Part A of the Syllabus FST 121 W01 Principles of Emergency Services Safety and Survival SPRING 2015 Ed Douberly Class Location: On-Line Office Location: Fredericksburg, SP2, Rm 222 Phone: 540-891-3066 Email: Class days/times: Assistant Professor Fire Science Technology Virtual Office hours: Monday’s 9:00am - 2:00pm Tuesday’s 9:00am - 2:00pm Virtual Hours: Email anytime I. Introduction Course description: Introduces basic principles and history related to the national firefighter life safety initiatives, focusing on the need for cultural and behavior change throughout the emergency services. Lecture 3 hours per week. 3 credits Additional course description: None Required textbooks and materials: NOTE: THE FOLLOWING BOOK IS NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE PUBLISHER SO WE TRYING TO FIND A SUITABLE REPLACEMENT. ONCE THE BOOK STORE HAS THE NEW BOOKS IN I WILL REVISE THIS SYLLABUS AND SEND YOU AN EMAIL. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. Occupational Health & Safety for the Fire Service with Resource Central Student Access Code Card Package Edition: N/A. Author: Bruni ISBN: 9780132830058 Copyright Year: 2012 Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR Available in the GCC Bookstore. Learning outcomes: Upon completing the course, the student will be able to: 1. Define and describe the need for cultural and behavioral change relative to safety, leadership, supervision, accountability and personal responsibility. 2. Identify enhancements of personal and organizational accountability for health and safety. 3. Define how the concepts of risk management affect strategic and tactical decision making. 4. Identify and evaluate circumstances that might constitute an unsafe act. 5. Identify the national training standards as they correlate to professional development, qualifications, certifications and re-certifications. 6. Define technological advancements that can produce higher levels of emergency services safety and survival. 7. Identify the impact of contemporary acts of violence such as domestic terrorism and random attacks upon emergency responders. 8. Explain the importance of safety in the design of apparatus and equipment. 9. Define the importance of public education as a critical component in responder safety. II. Communicating with the instructor All email communications must be done through the official Germanna email system. Email me anytime and I will try to get back with you within a day. III. College information and class policies (Note: see part B of this document for college-wide policies. Any class policies do not contradict the college policies but are in addition to the college policies.) Important dates: See the course schedule in Section IV below. Course specific attendance policies: There are no classes to attend. However, you are expected to follow the course schedule, participate in all Forums and complete assignments on time. If you have a special circumstance that will cause you to fall behind in your work, let me know. Academic dishonesty: The GCC Academic Honesty Policy will be strictly enforced. Unless otherwise noted, you may use open book for quizzes. Course plan for college closing: Since this is a virtual class, college closings will not affect our course schedule. Electronics (i.e. cell phones)/Food classroom policy: What you do on your end is up to you. Grading policy and grading scale: Grading is based on a scale of 100 points for the course. Letter grades will be awarded in accordance with the following scale: NUMERICAL SCORE 100-90 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 LETTER A B C D F Grading Rubric: Discussion Forums: 5 at 5 points each: 25 Assessments: 6 at 5 points each: 30 Midterm exam: 1 at 15 points: 15 Research papers: 3 at 5 points each: 15 Final exam: 15 1 at 15 points: Total possible points: 100 You will note that in this and my other courses, your grade center will begin accumulating points per the above rubric. So over the semester, you will see your total grade increase toward 100. To calculate your standing, divide your total earned points by the total possible points you could have earned up to that point in the semester. Other course/instructor policies and information: Research papers are expected to be of college quality. While the technical subject matter is the major focus, grading will also consider grammar, sentence structure and reasoning. IV. Tentative course activities and assignments COMING ONCE WE GET CONFORMATION OF TEXT BOOK DELIVERY! Week Jan 12-Jan 18 Jan 19-Jan 25 Jan26-Feb 1 Feb 2-Feb 8 Feb 9-Feb 15 Feb 16-Feb 22 Feb 23-Mar 1 Mar 2-Mar 8 Mar 9-Mar 15 Mar 16-Mar 22 Mar 23-Mar 29 Mar 30- Apr 5 Apr 6-Apr 12 Apr 13-Apr 19 Apr 20-Apr 26 Apr 27-May 3 May 4-May 6 Assignment GCC Spring Break Syllabus Subject to Change Important Notes