Fall 2008 - Urban Oasis

History 112: American History Since 1865
Fall 2008 – Dumbach Hall Room 6; T Th 2:30-3:45
Dale Winling
506 Crown Center
T 1:30-2:30pm
TH 4-5pm
or by appt.
This course is intended to serve three purposes: first, it is a broad survey of
ideas and issues in American history; second, it will introduce feature film as a
text illustrating events and trends in the nation’s history; third, it is part of the
Loyola Core Curriculum, presenting ideas about diversity in American society.
During the course of the
semester, we will have four brief
unannounced quizzes. These
will be very basic and will come
directly from the course
Spike Lee and Danny Aiello in the 1989 Spike Lee film,
Do the Right Thing.
This course requires more than simply showing up. Each week part of one
section will be devoted to discussion of the readings and themes associated
with the period. It will be your responsibility to have done the readings for the
week and it will be your responsibility to contribute to class discussion, drawing
upon class material.
100-90 points
80-89 points
70-79 points
60-79 points
50-59 points
0-49 points
Regular, thoughtful comments on class material
Occasional comments
Rare discussion, regular attendance
Irregular attendance, rare discussion
Irregular attendance, no discussion
Rare or no attendance
Students will have one paper (4-5 pages) during the semester analyzing themes
in the three films we will watch as part of the course. Suggested topics will be
supplied by the instructor.
Plagiarism, claiming the use of other people’s ideas as if they were your own,
will not be tolerated. Cite your sources according to the Chicago Manual of
Style or the Turabian style guide. Please ask your instructor if you have any
questions about the appropriate means of crediting sources. Penalties for
plagiarism can include a failing grade for an assignment; a failing grade for the
course; a report to the dean of the college.
As part of the Core Curriculum at Loyola, this course reinforces communication
and critical thinking skills through reading, consideration, discussion, and
writing about issues in United States history. In addition, History 112 also
fulfills the diversity values requirement by considering the broad range of
ethnic, racial, gender, and political identities in American society and how these
differences have been reflected in and shaped historical debates, movements,
and trends.
Required Textbook
John Garraty and Mark Cairnes, The American Nation, volume II. 13th Edition.
Other Readings
Course Web site on Blackboard
Week 1 (August 25): Post-Civil War America
(Tues): Introduction
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 15, pp. 408-431
Week 2 (September 1): Expansion and the West
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 16, pp. 432-455
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 17, pp. 456-483
Week 3 (September 8): Depression and Conflict
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 18, pp. 457-509
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 19, pp 510-529
Week 4 (September 15): Empire and Progress
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 20, pp. 530-553
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 21, pp. 554-585
Week 5 (September 22): Empire Continued
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 22, pp. 586-609
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 23, pp. 610-639
Week 6 (September 29): War, Adjustment, Isolationism
(Tues): Film – Manhattan Melodrama (part)
Film readings, excerpt on Blackboard
(Thurs): Film – Manhattan Melodrama (cont),
Week 7 (October 6): Production, Consumption, Depression
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 24, pp. 640-667
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 25, pp. 668-689
Week 8 (October 13): Depression and Reform
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 26, pp. 690-717
Week 9 (October 20): Depression Continued
(Tues): Film – The Grapes of Wrath (part)
Film readings on Blackboard
(Thurs): Film – The Grapes of Wrath (cont)
Week 10 (October 27): War, Reconversion, and Prosperity
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 27, pp. 718-743
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 28, pp. 744-771
Week 11 (November 3): Prosperity, Conflict, Alternatives
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 29, pp. 772-799
(Thurs): The American Nation, ch. 30, pp. 800-825
Week 12 (November 10): Crises of Confidence
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 31, pp. 826-849
(Thurs): Film readings for Do the Right Thing on Blackboard
Week 13 (November 17): Consequences of Transformation
(Tues): Film – Do the Right Thing (part)
(Thurs): Film – Do the Right Thing (cont)
Week 14 (November 24): Ethnicity and Identity in Film
(Tues): Summary Film Discussion
Week 15 (December 1): Globalization
(Tues): The American Nation, ch. 32, pp. 850-879
(Thurs): Review
EXAM: Thursday, DECEMBER 11, 9 a.m.