57 Castle Street Saffron Walden Essex CB10 1BD 553735 - 238710 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 17th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Sewards End APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/13/2937/FUL Erection of 4 no. dwellings Land At 18A Cole End Lane Sewards End Saffron Walden Essex Mr Julien Cooper E J B Developments Ltd 125 Victoria Road Romford Essex RM1 2LX 556375 - 237980 Committee Decision Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Tony Boswell 01799510629 APPLICANT: ADDRESS: Stansted APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0219/FUL Retrospective planning consent for double garage with store room above. Removal of lean-to. Stansted Castle and Toy Museum, Castle Walk Lower Street Stansted Essex CM24 8LY Stansted Toy Museum c/o agent 551470 - 224962 Delegated Decision Refuse - 20th March 2014 Sarah Marshall 01799 510307 Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0639/TCA Fell 2 no. Lawson Cypress Wenden Place Cottage Royston Road Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex Mr & Mrs A Farrimond Wenden Place Cottage Royston Road Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4JY 551142 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 17th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: UTT/14/0654/TCA Fell 1 no. Apple and 1 no. Cherry. Kellers Duck Street Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden CB11 4JU Ms Susan Watson Kellers Duck Street Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden CB11 4JU 551165 Delegated Decision Tree No Objections - 17th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 APPLICANT: ADDRESS: Wendens Ambo APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: White Roding APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: White Roding APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: UTT/14/0714/TPO Fell 1 no. Beech Mutlow Hall Mutlow Hill Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex Mr R Walford Mutlow Hall Mutlow Hill Wendens Ambo Saffron Walden Essex CB11 4JL 551851 Delegated Decision Tree Conditional Approval - 18th March 2014 Ben Smeeden 01799 510466 UTT/14/0104/HHF Proposed single storey ground floor rear/side extension and first floor rear/side extension. Colville Hall Chelmsford Road White Roding Dunmow CM6 1RQ Mr & Mrs Richard Marriage Colville Hall Chelmsford Road White Roding Dunmow CM6 1RQ 555341 - 213402 Delegated Decision Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Madeleine Jones 01799 510606 UTT/14/0105/LB Proposed single storey ground floor rear/side extension, first floor rear/side extension and internal alterations. Colville Hall Chelmsford Road White Roding Dunmow CM6 1RQ Mr & Mrs Richard Marriage Colville Hall Chelmsford Road White Roding Dunmow CM6 1RQ 555341 - 213402 Delegated Decision DECISION CASE OFFICER: Wimbish APPLICATION NO: DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: EASTING/NORTHING: DECISION LEVEL: DECISION CASE OFFICER: Approve with Conditions - 19th March 2014 Madeleine Jones 01799 510606 UTT/14/0228/HHF Proposed demolition of single storey extension. Erection of front porch and two storey rear extension. 11 Tye Green Maple Lane Wimbish Saffron Walden Essex Mr Kevin Tucker 11 Tye Green Maple Lane Wimbish Saffron Walden Essex CB10 2XE 559194 - 235546 Delegated Decision Refuse - 19th March 2014 Tony Boswell 01799510629