8-Law and Regulations (Field)

(MGU1014 / MGHU1514)
• Field Survey Practice
Survey Datum
For new survey to determine of the coordinates. Each cadastral
surveys should be based on good datum :
i. Cadastral Reference Mark (CRM) as follows:
(a) at least two CRM where distance not less than 30 meters with
simultaneous observations using MyRTKnet method for the first CRM
and static method for second CRM; or
(b) at least two CRM that not less than 30 meters made simultaneous
observations with static methods for both CRM. Determination of first
CRM coordinates can be through post-processing using Virtual
Reference Station (VRS);
Survey Datum
(c) at least two new CRM that not less than 30 meters of the
observations both made by the MyRTKnet method in one
initialization. The same process should be repeated in the
second initialization; or
(d) at least two CRM that not less than 75 meters of the
observations made by the real time MyRTKnet method for both
CRM in two initialization; or
(e) if two existing CRM have been used then these CRMs shall be
proofed in good position with third mark by angle and distance
measurements with either existing CRM or nearby NDCDB; or
Survey Datum
ii. two survey marks from NDCDB that distance not less than 40
meters where the original position of these marks have been
proved by direct measurement or traverse and calculation with
solar observations for azimuth or MyRTKnet observations; or
iii. two marks next to good NDCDB and proofed by the third mark
with angle and distance or with traverse and is in its original
Datum Geosentrik Malaysia
GDM2000 means coordinate system datum is based on the
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000. The origin of
GDM2000 coordinate system is at the centre of the earth or
geocentric and based on the latest epoch.
Coordinate Projection System
All survey in Peninsular Malaysia must use the Geocentric
Cassini Coordinate System, while Federal Territory of
Labuan used RSO Geocentric System.
Datum Conditions
The survey lines distance that will be used as a datum must
more than 30 meters and meet the allowable displacement
limits, while the internal angle between two lines shall not
exceed 10 ".
Measurement Methods
Cadastral surveys can be implemented by using GNSS
methods, traverse, radiation, crossing and inter-clossing.
GNSS methods
i. GNSS observation method can be used in cadastral
control survey and land title survey.
ii. Survey using GNSS shall be made in accordance with the
GNSS survey rules and procedures set by the Department of
Survey and Mapping Malaysia.
Measurement Methods
Traverses Method (bearing and distance)
Traverse method with observe the bearing and distance for both
circles left and right.
i. For town area, traverse should be closed to the nearest CRM
station or verified old marks for every 25 traverse stations or 1
km, which one come first.
ii. For rural area, traverse should be closed to the nearest CRM
stations or verified old marks for every 25 traverse station or 2.5
km, which one come first.
Measurement Methods
i. Data collection by this method should be limited to distance
observation which is not more than 300 meters based on single-leg
ii. If observation made is more than single-leg or more than 300
meters, observation should be closed to the nearest CRM station or
verified old marks not more than 25 stations or bearing control
should be made by astronomical observation. Refer diagram for
open and close traverse.
iii. Both circles should be used to observe bearing and distance and
recorded as two difference observation.
iv. Observation by radiation can be done from Cadastral Reference
Mark station.
Measurement Methods
Bearing and distance observations should be made from
two different traverse station with a circle only.
Bearing and distance observations should be made from
three different control points with the circle only.
Angle and Bearing Observation
 Each survey can be started either from assume bearing,
prismatic compass bearing, solar observations bearing or
the old values of field survey or pre-computation plan.
 Survey may also start from a minimum of two (2)
Cadastral Reference Mark stations that are in good
condition which across the survey area.
Angle and Bearing Observation
 For survey work in the following areas shall begin with at
least two (2) Cadastral Reference Mark and should be tied
to an old mark or another Cadastral Reference Mark which
across the survey area :
i. The area does not have NDCDB;
ii. The area consists of 3rd class survey or demarcation
survey; and
iii. The survey area which is not involved with the process of
re-coordination and re-population (R & R) that has been
done by DSMM.
Angle and Bearing Observation
 Bearing observations or horizontal angle of each survey
shall be made in two (2) of circles left and right with the
observations breeders left precedence.
 Bearing or horizontal angle observations shall be
recorded to 01 "nearest.
 The difference between the circles left and right readings
should not exceed 20". If exceed this limit, redo the
Angle and Bearing Observation
 The first vertical angle observations on each day should
be read in both circles and recorded to nearest 01“. The
difference between the readings of both circles should not
exceed 01'. If exceed this limit, redo the observations.
 Distance used for forward bearing shall be appropriate to
the needs and capabilities of the device and can ensure the
accuracy of the bearing observations.
Distance Observation
 Distance observations as possible be made directly either
horizontal or vertical, but the final distance must be a
horizontal distance.
 Distance observations should be read in both circles and
recorded to the nearest 0.001 meter where differences
must not exceed 0.005 meters.
 Distance observation shall use the equipment and
software that enable it to be recorded automatically. Any
data entry manually (key-in) is strictly prohibited.
Differential Field Test (DFT)
i. Differential Field Test shall be conducted whenever
starting a new job.
ii. For work that began with two (2) Cadastral Reference
Mark mutually visible, Differential Field Test shall be made
on the line connecting the two Cadastral Reference Mark.
iii. If there is a difference in distance between direct
observations using Total Station compared the calculations
results of two (2) Cadastral Reference Mark, distance
calculation results of two Mark Cadastral Reference should
be adopted. Difference must not exceed 0.020 meters.
Differential Field Test (DFT)
iv. For difference exceeds the limit 0.020 meters, the
following actions should be taken if:
(a) Differential Field Test in the 0.010 meter limit, redo the
determination Mark Cadastral Reference.
(b) Differential Field Test is not within limits, calibration
must be made onto total station instrument.
Daily Checks
i. Daily checks shall be made every day before continuing
the survey work to ensure the instrument is in good
ii. The difference between the daily checks distances and
previous measured shall not exceed 10 millimetres.
iii. For GNSS equipment, daily checks should be made also.
Methods To Plant New
Boundary Mark
i. New boundary mark should be planted as nearly as may from
traverse stations and should not exceed 300 meters based on the
coordinates set out in the pre computation plan or field survey
ii. Methods by GNSS can also be used to plant new boundary
marks based on the coordinates set out in the plan pre
computation plan or of field survey plan.
iii. Any differences that excess of the permissible limit of area,
the approval of the District Land Administrator shall be obtained.
Methods To Plant Boundary Mark
i. Boundary marks shall be planted before or during survey
carried out using boundary marks according to the method
prescribed by the Department.
ii. Boundary marks on the surface of another must be
clearly plant, permanently in the ground and the tops shall
be at a height of not more than eight (8) inches above
ground level.
Methods To Plant Boundary Mark
iii. On-line mark
(a) If a new boundary mark need to plant on existing lines,
adequate boundary mark can be planted by coordinates set out
in the pre computation plan or field survey plan or NDCDB
(b) Bearing and distance between the on-line boundary marks is
derived from system calculations.
(c) Limits of new calculated bearing compared to the original
value shall not exceed 20''.
Methods To Plant Boundary Mark
iv. No Mark (T.T.)
If the position of the boundary is in a location that can not be
plant, No Mark (TT) shall be applied as follows:
(a) Permanent reference marks should be planted to enable the
boundary mark to be planted in future; and
(b) Permanent reference should be planted on the line that
forms the crossing of boundary, as near to the object.
No Mark (TT) And
Reference Mark (TR)
Methods To Plant Boundary Mark
v. Distance between the boundary
(a) The marks on the boundary line should be planted at
intervals of not more than 300 meters away if marks visible
each other or at intervals of not more than 200 meters if
they are not visible.
(b) Boundaries lines shall be marked follow the curve at the
end of the chord so normal distance from the curve to the
chord line does not exceed 0.2 meters.
Methods To Plant Cadastral
Reference Mark (CRM)
Cadastral surveys can be done by tie to the Cadastral Reference
Mark station or old boundary mark which proof in good position.
Traverses should be closed to the adjacent Cadastral Reference
Mark station or old boundary mark which proof in good position
that not more than 25 stations or with solar observations.
Methods To Plant Cadastral
Reference Mark (CRM)
For new development residential and commercial areas, the
Cadastral Reference Mark station with a maximum grid
interval of 500 meters x 500 meters or existing Cadastral
Reference Mark station must be created for the purposes
of traverse control.
i. To facilitate the survey work, Cadastral Reference Mark to
be marked prior to field survey team went to work on field.
Methods To Plant Cadastral
Reference Mark (CRM)
ii. Number of Cadastral Reference Mark shall be as stated in
the survey datum.
iii. Cadastral Reference Mark should also be marked near to
the area or lot to be measured and the marking of both
Cadastral Reference Mark if possible, across the lot to be
iv. Serial number of Cadastral Reference Mark is generated
by systems and based on the survey file number.
Methods To Plant Cadastral
Reference Mark (CRM)
v. Other features to be considered when determining the
location of CRM are:
(a) Cut off angle around the Cadastral Reference Mark must
be at least 15°;
(b) The causes that affect interference to the reception of
satellite waves as electrical substations, radio stations,
radar stations and telecommunication stations should be
Methods To Plant Cadastral
Reference Mark (CRM)
(c) Location Cadastral Reference Mark shall far away (not
less than 50 meters) from material which may cause
reflections satellite waves such as tall buildings, walls, roof
and an iron;
(d) Cadastral Reference Mark must be made in a place that
is as safe as possible; and
(e) Soil Surface around the Cadastral Reference Mark should
be stable.
Suitable Position For CRM
Type Of Boundary Mark
Boundary marks that are permitted:
(a) concrete stone, concrete pillar, granite stone and iron
pipes according to the size required by the DSMM;
(b) iron nails and spikes in concrete;
(c) mark on rock that is marks with a arrow pointing toward
the hole; and
(d) any other signs permitted by the DSMM from time to
Type Of Boundary Mark
Concrete Stone
• Reinforced concrete stone that is no less 600 millimetres
(mm) with a diameter of not less than 75 mm having a
puncture mark for the station point. For concrete stone
planted by DSMM, an introduction written "JUP" printed
on the top surface. While for the concrete stone with
numbered, serial number was printed replacing the
words "JUP". Size number according to specification by
Type Of Boundary Mark
Concrete Stone
• For concrete stone planted by Licensed Land Surveyor,
the top surface has no such recognition, while concrete
stone with numbered to be purchased from DSMM. If
Licensed Land Surveyor plans to print their own concrete
stone with number, serial number must first be apply
from the DSMM. Price for each concrete stone with
numbered is RM 5.00.
Type Of Boundary Mark
Concrete Pillars
• Reinforced concrete Pillar with length 1200 mm to 1800
mm diameter cylindrical with not less than 70 mm and
has a punch to mark the station point.
Granite Stone
• Granite stone is square in shape with a size of 80 mm
wide, 120 mm long and 600 mm high with a punch to
mark the station point.
Type Of Boundary Mark
Iron Pipes
• Iron pipe no less 900 mm in length with a diameter of 25 mm
to 50 mm and preferably coated or plated with metal tar that
resists rust and holes on the top of the pipe must be closed
preferably with concrete with mark to the station point.
• Nails not less than 55 mm in length with a diameter of 8 mm.
Nail heads shall be 15 mm in diameter and has a diameter of
46 mm and mark to the station point.
Type Of Boundary Mark
Iron Spikes
• Iron spike not less than 100 mm in length with a
diameter of 12 mm. Head spikes shall have a diameter of
25 mm and mark to the station point.
Mark on Rock
• Marked on the surface of rock by piercing holes as a
mark of the station point and one indicator arrows
pointing to the hole.
Type Of Boundary Mark
Abbreviations and symbols used for boundary marks shall
be as prescribed by the DSMM.
i. Planting of the boundary mark should be using types of
boundary mark that permitted.
ii. Cadastral Reference Mark can be iron pipes with concrete
or spikes with concrete. Existing boundary marks can also
be used for these purpose. However, the number of
cadastral survey control marks must be printed on any
marks used.
Distance Between Boundary Mark
 Boundary marks on boundary line should be planted at
intervals of not more than 300 meters if these boundary
marks are visible or at intervals not to exceed 200 meters if
they are not visible.
 Boundary lines that follow the curvature shall be marked
at the end of the chord so normal distance from the curve
to the chord line does not exceed 0.2 meters.
 The minimum distance between the boundary marks is
0.1 meters.
 Lot area shall be generated from NDCDB to the nearest
0.1 square meters.
 If the area shown in hectares:
(i) an area not exceeding 1 hectare to the nearest 0.0001
(ii) an area exceeding 1 hectare and not more than 10
hectare to 0,001 hectare nearest; and
(iii) an area of over 10 hectares to the nearest 0.01 hectare.
 Lots that are not designated in hectares shall be appointed in
square meters and rounded to the nearest square meter. For
subdivision lot where the area is less than 1 square meter, to the
nearest 0.1 square meters.
 Area should be shown in hectares for:
(i) Lot-lot agriculture; and
(ii) Lot-lot residential or building, commercial or industrial and lots
in village and town that more than 2 hectares.
 Area should be shown in a square meter for residential lots or
buildings, commercial or industrial and lots in village and town that
less than 2 hectares.
 Area for strata titles:
(i) The floor area of any parcel and accessory parcel shall be
determined and shown to the nearest square meter; and
(ii) The area of the land parcel shall be determined and
shown to the nearest square meter.
 Volume for stratum lot shall be calculated to 0.1 cubic
meters and shown to the nearest cubic meter.
Dirrefences Of Area Allowed
Survey Officer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall inform the
Director of Survey and Mapping, any difference between
the surveyed area with an area exceeding the approved
limit. If there are significant differences between the size,
the Director of Survey and Mapping or Licensed Land
Surveyor shall refer the matter to the State Authority
through the Land Administrator.
Dirrefences Of Area Allowed
 Limit of area of the measured compared to the approved
by the State Authority (PBN) is as follows:
i. not exceed 5% of the area under 40 hectares;
ii. not more than 2 hectares of area between 40 hectares
and 200 hectares; and
iii. not exceeding 1% of area for over 200 hectares.
Dirrefences Of Area Allowed
 The procedure described above shall not apply in cases
where the lot is surveyed bounded by the old boundary
 Differences that exceed the limits specified above shall
be referred to the State Authority through the Land
Administrator by the State Director of Survey and Mapping
or Licensed Land Surveyor, where applicable.
 No re-survey needed if the survey follow the old
department regulations predecessor and old boundary
marks have been confirmed in a good position by the
Settlement Officer.
 In the case of subdivision, partition, surrender or
acquisition, re-survey shall be concentrated on the
boundaries involved while the other boundary lines are for
the purpose of datum only.
 Unless requested otherwise, then the survey of portion
of the lot affected by the acquisition under the Land
Acquisition Act, 1960, was limited to only the remaining lot.
In the case of the re-survey of natural boundary, the
boundary may be surveyed by a straight line as nearly as
possible to its natural when:
(i) the river or the sea move into the lot until crossing to the
existing traverse line; and
(ii) the river or the sea move into the lot and effect the lot
become two or more.
In the case of re-survey of the natural boundary where the
river or sea retreated out of the lot, the boundaries shall be
surveyed according to the previously traverse lines used for
the purpose of establishing of the natural boundaries.
Where there is any walls or other building that was built,
re-survey can be done by include the relevant building area
as long as area not more than area mentioned in
documents of title.
Except in the case of re-survey of natural boundary, if the
surveyed value is within the permissible limits compared to
the original existing area, the existing is admissible prior to
imposing annotations follow the rules set by the
Comparison Of New Coordinates Value
With Coordinates NDCDB
 Comparison of the new coordinates and NDCDB be made
based on the NDCDB value to ensure the existing boundary
marks not out of position and was in the original position.
 Limit of the displacement vector of boundary mark is 0.050
meters permitted for urban / town and new development while
other areas limit of the displacement vector is 0.10 meters.
 If the difference between the new coordinates and NDCDB
exceeding permitted limits, then re-survey of the old boundary
marks shall be made.
Limit Of Coordinates Displacement
 Limit of the displacement vector of boundary mark is 0.050
meters permitted for urban / town and new development while
other areas limit of the displacement vector is 0.10 meters.
 Displacement limit of three (3) old marks for the purpose of
refixation or replacement should be half (1/2) of the maximum
displacement vector of boundary marks are allowed. Adjustment
results must pass the Chi Square statistic test .
 Coordinates obtained from NDCDB to be used in the
preparation of pre-computation plan, field survey, Certified Plan
and other related cadastral surveys.
Replacement Of Old
Boundary Mark
 Existing NDCDB coordinates value are used if the boundary
marks move do not exceeds the prescribed limit
 Old boundary marks found move from its original position
(above the permitted limit) shall be re-plant. If found to be
missing, it shall be replaced by the new boundaries.
 By using bearing and distance, offset observations to replace
the old boundary marks shall be conducted as near as possible
from the position of the traverse stations and not exceed a
distance of 300 meters based on the original coordinates
Replacement Of Old
Boundary Mark
 GNSS Methods can also be used to replace the old
boundary marks based on the coordinates set in the precomputation plan or field survey plan.
 Any differences limits that are within the permitted
tolerances, then the original coordinates (NDCDB) should
be used.
Exemption Of Replacement Of Old
Boundary Mark
 For areas where the former survey belong to third class (3)
and below, the position of the boundary mark is accepted as in
the original position, unless there is a significant difference
compared to the previous survey value.
 For areas where the former survey was demarcation survey,
boundaries can be accepted as in the original position based on
the following criteria:
i. for an un covertures area, boundary marks found in good
condition considered in correct position; while
ii. for covertures area, boundary mark of which is found to be in
good condition considered in correct position.
Observation Records
 Observations, additional information and references made in the
field shall be recorded in a digital format directly from the measuring
 Observation records shall show:
i. name of Survey Officer or Licensed Land Surveyor;
ii. data in the required format;
iii. calibration of measuring instruments information downloaded from
the systems in accordance with the observations calibration site
location; and
iv. other information required by the Department.
 For the work carried out by the Licensed Land Surveyors, observed
data should be signed digitally before sent online to the department.
Observation Records Format
Observations records format for survey using total station
instrument is in the form of ASCII files containing files as follows:
- field book (*.fbk)
- corrections (*.cor)
- solar observation (*.sob)
- bearing close statement (*.bcs)
- area comparison (*.acs)
- deduced field data (*.ncp)
- traverses (*.tps)
- fahrasat (*.fah)
- coordinates information (*.coo)
- EDM test (*.edm)
- topography (*.tpo)
- job details (*.job)
- lot details (*.lot)
- bearing, distance & coordinates
-old value (*.po)
-- base line (*.bln)
Observation Records Format
Observations record format for full survey using GNSS
equipment is in the form of GNSS file as follows:
- Cadastral Reference Mark (*.crm)
- CRM Point (*.pot)
- V-RINEX (*.0xo)
- checkroll (*.crd)
- raw (*.T01 & *.dat)
- diari (*.dry)
- real time data (*.jxl)
- fahrasat (*.fah)
- RTGA result (*.html)
- gnss test (*.gnss)
- post-processing result (*.dc)
- topography (*.tpo)
- PVM result (*.html)
- RINEX (*.0xo)
- eVRSCal result (*.html)
Observation Records Format
Observations record format for combined GNSS and survey
using traverse is in the form of ASCII files and GNSS that
contain both forms of files.
Explanation Of Boundary Mark,
Survey Mark And Station Number
Stations number
i. Integer shall be used for numbering the stations and preferably
numbered consecutively according to the order they are
ii. Station number shall be used once for each survey.
Diagrams for describing the survey should be in digital data
Amendment Of Observations Data
Amendments to the digital data is not permitted.
Correction on digital survey data if necessary shall be made
by re-survey which new observations will replace the
original observations.
Submission Of Observations Data
 Submission of observations data must be made on-line
and in the form of ASCII files that contain both forms of
 Licensed Land Surveyor shall sign ASCII file digitally.
Adjustment Criteria
 Observations bearing and horizontal distance will be
used for adjustment purposes.
 For minimum restraint adjustment, only two stations
CRM or two old NDCDB mark is needed, or a combination
of both.
 For maximum restraint adjustment, three or more
Cadastral Reference Mark or old NDCDB mark in the work
area is needed, or a combination of both.
Adjustment Output
 Output adjustment shall contain the observations
adjusted, adjusted coordinates with accuracy, statistical
analysis and graphical error ellipse.
 Coordinate adjustment shall be calculated and shown to
three decimal places.
Data Adjustment Method
 Method of data observation adjustment shall use least
squares adjustment method to:
(a) determining the accuracy and completeness of the survey
(b) to obtain the adjusted coordinates for forming NDCDB.
 Final bearing shall be adjusted to nearest 01 ".
 Final distance should be adjusted to the nearest 0.001
 The decision whether to accept or reject the results of field
survey observations will be given to survey officer or Licensed
Land Surveyor on-line.
Determination Accuracy Of
Field Survey
Through the output of the least square adjustment, field
survey officer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall ensure that
the accuracy of the field survey have been met before a
cadastral survey to be forwarded to the State Director of
Survey and Mapping.
Allowance Misclosure
i. The maximum allowance misclosure in the cadastral survey is
as follows:
(a) 15 "√n where " n“ is the number of stations;
(b) for GNSS, allowance misclosure for a line is not more than 10
mm or relative accuracy of not more than (a + bl) mm where a =
5 mm, b = 2 ppm and L is the base line distance in kilometres;
(c) allowance misclosure for stratum shall be not more than
0.012 √K meter, where "K" is the total distance in kilometres.
Allowance Misclosure
ii. Nothing in this Circular which prevents the Director of Survey
of discretion to accept allowance misclosure that does not meet
the above requirements with reasonable points.
iii. Weightage
Whether a work can be accepted by the system also depends on
the Weightage set in the software. The weights assigned are as
(a) For the bearing, Weightage set is 15 seconds;
(b) For distances, Weightage set is 0.010 meters; and
(c) For the CRM held fixed, Weightage fix is 0.020 meters for
north and east component.
Road Reserve Survey
 Unless there are instructions to the contrary, the road
reserve must be measured so that the two boundary lines
are parallel.
 The survey for new reserve roads through government
land shall take into account the need to incorporate
reclaimed, deduction and other related building.
Right Of Way Survey
Survey for right of way shall be exercised in the following
(1) For existing routes, boundary marks just planted in an
arc path as station and offset to traverse the route to be
taken from these stations.
(2) For the proposed routes, boundary marks planted in
each arc of the route and the survey is only done for one
side only.
Strata Survey
In carrying out the survey of strata titles, any rules set by
the Strata Titles Act 1985, which includes the following
items shall be complied with:
(a) the re-survey of lot boundaries;
(b) Survey to determine the location of buildings,
temporary blocks and accessory parcels outside the
(c) Survey to determine the height of each floor;
(d) Survey of the horizontal dimensions of the parcel, the
parcel of land, an accessory parcel and common property;
(e) the survey of a similar parcel in the same floor.
Stratum Survey
In carrying out the survey of stratum title, regulations
prescribed by Part Five (A), the National Land Code 1965,
which includes the following items shall be complied with:
(a) the survey of the site;
(b) the survey of the vertical control; and
(c) survey of datum transfer .
Offset Survey
 Offset survey , where necessary, shall be made to enable the
details shown on the Certified Plan (PA) and to add the
information in the GIS Layer Management System (GLMS), in
accordance with the following approaches:
i. for existing lines on the ground, the offset survey must be
taken on the left and right of the path as long as it involves a
surveyed lot;
ii. for barrier adjacent to the reference mark for no mark, the
offset survey should be just enough to prove the obstruction
causes the position had made no mark;
Offset Survey
iii. for building or any other permanent structure inside the lot,
the offset survey must be taken in the form of buildings or
structures remain concerned;
iv. offsets taken to be specified;
v. Other details remain to be taken offset includes rivers, lakes,
paths or routes of transport system of electric transmission line
and towers that are close to the survey line; and
vi. offset against the 'arc' should be taken at least every 2 meters
in order to form the arch.
Offset Survey
 The offset survey to the details of natural or artificial of
should be taken with bearing and distance only and,
appropriately made on one (1) circle only to the nearest 01‘.
 Moss Genio Code for offset survey must follow the
Malaysian Standard Geographic Information / Geomatic,
MS 1759: 2004 (Feature and attribute codes).
Survey Equipment Calibration
To ensure that the equipment used to observe the distance
and the getting the relative coordinates above the earth's
surface is in good condition, the equipment must be
calibrated at least once every 6 months for total station
instrument or EDM and at least once a year of GNSS
equipment .
Total Station And GNSS
Equipment Calibration
i. Digital data for standard length pillar (*.med *.gnss) and
standard length certificates pillar (*.pdf) shall be
downloaded on-line.
ii. Files calibration that generated digitally in the field
should be uploaded into the system that has been
developed for the purpose of data validation and
subsequent approval.
iii. For manually calibration, the observations data to be
included in the system through the key board data entry
and approval.
Total Station And GNSS
Equipment Calibration
iv. The system will issue a certificate of calibration (*.edm and
*.gnss) that have been approved and then attached together with
ASCII files to be sent to DSMM.
v. Digital *.edm file and *.gnss issued by the system are as follows:
J - State
E – Location of EDM (G-location of GNSS)
2009 - Year
01 - ID Location
01 – EDM certificated serries number