US006490267B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: Kim et al. (54) US 6,490,267 B1 (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 3, 2002 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR GENERATING 5,400,359 A * 3/1995 Hikoso et al. ............... .. 375/1 SPREADING CODE AND SPREADING CHANNEL SIGNALS USING SPREADING 5,483,550 A 5,712,869 A * * 1/1996 Hulbert ........ .. 1/1998 Lee et a1. ................. .. 375/206 CODE IN A CDMA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OTHER PUBLICATIONS Ojanpera and Ramjee, Wilde Band CDMA for Third Gen eration Mobil Communications, copyright 1998, Artech House Publishers, pp. 51—55, 115—119, and 173—174.* (75) Inventors: JJe-Woo ung-Hyo Kim, Woo, Kyonggi-do PusankWangyok-shi (KR); Chang-Soo Park, Seoul (KR); Rappaport, Wireless Communications, copyright 1996, J ae-Min Ahn, Seoul (KR) Prentice Hall PTR, pp. 242—251.* (73) Assignee: Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. (KR) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. * cited by examiner Primary Examiner—Nay Maung Assistant Examiner—Tanmay Lele (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—DilWorth & Barrese, LLP (57) (21) Appl. No.: 09/407,537 ABSTRACT A spreading code generating device for a Code Division (22) Flled: Sep' 29’ 1999 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Sep' 29’ 1998 (KR) ' ' ' ' ' Multiple Access (CDMA) communication system. The device comprises a PN (Pseudorandom Noise) code sequence generator for generating PNi and PN, sequences; ' ' ' " 1998-40507 ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H04B 7/216 an orthogonal code generator for generating ?rst and second (51) Int. Cl.7 (52) US. Cl. ..................... .. 370/342; 370/335; 375/146; (58) Field of Search ............................... .. 370/335 342 mg Codes Ci and Cq by mixing the PN- and PNq Code 370/320 441. 375/140 145 146 149’ sequences With the ?rst and second orthogonal codes such 375/140 ’ (56) ’ ’ ’ ’ Orthogonal Codes Which perform Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) State transitions at intervals of at least two chips; and a spreading code generator for generating spread that a present phase of the spreading codes C,- and Q, References Cited alternately makes Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and DPSK state transitions With respect to a previous phase U-S~ PATENT DOCUMENTS of the spreading codes C, and Cq. 5,228,054 A * 7/1993 5,309,474 A * 5/1994 Gilhousen et al. ........... .. 375/1 Rueth et a1. ................. .. 375/1 431 432 27 Claims, 20 Drawing Sheets CHANNELIZED DATA DPSK I I I I I I I I I I | | | | l I | I I l l I I I I I I I l l l I I I | l | l l I I I l l I I I I I I I l | | l I l l l | I | I I I I | | l | I | I I | | | l | I | I I l | | I l I | I | I I I I I l I | | | QPSK DPSK QPSK :1|DURAT|ON| -—CH|P: TIME REFERENCE DPSK QPSK I DPSK QPSK U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 (1,1) V (-1,-1) FIG. 3 FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 4 0f 20 4L (_1Q1<)——————O(1,1) FIG. 5 {(1.1) (1H) FIG. 6 US 6,490,267 B1 U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 211 OC1(++) C; 212 oc2(+-) — cq PN FIG. 7 221 OC1(++) >< 223 PM - ——-~ ' Ci 224 2' DEClMATOR FIG. 8 PNq U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W n n m u n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ US 6,490,267 B1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ xvm_naE_oO <:_n _ |_0| uzoiman 65% TImL2; moz l P; N; U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 8 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 ,____________--_ ,_____-_----____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "205x32 v55$6Vxma9nl6aeo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65% x \ _ Q<IHTC _ME: 51 U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 9 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 XvV$6$556a59n25ga6 N\.Qhm 2953" 2@101: _M2: 851m NQQ U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 10 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 ,____________._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VvxX5ma92ln563ag0oe i1?: .m;Qhm _ME: ,_____________ H "2 52" 52$? 3% Ni U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 511 Sheet 11 0f 20 5/15 5/12 ORTHOGONAL >1—cH|P = COMPLEX SPREADER _ DELAY >MULTIPLIER US 6,490,267 B1 51< FlLTLggiésiNo _>TX CH MODULATION 1 ci (3,, SPREADING /515 CODE GEN PNiT 1PMq FIG. 511 14 512 ORTHOGONAL ‘ COMPLEX SPREADER _ MULTIPLIER A 51< FlLTLggmésiND L M 1-CHIP DELAY —/'516 SPREADING /5155 CODE GEN A1 A, FIG. 15 MODULATION TX CH _—" U.S. Patent US 6,490,267 B1 m5W 3w a P .m .M:uhm M km m5 / A++V 00o moA>él5wI3mz7?lg5 U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 14 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 PN i 812 AL / ~ DELAY N >< / SELECTOR I D ~ A 815 _1 821 831 / CONTROLLER 822 \ T = DELAY - A V 824 M SELECTOR _ X 1T D PNcl FIG. 18 LC q U.S. Patent PN2——~ Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 16 0f 20 DECIMATOR FIG. 20A US 6,490,267 B1 U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 17 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 A | 1111 % 1113 / y” | l | | l l l , ' i : i i .. % i E i i t(chip time) i 7/” > : i l : : :’£(chip time) E i E /% ‘((chip time) I 1117 7 i i i | l l I l s| a| FIG. 20B ,. sl | U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 1211 PN; US 6,490,267 B1 Sheet 18 0f 20 1212 1222 1221 2... DECIMATOR 1241 S/P CONVERTER r 2_ DECIMATOR \1251 FIG. 21A U.S. Patent 1311 1313 1314 1315 Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 19 0f 20 US 6,490,267 B1 7% 7% l‘vir ‘I'l-ui Il u n t(chip time)