FLINT HOUSING COMMISSION P「qject ManuaI SECTION 16060 - ELECTRICAL FOR REMODELING PARTI GENERAL l ,01 SECTION INCLUDES A. 日ect「ical demolition. B. MiscelIaneous electrical work required to provide a complete and functionaI system. C. Repla∞ment Of eleetrical system: eIect「icai panel, electrical fixtures’devices・ and re- wiring/connecting existing systems (Wall switches, aPPliances, OutIets, light fixtures, etC")・ PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Replace existing outIet and light switch cove「 Plates within a= rooms. B. Replacement basemen川ght fixtu「es with po「ciean type fixtu「e (match existing), With pu= Change and waII switch functions・ 1. しamp fixtu「e after insta=ation with CF buIbs. C. しightfixture repla∞ment SCheduIe: 圭:諒器誓嵩詳慧苫霊謹書器諾器?語草F,。。, Ba,h. 3. Kitchen / Dining Room-Area: Hampton Bay Model #FZP8012A/ORB - 2- 1ight Oil Rubbed 告韓:謁請盤諾琵晋諸芸謹書葦蒜胴u 。。。。 B「。nZ。 Flushmount 6. Bed「ooms: Hampton Bay Model杵ZP8012A/ORB- 2- iight Oil Rubbed B「OnZe Flushmount 7. Stairs: Angelo 66401-00 Wa= Mount Fixtu「e 8. Exterio「 Po「chしight Fixtu「e: Kenali H69軋W/ 14w. cfl lamp 9.しamp fixtu「es afte「 instaIIation CF bulbs (except unde「 cabi=et fixture, 24当ube type〉・ 1 0. Provide new metal box at new fixtu「e Iocations, and repla∞ eXisting th「Ough-Out SeCOnd ¶oo「 Iocations. D. Range Hood‥ 30着Range Hood, B「oan Model糾1000 Se「ies Two-Speed Non-Ducted Range Hood,緬sh as se-ected by Owne「, Single fan, 2- SPeed 「ocker control’aiuminum g「ease靴e「・ 1 , Provide stainless steel range hood waII shieId(S), back wa旧nsta胎tion. Fab「icate, out, file and sized pe「 「ange space. 2. Provide CF light bulb. 2.02 WAししSWiTCHES: Obtain app「ovai of coIor from owner’Prior to beginning work・ A. Manufacture「S: 1. SinglePoleSwitch一しeviton’Mode1 1451. 2. Three-WaySwitch - Leviton, Mode1 1453" 3. CoIo「 as selected by the Owner. B. Desc「iption‥ NEMA WD l, Heavy-Duty, AC only genera山use snap switch. 1 6060-1 FLINT HOUSING COMMISSION P「qject Manuai C. Body and HandIe: Whife (CoIor as seIected by the Owne「) piastic with toggIe handle. D. Ratings: 1. VoItage: 120 volts, AC. 2. Current: 15 amperes. E. Repiace existing eIect「ical boxes with metal box ofsimilar type, and new metaI box at new Iocations. 2.03 RECEPTACLES: Obtain approvaI of coIor f「om owne「, 【涌or to beginning wo「k. A. Manufactu「e「s : 1. Dupiex ReceptacIe -しeviton, Mode1 5320. 2. GFCI ReceptacIe -しeviton, Mode1 6599, 4. CoIo「 as seiected by the Owne「. B. Desc「iption: NEMA WD l , Heavy-duty general use 「eceptacIe. C. Device Body: White plastic/AImond/Antique White (c○Io「 as selected by the Owne「). D. Configuration: NEMAWD 6, tyPe aS SPeCified and indicated. E. Convenience Re∞PtacIe: Type 5-15. F. GFCI ReceptacIe: Convenience receptacie with integ「al ground fault ci「Cuit inter叫Pte「 tO meet reguIatory requirements; kitchen, bathrooms and basements, G. RepIace existing eiectrical boxes with metal box of simiIa「 type, and new metai box at new Iocations. 2.04 BATH EXHAUST FAN A. Broan捕79 (1Stfloorand 2nd¶oo「 bath「ooms〉: 1. Replace duct as 「equired, 2. lnstaII CF bulb. 2.05 TELEPHONE JACK。 A. Single teIephone jack with metal box and cover plate: 1. 1- jack i掴Ving 「oom. 2. 1-jack in the kitchen. 2,06 CABLE JACK. A. Singie cable jack with metal box and cover plate: 1. 1-jack in living 「oom. 2. 1- jack in each bed「OOm. 2.07 ELECTRICAL PANEL. A. Square D Main B「eake「 Load Center: 1 6060-2 FLINT HOUSING COMMISSION Pr句ect ManuaI l. Single phase, 3- Wi「e 「esidentiaI electricaI panel with app「OP「iate b「eakers to acoommodate existing conditions/「esto「ation wo「k. 2.08 BUILDING WIRE AND CABLE A. Bu脚ng Wire: 1. B「anch Circuits;紺2AWG coppe「, #14 AWG ooppe「whe「e alIowed bycode・ 2. Ru…eW WI「-ng aS 「equired to a∞OmmOdate fo…eW fixtu「e/eIectrical device locations・ B. Provide low voltage wire fo「 thermostat, and teIephone wire for phone jack connections. C. TV Cable: RG 59/U Coaxial Cable. PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Ve「fty fieId measurements and cirouiting ar「angements a「e as shown on D「awings・ B. Ve「ify that wi「ing and equipment a「e compatiabIe/adequate. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Disconnect eIect「ical systems as 「equired to 「emove existing equipment. 3.03 DEMOLITION AND EXTENSION OF EXISTING ELECTRICAL WORK A. Repai「 adjacent construction and緬shes damaged du「ing demo冊on and extension work. B. P「ovide and instaII eIect「ic fixtures/devices at existing iocations, aS Shown on the Drawings and as specified within the Pr句ect Manual. 3.04 GENERAしELECTRICAしWORK DESCRIPTION A. InstaII complete electricaI system th「oughout the enti「e apartment as 「equi「ed to provide a compIete and functio而g system a=d to compIy with ALL cu「rent electrical codes" B, Rewire apartment to compiy with cu「「ent electricaI and building codes’inciuding the provision of hardwi「e smoke detection/alarm system (One SmOke detector per floo「, and one smoke detecto「 w柵n each bedroom, inte「∞nnected pe「 code) and ca「bon monoxide detecto〃ala「m " 1. Rewire second floor. 2. Existing wiring and electricaI boxes may be saIvage/「esto「ed on first floo「 a=d basement leveIs. C. Replace light fixtures, Outlets, Wall switches, fan switohes, teiephone jacks, cable jacks and other devices as indicated on the D「awings (inciuding electrical device box and wi「ing); and instaIl new devices at locations shown on the Drawings. 1. InstaIi GFI outlets per code, kitchen, bath「00m and basements・ 2. Insta= walI switches as indicated on the D「awings. 3. 一nsta冊ght fixtures replacing existing and p「oviding ce航g mounted within bed「ooms (new Iocation). 4. Run new phone Iine th「ough{両aPartment. Locate jacks as folIows: 1置jack i掴Ving room and l-jack in the kitchen. 1 6060-3 FLINT HOUSING COMMISSiON PrQject Manua1 5. Run new cabIe through-Out aPartment. Locate jacks as fo=0WS: 1 jack両川ving room, 1 jack in each bed「oom, 6. Wi「ing and CabIing shaiI be concealed within waIl/ceilings. D. Replace elect「icaI pane=ocated within basement, and 「ewire as required to p「OVide a complete, P「OPer and functioning system. 1. InstalI complete elect「icai panel; PrOVide the required circuits as 「equi「ed to comply with ∞de (kitchen, aPPliance, bathroom, POWe「 and lighting). 3.05 CLEANING AND REPAIR A, CIean and 「epai「 existing mate「ials and equipment which remain or a「e to be 「eused. B. Clean exposed su「faces and check tightness of eIectricaI connections. RepIace damaged electricaI devices/wi「ing. END OF SECTiON 1 6060-4 FLINT HOUSING COMMISSION P「qject ManuaI SECTION 16721 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS PART I GENERAし 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Automatic alarm / smoke detection system. B. lnstalI smoke detection/aIa「m system (One SmOke detecto「 Per¶oo「, and one smoke detecto「 within each bedroom言nte「comected per code) and carbon monoxide detector/alarms within apartment as 「equired by appIicable code(S). 1.02 REFERENCES A. NFPA 70 - NationaI Elect「icaI Code. B. NFPA 74 - Household Fire Wa面ng equipment. C. 2009- Michigan ResidentiaI Code. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. P「oduct Data: Provide eIectrical characte「istics and connection 「equirements. B. Manufacturerls instalIation instlruCtions: Indicate appIication conditions and Iimitations of use Stipulated by P「oduct testing age=Cy. Include instructions fo「 storage' handling, PrOtection・ examination, P「ePa「ation, instalIation, and stahing of p「Oducts. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Smoke Detector: Gentex, Smoke Alarm, Mode1 9120F, 120V AC with 9V Battery Back-uP. 1. 120V AC and a 9-VOlt battery back-uP SOu「Ce. 2. LED operation lighし 3. 85 decibels a=O feet. 4. “False AIarm Contror, Which, When activated, quiets unwanted alarm fo「 up to 1 5 minutes. B. Ca「bon Monoxide Alarm: Gentex, CO1 209, 1 20V AC with 9V Battery Back-uP. 1. 1 20V AC and a 9-VOIt battery back-uP SOu「Ce. 2. LED ope「ation light. 3. 85 decibeis at lO feet. C. P「ovide the current modeI of the specificed smoke detecto「・ PART 3 EXECUTION 3.0 1 INSTALLATION A. Insta= products in acoordance with manufacturer’s instructions・ 16721-1 FLINT HOUSING COMMISSION P「qiect ManuaI B. RepIace existing smoke detectorsIstrobes as needed. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. FieId inspection and testing w冊be perfe「med unde「 provisions of Section O1400. B. When the installation of the detecto「s is compIete, eaCh detector and a旧ntercomecting wI「lng fo「 the muitipie-Station detectors shalI be subject to a lOO pe「Cent a∞ePtanCe teSt in accordance with NFiPA 74. 1. Rewire apartment to comply with cu町ent elect「ical and building codes言ncluding the ProVision of hardwire smoke detection/aIa「m system (One SmOke detector per floor, and One SmOke detecto「 within each bedroom, interconnected pe「 code〉 and carbon m onoxide detector/alarms. END OF SECTION 16721-2