SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN GREAT MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA’S BIOGRAPHY-HIS DIVINE SPORTS AND LILAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN HINDI BY COMPILED AND PUBLISHED ON THE INTERNET BY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY MS/ HEENA A. KAPADIA (M.Sc., M.Phil) 1/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN INDEX INDIA’S FUTURE SEER SAINT SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ........................................................................ 7 BHAKTI BHAKT BHAGWANT GURU CHATURNAM VAPU EK ....................................................................... 10 INKE PADA VANDAN KIYE NASAI VIGHAN ANEK ......................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 20 AN EPISODE RELATED TO INDIA’S FIRST PRESIDENT-DR RAJENDRA PRASAD ............................................ 20 CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 22 SPIRITUAL MESSAGE GIVEN BY HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA TO INDIA’S FIRST MUSLIM PRESIDENT . 22 CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 25 THE OMNISCIENT MAYAYOGI HH DEVRAHA BABA AND A BRITISH SPY ..................................................... 25 CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................................................. 28 COMING BACK TO LIFE OR RESURRECTION AFTER DYING.......................................................................... 28 CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................................................. 30 THE YOGA TECHNIQUE OF VAJRAULI MUDRA DEMONSTRATED IN ORDER TO REFORM A BRITISH COLLECTOR ................................................................................................................................................. 30 (RAJA YOGA, SANKHYA YOGA, KARMA YOGA, BHAKTI YOGA) ................................................................... 30 CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................................................................................. 34 AN EPISODE RELATED TO THE MAGAZINE ‘INDIA TODAY’ ......................................................................... 34 CHAPTER 7 .................................................................................................................................................. 35 HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ON THE DAIS OF VISHWA HINDU PARISHAD IN MAHAKUMBH OF 1989 ..... 35 CHAPTER 8 .................................................................................................................................................. 37 ONE MAHAKUMBH MELA, ONE HARIDWAR, ONE RIVER GANGA YET TWO HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA ........................................................................................................................................................... 37 (EPISODE WITNESSED IN HARIDWAR-INDIA MAHA KUMBH IN 1986 AD).................................................. 37 CHAPTER 9 .................................................................................................................................................. 40 SHRI BADE MAHARAJ-CHIEF DISCIPLE OF HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA GETS A DIVINE VISION OF LORD NARSINHA ................................................................................................................................................... 40 2/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 10 ................................................................................................................................................ 46 RAJARSHI PURSHOTTAM DAS TANDON’S HOLY MEETING WITH HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ................. 46 CHAPTER 11 ................................................................................................................................................ 48 PROTECTING GAJENDRA (ELEPHANT) IN HARIDWAR-INDIA’S MAHA KUMBH MELA ................................ 48 CHAPTER 12 ................................................................................................................................................ 50 A BLAZING INFERNO ERUPTED IN MAHAKUMBH 1989 AD IN PRAYAGRAJ (INDIA) NEAR THE DAIS OF MORARI BAPU............................................................................................................................................. 50 CHAPTER 13 ................................................................................................................................................ 52 BEFORE KING GEORGE FIFTH, IT WAS THE KING’S BROTHER WHO GOT SPIRITUALLY INITIATED BY HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ............................................................................................................................. 52 CHAPTER 14 ................................................................................................................................................ 54 KING GEORGE FIFTH VERY MUCH INFLUENCED BY THE SENSE OF RENUNCIATION OF HIS BROTHER ...... 54 (KING GEORGE FIFTH THUS GOES FOR HH DEVRAHA BABA’S DARSHAN) .................................................. 54 CHAPTER 15 ................................................................................................................................................ 57 GOLD CAN BE MADE FROM URINE ALSO! .................................................................................................. 57 CHAPTER 16 ................................................................................................................................................ 64 THE WALKING-TALKING MOBILE LORD MAHADEVA OF VRINDAVAN ........................................................ 64 CHAPTER 17 ................................................................................................................................................ 67 THE GREAT MAHAYOGI SAMRAT DEVRAHA BABA-BEYOND ALL RELIGIONS, CASTES AND SECTS ............. 67 CHAPTER 18 ................................................................................................................................................ 68 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA’S TWO DEVOTEES CALLED HABBU MIYAN AND BABBU MIYAN ............. 68 CHAPTER 19 ................................................................................................................................................ 71 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA WAS THE GURU OF 18 PREVIOUS GENERATIONS OF ANCESTORS OF THE KING OF NEPAL ........................................................................................................................................... 71 CHAPTER 20 ................................................................................................................................................ 73 FULFILLING THE LAST WISHES OF KUREA STATE’S KING MAHENDRA PRATAP SINGH DEV ....................... 73 CHAPTER 21 ................................................................................................................................................ 75 3/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR POURS HIS DIVINE LOVE ON SAINT GAYA PRASADJI AND SAINT DONGRE MAHARAJJI................................................................................................................................... 75 CHAPTER 22 ................................................................................................................................................ 76 FOR THE LATE MRS. MODI, HH MAHAYOGI SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WAS LORD HANUMAN’S AVATAR ....................................................................................................................................................... 76 CHAPTER 23 ................................................................................................................................................ 79 BLESSINGS GIVEN TO THE FORMER PM OF INDIA-CHAUDHARI CHARAN SINGH BY HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR........................................................................................................................................................ 79 CHAPTER 24 ................................................................................................................................................ 80 HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR GIVES HINTS ABOUT THE FUTURE TO RAJIV GANDHI .................................. 80 CHAPTER 25 ................................................................................................................................................ 84 INDIA’S EX PM RAJIV GANDHI ASKS HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA A QUESTION AND THE LATTER’S ANSWER ...................................................................................................................................................... 84 CHAPTER 26 ................................................................................................................................................ 85 POLITICAL PARTY CALLED CONGRESS GIVEN THE SYMBOL OF A CALF BY HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA .................................................................................................................................................................... 85 CHAPTER 27 ................................................................................................................................................ 86 INDIA-CHINA WAR IN THE YEAR 1962 AD ................................................................................................... 86 CHAPTER 28 ................................................................................................................................................ 87 JALESHWAR BABA AND TAILANG SWAMI .................................................................................................. 87 CHAPTER 29 ................................................................................................................................................ 89 A RUSSIAN JOURNALIST COMES TO VISIT HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA IN SHRI VRINDAVAN DHAM . 89 CHAPTER 30 ................................................................................................................................................ 91 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WAS NOT BORN FROM A HUMAN MOTHER’S WOMB ............. 91 CHAPTER 31 ................................................................................................................................................ 94 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR KINDLY ACCEPTS THE INVITATION OF THE KING OF PALKOT.... 94 CHAPTER 32 ................................................................................................................................................ 95 4/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN KING OF PALKOT GETS INITIATED INTO SANYAS OR THE ASCETIC WAY OF LIFE........................................ 95 CHAPTER 33 ................................................................................................................................................ 96 THE KING OF PALKOT GIVES 64000 ACRES OF LAND TO HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA AS GURU DAKSHINA ................................................................................................................................................... 96 CHAPTER 34 ................................................................................................................................................ 98 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA NEW THE LANGUAGE OF BEARS TOO ................................................. 98 CHAPTER 35 .............................................................................................................................................. 100 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR DISAPPEARS FROM OUR SIGHT ............................................... 100 CHAPTER 36 .............................................................................................................................................. 101 AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN CALLED RAM DAS VISITS HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ............. 101 CHAPTER 37 .............................................................................................................................................. 102 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR AIDS IN MRS. TAMILSON GETTING LIBERATED FROM EVIL SPIRIT ATTACKS IN HER PSYCHE........................................................................................................................... 102 CHAPTER 38 .............................................................................................................................................. 104 AN INCIDENT WITH REFERENCE TO THE FIRST GURU OF SIKHS-HH GURU NANAKDEVJI ........................ 104 CHAPTER 39 .............................................................................................................................................. 105 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA’S DEVOTEE-PANCHAM LAL................................................................ 105 CHAPTER 40 .............................................................................................................................................. 107 A LILA OR DIVINE SPORT OF HH BRAHMARSHI MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA .......................................... 107 CHAPTER 41 .............................................................................................................................................. 111 REVERED MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WOULD TALK AFTER VISUALIZING THE FUTURE PROPHETICALLY ........................................................................................................................................ 111 CHAPTER 42 .............................................................................................................................................. 113 HH MAHAYOGI SHRI DEVRAHA BABA BLESSES THE THEN MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE-BABU JAGJIVAN RAM WHO HAD PRAYED FOR IT................................................................................................................ 113 CHAPTER 43 .............................................................................................................................................. 115 KING AMONG DEVOTEES SHRI BUTA SINGH ............................................................................................ 115 5/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 44 .............................................................................................................................................. 118 HH BRAHMARSHI MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR GIVING THE SYMBOL OF ‘HAND’ TO MRS. INDIRA GANDHI’S POLITICAL PARTY...................................................................................................................... 118 CHAPTER 45 .............................................................................................................................................. 121 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR PROTECTS THE VERY LIFE OF JAI PRAKASH NARAYANJI ...... 121 CHAPTER 46 .............................................................................................................................................. 126 MANGAL PANDEY WAS A TRUE DISCIPLE OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ...................... 126 CHAPTER 47 .............................................................................................................................................. 127 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR BLESSES SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE .................................... 127 CHAPTER 48 .............................................................................................................................................. 129 WHEN VINOBA BHAVEJI ERRED MAHATMA GANDHI BEGGED FORGIVENESS FROM HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ........................................................................................................................... 129 CHAPTER 49 .............................................................................................................................................. 135 DUE TO THE GRACE OF HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SATAVLEKARJI IS ANOINTED WITH THE TITLE OF ‘BRAHMARSHI’ .......................................................................................................................................... 135 CHAPTER 50 .............................................................................................................................................. 137 A BRAHMIN EXPRESSES HIS DESIRE TO HOLD A SHASTRARTH OR SCRIPTURAL DEBATE WITH HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA ................................................................................................................. 137 CHAPTER 51 .............................................................................................................................................. 140 EPIC RAMAYAN AUTHORED BY LORD HANUMANJI .................................................................................. 140 CHAPTER 52 .............................................................................................................................................. 142 NO DOUBT WE MUST HARBOR SAME SIGHTED VISION TOWARDS ALL BUT WE CANNOT BEHAVE IN AN EQUAL MANNER WITH EVERYBODY ......................................................................................................... 142 (SAMDARSHAN AND SAMVARTAN) .......................................................................................................... 142 CHAPTER 53 .............................................................................................................................................. 145 HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS OF GOLD............................................................................................................ 145 CHAPTER 54 .............................................................................................................................................. 147 6/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S HAND RAISED IN DIVINE BLESSINGS ................................. 147 CHAPTER 55 .............................................................................................................................................. 149 ‘GURU PADA RAJA MRIDU MANJUL ANJAN’............................................................................................. 149 (THE DUST OF THE SACRED FEET OF THE REVERED GURU WASHES AWAY OUR SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE) .................................................................................................................................................................. 149 CHAPTER 56 .............................................................................................................................................. 150 A DRIVER ALSO IS GIVEN DIVINE BLESSINGS BY HH BRAHMARSHI MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA ............ 150 CHAPTER 57 .............................................................................................................................................. 152 THE OMNISCIENT OR ALL KNOWING SAINT ............................................................................................. 152 CHAPTER 58 .............................................................................................................................................. 154 A TRUE SAINT IS IDENTIFIED ONLY VIA THE GREAT SACRED INNER QUALITIES HE POSSESSES ............... 154 CHAPTER 59 .............................................................................................................................................. 156 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WAS AS MAGNANIMOUS AS MAHARSHI BHRIGU OF YORE ... 156 DEVRAHA BABA DHARMARTH VIKRIYA KENDRA ...................................................................................... 159 ATTAINING ALMIGHTY GOD...................................................................................................................... 166 ONE MESSAGE FOR INDIAN CITIZENS ....................................................................................................... 167 INDIA’S FUTURE SEER SAINT SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR Child! In the times to come after 2000 AD from here (Shri Devraha Baba Samadhi Sthal, Yamuna Tat, Shri Vrindavan, India) wondrous inspirations shall be attained for India’s total advancement. My unlimited grace pours down on this country. Due to my blessings slowly but surely everyone’s intellect shall become spiritual in nature. I shall now tell you a mysterious truth regarding destroying India’s hardships, so do listen attentively. If all citizens of India whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis etc while understanding the deep import of serving cows put it into action then at an individual level all their agony and poverty shall get destroyed. Due to the sin of inflicting pain on cows, man remains poor both materially and spiritually for many lifetimes. Bang opposite to this due to protecting cows and serving them devotedly man for many rebirths attains joy, prosperity and health. The cow is every Indian’s mother. The more each Indian steadfastly shoulders this righteous duty the more this country shall prosper both materially and spiritually. There is just no doubt about this. In the future that 7/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN shall arrive one day this holy spot shall become a great center of divine inspirations. I am seeing that the ushering in of India’s welfare is a foregone conclusion. I dwell in all creatures like worms, butterflies etc. It is I who protect all. Child In every iota dwells Almighty God. By experiencing God’s presence everywhere with an equanimous intellect do revere him with devotion. It means paying due attention to giving food to the hungry, giving clothes to those who are naked, educating those who are illiterate, harbor the sentiment of warding off the sorrow of others and healing those humans and other creatures who are afflicted with various diseases. By realizing that Almighty God dwells everywhere harbor a sense of loving oneness of soul with all and looking upon the difficulties of cows as one’s own verily is true worship of God. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Before shedding his mortal coil in 1990 AD Devraha Baba had said the same thing to some devotee’s of Gorakhpur. At that time we too were in Baba’s divine presence standing with a bag of sugar candy. Today all that has been said so far in a partial manner has started coming true. Whatever we understood regarding the truth that Baba spoke when we were children, today on becoming adults we understand it much more and with profundity. Hence I offer this sacred divine message of Baba for the entire country, for the welfare of all and for the eternal happiness of all. A VERY TINY SERVANT OF BABA SHRI CHOTE MAHARAJ JI ADDRESS OF WHERE TO BUY THIS BOOK VRINDAVAN SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SAMADHI STHAL DEVRAHA DHARMARTH KENDRA-P.O. DANGOLI, MATHURA COPYRIGHT SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND ADDRESS FOR SENDING WRITING MATERIALS SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SAMADHI STHAL 8/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN JAMUNAPAR, P.O. DANGOLI, VAYA-MANT, DISTRICT-MATHURA (UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA-281202 VRINDAVAN: 09759224570 NEW DELHI: 0880220202025 MOSCOW: 0079264259930 VISIT US AT: EMAIL: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BRAHMARSHI YOGI SAMRAT SHRI DEVRAHA BABA DIVINE FOUNDATION PRICE: T&C reserved for Devraha Baba Samadhi Sthal (Vrindavan) District Mathura, UP, India. Copyright Notice: This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the author’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. No article, story, photo or any other matter can be reproduced from this book without the author’s written permission. PRINTER: ADDRESS: 9/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN OFFERED AT THE HALLOWED DIVINE FEET OF SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR-AN AVATAR OF HOLY COMPASSION WHO SANCTIFIES ALL SINNERS AND ALSO OFFERED TO THE HOLY MOTHER COW EDITORIAL BHAKTI BHAKT BHAGWANT GURU CHATURNAM VAPU EK INKE PADA VANDAN KIYE NASAI VIGHAN ANEK It means via devotion to Almighty God the devotee who worships God and Almighty God himself as the icon of worship is the Guru revered the world over who gives us guidance to reach his eternal divine abode. Despite all four being separate in reality are one deep down. If we remember them in any way or by seeking shelter at their hallowed feet the obstacles faced by a living being gets destroyed on their own. In this sequence we shall talk about HH Devraha Baba 10/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN who Janshruti, a great devotee of God believed Revered Baba to be a Yogi Shivavatar, Yogavatar, Southern India’s great Acharya Ramanuja Swami’s chief disciple, Hanuman Avatar and Maharshi Patanjali of Dwapar Yuga. Amongst many letters in India and abroad were published in ‘Ageless Saint Aged 2100 years’ with sound facts and proof. Today we feel HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s grace while writing about some important facts regarding him which Revered Baba did not wish to publicize while he was yet alive in his mortal coil. While Revered Baba was yet alive it was our chief and great duty to keep the above facts hidden. Yet today when he is not alive from the standpoint of his physical form amidst world humanity we feel it is our chief and great duty to unveil Revered Baba’s holy life via the description of his divine sports or Lilas. In this task while appointing ourselves understanding our speech and writing to become possible we seek only Revered Baba’s divine shelter. We pray that he gives us so much divine energy so that we can place forth to the entire world his divine and factual divine sports. We firmly believe that by reading useless and fanciful stories man fills up his brains only with rubbish and thus it is most required that instead of throwing away his precious time the dirt of worldly sensuality he must deeply study books highlighting great devotees of God, extraordinary Yogis, Almighty God and our glorious culture. Thus man along with some sound and true wisdom can attain spiritual consciousness. Thus true well being of entire world humanity can harbinger in. Human stature that is today limited merely to fulfilling of selfish gains shall henceforth again identify ethical values. It is Almighty God’s divine power that oozes in the soul of his unswerving devotees. Regarding this Revered Baba says: Mursane khuda ya juda lekin nabasat. It means lest devotees of God are not God himself then they are not even different from his name. Come! Let us imbibe in our hearts with deep devotion the divine and radiant divine sports/Lilas of Brahmarshi Brahmatattvavetta Kalap Gram Nayak (Jnanganj) Shri Devraha Baba who is not separate from Almighty God and the Supreme Divine Cosmic Authority. In the year 1988 a terrible and wrathful flooding took place in River Yamuna. The water of this river was flowing 2 meters above nearby areas and 2.5 meters above the line of danger. All trees and buildings were half submerged in these flood waters. Revered Baba’s 6 to 6.5 feet high loft was totally submerged in water. The hut built on this loft on seeing appeared as though a hut surrounded by water was built for a hermit very much like places built in water for kings. But these are built by humans as per the king’s command and knowing the wish of all pervasive HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba River Yamuna raised its water level rendered his hut’s form akin to a water palace. The great emperor amongst all adept Yogis HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba seated on the loft outside his hut appeared akin to an old Lord Shiva with divine matted locks and in his naked form. 11/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN On seeing the terribly fearful and wrathful form of River Yamuna everyone was very scared. The govt. officials after asking everyone to leave the nearby shore areas sent them to high hilly regions. Since water had spread everywhere there was sheer scary havoc. River Yamuna was determined to flow away trees, huts, humans, beasts and entire villages in its waters. High level officials like the police commissioner, DIG, captain, collector etc seated in big boats humbly approached HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba requested him to accompany them to a safer place. Please come with us since Yamuna waters are rising higher up. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: No child! I am perfectly fine here. Since he was seated on the loft HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was generally at a height of 9 feet above the ground but now the situation was such that people standing in boats in front of him were at a height of 4-5 feet higher than him. On sitting down the devotees would be at eye level with HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba who could easily touch the river water with his fingers. Despite the situation becoming very serious HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would appear very calm and serene. For him this was a very commonplace incident but his devotees and disciples were quite worried about his safety. Everyone said: HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba! The chief stream of River Yamuna wherein the speed of water flow is highest rests just behind your loft. Your loft can get uprooted any moment. The river had taken up a very terrifically wrathful form and was flowing with immense speed. It would dash against HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft with such high decibel noise that those devotees conversing with him had to almost shout in order that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba could hear properly. Since eerie silence spread out at night this water noise was that much louder. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba refused to pay heed to what his devotees were saying in a prayerful manner and instead said: Child! As long as I am seated on this loft it is impossible to uproot it. See child! Water is my manifest form and that I was born also from it. In those days i.e. between the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century for 10-15 days I resided in water the public called me ‘Jaleshwar Baba’. I was born from water. The physical body that all of you are witnessing is not that of any human being. In fact it is consciousness in nature. It is a Yogic body only and every atom and molecule of it has been created from Yogic focused energy. This body has not been created from the conjugal union of a man-woman and thus was not born from a mother’s womb. This body can travel to various worlds not only with the gross body. Fire cannot burn my body and water cannot wet it. Since it was created from the holy waters of River Saryu (India) the river is its mother. Child! I shall speak to you about a very ancient incident: There was a time in the past when my loft was built on the River Saryu’s bank and there I was sitting on this loft. The River Saryu water levels started rising higher up. The nature of this river water turned ferocious and my loft was just about getting submerged under it. I was sitting on this loft. On seeing it, it appeared that in just a few minutes via the terrific speed of this river water flow my loft would flow away in it. Some youths thinking that I (HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba) am in trouble came towards me by swimming in it. Child! I asked them not to come near the loft but they paid no heed to my warning. I asked them not to be obstinate and told them that as long as I am sitting on the loft nothing shall happen to it. Yet these youths continued to be obstinate and started forcing me to leave my loft. Child! When I saw that these youths were not 12/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN going to follow my command I came down from my loft. But the moment I did so within 10-20 seconds this loft got uprooted and taking along with it these youths in a dangling way started flowing away swiftly. Other people with great difficulty somehow took these youths to safer shores. These youths were saved in the nick of time from entering the jaws of death because my blessings were there with them. Child! Hence you people out of obstinacy must not repeat this incident today. On getting assurance thus from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba the govt. officials left that place and both of us (Chote Maharajji and Bade Maharajji) remained with HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba in a boat tied to his loft. When we were alone at night HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would talk to us on various topics. At that time the district captain devotee Shailajakant Mishra and Shri Ramesh Yadavji spoke to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba: A thought is arising in our minds that very much like the episode described in Shrimad Bhagwat wherein when baby Lord Krishna was being carried atop his father Shri Vasudevji’s head lying down in a basket, River Yamuna waters rose high up just to devotedly touch Krishna’s feet. Today this incident is being repeated wherein River Yamuna waters are rising high up just so as to devotedly touch your hallowed feet. We have firm faith that if you allow Yamuna waters to touch your holy feet its water levels shall go down. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba did not quite agree but since both these devotees continued to repeat this same request prayerfully he allowed the water to touch the thumb of his right lotus foot. That same night this increased water level receded about 1.5 feet down. In the following 2 days this water level receded downwards further by 12-13 feet. Since the water level again receded into the womb of River Yamuna land could now be seen. At various places where boats were swimming, they now stopped doing so and water receded below the limits of the river bank. The owners of these boats brought their friends to put these boats now back into the normal river flow. Both of us (Chote Maharajji and Bade Maharajji) were seated in a boat tied to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft and this boat also now stuck to the ground without moving. But it was half below the loft and half outside the loft. For the whole night since water had totally receded down none had the time to spare to bring back their boats into the river water. Both of us brothers were about to return our boats into the river water with other people’s help but HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba on seeing us trying to do so stopped us saying: Child! Do not waste your efforts. I shall tell Mother River Yamuna to do so. She shall again come and take your boat. Till then let your boat remain as it is. The tree to which this boat is tied has got the good fortune of serving me. See child! This tree is such a devotee that despite being chopped off via its body is immersed in serving the Lord. Days passed by and due to intense sunlight new soil latching on to the ground due to flooding the dampness of it started decreasing. At the commencement due to walking on ground a deep quagmire of 4 inches, 8 inches, 1 foot, 2 feet etc appeared but since dampness of the soil decreased in about 10 days it got destroyed. After a few days the ground became very dry. The Yamuna waters too receded down 13-14 feet below the river bank. Everyone had forgotten what HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had said i.e. Child! Do not waste your efforts. I shall tell Mother River Yamuna. She shall come again and take it away. 13/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN After about 1.5 months suddenly Yamuna waters started rising up again. It thus rose up by 1.5 feet above its bank. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba reminded us: Child! River Yamuna has come to take your boat. Tie your boat in the river stream. Else you shall have to make due efforts. Now henceforth this year River Yamuna shall not rise above again for the 3rd time. What was mindboggling was that Yamuna waters rose up for only a few hours. Both of us brothers as per HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s orders tied the boat to the shore with its body in mid stream. In 2-4 hours water levels again on receding went below the river edge. It thus appeared as though Yamuna waters had risen up only to carry away our boat with it. The people whom we had called to take away the boat were astounded to hear what had happened and thus they bowed down their heads in sheer reverence and devotion to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. All devotees were well aware of the divine sports or Lilas of such a Trikalajna (who knows the past, present and future) HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. The childhood and youth of both of us brothers had been spent in witnessing such divine sports. Hence in both of us due to hundreds and thousands of such divine sports of his faith, devotion, faith in the Guru and love for the Guru advanced day by day. Lest at very initial stage itself the boat had been removed not even 1 sq feet of dry land was there surrounding the loft where we brothers could stand. Thus this benefit of the boat remaining there was accrued by both of us. Throughout the day we would give sugar candy to all devotees thronging there for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan in the wet soggy soil. If we got even a short spare time we would bring 1 bucket of water from the river, sit in the boat so as to wash our feet with this water and after drying our feet in the dry boat, sit in it. In this very boat we would go to sleep at night. The day when as per HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s command the boat was taken away due to difficulties faced from the following day we both realized the importance of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s grace. Since the boat was no longer there we both placed about 8 bricks on the wet soil and stood there while catching the wooden poles of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft. While standing thus we would chant ‘Jai Siyaram’ the name of God continuously for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba to hear. If we stopped chanting HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would shout from his hut on the loft above: Child! Whose dog are you? If you bark for the whole night Almighty Lord shall give you this much food (fistful) of food to eat. And lest HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba wished to give something on such an occasion then just as we call aloud to a dog affectionately he too would call us both: Aaato! Aaato! Aaato! (Do come here!) Both of us with zest would rush and stand in front of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. ‘Aaato! Aaato! Aaato!’ meant that he would give us both something to eat. So divine was HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s love that on getting it both of us felt supremely glorified. Say why would we not experience this when even a person meeting HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for only 10-20 minutes felt that the latter was pouring down special love on the visitor? And here we both were in HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine presence for many years together and that too day in and day out. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was divine cosmic consciousness manifest or Brahma Swaroop. Even for a couple of moments someone would meet him HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would 14/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN pour such blessings on him/her that they would feel that moment was the most glorious one in their life. On seeing HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba the thirst for God Realization would get appeased. On seeing him it seemed that the devotee was actually meeting a Brahmarshi like Vasishtha Muni or Almighty God Vedavyasji. On seeing him the divine experience of seeing a Maharshi of Dwapar, Treta or Satyuga was accrued. Entire India is well versed with Anant Shrivibhushit Shri Devraha Baba who is supreme amongst all Self Realized Gurus mentioned in Gajendra Rakshak Puran. With reference to him such thousands of spell binding episodes have taken place that he would have gained world renown. Examples of these are giving blessings to India’s famous Prime Minister and giving her his hand as symbol of her political party, giving Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru the cow as a symbol, Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviyaji getting inner divine inspirations due to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s grace, the grandfather of India’s first president Dr Rajendra Prasad and father of Pandit Motilal Nehru getting initiated by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba, 17 ancestral generations of Nepal’s King being HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s disciples, 150 years previously Jaipur’s royal family being HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s devotees, after the Jalianwala Bagh massacre in 1919 AD converting 100 kilo copper into gold via the urine of one of his disciples, giving sacred teachings to Qatar’s President in his own national language with reference to the Quran-e Sharif and bringing back to life an old woman who had come with him and who had died, giving spiritual initiation to London’s George 5th and telling his younger brother to renounce the desire to take Sanyas and instead get married, making a prophecy to a Russian journalist of Russia getting disintegrated (this prophecy was announced on Moscow TV), returning 64,000 acre land gifted to him by Palkot King (Shri Omkarnathji) back to the king’s son, giving permission to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose to meet Adolf Hitler and blessing Netaji that Hitler would get influenced by him and also saying that the East would prove to be a misfortune for Bose yet his mission would succeed to a certain extent. Due to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s illness despite this desire being made that he sheds his mortal coil in India only, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! You shall die in east only. At that time none could decipher the deep import of his prophecy. In March-April of 1990 AD HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba told the ex PM of India Rajiv Gandhi: Child! The southern direction is a bad omen for you. The birth place of South India’s renowned Vaishnav Acharya Swami Ramanujacharya is near Chennai in a region called Nairatya Kona (south-west). After talking to Rajiv Gandhi a bit about Swami Ramanujacharya, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba further said: A thousand years back this region was called Shri Mahabhutpuri. When Rajiv Gandhi asked him more about this place HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Please do not go there. Later Rajiv Gandhi did go there and died prematurely. The present name of Shri Mahabhutpuri today is Perambatur. In 1989 in one day itself 6,500,000 people got the sacred Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. When this record was about to be etched in the world famous Guinness’ Book of World Records, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba stopped his followers from doing so by saying: Child! I do not want world fame. In order to ward off dire times faced by Russia in the 2nd world war, when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru prayed to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba, the latter said: Entire Russia has my blessings. This century is full of 15/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN struggle and strife for my Russian children yet after the year 2020 AD for entire planet earth great times and a radiant future shall usher in. Many other divine sports/Lilas of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba include reprimanding Acharya Vinoba Bhave for his foolish remarks, Mahatma Gandhi begging forgiveness on behalf of Vinoba Bhaveji, telling Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru that a girl child shall be born to you and do name her Indira, Indira shall rule India and shall gain world renown, extending Jai Prakash Narayan’s life span by 5 years and making efforts to extend ex PM of India Rajiv Gandhi’s life span by 12-13 years whose import none could understand. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would never sleep and was a Yogi right from the Dwapar Yuga. He himself told us that his body was not born from a mother’s womb but that he had self created it from the waters of River Saryu (India). His life span was said to be about a few thousands of years. He could speak and understand all languages prevailing on entire planet earth. Once while giving clarification regarding his age he had said: Child! If I make it absolutely clear with sound proof what exactly is my age then even if India’s entire military and police force are put on duty they will fail miserably in controlling the crowd of devotees coming to have my Darshan. The crowd in the haste to have my Darshan shall crush each other to death. My body is very ancient. By pointing at his body with his finger HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! This is not made of 5 elements like those found in human gross bodies. This is in fact a divine body created via Yoga power. No type of weapon, water, air, fire, earth etc can inflict any type of harm to it. Once, a devotee asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba: Please give us some spiritual teaching. Baba replied: Child! Do listen to my holy message. Even in this dark gloomy Kaliyuga (Dark Era) I am sitting here to give Darshan to you all. Is this any less a teaching? Was HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Maharshi Patanjali? He had spoken such things about the mysteries of our world’s future that as of now cannot be elaborated upon by us disciples and cannot be published in this book. There are thousands of astounding facts spoken by him that can make him world renowned. What more can we say regarding this topic because the gist is that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had just no intention to attain world fame and glory. In fact he had closed tightly shut all avenues that could make him world renowned. Yet what is mind boggling is that despite all this, in India, he was the most spoken of and famous great saint. Swami Yoganandji for his book and Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj for his world famous book ‘Manishi ki lok yatra’ had requested permission from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba to publish details regarding himself in these books but HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba flatly refused to give permission. But due to Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj heartfelt devoted plea no doubt did relent so as to give permission yet he also said: Child! In merely 100-125 words you can write about me without giving full clarity so as to fulfill your mind’s desire. Yet do keep in mind that do not give such propaganda regarding myself that would result in me getting surrounded by huge crowds all 24 hours without any respite for me. This is because I am very fond of solitude. Child! I am giving Darshan in this world only to fulfill Almighty Lord’s sacred wish. Out of sheer compassion I perforce have to 16/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN bless devotees in order that their sorrow and agony get warded off. You are my very loving soul. My unlimited kindness and grace pour on you. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba always opined that fame and glory are not in the best interest for sages and saints. He would say that ordinary lay people on attaining fame would imbibe many soul distortions. All these are major obstacles in attaining Self and God Realization. Hence as much as is possible we must immerse ourselves in devotion to God in solitude. Some people may think that if this is the case how can tasks for world welfare get executed? They must understand that a person yearning well being in order to find a path for attaining well being in order to come in contact with a true saint or devotee of God by becoming very restless always find a path of well being. Are you trying to attain the mysterious wisdom of spirituality sleeping on your bed snuggled in a silken blanket? This spiritual wisdom certainly is not cheap. Beloved child! For this due efforts have to be made. In this present book beloved readers shall get to read only some rare miraculous incidences conjoined to blessings given by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba out of sheer grace on his part and yet he never thought miracles to be anything good to run after. Despite this he was the most miraculous saint prevailing in the entire world. Ordinary folks carry out small time spiritual practices simply with the intention of amassing miraculous powers. A devotee trapped by the desire to attain miraculous powers follow the path of illusion inadvertently because behind the yearning to attain fame lie hidden the desire to amass material grandeur and material joyous comforts. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would call this devotion Rajasic (based on selfish gains) and Tamasic (selfish gains in order to use them for attaining sadistic pleasures). In fact he would urge all his devotees to worship God without harboring any desire of any sort. He would advise that it is only when all material desires like attaining wealth, fame, respect, status, renown, fan following etc that in reality can we devote ourselves to God and when we attain God Realization all Ridhi-Sidhis (material powers and divine powers) by becoming our male and female servants vie with one another to serve such a true devotee of God. Once a devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked him: Sir! Are you a Sidha (God Realized Guru)? As an answer HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! All Sidhis have been left far behind. I am much above all these Sidhis. Ordinary folks could not understand all this. That Super Divine Energy (Mahashakti) that is the central point of this world’s creation meaning that which is the Supreme Divine Existence called Virat Purusha or Cosmic Consciousness by Vedas if a devotee or Yogi immerses in it inwardly the entire cosmos and atoms-molecules become active in accordance with them. This then verily is the true meaning of attaining Sidhis. We attain that which we truly desire. When a Yogi or God’s devotee experiences this Supreme Divine Existence in his/her soul which now becomes cosmic in nature then everything in the cosmos acts as per his/her wishes. Nothing happens against his/her wishes. Hence what shall such a one commence and what shall he end? It is only Ajnanis or spiritually ignorant people that give importance to miracles and express wonder on witnessing them. No doubt it has definitely been seen in this world that since worldly creatures are engulfed by delusion, Maya and ‘I’ or 17/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN limited ego based attachments to the world and its objects, from the sacred lips of great devotees of God and saints moved by these creatures’ anguish, some blessings do gush forth. Since such speech of true god realized saints is divine in nature it follows that it can never get falsified and thus it is labeled a ‘miracle’ by the world. Inspired by such great divine inspirations, saints can maybe shown doing such divine sports (Lilas). Just as despite Saint Kabir telling a dead child to awaken in the name of his mother-father yet he did not do so then Saint Kabir said again: Please get up in the name of Lord Rama. Yet, the child did not come back to life. Then Saint Kabir said again: Please get up in the name of Kabir. Now the dead child came back to life. This same type of episode took place with reference to Saint Tulsidasji. One devotee told him: O revered saint! I wish to cross River Saryu but since no boatman is there on duty how shall I go to the other shore? Saint Tulsidasji said: Chant Ram’s name and walk on the river to cross it. The devotee tried doing this but when he started drowning he returned saying: O saint! Your Ramji has no power. I was just about to die. Saint Tulsidasji while showcasing his greatness got from incessant chanting of Lord Ram’s holy name said: Go! Cross the river walking while chanting ‘TulsiTulsi’. The devotee did exactly this and lo behold! He actually crossed the river walking on his feet without drowning at all. This same type of incident was described to us by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. He asked us: O devotee! Do you know how to swim? We said: No revered Sir! HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Then do learn swimming because when you start drowning in the river what shall happen? We said: O Sir! We shall meditate on Lord Varah. He replied: No child! With such thinking your task shall not get fulfilled. Thus, one after another, we talked of praying to Kacchap, Matsya etc who are Avatars of Almighty God. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: No Child! You are able to think of praying thus at present only because when you start drowning you shall panic so much that no such prayer shall issue forth. Child! Till today have you ever meditated on Lord Varah? No revered Sir! HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: say then child! At that moment of sheer panic how shall you meditate at all? Hence at such a dire hour you must remember me because each moment you think of me only. Hence think of me only because at such a panic hour this shall be easily possible to do so. When you think of me you shall actually feel my presence in a very tangible manner. From this talk we understood that it was written in our destiny to drown in untold amount of water and yet with HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s grace get saved also. Great Yogis and devotees of God due to Almighty Lord’s wishes give their disciples such commands. In it they have no selfish interest or the standpoint of getting fame. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave innumerable spell binding miraculous blessings to devotees and thus the latter experienced untold well being. On seeing his residence and naked body it became quite clear that he only destroyed the worry and sorrow of his disciples and devotees and never ever took wealth or anything else in return. On seeing that many devotees yearned to do charity HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba inspired them to serve cows, build lakes in arid areas and digging wells. He would always tell us both Guru-brothers: Child! Even if after becoming a Sanyasi or hermit you make a pocket in your robe so as to fill it with cash know for sure that according to revered Rishis of yore it is very much akin to keeping cow’s flesh in your pocket (i.e. it is a big sin). You both must become true sages and keep afar from 18/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN dualities of worldly living like censure-praise, honor-insult etc. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba always inspired devotees and disciples coming or residing with him to keep chanting Ram or God’s name all the time. He was extremely fond of hearing Kirtans of Lord Ram. Once, in the 19th century he was immersed in Samadhi or trance at night by lighting a fire pyre in front of him in a jungle in the vicinity of Vaishno Devi-India. Over here the Divine Mother of the world Parvatiji Jagadambika Bhavani appeared in front of him and said: You are a very divinely powerful saint. The world shall definitely listen to you. Hence do inspire the very unhappy public of India to meditate on Ram-Lakshman-Janaki and incessantly remember Lord Ram’s holy name. Thus innumerable people shall get uplifted both materially and spiritually. Hence please come out of your Samadhi or trance state. On having your holy Darshan living beings trapped in the mesh of sins shall get untold inner peace. Mere Darshan of yours spiritual consciousness shall manifest manifold the world over. Ever since then HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba started commanding all devotees coming to him to do Japa of Ram’s holy name. Come! Let us all now read more about the rare incomparable blessings HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba has poured on innumerable people. Thus we shall attain true well being despite the fact that we have published a very miniscule number of such divinely inspiring episodes. Even so we harbor hope that those reading these divine episodes related to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and his devotees some very thrilling information shall definitely come our way. FOR ETERNITY WE SURRENDER AT THE HALLOWED FEET OF VIHANGAM YOGA YOGESHWAR SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ONE WHO IS TINIER THAN A GRASS BLADE -YOUR SERVANT AN AVATAR OF DIVINE COMPASSION BRAHMASWARUP, BRAHMAMURTI, BRAHMARSHI, BRAHMATATVAVETTA SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR 19/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN DHYAN MULAM GURORMURTIHI PUJA MULAM GUROHO PADAM. MANTRA MULAM GURURVAKYAM, MOKSHA MULAM GURUHU KRIPA. OM KRISHNAYA VASUDEVAYA HARAYE PARAMATMANE. PRANATKLESHNASHAYA GIVINDAYA NAMO NAMAHA. “OM DEVRAHAYA DIGAMBARAYA MANCHASEENAYA NAMO NAMAHA” CHAPTER 1 AN EPISODE RELATED TO INDIA’S FIRST PRESIDENT-DR RAJENDRA PRASAD Why was it that Dr Rajendra Prasad only was elected as President of India when it was a fact that he was not enjoying a large public following like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi and so on? The reason maybe any yet we harbor faith in such a hidden cause behind this reason that does not quite get grasped by laymen. The cause of this cause was the divine lotus hands full of blessings and grace on Dr Rajendra Prasad. Just as when a mango seed is sown that by not giving fruits in the immediate future instead very quietly commences showing its influence in a slow steady manner and then after 5-7 years it shows its total effect in the form of big sweet luscious mangos growing on this full grown tree. Similarly the blessings of great saints as per their wish either bear results immediately or in the far off future. Scholars of logic may argue that great saintly personages via their divine energy or divine vision on noting future time tasks highlight them much in advance. Thus the public gets mind boggled yet we believe that from deep within the divine sports of great saints it is Almighty God’s power that executes its wondrous 20/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN miraculous feats. A very dry topic like logic can never understand the hidden mysteries or causes of the divine sports of great saints oozing with grace, love and devotion to God. Via an intellect brimming with logic man can speak a lot because logic akin to a drum without possessing anything concrete within since it is hollow manifest nothing but hollow arguments externally. This episode is regarding that time when India’s first President was aged between 10-15 years. At that time this boy would ask his grandfather that since how many years are you having HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan? As an answer his grandfather would say: Son! When I was of your age I started going for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan. And till today I am seeing him as he was before. By having his Darshan I get special joy and on hearing his nectarine speech all my spiritual curiosities get solved. When along with his grandfather Dr Rajendra Prasad started visiting HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba the latter would converse with his grandfather. The child out of child like playfulness would play nearby where trees, leaves, fruits etc abounded. Sometimes in between the child would hear what HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and his grandfather said to each other. Sometimes noting this boy’s playfulness his grandfather would chide him and if he forcefully tried to discipline the boy HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would say: O Child! This boy is very cultured with a good character. My blessings and grace pour on him a lot. When his special mental qualities shall awaken you shall not be alive. When they would leave HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would give the boy very sweet luscious fruits as special blessings and along with a curious but very attractive slight smile would give his blessings. He would teach the boy: Child! When you come again for my Darshan do get this little boy also with you. Once during a conversation when the episode of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s blessings was being discussed Dr Rajendra Prasad had said that later also after completing studies I would visit HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for his sacred Darshan. Sometimes HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would look deep into my eyes in a special way and at other times he would also say: O Child! You are a king. I felt HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s behavior towards me when compared to other people visiting him was a bit different. I understood the hidden mystery of all these incidences only after I got elected as the first President of India. After actually becoming President when I visited HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for sacred Darshan so as to thank him for his grace then during our conversation he again said: O Child! You are a king. Mentally experiencing shyness I thought to myself: Gagan chadhai raj pawan prasanga. Milahi keech neech jal sanga. It means that dust of the ground possesses no glory of its own. When on associating with wind this dust spreads out in the sky above and on conjoining to water is known as very lowly quagmire. 21/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Similarly I possess no importance or glory yet in whichever position I am in today it is only the grace and blessings of you (HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba). This episode in a couple of sentences has been written by India’s 1st President Dr Rajendra Prasad in his book ‘Autobiography of Dr Rajendra Prasad’. CHAPTER 2 SPIRITUAL MESSAGE GIVEN BY HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA TO INDIA’S FIRST MUSLIM PRESIDENT In the year 1966 AD Dr Zakir Hussain (India’s 1st Muslim President) visited HH Devraha Baba for Darshan in Prayagraj-Allahbad where a Maha Kumbh Mela was organized. After prostrating at HH Devraha Baba’s sacred feet he got Baba’s blessings. The President had some spiritual questions related to the Quran-e-Sharif which he asked Baba in Persian language. As a reply Baba spoke in Persian and thus clarified the meanings of a few Ayats of Quran-e-Sharif. The words that HH Devraha Baba spoke to Dr Zakir Hussain from the Quran-e-Sharif rendered the President spell bound when he noted the mastery of language and omniscient nature of HH Devraha Baba. On having Darshan of Mahayogi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar full of wisdom, knowledge, devotion to God and an icon of divine love the President was simply wonderstruck. Later the President said that I never knew that on planet earth such wise, deep thinking and 22/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN omniscient saints are present. In this very Kumbh Mela a World Sanskrit Conference was organized. As per the humble request of the chief of this conference and other senior officials HH Devraha Baba kindly agreed to go there. There along with remembering Almighty God HH Devraha Baba gave a nectarine speech too. He unfolded the main portions of Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, other scriptures, Panini Grammar etc and thus the great glory of Sanskrit language was showcased. HH Devraha Baba said that Vedic Knowledge is the Supreme Science. Only with its help can world humanity attain the golden benefit of eternal peace. Sanskrit language is spoken in just about all worlds/Lokas. Not only is Sanskrit language worldwide in nature but that to label it cosmos pervading is certainly not inapt. By imbibing Sanskrit language the path to attain Supreme Divine Wisdom opens up easily. In this very sacred speech when HH Devraha Baba in detail analyzed some very difficult Mantras from a chapter of Samaveda the large group of internationally renowned scholars present there on witnessing Baba’s irresistible great scholarly prowess very naturally realized that it is Goddess Saraswati herself who spoke from the hallowed lips of Revered Devraha Baba since she resides eternally in Baba’s divine soul. This is because such difficult precious Mantra gems gush forth from the mouth only after deep reflection, meditation and thinking that too for a long time span. HH Devraha Baba would say: Brahmacharya (it means both sexual continence and immersing the psyche in thoughts of Almighty God called Brahman or divine cosmic consciousness) is that fertile ground wherein the sapling of Yoga sprouts forth. it is only with the power of Brahmacharya that Kundalini Shakti or Divine Serpent Power awakens. It is only due to the power of Brahmacharya that Kundalini Super Energy can be reinstated in the 1000 petal lotus present in the brain region called Brahmarandhra in Yoga terminology. Thus such a devotee gets the divine vision and experience of Brahmajyoti or Divine Light. HH Devraha Baba said: ‘Brahmacharyena tapasa devomrityumapaghnat’-with the power of austerity due to observance of Brahmacharya that demigods gained victory over death. It is due to this power only that one never forgets anything that one studies. Strength, zest, daring, steadfastness, revolution, divine aura, divine light and truth pertaining to the body and soul heavily depend on Brahmacharya. Both Brahmacharya and truth are mutually dependent on each other. If one imbibes even one of these in a complete manner then the other gets imbibed without any special effort on our part. Devotees and scholars by goind beyond bodily identification must carry out all their tasks. Even a little bit of spiritual uplifting helps us all experience, the bondage of the body as trivial. The body is Mithya or fleeting due to Almighty God’s power of illusion and is the cause of world creation. The soul is a conscious divine principle. BRAHMA SATYAM JAGAT MITHYA (GOD IS TRUTH AND WORLD IS FALSE): While giving the example of demon Ravan, HH Devraha Baba said: He was a scholar of high stature and a supreme devotee of Lord Shiva. Yet because of 3 taints in him, Ravan got destroyed. These were: 23/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN 1) Passionate attachment towards many women who were not his lawfully wedded wife. 2) Eating food that must be avoided at all costs. 3) Vain arrogant pride regarding his bodily might Due to these 3 taints Ravan got totally destroyed. Regarding this Saint Kabirdas says: Ek lakh puta sava lakh nati. Ta ravan ghar diya na bati. On this very topic Saint Brahmanandji says: Bade bade prithvi ke raja, priyavrat sagar saman re. Miley sabahi dharti ke mahin, rahya ne ek nishan re. Hence the physical body is illusory and the soul in it is truth eternal. The wisdom of the soul or Atman principle has been detailed by the Upanishads and the Vedas. These Vedas have been written in Sanskrit language. Hence the knowledge of Sanskrit language while walking the path of attaining the Divine Truth or Almighty God on its own is complete with divine great import. The divine teachings of HH Devraha Baba had in a trance like manner mind boggled both great scholars and the ordinary huge lay audience in such a manner that they forgot how much time had lapsed by. In such a big gathering silence got broken only when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba stopped speaking so in such a nectarine manner after saying: Shriman Narayan! After this as per HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s command all scholars present encouraged the entire huge gathering there to chant ‘Shriman Narayan Narayan Narayan’ for 5 minutes continuously. 24/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 3 THE OMNISCIENT MAYAYOGI HH DEVRAHA BABA AND A BRITISH SPY What shall be described now is during time previous to India gaining political freedom from British alien rule. During history’s worst times India was under foreign rule first under Muslims and then under Britain. In the year 1922 AD when the movement by revolutionists to free India from alien rule had reached great momentum more new revolutionaries by taking a vow to even sacrifice their precious lives for this great cause were joining in activities to topple British Rule. Since the crowd of revolutionaries was increasing day by day the alien British rulers had to face newer dire problems. Whenever the alien rulers felt suspicion of the presence of incognito revolutionaries they would shoot them at sight. Whenever they got information regarding secret meetings of these Indian revolutionaries they would catch them, put them behind bars and treat them so horrifically that they would finally die. Under such circumstances leading revolutionaries took shelter of HH Devraha Baba. They would approach HH Devraha Baba incognito in a secretive manner with a strong resolve to free India 25/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN from foreign rule. Thus for this end they would approach him to get his sacred commands and blessings. When spies working for British govt. gave this information to their seniors the latter started spying on HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba residing in a hut built on a riverside in the deep jungle area. HH Devraha Baba would tell us: Child! These revolutionaries out of sheer patriotic love for their country India would remain hiding without food and water for many days. Sometimes they would eat only grams and jiggery. Indian people too out of fear of British officials would not give shelter to these revolutionaries. Child! They had to perform intense austerities for India’s freedom fight. The blood of so many flowed away like river water, so many died enduring bodily difficulties and perforce executed such tasks not at all wishing to do so like murdering, violence, bomb planting etc just so that their beloved mother land India gets freedom from alien rule. HH Devraha Baba would say: Child! In order to find out whether these revolutionaries are coming for my Darshan the British govt. appointed spies. Throughout the day hundreds of people would come for my Darshan and so many amongst them would talk to me. Amongst these British spies would mingle about. Just as everybody would come for Darshan with gifts like fruits, garlands, sweets etc these British spies too would do exactly this. As per HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s orders everyone was given Prasad in return. In this big crowd these spies too were given Prasad. These spies would don many types of garbs like veils akin to those worn by Muslim women, Sardarji’s or an ascetic and thus come for Darshan. Their only mission was that lest they found any revolutionary coming to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba they could inform their seniors and thus put them in jail. But when after many days of spying thus when one particular spy found no clue he in despair came for the final Darshan and after bowing down in this humungous crowd he left that place. After he had walked away at a distance of a few meters HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba shouted aloud: O spying child! Please take Prasad and then leave. On hearing this, the spy stood dumbfounded like a still statue. He was wonderstruck that despite trying to execute his spying mission with such secretive deftness how did HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba know that he had come to spy on HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and his hermitage? He returned to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba, bowed down to him and with a choked voice said: Please do forgive me. I thought you were just an ordinary hermit yet you identified me correctly. You verily are the all knowing omniscient great Yogi-saint. The future, present and past of none can remain hidden from your divine eye. You are definitely omniscient. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Please open your heart to me so that everyone can know this mysterious secret. Thus the spy clearly spoke about his spying mission and everyone present were astounded that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba knew each minute detail of everyone approaching him for Darshan even if the crowd was very gigantic. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! It is good you told us all this. But tell us that since you had come here to spy what exactly did you find here? That spy devotee said: HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba! I found a true Yogi, saint and ascetic in your form. It is very rare to easily meet such a highly revered great saint. 26/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN In reality revolutionaries lived such a nature based lifestyle that for him there was just no need that could be even a wee bit difficult to fulfill. For example there was no discomfort as far as unavailability of water is concerned because he would reside on shores of rivers like Ganga, Yamuna etc. He was never seen eating any food at all. In his very initial stage of life he would sustain his body devouring fruits, flowers, leaves etc growing in jungles. After around the year 1940 AD it was possible for him to remain alive hale and heartily merely on 100 gm of cow milk. He would never use salt, sugar etc. that is devoured by ordinary humans. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s body was Yogic and was not born from a mother’s womb. In very ancient times in the direction of River Saryu’s fount where Mother Saryu is called Ramganga there in Kalap Gram (which is also known as Jnanganj) HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba via his Yogic powers converted his subtle divine body into a gross visible physical body. He performed this Yogic process by residing within River Saryu waters for a fair length of time. The arrangement of food for his Yogic body was in the form of eating only every 15 days. Sometimes once a week HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would eat 10 gm jiggery, 2 or 3 pepper corns and with a little clarified butter made from cow milk some stems of margosa or neem tree leaves were given to him daily which he kept with himself. We cannot say whether he would keep eating a few leaves because none would count the 200 leaves present on these stems. About 100 gram cow milk (half monthly or monthly) and drinking lots of water was his food habit yet none could totally clarify when and what he would eat. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar also spoke about certain herbs akin to mustard seeds if kept in the mouth then for 15-20 days a Yogi need not eat any other food item. Regarding seeds HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had told us about many important facts that shall be further clarified in the next chapter of this book. Finally what exactly did HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba eat, regarding this despite serving him for all 24 hours in his divine presence for many years together, we can only say what we have described above. 27/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 4 COMING BACK TO LIFE OR RESURRECTION AFTER DYING After HH Devraha Baba shed his mortal coil on 19th June 1990 AD on Thursday 21st June 1990 AD HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s gross body was given post death rites in the sacred waters of River Yamuna. At that time all his devotees immersed in untold sorrow gathered in hordes at this Samadhi spot of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. After these post death rites some devotees got together to plan a Bhandara or feeding as many people as possible and other spiritual programs too. Amongst them was a devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba named Lala Pokharmalji Goyal. He was affectionately called ‘foolish child’ by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. It was decided in this meeting as to who would help out in this spiritual program. After this all devotees with a heavy heart left for their homes. It was decided to hold this Bhandara or feeding program 16-17 days after HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba shed his coil. After 10-12 days a chef was appointed by Lala Pokharmalji Goyal to start making arrangements for cooking food and on overseeing the program preparations Goyalji returned home. After returning home Goyalji again experienced hernia pain which was about 35 years old. At the spot of pain 35 years previously a hernia surgery had already been carried out. The family physician advised that Goyalji must 28/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN approach a senior doctor in a well known hospital for getting cured. Thus his family members got Goyalji admitted into City Clinic. The doctor there on noting that the case was very serious operated on Goyalji within 2-3 days itself. Above the navel on both sides of the operated area 2 pipes were placed that collected dirty water emitted by the stomach. After this in 2-4 days the doctor gave permission to Goyalji leave the hospital. One doctor from the clinic daily came to Goyalji’s home for medical checkup. After 4-5 days, in no way the dirty water emitted by the stomach would stop gushing out. Hence since the operation proved a failure the doctor asked Goyalji to get re admitted to the hospital. Two days after Goyalji got re admitted the operated region was opened up. The wound in the stomach resulting due to emission of dirty water present in it was now cleaned with a soft cloth wetted in medicine. Thus each day this operated area would be opened and cleaned properly. This went on for 7 days. Due to this cleansing Goyalji experienced so much pain that he would writhe in agony. Thus devotee Goyalji in sheer anguish started praying to HH Devraha Baba thus: O Guru Maharaj! Instead of enduring this writhing agony either you let me die or get me cured completely. That very night Goyalji on being administered tranquilizers slept quite peacefully. After about 3.30 am in the morning Goyalji got a vivid dream. He saw in the dream that 4 Yamdoots (aides of God of death) long in height, very strong in body and with a terrible hue together picked up devotee Goyalji and started carrying him to some quite unknown place. At that time Goyalji saw sky and only sky everywhere. When they took him up very high in the sky there Goyalji saw HH Sarkar Devraha Baba seated on a deerskin. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked: Child (Yama aides)! Why have you brought this devotee of mine here? The Yama aides replied: His sojourn on earth has ended. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: His time on earth shall end only when I say so. After speaking thus HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba snatched away devotee Goyalji from Yama aides’ hands after scolding them angrily. Then the 4 aides fell down and catching hold of Goyalji threw him down. When he fell down Goyalji cried out loudly only to find he had fallen on his hospital bed. His pious wife who was sleeping by his side got up on hearing this wail and asked him what the problem was. Goyalji said that Guruji HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba threw me down and hence there is no one more powerful than him who can save me. Hence you must call our children here. I shall advise them about accounts etc because I do not when I shall breathe my last. Goyalji’s lone son Suresh Goyal on getting the telephonic message arrived at the hospital immediately. After advising his son about everything he started detailing all household and business accounts. At about 11 am the doctor came. Like every day the doctor opened the bandage on the wound and lo behold the wound had healed in a major way. The wound had almost dried up and after 6 days the doctors closed the stomach area via surgery. A lot of work has to be done by Goyalji. The doctors on noting such amazing healing of the wound expressed wonder and on the 3rd day Goyalji got discharged from the hospital. On getting this life span extension due to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s grace his health improved a lot quite quickly. 29/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 5 THE YOGA TECHNIQUE OF VAJRAULI MUDRA DEMONSTRATED IN ORDER TO REFORM A BRITISH COLLECTOR (RAJA YOGA, SANKHYA YOGA, KARMA YOGA, BHAKTI YOGA) Once during British Rule in India before India gained freedom in the year 1947 HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba resided along with his disciples on a loft built on the River Ganga banks about 15 km distance from Kanpur City. At a very short distance from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft resided a few disciples of his in huts made from wood, leaves etc. These disciples akin to the Rishi clan of yore would get initiated by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba into spiritual principles and Yoga practices when they had spare time from these studies they would serve their beloved Gurudeva Baba. These disciples would practice many Yoga Mudras under the watchful eye of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba like the 10 Hath Yoga Mudras called: 1) Maha Mudra 30/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN 2) Mahabandh 3) Mahavedh 4) Khechri Mudra 5) Uddiyan Bandh 6) Mool Bandh 7) Jalandhar Bandh 8) Viparitkarani Mudra 9) Vajrauli Mudra 10) Shakti Chalini Mudra They would also daily practice for long hours Yoga techniques of Dhyana Yoga, Naad Yoga, Laya Yoga, 84 Asans, Pranayam, Dhauti, Neti, Basti, Tratak, Kapal Bhati, Dhyan, Dharana and Samadhi under Sadgurudeva HH Devraha Baba’s divine guidance. This area was very lonely and full of calm silence. There was no noise of any sort. Yet sometimes Kanpur City’s British Collector would come for hunting sport in a big boat in this thick jungle with a rifle in hand. Thus he would exhibit his very cruel harsh nature. Such people generally are restless and more agitated than normal. This inner restlessness can be seen as cruel activities externally carried out by them. From bullets coming out of these guns the loud noise all birds of the jungle would chatter aloud in sheer fear. Apart from this the noise of these bullets released from guns would disturb those saints, hermits etc doing meditation-concentration practices. Hence HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s disciples residing there would get quite discontented. They would pray to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba: Sir! Please solve this problem. Due to this gun shooting, we face major obstacles while meditating and trying to focus the mind. It is such a wonder that on the one hand devotees immersed in divine thoughts repent so much even if erroneously they kill an ant or mosquito. Yet at the other end worldly people under the spell of Maya or spiritual ignorance by killing creatures just for pastime hunting instill agony in creatures. They feel sadistic pleasure and ‘pride’ by saying: Today we killed this many number of creatures or else we hunted down so many birds-beasts. Our aim is so perfect that we kill swiftly flying birds in air too. If even a small thorn pierces man’s skin, his cries out in pain. Thus if only we human try to put ourselves in the shoes of birds-animals who have to endure so much agony when their hands-feet get chopped off or a certain portion of the body gets wounded a lot due to a gun’s bullet aimed at it we too shall realize what bodily and mental pain we too shall have to undergo under such similar circumstances. 31/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN One day this British Collector came to this jungle for hunting pastime and after roaming about reached HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s hermitage. He asked his interpreter as to who were these people in the hermitage. The interpreter said that they are sages and saints of India. In the meantime when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba called out that Collector and his 10-15 Indian friends came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. They all were tired and hence HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave sweets to them and cool water to drink. After this the Collector asked the interpreter as to what these people do here? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! We give teaching here to try and experience the divine presence of Almighty God just about everywhere. Via spiritual practices and devotion saints and sages attain Self or God Realization. This Collector was an atheist and since his intellect was very gross only he asked as to what happens if one attains God vision? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! After this attainment nothing more remains to be achieved. After this no duty remains to be executed. God attainment is such a task that on fulfilling it we do not get bound to actions and activities. It is God’s divine power that pervades every atom of the cosmos and this hence is true power. The Collector said: Our modern science has made so many things hence via God’s power can you make something? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Yes child! With God’s divine energy it is possible to make just about anything that too with perfect ease. In this no human effort is required. Again the Collector told the interpreter: Can this revered saint (HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba) showcase his divine powers and a miraculous feat? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked in return: Child! Tell me what is the biggest achievement by modern science today? After thinking deeply a lot he said ‘petroleum’. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Where and how is petroleum made? The Collector replied saying after removing it from underground in big factories and refineries it is manufactured. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I am sure to manufacture it a lot of expenses are incurred. The Collector said yes. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! What power or force is present in petroleum? He said: It is a very inflammable liquid. By burning petrol a lot of energy is released. With this energy many tasks can be performed. Every inflammable material does release some amount of energy. From the price viewpoint least expensive and from the burning capacity standpoint being highly inflammable, petrol today has reached peaks of great importance the world over. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Tell the Collector that such an important thing you mentioned flows in the urine of my dog. The Collector was aghast and muttered again and again: It is impossible! HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! What none can do is my task. God’s divine power first by destroying the word ‘impossible’ renders anything under the sun most possible. After this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked: Child! Would you like to see this feat? With great enthusiasm the Collector said: Oh yes! HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba calling one of his disciples said to him: Can you open your loin cloth and pass urine in front of everyone? The disciple said: If you compassionately agree to absolve me of the sin of openly urinating in front of you who are my Revered Guru, I shall carry out any command given by you. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Yes Child! I forgive you in advance for this sin. In order to obstruct this Collector from killing innocent birds-beasts and then render him a true devotee of God I command you to showcase this Yogic process by 32/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN removing your loin cloth as taught to you by me. Know for sure that no sin befalls on you. Due to my sacred grace since you by indirectly aiding the Collector to renounce sinful acts and instead help him follow the path of devotion to God, you shall attain super grace and good sacred merits called Punya. The interpreter was all the time interpreting this conversation and on getting HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s command the disciple removed his loin cloth and stood naked in front of all present there. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba ordered the Collector: Child! Do you have any extra piece of cloth with you? The Collector had a small towel with him so HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: That’s fine! Give this towel to my disciple saint. This disciple spread this towel on the ground below and in a standing position started passing urine which fell on this towel. This towel thus got wet with urine. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba told the Collector: Child! Can you try and find out if there is any burning property in this towel wet with urine? The Collector threw a lit matchstick on the wet towel which started blazing with fire. The Collector was dumbstruck and with a mind boggled joy felt truly amazed. When the Collector collected his wits HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba commanded him not to kill any creature. This teaching was now understood by the Collector. Later this Collector became an unswerving devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and in a few days again came for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan with his wife. As long as HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba resided in this region the Collector would come every 10 days or so to associate and have HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan for a couple of hours. After a certain time period this Collector got transferred to Kashipuri or Banaras-India. At that time HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was residing in the thick dark jungles of Amarkantak. Even there when the Collector got spare time he would visit HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. A lion of this jungle was HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s disciple. This episode shall be described ahead in this book. 33/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 6 AN EPISODE RELATED TO THE MAGAZINE ‘INDIA TODAY’ During the winter of 1990 AD in order to meet HH Devraha Baba Sarkar a devotee child called Manoj Raghuvanshi aged about 30 years came there. He was representing the magazine ‘India today’ and had an audio tape recorder too with him. HH Devraha Baba Sarkar was residing on a loft built on the other shore of River Yamuna. An area of about 2 acres of land surrounding his loft fulfilled the purpose of an Ashram or hermitage and it was enclosed by bamboo, dried grass and leaves. Manoj asked some very thrilling questions to HH Devraha Baba Sarkar which he audio taped on his recorder. The answers given by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba are available as Video Cassettes in the Ashram. The full Video recording of this interview is not available. Hence over here we present a very hair rising story. When a question was asked by Manoj regarding modern science HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! Today your science is yet half complete only because it has no power to convert an ass to a human being. On hearing this devotee Manoj was dumbfounded. What was further said by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was that much more mind boggling. He said: Child! A worm called wasp by catching a worm of another species encloses it in its hole and converts this worm into a wasp of its own species. In this activity the wasp does not use any external energy. Instead by applying its own inner energy the wasp executes this task without spreading any pollution and it is done very calmly. Child! As 34/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN of now your science possesses no such capacity to do something which a mere wasp does hence say, how can modern science understand the heavenly heights of spirituality? Child! Man’s modern science achievements are even lesser in stature than the science of worms. CHAPTER 7 HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ON THE DAIS OF VISHWA HINDU PARISHAD IN MAHAKUMBH OF 1989 Rom the sacred speech and external behavior of Brahmarshiyogi Samrat Shri Devraha Baba Sarkar the extraordinary confluence of secularism could be perceived. In the year 1989 during Kumbh Mela in Prayag Raj-India all saints, Mahants, heads of ashrams, Jagadgurus and Shankaracharyas had gathered together. Under the banner of Vishwa Hindu Parishad a very big conference had been planned wherein on behalf of all HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was invited in a special manner. Whereas HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba preferred to dwell on his loft in sheer solitude far away from huge crowds, he would not go anywhere, yet on seeing this special plea of the organizers HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba agreed to go there for a short time frame. About the time between 4-5 pm HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba requested to sit in a car was being driven to the dais of the conference. Accompanying him in this car was Bade Maharajji (HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s chief disciple) and a Brahmin driver of the car. Over there Vishwa Hindu Parishad had made such a microphone arrangement on the dais that 5000 speakers set up in the audience area could be heard quite a few miles away. Right since morning announcements were 35/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN being made about HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s arrival in the evening for the conference. It was gauged that about a crowd of 1,000,000 people shall gather there. The car in which HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was being driven stood standstill at a distance of about 200 meters away from the dais due to some problem in the car’s machine. Around HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s car there was such a huge mob that one could see a sea of people only and nothing else. The moment the crowd realized that the car was not working properly the so many people in the crowd raised the car on their heads. Only such a one can gauge how humungous the crowd was who has been present during the main bathing (Shahi Snan) ritual during a Kumbh Mela. How frenzied were people for having HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan first and that how people were magnetically attracted to him if one was present in the Haridwar’s Mahakumbh of 1986 AD or Prayag Raj’s Mahakumbh in 1989 AD on main important dates. In order to gather crowds the chanting of ‘Brahmarshi Yogi Samrat Shri Devraha Baba Sarkar’ was a Super Mantra in itself. The crowd which had raised HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s car on their heads now kept it near the dais of Vishwa Hindu Parishad conference and HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba coming out of the car stepped on to the dais. Over there were present leading saints, Mahants, Mathadhishas and Jagatguru Shankaracharyas etc who all in unison respectfully greeted HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and said that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba is the Saint amongst all saints. Due to Kaliyug’s wrath sin is spreading everywhere and hence we saints go to various regions in India to give discourses on Gita, Ramayan, Bhagwat etc so that the public accrues well being. We no doubt bestow well being on the public yet we incur certain taints also due to eating food at different places with people of both good/bad mentalities and also due to getting a lot of honor from them. Hence we saints on attaining your holy Darshan (HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s) and sacred association (Satsang) since you are a great Vibhooti of just about all castes, sects, religions etc we become self fulfilled and all taints accrued mentioned above are washed off by your hallowed blessings. Hence it is you who divinely bestow on us all our true well being. We saints are here to sanctify the world but it is you the ‘Saints of all saints’ who purifies all of us saints. After this on the microphone people were egged on to chant ‘Victory to the Saints of all saints Shri Devraha Baba Sarkar’ and all the thousands of people gathered there followed suit. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba has gone way beyond all religious narrow mindedness and his very Darshan washes off all our sins accrued due to this Kaliyuga’s dark influence. Thus human psyche oozes with purity, peace, divinity, world brotherhood and soul unity. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine speech instills a strong sense of world friendship when he says: Children! You all are mine and I verily am yours. Thus we say devotedly ‘Victory to our beloved Brahmarshi Yogi Samrat Shri Devraha Baba who is a Saint amongst all world saints’. 36/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 8 ONE MAHAKUMBH MELA, ONE HARIDWAR, ONE RIVER GANGA YET TWO HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA (EPISODE WITNESSED IN HARIDWAR-INDIA MAHA KUMBH IN 1986 AD) In the 1986 Haridwar Kumbh Mela (in India) HH Mahayogi Shri Devraha Baba was seated on his loft. Daily in a ceaseless manner a huge crowd of devotees would gather near HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft. People felt glorified on attaining HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred Darshan and those who did not get the chance to have Darshan would repent saying that only when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s desires can they have his Darshan. Even if we intensely desire yet without HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s assent nothing can be achieved. Not only would the huge crowd have HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan but a big teeming crowd of great saints too would rush there for the same. One day in the 1986 Haridwar Kumbh Mela when the Shahi Snan (main auspicious date for bathing in the River Ganga) took place all leading saints-Mahants decided to humbly invite HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba to bathe first in Brahmakunda. On the Shahi Snan (main auspicious date for bathing in the River Ganga) day it is a protocol that Naga Babas (naked ascetics) are given the opportunity to bathe first. If anyone even tries to bathe first before these Naga Babas the latter start fighting and may kill the culprits 37/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN too. Those who had stayed for the whole of 1998 Haridwar Kumbh Mela should be well aware of how wrathful is the nature of these Naga Babas. Yet when any religious sect, community and caste would hear the name of HH Mahayogi Shri Devraha Baba they all would immediately renounce all enmity and communal hatred so as to calm down totally. All of them would yearn devotedly that let us all rush to HH Devraha Baba for Darshan and get his supreme sacred blessings. Those devotees who had got HH Devraha Baba’s Darshan in the 1989 Prayag Raj-India Kumbh Mela can definitely understand how crazy and frenzied is the huge throng of devotees to have even a split of a second’s Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. Well when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was honorably invited to bathe first during the Shahi Snan (main auspicious date for bathing in the River Ganga) day in the 1986 Haridwar Kumbh Mela initially HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba refused point blank. Yet later after a lot of humble plea made by leading saints, Mahants, Mathadhishas and Jagatguru Shankaracharyas etc gathered there HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba relented and agreed to divinely grace this auspicious occasion. Very soon this Shahi Snan day arrived in which HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was a very special divine guest of honor. In every Kumbh Mela they set up a central microphone wherein if any speech, music etc is spoken in it the entire crowd of more than 20,000,000 people can hear it and thousands of speakers set up in major areas helps everyone there listen to speeches etc. For many days at a stretch announcements were being made regarding HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s arrival at Brahmakund on the Shahi Snan day so that everyone would get the message. Thus thousands of people had gathered there to have HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine Darshan. Since govt. officials were aware of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s arrival there they had made tight security arrangements in order to control this massive crowd. So many police vans together reached HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft in order to bring him to the Kumbh Mela spot that was a bit far away. Amongst these vans some of them had police officers with wireless sets. When these officers reached HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft they saw that even there, there was a teeming crowd of devotees rushing forward to have HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan wherein a few journalists were interviewing HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. In the meantime a person from Doordarshan called Mahendra Maharshi had come there to telecast HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s interview on television. Even today ½ hour footage of this TV shoot is in the possession of Doordarshan TV. Some journalists had a question that why was HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba not going to the main spot of the Shahi Snan? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! You all may benefit a lot by bathing there but no benefits are accrued by me. For me Almighty Lord in the form of River Ganga, is present everywhere. Wherever I bathe, there all rivers manifest. For a master Yogi bathing the physical body is not so much of importance as the bathing (purification) of the mind. In our language it is said: Snanam hi manomal tyagaha. It means whosoever has cleaned up the dirt of the psyche has actually bathed enough for eternity. But even if you clean your physical body with great care yet in 8-10 hours it becomes dirty again and you have to bathe it again. Even if for your whole life you keep cleaning the physical body with great care yet it can never be purified in a long lasting manner. 38/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Kya pani mey mal mal nhave, are man ka mail utar pyare. Kya Mathura kya kasha dhave, ghat mein gota mar pyare. When the mind is bathed properly via Yoga practices, devotion to God, remembering God, association with great God Realized saints-Gurus etc the darkness of the mind is thrown away and thus that person’s true sanctification takes place for eternity. In the meantime the govt. officials while reminding HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba to go with them to Brahmakund prayed thus: O Revered Baba! Today is the day and hour for bathing in Brahmakund for which you have kindly given your permission to take you there. Please do come with us there. A huge motley crowd consisting of saints, Mahants etc is waiting impatiently for you so that the Shahi Snan can commence. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: O Child! Do listen to my sacred message. Do see what a beautiful wave is dancing in the holy River Ganga. I am talking of the eternal bath and you are shouting about the physical bath. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s face beamed with a smile of sheer divine ecstasy and his eyes brimmed with nothing but divine compassion unlimited for all beings of the cosmos. After sometime the officials again reminded HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba so the latter said: O Child! I am present equally just about everywhere. For me going somewhere or coming back is just the same. Child! You must bathe in the nectar of my holy teaching and dive into the wave of Almighty God. Merely if a great God Realized saint’s divine eye falls on a devotee or by conversing with the saint or by mere Darshan of such a saint the dirt of the creature’s mind gets washed away totally. This then is true well being of a devotee and true bathing too. In the meantime a message was received on the wireless by the officers standing near HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba from fellow officers doing duty at the Shahi Snan bathing spot. On talking to the officers at the Shahi Snan bathing spot they were astounded to hear what they had to say. The senior officer of Brahmakund Shahi Snan area was saying that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was already bathing at Brahmakund and hence we want to know where you all officers are who had to gone to receive HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba at his loft? Please do come here immediately to the Brahmakund and take up your positions of duty because the crowd is getting beyond control. It goes without saying that HH Devraha Baba by donning another (second) body via his wondrous Yoga Divine Power had manifested at Brahmakund also. There thousands of faithful devotees were touching his hallowed feet in reverence and on attaining HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan with a divine smiling face. They felt self fulfilled on receiving his holy grace. Over here about 3-4 km away from Brahmakund’s Shahi Snan area HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was seated on his loft with a divine smile on his face and giving nectarine teachings to all present. The news of this mind boggling incident of 1986 spread not only in Kumbh Mela and Haridwar but also in foreign countries. Next day leading newspapers published this astounding news as a bold headline on the front page. 39/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 9 SHRI BADE MAHARAJ-CHIEF DISCIPLE OF HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA GETS A DIVINE VISION OF LORD NARSINHA The Yogi Samrat our beloved God-HH Devraha Baba is this era’s such an extraordinary personality that in this era such a one has never been born. Never has such a Super Great Yogi like HH Devraha Baba been seen or heard of in this era. The great benefit of the divine ecstasy of the soul (Sat-Chit-Anand or Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) that we disciples have attained as a result of residing in the sacred presence of HH Devraha Baba can be termed the supreme benefit of all benefits put together. A small portion of the divine joy we got while dwelling in the sacred presence of HH Devraha shall be placed here for the happiness of devotees of Almighty God. One day I (Shri Bade Maharaj-chief disciple of HH Devraha Baba) made a plan to execute a very difficult religious vow (Niyam). For quite a while I was yearning mentally to attain Darshan or holy vision of Lord Narsinha (half man-half lion incarnation or Avatar of God). After giving up drinking water and food I thought of commencing the vow or Vrata. Only mentally I prayed to Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba but did not ask for his permission. Thus while serving HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba day and night I silently commenced this vow. This incident took place when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba left Devariya and came to the banks of River Yamuna 40/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN to reside there permanently. My vow had been planned for 41 days. After 8-10 days of this vow my body started becoming very weak yet I saw to it that not one service to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba remained pending. Always I would be alert to carry out HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s command with devotion. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would give only me any of his personal service to carry out. In order to bathe in the River Yamuna while going there or returning HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would pass by the enclosure that had a tap. Behind HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft a tap was fitted that was surrounded by an enclosure of straw because it was the rule of the Ashram-hermitage that none should watch HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba while he executed any activity or task. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would visit the river many a times for bathing and we disciples would accompany him from behind till this tap enclosure. There by opening the tap we would help HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba wash his hands and feet and there itself at the tap enclosure we would wait for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba to return from river bathing. Right from the moment HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba left for the river till his return to the enclosure where we waited our eyes would look downwards and never would we raise our eyes. We served HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for many years at a stretch continuously yet whatever HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba did we would never witness with our eyes. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would always tell us disciples: Child! Never do anything that I do but only do that which I ask and advise you to do so. One day we were opening the tap with our eyes looking down. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said close the tap. I immediately became alert and closed the tap. With hands joined prayerfully and heads facing down we stood silently waiting for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred order. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! You are a young Yogi and you have yet to carry out many spiritual practices. Why is it that despite being so young in age you are not able to operate this tap properly? We apologized: Revered Sir! I beg forgiveness for my mistake. I shall never repeat this mistake in future. The tap which was actually a hand pump became slow while I was operating it. My eyes were closed. I had started the hand pump with both hands initially but later one hand of mine went to my waist. I hence was now operating the hand pump with one hand only. Thus inadvertently the pump was moving slower than normal. It was a rule in our hermitage that if even a wee bit of error was committed while we served HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba we had to perform harsh austerities (ordinary people may call it punishment). It was quite common that we would sit in the middle with blazing fire pyres surrounding us. We would not even move a bit till Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would command us. In the cold winter months of November and December we would stand in the river with water up to our waist and neck. We would stay in this freezing cold water till HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba commanded us to return. Sometimes we were ordered to keep burning coal in pots made of mud and this pot we would place on our heads. All the while with this hot burning pot on our head we would chant Japa. In reality what other people would call all this ‘punishment’ it was but penance for us (to purify our minds). Thus Gurudeva by giving us such ‘harsh’ commands would 41/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN in actually bless us disciples by making us do Tapas or austerities. It is just impossible to gauge Revered Sadgurudeva’s compassionate grace. Guru’s grace is more infinite than the all pervasive sky also and is much profound and deeper than the ocean which we have experienced innumerable times. During these times of ‘punishment’ we fail to measure how much he taught us, how many boons he bestowed on us and that how much we benefitted from him. The Guru’s punishment gives us infinite Sidhis or Divine Powers that helps us ultimately to attain Self/God Realization. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba seeing me standing silent with hands joined prayerfully very affectionately said: Child! Tell me what exactly is the truth? While answering this question of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba I said that since I yearned to get Darshan of Lord Narsinha in his half man half lion form I took up a religious vow or Vrata. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Will you be able to have Darshan? When he would talk thus our joy knew no limits and thus we would open our hearts and tell HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba everything. I said: Revered Sir! Why will I not be able to have Darshan? When God shall appear why shall I not have his Darshan? Revered Sir! Even devotee child Prahlad had attained Darshan of Lord Narsinha. When I spoke thus HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: O Child! When Lord Narsinha shall appear you shall run away in haste. Very silently I listened to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba with avid mental focus yet inwardly I was thinking that since I am doing spiritual practices for having Lord Narsinha’s Darshan why would I run away when the Lord actually appeared in my midst? I did not refrain from putting to work my limited ignorant brain with reference to the Revered Guru’s speech. First without taking orders from Gurudeva Baba I commenced the Vrata or vow on my own. And now I am showing off my ‘high stature’ brains in order to comment on his divine speech. Before taking up the vow I had thought I would get Lord Narsinha’s Darshan in my dream itself and that was my aim hence the question of running away did not arise at all. I was mulling mentally thus but HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was not only seeing my external form but that he was able to read each and every thought appearing in my mind. Then HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba very affectionately said: Child! You must give up this vow and start eating food and drinking water. I nodded my head when commanded thus and said: Yes Revered Sir! Then HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba spoke again wherein there was more mystery in it than affection. He said: OK Child! You shall definitely get Lord Narsinha’s Darshan. On hearing this I was overjoyed since definitely I would get Darshan. This is because it was HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba who declared thus and that the Guru’s words never come false. Once at night I was walking behind HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. Very alertly I would throw the light of the torch where HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s footsteps were. He left for the river to bathe and I stood at the tap enclosure with the torch in hand for his return. After sometime when as soon as I heard footsteps of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba coming out of the river water I cautiously placed the light of the torch that it would be just in front of his footsteps. As per my 42/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN practice my eyes would see downwards. The moment I threw the light of the torch in front of his footsteps I saw the clawed feet of a lion. I was quite scared wondering how a lion had come there. Immediately when I focused the light upwards I saw in the form of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba the shape of a lion with thick dense golden hair and canine teeth. The form of this lion was so gigantic and all around its face was such a thick growth of long golden hair that to describe it is very difficult. The lion’s canine teeth were so sharply pointed and huge in size that to look at them fully was impossible. On seeing this lion I was so terribly petrified that I clean forgot why I was actually standing there. The torch slipped from my hand and out of sheer fear I quickly turned behind to run away. Behind me all around the tap enclosure was the grass wall that was obstructing my running. With great might breaking apart this grass wall came out of the hole created by me. With swift speed I ran towards the loft of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. My entire body was shivering with fright and I could not utter a word because of being very scared. I ran towards the loft with this emotion that immediately I can give HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba the news that a lion has emerged from the river water. I failed to realize that I had gone to the river bank to serve HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and that how could he be on his loft. This is because HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had entered the river to bathe in it. Seeing me thus full of fear and agitation my younger Guru-brother Chote Maharajji caught hold of me but he too got very scared. Chote Maharajji asked me as to what the problem was? My body was shivering so much that my brother disciple failed to help me control my wits. I told my brother disciple: A lion has arrived at the tap enclosure and is fearfully terrible. On hearing so much noise below the loft all other ascetics of the hermitage gathered there. Soldiers of PAC who continuously patrolled that area they immediately ran to the loft with rifles in hand. They all surrounded the loft. All were ready to take action. I asked all the soldiers to be very cautious and told the ascetics to get ready with sticks, axes and torches. I am now going again to the tap enclosure to check the situation. Hence do listen to my command properly. I was speaking with such fear but my Guru-brother Chote Maharajji said: Bade Maharajji! You have become very scared. HH Devraha Baba Sarkar is seated in the tap enclosure. He is patiently waiting for you and hence do go there and operate the hand pump there. When he spoke thus I out of annoyance shot back: Oh! Why do you not believe me? I definitely saw a lion there. On its neck such a thick growth of hair can be seen that one cannot even imagine that such a petrifying lion can exist also. Yet all of those present there kept saying: Bade Maharajji! Please go to the tap enclosure because you shall see HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba sitting there. Yet I had just no faith in what all of them were saying because since I was very agitated out of sheer fear on seeing this huge lion I had broken the grass wall around the tap enclosure so as to run away in a frenzied manner. Yet again I asked all ascetic residents of the hermitage to become very alert. The soldiers of PAC too were standing there with rifles and after again asking everyone to be cautious I very alertly and with muted steps reached the tap enclosure. I immediately heard HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s very compassionate voice from within the tap 43/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN enclosure. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Say my child! Are you not very scared? I had warned you previously that when Lord Narsinha arrives you shall run away petrified. On hearing these words that I had heard previously also my fear of the ‘lion’ just disappeared like that and now I recollected that very moment when I was not alert while operating the hand pump while serving HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. At that time HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had told me that I must give up my vow and start eating food-water which I had renounced. He had further promised that I shall definitely get Lord Narsinha’s Darshan. Immediately I realized that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba in his name-form or Sakar aspect had given me Lord Narsinha’s Darshan. This Darshan was extraordinary and rare which is impossible for even very great Yogis to attain. This Darshan I was given albeit for a couple of moments. I repented that I did not wait with a steady mind to have Lord Narsinha’s Darshan for a longer time. This mind boggling scene included a gigantic lion with a huge face, long golden hair hanging below its neck, huge pointed canine teeth and sharp nailed claws. This form got etched in my eyes and bosom firmly. Again and again this scene would seem to appear in my mind but now I harbored no fear whatsoever in remembering it. Instead I got divine bliss of attaining God vision. Such thoughts were flowing in my psyche and after I reached the tap enclosure and entered it I saw HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba seated there. On seeing me HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba lovingly scolded me: Ah you fool! Come start operating the hand pump for your master. Mockingly HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba muttered: You set off ‘bravely’ to have Lord Narsinha’s Darshan. I ran and fell devotedly at HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred feet. I enclosed his feet in my arms and cried aloud again and again. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba lovingly caressed my back like an affectionate divine father. He kept caressing my head and body with fatherly affection for quite a while. After this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave me instructions on Yoga practices. He gave me wisdom of the power of a Yogi and I understood that there is no difference between a great adept Yogi and Almighty God. The divine energy of such Yogis is infinite in measure. A Yogi can do anything he pleases. The Guru principle is as supremely great as God principle. After hearing HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s instructions on Yoga practices I felt very selfsatiated. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba by giving so many examples gave me knowledge of God’s divine existence. I shall write one particular example for the respected reader-devotees which HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had recounted to me. Once, Lord Ram was seated in his royal court. All Rishis, Munis, Angad and other great valiant personages, kings etc were present in this court. Lord Ram asked Hanumanji one question: Hanuman! Say, who exactly are you? Hanumanji replied: Dehatashtayasa tu dasoham, jiva drishtaya twadanshakaha. Vastu tastu twamevahamiti mey nishchita mati. 44/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN It means O Lord Ram! From the standpoint of the body and living soul I am your portion and servant yet from the soul and existence principle viewpoint I am you and you are me. There is not an iota of a difference between you and me. A devotee who attains God or Self Realization oozes with divine inspirations. It is impossible for anyone to challenge it. HH Shri Devraha Baba who is God’s Avatar and a Great Guru is immersed eternally in divine cosmic consciousness or Brahman. Thus although he was not different even a wee bit separate or different from Almighty God he never ever manifested his divine nature thus. Instead by commanding his devotees to chant Lord Ram’s name (Japa) helped them cross the ocean of worldly material bondage. First HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was Sakar or with name-form but now he is Nirakar or formless. Yet even today HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba bestows on each one super spiritual and material well being. We have with us innumerable memories of various incidences while we lived near HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for many years together. In it he would manifest hidden mysteries of world creation, helped many of us attain Sidhis-Divine Powers and while blessing us gave us so much more than we ever expected. No doubt we shall put all these fond memories on paper in book form so that today’s devotees on reading-hearing about HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine cosmic form shall get immersed in sacred bliss and human society of the future era shall get overjoyed on hearing that in India a great Mahayogi like HH Devraha Baba Sarkar had incarnated. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba within the tradition of Yogis and Rishis can be called its substratum. Hence it is the supreme goal of HH Devraha Baba’s disciples and devotees to collect all his divine teachings and store them for eternity. ……………..RADHE-RADHE 45/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 10 RAJARSHI PURSHOTTAM DAS TANDON’S HOLY MEETING WITH HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR Rajarshi Purshottam Das Tandon during his life time was a very renowned person and majority people knew about him. He was a political leader who was a social worker, man of austerities and full of a sense of self sacrifice. Thus those who were his followers had deep faith in him. Tandonji was a famous political leader. In ancient Indian civilization Rishis and Maharshis played a major important role in politics or else in very complex situations the king would always ask great saints and sages to take an apt decision. Lest we open the book of Indian history attached to every king was the term Rajguru. Even in these present times great pious people like Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave, Pandit Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Jai Prakash Narayan etc full of true saintly qualities touched the realm of politics for their entire life span. In the same way once the entire scholarly society together prayed to Brahmarshi Yogi Samrat HH Devraha Baba Sarkar: Revered Sir! We are all very greatly influenced by the political tasks of India born Purshottam Das Tandon’s behavior, activities, honesty, humility, self sacrifice etc. Purshottam 46/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Das Tandonji has undergone very high stature education both in Hindi and English. Thus all us scholars yearn that on seeing Purshottam Das Tandonji’s great sacred tasks you honor him with your divine blessings with a high stature title. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! If this is what all of you wish I shall definitely do as you say. After deciding thus great scholars contacted Purshottam Das Tandonji and plans were made to bring him for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred Darshan. At that time Purshottam Das Tandonji was Congress Party’s chairperson and HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was residing at that time on a loft built in Devariya district on the shores of River Saryu. When Purshottam Das Tandonji got this news he very joyfully got ready to get anointed with such an honor at the divine hands of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. All Indians whether Hindus, Muslims, Christians or just about any religion praised Purshottam Das Tandonji’s ethical behavior, good will and sense of justice and equality in one voice. In every region the news spread like wild fire that HH Devraha Baba was going to bless Purshottam Das Tandonji with an honorary title. At the appointed hour thousands of people gathered in order to see with what title HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would honor Purshottam Das Tandonji. That day was 15th April 1948 gave the title ‘Rajarshi’ to him which now meant he would be addressed henceforth as ‘Rajarshi Purshottam Das Tandonji’. The Jagadguru Shankaracharya at that time was Shri Brahmanand Saraswatiji who was also the revered Guru of a great saint called Karpatriji Maharaj. Swami Brahmanand Saraswatiji was very happy to hear HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba bestowing this Rajarshi title. After having this Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba, Rajarshi Purshottam Das Tandonji returned to Lucknow city. Amongst those who came to congratulate him was the Prime Minister of India at that time-Pandit Jawaharlal Nehruji. When HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave Tandonji the title Rajarshi HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked him about his well being. Tandonji replied: Revered Baba! Although you have made me a Rajarshi yet the thorns on the trees of your hermitage are piercing me. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: O Child! I shall now scold these thorns. While scolding the tree under which Tandonji was standing HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Say! Did I ask you (tree) to stand there for this sort of service? It appeared as though the tree felt ashamed and scared. It was a babool or mangrove tree. It must be remembered that on this babool tree grew many thorns that were 1.5 inches long. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba while pointing towards the tree spoke to Tandonji: Child! This tree is a devotee. Now it shall not give anyone pain with its thorns. All these ants, snakes, scorpions, elephants and trees are my devotees. They all listen to what I say. At that time none could understand what HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said yet when evening time came the thorns of the tree started falling down on the ground and by night time all these thorns withered away to naught. Next day in the morning this tree was totally devoid of any thorns. Seeing this everyone was mind boggled. A few days later everyone’s amazement reached peaks only when the thorns of all 47/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN trees growing in the hermitage fell down and died completely. What was more astounding was that the thorns of trees growing outside the boundary of our hermitage did not fall down at all and did not wither away. Thus we can say that there is just no limit to the stupendous divine sports or Lilas of HH Devraha Baba Sarkar. Trees, plants, animals etc along with entire nature would act as per HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s commands. He was definitely Lord Vishwanath who poured his boons and grace in an untold manner. In the Prayagraj Kumbh Mela (India) of 1989 AD while talking to one devotee HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I had given the title of ‘Rajarshi’ to Purshottam Das Tandonji. He was a great devotee soul. Yet Child! Those not knowing the future despite doing very great tasks later in life commit very big errors. Thus that fame and glory gathered after dint of hard work for years together gets lost by committing these errors later. Thus in 1954 AD Purshottam Das Tandonji due to some differences with Congress Party wished to leave it. He had told me this. I said: Child! You must keep quiet just now. Do not speak thus and in a few days Tandonji died. Yet if before death he had left the Congress Party so many questions would have been raised against him and I knew that Tandonji was about to shed his mortal coil. And hence knowing of his death being quite near I advised him not to leave Congress and thus without changing political parties he gave up his body. CHAPTER 11 PROTECTING GAJENDRA (ELEPHANT) IN HARIDWAR-INDIA’S MAHA KUMBH MELA In the year 1962 AD was the auspicious occasion of Kumbh Mela in Haridwar-India. Daily for the entire day thousands of people with faith would throng there, hundreds of ascetics would set up their camps, in every camp Shrimad Bhagwat discourses, Ramayan, Vedant lectures, Yajna rituals, singing God’s praises called Kirtans-Bhajans, holy bath in the River Ganga, worship of Gangaji etc pious tasks were executed. All types of Vaisnavas, Vairagis, Udasis, Sanyasis, Naths, Naga etc of various sects in hundreds and thousands would gather there. Those devotees imbued with deep faith would come to this Kumbh Mela for Darshan and bathing in the holy Ganges. For such pious devotees this Kumbh Mela appeared nectarine. This is because those who come to the Kumbh Mela their souls are immersed only in devotion to God, associating with great saints, listening to holy discourses on Almighty God, worship and meditation. 48/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN In the entire world we can never see such a great festival of the congregational religious sentiments of millions of people as is seen in India’s Kumbh Melas. Congregational worship of God in Kumbh Melas can be called extraordinary and incomparable. On merely reaching the Kumbh Mela venue the vibrations of religious emotions enter effortlessly in the souls/psyches of all. Whether one desires it or not people hearts ooze with devotion. Brahmarshi Yogi Samrat Shri Devraha Babaji was by himself a walking-talking Kumbh Mela and yet he too had arrived at this Haridwar Kumbh festival. One day an elephant of a Viashnava Mahant turned mad and in this insanity it started crushing the huge mob of devotees gathered there under its huge feet while running amuck. Since it was also uprooting tents, daises etc there was nothing but fearful chaos out there. On seeing that there was no way of controlling this mad elephant the chief police officer on duty there-Mr. Ramdular Pandeyaji ordered his aides to shoot with a gun and kill it. The task of aiming the bullet was given to Subedar Bhanwar Singh. He was a devotee of God. Subedar Bhanwar Singh became sad that if he killed this elephant he would incur sin of killing a living being. Finally he went to Brahmarshi Yogi Samrat Shri Devraha Babaji for Darshan and advice. He prayed to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba that he did not wish to kill this mad elephant yet since his senior police officer had commanded him to do so he shall perforce have to kill it next morning at 8 am sharp. I am really in a fix and hence O Revered Baba! please advise me as to what I should do? If I do not kill the elephant I may be fired from my job and if I kill the elephant as per orders given I shall incur sin. I am fearful of sinning by killing a living being. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! It is definitely a big sin to kill a dumb creature who cannot even cry to let us know about the pain it is undergoing. Again HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba after deep thinking said: Child! Suppose before 8 am tomorrow the elephant’s madness disappears, would that be good for you? Subedar Bhanwar Singh said: How is it possible that without giving this elephant medicine we can cure its madness? And then the question is-who shall administer medicine to this mad elephant? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I shall find a solution for this. My Prasad shall become its medicine. After saying thus HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave Subedar Bhanwar Singh a mango fruit as Prasad and said: Child! One mango fruit is for you and the other mango fruit is for the mad elephant. Further do send your senior police officer for my Darshan. I shall cancel the orders given to you by police personnel. After getting the command to make this mad elephant eat this Prasad of mango fruit Subedar Bhanwar Singh was all the more worried because in order to make it eat this mango one has to go near the mad elephant. Thus instead of catching the mad elephant it can catch hold of me and then who shall save me? Understanding this worry of Subedar Bhanwar Singh, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! You must do Dandvat Pranam (prostrating full length on the ground akin to a stick lying down on the ground) to this mad elephant from afar and say to it: HH Devraha Baba has sent Prasad for you so please come and take it. Child! This mad elephant himself shall come and take Prasad from you. So do not fear at all because he shall in no way harm you. Subedar Bhanwar Singh felt quite relieved and he sent his senior police officer for HH Mahayogi 49/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Devraha Baba’s Darshan. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba told him: Child! You must cancel your order of shooting to death this mad elephant. With my blessings it shall regain sanity and hence there shall be no need to kill it with a gun. The officer immediately agreed to do so and after reaching his office he cancelled the shoot at sight order. On this very day in the evening Subedar Bhanwar Singh arrived near the mad elephant to give it Prasad. From afar he did Dandvat Pranam (prostrating full length on the ground akin to a stick lying down on the ground) to the mad elephant and loudly said: O brother elephant! HH Devraha Baba has sent Prasad for you and hence do come here and accept it. The elephant very quietly started walking towards Subedar Bhanwar Singh and the elephant tried to take away even the 2nd mango fruit with his trunk which was in the other hand of Subedar Bhanwar Singh. At that point Subedar Bhanwar Singh told the elephant that the 2nd fruit was given by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for him to eat. Immediately the elephant withdrew his trunk as though he fully understood what Subedar Bhanwar Singh was telling it. This episode was being witnessed by thousands of devotees who had gathered there. The mad elephant on eating this mango fruit Prasad became very calm and sane and then it walked away towards the Mahant who was its owner without creating even a bit of havoc. The Mahant was very happy. Many people got together and took both the Mahant and the elephant for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba fed the elephant a lot of Prasad with his own divine hands from his loft. Keeping the elephant in front a huge procession was taken on the road and thus the elephant was taken all around the Kumbh Mela area. Everyone chanted: Victory to HH Devraha Baba Sarkar! Come let us all too chant: VICTORY TO HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR! CHAPTER 12 A BLAZING INFERNO ERUPTED IN MAHAKUMBH 1989 AD IN PRAYAGRAJ (INDIA) NEAR THE DAIS OF MORARI BAPU The time was about 5 pm in the evening. Near Shastri bridge Morari Bapu was giving a religious discourse. Somewhere close to his dais a terrific fire erupted. Myself (Bade Maharaj) and a few devotees seated near HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft near River Ganga about 3 km distance from the dais could see how terrible this fire was with huge flames rising upwards. This scene could be seen by us all quite clearly despite the fact that we were quite far away from this fire. One can imagine how high these fire flames (higher than 15 meters which was the height of the Shastri Bridge) were since we could see them clearly. Devotees in anguish prayed fervently to HH Devraha Baba Sarkar to give strength to hundreds of devotees to combat and douse this blazing fire. Very close to this fire is Morari Bapu’s dais from where he is giving a religious discourse and if this fire spreads more the entire Kumbh Mela region shall get burnt to naught. 50/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN This is because everywhere tents of cloth have been set up using bamboo sticks as props. On the ground mattresses, cloth seats etc have been spread out. At every few steps huts of dry grass and leaves have been built. Thus there is so much material in the Kumbh Mela area which can easily catch fire. Thus everyone told HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba in a gist about this fire and its destructive nature. This fire was burning from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft in the southwest direction. Thus if we turned behind this fire could be seen very clearly. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba saw this fire and he stepped down from his loft. As per his directions apart from me and Bade Maharaj none followed him. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba reached the River Ganga bank and sat down. He asked Bade Maharaj to give him 3 pebbles. Despite searching here and there Bade Maharaj could not find any pebbles so HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: O Child! Give me any stone and if you can’t find any give me that pile of mud. Bade Maharaj gave HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba 3 piles of mud and HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba while chanting Mantras (so as to render this mud pile Abhimantrit or imbued with divine energy) threw the 1st mud pile into the River Ganga waters. After 30 seconds he threw the 2nd mud pile and after 30 more seconds passed by he threw the 3 rd mud pile. The moment the 1st mud pile was thrown in a flash half the fire got doused. After the 2nd mud pile was thrown the fire virtually got doused completely and after the 3rd mud pile was thrown only smoke remained. It seemed as though from above someone was pressing this fire downwards. Apart from us 2 who were with HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba none could understand how this gigantic fire got doused in just a couple of minutes. Everyone was mind boggled as to how this blazing inferno cooled down so completely. The fire brigade got delayed while coming there. On reaching there they touched the burnt materials there. From this investigation they wrote a report wherein according to them since a lot of dampness was there in the air this fire got doused. Yet what was astounding is that in the grass around the dais and in the ground there was no dampness. When fire erupted materials there should have become drier and hence the question arises as to where had this dampness come from? This then was nothing but Mahayogi HH Devraha Baba’s divine feat or Lila wherein without telling anyone anything he out of sheer compassion sported thus. After this the householder saint Morari Bapu accompanied by his family came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for Darshan. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba with great affection blessed him. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave him Prasad and inquired about his well being. After conversing for about ½ an hour HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave permission to Morari Bapu to leave. On getting HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s holy Darshan Bapu was truly overjoyed. Morari Bapu also was fully aware that it was but HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s miraculous grace that helped in dousing this blazing fire swiftly and completely. 51/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 13 BEFORE KING GEORGE FIFTH, IT WAS THE KING’S BROTHER WHO GOT SPIRITUALLY INITIATED BY HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR This episode took place just before 1900 AD. India was ruled at that time by a foreign British Govt. for the past 6o years or so India was known to be a British colony. In India it was Englishmen who ruled over it. With reference to this the Queen of England sent one of her sons to India to look after its governance. This prince along with shouldering tasks given to him was 100% influenced by India’s religious culture. He was very much influenced by India’s pious character people who had no inclination to earn money by unethical fraudulent means since they possessed sacred pure souls. Along with looking after governance tasks the prince studied Indian culture too. He took great interest in associating with great saints-sages, going to pilgrim spots and visiting temples for holy Darshan and learning Indian way of thinking and behavior. As a 52/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN result very high level government British officers silently and inwardly were displeased with the prince’s interests. These officers believed that they had come to India to spread Christian Religion in India’s poor backward regions and not for themselves to get converted to Hindu Religion. During his visits to pilgrim spots for visiting temples and associating with great saints the British prince came in touch with HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar. He was very much influenced by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sense of renunciation and strict austerities. His mind was very much attracted to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine teachings and very regularly he would spare special time for visiting Devariya region in Gorakhpur district (UPIndia). During this phase he fell in love with an Indian girl. He was quite mesmerized with this girl’s pious character and religious sentiments. Their love for each other increased day after day. When the British governors and officers saw that the prince was not paying heed to their advice they sent a detailed letter to the Queen in England wherein all details of the prince’s behavior and activities were written. They further wrote to the Queen that the prince was not fit enough to rule over their India colony. Later the Queen communicated with the prince via letters wherein the Queen especially harboring dissatisfaction asked the prince to return to London in order to give her final decision. Till date the prince greatly influenced by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s teachings keeping the goal of helping overcome the agony and disparity in the Indian public due to poverty, the prince refused to follow rules made by Britishers that were erroneous because he had already taken spiritual initiation from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. The prince came for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan and told him of all that had happened. The prince said that his wish was to marry this Indian girl and stay in India. Yet his mother (queen) by giving him a lot of enticements wanted the prince to dwell in London only and marry a British girl. Thus he asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba as to what should he do under these circumstances? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! When you talk to your mother my inspirations shall appear in your bosom and do exactly as per these inspirations of mine. Saying this much HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave the prince Prasad and bid him adieu. On reaching London the prince was told 2 things by the queen. The 1st thing she said was: Prince! You are the son of King George Fourth and hence ascend his throne to become King George Fifth. Thus as per our royal clan tradition you must marry an English girl chosen by us. In reply the prince clearly said that he would marry only the girl he had chosen. The queen said: If you insist on acting your way I shall take away all your royal princely rights. Thus instead of you your brother shall become King George Fifth. The prince very joyfully agreed to this saying that by dangling the juicy carrot of ascending the royal throne you cannot by my love for spirituality. I shall live my life as per the guidance of my spiritual Guru and never as per your or royal clan rules. After this the prince returned to India and after having HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan told the latter all that had happened in London. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! My unlimited blessings and grace are on you. Wherever you stay my blessings shall keep you happy. 53/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Child! Only they get dispassion from royal pleasures that have already enjoyed royal pleasures for thousands of previous births or incarnations. One who has never attained royal pleasures at first shall try everything to attain it but when he attains royal pleasures then for fulfilling all types of desires and immersing his psyche only for selfish gains latches on to his kingdom like a leech. Child! No doubt only due to good merits of many previous lifetimes does one attain royal pleasures yet on attaining it one becomes very arrogant due to becoming master of so much wealth one also becomes dictatorial due to attaining so much political authority. Thus such a one executes many vile deeds and lowly acts. In this manner one becomes an author of one’s own sorrowful destiny in future. In this manner this anguished creature tries to attain as much joy as possible. After many life times when this creature becomes very wealthy and joyous he out of delusion gets immersed in many types of tainted vile deeds and the result of this is that he again has to endure pain and anguish in future births to come. Thus this vicious cycle of sorrow does not break for innumerable lives. In reality only he is happy who by going beyond the duality of joy-sorrow immerses his mind and soul in devotion to God or divine cosmic consciousness. Thus as per HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s holy advice on taking HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s permission the prince married that very Indian girl he loved and he resided in Kathmandu-Nepal for the rest of his life. Once or twice a year this prince would come to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and have his sacred Darshan. CHAPTER 14 KING GEORGE FIFTH VERY MUCH INFLUENCED BY THE SENSE OF RENUNCIATION OF HIS BROTHER (KING GEORGE FIFTH THUS GOES FOR HH DEVRAHA BABA’S DARSHAN) Many people related to London’s high class families and royal government officials did travel to Kathmandu-Nepal to persuade their prince to listen to his queen-mother’s wishes. They all even went for HH Devraha Baba’s Darshan yet they failed in their endeavor. In those days in London it was hot news wherein heated discussions would take place with reference to their prince queen and HH Devraha Baba. The prince’s brother who was now anointed King George Fifth came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for Darshan. Following are the points to note regarding this sacred Darshan: 54/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN 1) As was the case with all devotees who came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba when King George Fifth came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for Darshan the latter after enquiring about the king’s well being further asked: Child! For what reason have you come here? King George Fifth said that he had come for his Darshan and also to experience HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine potential. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! In order to experience my divine potential there is no need for you to come all the way here. This king was very much yearning to meet HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba who had imbued his prince brother with a very rare to attain sense of renunciation towards worldly fleeting enticements. The king desired that at least he should have Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba once so as to find out who exactly is HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and how potently influencing is he in the spiritual sense. 2) Preparations were made for King George Fifth’s journey even though it was against the queen’s wishes. But her son had already become King George Fifth and as per his orders all these tasks were being executed. For the king’s arrival the Gateway of India was being constructed in the port city of Mumbai. If the king had so desired he could have arrived much before yet whether you call it a quality or taint the English kings loved showing off their royal glamorous lifestyle and pomp full of vanity. Hence King George Fifth was waiting first for the construction of Gateway of India. When this gateway was ready in 1904 AD King George Fifth landed in Mumbai-India. By itself, the king was a good hearted person and the number of aim of this journey of his was 2 only. He wanted to meet HH Devraha Baba and his brother too. The king behaved very respectfully towards HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and via an interpreter with great faith heard the sacred teachings of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. The king tried his best to understand the profound import of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine message. In his teachings HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba very clearly said: Child! By immersing oneself in the vicious cycle of material gains one must not forget spiritual benefits. On witnessing the millions of miraculous feats enacted by our divine father Almighty God both on planet earth and in the entire cosmos we must ceaselessly remember our beloved Lord. We sin a lot when in the process of fattening our false selfish ego ‘I’ we harass poor and helpless subjects. Behind man undergoing discontent and all types of failure is this very sinful behavior and thinking. Child! Do think a bit. See how wondrous is Almighty God’s tasks. If in the same soil we sow sugar cane and nearby red chilly same water from rain falls on both of these plants. Yet chilies are very pungent but sugar cane gives us a very sweet taste. Despite the soil supplied to both these plants is same one rose is white in color and the other is pink in color and a third is yellow in color. Thus one soil is producing various types of things. The one who gave birth to you is called ‘mother’ by you. But say! Of what type is that Supreme 55/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Mother who creates the entire cosmos full of millions of various types of materials that too in infinite measure like fruits, flowers, iron, wood, stone, diamond, crops etc? In the lap of planet earth who is our Mother thousands of types of civilizations dwell. Hence tell me! Shall our Mother Earth experience joy on seeing one human harassing another or one civilization oppressing another? Child! Thus the true goal of life is that if we are rich we must help the poor and needy and that if we are powerful we must protect the weaker class of society. The hungry must be fed food. Never earn money via foul corrupt means and never destroy Mother Nature. Never encourage tasks that are based on falsehood and forever we must endeavor to attain Almighty God’s grace. With a very pious heart we must sing God’s holy name (Sankirtan) because it is the Lord who is the omnipotent divine doer of this cosmos. It is he who resides in every cause and effect. He is totally beyond everything that we see or do not see. Beyond God nothing exists. In flowing water, in water that is becoming steam, in solar rays, in the sun, in the moon, in moonshine and in all activities of both inanimate and inanimate things my (Almighty God’s) divine influence can be seen. While speaking thus HH Devraha Baba was inwardly reinstated in divine cosmic consciousness or Brahmabhava. In such an inner state a Mahayogi does not have to come or go anywhere. Wherever they wish to go they reach there, unobstructed at that very moment. Within their souls, dance infinite divine energies of Almighty God. Since such Mahayogis eternally are immersed in meditation of God they become one with God. On hearing all this via the wise scholarly interpreter the King of England deeply understood HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine teachings. After this the king prayed to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for throwing further light on this subject. Since the king was accompanied by an expert interpreter he had no problem in understanding HH Devraha Baba’s divine teachings. He was very much influenced by HH Devraha Baba’s divine speech and experienced divine sentiments and divine energy in each and every word of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. He also met his prince brother and again had HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan in order to get spiritual initiation or Deeksha. Then he got a painting painted of HH Devraha Baba and took it with him. Till 1190 AD this painting was showcased in London’s Hall of Commons. After this we have no special information regarding this painting. That is whether the painting is yet there in this hall or not we do not know. The king could not understand why his prince brother had renounced such a big empire. What had his brother attained that in comparison to it such a gigantic empire had no importance for him? People are known to murder one another merely for a few hundred pounds and hence the question was why did his prince brother give up an empire worth billions of pounds? Who had given such advice to his brother or that what was the thinking behind such an action? Lest some saint’s sacred advice has influenced his brother profoundly 56/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN definitely this saint was extraordinary and a super great soul whose inspiration was so powerful. CHAPTER 15 GOLD CAN BE MADE FROM URINE ALSO! Round about the year 1857 AD when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had completed his austerities near Devariya Lake (India) for some time he was journeying on foot in the western region of Yamnotri and Harkidun spot. This region was a rocky mountainous type, icy cold and very silent. People of urban areas were yet very rare to be seen rushing here. Cars or other vehicles too were absent. Food, water etc had to be carried on one’s back. In daytime too ferocious jungle beasts were encountered. In this very spot HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was enjoying his travel on foot with a 25 year old young disciple. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was collecting many rare herbs growing here. In this region that herb can be found growing wherein if one sucks about 4 seeds of it at an interval of 3 hours one does not experience hunger or thirst for 12-15 days. The seeds of this particular herb are 57/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN quite similar to seeds of Bijband herbs (that have medicinal properties) growing in Pansari region. In this region one can find many Paras stones (touchstones) also. Paras because of its mind boggling quality is a very well known stone yet since it is very rare to find people merely possess hearsay information regarding it. None knows how it exactly looks. Many true and false data are discussed about the Paras stone. The people residing in the region where HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was journeying were known to conjoin small pieces of iron to the hooves of goat and sheep that they owned so that if this iron touched a Paras stone while walking it would turn to pure gold. These people every 2nd or 4th day would check the hooves of their sheep and goats whether the iron tied there had turned to gold or not. Lest actually in the animal’s hoof iron had actually got converted to gold they would remove it and attach another piece of iron to the hoof. Apart from this people residing there would tie pieces of iron with very strong threads and hang it on waterfalls in those areas. These people every 2nd or 4th day would check the iron hanging on the thread and if it had not yet been converted to pure gold they would again place it in the waterfall. They would do all this so that lest a Paras stone flowing in these waters touched the hanging iron piece, the iron would turn into gold. The young disciple of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would follow the latter everywhere in his travels. Aping these local residents there the disciple too would tie to his waist a 10 feet rope to which in turn was tied a piece of iron. Thus while walking behind HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba the iron attached to the disciple’s waist would drag touching the ground. For this action of his HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba scolded the disciple many a times and warned him not to tie this iron to his waist. But the disciple was hell bent on going against HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine advice. No doubt for 4 days the disciple would do as HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba advised yet the very next day he would again walk with the iron dragging on the ground behind him. In this manner while walking behind HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for a few months with iron pieces attached to his waist the disciple gathered a few kg’s of pure gold in these very lonely rocky mountainous regions. Since the disciple felt it quite arduous to carry this huge amount of gold with him, at intervals while traveling he would bury a bit of this gold under huge trees. The disciple would make a note of where he had placed this gold so that whenever required or that when he returned to these spots he could dig these gold pieces and carry them away with him. Similarly one day this disciple was following HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba during his travels. As usual the disciple had tied a big stick of iron tied to his waist with a rope and the stick would drag on the ground making a jingling noise. On hearing this sound HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba shouted: Child! For quite some time I have been warning you to stop this activity of yours, yet you are just refusing to listen to me! But child! Do hear as attentively to what I say. The path you have chosen to walk on shall create a lot of hardships for you in future whereas the path I am showing you shall eternally give you true peace. It means by 58/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN helping you sit permanently at Almighty Lord’s hallowed feet I desire that you attain eternal divine bliss. But you by your foolish acts are rushing towards the hell of discontent and strife only. Do listen more my child! Now I shall head for the plains by journeying via Ramganga. Over here in the mountains there is no chaos to endure but on plains where in cities, towns and villages people dwell, they drip with greed and avarice. If they get even a whiff of the burden (gold) you are carrying with you they shall create big problems for you and in some way or the other they shall ‘lighten’ your burden. At that time you shall tear your head in grief and repentance. Hence I strictly advise you to give up deluded attachment to this big burden of gold you are carrying and follow me empty handed. This disciple on hearing HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba sage counsel went to all the spots where he had buried gold and gathered all this gold. He brought this gold to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba so that it could be carried to the plains from the mountains in which they were at present. In other words it was crystal clear that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred advice had just no effect on him and thus had decided to ignore all these well meaning warnings. It could also be said that he refused to pay heed to these dire warning seriously. After 10 days when the disciple returned with this huge amount of gold HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba started travelling towards the plains. After walking for a few days alongside the banks of rivers, waterfalls etc of the mountains when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba reached the banks of Ramganga (called River Saryu in Ayodhya) quite high above Rudra Prayag called the region of Hanuman he told his disciple who was secretly carrying with him the burden to about 10 kg of gold: Child! How can you call yourself my disciple when you refuse to listen to what I say? In sacred scriptures it is written: ‘Shisyastu kova?’ It means ‘who is a true disciple’? The answer is: ‘Guru bhakt yo va’. It means a true disciple is one who is a loving devotee of the Guru. A devotee is one who obeys all commands given to him/her and certainly not one who disdainfully ignores sage advice given by the great Guru. Today child! Do listen to my decision: aj ki khave kal jhankhe, takey gorakh sang na rakhey. I am totally against hoarding and gathering things. If you wish to travel with me you shall have to renounce hoarding things. Else I shall not allow you to stay with me. Hence Sadhu (ascetic disciple)! Do listen carefully. Either these pieces of stones (gold) shall stay with you or I shall stay with you. Lest you are unable to renounce this deluded attachment to material objects I shall renounce your company. Either you keep company of these stones or keep my company. It is not in your well being to place 1 leg each in 2 boats. If you throw your gold in River Saryu only then shall I allow you to accompany me else do go your way alone. When he was spoken to harshly thus the disciple caught hold of Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba thus: Revered Sir! I can leave everything else but I cannot leave you. I shall stay only with you. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Then there is no need to carry this burden of rubbish. The ascetic disciple threw away this wealth gathered by him with immense effort on the basis of this thinking that the Guru’s orders reign supreme and is of utmost importance. Now HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba peacefully allowed his disciple to accompany him. At that end by uprooting huge stems of bananas from a forest of banana 59/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN trees with the help of banana peels a boat like construction was made. After sitting in it they would travel in the river and make stopovers at many places on the way. Sometimes in certain villages on the river banks HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would stop for a few months at a stretch to give Darshan and divine bliss to all visitors. After travelling for many years thus HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba reached Faizabad. Slowly after choosing a good spot he stopped at Gorakhpur. At that time HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had only 1 disciple accompanying him. This disciple would serve him day and night. The place at which HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was residing there for many years rainfall was very scarce. Thus there a famine like situation had taken over. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was seated in the waters of River Saryu. Faithful people here as per the order of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba built a loft at a height of 12 feet where HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba resided for a fairly long time span. He resided here till around 1980 AD. After a great length of time that very disciple (who had gathered kilos of gold) came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and cried loudly in anguish. He was so much at pain within that it manifested as tears outside. When his crying decreased a fair bit HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked him: What is the problem my child? The disciple voicing his inner agony said: Revered Gurudeva! My inner material desires are not allowing me to live in peace. I cannot sleep properly at night and during the day I can hardly do any work. Even after so many years passing by my vile selfish desires are not bidding adieu to me. What should I do Sir? After listening to your sage advice I threw away 15 kilos of gold into River Ramganga despite the fact that I had labored a lot in collecting this wealth. Yet my mind is even today running after it. If you command me I shall go there to again collect gold and with its money on feeding hundreds of people I can appease this desire of mine to execute charity work. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! The fact that one desires to be called a great philanthropist, a respected social worker and a great devotee of God in order to attain world renown too is a material desire. A true Yogi must stay away from all desires whether they are righteous or unrighteous in nature else one gets ensnared by this net of worldly delusion and ultimately one gets destroyed. A snake charmer or an actor taking recourse to superficial show earns wealth to fulfill his daily life’s needs. By itself such a task is not much praised by society. Suppose someone attaches the words saint, his holiness etc in front of his name so as to use it as a façade in order to amass wealth and fame (fan following) and actually succeeds in doing all this then from our hallowed scriptures’ standpoint this activity is said to be lowly and demeaning. In comparison to such a person a snake charmer accrues much less sin. In the guise of religion and righteousness to nurture façade and vanity is such a tainted act that man creates his downfall for many lifetimes to come in future. Hence my child, I feel whether your desire is righteous or otherwise you must renounce it mentally in order to attain true long lasting peace. 60/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN When this disciple ascetic in no way tried to heed HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sage advice the latter said: OK! If you so desire and if God wishes to give you wisdom only after getting kicked about like a football then so be it! Since you have my blessings and that you have served me quite well you shall not have to roam around here and there to gather gold. I shall not allow you to waste your remaining years in search of Paras touchstone that converts iron to gold. As a boon I shall teach you the science of converting your urine into gold. But child, keep this in mind that this obstinacy of yours shall land you in big trouble. At that time do not run to me crying aloud in sorrow. On noting this ascetic’s obstinacy HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba while teaching him the science of converting urine into gold said: Child, you are already observing the Ekadashi fast (the 11th day of moon waxing and waning according to the Hindu calendar). Henceforth you must observe this fast without drinking water even or Nirjala. On the 10th day you may devour fruits and milk once in the day. You can drink water 2 times in the day and by giving the name of 3 types of herbs on the morning of Ekadashi day at around 4 am in the morning after passing urine and stools chew the 1st type of herb properly in the measure prescribed. Chew in such a way that your drink its juice and then throw away the remnants. After this in the first leg of the 3rd Prahar (around 9 am) by chewing the 2nd type of herb in the measure prescribed in such a way that you drink its juice and then throw away the remnants. After sunset on that day after seeing 2 or more than 2 stars in the sky chew properly the soft parts of the 3rd type of herb in the measure prescribed and swallow it. After this for the chemical reaction taking place in the stomach by sucking a special type of turmeric or chewing it before going to sleep it must be eaten slowly and keep in mind that on Ekadashi before sunset urine can be passed only once. Any urge to pass urine after this must be obstructed in the urinary bladder and that it should not be excreted out. On the Dwadashi Tithi via special Mantra chanting for appeasing sun and moon gods and also mentally remembering Lord Dhanvantari a Havan (fire sacrifice) must be done in which Khir mixed with Ghee or clarified butter must be offered to the Yajna fire. After this after melting 1/4 th copper in a big vessel purify it with a sal-ammoniac. Then a prescribed measure of urine passed must be poured into this copper that has melted totally. Then after covering it with a plate it should be left alone for about 3 hours or till the contents cool down fully. Later in this vessel you shall see 24 carat gold that has been prepared via the above process. Child! With this you can assuage your sorrow. Go, because I give you full permission to leave. Now do not stay here with me. This ascetic disciple on taking leave of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba left for a pilgrimage. After a short time period he reached Ganga Sagar, Ujjain, Jagganathpuri, Banaras, Prayagraj and other Tirthas. There he arranged huge programs for feeding the hungry in hordes and thus attained a lot of fame. Later this ascetic after passing by Mathura, Kurukshetra, Pushkar and Dwarika finally reached Karachi. Now this ascetic would travel on an elephant and accompanying him was a huge mob of people. Everywhere people would chant ‘victory to the sage’. Everywhere people would eulogize 61/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN him. Thousands of poor people would be fed free sumptuous meals and they would also be gifted with blankets, clothes etc. Now this ascetic was very pleased. In Karachi too when he planned big programs of feeding huge crowds of people in a few days the entire city got to know about him. At that time the district officer was an Englishman who was quite astounded that how could this ascetic who did not do any work to earn money was conducting such expensive Yajnas and also feeding hundreds of people without taking any money from them? This officer suddenly accompanied by police personnel raided the ascetic’s residence wherein they confiscated about 20 kg of 24 carat gold. Of course apart from this they did not find any narcotics or intoxicants. The collector immediately locked up this ascetic in jail. The collector started questioning the ascetic as to how he got possession of so much pure gold. The ascetic did not want to answer this question at all. When the ascetic was given strong arm tactics and a lot of fear was instilled in his mind the ascetic unfolded the mystery saying that he made this gold from his urine. When the collector refused to believe the ascetic’s version the latter said to the collector that he could be tested for this truth. The collector out of curiosity asked as to how this was possible? The ascetic said: When my urine touches copper the latter gets converted to 24 carat gold. At that time the ascetic had already passed urine once for executing this process and hence he had obstructed his urine in his bladder as instructed by Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. The collector asked him whether urine passed only once by him could be used to make how much amount of gold? The ascetic said that this answer can be given only later. In the meantime he told the collector to gather as much of copper as possible. In that era the collector sent many of his aides to as many homes as possible to collect copper articles like vessels, rings, lids, wires etc. When these were weighed collectively it was found to be the measure of 1 quintal. The ascetic asked one person to light a wooden stick of catechu with fire. Then in a huge vessel the copper collected was placed and was melted in the fire lit. In an hour’s time when the fire became very hot the copper melted fully like wax and almost appeared like water. As per requirements the copper was purified using sal-ammoniac. Then the ascetic, opening his loin cloth in front of all those present passed urine in 5 glass vessels, in equal measure. Immediately these vessels were shut properly with lids. This was done so that the chemical steam did not fly away to naught in the atmosphere. When after about 3 hours the lids were removed the entire copper got converted to pure gold. On seeing this officials and the collector were mind boggled. On looking in the direction of the ascetic the latter said that at the moment I can pass only this much urine. On hearing this everyone was wonderstruck. This report was immediately sent to London by the collector. At that time King George Fourth’s son was anointed as the king i.e. King George Fifth. The London govt. had decided to call this ascetic there and put him under their authority. This decision was not hidden from the ascetic. All his arrogance of possessing Yogic powers cooled down. The ascetic was now very scared and thus at this moment he remembered HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s harsh yet well meant words. The ascetic thought: O Gurudeva! 62/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN This time please do get me out of this dire situation. Henceforth I promise that I shall never ignore your sacred commands. Due to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s invisible grace wisdom dawned in the ascetic’s psyche that by hook or by crook he must contact HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and only then his problem can be solved. He hence wrote something in Persian language and via someone sent it to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. On reading this letter HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba calling the Gorakhpur collector asked him to write a letter to his disciple King George Fifth in London. In this letter he gave details of his ascetic disciple and HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba wrote to the king that by calling this ascetic to London no benefit would accrue to his govt. because this ascetic is carrying out tasks based on the knowledge bestowed on him by me. Only due to my grace is his knowledge reaping success of converting copper to gold via his urine. When I shall withdraw my grace no longer shall this ascetic be able to make gold from his urine. If you call this ascetic know that since he shall not be able to make gold from his urine which is the reason why your govt. is calling him to London he shall only be a burden on you wherein you shall also have to feed him etc. Child! If you give pain to any ascetic and saint Almighty God shall get displeased with you. Hence it is my command that you immediately pass an order to release this ascetic disciple of mine. The moment this letter reached London to the king the latter passed an order to immediately release the ascetic. Thus Karachi’s collector after confiscating 20 kg of gold and the extra 1quintal gold from the ascetic released the latter from jail. The ascetic headed straight for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred Darshan. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said that he was not displeased with the ascetic. It is the Guru’s responsibility to scold and hammer his disciple so as to make him walk on the correct path of true well being. By helping the disciple to go beyond worldly fleeting attractions his doubts are first warded off so that the disciple marches ahead on the path of God attainment that gives eternal divine joy. After scolding the ascetic a lot HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave him Prasad and sent him to the Himalayas. He told the ascetic that this was the last Darshan he was getting. Now go to the Himalayas so as to carry out austerities in order to remember Almighty God. Thus after the ascetic got liberated from all desires he would be able to immerse his mind in God devotion. This is the most important task of creatures that are embodied as humans. My unlimited grace flows on you. You shall definitely attain God Realization. Later about 120 kg of gold was kept in Karachi’s museum by the collector there. Even today this gold is kept well secured in London and Karachi’s museum. Later this collector also went for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan and became his staunch devotee. At that time the collector understood who exactly are saints and sages and what kind of wealth make them infinitely wealthy. 63/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN At that time this ascetic disciple of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was about 82 years old. As per Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s command mentally bowing down to him stayed away from worldly chaos. He had headed towards the banks of Himalaya’s River Ganges in a cave there so as to serenely remember Almighty God. There he dwelt for around 18 long years. He was a devotee of Lord Rama. Due to Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s blessings his mind got totally immersed in divine thoughts of God. Gurudeva making him undergo harsh situations had in the process warded off the ascetic’s material desires, yearning for name and fame and avarice for wealth. Now since the ascetic was free of all worries daily in the early dawn hours after bowing down to Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would immerse himself in remembering God and performing sacred worship. Thus he got immersed in the infinite ocean of divine ecstatic bliss and supreme peace. He had also had direct Darshan of Lord Shri Ram, Goddess Sita, Lakshmanji and Hanumanji. Many a times Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba too would appear before him in his astral form. After giving this ascetic divine commands, Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would disappear from there in a flash of a moment. CHAPTER 16 THE WALKING-TALKING MOBILE LORD MAHADEVA OF VRINDAVAN Before the Holi festival HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would gracefully visit the holy pilgrim spot of Shri Vrindavan Dham and the news of his arrival would spread like wild fire in the regions of Vrindavan, Mathura, Bharatpur, Agra, Aligadh, Bulandshaher, Delhi, Gaziyabad, Palval and Faridabad. In previous times HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would dwell in Shri Vrindavan Dham for only 1.5 months on the shores of River Yamuna in a hut made of leaves etc. This time a huge crowd of people including devotees and ministers from New Delhi had come to have his Darshan. Apart from this the common lay public too would throng there in hordes to have his Darshan and in every home this was the hot topic of discussion. Have you gone for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan? If not, do go there immediately for it. As 64/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN long as HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba dwelt on the River Yamuna shores till then heavy throngs of crowds would rush there for his sacred Darshan. Since thousands of people came there huge crowds were seen near HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine presence. Only one road passing by Shri Vrindavan Dham would reach HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft. If a person seeing hordes of people rushing there asked one of them as to where everyone is heading towards? Is there a Mela or fair that has been organized? He would get only one answer that this huge crowd is rushing to have the divine Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. The main reason for this was that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had been donning this body of his since the Dwapar Yuga or era. About 18 ancestral generations of the King of Nepal were disciples of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. None knew what was his exact age was. Some would say he was 400, others would say either 800, 1000 or 2100 years according to the newspaper Navbharat Times. Many other newspapers and magazines gauged HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s age to be 5000 years. What exactly was the truth regarding his age, only HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba knew for sure but these sorts of talks would attract a lot of people here in hordes. It was also something quite amazing that akin to Lord Sadashiva, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba who remained totally naked and never accepted any gift of any kind from his devotees would give away as Prasad of sweets, sugar candies etc in untold amount to one and all who visited him. Yet no one knows how he managed to give all this without accepting any cash or anything else from anyone whether he she was rich or poor. ‘HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba only knows his divine sports or Lilas’. No doubt devotees visiting HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would carry with them sweets, flowers, fruits etc to offer to him as Dakshina yet when they saw him giving away infinite amounts of sweets, fruits, sugar candies etc to each and everyone even if their number was more than 25,000 per day it appeared that it is only his divine sports or Lilas that not one devotee of his left empty handed since each one without exception would be blessed with Prasad of sweets, fruits, sugar candies etc. Further this too was quite common to witness that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would give away so many fruits in large numbers that were not known to grow in the season in which he gave away these fruits as Prasad. For example when people were mind boggled to receive fresh apples in the month of January HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would just smile divinely. These incidences took place only as per his divine will. On noting this amazement all devotees especially Vrindavan residents arriving for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s hallowed Darshan would devotedly call him a walking-talking Lord Mahadeva. The reason for this was that after the festival of Mahashivratri in the year 1980 AD when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba permanently started residing in Vrindavan since then this mystery got unveiled. On Mahashivratri as soon as the sun set at dusk HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would enter a special type of trance or Samadhi and since excess dampness remained in his matted locks water drops would continuously drip down from his matted hair locks. The 65/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN more night time would advance, more swiftly would these water drops drip from his hair. Between 11-12 pm so much water dripped forth that everyone was dumbstruck. On seeing HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba during Mahashivratri festival it seemed that we are directly in the presence of Lord Mahadeva or Shiva. Water drops falling on his body from the matted hair would be collected by us in bottles. Other faithful devotees too would collect it and because of excess water dripping down HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft the soil there would become wet and sticky. This quagmire too would be taken reverently by devotees and kept safely in their homes. This quagmire when pasted on the body of anyone afflicted with difficulties, health problems etc would get miraculously cured. When the water was sprinkled in homes or on one’s body all problems related to them would get warded off. This was a sure shot way to overcome black evil powers attacking a person. Even today this wet soil and water of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba collected thus is placed on his tombstone-Samadhi Sthal and it is given to devotees in tiny amounts. When the Mahashivratri festival day dawned Vrindavan devotees would carry River Ganges waters in pots and the first pot would be showered on HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba after having his sacred Darshan. After this, the holy river water would be poured on the Gopeshwar Mahadeva deity in a temple about 2 km away from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft. These devotees believed that it is Gopeshwar Mahadeva deity who has appeared as HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba in Vrindavan. For them Gopeshwar Mahadeva was an image but HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was a walking-talking Lord Mahadeva. In this huge crowd of people carrying so many water pots the whole day victory praises like- ‘Victory to the walking-talking Lord Mahadeva’ were chanted continuously. ‘Audhardani Mahadeva ki jai’ and ‘Mahadeva Devraha Baba ki jai’ were chanted loudly. His tombstone has been constructed only so that devotees can offer their deep faith at his sacred feet else say, does Almighty Lord Shiva require any building construction? Today all devotees imbued with deep faith in unison do Mahabhishekh with 51 or 108 liters milk, curds, Ghee, honey or sugar, perfume and a mixture of rose and fragrant pandanus (Kevda) flowers for 2-3 hours continuously on each full moon day between 8 am to 10.30 am. On every moonless day a radiantly grand flower house is made. On every 19th day of each month blankets in winter, milk and sugar in summer and cold drinks are given to people everywhere suffering from intense cold or heat. In the Shrimad Bhagwat scripture the Lord himself says that although by incarnating as 10 Avatars I lessen the burden of this world but for the happiness of many devotees I also appear as such an Avatar that only the pure souls of my beloved devotees can identify. Hence we fall full length in prostration (Sashtang dandvat pranan) at the lotus feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba called walking-talking Lord Mahadeva on behalf of all his devotees and the world of animate inanimate creatures (beasts, birds, trees, plants, humans, stones etc) so that all of us get his blessings for attaining all round well being. 66/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN SARVE BHAVANTU SUKHINAHA SARVE SANTU NIRAMAYAHA. SARVE BHADRANI PASHYANTU MA KASHCHID DUKHA BHAG BHAVET. CHAPTER 17 THE GREAT MAHAYOGI SAMRAT DEVRAHA BABA-BEYOND ALL RELIGIONS, CASTES AND SECTS In those times when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba resided in Kashi or Prayagraj for 1.5 months residents there would throng in hordes to have his sacred Darshan. In this crowd one could find Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Jews and devotees of other foreign nationalities too. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba always harbored a divine vision of same sightedness towards all and looked upon all as his very beloved souls. The great Samrat Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine matted locks, thin bony body, naked, with a very serene face and brilliantly shining eyes would paint an image of Almighty Lord Shiva in the minds of all devotees who had his sacred Darshan. It seems as though that Audhardani Bholenath had appeared here as an aged Lord Mahadeva. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would give importance only to the innocent love for God oozing in the souls of anyone who visited him. 67/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Never would he give even an iota of a thought towards the visiting devotees’ nationality, caste or wealth possessed. It appears that an episode that had one taken place is forcing me to share the same with all you respected devotees. One police inspector was HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s devotee and another police officer was his spiritually initiated disciple-Shishya. One day HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba praised this police inspector devotee of his. Since the police officer disciple was senior to this inspector he did not like this praise showered on the latter. Yet the police senior officer kept silent. But at one point when this senior officer could not control himself he told HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba that the police inspector whom he was praising was not of good character. The officer said that he knew the inspector quite well. The inspector would daily drink alcohol and yet you call him a good man. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I have nothing to do with his alcohol consumption. I only know that his soul is very pious. So many people even after devoting to God for a long time do not become pure hearted. This inspector has no enmity towards anybody and hence in a matter of moments he can be made to give up his alcohol addiction. With my blessings his will power or Iccha shakti can become so powerful that in a flash he can give up alcohol addiction of his. Thus in one day itself he can become the best amongst all greats. This is because he has only one bad habit of alcohol drinking and no other bad quality. Thus he can become very great. I am not blessing him because he has some desire in his mind for drinking alcohol. In fact this taint of alcohol addiction pertains to this devotee’s physical body and not his otherwise pious soul. In this manner HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine vision always revered and honored a person’s the true form of divine truth and never external superficial facades of devotion and a show of being honest etc. CHAPTER 18 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA’S TWO DEVOTEES CALLED HABBU MIYAN AND BABBU MIYAN The Nawab of Lucknow-India had 2 sons called Habbu Miyan and Babbu Miyan. The Nawab was a staunch devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and both his sons too loved the saint dearly. They would open their hearts out to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and the latter too would hear them for quite a long time. Once on the request of the 2 brothers HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba sat on his loft’s edge with his legs hanging down. The brothers Habbu Miyan and Babbu Miyan would thus serve HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred feet. At that time HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba evinced a wish of getting his holy feet washed and 68/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN thus his 2 disciples there started making arrangements for water. But on knowing HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s haste Habbu Miyan and Babbu Miyan started licking his feet that was full of turmeric, soil, dust etc with their tongue. Thus they commenced cleaning HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s feet in this way. After licking HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s lotus feet for quite some time they cleaned away all turmeric, soil, dust etc that had stuck to it. Now the feet, nails etc appeared so clean that it looked as though they had been washed with water. Some other disciples of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba objected saying they were never given this great opportunity. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said that now the opportunity had arisen. If you so desire, you too can lick my feet. But the disciples who were ready to this decided against it later after whispering in each others’ ears that they would also have to lick the Muslim brothers’ spit that had latched on to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s feet when they were licking it clean. Thus they remained silent. At that point HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said that what can I do if you do not harbor pious devotional sentiments in your heart which these 2 Muslim brothers possess in plenty? On hearing this all disciples were ashamed and thus despite their request HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba refused to allow them to serve his lotus feet. He said: Child! That was a wave of great devotion to me which has now gone away. From the hallowed lips of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba his teaching was heard in the bosom: Ahaha nath mai ka jug jayan Bhukhey bagh ke kam na ayan. During the final years of the 18th century HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was roaming here and there in dark dense jungles of Uttarakhand-India. At that time he harbored intense dispassion towards continuing to remain alive in his mortal coil. He was now totally detached towards his very long life that he had led so far. He thought to himself that by giving up his physical body he will give it away as food to other creatures. This was the decision made by him. Keeping this aim in mind HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba reached a lake in the jungles where wild ferocious beasts would come there to drink water. On its edge he sat down on a rock in Sidhasan (half lotus posture) and entered the highest stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or thought free trance. This he did so that violent beasts on smelling his body would devour it as food to sustain their bodies. In this manner HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba could give up his mortal coil and end his divine sports or Lilas on planet earth. For about 1 month ceaselessly HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba remained in this trance with just no awareness of the external mundane world. After this he regained a bit of mundane awareness. But on noting that his body was not engulfed by any beast he was not happy. He was a bit pained that despite 1 month passing by no creature devoured his body. Very near to this lake in a cave dwelt an old tiger. Since it was very old it could not hunt for prey in order to take care of his nourishment needs. Off and on this old tiger remained hungry. After drinking water of the lake the tiger would recline in his cave. When other creatures arrived at the lake to drink 69/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN water the tiger would try to kill them for his meals yet he failed miserably in doing so. Thus HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba made up his mind to let this old hungry tiger devour his body. He entered the tiger’s cave and spoke to it: You may eat up my body to appease your hunger but amazingly the tiger akin to a tame dog very quietly kept staring at HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and also wagged its tail. But he then put his hand into the jaws of the tiger so that in some way or the other his blood or flesh could be tasted by the tiger. But not only did the tiger not chop off HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s hand but like a pet dog threw away his hand out of its mouth. The more HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba tried to force the tiger to eat his hand the tiger would remove it from its mouth. Not only this but that the tiger yawned loudly, spread out its legs and right in front of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba shut its eyes to fall into deep sleep. At that time HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba wrote about his agony in the following words: Ahaha nath mai ka jug jayaun. Bhukhey bagh ke kam na ayaun. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Seeing what Almighty God wished intensely I immediately renounced the thought of giving up my mortal body. A Yogi must harbor no type of attachment or affection towards his body. Thus how can such a Yogi get mentally attached to others’ physical bodies? A true adept Yogi is always immersed in the divine bliss of his soul/Atman. He does not have to come or go anywhere. It is such a great Yogi who sanctifies Mathura, Kashi, Pushkar, Kurukshetra and Rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati etc. Such a Yogi is a great unswerving devotee of Almighty God. Evam satata yukta ye bhaktastwam paryupasate. Ye chapyakshara mavyaktam tesham ke yoga vittamaha. ……………BHAGWAD GEETA (CHAPTER 12) Arjun said: O Shri Krishna! Who is a greater devotee i.e. a loving devotee who by immersing himself ceaselessly in your devotion/meditation towards your name and form manifestation (Saguna rupa) or one who worships and remembers only your nameless formless aspect called Sat-Chit-Anand (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss)? Amongst these 2 devotees say who is greater in your holy vision? LORD SHRI KRISHNA SAID: Mayyaveshya mano ye mam nityayukta upasate. Shradhaya parayo petaste mai yuktatama mataha. 70/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN LORD SHRI KRISHNA SAID: Amongst Yogis I feel greatest are those who after focusing their minds on me ceaselessly worshiping and meditating on me with deep supreme faith devote themselves to my Saguna (with name-form) aspect. Ye twaksharama nirdeshyam awyaktam paryupasate. Sarwatra gama chintyam cha kutastha machalam dhruvam. Sanniyamendriya gramam sarwatra samabuddhayaha. Te prapnuvanti mameva sarwa bhuta hite rataha. But those devotees who master their sense organs perfectly meditate and worship with a same sighted intellect my cosmic indescribable form that is beyond the ken of the mind and brain and which is the eternal, immovable, formless, imperishable and Sat-Chit-Anand (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) God/Brahman always work only for true welfare of the entire cosmos and thus such Yogis with equal vision of soul oneness with all too attains me. CHAPTER 19 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA WAS THE GURU OF 18 PREVIOUS GENERATIONS OF ANCESTORS OF THE KING OF NEPAL HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s age remained a mystery. This is because he never ever denounced the topic of his age and neither did he argue in favor of it. He would always live in natural divine ease. Each word he compassionately uttered had deep profound meaning of great import. When questioned about his age HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would only say this much: Child! I am Brahmaleen (immersed eternally in divine cosmic consciousness and that I am beyond the bondage of age of this material physical body of mine. From royal clans many types of proof are available that clearly point out to the fact that HH Mahayogi 71/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Devraha Baba has been carrying out divine sports via his one and the same body right since ancient times. When in the year 1989 AD Jaipur’s Queen Gayatri Devi came for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan accompanied by her 2 sons during a conversation HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba spoke about many ancient kings of Raipur. One amongst these was the Queen’s grandfather in law’s father as mentioned by her. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba spoke about many things not known to many people and was known only to Queen Gayatri Devi. In this conversation hidden wealth was also discussed. Queen Gayatri Devi said that she was wonderstruck as to how HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba knew about all this. The queen said that although she knew all this yet at that time it was not possible for her to attain that wealth. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Daughter! Your grandfather in law’s father was my disciple. Many kings previous to him too were my disciples. It is not as though I am the royal Guru only of your royal clan. Kings of 18 generations previous to present day King of Nepal were my disciples. Proof of this can be found even today in gold etched letters. My unlimited blessings flow on you and told her younger son: Son Jagat! It is not to drive cars very fast. The Kings of Palkot too was HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s disciples regarding whom he had said when an opportunity arrived that in previous times kings could change the caste of anyone they wished. The present day King Krishnashah Dev’s father Omkardas was initiated into Sanyas when he had advanced in age by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. One day this king went into the jungle. He was riding a horse. He was very thirsty and with him was a Harijan youth of lowest caste. He asked this youth to bring water. The youth hesitated a bit and asked whether the king would drink water brought by him since he was of backward caste? The king said: Alright! From today I convert you into a Kshatriya or soldier class. Go quicly now and get me some water to drink. I shall definitely drink water from your hands. Saying this much the king removed his Yajnopaveet/sacred thread and wound it around the low caste youth’s neck. After drinking water brought by this youth, the king appeased his thirst. After returning to his kingdom the king gave this youth lots of land and villages as gift. After a very short time this youth became very rich and then he was also betrothed to the royal family of Nepal. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would often say: Child! My blessings have always poured on the Kings of Nepal. These kings would often send such rare priceless deer and tiger skins to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba that instead of being killed by gun bullets were removed when the deer and tigers of very rare species died a natural death. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would always use only such deer skin and tiger skin got after they died naturally. He would say: One must never perform holy worship rites or do meditation while sitting on skins of deer, tiger etc killed via bullets when they are diseased. If you do so it shall only bring you misfortune and strife. 72/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 20 FULFILLING THE LAST WISHES OF KUREA STATE’S KING MAHENDRA PRATAP SINGH DEV Very near to Madhya Pradesh’s Reeva State existed a minor state called Kurea which is called thus even today. The king of this state had 3 sons. One of these sons about 30 years previously had settled in USA, the 2nd son Shri KP Singh Dev is at present the Irrigation Minister of Madhya Pradesh and the 3rd son King Mahendra Pratap Singh Dev resided in Kolkata’s 5 Dharmatalla Street. Recently in the year 1998 AD round about the Holi Festival he shed his mortal frame. He was one amongst the most devoted and loving devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. King Mahendra Pratap Singh Dev had once told us that previously 73/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had also resided in their state and used to be well known as Anvalhava Baba because he would dwell on a very old Anvla or emblyc myrobalan tree. While talking about regarding this Kurea State HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would tell us about such ancient things which our fathers would tell us after hearing from their fathers or grandfathers. Rest assured after studying deeply about the history of my royal clan and ancestors I (King Mahendra Pratap Singh Dev) have unearthed sound proof that at the time our royal ancestors had yet not come and resided in Kurea State there it was aborigines (Adivasi Kol-Bhils) who were its rulers. At that time HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had journeyed in this region a lot for a very long time. Later after gaining victory over these aborigines my royal ancestors converted this Kurea State into their kingdom. Our royal ancestors even before coming to dwell in Kurea State have been disciples of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. I know at least this much that my royal ancestors of past 14 generations minimum have been disciples of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. It was he who inspired my royal ancestors to inhabit this region. Just 1 year before the king’s death when he visited me (HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s disciple), he said: O revered sir! It is my last wish before death that my children settle down well in life and that I immerse myself in devotion to Almighty God. Since this body shall definitely perish one day I wish that even though I die anywhere yet its final post death rites get performed in front of Guru Maharaj Devraha Baba’s tombstone or Samadhi Sthal. Due to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s untold grace this final wish of King Mahendra Pratap Singh Dev got duly fulfilled. We disciples of Guru Maharaj Devraha Baba with our own hands performed his post death rites right in front of the Guru’s tombstone on the other bank of River Yamunaji. At the time of these sacred rites the king’s elder brother KP Singh Dev, Ashok and many other devotees were present. We have many more noteworthy episodes regarding King Mahendra Pratap Singh Dev that can be discussed by us only when an appropriate situation manifests. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and the deity Shri Jagganathpuri were the king’s icons. Thus we pray to both to bestow eternal well being on the departed devotee king. 74/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 21 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR POURS HIS DIVINE LOVE ON SAINT GAYA PRASADJI AND SAINT DONGRE MAHARAJJI Before HH Devraha Baba Sarkar wound up his divine sports on planet earth by shedding his mortal coil amongst aged old saints of Vrindavan around the year 1988 AD he spoke regarding only one aged saint called Shri Gayaprasadji by saying: Child! Gayaprasadji is a very good pious saint. You all must definitely go for having his Darshan. HH Devraha Baba Sarkar would also heap praises on great saint Bhagwatakar HH Dongreji Maharaj. He would always send Prasad for Dongreji Maharaj. He said that Dongreji Maharaj was an icon of divine love and would tell all devotees visiting him: Child! You must listen to 75/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Dongreji Maharajji’s discourse on Shrimad Bhagwad. If you do so you shall definitely attain true eternal well being. HH Devraha Baba Sarkar also highly eulogized Saint Prabhudatt Brahmachariji. Apart from these HH Devraha Baba Sarkar had bestowed the title of ‘Jagadguru’ on quite a few saints and sages. He had given the title of ‘Brahmarshi’ to Saint Satavlekarji. The Super Saint amongst all great saints HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s divine sports are so infinite in number that it is impossible for us disciples to pen all of them down in literature or book form. CHAPTER 22 FOR THE LATE MRS. MODI, HH MAHAYOGI SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WAS LORD HANUMAN’S AVATAR There was a time in India when the members of the Modi clan were leading industrialists and thus were quite well known. One such member was the pious devotee called Mrs. Dayawati Modi and she was a staunch follower of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. She looked upon him as an Avatar of Lord Hanumanji. It was not just wild imagination on her part but that behind this belief of hers was a proof based fact. Lord Hanumanji was her chosen deity and icon for worship. Although she was already HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s disciple yet she would 76/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN visit other scholars and saints in order to get a method of performing worship rites so as to get direct Darshan of Lord Hanumanji. One day she got this information from a good scholar. After getting details of its ritual methods Mrs. Dayawati Modi executed an Anushthan. As per the rules of spiritual practices/Sadhana the time period and method of this Anushthan were kept a top secret. At the prescribed time the Anushthan was completed. It had been done with a lot of faith and effort yet she did not get direct Darshan of Lord Hanumanji. Thus Mrs. Dayawati Modi felt quite sad. Later when she went to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for Darshan she told him about the details of her Anushthan. On hearing everything HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Daughter! There was a king who thought to himself that previously since King Parikshit had heard the Shrimad Bhagwat discourse from the great Mahayogi Shri Shukdevji Maharaj and had attained salvation or Moksha, I too must listen to a Shrimad Bhagwat discourse and thus get liberation/salvation. This king thus arranged for a Shrimad Bhagwat discourse. A well known scholarly Brahmin gave this discourse. For all 7 days there was bliss experienced on hearing it yet this king did not get salvation. Thus the king was very dissatisfied inwardly. Suddenly one day he came in contact with a saint who had attained God vision and Self Realization. The king spoke to this great saint about his desire and how he failed in attaining salvation or Moksha. When the king wished to hear from the saint as to why he failed thus the great saint replied: Tomorrow when you come here do get the Brahmin who had given the Shrimad Bhagwat discourse arranged by you. The king next day did exactly this. The great saint told one of his disciples to tie up the Brahmin to a tree with a rope. Further the saint told the disciple to tie up the king also to another tree growing nearby. Now the saint told the Brahmin to untie the king who was tied with a rope to the tree. The Brahmin immediately said that he would not be able to do so. Then the saint told the king to untie the Brahmin who was tied with a rope to the tree nearby. The king too said that he would not be able to do so. Hence the great saint said: O king! You aspire to place yourself at par with King Parikshit of days of yore? You do not harbor within the same deep faith that King Parikshit had towards God and Guru and yet you wish to get the same fruits of salvation just as King Parikshit had attained? This then is you weakness. This Brahmin who gives discourses does so out of greed for wealth and hence he fails miserably in executing great tasks as done by the great Mahayogi Shri Shukdevji. Mahayogi Shri Shukdevji had not come there to give a discourse so that in return he would get rich gifts in cash and kind or get worshiped by the audience there. Further King Parikshit made no efforts to become like someone. In fact he had become an image of total dispassion and mental detachment to the entire world. Since intense love for Almighty God had arisen in his heart, his soul had become very pious. Hence on hearing the Shrimad Bhagwat discourse with such a pure, sacred and focused mind he attained salvation. Thus you too must continue hearing spiritual discourses and slowly but surely when the fruits of your sins get destroyed your inner state shall become the same as that of the pious devoted King Parikshit. Hence 77/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN daughter Dayawati! It is not very easy to attain God vision. Only when our faith is steadfast do we get vision or Darshan of gods-goddesses and not otherwise. Of course this is possible via blessings got from great self/god realized masters also. The devoted Mrs. Dayawati Modi said: O Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar! You are a great self/god realized master and a true Sadguru. I am your disciple. If my inner sentiments are not totally sanctified I am standing in front of your holy presence. Hence I humbly pray to your for God vision. You are Purna and divinely self fulfilled. Then why is it that I have yet not attained God vision? Sir! Please do fulfill this heartfelt wish of mine via your divine grace. I seek your divine shelter. Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Daughter Dayawati! Lest gods-goddesses actually appear in their true original form an ordinary human cannot endure their divine aura. Hence they give vision or Darshan only after gauging the devotee’s inner capacity to endure their divine radiant light of terrific potency. Lest Lord Hanumanji manifests his form of burning Lanka in Tretayuga as detailed in epic Ramayan then today’s lay folks on seeing it shall die in a flash. Today people do not have that potent power that they can endure such brilliant divine light. Daughter Dayawati! My grace definitely flows on you. Your inner sacred desire shall definitely get fulfilled. Come! Do have Darshan. After saying this much Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar stood up on his loft with a deerskin in hand. He was now being seen as none other than Lord Hanumanji. From his divine body emerged a red attractive halo and on seeing him hardness of thunderbolt could be experienced. It was impossible to focus one’s vision on this potently divine vision for more than 10 seconds. After giving this holy Darshan only for 15 seconds Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar withdrew his form of Lord Hanumanji. Then sitting down there itself he looked to his right and left for some time. After this looking in front of him with his brilliant, shiny as diamond and rock hard steady eyes out of sheer untold compassion and grace said (since he had already given Prasad etc away): I now give permission to this devoted mother (Mrs. Dayawati Modi) to leave. Regarding this incident I (author) had a telephonic conversation with Mrs. Dayawati Modi in 1992-93 AD. I had asked a question to her regarding this incident and she answered that after this Darshan of Lord Hanumanji she was mind boggled because this divine form was seen by her only and none else who were present there near Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar. It is dumbfounding that myself, Maharajji and Mrs. Dayawati Modi had Darshan one and the same form yet for the remaining devotees they saw him as Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar only and not Lord Hanumanji. What a Yoga Lila of this great Mahayogi? A similar type of incident also took place with Mr. and Mrs. Birlaji. Mrs. Birlaji saw Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar as naked Lord Sadashiva and said that he was an Avatar of Lord Shiva. She would tell Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar that he was none other than Lord Shiva himself. Each year she would find time to come for Darshan of Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar at least twice. Many a times she would be 78/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN accompanied by the devotee Mr. Vishnu Hari Dalmiyaji. Revered Devraha Baba Sarkar would give him many priceless divine teachings. CHAPTER 23 BLESSINGS GIVEN TO THE FORMER PM OF INDIA-CHAUDHARI CHARAN SINGH BY HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR Before he became PM of India when Chaudhari Charan Singh visited HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba the latter gave him blessings. Chaudhari Charan Singh asked: HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba! With your blessings shall my mind’s wish get fulfilled? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! I have given blessings for your true well being. He again asked: HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba! Please give me those blessings that fulfill my heart’s desire. I wish to become the PM of India. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! I also bless you for 79/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN this desire of yours. Do not despair and make due efforts instead. It is the prime righteous duty of each and every citizen of India whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians etc that they serve cows (Goseva). All Presidents and PM’s of our country India must pay special attention to this. One who protects and serves cows attains both material and spiritual prosperity. Bang opposite to this if you hurt and inflict pain on cows one faces nothing but discontent and poverty. Son Chaudhari Charan Singh! My blessings are with you. CHAPTER 24 HH DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR GIVES HINTS ABOUT THE FUTURE TO RAJIV GANDHI In March-April 1990 AD Rajiv Gandhi arrived for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for Darshan from New Delhi in 3 helicopters. He was accompanied by devotee Buta Singh and the former CM of UP-Narayan Dutt Tiwari. Others included Kunvar Natwarlal, Rajesh Pilot and other ministers. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was talking to this elite group about Lord Rama’s birthplace, Ayodhya, Faizabad and other related regions. He was also enquiring about the state of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and all communities without exception. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Lord Rama’s temple must be built exactly where Ramalalla (baby Ram’s image) dwells. All my Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc devotees too shall cooperate in 80/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN building Lord Rama’s temple and for building a mosque a place must be demarcated at such a distance that in future no fights ensue. Son Rajiv! My blessings are on you. If you yourself go there as per my divine , to lay the foundation stone for Lord Rama’s temple then due to my grace this task shall succeed cent percent. There is just no doubt about it. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba discussed many other matters also with Rajiv Gandhi and gave his blessings. At that point Narayan Dutt Tiwari said: No doubt the foundation stone for Lord Rama’s temple can be laid but……before he could continue HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba interrupted: But what child? Despite being a Pandit (Brahmin scholar) for such a sacred task you added the term ‘but’. Do you know the meaning of ‘but’? It means weakness of mind to execute any task. Hence give up these ‘ifs and buts’ and do as I say. Only then shall you, this country, Muslim, Sikh, Christians etc shall attain true all round welfare. Muslims too are devotees. Child! They are not aliens but are our very own brethren. Only since the past about 400 years due to pressure tactics of Muslim invader kings that they gave up Hindu religion and became Muslims. I behold only God in everyone and thus am same sighted towards all. I belong as much to my Muslim children as I do to my Hindu children. Son Rajiv! Muslims also look upon me as their very own beloved soul. After saying this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba told him in a gist about the Hindu-Muslim fight that had occurred in Aligarh region (we shall detail this later in this book). He continued further: Not only Muslims but Christians too are my beloved devotees. In the year 1904 AD England’s King George Fifth had come here for my Darshan. After pondering a bit Rajiv Gandhi said: King George Fifth may have come to India some other time. This is what I had studied in a book. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! You are using the word ‘maybe’ and that you say you read this in a book. But since the king was my disciple he had come to meet me and had come in the year 1904 AD only. Before Rajiv Gandhi tried to say something devotee Buta Singh in whispered sound said something to Rajiv Gandhi and stopped him from arguing with HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba again and again. Buta Singh knew that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was a Sidha sage or a great God Realized Sadguru. Hence it was not correct to talk in the middle in a superfluous manner with such great saints. Yet he was also aware that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s immense grace flowed on the family of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Son Rajiv! At this moment I have demarcated such a superb Muhurat or auspicious hour that if after having my holy Darshan you along with all your aides at this very hour immediately by going to Ayodhya lay the foundation stone of the temple then due to the potent influence of my divine blessings Muslim devotees too shall unite with you and no obstacle shall be faced in building Lord Rama’s temple. In future due to the influence of this meritorious task of yours any dire situation coming your way shall get warded off and that you shall live a long life of 100 years. After this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave this entire entourage to discuss the proposition made by him amongst them because Rajiv Gandhi wished to consult ministers accompanying him regarding all this. After 81/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN discussing amongst them he told HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba that it was not possible for them to go on that day itself to Ayodhya. A program for either the next day or any other day could be decided for this task. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba via his 3rd divine eye could easily foresee that at this hour Rajiv Gandhi would not go to Ayodhya. The future was an open book for the great Mahayogi Baba. He was clearly seeing that PM Rajiv Gandhi was going to get killed due to a human bomb blast. Thus in order to ward off this death very compassionately HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was asking him to set off for Ayodhya for laying the foundation stone of the temple there. But obviously since PM Rajiv Gandhi had no clue about this he failed to understand and hence immediately act as per HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine command. Later I humbly asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba: If only you had told PM Rajiv Gandhi about his imminent death he maybe would have acted as per your divine command. He replied: Child! You are but a child and hence you do not know anything. Lest I start telling just about everyone who visits me, everything about their good/bad past and future events to come, people shall think that I am pressurizing them to do as I say. On hearing this, a thought manifested in my (author) mind that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was absolutely right. I was quite amazed at the sound logic in his words. Well any way! Without possessing great divine qualities (Sanskars) in our mind it is well nigh impossible to realize how many blessings are being poured down on us by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. When HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba heard that this ministerial group is avoiding the task of laying the foundation stone of the temple then after talking a bit more HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba clarified further regarding certain secret mysterious topics. But these divine observations of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba at that time did not seem ‘apt or correct’ to us and instead appeared ‘superfluous’ (no doubt erroneously on our part as we found out later when the appointed hour appeared). HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba pointing his hand in the southern direction said: Son Rajiv! It is written in great scriptures that the Dikpal deity of this southern direction is Lord Yama and he is the god of death. With wonder we were hearing how HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was veering away from the topic being discussed so far. No doubt we were spiritually ignorant and hence it was natural for us to think thus at that time. After this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba continued: Child! For his entire life man must abstain totally from pointing fingers at others’ bad character, self praise and boasting about one’s so called achievements to one and all. Son Rajiv! The southern direction is just not good or beneficial for you. For propaganda and other tasks please do not go there at all. By looking upon this as my command always remember it and my grace is always with you. From this divine advice of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba it was clear that he was giving a subtle hint of PM Rajiv Gandhi’s imminent death in the near future which at that time none of us present there could realize. But since HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was omniscient or Trikaldarshi it was very much his duty that he give this hint. 82/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN When once we had asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba that Sir! Since what is bound to happen cannot be warded off and that it shall definitely occur if destined to do so then why is it that great self realized omniscient Gurus like him give such prophetic hints at all? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba compassionately answered: Child! Suppose you come to know that on such and such a road many thorns are there then it becomes your prime duty to give a hint to those who are about to travel on that road to refrain from doing so. Yet despite your well meant hint they insist on journeying on that thorny road you must understand that his/her past destiny and hence Karmas are pulling them there. It means that it was written in his/her fate. Either due to Almighty God’s inspiration or for the well being and happiness of the entire world a self realized saint or great adept Mahayogi does have the divine power to ward off certain destinies. Yet, this warding off mainly is executed only when there is a possibility of the person concerned doing a lot of good both materially and spiritually of world society (for example if a person is destined to die at the age of 30 years a great saint might ward off this destiny of his by extending his life span a bit more knowing well that in future this person shall do a lot good for society’s material and spiritual well being with this extended life span attained due to sheer blessings of this great saint). Around 2 years after the last visit by PM Rajiv Gandhi for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s holy Darshan the ex PM of India- Rajiv Gandhi for election propaganda programs travelled to Peramabatur in South India. But when he stepped down from the air plane and was welcomed with flower garlands a human bomb blast took place nearby and along with many other people gathered there Rajiv Gandhi too died on the spot. It is ironical that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was previously blessing him with a full life of 100 years yet today at a relatively young age he passed away. Not only this, due to not understanding the mysterious advice of great self realized saints such untoward incidences have been endured by innumerous people right since time immemorial. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba wished only to bestow true well being on Rajiv Gandhi (by giving that prophetic hint) yet due to his powerful sad destiny Rajiv Gandhi failed to understand this hint and did bang against what HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had advised him to do (In Sanskrit literature it is said: ‘Vinash kale vipareet budhi’- it means when it is imminent that we have to face a downfall our intellect makes only erroneous decisions). 83/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 25 INDIA’S EX PM RAJIV GANDHI ASKS HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA A QUESTION AND THE LATTER’S ANSWER The present information is very much related to the above incident of Chapter 24 yet since this subject matter is different we are detailing it in this new chapter. Before ex PM of India Rajiv Gandhi left he asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba: My mother Mrs. Indira Gandhi was a staunch devotee of yours and hence why did she die in this manner? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! Mother Indira was a very nice lady. Yet her son and your younger brother Sanjay Gandhi using your mother as a medium started a campaign to control over population in India via vasectomy that was based on Sanjay Gandhi financially 84/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN benefitting the most at the personal level. All govt. officers were getting commission for every vasectomy carried out. As a result by forcefully catching helpless ascetics and saints dwelling in pilgrim spots etc were made to undergo vasectomy. Although it was at the subtle behest of Sanjay Gandhi, the lay public of India thought that it was his and your mother Indira Gandhi who was compulsorily making everyone forcefully undergo vasectomy. In this manner many ascetics and saints heaped curses on Indira Gandhi. Further even during the campaign for cow protection or Satyagraha Go Raksha Andolan the saints/ascetics protesting were heavily hit with sticks by police officers and many were either wounded badly or were crushed to death. In this carnage the bones of hundreds of saints got broken badly. Thus these saints too cursed both Sanjay Gandhi and Indira Gandhi wrathfully. Since the burden of sins had increased a lot mother Indira lost in the elections. After this incident although there was not any great auspicious Yoga in her birth chart yet due to my grace she did again rule India for a few years. Child: When you people become Prime Ministers it is but the result of your meritorious deeds. Due to sacred pious acts like to wipe the tears of people in anguish, giving food to the hungry, giving cool water to those who are thirsty, educating those who are illiterate, not taking away another’s rightful share of things, living life with ethics and honesty, donating land for the good of society etc man gets the fruits of Rajyoga or royal destiny and due to the influence of these great deeds as time lapses by such a person gets to rule his country. Child! Never give false testimony in court cases etc. These great tasks please Lord Vishnu and due to his joy man later becomes a king. Yet if you execute many more sins then since they mix with your previous good merits this Rajyoga gets destroyed and thus you lose your appointment as a ruler of your country. Child! Thus we must save ourselves from curses and harsh sentiments aimed at us by others. Especially if widows, orphans and ascetic saints heap curses on us then even Almighty God cannot save us from sorrow resulting from these curses. Rajeev son! You are a devotee. I give you my blessings. CHAPTER 26 POLITICAL PARTY CALLED CONGRESS GIVEN THE SYMBOL OF A CALF BY HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA The late Shri Motilal Nehruji’s father was a disciple and staunch devotee of HH Devraha Baba Sarkar. When Shri Motilalji was a small child his father got him spiritually initiated by HH Devraha Baba Sarkar. Later this tradition continued with Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and right up to Rajiv Gandhi. It stopped only when HH Devraha Baba Sarkar left his mortal coil to become Brahmaleen. 85/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN When the Congress Party was formed and a question arose as to what the party symbol should be many types of symbols were suggested. Yet since no final decision could be taken as fate would have it they had gone for HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s sacred Darshan. Thus Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru asked him about his party symbol. HH Devraha Baba Sarkar replied: Child! In the Indian Mythology called Padma Puran it is mentioned that once Lord Vishnu said: My devotees must look upon the calf as my very own divine form. Child! I believe that if you keep your party symbol as the calf which is God’s own divine form it shall usher in your all round welfare. You are a Pandit or Brahmin scholar. Thus it is apt that your vision focuses on righteousness and my blessings are on you. Time and again when required you shall definitely experience this blessing of mine. CHAPTER 27 INDIA-CHINA WAR IN THE YEAR 1962 AD When China attacked India the latter’s army did not know the proper art of warfare. This is because what is called war in the true sense of the term this was the first time that Indian soldiers were facing. Chinese soldiers were massacring Indian soldiers very badly. The Indian soldiers were finding it very difficult to combat them. Indians are known to be quite sensitive and emotional in nature. It is heard that the Chinese army very shrewdly used this to their advantage. In order to take over certain regions the Chinese army sent some very experienced soldiers using wiliness. They dressed up these soldiers of theirs as Tibetan 86/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN ascetics and they headed towards that region. Indian soldiers guarding that region let these disguised Chinese soldiers go away unobstructed thinking them to be innocent Tibetan ascetics. The Indian soldiers were making plans to welcome the so called innocent Tibetan ascetics. But when these Chinese soldiers disguised as innocent Tibetan ascetics called Lamas were just at a distance of 40 meters from the Indian soldier squad they swiftly removed rifles hidden in the Lamas’ robes and fired a rain of bullets at the Indian soldier squad. Thus with ease the cunning Chinese soldiers took over that region belonging to India. When the Indian PM was in a tensed state he out of sacred inspiration went for HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s holy Darshan. HH Devraha Baba Sarkar blessed him and said: Child! This is but the sport of Kaliyuga or Dark Era yet I bless you that the Chinese army shall no longer be able to move further ahead into Indian soil and in fact, will revert back. After this Panditji did go to Russia for help yet after HH Devraha Baba Sarkar gave his divine blessings not once was it mentioned in news broadcasts that China was marching ahead into Indian soil. In fact the very next day in the news broadcasted in the radio it was being said that Chinese army attack had sort of stopped in a major way. Thus it was a great opportunity for the Indian army to collect their wits and put up a firm steadfast show against the Chinese soldiers. But the thing is how could everyone know that it was due to Brahmarshi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s divine grace that our country India was protected from a massive Chinese invasion? CHAPTER 28 JALESHWAR BABA AND TAILANG SWAMI In the last leg of the 19th century Brahmarshi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar started dwelling in water only. Initially he would reside in water for about 4 hours. But slowly by increasing the number of hours he started dwelling in water continuously for 15 days at a stretch. After coming out of water on Ekadashi, full moon and moonless night would live on sunshine and air very much like water based creatures. At the end of the 20th century both Guru-brothers (Bade Maharaj and Chote Maharaj) would be given a lot of profound wisdom in solitude on devotion to God/Bhakti and Yoga spiritual practices. During this phase once we asked Brahmarshi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar as to how he resided in water for so many days? Does 87/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN immersing oneself in water for so long harm the body? Does not the skin start rotting? Brahmarshi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar with a smile said: Child! The Yogi by taking up 5 types of bodies can move about anywhere in the existence of the 5 great elements. In the human, animal and bird’s body earth element predominates. Due to its influence since ceaseless one is touched by earth and air elements their body does not get destroyed. In fact if you make someone stand in water then in a very short while his/her mind shall yearn to come out of water in an agitated manner. Similarly the body of fish, tortoise etc predominates with water element. Space element predominates in birds. As per Yoga Science this is the precise reason why fish cannot live without water and that birds can fly high in the sky. Due to the possibility of facing a lot of obstacles in the world adept Yogis in order to enjoy ecstatic divine bliss of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or trance reside in hidden caves of lofty mountains like Himalayas. Further, they can also imbibe a body, predominating with water element. Hence they can immerse themselves in river, lake water. There is just nothing wondrous about this. Child! Even you can practice this diligently. Yet before doing this mastering Kumbhak is a must (in the breathing exercise of Yoga called Pranayama after inhaling or exhaling air it is stopped either within the body or outside which is called Antar or Bahya Kumbhak). Also imbibing the attitude of non violence or Ahimsa in the psyche too is very important. We asked: Revered Sir! How can we do such Yogic practices? He kindly answered: For doing this practice when you master the art of doing Kumbhak for ½ an hour continuously within the river water at a distance of 16 feet in the shape of a square 4 bamboos must be pitched. Then all around these, cloth of jute or canvas must be spread out on them. Then after going within it as per one’s power of doing Kumbhak make a powerful resolve. Before completing Kumbhak one must come out of the river water. Child! So far the attitude of non violence or Ahimsa has yet not been firmly established in your psyche. Hence I have given you the technique of using canvas or jute cloth. If without making proper arrangement for protecting yourself you try to immerse yourself in water to enter Samadhi or trance definitely crocodiles dwelling in these waters shall eat you up. Even huge tortoises and fish can devour you. Till I do not give you my divine command both of you must refrain from immersing yourselves in river, lake waters. When Brahmarshi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar was in a divinely blissful state he would give us wondrous holy teachings. He would say: Child! There was once a Yogi called Tailanga. In the past century i.e. quite some decades back I gave up dwelling deep in the river water simply because people felt this was a miraculous feat of mine and thus my renown spread everywhere like wild fire. But when I reached Banaras later Yogi Tailanga who had yet not shed his mortal coil in order to reach Kaivalya Mukti had asked me a question regarding the feat of dwelling deep in the river water. Since I felt he had apt spiritual credentials or Patrata I answered his question. After that Yogi Tailanga too started dwelling deep in the river water for about 6 days at a stretch. No doubt he was a very good spiritual aspirant or Sadhaka. After attaining the supreme divine state of Kaivalya Mukti he obviously no longer could 88/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN spiritually uplift worldly people. Child! Quite from the beginning his nature was such. He was always immersed within the divine bliss of his soul. He would not pay attention to anyone very quickly. He would sit or lie down akin to an inert rock without moving even a wee bit. He would be seated thus on the River Ganga banks enduring rainfall without raincoat/umbrella, would not wear clothes even in days of terrible winter cold and would lie down on hot sand in days of hot summer. At such intense low or very high temperatures no layman would be able to stand even for a few seconds. Thus in the true sense of the term Yogi Tailanga was a Paramhansa. In this way there many such incidences which Brahmarshi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar would relate to us 2 Guru-brothers when we alone with him. From these conversations with Brahmarshi HH Devraha Baba Sarkar we realized why after the year 1854 AD he became well known everywhere as HH Jaleshwar Baba. CHAPTER 29 A RUSSIAN JOURNALIST COMES TO VISIT HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA IN SHRI VRINDAVAN DHAM A Russian journalist Mikhail Sergai had come for Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba just a few months before the latter shed his mortal frame. While answering many questions posed by him HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave very satisfactory answers to the journalist. At that very time when this devotee journalist asked regarding Mikhail Gorbachov HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba being omniscient due to possessing divine vision of the past, present and future said: Gorbachov is a good man. Yet the persons surrounding him as his aides are not good people. My beloved soul devotee Gorbachov must remain very cautious 89/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN about these people by his side. This is because his country Russia may break apart (later this actually happened). This great gigantic Russia got broken and scattered into tiny nations. Regarding devotee Gorbachov, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba also said: Child! If Gorbachov does come for my Darshan then due to my blessings this incident that may take place in future shall not take a very serious form. In other words HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had called Mikhail Gorbachov for Darshan yet the latter could not make it. Only he knows how these observations made by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba reached him. Yet lest the importance of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred advice had been deeply understood by Mikhail Gorbachov he would definitely have come for Darshan. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba harbored a lot of divine love for Russia. His grace poured immensely on Russia. When everyone knew that Russia has broken apart and there untold poverty has taken over HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba on hearing this very compassionately said: I see that in future my blessings for Russia’s material and spiritual uplifting shall fructify albeit slowly. In the entire world India and Russia shall become renowned for becoming true friends. Further I clearly see that after a certain time limit both these countries shall gain fame as economically and spiritually powerful nations. A very good thing that has happened is that people there are now open heartedly accepting the divine existence of Almighty God. Lest any further delay had taken place with reference to this the present crisis seen there at present would have taken a much more bitter and ghastly turn. REGARDING CHINA: From the incident of Russia, China too must learn a lesson immediately and hence accept the divine existence of Almighty God. The more Chinese people delay regarding this the more they shall face dire gigantic situations. Arrogant pride regarding power of any sort can destroy it in a matter of a few days itself. REGARDING TIBET: Tibetans in actuality are Indians only. In future after Tibet becomes very much a part of India it shall carve an important niche in the entire world. My untold blessings pour down on the Dalai Lama also. 90/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 30 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WAS NOT BORN FROM A HUMAN MOTHER’S WOMB In the ancient history of India the word ‘Yoni’ has a very important meaning. Everyone knows that as per the Hindu Religion belief creatures are of 8,400,000 types or species. In ordinary terminology people are heard to say that man in order to face the fruits of sins committed have to stray in the bodies of 8,400,000 types or species of creatures. In this the human species reigns supreme. The nature of a Yoni according to great Rishis of yore is its fount from where a creature is born. Thus we have different types of Yonis or species like 91/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN that of a dog, cat, fish, snake etc. In present day times if in the midst of 100 humans it is said that even without the aid of a human mother’s womb a child can take birth then people despite trying a lot will fail to accept this concept. This is because the lay public is just not aware of such a type of science. As per our Indian scriptures Brahmaji (creator of this world) is called Padma Yoni (womb of lotus) because he was created from a lotus flower. Not only this but that recently about 5500 years back during the Mahabharat War era Draupadi and her brother Dhrishtadyumna too were created or born without the aid of a human mother’s womb. Instead their Yoni is called Yajna. This is because in a Yajna organized by King drupad his wife who had gone for a bath came after much delay. His wife was very addicted to eating betel leaves etc hence it was most required that she attends the Yajna after taking a proper bath. Yet in the meantime the Yaj or priest via his assistant priest called Upyaj offered Abhimantrit Yajna materials to the ignited Yajna fire in order to fulfill the desire of the Yajman who was King Drupad. At that very moment from this Yajna pyre emerged Drishtadyumna attired with an armor, crown, sword and bow-arrow. Immediately after him appeared the lady Draupadi from the blazing Yajna pyre. She was a bit dark skinned in hue. Not only this but that just 500 years previously the renowned saint of Uttar Pradesh Kabirdasji was not born from some human mother’s womb but that instead he was born from the womb of a heavenly damsel or Apsara. This damsel had left him on planet earth. Indian history right since ancient times oozes with such mind boggling incidences. At the time when a big wave of poverty befell on the shoulders of boatmen of Prayagraj HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba out of sheer compassion had made arrangements to feed them daily. At that time all boatmen who numbered in thousands wrote huge slogans on their boats i.e. ‘The sun of the sky of boatmen- HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’. On hearing this all Brahmins of Kashi asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba: Revered Sir! Are you a boatman? He answered: Yes child! You may look upon me as a boatman yet I do not help you cross the ocean of this material mundane world. Instead I am that boatman who helps you cross the ocean of sins that is the cause of your material world bondage. Over here we remember another episode too. The super ocean of compassion HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba on coming to know that in a place called Mirzapur there are many launderers and that each one of them have about 5-7 donkeys who carry on their backs loads of clothes to the river for washing and that after the clothes are washed and dried they are again carried by the donkeys on their backs while returning from the river, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was told that since these launderers were very poor they could not feed these donkeys properly and hence the donkeys were very thin, weak physically and ill too. Despite this the launderers would hammer the donkeys with sticks and force them to carry the huge weighty burden of clothes. When HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba travelled to Mirzapur he after getting ready sumptuous meals highly nutritious from the human diet standpoint encompassing rice, sweet food items, vegetables, delicious pudding etc fed these donkeys to a hearty meal and then even the launderers were fed with this tasty food. After this all of them wondered as to 92/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN why HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was feeding them with such tasty meals? Why did he feed food to our donkeys thus? Most definitely he must belong to our launderer community. Else till today in the annals of history forget any lay person but that not even a saint has executed such a task. It must be remembered that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would give a lot of respect to all devotees and visitors approaching him. Never would he insult anyone and never would he hear insults being inflicted on anyone else. Once I and Bade Maharaj (Shri Devdasji) had heard from the hallowed lips of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba when a person had asked: Revered Sir! Do you also observe religious vows called Vratas? As an answer he had said: Yes child! I too observe a religious vow. This vow involves never to insult any animate or inanimate being or any person and also never to hear anyone insulting any animate or inanimate being or any person. Over here the launderers as per their limited brain capacity decided that without doubt HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba is also a launderer like us. This decision was broadcasted everywhere in order that their launderer community gets respect due to the fact that such a highly renowned saint like HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba belonged to their community. When again this doubt was raised in front of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba as to whether really he was a launderer or not he answered: Yes child! You may look upon me as a launderer. But I am not that launderer who washes clothes. I am that launderer who washes away the dirt accruing from the sins of the world. We were amazed that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was a super saint without even an iota of ego in him. There was a time later when scholars of Kashi had prayed for clarification regarding this. They asked: Revered Sir! Tell us please as to who you really are. This is because when people call you a boatman you agree with them, when people call you a launderer you agree with them also and when many others call you something other than this you agree with them also. Hence we ask you humbly-what is the actual truth? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba replied: Child! I am a Brahmarshi. It is certainly not my task to hurt that heart of people oozing with sacred love. All scholars hearing these divine sentiments of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba left very satisfied. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had such divine aura in him that none who approached him left dissatisfied even a wee bit. Much later when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was about to shed his mortal coil he fully unveiled the secret to us 2 very close disciples of his by saying: My body is not that of a mundane human being. Instead it is a divine body not born from the womb of a human mother. I have in fact created this divine body via my Yogic divine powers in the sacred waters of River Saryu. This body of mine is Ayonija or not born from a human mother’s womb. Or else simply for your ease of understanding water is my nature and water itself is my womb. In the presence of another scholar too about 35 years previously this mystery was unfolded by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba as a result of which this scholar in a 93/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN poetry penned by him with reference to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had written in these 2 lines that are a portion of the entire poem: Saryu hi apni mata banayi, tahan rahe baithe muni rayi. It means that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba made River Saryu his mother and there he who is the king of Munis or great thinkers resided and sat. CHAPTER 31 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR KINDLY ACCEPTS THE INVITATION OF THE KING OF PALKOT The father of the present King of Palkot-Shrikrishna Shahdev whose age is about 85 years, was at that time the king of Palkot. Sometimes he would go for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan. After a short time span he was looked upon as a member of the close inner circle of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s disciples. He joined with HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba with such devotion that one day he invited him to reside in his palace. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I am a Yogi. Hence I cannot come to live with you. I am an ascetic. Hence my welfare lies here in the jungles. The king tried his best to convince HH 94/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Mahayogi Devraha Baba yet the latter sidestepped his request saying that the king did not have any such separate area apart from his palace where he as an ascetic could carry out his spiritual practices. There was a time previous to this when on being questioned by the king he had replied that royal rulers would make specific arrangements in ancient times so that great Yogis could execute their secret Yoga based spiritual practices. When at present HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba refused the king’s invitation the king due to another incident got dug up a very big lake as per information he had gathered from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. At the base of the lake the king constructed a house of 4 big rooms and then this was sealed with mud. In order to enter this house one had to walk through a tunnel because the lake that was dug up had a very big depth. At its base was this house and on top of this house was the lake. It means that the lake was above the place of Yoga practices dwelling way below in the womb of earth. When this construction was completed the king again prayerfully pleaded with Revered Gurudeva Mahayogi Devraha Baba to accompany him and dwell in this house under the lake. Lest HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba kindly agreed to dwell in this house merely for 1 night too then since the king said he was the ruler of that region he would experience glorious self fulfillment. Hence HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba accepted the invitation of this devoted disciple king and not only went to this house under the lake conducive for Yoga practices but actually resided there too. This region was so conducive that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had again later visited that house a couple of times more. CHAPTER 32 KING OF PALKOT GETS INITIATED INTO SANYAS OR THE ASCETIC WAY OF LIFE The King of Palkot had constructed a house under the lake for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba so that the latter could lead his ascetic way of life and execute Yoga practices. Over here itself HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had taught the King of Palkot a Yoga practice called Mudra Yoga. When the king practiced this Mudra Yoga with immense zeal and steadfastness for a short time period the king experienced great dispassion to the mundane material world and thus he detached himself from his kingdom, royal family members etc. He was already a close disciple of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and hence after a long time frame when HH 95/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Mahayogi Devraha Baba felt that the king was very detached inwardly he initiated the king into Sanyas or the ochre robe ascetic way of life. The king’s name was also changed and now he was called Sadhu Omkardas. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba also taught Sadhu Omkardas many spiritual practices so as to attain Yogic divine energies. Since Sadhu Omkardas performed these practices with deep faith and steadfastness on a daily basis his Kundalini Shakti or Divine Serpent Power got activated. He attained Sidhi or success via Japa Yoga or Mantra chanting. This is because HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would always advise that for preliminary spiritual awakening and uplifting in present day times Japa and Bhakti Yoga are very beneficial. The remaining types of spiritual practices are not very easy to perform and thus success is very difficult to attain via these. CHAPTER 33 THE KING OF PALKOT GIVES 64000 ACRES OF LAND TO HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA AS GURU DAKSHINA From the history of Indian Rishis-Munis we find that when the revered Guru initiates his disciple into Mantra chanting or any other type of spiritual practice the disciple humbly offers Guru Dakshina or preceptorial gift to the Guru as a token of gratefulness. As per mythology tales/Puranas wealth, property, vehicles and many other expensive gifts are offered as Guru Dakshina. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would say: Child! It is the task of 96/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN the Guru to help his disciple attain God Realization, help them experience their divine cosmic soul principle and egg them on to tread the path of truth, non violence, Brahmachrya (celibacy for attaining God) etc and a true great Guru never expects any Guru Dakshina in return. Yet the true disciple insists on giving gifts to the Guru voluntarily out of sheer gratefulness. Yet if a so called Guru is greedy and the disciple is avaricious both enter hell only. It means that suppose a so called Guru inwardly harbors desires for wealth, fame etc and a disciple harbors greed for the wealth that his Guru possesses then know for sure that both land in terrible fear invoking hell. The King of Palkot had already become a Sanyasi via initiation from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and he had also attained fair bit of success in his spiritual practices. Thus the king now yearned devotedly to place at the hallowed feet of his revered Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba a gift or Guru Dakshina. After deeply cogitating over this the king felt that ascetics should have a hermitage of their own. Hence he thought to himself that the best Guru Dakshina would be in the form of giving away land. After deciding thus, the King of Palkot called Sadhu Omkardas after Sanyas initiation gave away 64000 acres of land from his royal estate despite HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asking him not to do so. Later HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba did accept this land donation only for keeping his beloved ascetic disciple happy. It is just not difficult for respected readers of this book to gauge how expensive was this gift in the form of 64000 acres of land equivalent to 266 square km. In an area of land that is 16 km long and 16km wide an entire city can be inhabited. Yet at the time of accepting this gift of 64000 acres of land Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba refused to sign legal papers on which it would be clearly mentioned that Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba is the legal owner of this land gifted. This is despite the fact that ex King of Palkot now called Sadhu Omkardas after Sanyas initiation had come with all legal papers for handing over so much land to his revered Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. But Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I have full faith in you. Via oral speech you have given me this land as gift and in return I have accepted it. Within about a month the son of ex King of Palkot’s now called Sadhu Omkardas after Sanyas initiation who had become the new king came for Darshan of both his father Sadhu Omkardas and Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. After talking a bit with the new king Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked: Child! I am an ascetic. From the divine standpoint this entire earth is mine. Yet from another standpoint this body too does not belong to me and say hence do I have the right to call anything else my own? A disciple of mine has given me land as a preceptor gift. I wish that you accept it looking upon it as belonging to me. But the king’s father Sadhu Omkardas objected saying: O Revered Sadguru! I have handed over this land to you only after making proper arrangements for the comfortable upkeep of my ex royal family members. And yet you are returning it to my own son who is now the king. Sadguru HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! You are my beloved disciple. By offering me this gift, you have fulfilled your righteous duty as a disciple 97/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN towards me that is your Guru. Thus since I accepted this land as gift it now belongs to me. You should hence not harbor any objections with what I do with this gift. Even so if you raise an objection I will take it that you have not given this land to me wholeheartedly. This is because once you give a gift to someone the right over it is totally lost by the one who gives the gift. Child! Hence I did not allow you to make legal papers declaring me to be the rightful owner of this land gifted so that if I later want to give it away to someone I do not again have to go through the legal paper red tape and rigmarole. CHAPTER 34 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA NEW THE LANGUAGE OF BEARS TOO The episodes written in this book had been heard by us directly from the sacred lips of Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. When we had gone to meet the King of Palkot the elder son of King of Palkot (Shrikrishna Shah) called Govindji he told us: O Chote Mahrajji! Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba has not only immensely blessed our royal lineage and subjects, but that he has blessed tiny creatures, beasts of our kingdom 98/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN also. What more can I say? When Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would come I felt that even plants and trees danced in divine bliss. There was a time when we were quite small bears would create terror in our region. These bears would ferociously attack women, children, men etc and then kill them mercilessly. Such incidences of killing were a daily affair. Laborers working in jungles thus became very scared. At that very time Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba auspiciously arrived amidst us all and our father-the king immediately appraised him of our terrifying problem. The king asked him whether these bears should be killed using bullets and rifles and thus ward off terror. Our region had thousands of bears in the jungles. We arrived at this figure because each group of bears roaming in the dark thick jungles had around 50 members each. In it were included children, young bears and aged ones too. Regarding this Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! When Lord Rama had incarnated as an Avatar in the Treta Yuga bears and monkeys in unison had helped the lord a lot in his divine mission. Hence if you kill these bears you shall accrue a lot of sin. In fact at this moment I have appeared in your midst simply as per the divine inspiration of Lord Rama. Hence my advice to you is to immediately make a hearty tasty meal bread, sweet pudding, vegetables etc that can feed about more than 2000 people. Today I shall feed these bears to a sumptuous meal. My father did exactly this. When the food was ready it was placed in huge vehicles and placed outside the fort. Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba by going a bit further ahead called out to the bears with a particular sound. This sound made by him was quite loud but all of us nearby could not quite understand Gurudeva’s action. We were all just carrying out commands given by him. Five minutes after he made this sound we were all astounded to see that all the bears started coming towards Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. In a short while the total number of bears in his presence mounted to about 2000 and he asked us volunteers to spread out leaf plates in a single file. On these leaf plates the tasty food made was served liberally. These ferocious bears were acting as per Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s commands in such a way as though Gurudeva was their chief in command. In order to witness this feat, workers of the fort and other people too collected there in hordes of hundreds. On witnessing the bears’ love for Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and also seeing these beasts sitting down on the ground like humans eating food everyone there was dumbstruck. At that very time Gurudeva while blessing the bears said: Children! Henceforth you all must not harm even one human being. It is so mind boggling Sir! This incident had taken place about 35 years back yet till today no such incident of bears killing our people here has been reported. After the year 1980 AD since people insanely and mercilessly cut up trees in the jungles the number of bears here has diminished significantly. No doubt even today bears dwell here but not in huge numbers as they did previously. 99/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN The above incident had been heard by us from the hallowed lips of Revered Gurudeva HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba only in a nutshell but today since we heard details of it our hearts oozed with divine ecstasy. CHAPTER 35 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR DISAPPEARS FROM OUR SIGHT What we are about to write had taken place very much when the episode of bears had taken place as mentioned in the previous chapter. The King of Palkot very much desired that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba steps first into a new bungalow he had built in the jungles so as to divinely sanctify it. Arrangements had been made to take HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba by a 100/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN vehicle to this new bungalow. Accompanying HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba in this vehicle were the 2 sons of the king and one of them was Govindji Upnam. Out of childlike behavior the 2 small sons insisted that they would go to see the new bungalow. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave his permission and commanded their father the King of Palkot to see to it that these 2 boys seated in front of the car must not look behind where he would be seated in the rear seat of the car. He further told the king to set up a curtain between the front and back seat of the car so that nothing could be seen behind. After firmly telling his sons not to look behind, the King of Palkot also got a curtain fitted between the front and back seat of the car. Govindji Upnam one of the 2 sons of the king himself told us that: Maharaj! Both of us brothers were children. Out of childishness when the car headed towards the new bungalow from the fort where we resided in a short time I pushed the curtain aside and peeped behind. My mind was dumbstruck because no one was seated in the back seat. I was very sacred. I spoke about this in a whispering tone to my brother seated in the front seat next to me. He too peeped behind but amazingly saw no one there. We brothers shivering with fright sat silently. We now had no daring to again peep behind in the rear seat of the car. When the car actually reached the new bungalow the driver opened our front seat door and then immediately opened the back seat door. We were just mind boggled to see HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba coming out from the rear seat of the car. Thus we brothers simply forgot running about and playing in this new bungalow having witnessed this astounding episode. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba glanced at the new bungalow from outside itself and then after roaming a bit here and there in the surrounding jungle area we all returned to the fort. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba no doubt loved us children yet we just do not know what divine sport or Lila of his was this on that day. CHAPTER 36 AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN CALLED RAM DAS VISITS HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR Once a young Australian named Gary Von Dirmir arrived in India. After travelling throughout India he returned to his country Australia. After a few years he again arrived in India via ship. On the ship he thought to himself that if his name became Ramdas how nice it would be. Of course this was no ordinary mundane thinking on his part. In fact it was a very 101/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN piously intense thought which was giving an inkling of the inner transformation in the soul of the young Australian named Gary Von Dirmir. This time while travelling throughout India, when this youth reached the pilgrim spot Vrindavan, he got to hear about HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. Thus accompanied by 3 friends he went to have HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s sacred Darshan. The moment they reached near HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba the latter immediately asked Gary Von Dirmir to come forward and then said: Child! I am naming you Ramdas and henceforth in India you shall be known by this very name. Amongst Ramdas’s friends were one youth and 2 young ladies and they too were rechristened Shyamdas, Shyamdasi and Ramdasi respectively by HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. Ramdas on attaining this name heartily yearned for by him was full of joy. Getting positively influenced by HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s omniscient nature (Trikaldarshi i.e. knowing anyone’s past-present-future) he and his friends after getting sacredly initiated into a GuruMantra accepted discipleship of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. Similarly via hundreds and thousands of daily social tasks executed and from conversations it appeared that via HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba as a medium the visiting devotees were face to face with our beloved divine father-Almighty God and thus they were actually talking to God himself. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba never paid any attention to people’s skins but in fact with a mere divine glance of a split of a second he would know with crystal clarity the devotee’s past, present and future events to take place. Thus based on this he would behave accordingly with his devotees. His behavior would influence just about everyone who came to him. Great saints love those who are innocent and meek in heart so much that despite the devotee not possessing 100% spiritual credentials or desired Patrata even in a semi conscious state of dreams appear in it and bestow great divine knowledge. Lest these super great saints fail to bestow well being on the world then the world will always remain demeaned. CHAPTER 37 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR AIDS IN MRS. TAMILSON GETTING LIBERATED FROM EVIL SPIRIT ATTACKS IN HER PSYCHE In 1962 on 2nd March was residing on a loft on the River Ganga shores opposite Jhusi in Prayagraj. The winter was now bidding adieu. The time was evening about 7 pm. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba felt natural light only was the best. Hence he disallowed electricity fittings near his loft. At that very time Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson carrying with 102/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN her a letter written by an ex judge of Kolkata city reached HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s loft. On noting her white skin color, language spoken etc it was clear that she was a foreign national and this was communicated to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. At that time a great devotee Mr. Neelmani Mitra whom HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba would affectionately call Neelam Bhakt was also present there. After reading the letter Neelam Bhakt told HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba: A lady has come for divine Darshan and she is a foreign national. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child! Please ask this mother what she desires and why has she come here? Neelam Bhakt was acting as an interpreter. After asking the lady he told HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba that this lady has brought with her a letter written by your devotee Prashant Bihari Mukhopadhyay an ex judge. This lady is being attacked by terrible evil spirits for the past 4 years. No type of solution is helping her ward off these evil spirits. Despite undergoing healing as per availability of various methods no benefit is in sight. She has been advised that only great revered saints of India can help her ward off these terrible evil spirit attacks on a permanent footing. Yet she does not know of any such great saint. She had previously visited the renowned magician PC Sorcar yet he had left for Japan just a week before she arrived there. As luck would have it was her good fortune that she met this ex judge devotee of yours and he after giving her this letter inspired her to have your hallowed Darshan. This entire speech by Neelam Bhakt was heard by HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba seated in the hut built on the loft where he dwelled. Neelam Bhakt and Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson were standing below the loft at its base. After hearing everything HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba came out of the hut and said: Tell Mother to have my Darshan. Neelam Bhakt pointed the torch in HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s direction and asked Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson to have his divine Darshan. She was so influenced on having this divine Darshan that she devotedly felt as though in HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba she had actually witnessed the form of great Rishis mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads etc. She was just dumbstruck on seeing the wondrous, self sacrificing, mentally detached, dispassionate and divinely powerful form of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. She accepted that till that day she had never before seen such a divinely ecstatic form of a great saint or Yogi. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba sat outside the hut on his loft and said: Is anyone in your house ‘playing’ with evil spirits and ghosts? Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson replied: Yes! My mother calls ghosts. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba again said: Your relationship with your mother is quite bad. She replied: Yes! My mother just does not like me. She looks upon me as her arch enemy. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba again said: You have married because you actually desired to. She replied: Yes! My mother wanted me to marry a youth chosen by her but instead of agreeing to this I married someone whom I liked a lot. Hence she behaves like an enemy with me. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: To the north of your house there is a lake where your mother does black magic and it is she who has sent an evil spirit after you. Tell your mother to stop this black magic activity and only then she shall attain true well being. 103/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson on hearing this truth from HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba was very amazed. No doubt she agreed that to the north of her house was a lake and that on its shore her mother would carry out such vile tasks. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: OK child Neelmani! Tell this lady that I am liberating this ghost from its ghost form. Thus both this lady and the liberated ghost shall become happy. On hearing this talk about the ghost’s liberation from Neelmani Bhakt (interpreter devotee) Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson objected and said: O my Lord! You must give this ghost the harshest punishment under the sun. This ghost is harassing and terrorizing me for the past 4 years. When I was coming to you this ghost clearly told me: I cannot accompany you where you are going and hence go there without me. But when you return, I shall again meet you. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba smilingly said: Child Neelmani! Do tell this mother to go to her place without any worry and ask her to go and have my Darshan again tomorrow. Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson as advised left and returned again the very next day. Her face danced with joy. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba on hearing about her arrival came out of his hut and then made this lady execute a special type of meditation. On doing this she attained special inner peace. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba initiated her into a Shakt Mantra and instructed her to chant it 108 times after bathing daily. After this he gave her his very rare to attain divine blessings. Due to his blessings Mrs. Edna Pyatrika Tamilson not only got freed from her troubles and worries but that the ghost who terrorized her got liberated from its vile dirty body. Such then was HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba who gave divine blessings without any reason as such and this he did out of sheer selfless compassion and untold selfless love for his devotees. Not only would he kindly bless those on whom his sacred glance fell but that he would also bestow well being on such people who had never contacted or had any relationship with HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. ‘SANT HRIDAY NAVNEET SAMANA’ THE DIVINELY COMPASSIONATE BOSOM OF A GREAT SAINT IS AS SOFT AS BUTTER CHAPTER 38 AN INCIDENT WITH REFERENCE TO THE FIRST GURU OF SIKHS-HH GURU NANAKDEVJI Once, devotee Buta Singhji had come to have Darshan of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. During their conversation HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba explained in a very straightforward and easy the deep profound truths of the Sikh Religion’s sacred scripture called Guru Granth 104/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Sahib. He also threw more light related to Guru Granth Sahib. In this very sequence HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba also spoke about the 1st Guru of the Sikh Religion-HH Guru Nanakdevji. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child! One day HH Guru Nanakdevji while on a pilgrimage reached the holy city of Banaras. There he stopped for a few days on the banks of River Ganga. Saint Kabirdasji too would come there daily to bathe in the River Ganga. In the early morning it was here that he met HH Guru Nanakdevji. Both these revered saints embraced each other in divine ecstasy and conversed a lot on spiritual truths. Devotee Buta Singhji in between would reverently say ‘yes sir’ while hearing HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba speaking thus. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba who was very much in divine trance or Samadhi with unmoving eyes akin to a stone kept speaking as though he was in a totally different divine world. From his sacred divine lips flowed the nectarine speech pertaining to Almighty God. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba was giving details about the holy conversation between the 2 great saints viz. Saint Kabirdasji and HH Guru Nanakdevji. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba also described what type of clothes was worn by these 2 revered saints. Suddenly devotee Buta Singhji asked: Revered Baba! Where were you at that time? HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child! I too was sitting there at that time near a lit pyre on the banks of River Ganga where these 2 saints met each other. But after saying this much it appeared as though HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s trance like state got broken and returned to normal divine awareness and consciousness. Me, Bade Maharaj, Buta Singhji and a couple of other people were drinking these divine nectarine words of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba in the afternoon time period. Now devotee Buta Singhji tried his best to induce HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba to talk again about this incidence of Saint Kabirdasji and HH Guru Nanakdevji yet Revered Baba would again and again sidestep this issue. He refused to talk any more about this incident. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child! This Buta Singh is a devotee. Give him Prasad. You are a devotee soul child. My unlimited compassion and kindness flows on you. I now command you to return straight to New Delhi. My grace is on you. Child! Your soul is that of a devotee. CHAPTER 39 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA’S DEVOTEE-PANCHAM LAL In Azamgadh district’s Lalganj area is a cloth shop belonging to devotee Pancham Lal. His cloth business was reaping good profits. His household life needs lacked nothing. He is an unswerving disciple and devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. 105/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Many years back once devotee Pancham Lal’s health deteriorated quite badly and curing it became virtually impossible. Even expert doctors could not pinpoint exactly what was the problem. After this when he traveled to big cities it was found that devotee Pancham Lal had cancer. Around the year 1980 AD cancer, very much like the horrific disease AIDS was looked upon as incurable and deadly in nature. The doctors did promise that they would try their utmost best to heal him. It is quite possible that your health may stabilize. Hence you must take medical therapy for a few days and regularly take proper meals and prescribed diet. When despite undergoing treatment at many renowned places no cure was in sight devotee Pancham Lal was admitted to the Tata Institute of Cancer. Even there after a few days of treatment he was told that cancer cells passing by your food pipe are spreading speedily to your lungs, a small area of your neck and left side of your face. This cancer of yours is in the final last stage, as a result of which either for 3 or maximum 6 months can you remain alive. Lest you had tried getting cured of this cancer in its very 1st stage it would have been fairly easy to cure it. Deep within devotee Pancham Lal on seeing his imminent death due this throat cancer was very stressed out and worried. For so many years he was devouring dozens of capsules and pills at least 3 times a day. Thus he was very tired of all this. When he saw nothing but defeat staring at him from all directions he in sheer despair reached the hallowed lotus feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. Just about everyone in Azamgadh knew about the divine greatness of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. Thus it was not as though devotee Pancham Lal was totally unaware of the divine sports and miraculous feats of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. When devotee Pancham Lal had HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s sacred Darshan realizing that his disease was a killer one started crying aloud with hiccups and then prayed to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar to protect him from this life devouring cancer disease. After he cried a lot and felt as though a big burden had lifted from his heart after opening his sorrowful heart to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar the latter said: Child! My heart flows with compassion for you. I give you my blessings and hence do par take medicines administered by your attending doctors. Devotee Pancham Lal said: Revered Sir! I am very harassed devouring so many medicines prescribed by my doctors since no cure is in sight. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! My compassionate blessings are on you. Now henceforth when you shall take medicines subtly from within them my divinely powerful grace shall be at work. Suppose I cure you merely by my divine glance or divine touch people will think that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar is performing miracles and hence in future I shall have to ceaselessly do this only. Hence do not stop taking medicines. You must think that I am healing you via medicines. Thus your disease shall get cured and people will not think I have done a miracle. Else huge mobs of people aspiring for miracles from me shall harass me day in and day out. Thus you have now understood the deep import of what I have said. I give you my blessings that now your cancer disease shall not spread any further. Then after he was given Prasad HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar bid his devotee adieu. Devotee Pancham Lal implicitly followed HH Mahayogi 106/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Devraha Baba Sarkar’s divine command and thus started taking medicines prescribed by his doctors regularly that previously failed to cure him. Thus it was just dumbfounding that after taking medicines merely for 15 days devotee Pancham Lal got benefitted a lot. When these very medicines taken for the past 5 years or so did not help cure him at all today was proving wonderfully beneficial. After this he did not have to take any more medicines. Those very doctors who had previously declared that devotee Pancham Lal would not live longer than 6 months maximum were just mind boggled to see him cured of cancer. When a plastic bottle is placed near fire it starts melting and loses its shape of a bottle from the side facing fire. Yet that back side of the bottle not facing fire retains its bottle shape. Similarly due to the ghastly effect of cancer the left side of his face became badly distorted but his right side of the face is totally unharmed even today. Since he had deep faith at the divine feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar till today devotee Pancham Lal definitely comes to Revered Baba’s Samadhi or tombstone at least twice a year so as to prostrate with deep devotion. He has deep faith in HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. By conjoining to such a Divine Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar man truly becomes self glorified. CHAPTER 40 A LILA OR DIVINE SPORT OF HH BRAHMARSHI MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA Today on 12th December 1999 AD Sunday along with 2 close friends of mine went to Vrindavan for some important work. But as I knew from beforehand itself that my Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar had chosen the sacred banks of River Yamuna in 107/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Vrindavan to shed his mortal coil for attaining Mahanirvana where today a glorious tombstone has been built in his sacred memory. Over here both in the morning and evening along with the sweet holy music of conch, drums, bells etc accompanied by a sacred Arti authored by Shri Bade Maharaj the supreme divine bliss of pours on all when Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s tombstone is worshiped devotedly. On reaching Vrindavan my soul was restlessly yearning to have Darshan of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s tombstone in such a way that it could be compared to a fish writhing on land yearning to get into the sea water. After coming out of Vrindavan for having the holy Darshan of River Yamunaji there at the other end of the river we saw a snow white brilliant memorial which on its own is divine. I just do not recollect whether so far in my entire lifetime in such surroundings of silence such a wondrous shaped temple or memorial was ever seen by me. Over here when I arrived I felt that this memorial was divine and that the lush greenery here too is quite radiantly beautiful. Trees, plants etc appeared to be dancing and frolicking happily. After walking for 3/4th km a boatman on the river bank helped us cross to the other bank in 5 minutes and now we are standing in the hermitage. On coming here we got to meet Chote Maharajji. He asked us to 1st bow down to Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s tombstone and then we conversed a bit with him. He by satisfying very affectionately our curiosity gave us details regarding Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s tombstone and memorial. With reference to this I gave details of an incident I had undergone. About 29 years previously in 1970 AD when Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar had spiritually initiated me I was at that time associated with Indrapuri (Deri On Son). In the quarter next to mine an official of the irrigation department was residing. His lone 5 year old son was attacked by diarrhea and while doctors were treating him they clearly said that this child would not live long. This official at that time was far away from home since he had gone on a tour. But as luck would have it he reached home in time. Everyone at home was crying in grief. Since we were his neighbors we went there and were helpless silent witnesses. This official who was a disciple of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar would often visit him for sacred Darshan. He took some Prasad given by Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar and mixed it in water. He put this water in his son’s mouth and we were all witnesses to the fact that slowly his son opened his eyes and regained normalcy. Within an hour the child got up and sat on the bed. After 3 hours he regained so much strength that he started walking. Although his body was weak yet his face bloomed with joy and thus it was clear that apart from physical tiredness he was quite fine overall. This incident truly influenced me a lot. I asked my neighbor as to who exactly was Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar and where did he live? I had already witnessed with my own eyes the wondrous divine power in the Prasad given by him. In front of the divine energy of great saints, modern science and doctors pale miserably. It is only due to the divine potency of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s Prasad that your son got a new 108/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN lease of life. This official who was a very good neighbor was also my friend. He kindly gave me a book on Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar to read and said: By reading this holy book you shall get a bit of information regarding him. I did read this book and in it many incidences of how Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar had blessed many people to ward off their problems etc were mentioned. Amongst these blessings of his include Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru becoming PM of India. The 1st CM of Bihar Dr Krishna Singh getting many spiritual experiences related to Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar. I read all this and I tore a photo from this book. I framed this photo and daily started doing Puja or worship of it with reverence. I felt that his hallowed feet in the photo were so divinely attracting that my head would bow down automatically with devotion. I had met so many great ascetics and saints so far in life but mentally I had imagined getting spiritually initiated (Deeksha) from such a saint who in the true sense of the term can be called a supremely great saint of India. By itself I had read many biographies of revered saints yet within I had secretly harbored a sacred wish of getting spiritually initiated (Deeksha) from such a saint or Yogi who would be of a divinely stupendous stature of past times like Kabir, Nanak, Surdas, Adi Guru Shankaracharya etc. I humbly yearned to get spiritually initiated (Deeksha) from a true ascetic who stayed miles away from worldliness, materialistic greed and sense titillation. Till today I had not found such a saint. But now my mind harbored a pious wish to have Darshan of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar. Accompanied by a few friends I set off to have Darshan of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar seated on his loft on the River Saryu shores in the area called Devariya Lar Road. Taking a train from Deri On Son we all desired to reach Devariya district. A bit of a delay took place while making preparations for the journey. Half an hour before the train’s departure time we were yet at home making preparations. Thus I was thinking of cancelling setting off that day and instead journey on the next day. A friend of mine in our group said a bit sarcastically: Since you are so much in a rush to have Darshan of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar can he not delay this train’s departure so that today itself you can start your journey? This was without doubt a very challenging mocking tone of his. This sarcasm pierced like a sharp thorn into my faith. Without giving any reply I continued packing my bags. And very shortly we left our house for the station. The scheduled time for the train’s departure had already lapsed. Despite this we continued to move towards the station. The idea was that we would take some other train and mid way change trains so as to reach Devariya. I do not know whether to call this Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s grace or some chance. This is because when we reached the railway station we all came to know that the train we were to travel in for some reason had delayed its departure time. After buying our tickets when we reached the platform this train arrived in 5 minutes right in front of our group. Today with firm faith I can say that the above incident was certainly no coincidence or some freak chance but that it was sheer compassionate grace of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha 109/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Baba Sarkar. This is because he would off and on say: Child! When anyone leaves home for my Darshan from there itself I make all suitable arrangements for them. We all commenced our journey from that very train and during the journey I removed the thorn in my faith by saying to my previously sarcastic friend: Have you realized a bit about Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s grace? Your suggestion was accepted by him for my sake out of sheer grace. I was aware that in those days Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar did not easily bestow spiritual initiation on anyone. Hence every day I would fervently pray to my beloved deities Goddess Durga and Kashi Vishwanath Mahadeva that due to their blessings Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar would give me spiritual initiation. When I reached Lar Road station where we were to get down we all were fast asleep. I felt as though someone is very lovingly waking me up by saying: Child! Get up. You have to get down at this station. My eyes opened. The train was yet on this station’s platform since it had not departed. In actuality we had to get down here only. I woke up my friends and very quickly we gathered our luggage and got down from the train. This definitely was amazing that the train was yet waiting at this station. I asked the ticket checker: This train never stops at this station then how is it that it did so today? The ticket checker said: In front of this train at a certain distance a luggage train was parked and hence we perforce had to stop this train at this station. I truly felt that as though subtly and invisibly all this was being done by Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar. While mentally mulling over what had happened along with my friends I reached the River Saryu banks. Everyone bathed there and then we reached the loft of Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar so as to have his sacred Darshan. Another amazing thing was that there was a huge crowd of about 15,000 devotees waiting for his sacred Darshan. Everyone was being encouraged to do Ram-Ram chanting or Sankirtan. We were standing behind this huge crowd for about 15 minutes. I was not much happy with this Ram-Ram chanting or Sankirtan. My mind was very restless with only one thought as to how Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar would initiate me as his disciple. This seemed impossible at that moment since it was very difficult even to reach his presence in this teeming crowd of devotees. Standing there with a mind full of despair and hopelessness I was thinking thus. But in a short while a saint came to me asking whether from Indrapuri a Tarak devotee has arrived or not. This is because Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar is calling this devotee to him. I immediately replied: My name is Taraknath Sharma. I was simply dumbstruck. This saint led me to Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s loft. On reaching there he spoke from above in his loft: You tore my photo from a book and offered worship-Puja to it. You prayed to Goddess Durga and thus troubled her. You also gave trouble to Lord Kashi Vishwanath. Today I shall spiritually initiate you i.e. give you Deeksha. On hearing this every pore of my body experienced blissful ecstasy. My eyes shed tears of gratefulness. Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar said: You are a vegetarian. You do not eat even onions and garlic and I know it fully well. He asked me to stand there for 15 minutes and then said: Such and such a person, also is mentally yearning to 110/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN get spiritual initiation from me and he is coming to me. Hence you must wait for some time. As soon as he arrives I shall spiritually initiate both of you together. In about 15 minutes that devotee arrived and he as promised spiritually initiated both of us. Out of curiosity combined with ignorance I said: Revered Gurudeva! Although you have completed the spiritual initiation how shall I immerse myself in meditation? Revered Gurudeva looked in my direction and after separating the petals of a flower threw them on me. Thus for 1 hour 25 minutes I stood very silently like that without moving. I had lost all external awareness as to where I am standing, why I am standing there, for how long I was standing there and for what reason I was doing so. Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar asked: Have you finished meditating child? I told him that I was asleep while standing there. While standing thus with eyes closed I saw all pilgrim spots, temples etc that I had previously visited. It was as though I was in a dream state. Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! You are capable of doing only this much meditation as of now. Continue this meditation practice because this is the 1st step of meditation. After getting Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s permission when I was returning my friends told me that I was standing silently for 1 hour 25 minutes continuously without moving even a wee bit and without uttering a single word. I did not give my friends any answer. After this I would go off and on for Revered Gurudeva HH Devraha Baba Sarkar’s holy Darshan. In those days I was working as Bokaro industrial authority for Bihar Drugs and Chemical Corporation. But as of today I reside in Patna which is Bihar’s capital city. A DEVOTEE OF HH GURUDEVA DEVRAHA BABA ………..TARAK NATH SHARMA CHAPTER 41 REVERED MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WOULD TALK AFTER VISUALIZING THE FUTURE PROPHETICALLY 111/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba would never dwell in one place only. He would dwell in different regions like in Devariya district on River Saryu shores, Assi Ghat in Banaras, for Magh Mela in Prayagraj, River Ganga banks in Bihar, River Yamuna banks in Vrindavan, Neeldhara in Haridwar and in Dehradun on the edge of a small mountain in Raipur. From Raipur in Dehradun he would again start residing on River Saryu shores. In every place he would reside for anything between 10 days to about 2 months. What we are now going to describe is that which took place in the year 1978-79 AD. Around the Holi Festival HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba was in Shri Vrindavandham. Hundreds and thousands of volunteer devotees of his would be appointed to serve him each year for such occasions and HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba as per each one’s spiritual credentials or Patrata would honor, give Prasad, scold, give Darshan or spiritual teachings. Amongst these staunch devotees was one called Hubbi wrestler. He was a resident of Mot district situated about 5 km from HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s loft (he is yet alive). In those days he would regularly come to serve HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba, have his holy Darshan etc. Since Hubbi devotee was a wrestler his nature was a bit wrathful. Despite this he would carry out HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s orders to the last letter with deep devotion. One day a saint right in Hubbi devotee’s presence complained to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba about Hubbi. The saint complained that Hubbi was known to carry with him a sword, axe, knife etc. Thus HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba commanded: Child! Apart from a wooden stick do not carry with you anything else. You regularly come for my Darshan. Thus if you call yourself my devotee it is not correct that you to carry swords etc with you. My blessings are with you and hence why fear anything? I command you my child, do not keep such sharp weapons with you. Devotee Hubbi wrestler after agreeing to do so actually executed HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s commanded and from that day onwards he stopped keeping with him sword, axe, knife etc. Now he actually experienced HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s omnipotent grace that was protecting him. After a few days, someone pierced a knife into the body of Hubbi wrestler’s son. Immediately the child was given medical treatment. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba at that time was residing on River Yamuna’s banks. Next day devotee Hubbi wrestler with tears in his eyes spoke to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba in a complaining tone: Revered Sir! Lest you had not commanded me to stop using sword, axe, knife etc this incident would not have occurred. He had already given details of this knife attack to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. The latter too had affectionately enquired about Hubbi wrestler’s son’s health. But now on hearing this complaint of Hubbi wrestler HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child! You are a very wrathful person. You must go home now and do Ram-Ram Japa or chanting. The person who has unjustly attacked your son shall himself get burnt to ashes due to his sins. Do not hence grieve thus. You must just continue chanting Ram-Ram. My compassionate grace is always with you. Devotee Hubbi wrestler on hearing these wise words of revered Gurudeva controlled his sorrowful mind and returned home. After a few days HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba also left 112/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN his loft on River Yamuna’s banks and headed towards Neeldhara in Haridwar. At this end in a few days the person who had attacked Hubbi wrestler’s son with a knife was himself attacked with a bullet and he thus died on the spot. Respected readers must remember that lest HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba had refrained from stopping devotee Hubbi wrestler using sword, axe, knife etc he would have ferociously counter attacked person who had attacked his son in a fit of anger. Yet since HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba had commanded Hubbi not to use any of these weapons the possibility of him attacking his son’s attacker was warded off. Thus due to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s grace this incident died down peacefully and ere he had not commanded Hubbi thus God alone knows what a big problem would have cropped up. Hence this episode proves how omniscient and powerful was the grace of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. In reality he was a Trikaldarshi i.e. one who knows the past, present and future of just about anyone and everyone. In fact we can call him the divine father of all true detached and inwardly dispassionate saints. In reality he is the Saint amongst all saints. Even today about 3-4 times each month devotee Hubbi wrestler definitely comes to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s tombstone and memorial to devotedly bow down. At this moment his devotional love for the hallowed feet of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba is much firmer and steadfast than that seen in the past. CHAPTER 42 HH MAHAYOGI SHRI DEVRAHA BABA BLESSES THE THEN MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE-BABU JAGJIVAN RAM WHO HAD PRAYED FOR IT 113/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN On 6th July 1986 AD Babu Jagjivan Ram (minister for agriculture) had passed away in New Delhi. He would occasionally go to have HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s Darshan. Once when Babu Jagjivan Ram was the minister for agriculture a terrible famine manifested. There was not even a drop of rainfall. Due to lack of water there was chaos and utter despair all around. Since the underground water levels receded far below boring wells too stopped giving any water. Under such circumstances, Babu Jagjivan Ram (minister for agriculture) remembered HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. The minister thought to himself that if he prayed devotedly to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba definitely the latter would usher in enough rainfall. Hence while on a govt. official tour he also came for HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s Darshan and said: Revered Sir! What a misfortune has engulfed us. I am the minister for agriculture yet all around there is a terrible famine. The entire Indian public is harassed by it. Since I am your devotee I pray to such a divinely powerful saint as you that by blessing us all with good rainfall this terrible famine too shall be overcome. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child! This famine is the result of wrath spewed by demigods. These demigods are not at all satisfied by our countrymen. The chief cause of their discontent is cutting up cows for eating their flesh and thus inflicting untold agony on them. India’s govt. instead of paying heed to this minutely is instead harming immensely our country’s main religion, entire Sanatan Hindu culture and world humanity also. In our country in virtually every home unrighteous acts and behavior rule the roost. It is hence that no rains are pouring down. But yet child! Seeing the hardship of our public due to this famine and also your fervent prayer I shall definitely bless you all. Then he asked a disciple to tie 1 bowl full of sand in a cloth and hand it over to Babu Jagjivan Ram (minister for agriculture). The latter thought that this sand was a heavy burden. Yet he stood there carrying it in his hands. In order to take this burden of sand from the minister one of the latter’s clerk came forward. But HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba stopped this clerk from doing so and instead said: Child! This person is a minister and you are his clerk. Do not take his burden because his burden suits him only. If he cannot pick up this much burden then how shall he as a minister make farmers of this land do agriculture? Babu Jagjivan Ram (minister for agriculture) stood there with tears welling in his eyes. It was like an obedient child standing in front of his father who via harsh speech was disciplining it. Then again HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba spoke with a smile: Child! This is devotee Babu Jagjivan Ram. He said: Yes Sir! My heartfelt kindness flows on you. I command God Indra who gives rains that despite his wrath he must joyously allow rain to fall on your land else no well being can be accrued by all of you. All of you group of ministers must delve deep into what I have said. Lest you wish to ward off India’s poverty, if you yearn to imbue it with wealth, food, trees, gardens and above all a sense of soul oneness and goodwill the only solution is to urge every Indian be it a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc they must protect cows and serve them 114/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN lovingly. By doing this everyone shall attain wealth and the taint of poverty shall get destroyed. My blessings flow on all. After giving such mysterious teachings HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba gave consent to Babu Jagjivan Ram to leave. He after bowing down to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba with a lot of faith returned home via a car. By the time he reached home clouds started thundering in the sky and in a jiffy it started pouring cats and dogs. It was astounding that the rain witnessed at this time had fallen virtually all over India. This then was HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s divine grace. This was his divine authority. Even the king of the 3 worlds God Indra had to listen to his orders. He was such an extraordinary powerful saint that by conjoining to him honorable titles bestowed on everyone got glorified. CHAPTER 43 KING AMONG DEVOTEES SHRI BUTA SINGH 115/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Devotee Buta Singhji was known to come for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan quite often. Revered Baba would shower on him his blessings. He would hear sacred teachings from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and while conversing, Buta Singhji would use respectful terms like ‘yes sir’ etc. They would talk on many subjects. Sometimes the topic discussed would be spiritual and sometimes social. No doubt politics too may have been discussed but I am not aware of it. Despite HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s command when Rajiv Gandhi did not go to lay the foundation stone for a Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya the latter sent Buta Singhji to Revered Baba. After again having the sacred Darshan of Revered Baba Buta Singhji set off for Ayodhya. Once when he was at his residence and the phone bell rang, Buta Singhji himself picked up the receiver and clearly heard HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s voice. When Buta Singhji said ‘hello’ from the other end he heard the voice: Child! Take a paper and pen. You have to write a message with it. Devotee Buta Singhji with paper and pen ready asked ‘may I know who you are’? No doubt he clearly heard HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s voice in the telephone and hence from the other end he heard ‘I am Devraha Baba speaking’. Devotee Buta Singhji was stunned because no phone has ever been kept by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba with himself and forget a telephone over there no light, fan etc can be found there. Devotee Buta Singhji asked: Revered Baba! From where are you speaking? As an answer HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I am speaking from my loft. Devotee Buta Singhji was dumbstruck. Even so he was ready to start writing the message which HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba started dictating in the phone. Since Buta Singhji had been educated in the Urdu language medium, hence he started writing the dictated message in Urdu. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! You must write in your own language. He told Revered Baba that he could not write in Hindi language. He was so flabbergasted that the hand holding the telephone was shaking. Devotee Buta Singhji was thinking as to how Revered Baba knew that he was writing in Urdu language. Is Revered Baba using the phone to speak or see him directly? When Buta Singhji said that he could not write in Hindi language HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! At least you know Gurumukhi script. After saying ‘yes sir’ he started writing in Gurumukhi script. After making him write the required message Revered Baba gave his blessings on the phone itself and asked Buta Singhji to arrive on time for his Darshan. When devotee Buta Singhji arrived at Revered Baba’s hermitage during a conversation when he asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba about the telephone incident the latter replied: Child! From my loft here itself I can send a message at any time, via any medium, to just about anyone and just about any type of message. For this end I do not have to make any effort. Later when we saw the hermitage was bereft of any crowding and thus when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was seated outside the hut on his loft all alone we asked him regarding the above episode: Revered Sir! Is this a particular type of science that due to mere will and desire one can contact just about anyone? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! This is the potent divine power of Mudra Yoga. 116/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN (At the auspicious occasion of the Prana energy invocation in both the images of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba are present American ambassador, devotee Buta Singhji and an MLA of Bharatpur alongside Shri Bade Maharajji) 117/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 44 HH BRAHMARSHI MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR GIVING THE SYMBOL OF ‘HAND’ TO MRS. INDIRA GANDHI’S POLITICAL PARTY In India in the year 1977-78 an emergency was imposed by the then ruling government. At that very time the campaign for cow protection held in New Delhi was crushed heartlessly. Behind this activity it was Sanjay Gandhi who was mainly responsible. At that time, forcefully vasectomy was being carried out, on all and sundry. The more any govt. officer helped carry out vasectomy even if it meant by force he would be elevated to a higher post or else some other type of financial etc carrot was dangled that would benefit them immensely. Thus these govt. officers were aiding in more and more vasectomies. In comparison to metro cities these vasectomies were carried out in much higher numbers in pilgrim spots. This is because in pilgrim spots one could find beggars and ascetics/mendicants that from the social standpoint had no outside help to protect them from such forced vasectomies. Thus govt. officials preyed on these helpless people out of sheer greed for more money in the final analysis. Since in haste vasectomies were being done in erroneous ways many died due to septicemia and infection. The result of this was that everyone hurled curses on Sanjay Gandhi who ultimately died in an air crash. Further the curses of India’s helpless, poor, sorrowful, begging mendicants and all those who were harassed a lot India’s most renowned PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi lost in the election following these incidences. Another reason for this was also that saints and ascetics would gather in pilgrim spots. From there they would travel to villages, towns, cities etc via the medium of god devotion, singing holy hymns, giving teachings of pious behavior etc ceaselessly traveled all over India with this mission. These very angered saints and ascetics gathered in religious discourses saying to all devotees that PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi is not a good person. Majority of the Indian public firmly opined that PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi is not a good person. Saints and ascetics more or less are well versed with the Vedic scriptures. Thus using many types of logical arguments they tried proving that PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi is a very despicable person. They also argued that since she was a widow India hence in her reign experienced this kind of a downfall. Thus in totality, people disrespected her and had just no sympathy for her at all. Later Mrs. Indira Gandhi accepted that this was the reason why she lost elections. Her political party worked hard to campaign for her yet they got nothing but despair in return for their efforts because the mind of the Indian public had changed a great deal. After witnessing nothing but hopelessness in all directions much later Mrs. Indira Gandhi with just one ray of hope reached HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for sacred Darshan. As soon as she arrived HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba greeted her kindly. He said: Come daughter Indira! Tell me what is the news? You are an image of love. My unlimited kindness and grace flows on you. Mrs. Indira Gandhi said: Revered Baba! You always call me child Indira. Today your 118/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN child Indira comes to devotedly rest at your hallowed feet having experienced nothing but despair everywhere. Please do bless me. Revered Baba! I wish to serve our country India yet this is possible only if I regain political power. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Daughter! It is possible to serve India only if cows are served selflessly. It means who is India’s mother? It is but the cow. It is the cow who is India’s mother. If you respect cows you are actually respecting entire India and if cows are in trouble entire India shall face nothing but trouble. India’s most important and live identity is the cow. Lest you wish to ward off India’s poverty, sorrow and all types of hazards it can be done only by pleasing cows via serving and protecting them with selfless love. Lest India wishes to reach pinnacles of financial and economic glory, lest it wishes to reinstate ethical and spiritual values it shall be possible only by pleasing our cow mother via selfless devoted service to it. It means daughter Indira! You are yearning to serve our country hence if you make a powerful resolve of serving and protecting cows I shall definitely give you my rare and very powerful blessings. You are a very devoted lady. My infinite compassion flows on you. Mrs. Indira Gandhi said: Revered Baba! With body, mind and speech I shall try my best to serve and protect cows all over India. Whatever is in my capacity I shall definitely try my best to put it into action. Please do give me energy to carry out great sacred tasks because only great divine saints as your revered self can bestow on us devotees sacred inspiration and divine power. Please do command me and thus whatever is in my capacity I shall definitely try my best to put it into action. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Daughter! I give you my divine grace wherein you shall definitely get one more opportunity to serve India. Yet you must deeply focus your attention on serving and protecting cows. Mrs. Indira Gandhi said: Revered Baba! Before India attained freedom you had given my father Pandit Nehru the party symbol of a cow and calf. Hence I implore you to give me too a party symbol. I feel the need to get it from you. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Daughter! I give you my blessings that forever my hand shall dwell with you as a protective armor. Mrs. Indira Gandhi requested HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba to allow her to use his divine hand as her political party’s symbol. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Daughter! Lest you execute tasks of welfare especially with reference to service to cows my hand of blessing is always with you. It means that whether in India or in any corner of the world if anyone does service to cows lovingly invisibly my infinite grace shall flow towards them. This shall be experienced time and again. I have a lady disciple called Anandmayee Ma. She is an image of divine blissful love. You must go to her place in Haridwar to reside there and also accrue the benefit of holy bathing in River Ganga there. I am commanding mother Ganga to uproot all curses and feelings of hatred spewed on you by anguished, helpless and poor saints and ascetics. Thus you shall again rule over India via my untold kindness and grace. After this 119/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba gave Prasad to Mrs. Indira Gandhi that included sugar candy, butter, fruits, dry fruits and a black color shawl. Then he said: Daughter! As long as this black shawl remains with you till then no fearful situation shall be faced by you. Go with my infinite grace on you. Mrs. Indira Gandhi devotedly did full length prostration (Sashtang Dandvat Pranam) at HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine feet and after seeking his blessings again and again left that place. After this it is a well known fact that the attitude of entire India towards Mrs. Indira Gandhi which previously was full of hatred now became such that when she again fought elections using HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s divine hand as her party’s symbol entire Indian public voted in favor for her. After becoming PM when Mrs. Indira Gandhi again came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for his blessings and thanking him she said prayerfully: Revered Baba! I have directly witnessed the great effect of your powerful divine blessings. It is only your sheer grace that has helped washed off the erroneous attitude of hatred towards me harbored by the Indian public. The blessings of revered saints of our country are so divinely potent that when they merely raise their hands in blessings the thinking process of millions of people gets transformed in a flash which previously I felt was not possible. I clearly understand now that if you so wish compassionately you can induce a sense of oneness of soul friendship in the entire world. For you this is just child’s play. Not only India but that the entire world gets glorified due to the hallowed presence and grace of divinely great saints and Rishis like your revered self. 120/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 45 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR PROTECTS THE VERY LIFE OF JAI PRAKASH NARAYANJI That selfless service done by Jai Prakash Narayan towards the backward class of society in the true sense of the term is possible only when one gets God’s untold grace flows forth. Else we all are aware how unscrupulous are today’s political leaders. They in the name of serving the lay public in reality fill up only their pockets. They are so immersed in fattening their ego that they just have no time to mull over the fact that they are oppressing their citizens so despicably. A leader like Jai Prakash Narayan given a lot of recognition and honor everywhere right till the end of his glorious life lived miles away from greed of political clout and power. His only goal was to devotedly serve the poor and backward oppressed class of society in a totally unselfish manner. Today there is a dire need for all political leaders to read the great sacrosanct life of a leader like Jai Prakash Narayan. Thus they shall realize what type of character to imbibe and how ethically honestly must they carry out various activities in life. When Jai Prakash Narayan was released from jail he was immediately admitted to Mumbai’s Jaslok Hospital. All doctors of Jaslok Hospital were focusing their attention on him. The team of doctors there was making all efforts to get him out of the jaws of death. Since Jai Prakash Narayan was suffering from a very serious kidney ailment and till date there was no cure for it. Some of his co workers came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba with the thought that if the latter so wished Jai Prakash Narayan would live longer. They knew that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was a very powerful great saint. Thus if he did give his divine blessings doubtlessly Jai Prakash Narayan would regain good health. Now at this moment both doctors and all types of treatment given were showing no sign at all of improvement in his deteriorating health. Amongst those people who had approached HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for protecting Jai Prakash Narayan’s life also was included Ramanand Singhji. Since he was a socialist worker Ramanand Singhji was a very close confidante of Jai Prakash Narayan. After running away from Hazaribag jail in the task of keeping Jai Prakash Narayan underground and also helping in his release from Hanuman Nagar jail Ramanand Singhji had played a major role. Sometimes he would also accompany Jai Prakash Narayan. Many times Jai Prakash Narayan had gone to Ramanand Singhji’s house in Sitamadhi and due to many other reasons also Ramanand Singhji’s contact with Jai Prakash Narayan had intensified a lot. Since he was one at heart with Jai Prakash Narayan, Ramanand Singhji was very worried about his great leader’s bad health. Ramanand Singhji came to Banaras to have HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred Darshan and conversed with Revered Baba regarding Jai Prakash Narayan’s serious health problem. But initially HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said 121/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN that none can reverse what fate has in store for us and after giving Ramanand Singhji some Prasad asked him to leave. Despite this for many days Ramanand Singhji would come daily to Revered Baba with the same plea but the latter refused to budge. Thus inwardly Ramanand Singhji got very upset yet he vowed that he would not stop bothering HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba till he gave his blessings for improvement in Jai Prakash Narayan’s serious health problem. One day Ramanand Singhji with a very firm determined vow came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba mentally telling himself: Whatever happens today I shall definitely induce HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba to bless Jai Prakash Narayan. After listening to a religious discourse when he arrived at the holy feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba he saw that Bhavanand Jha (ex chief engineer), Shivcharan Singh (MLA), Rameshwar Paswan (ex minister) and many other senior in stature personalities had already arrived. That day was round about in December-January in 1975-76. As soon as he reached there Ramanand Singhji created a hullaballoo and said: Revered Baba! I shall not allow you to meet or talk to anyone else till you do not hear me out and make arrangements to protect Jai Prakash Narayan’s life. Thus he went on talking about everything that was in his mind. When at last he became silent HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: When the oil in a flame lamp gets depleted how can the flame burn at all? What he meant was that Jai Prakash Narayan’s destined life span had ended. Ramanand Singhji replied: This flame can definitely burn if more oil is poured into it. He continued further detailing many other miracles executed by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. Hence if he could execute such miraculous feats could not Revered Baba protect Jai Prakash Narayan’s life for the entire country’s welfare? Thus he insisted that Revered Baba must shower his divine blessings. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! You are a very obstinate person. Tell me who is ready to give a part of his life span in order to protect Jai Prakash Narayan’s life? Ramanand Singhji replied: I wish to donate my entire life span to him. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I do not want you to give your whole life but just about 5 years. Yet you must note that in these 5 years how so many years Jai Prakash Narayan remains alive none of your tasks or mind’s desire shall get fulfilled. Ramanand Singhji gladly agreed to this condition and thus in front of everybody HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Since I shall be in consultation with the Lord of DeathDharmaraj, you all sit outside for 10 minutes chanting divine hymns. All lay and senior people present there started chanting divine hymns as per Revered Baba’s command for protection of Jai Prakash Narayan’s life. For about 10 minutes Revered Baba remained in a meditative state and then got up to enter his hut on the loft. Later he came out with some Prasad tied up in cloth. He called everyone near him and after handing over this Prasad tied up in cloth to Ramanand Singhji he said: Child! Please keep in mind that I have credited 5 years of your life span in Lord of Death-Dharmaraj’s account that shall save Jai Prakash Narayan’s life. Jai Prakash Narayan must not know about this. Lest he does get a whiff of this then instead of living life borrowed from you he would prefer to die 100 times more. 122/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN And the moment he becomes dispassionate regarding the life span loaned to him by you that very moment he shall die. Along with the Prasad tied up in cloth Revered Baba also gave Ramanand Singhji a bag of mud which was to be placed under Jai Prakash Narayan’s pillow. He also gave Ramanand Singhji some myrobalan (Amla) and almonds which were to be immediately eaten by Jai Prakash Narayan. At any cost this Prasad must be eaten by Jai Prakash Narayan before the coming Saturday. The moment Ramanand Singhji started leaving with this sacred Prasad and had walked just 10 steps, HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba called him back by saying: Child! I feel you shall not be able to reach in time by the side of Jai Prakash Narayan and hence send this Prasad via someone else. Whomsoever you hand over this errand make him eat this extra Prasad I am giving you before he leaves. After this, Revered Baba bid him adieu. Immediately after a few hours Ramanand Singhji was attacked with high fever and thus he understood clearly why HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba had said that he would not be able to travel. From Patna he arranged for his friend Narayanji to go to Mumbai and after making his friend eat the Prasad given by Revered Baba explained everything to him. This is because Revered Baba had said: Child! I am also giving you more Prasad to be given to the person who will be going to Jai Prakash Narayan in Mumbai. After eating it when he shall leave he shall reach unobstructed to Mumbai. Else the god of fate can pose many obstacles in the way of his travel. Narayanji had never had HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Darshan. Since the year 1946 AD he was very much influenced by the great honorable personality and was a devoted follower of his. After buying an unreserved ticket he traveled by train from Patna to Mugalserai. There he changed trains to travel in a Bombay Mail train. In the morning after boarding this Bombay Mail train, Narayanji was searching for the place someone on asking him his destination advised him to alight at the next station. Please hence do sit on my seat. When Narayanji bought a newspaper he read in it that Jai Prakash Narayan’s health was very delicate. In fact any moment he would breathe his last. On reaching Mumbai Narayanji got down at Grant Road station and after flagging a cab got down opposite Jaslok Hospital. When he took out money from his pocket to pay his cab fare the driver refused to take it and left immediately. Since there was tight security at the hospital entrance Narayanji was not given permission to carry with him the Prasad tied in a cloth given by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for Jai Prakash Narayan. After undergoing some difficulties Narayanji the security officials checked the Prasad tied in a cloth and then asked Narayanji to carry only the Prasad minus the cloth. When he later reached the 16th floor he spoke to Jai Prakash Narayan’s Rajeshwar Babu and his brother-in-law Shivnath Babu. On seeing the Prasad carried by Narayanji they mentally argued that when such senior adept doctors are failing miserably in saving Jai Prakash Narayan’s life how can this Prasad help at all? When Narayanji entered the room with the Prasad he was dumbfounded on seeing Jai Prakash Narayan’s heavily swollen body. His mouth, face, hands, legs etc were extremely swollen. Narayanji told him 123/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN that he had brought HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Prasad. Since he had advised that Jai Prakash Narayan should eat the Prasad immediately he took the latter’s permission and after breaking the dry fruits into smaller pieces put them in Jai Prakash Narayan’s mouth. With a lot of effort somehow or the other Jai Prakash Narayan managed to swallow it. Narayanji was a bit aghast that in this Prasad was also included an Amla or myrobalan given by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba and the latter had commanded that at least one drop of this myrobalan must be par taken by Jai Prakash Narayan. Thus he unearthed the Amla or myrobalan in the Prasad and after cutting a very tiny piece from it, put it into Jai Prakash Narayan’s mouth. After thus finishing this very important errand he bowed down to Jai Prakash Narayan and started leaving. Jai Prakash Narayan said: Infinite blessings of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba are flowing on me. I wonder how he remembered me. Please do tell him I offer my humble obeisances at his sacred feet. Narayanji was then told by the hospital authorities that lest he had reached even1 day later under no circumstances would he have got the permission to meet Jai Prakash Narayan because that day being Saturday Jai Prakash Narayan was to be administered dialysis treatment. Narayanji was simply amazed that while handing over the Prasad obviously HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba knew about all this hence had had firmly advised: The person taking this Prasad must reach the hospital before Saturday at any cost. After this, Narayanji quickly left for Patna. After reaching his residence he took a bath, at breakfast, rested a bit and then left for the market place. He saw a betel leaf seller on the way who shouted that Jai Prakash Narayan was dead. On hearing this Narayanji was dumbstruck. At Jai Prakash Narayan’s house in Patna all arrangements had already been made to bring his dead body there. The main crematorium in Patna was being cleaned properly. Narayanji was inwardly very upset that just 2 days back after handing over the Prasad to Jai Prakash Narayan I have reached Patna today and now the newspapers have today published the news of his death. His mind had lost all power of sane thinking and it was conjuring up many possibilities. Finally I wondered as to is this the fruit of administering the sacred Prasad of such a renowned powerful saint as HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba? He just could not eat his evening meal and sleep eluded him at night. After waking up in the morning when Narayanji was waiting for the newspaper to come so as to know what time Jai Prakash Narayanji’s dead body was to arrive in Patna he was astounded to read in it that since the previous night Jai Prakash Narayanji’s health had deteriorated much more he was admitted into the ICU. No one was allowed to meet him. It was hence that a rumor of his death that had spread everywhere. But after midnight his health started showing slow improvement. He had not eaten anything. All doubts of Narayanji disappeared and he truly realized that it was the divine grace only of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba that Jai Prakash Narayanji’s was showing slow improvement. Now Narayanji was yearning intensely to visit HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba in order to convey the humble obeisances offered at his lotus feet by Jai Prakash Narayanji. After making enquiries it was found that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was residing on the shores of River Saryu. Immediately Narayanji set off hastily to have HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s 124/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN sacred Darshan. In order to reach there quickly he took short cuts through fields, alleys etc giving up the rather long main road by almost running. When HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba saw him from a distance he shouted: O devotee! From where are you coming? Narayanji said: I have come here after duly handing over the Prasad to Jai Prakash Narayanji. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: So you did reach Mumbai. You also met Jai Prakash Narayanji. Narayanji said: Yes Sir! Did he recognize you? Yes Sir! He did recognize me. Did you talk to him? Yes Sir! I did do so. Did you make him eat the Prasad? Yes Sir! I did do so. What exactly did you give him to eat? I made him eat small pieces of dry grapes, cashewnuts etc. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: With a knife you cut a small piece (gesturing with his fingers) of myrobalan or Amla and put it into his mouth. Narayanji, while saying ‘Yes Sir!’ was quite amazed. Mentally he was thinking to himself that I had told nothing to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba yet he gestured the exact size of myrobalan or Amla that I had put into Jai Prakash Narayanji’s mouth. Thus Narayanji felt as though HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was watching him subtly whether he was in his presence or far away. After this time and again Narayanji would go and have HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred Darshan and like a messenger would convey the humble obeisances offered at his lotus feet by Jai Prakash Narayanji and convey to the latter Revered Baba’s blessings. After 4 years passed by, Narayanji got spiritually initiated (Deeksha) by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. Later he would also take his relatives for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s sacred Darshan. He had a cousin sister who was suffering from bone TB. Her daughter too would accompany her. Via Narayanji she prayed to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba for her mother’s health problem. He gave her 1 fistful of almonds with its rind intact and advised her to make her mother eat 4 seeds of it with 4 black pepper pods for about 5 days. I give her my blessings that she will regain good health. After taking his blessings, this daughter handed over HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s Prasad to her mother. After par taking it daily for 5 days her bone TB ailment got cured forever. It must be noted that Jai Prakash Narayanji remained alive only for 4 years. When devotee Ramanandji and Narayanji asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba that since he had blessed that Jai Prakash Narayanji would live for 5 years why did he die in 4 years itself? HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! If you remember 4 years back I had told you that the moment it becomes clear to Jai Prakash Narayanji that he was living a life span borrowed from another person instead of living more he would prefer to die. Thus I had predicted that on that very day he shall die. When on this subject I was giving you my blessings at that time many people were present. Thus via one of these people present Jai Prakash Narayanji came to know that he was living a life span borrowed from Ramanandji he was very upset. Hence he felt it was much better to die. And hence he did pass away. Yet even in the other world/heaven my infinite blessings are with him. He was a very pious good soul. 125/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 46 MANGAL PANDEY WAS A TRUE DISCIPLE OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR Child! I am very proud of Mangal Pandey. I look upon him as my true disciple. By sacrificing his very life he offered it to me as Guru Dakshina. The above words had been spoken by HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba at that time when whe a DIG of Madhya Pradesh along with his father (who was a former freedom fighter) had come to Shri Vrindavandham to have the sacred Darshan of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba who lived in his hut made of leaves etc. Thus it was quite normal that while conversing about days previous to India attaining independence the father of the DIG spoke about Mangal Pandey’s role in the 1857 AD revolution. On hearing what he said HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba had uttered the words written above: Child! I am very proud of Mangal Pandey. I look upon him as my true disciple. By sacrificing his very life he offered it to me as Guru Dakshina. He continued further: When a certain fact is proved right from all angles it is in our well being that we accept its validity. Those who refuse to do so face hardships akin to a person despite sitting in a boat, train etc refuses to remove his luggage from his head that is burdensome. I am omniscient i.e one who knows the past, present and future. Thus I see clearly that only if we protect and serve cows devotedly can our country attain true advancement in all directions. Mangal Pandey had my Darshan many times and due to the influence of my holy teachings he harbored intense faith towards cows. When hence he was given a rifle mixed with cow’s hide then thinking thus that these aliens are hell bent on chopping off the very roots of Indian culture he became very angry. Since he lost all self control he shot at this English officer. The frenzy of his daring spread swiftly everywhere and it thus took the form of a big revolution. The English were taught the lesson that despite the fact that by gaining political power on alien lands some financial benefits no doubt accrure yet if they play with their religious sentiments definitely they shall taste very bitter fruits. Lest these Englishmen had not behaved vilely with Indians then Indians would not have opposed them to this extent. On those rare occasions when HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba talked of pre independence days then while discussing about cows in those times he would almost always make a mention of Mangal Pandey. 126/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 47 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR BLESSES SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE Many a times Subhash Chandra Bose a staunch devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba who played a very important role in India’s independence struggle would often come and have his sacred Darshan. He firmly believed that whatever revolutionary inspirations erupted inwardly in his soul got a lot of energy from the divine words of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba oozing with valor. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba would also tell other revolutioneries who came to him: Child! I charge up your batteries so that you all can offer your Ahutis in Yajna like tasks of freedom fighting. Once, Subhash Chandra Bose while describing in detail the demeaned state of India said to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba: I am hearing about how Britishers who come to India behave so abominably with our countrymen and they are doing so as of now too. In our own country we are being oppressed and further since the past few centuries we have remained slaves of the alien Muslim invader Babar. Before India could gather its wits the East India Company in a wily manner took over its controls so as to oppress it much more. Our country India has no army at the national level that can liberate Hindus from oppression and ceaseless harassment at the hands of these aliens. On hearing him speak thus HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said to him: Child! I give you my blessings that you set up an army and become its chief. My untold grace flows on you. Due to my potent blessings never shall you hang your head in shame because everyone shall listen to your sage counsel. You are a very good soul and my untold grace flows on you. In this manner after gaining divine inspiration from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Subhash Chandra Bose took up the mantel of this great task and set up an army called ‘Azad Hind Fauj’. The effect of the valor attained by him from HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s hair raising divine teachings became clear at that time when he publicly said: ‘You people give me blood, I shall give you independence’. In the year 1988 AD ex soldiers of ‘Azad Hind Fauj’ had come to meet HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba. They asked him many things but the final question they humbly posed to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba was: Please do tell us whether Subhash Chandra Bose is yet alive or not. If you say he is yet alive do tell us where he is at present. While answering this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba as though gazing at some far off void said: Child! What difference shall it make to you by knowing all this? But when these ex soldiers of ‘Azad Hind Fauj’ prayerfully pressed further for a concrete reply HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: If you insist on knowing then hear what I say. Subhash Chandra Bose is no longer alive. In that very 127/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN accident he had shed his mortal frame and via another living creature his dead body got destroyed. On hearing this everyone was dumbstruck. They all discussed this amongst themselves wherein we heard one of them say that maybe a waterborne creature must have devoured him. After this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said to them: Whatever Subhash Chandra Bose had planned to do was duly executed by him. Henceforth you people shall not be facing any danger from external foes. That Lord Ram who took birth in India shall definitely protect it. It means that from now on every Indian citizen shall have to combat foes within our country. You all after destroying from their very roots hooliganism, inequality, untouchability, hatred, enmity, robbery, dacoity etc that have spread their net in our land must reinstate the rule of true peace and brotherhood in it. Due to my sacred blessings very soon such a wave shall definitely erupt and such unity shall emerge among Hindus that people shall say in amazement that never before in our country’s history has such oneness and brotherhood been witnessed. Child! Know for sure that Harijans, Vaishyas, Brahmins etc are brothers. All of them hence must give up enmity and hatred towards each other. As long as these people do not imbibe the sacred sentiments of the fact that first we are Hindus and only after that we are something else our country’s demeaned state cannot be raised to peaks of glory. And this sacred attitude shall manifest in our hearts only when we Hindus on giving up all sorts of inequality and disparity shall in unison shall revere the cow as our mother and lovingly serve it. It means that lest we yearn to destroy poverty prevalent in our country, if we wish to render our country prosperous both materially and spiritually and if we wish to render our country happy and peaceful all Indians must serve cows devotedly. It is because our cows in such a poor condition that our country also is demeaned in stature. Thus only if we work for the cow’s welfare can India attain true all round welfare. The cow is a symbol of Sanatan Dharma or Eternal Religion and affectionate motherly feelings. On hearing these divine utterances of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba most definitely when anyone who sees the pain and hardship faced by the cow full of supreme glory does not himself experience anguish can never be called a true Hindu. It is only because of those Indians engulfed by enuch like attitude that both India and Sanatan Dharma or Eternal Religion is seeing such dire days. What more can we say? When our beloved HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s eyes welled with tears on hearing the heart wrenching painful condition of cows in India then because of manifesting immense ire on those people responsible for this hapless demeaned state of our country our blood would boil too. Yet we know that as long as destiny does become conducive despite our desiring nothing fruitful can be achieved. 128/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 48 WHEN VINOBA BHAVEJI ERRED MAHATMA GANDHI BEGGED FORGIVENESS FROM HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR Entire India knew of Mahatma Gandhi for his self sacrifice based endeavor for gaining freedom for India in a very non violent peaceful manner. He was a staunch advocate of non violence or Ahimsa. His love for truthful speech was incomparable. He would associate a lot with great self realized saints. There were many more pious qualities in him along with his executing many sacred tasks. He gave supreme importance to Sanatan Dharma in his life. As and when he got time he would go for Darshan of great saints and sages. As everyone is well aware the Nehru family members were stauch followers of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar. Since Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru spoke very highly of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s divine personality Mahatma Gandhi was greatly influenced by him. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar always remained naked. In order to build a dwelling for him his devotees would pitch 9 bamboos into the ground with a height of 8 feet above the ground. On it they would make a wooden floor so as to create a loft. On this loft a tiny hut of leaves would be constructed. Outside this hut a small threshold area too remained open. As per his wish HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar would sometimes dwell in his hut and sometimes in this open area outside it. He was not known to eat anything. No one has also seen him sleeping ever. He would tell us that whenever a devotee attained Self Realization wherein the individual soul gets transformed into the cosmic divine soul (Brahmakar Vritti) i.e. the devotee becomes totally one with Brahman or God the chapter called sleep ends forever. Amongst many Indian saints like Surdas, Kabiradas, Rupa and Sanatan Goswami, Vijay Krishna Goswami, Swami Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Lahiri Mahashay and Tailang Swami were known to cross over from their Sadhak (aspirant) state to enter this divine state of cosmic divine soul (Brahmakar Vritti) also called Self and God Realization. Since HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar too was in this divine state of Self/God Realization he had gone beyond the bondage of sleep. The difference only was that the above saints mentioned attained Self/God Realization via Sadhana or spiritual austerities whereas HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar was an eternally Sidha Yogi and Self Realized master. Never does one find any mention that HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar had performed any Sadhana or spiritual austerities of any type ever. Never has he learnt anything from any Guru or anyone else. This is because he is an eternally self fulfilled God Realized Mahayogi. Great saints and Sadhaks (aspirant) would come to him for Darshan and guidance for attaining Self/God Realization. It is hence that even Mahatma Gandhi would come to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar with deep faith and devotion. On hearing his compassionate and non violence oriented teachings very much on the lines of Vedas etc Mahatma Gandhi would get imbued 129/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN so much more with the quality of non violence that its power was clearly seen the most in the final 15 years of his sojourn on planet earth. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s sacred speech always oozed with love for Lord Ram and respect for all devotees. Its influence was noted on all those people who tried to understand the factual nature of what he uttered and the effect of having his Darshan. Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts regarding cows and Lord Ram became all the more steadfast after meeting HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. One of the respected leading disciples of Mahatma Gandhi was Acharya Vinoba Bhave was not so well versed with Vedas, Vedant etc. He was also not a very great scholar yet he was revered as one. He was not well equipped to understand the deep import of secret mysteries found in Indian scriptures. This could be understood because while writing discourses on the Bhagwad Geeta Acharya Vinoba Bhave himself got deluded and he wrote one very deluded observation. According to him ancient Rishis were known to eat cow’s meat. At that time Kashi’s Karpatriji Maharaj and a staunch devotee of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba from Pilkhua (Ramsharandasji) called king among devotees by HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba had openly opposed this statement of Acharya Vinoba Bhave. Many more people very well versed with the truth found in Indian Philosophy and Indian scriptures too had openly opposed this statement of Acharya Vinoba Bhave. At the hour of the Bhoodan campaign when Acharya Vinoba Bhave arrived in Hapud HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s very close blessed disciple and devotee called king among devotees- Ramsharandasji had met Acharya Vinoba Bhave in person and very openly Ramsharandasji told him as to on what basis could he prove that ancient Rishis were known to eat cow’s meat. No where in the scriptures has this been mentioned at all. It appeared that in front of the fearless opposition of Ramsharandasji Acharya Vinoba Bhave’s soul power paled significantly and since he could not understand anything he took an orange in his hand saying that suppose one piece in it rots you must remove it and throw it away and blissfully eat the remaining sweet juicy pieces. From this it became absolutely clear that Acharya Vinoba Bhave knew quite well that ancient Rishis were known to eat cow’s meat. This then was his rotten thought. From his utterances we infer that he was trying to say that if anyone did not like the thoughts put forth by him they can praise his other good qualities. On hearing this HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s very beloved Mahant Ramsharandasji said something due to sheer grace of great saints which rendered Acharya Vinoba Bhave a very ordinary person. Acharya Vinoba Bhave was defeated from all corners. Mahant Ramsharandasji said: Acharya Vinoba Bhave! If someone has only 1 orange he will remove the rotten piece and eat the remaining orange pieces in it. Yet those who possess many other fruits why would he even deign to touch this orange that has a rotten piece in it? What he was 130/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN conveying is that Acharya Vinoba Bhave should not look upon himself as a saint. India has so many divine saints. Just because someone wears very minimal clothes does not mean he is a very self sacrificing and highly renounced ascetic. This is in fact but a show of renunciation. Renunciation, inner detachment and dispassion is in fact true wealth of great saints and it resides in the core of their souls deep within. How could Kashi’s Karpatriji Maharaj, Mahant Ramsharandasji and many other renowned scholars who fully understood the deep mysteries of Sanatan Dharma in an apt way expect anything from Acharya Vinoba Bhave because in the final analysis Acharya Vinoba Bhave was the follower of that very Mahatma Gandhi who had refused to join those group of people who had appealed to the British govt. to cancel the order passed to execute Sardar Bhagat Singh, Rajguru etc who had vowed to avenge the killings of so many weaponless Hindus in 1919 AD in a General Dyer held campaign in Jalianwalla Baug? Mahatma Gandhi had allowed the administering of an injection of poison to a calf to die quickly because it was very ill. In his books he said cow’s milk and cow’s meat are synonymous. It is amazing that Mahatma Gandhi never looked upon the goat and goat’s milk as equal. By writing a book on the key to good health he had given his consent for eating eggs. Did he himself desire to eat eggs? Well! Whatever maybe the case what have we to do with all this? What kind of a father of our great nation was he? We only ‘thank’ those who have conferred on him the title of father of our nation. ………….Shri Chote Mahrajji It was because of this that very shortly when Acharya Vinoba Bhave came for HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s Darshan the latter said: Child Vinoba! When you do not understand Vedas etc properly why do you give vain discourses on them? Acharya Vinoba Bhave said that I am talking of those facts that are written in our scriptures. Gau mansa bhakshyate nityam pibet amar varuni. Kulinam tamaham manye chetare kula ghataka. MEANING: Those who regularly eat cow’s flesh and drink wine I look upon them as of a cultured lineage and all others are but destroyers of their clan. After saying this much Acharya Vinoba Bhave smile slightly and kept quiet. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child Vinoba! Goswami Tulsidasji has writtenKshudra nahin bhari chali torayi. When in a river rain water falls down it breaks apart the river banks too and then in just a few days this river dries up. Yet those that are rivers in the true sense of the term if in them any amount of water enters it will manage to balance its water flow and thus does not break apart 131/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN its banks. Thus the meaning of true scholarliness is to know Almighty God and not imposing erroneous meanings to what is written in scriptures and mythology. Child Vinoba! I shall quote a line of some verse and you must give me its meaning. I am certainly not testing you because anyone who has studied Sanskrit language can easily give its meaning. Gau mansa bhakshanam mahapatak nashanamaha. Tell me what is its meaning? Acharya Vinoba Bhave said: Those who eat cow’s flesh become destroyers of super sins. It means that by eating cow’s flesh our most heinous sins get destroyed. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba smilingly said: Child Vinoba! No doubt the word meaning you gave is correct yet in actuality you have not understood its connotation. Now I shall help you understand it aptly. The meaning of the verse via which you are proving your point is not as you have elucidated it. Rishis have called the tongue a cow and the meaning of eating cow’s flesh is the tip of the tongue entering the gullet. It means that this fact is related to the Yogic Khechri Mudra and what you have understood as wine or alcohlol for Varuni is not that drunk by human beings. ‘Yoga wine’ is called immortal wine. Child Vinoba! Via the Yogic Khechri Mudra a devotee by drinking this ‘Yoga wine’ becomes divinely blissful. This is certainly not some external worldly wine because it is attained within the body via Yoga practices. As proof of this the following verse is quoted: Gau shabde nodita jihva tat pravesho hi taluni. Gau mansa bhakshanam tantu mahapatak nashanam. It means child! That Gau overhere connotes the tongue and when it enters behind its palate in the gullet’s hole it is called eating. This then is the real meaning of eating cow’s flesh. It destroys the most heinous amongst all sins. Thus in this verse the meaning of Yogic Khechri Mudra has been given. Further it is written that: Kapal kuhare jihva pravishta viparitka. Bhruvon antargata drishtir mudra bhavati khechri. Child Vinoba! In the scalp there is a cave like hole. When the tongue enters it the state becomes bang opposite. After this the devotee focuses his vision between both eyebrows. This is called Yogic Khechri Mudra. It is of supreme importance. See Child Vinoba! Goswami Tulsidasji too has called the tongue a cow or Gau as folloes: Gau gochar jahan lagi man jayi. So sab maya janehu bhayi. 132/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Thus child! Gau means tongue and Gochar means vision. It means till whatever distance you can see or talk about there only Maya or God’s power of illusion reigns. Thus you must understand properly child! As to what exactly was the meaning of great ancient Rishis eating cow’s flesh. It was as if Vinobaji’s inner eye opened. The ego of his scholarly nature was shattered by HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s divine utterances. Thus he realized his true inner state. While throwing more light on the importance of this Yogic Khechri Mudra HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child Vinoba! Hear from me as to what exactly was the great ancient Rishis’ immortal wine. It means know as to which wine they drank. At this moment HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba was in full flow of divine inspirations. At such times he would be in a very strange ascetic like divine ecstasy. Thus he spoke further: Jihva pravesh sambhut vahinotpadatiha khalu. Chandrat sravati yahaha saraha sasyad amar varuni. It means my child! That Yogi who raises his tongue into the cave of the skull becomes steady in concentration-meditation from his head akin to the moon cool nectar flows down. This bestows immortality on the Yogi. Due to this Yogic Khechri Mudra a devotee masters the art of mental focus mentioned in Yoga. Further it is said: Na rogo maranam vandra na nidra na kshudha trusha. Na cha murccha bhavetasya yu mudra veli khechrim. It means my child! That those who practice it regularly they gain victory over illnesses, death, lethargy, sleep, hunger and thirst. They never even become unconscious. After this with a bit of a scolding tone HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba told Acharya Vinoba Bhave: You have not understood the underlying import of scriptures. You only know how to give erroneous meanings of these verses in great scriptures. Again HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child Vinoba! You are foolishly mad. Then along with a smile in a questioning tone he said: What exactly are you? Then HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba answering himself said: You are more insane. Hence stop giving discourses and teaching others. You must restrict yourself to mentally reflect over scriptures and mythology only. This is because you yet do not have the capacity to assess true meanings of various scriptures. I now command you to take this Prasad. And send Mahatma Gandhi to me. After this when Mahatma Gandhi came to know that HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba had chided Acharya Vinoba Bhave and that his observation that great ancient Rishis ate cow’s flesh was totally baseless and that HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba unfolded its true hidden meaning and import Mahatma Gandhi came to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba to beg forgiveness on behalf of the error committed by Acharya Vinoba Bhave. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said: Child! Am I some supreme authority who shall forgive you? This error has been made with reference to great ancient Rishis of yore. Tell him to first accept his 133/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN mistake and then beg forgiveness from great ancient Rishis. It is only great self realized saints who have the right and authority to confer teachings on others. Those who ape saints so as to teach others not only fail to attain well being themselves but that the lay public too do not benefit at all. I do not every look upon anyone as lowly or vile. For me everyone is good. All are vessels of the compassion of God. It is my righteous duty to scold anyone coming here for executing wrong tasks, praising those who carry out sacred tasks, show them the path of attaining God’s divine love and shower compassion on anguished creatures. After that HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba said many more inspiring great things. Then he bid adieu to Mahatma Gandhi. 134/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 49 DUE TO THE GRACE OF HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SATAVLEKARJI IS ANOINTED WITH THE TITLE OF ‘BRAHMARSHI’ Shripad Damodar Satavlekarji had carved out a niche amongst great scholars for his outstanding research in Vedas, very lucid commentaries on them and authoring great stature literature. He opined that if one lived life based on Vedic tenets man becomes saintly. He would say that I too by living such a life am presenting an example of it. He would imbibe in day to day living all code of conduct and ethics prescribed for Vedic Brahmins. In the year 1962 AD he met HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar. On seeing Satavlekarji’s steadfast faith in Vedic way of life he proclaimed him to be a ‘Brahmarshi’. By mere proclamation of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar Satavlekarji attained self fulfilled glory and true sense of Brahminism. After this a different radiance manifested, in Satavlekarji’s life. At this moment he was having his very first Darshan of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar. He showcased his revering speech towards the great saint. He said: In my long life I have associated with our country India’s highly renowned ascetics, Yogis and saints. Till today I had heard a lot about HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar. But today by having his direct holy Darshan I indeed experience total self glory. From my heart blooms forth untold bliss and pride that I am able to have his direct holy Darshan. I feel as though that my eyes have its power of vision in a fruitful manner. No doubt my life has been immersed in research of Vedic Mantras yet previously I felt it was virtually impossible to have direct holy Darshan of the authors and Mantra seer-Rishis (Dhrashta) of the glorious Vedas. But today I feel I am in the hallowed presence of a glorious seer-Rishis of the Vedic Era. I feel HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar totally oozes with Vedic grandeur. At the age of 105 years Satavlekarji shed his mortal coil. In his final days he had said that despite living his entire life based on Vedic divine principles mentally he was not totally satiated. Yet in the year 1962 AD the moment HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar anointed me with the ‘Brahmarshi’ title from that very moment I felt previously although I had tried my utmost to get rid off human mental weaknesses like desire, wrath, greed, delusion, ego, envy, hatred, enmity, weakness etc I was not succeeding fully. Yet when HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar anointed me with the ‘Brahmarshi’ title I actually experienced that the above mental taints I have listed leaving on their own very naturally have rendered me in such a self controlled inner state that even if I try to become angry etc I fail to do so. Mental sexual lust has disappeared from its very root. I feel that it is absolutely true that if we get the holy blessings of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar we get a new 2nd birth. After getting the title ‘Brahmarshi’ man manifests an extraordinary sentiment of cosmic compassion and a sense of oneness of soul is experienced towards the entire cosmos and its animate/inanimate beings. The pain and anguish of others’ is felt as that of one’s very 135/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN own. All this I am experiencing in totality only due to the kind divine grace of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar. 136/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 50 A BRAHMIN EXPRESSES HIS DESIRE TO HOLD A SHASTRARTH OR SCRIPTURAL DEBATE WITH HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA Once, in the year 1990 AD around the month of February a Brahmin clad in very ordinary clothes came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba’s loft in Vrindavandham and said to the latter: Revered sir! I wish to debate with you on scriptures (Shastrarth). HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! It is futile to dryly debate on scriptures (Shastrarth) and is a useless endeavor. In previous times no doubt certain Acharyas did carry out debate on scriptures (Shastrarth) yet it was done only to reinstate the the true values of religion and spirituality in our society. At that time this was apt yet today I do not see any need for doing so. Today debate on scriptures (Shastrarth) by ordinary scholars is done merely to bloat one’s ego or else insult someone’s brain skills. But know that true rare scholars never stoop low to carry out such useless debates. See, in Vrindavandham previously resided a great devotee called Sanatan Goswami. Once, a Kashmiri scholar came to him for a debate on scriptures (Shastrarth) and said: Sanatanji! Either you hold a debate with me or else write a certificate proclaiming that I have gained victory over you. Sanatan Goswami without wasting time or even batting his eyelid gladly wrote a certificate proclaiming that the Kashmiri scholar has gained victory. Then this scholar left that place. But after walking for a very short distance, this scholar met Sanatan Goswami’s disciple Jiva Goswami. While standing within 10 minutes Jiva Goswami defeated the Kashmiri scholar in a scriptural debate. This defeated Kashmiri scholar asked Jiva Goswami to take him to his Guru. Thus Jiva Goswami led the scholar to Sanatan Goswami. This scholar on seeing Sanatan Goswami again mentally thought that if that disciple who defeats me in merely 10 minutes in a debate while standing definitely his Guru has to be a very great scholar. Yet out of compassion Guru Sanatan Goswami wrote a certificate proclaiming that the Kashmiri scholar has gained victory simply to save himself from any prejudices and a bloated ego that is a major obstacle in spiritual practices done to attain God vision. Thus in sheer reverence this scholar prostrated humbly at Guru Sanatan Goswami’s sacrosanct feet. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! That devotee who wishes to attain Almighty God must stay away assiduously from such vain activities. Thus instead of debating on scriptures you must devote yourself to Almighty God called Bhakti. I am a dispassionate detached Avadhoot ascetic. I thus never get into these meshes of debate on scriptures (Shastrarth) and yet if you insist on doing Shastrarth then go to the other shore of River Yamuna where you shall find many scholars. That Brahmin said that from the other shore of River Yamuna only I have got to know that you are the greatest scholar in entire Vrindavandham. Hence I shall debate with you only. 137/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba noting this Brahmin’s ass like obstinacy said: Child! True scriptural debate called Shastrarth encompasses giving correct apt meaning to what is mentioned in great scriptures. Tell me do you know the total number of Puranas (Indian mythology texts)? The Brahmin answered that there are totally 18 Puranas. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Do you know the name of each of these 18 Puranas? He replied yes I do know their names. When HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba asked him to give their names the Brahmin started quoting them one by one like Shiv Purana, VishnuPurana, Narada Purana etc But despite laboring hard he could not name more than 10 Puranas correctly. At that time HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Listen Child! I shall tell you all the names by quoting the following verse: Vaishnavam naradiya cha tatha bhagwatam shubham. Garuda cha tatha padam varaham shubh darshanam. Brahmandam brahmavaivartam markandeya tarthava. Cha bhavishyam vamanam brahmanvam. Matsya karma tatha linga shaivaskand. Tathaiva cha agneyam shadetani. After this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! When you do not even know the names of these 18 Puranas how will you participate in Shastrath? After giving him a lot of Prasad HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Eat it and devote yourself to God. You will gain just nothing via scriptural debate etc. See what Narayanswami has saidVidya padh karta phire auran ka apman. Narayan vidya nahin tahi avidya jan. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! If after studying such science you inflict pain in the bosom of others it is not knowledge but it is sheer ignorance. In the scriptures it is writtenYatha kharashchandan bharvahi marasyaveta na tu chandanasya. Tatha chavipra shruti shastrayukta kharvad vahanti. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! Our scriptures call that person a donkey and an ass who via Shastrath insults others and bloats his ego in vain pride. Just as a donkey carrying the burden of very fragrant sandalwood on its back does not know the qualities of sandalwood and just feels the painful burden of it, similarly those so called scholars demeaning others via Shastrath know how to carry the painful burden of scriptures on their heads. The true fruits of scriptural studies certainly are not attaining lowly selfish gains but 138/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN that they aid in attaining divine wisdom or Self/God Realization. Thus child, you must give up such ass like activities and focus on executing saintly tasks. By churning scriptural meanings via their divine profound connotations glorify your life. But the moment the Brahmin tried to say something else HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba said: Child! I have already given you Prasad and hence stop talking any further. Now do go away immediately. 139/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 51 EPIC RAMAYAN AUTHORED BY LORD HANUMANJI One day a well known Ramayani (one who discourses on the epic Ramayan) came to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar for holy Dashan. He discussed with a bit on the epic Ramayan with HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. He mentioned many episodes related to Lord Hanumanji. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! In comparison to the size of Ayodhya in Tretayuga Lord Rama’s cannon drawn by horses was much bigger. Thus you can imagine, how large in size were Ayodhya, in Tretayuga. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar was now in blissful ecstasy and by quoting a few lovely verses started giving its profound meanings. From his hallowed lips divine nectar was dripping forth. This Rama discourse of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar appeared as though a new River Ganga was flowing down on planet earth. After uttering 4-6 verses HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar gave its meaning and then the Ramayani (one who discourses on the epic Ramayan) said: Revered Sir! I have studied all types of epic Ramayan available till date. Yet the verses that just were just now quoted by you are not found in either Valmiki Ramayan or in Adbhut Ramayan. Please do hence tell me from where you are quoting these verses. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said that these verses are of ancient times. Once upon a time Lord Hanumanji wrote the epic Ramayan on huge rocky boulders. When Valmikiji met Lord Hanumanji, the latter asked Valmikiji to read out the epic Ramayan penned by him. Child, Lord Hanumanji is an avid devoted listener of epic Ramayan. Valmikiji knew quite well that Lord Hanumanji had written the epic Ramayan on huge rocky boulders. Hence on hearing Valmikiji’s excess plea to hear it Lord Hanumanji in a sweet nectarine voice along with tears of divine love flowing down his cheeks started singing the self authored epic Ramayan. Lord Hanumanji’s sweet divine voice and verses of his self authored epic Ramayan was so nectarine that Valmikiji totally forgot how much time had lapsed by ever since this Ramayan discourse had commenced and ended. Inwardly Valmikiji thought to himself that lest this Lord Hanumanji’s epic Ramayan became very popular the epic Ramayan written by him would not get much importance. Thus Valmikiji voiced these thoughts of his to Lord Hanumanji and the latter seeing a golden opportunity to get protected from name and fame very lovingly renounced it. Lord Hanumanji said: O Maharshi Valmikiji! You may encourage everyone to read and give discourses on the epic Ramayan authored by you. My penned epic Ramayan shall never pose obstacles in the way of your tasks pertaining to Lord Rama. After saying this much Lord Hanumanji picked up all the boulders on which he had etched his authored epic Ramayan and threw them into the deep sea. Valmikiji no doubt inwardly felt pained by this act hence he in his following birth incarnated as Goswami Tulsidasji who in turn exhibited that very epic Ramayan authored by Lord Hanumanji oozing with divine sentiments of Lord 140/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Hanumanji. This can be read today as Ramcharit Manas which is much more popular than Valmikiji’s epic Ramayan. After speaking thus HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar continued: Child! The reason why you shall not find verses just uttered by me in any other epic Ramayan simply because I was uttering verses of Lord Hanumanji authored epic Ramayan etched on boulders. Hence how can you find them anywhere? Do you now understand my child? Tears of devotion flowed down the cheeks of the Ramayani who chanted: Twameva mata cha pita twameva. Twameva bandhushcha sakha twameva. Twameva vidya dravinam twameva. Twameva sarvam mama deva deva. Chanting such devitional verses the Ramayani did full length prostrations at the holy feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. He said: Revered Sir! You are omniscient and nothing remains hidden from your divine 3rd eye. You are living in this world hiding in such a manner just as burning coals on fire getting doused hide in a pile of remnant ash. People think you to be an ordinary saint yet as long as you do not wish to manifest your great divinity how can anyone know your true divine glory? In this way when HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar was in blissful ecstasy or was immersed in divine trance sometimes he would talk of such incidences that were conjoined to other incidences that had occurred thousands of years previously. Sometimes he would talk of those things regarding the Muslim Emperor Akbar’s royal court that can only be spoken of if one had directly witnessed it. Sometimes he would talk of such wondrous things regarding the poet saint Surdasji that are not available in the poet saint’s literature also. Sometimes he would talk of incidences related to GuruNanakdevji, Shri Ramanujacharya (that had taken place 1060 years previously) etc Sometimes he would talk of incidences related to Sathkopsuri that had occurred 2000 years previously. Thus on hearing such minute details we infer that HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar was truly a Trikaldarshi i.e. one who with his divine 3rd eye could know the past, present and future. 141/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 52 NO DOUBT WE MUST HARBOR SAME SIGHTED VISION TOWARDS ALL BUT WE CANNOT BEHAVE IN AN EQUAL MANNER WITH EVERYBODY (SAMDARSHAN AND SAMVARTAN) In the year 1988 AD Rajmata Gayatri Devi accompanied by her 2 sons came for HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s holy Darshan. They had conversations with him on many topics. After this when HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar was bidding them adieu, Rajmata Gayatri Devi’s younger son who was called Jagat said: Revered Baba! I shall just come in a minute and thus went to his car to bring his pet dog to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar saying: Revered Baba! This pet dog is having your holy Darshan. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Yes child! I bless this dog too. After that HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar gave a divine lesson by saying: Child! One can harbor a same sighted vision towards all (Samdarshan) but one cannot behave in an equal manner with everybody (Samdarshan). Once, in Allahbad in the holy month of Magh my loft was set up there. Many people would come for my Darshan. One day one wealthy devotee came for my Darshan accompanied by his pet bitch (female dog). This bitch started roaming around here and there and started touching food items like sugar candy, fruits etc. Those people standing near my loft objected to this saying that the devotee should keep his bitch in his lap. See it is touching food items. This wealthy devotee did not agree saying that you devotees, who live by the side of a great Yogi-saint like HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar, yet you harbor such differences within. Such attitude of ‘do not touch this and that’ does not suit you. Volunteer devotees near my loft replied: Humans get harmed both, when dogs lick them or when they bite them. But this devotee looking upon this as an insult was becoming very angry. I was sitting outside my hut on the loft and was washing my hands with water. I had already heard what both sides had to say. I asked: What exactly is the problem? Why is there so much noisy talk here? Thus both sides pleaded their case to me. I told this wealthy devotee: Child! These people are doing service to this loft and they try their best to serve as per my directions. Thus do hear me attentively. In dogs such dangerous microbes are found that the physical and mental capacity of humans depletes a fair bit. In fact in the spit of a dog very harmful germs are present. As a result the brain, heart, lungs and blood of humans get affected very badly. Especially the danger of a skin disease attack is very high. All this is not known by the lay public. And further child, as per our scriptural injunctions ghosts and evil spirits prey on food items eaten by dogs. Even if in ignorance one offers such food to God you accrue a big sin. Healthwise too man gets harmed in some way or the other. Child! Although you talk of harboring a same sighted vision yet you just know nothing regarding it. Harboring a same sighted vision means looking upon everyone as equal and this is not possible in totality as long as one has not attained Self/God Realization. This is synonymous with what scriptures on Bhakti 142/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN say wherein your inner vision must see God just about everywhere in the entire cosmos. Otherwise all else just keep uttering parrot like ‘same sighted’ which is nothing but superficial lip service. Without God’s grace this vision of equality is not possible to imbibe. I certainly am not trying to say that we renounce the very wish to become samesighted but in fact I say try more and more to become one. Yet this cannot take place till a person does not imbibe its meaning very deeply. Child! No doubt we must become samesighted but one cannot behave in an equal manner towards all. Samesightedness does not mean acting and behaving equally with all. That is called Samvarti. When Almighty God created this world, seeing that creatures had different types of bodily etc requirements, he created them differently. Thus how can equal behavior be possible with everyone? What a dog eats cannot be eaten by a cow and what all a cow eats all of it cannot be eaten by humans. What humans eat cannot be eaten by snakes and other creatures. If a man touch fruits etc they do not become impure but if a dog touches it, it definitely turns impure. Child! If you take a loaf of bread in your hand from one end you eat it and you may allow your child to eat it from the other end. If from the 3rd side a dog starts eating it shall you eat it? Supposing out of love for your dog you actually eat it yet if from another end a snake bites it shall you eat it? Hence child, from the soul standpoint one can become samesighted yet it is impossible to act and behave equally with all. You talk of samesightedness and want to act and behave equally with all. See child, Goswami Tulsidasji in Ramcharit Manas has given such a lovely descriptionJad chetan guna dosha maya vishwa keenha kartar. Sant hans guna gahahin paya hari vari vicar. Child! The Lord has created both the the worlds of inertness and consciousness. In these some have good qualities and some have bad qualities. If you place milk in front of a royal swan it shall only take milk from it by separating its water content. In the same way from this world of good qualities and bad qualities great saints imbibe only good qualities and things so as to render their lives successful in the true sense of the term. Child! Placing flowers on one’s head adds to its beauty and never by placing rubbish from the roadside on it. In the same way not only humans but the entire cosmos perforce carries out different types of duties. A snake can eat rats but never a mole. Child! Now see I shall test you and I know that you shall fail in it. It is in your hands to succeed in it yet you shall prefer to fail. You no doubt eat bread everyday. The devotee replied in the affirmative. Revered Baba said that you must be eating soup and rice also. The devotee again replied in the affirmative. Revered Baba said that you must be drinking milk? The devotee again replied in the affirmative. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! For how long has this bitch been with you? He said that for sometime. Child! This bitch must have given birth to puppies. He replied in the affirmative. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! These puppies eat bread etc. He replied in the negative. As of now they drink the bitche’s milk. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! How much milk does this bitch give? He said that 143/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN he never made any note of it. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! Can you remove this milk of hers in a vessel so as to show it to me? As per Revered Baba’s command in a vessel of mud found nearby the bitch was milked and the vessel with the milk was brought to Revered Baba. HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! Since you said you do drink milk, please drink this milk in the vessel. On hearing this, the devotee’s face showed aversion. The noose of his own arguments tied around his own neck. With a pitiful look on his face he said to HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar: I beg forgiveness. I now understand what you are trying to say. I now have full knowledge of it. Please do not ask me to drink this dog’s milk. Say who can pass your test? HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar smilingly said: Child! My untold grace flows on this dog. It is very fortunate. If it was not here how would you get to realize my sacred teaching? You were foolish but now have turned wise. This dog mother is indeed very nice yet do keep her away from my loft. My infinite love and blessings pour down on all creatures of the world like trees, plants, humans, rocks, mountains, rivers etc. Now take this Prasad and go home. You must tie this teaching of mine given today tightly to your intellect. Thus your life shall accrue special welfare. Respected readers must know that the devotee related to the above incident was a senior official in the water department (a collector) 144/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 53 HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS OF GOLD Just a few days before war erupted, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru came for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s holy Darshan. At that time Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was worried that maybe an Indo-China war was on the cards. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! Are you weak? But the Indian PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said that since he was heading the govt. of that nation belonging to great Rishi-Munis etc he did not fear anything yet due to slavery to foreign for fair number of years the country’s economic arena has broken apart and that currency Rupee had just not much value. Since our economy is in the doldrums it is difficult to give advanced warfare training to our soldiers due to lack of proper finance availability. On hearing this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! With my divine eye I am seeing that there is no dearth of mineral ores, gold, diamond mines, petroleum products etc in our country. If you say so I can command Himalayas to open up hidden gold mines present in its womb for our country’s benefit. The entire Himalayas with my blessings can turn into gold. Say child, do you wish that? Since Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was not totally aware of the super divine powers of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar hence he did not believe even when Revered Baba said so himself. Hence he only prayed to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar that everything remains alright for India. Maybe in retrospect it is best that India waged a war with China because from the following speech given by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar we can see that the effect of it was good for India. One day in the year 1990 AD Shri Bade Mahrajji due to some task went towards Cama in a taxi. I reverently asked HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar a question: When the Indian PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru came to you for the first time since you are omniscient even at that time you knew that maybe India would get involved in a war and that it would not have the capacity to endure its ferocity. Thus before this war situation cropped up why did you not destroy it well in advance? This is because much later via your own divine blessings you had to stop this heinous war especially in India’s interests. At such a young age on hearing my question HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s eyes bloomed open with joy and smilingly said to a householder saint called Shivvachan Singh: This child is a big devotee. See, how for the sake of his country he is asking such a good question. Shivvachan, go to the gate and if anyone comes stop them there itself. And child, say whose dog are you? With a joyful mind I said: O Sir! I am your dog. He then gave me a fruit and said that after eating it and drinking some water I should return to him. Then he would continue talking to me. Very quickly I ate the fruit and spat out the seeds in it and since it was my Gurudev’s command I drank water despite the fact that I was not thirsty. Then I swiftly went to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. He now gave me a mud pot and said: Fill it with water and bring it to me. After bringing about 7 pots filled with water HH 145/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN Mahayogi Devraha Baba seated there on the loft itself with his face facing the west he started conversing. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! The question you have asked verily is a good one. So do hear attentively my child. Lest China had not attacked India our soldiers would have twiddled their thumbs idly and never would have experienced what fighting wars is like. Behind the waging of this war with China was the divine inspiration of great RishiMunis and child, when I understood that our army had deeply realized how important it is for them to keep themselves well managed and well trained I in turn gave due subtle inspiration to stop this war. From my loft itself I was subtly noting this war and its trend. The effect of this was that such reasons cropped up that Chinese war officials, decided to stop waging this war. Lest this had not happened even today our Indian army would be labeled a lame duck. Hence child, it is said that from its result aspect the tasks of saints are like war only. From the external standpoint the action may appear to be contrary and hostile yet deep within they accrue nothing but untold benefit. After this HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar asked me: Child! Now do you understand? I respectfully answered in the affirmative. After this for about 3/4th of an hour many other topics were discussed. Then when other devotees arrived he gave Darshan to them and I too got immersed in conveying what these devotees wanted to express to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. It was virtually dusk time and Bade Maharajji too in his vehicle had returned. On realizing what wondrous blessings were being poured on our country and army by HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar it seemed to me that despite him living far away in a hut on a river shore without any modern facilities like eadio, TV , newspaper, light, fan etc he not only thought of protecting our nation merely but was all the time immersed in ushering in world well being. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar never belonged to any particular country, caste or creed. He in fact belonged to the entire world. His divine thinking encompassed each and every animate/inanimate being of the cosmos. Even microbes, plants trees etc were not left uninfluenced by his divine concern for them. 146/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 54 HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S HAND RAISED IN DIVINE BLESSINGS The Sanskrit word ‘Varadhast’ means hands that bestow blessings. But merely raising one’s hands in Mudra of blessings cannot be called ‘Varadhast’. Those great saints who have the capacity to bestow curses or boons (both ultimately bring in only well being) by raising their hands can be called ‘Varadhast’ in the true sense of the term. In such hands potent divine energy resides infinitely. When the bosom of great realized saints overflows with divine compassion their hands perforce get raised in divine blessings so as to ward off the dark clouds of danger looming large in one’s life. This can do nothing else but usher in well being of just about everybody. Sharda Prasad Dwivediji was a staunch devotee of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar. He was a manger of Sharda Motor Training School in Banaras. When for the first time he was leaving for HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s sacred Darshan, he spoke to a boatman in order to cross over to the other shore of River Gangaji. At that very moment a divine saint possessing a deerskin came to him and said: Child! Do not go now. But the boatman on seeing that he was losing his customer said immediately: Come along! I shall help you cross this river in 10 minutes. Along with Sharda Prasad Dwivediji were present one of his sons and an inspector friend too. All three of them sat in the boat and the boatman quickly started rowing the boat. But the moment this boat reached midway in the river waters a terrible storm erupted. Due to 2 very huge highrise waves the entire boat got filled with water. Thus the boat would toss up very high and then get thrown down in the water. Thus everyone in the boat felt that any moment death would engulf them all. Not only this but that icicles too started falling down from the skies. Thus because along with water drops ice pebbles too fell down it seemed akin to a well in front and a crater behind. If suppose they did not die due to the boat drowning even so these ice pebbles would definitely kill them. Under such a situation apart from humbly praying to God nothing else can be done by us humans. From the boat HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s loft could be seen. But due to fear of death alongwith the boatman everyone was shivering in sheer fright. With such an anguished mind Sharda Prasad Dwivediji cried out ‘Revered Baba! Please protect us’. As though HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba actually heard this fervent plea he came out of hs hut built on the loft and while glancing at the boat in the river raised his divine hands in blessings bestowing fearlessness or ‘Varadhast’ and kept it raised thus. The moment he raised his hand the speed of the storm diminished a lot, the waves too cooled down and thus HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba’s divine grace helped us stave off the danger of our boat capsizing and drowning. But yet the ice pebbles were pouring down as ferociously as before. All of us were dumbfounded that not one ice pebble fell down into our boat whereas all around us ice pebbles were 147/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN covering every inch of land. The river shores appeared as though someone had covered the land there with a snow white bed sheet. None of us actually realized how our boat reached the other river shore. Within 10 minutes itself terrible ice rain fell down. The moment our boat reached the other shore, this ice rain too stopped. Only with a very light storm it was raining. We all were totally drenched with water and were shivering with cold. As soon as we came in the divine presence of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba we were dumbstruck that the saint who had appeared in front of us previously stopping us from sailing in the boat was none other than HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. He scolded the boatman saying: When you knew you could not steer the boat properly why did you ask these devotees to sit in the boat? After this HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba gave us all Prasad and said: Child! Your Darshan is over so you may go. We all started returning after taking Prasad but we did not have the courage to again sit in the boat so as to cross over to the other shore of the river. Yet we then told ourselves that when such an omnipotent Guru such as HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba is protecting us why fear such nature based calamities? Carrying with us his grace of courage we all returned home. After this incident Sharda Prasad Dwivediji became an unswerving devotee of HH Brahmarshi Devraha Baba. 148/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 55 ‘GURU PADA RAJA MRIDU MANJUL ANJAN’ (THE DUST OF THE SACRED FEET OF THE REVERED GURU WASHES AWAY OUR SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE) A devotee named Shatrughna Shukla time and again would come for HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s hallowed Darshan. He would always keep the sugar candy Prasad and sacred dust of the hallowed feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar in his worship room. One day he was sleeping in his house. At around midnight in his alleyway some noise was heard. This noise slowly started increasing. Thus Shatrughna Shukla after coming out of his house saw that a few people had gathered nearby. They had done so to find out why this noise was being heard. In reality the problem was that a woman in this area was being attacked by an evil spirit/ghost and this ghost would utter foul language. Thus this lady had created a lot of chaos there. In order to pacify her jumping, dancing etc movements, people were endeavoring a lot yet they were failing to do so. In no way were they succeeding in controlling her. Suddenly this devotee Shatrughna Shukla thought to himself that suppose the sacred dust of the hallowed feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar is put into her mouth maybe he would bless this lady. Due to some compassionate inspiration of some unknown power Shatrughna Shukla went to his house and returned with the sacred dust of the hallowed feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. Hence quickly he put into the mouth of this lady some dust of the feet and then sprinkled a bit of it on her body. In a few moments later this lady became very quiet. Everyone present was very astounded and started asking Shatrughna Shukla as to what type of Vibhooti was this that helped her become calm? Thus devotee Shatrughna Shukla in detail described the miraculous glory of the sacred dust or Vibhooti of the hallowed feet of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. After this that entire area became HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s devotees. After having his sacred Darshan everyone glorified their lives. 149/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 56 A DRIVER ALSO IS GIVEN DIVINE BLESSINGS BY HH BRAHMARSHI MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA This incident took place after HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar shed his mortal coil. In 1991 AD HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s unswerving devotee Lala Pokharmalji Goyal and his son Suresh Goyal residing in Rana Pratap Baug in New Delhi traveled by car to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s hermitage with their driver Natthi and reached there at about 11-12 am. At that time only I (Chote Maharajji) was present there. At that time Bade Maharajji was living in solitude based cave in remote Himalaya Mountains to execute Yoga practices. On hearing the sound of the vehicle I came out of my hut made of grass and leaves. Below HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s loft I started conversing with devotee Lala Pokharmalji Goyal and his son Suresh Goyal. We talked thus for about 1 hour. In the meantime their driver Natthi started experiencing shooting pain in his tummy. Seated in the car itself in agony he tossed and turned restlessly. In a short while he thought why not go near HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s loft? Seeing that we three were immersed in conversation he sat down at about a distance of 40 feet from where we were talking and waited for us to finish our conversation. But when he just could not remain silent due to excess pain in his tummy he walked to the base of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s loft, picked up the sacred soil on the ground there and started rubbing it with his palms on his tummy. After doing this for a few minutes he returned to their car. Due to the effect of that sacred soil in just 10 minutes the intensity of this pain reduced a great deal which was quite extraordinary. Now he could breathe a bit more calmly. He thought to himself why not carry this miraculous soil home? He then did exactly this. He dug out some more soil from the loft surroundings and put it in his pocket. When after giving devotee Lala Pokharmalji Goyal and his son Suresh Goyal some Prasad I gave them permission to leave I called driver Natthi also. After asking about his well being I gave him also some Prasad before giving him also permission to leave. Without saying anything he left. After returning to New Delhi driver Natthi placed the miraculous soil on his worship dais. After about 4 days when he was sleeping in his house he heard the sound of a small child crying aloud. Because of the painful cry of this child driver Natthi could not sleep. He asked his wife as to what the problem was. His wife said that for the past 2 days their neighbor’s son was crying continuously. He is not becoming quite at all. Hence driver Natthi went to see the child and seeing its agony he remembered his own heart wrenching pain experienced a few days back by him. He thought to himself why not put some miraculous soil of Revered Baba’s loft surroundings in the child’s mouth? Hence after bring this soil from his house he asked everyone to move 150/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN aside and then very lightly he massaged the body of the child with this miraculous soul. Along with this driver Natthi chanted the following Super Mantra with devotion: ‘OM DEVRAHAYA DIGAMBARAYA MANCHASINAYA NAMO NAMAHA’ After this he returned to his house. Within aout 7 minutes only this child became very calm and next day at about noon he slept very peacefully. In the meantime when Nathi was about to leave for work in the morning his neighbors started honoring him thinking that he had mastered some sacred Super Mantra. After about 3 days people would approach driver Natthi thinking that he would solve their various health financial and other problems. Hence he explained to all about the miraculous soil of Revered Baba’s loft. He explained to them that his boss Lala Pokharmalji Goyal is a stauch devotee of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar and he goes regularly to the latter’s sacred tombstone. It is from there that driver Natthi explained he brought this miraculous soil. I personally know nothing else apart from the fact that the miracle you all saw was that of this holy soil and that I individually possess no divine powers or Ridhi-sidhis. 151/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 57 THE OMNISCIENT OR ALL KNOWING SAINT Devotee Tiwariji resided in a village 1km away from Vasantpur Malmaliya Road in Siwan district. One day his child Munna who had gone out did not return home. It became dusk while searching everywhere for him. His mother cried and cried desperately. In the evening when Tiwariji returned home from work his mouth dried up in fear on hearing this news and his wife moaning sorrowfully thus. He thus took his cycle and searched here and there. It became very late at night yet there was no clue about the whereabouts of their child. About 5 days passed by thus. In these 5 days Tiwariji searched nearby villages, towns and a couple of cities too as much as possible. Yet he failed to find his child. His state was akin to a man distraught due to undergoing bankruptcy. He found no solace at all whether in eating food, sleeping or just about anything else. His inner soul kept crying in sheer pain and the Bhagwad Geeta verse ‘karmanyevadhikaraste ma faleshu kadachana’ which means that ‘a living being has the right only to execute any action but he has no right over the fruits of these actions kept looming in his mind. When he saw defeat in all directions he reached the sacred shelter of Yoga Yogeshwar Ashtang Yoga Sidha Sanatan Dharma’s very foundation HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar dwelling on his loft on the River Saryu banks. At that time this great saint was residing there. HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar heard Tiwariji saying his son cannot be found for so many days. Hence HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar smilingly spoke in such a way as though he already knew about Tiwariji not finding his son and that he knew where his son was. HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! Do not get scared. Your son is safe and fine. He shall definitely return home. My limitless blessings are with you. Now you may leave and your well being is definite. After HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar gave him Prasad Tiwariji took it home but despite this a week passed by without the son returning home. Again Tiwariji came to HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s sacred Darshan in a very inner agitated state and again repeated his agony to the great Baba. HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! You must be patient and very calm. No task can be achieved by becoming agitated and turmoiled in mind. Bide some more time. My divine vision rests subtly on your child. Due to my grace he is well secure and definitely shall return home. Now do leave as per my command. Tiwariji although dissatisfied returned home mentally accompanied by HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s speech of divine blessings. In this manner 1 more week passed by. One day suddenly Tiwariji’s son Munna got down from a truck on Malmiya Road and started walking towards his home. His age at that time was about 12 years. The news of his reaching home safely spread like wildfire in the entire village. Everyone was happy with amazement. His mother’s condition was the same as when she heard the news of her son not returning home. She embraced him in her arms lovingly and started crying in sheer joy. It seemed to her that 152/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN she again found that very thing very dear to her that she had lost previously. A little later the child entered their house. Over there he saw a photo on the worship dais. He asked his father as to whose photo it was. Tiwariji said it was that of HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s. For a couple of minutes with sheer devotion the child bowed down to his photo with joined palms and then said to his father: Father! It is due to the grace of this great saint in the photo that I escaped from the dire clutches of a begging ascetic who had taken me away with him. In the afternoon I was soaking the sun on the road nearby. I then met a begging ascetic. I was absolutely alone. He gave me something to eat and when I ate it I became unconscious. I was able to walk etc but the moment I tried to speak my tongue would get twisted. He made me climb with him in a bus and at a very long distance away from our home he locked me in a room. He was either an Aghori or Tantrik and he desired to keep me with him by force as his disciple. He would lock me in this room and go away somewhere. Suddenly one day this very great saint HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba opened the lock of this room and helped me come out of this room. The moment he touched me I got back my power of speech. I started walking away with him. In a few minutes he led me to a small hamlet where in a shop he bought food for me to eat. Since I now ate a proper sumptuous meal I started regaining my lost energy. He told the shopkeeper: This child has lost his way. In a short while a truck shall come that is heading for Chapra. Tell the truck owner in it to allow this child to travel with them. This truck shall drop the child near his village. His parents are very worried and anguished. In this manner you shall accrue true well being. The shopkeeper after bowing down to HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba agreed to obey his command and then the great saint went away. In a short while a truck arrived that was heading to Chapra. It is this truck that dropped me at Malmaliya Road. After hearing their child speak thus his family members and neighbors shed tears of devotional faith. Next day all of them together went to have HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s holy Darshan. The moment they arrived HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar seated on his loft said: Say dear devotee? You did find your child didn’t you? He just got saved from becoming a disciple of a beggar ascetic. Both father and son along with others in their group reverently fell full length in devoted prostrations, at the holy feet of HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. The great saint in turn smiling joyously gave all of them a lot of Prasad and gave them permission to return home. A very similar type of incident had taken place with Vasantpur high school’s teacher Vaijnath Singhji too. His son who had got lost returned home only due to HH Brahmarshi Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar’s holy grace. 153/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 58 A TRUE SAINT IS IDENTIFIED ONLY VIA THE GREAT SACRED INNER QUALITIES HE POSSESSES Devotee Vanmali Bannerjee resided in Bhagalpur. One day he went to have the holy Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. He sat in front of Revered Baba’s loft at some distance. It is well known that Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji during his stay in Banaras off and on came for the holy Darshan of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar on the other shore of Assi Ghat. Vanmali Bannerjee was Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji disciple. When seeing Vanmali Bannerjee seated in front of him HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar quite naturally asked: Say devotee! What all are you doing now a days? He replied that yes something or the other happens. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar again asked: Can you show me the Kriya (spiritual practice)? He begged forgiveness saying that his Guru forbade him to show it to others. He said his Guru’s command was not to exhibit to anyone outside the circle of devotees doing spiritual practice under their Guru’s tutelage. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar smiling a wee bit kept quiet. Then very shortly HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar gave Prasad to everyone and bidthem all goodbye. Vanmali Bannerjee inwardly was in confusion that since HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar is a super great saint was it right or wrong on his part to have answered him thus. That very night Vanmali Bannerjee got a dream that Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji was sitting in one of the rooms in his house and he is explaining to Vanmali Bannerjee that Kriya all over again. Mentally Vanmali Bannerjee felt it was good that Gurudeva taught it to him again because he was practicing this Kriya with a few mistakes enmeshed in it. In the meantime his son came and said that a divine saint has appeared at their doorstep. Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji told him to offer humble obeisances at the feet of the saint and bring him inside the room. The saint who came was none other than HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji after reverently bowing down to HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar requested him to sit by his side. In between all this Vanmali Bannerjee who was showcasing certain Yogic Kriyas to his Gurudeva Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji so that the latter could correct mistakes that had crept in it, stopped doing so. Gurudeva Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji said as to why he stopped doing the Yogic Kriyas. Do continue exhibiting them! You must not perceive even an iota of a difference in me and HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. In fact yesterday itself he had asked you to exhibit these Yogic Kriyas only so as to rectify errors that had crept in them but out of deluded indolence you got immersed in the darkness of spiritual ignorance. On hearing Gurudeva Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji light chiding Vanmali Bannerjee deeply and clearly realized the divine greatness of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. Now he again exhibited these Yogic Kriyas without erring even once. Since his errors had been washed away he now imbibed deeply the correct method of doing them. Immediately after this he came out of his dream and now Vanmali Bannerjee inwardly felt very restless since 154/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN he understood the meaning of this dream. He had previously not understood such a supremely great saint as HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar. In the morning after bathing he appeared in front of HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar for holy Darshan albeit with a mind full of regret. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar after bathing in the river carrying a deerskin swiftly headed for his hut and entered it. After sometime he came out of his hut. With tears of heartfelt repentance Vanmali Bannerjee prayerfully said: Please do forgive me and do bless me. I have now realized my folly. Please forgive this servant of yours. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Do calm down my child! Do not become agitated. Tell me everything. Vanmali Bannerjee prayerfully said: O Revered Baba! I have come here to show you the Yogic Kriyas I carry out. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar said: Child! Do not worry because I have already seen it. Now everything has been rectified so there is no need to demonstrate it. Vanmali Bannerjee was dumbstruck that truly both Gurudeva Revered Shyamcharan Lahiriji and HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar had seen him do these Yogic Kriyas in his dream last night. HH Mahayogi Devraha Baba Sarkar later after giving Prasad entered his hut. Vanmali Bannerjee kept thinking mentally that in reality how compassionate are self realized saints without any rhyme or reason to do so. They devoid of any disparity or inequality based thinking think only about the all round well being of the entire world. An ordinary creature does not even have the capacity to attain the divine grace of such true selfless divine saints. 155/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN CHAPTER 59 HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WAS AS MAGNANIMOUS AS MAHARSHI BHRIGU OF YORE How difficult it is to attain the Brahmarshi title is known well by those people who have heard regarding Vishwamitraji. He had renounced wife, children, home, family, householder’s way of life etc along with his kingdom that he was ruling. Instead by doing austerities for thousands of years in order to attain the state of Brahminhood also in turn satisfied Brahmaji the creator of this world. Despite this Brahmaji did not anoint Vishwamitraji with the title of Brahmarshi. He left it to Vasishthaji to do so. The day Vasishthaji called Vishwamitraji as Brahmarshi, from that day he was totally accepted as one by all and sundry. It means that if merely one Self/God Realized saint says so one becomes a true Brahmarshi. A similar type of incident can be read in the epic Mahabharat. A boy called Matang in order to attain the title of Brahmarshi did some rare difficult penance. This boy was born in the womb of a Brahmin mother and the father was a barber. Despite this king of heaven Indra said that this boy Matang could not be given the title of Brahmarshi. But the boy refused to budge. King of heaven Indra gave Darshan to Matang many times and asked him to accept a boon. After being convinced with much coaxing Matang accepted the boon of gaining the capacity to travel by air everywhere. Thus he now stopped executing such difficult austerities. Along with bestowing this boon King of heaven Indra being pleased rendered Matang the revered demigod of women called Chandodev. No doubt he became Chandodev but failed to attain the title of Brahmarshi. At the other end from well known legends we come to know that it is not difficult at all to attain the title of Brahmarshi from another true Brahmarshi. King Haihaya the son of King Vatsa had another name called Vitahavya. He had 10 queens and 100 sons. All of these sons were very valiant. All of them lived in their kingdom in blissful joy. They lacked just about nothing. During those times itself, in the region of Kashi the grandfather of the highly renowned King Divodas called King Haryashwa was ruling the kingdom. Amongst victorious valiant kings he was considered supreme. The 100 sons of King Vitahavya prosperous from all standpoints attacked the kingdom of King Haryashwa. They killed King Haryashwa in this battle and after waving their flag of victory returned to their kingdom. After King Haryashwa died thus his son Sudev was anointed king of Kashi. After a very short time span the 100 sons of King Vitahavya fought a battle with King Sudev also so as to defeat him also. Thus on the battlefield even King Sudev passed away. After King Sudev his son Divodas was anointed king of Kashi. King of heaven Indra ordered him to establish the city of Varanasi. King Divodas did exactly this. At that time Varanasi spread out from the northern shores of River Ganga to the southern shores of River Gomati. But 100 sons of King Vitahavya attacked 156/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN King Divodas also. Hence King Divodas alongwith his army came out to fight this battle which was akin to the ghory bloody battle between demigods and demons. This battle lasted for 2 years, 9 months and 10 days. Since chariots, elephants, horses, soldiers etc got totally destroyed King Divodas perforce had to run away from this bloody battle. With hands joined in prayer he took shelter of his royal priest Muni Bharadwaj. The latter offered great respect and honor to King Divodas and said: O great pious king! Why have you come here? Tell me all that you want and desire. I shall definitely fufill all tasks dear to you. The king said: O my Lord! You are my revered Gurudeva and hence do bless me. In my royal clan I am the lone survivor. The sons of King Vitahavya have destroyed just about everything I possessed. Hence Muni Bharadwaj presided over a Putreshti Yajna in his hermitage so that King Divodas could sire a son. Hence a son called Pratardan was born to him and the child was full of all round great characteristics. Due to the grace of Muni Bharadwaj the moment Pratardan was born he took the form of a 13 year old boy. King Divodas anointed him as his royal heir apparent. Inwardly he understood that it was but the sheer grace of his Guru Muni Bharadwaj that he sired such a powerful prince as Pratardan. He had the power of destroying the 100 sons of King Vitahavya. After taking commands from his father that great powerful Prince Pratardan attacked King Vitahavya’s capital city. Both sides fought a bloody ghastly battle. In this battle all 100 sons of King Vitahavya entered the jaws of death. On hearing this news King Vitahavya leaving his city ran away to Maharshi Bhrigu’s hermitage. The latter allowed the king to stay with him. In the meantime Prince Pratardan following King Vitahavya reached Maharshi Bhrigu’s hermitage. He told all hermitage residents to convey to Maharshi Bhrigu his arrival at the hermitage. He said he would like to have the holy Darshan of Maharshi Bhrigu. On hearing about the arrival of Prince Pratardan at the hermitage Maharshi Bhrigu came out of his hut and asked Prince Pratardan the reason of his arrival there. The prince said: Maharshi! King Vitahavya is hiding in your hermitage. He is reeking mentally with the arrogant ego of his might. His 100 sons had destroyed our city and entire clan. Although I have killed all of them yet the arrogant King Vitahavya remains to be killed. By killing him I would like to repay the debt I owe to my revered father. Maharshi Bhrigu heart overflowed with compassion and said: Prince Pratardan! There is no Kshatriya (of soldier class) in my hermitage. Overhere reside only Brahmins. On hearing these words of Maharshi Bhrigu Prince Pratardan was overjoyed and after respectfully touching the sacred feet of Maharshi Bhrigu said: O Lord! I indeed experience self fulling glory. Out of fear towards me not only has the residence of King Vitahavya changed but that his caste too has changed. Hence O Brahmarshi! Do think about my well being also. Bhrugorvachan matrena sa cha brahmarshitam gataha. Vitahavya maharaj brahmavaditva meva cha. 157/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN In this manner King Vitahavya merely via the speech of Maharshi Bhrigu got the title of Brahmarshi and also attained God Realization. Thus the lineage that followed in King Vitahavya’s clan was no longer Kshatriyas but had now become Brahmins. Further in his lineage was born Shaunak Muni who as a scriptural scholar became well recognized. From the above incidences related by us found in Indian scriptures we can deeply understand the great glory of Brahmarshi title. That title which cannot be bestowed even by King of heaven Indra, Brahmaji the creator etc can be easily attained merely by the speech full of divine blessings uttered by great self realized saints and masters who have attained eternal God vision. RADHE RADHE 158/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN DEVRAHA BABA DHARMARTH VIKRIYA KENDRA The Devraha Baba Dharmarth Vikriya Kendra has been set up at Shri devraha Baba Samadhi Sthal or memorial. For those devotees who come here for holy Darshan it is a topic of joy that all types of original Tulsi rosary, Roli, books of Geeta Press Gorakhpur, Rihal, redyellow-white Asans of blankets, Asan of grass, photos of Samadhi Sthal or memorial and a bag of Mahamantra, Agarbatti, Dhoop, video-audio cassettes of Satsang organized in various places, laminated photographs, literature related to HH Brahmarshi devraha Baba Sarkar etc are available at our hermitage/Ashram. This Devraha Baba Dharmarth Vikriya Kendra can be located exactly near the free drinking water center for visiting devotees. Whatever profits accrue from the sale of the above products is utilized for educating poor and orphan children. For more detailed information please enquire at the Devraha Baba Dharmarth Vikriya Kendra. We humbly request you to fulfill your religious/spiritual requirements from this Devraha Baba Dharmarth Vikriya Kendra itself situated near the memorial. Thus not only shall your needs get fulfilled but that some portion of your wealth shall get used sacredly for philanthropy. Almighty lord Shri Krishna has said in the Bhagwad Geeta: When a devotee worships me in a particular way I too reciprocate the same way. Hence when you revered visiting devotees give your priceless contribution for helping us serve poor and orphan children then the mother of the world Goddess Saraswati too by warding off the weak intellect of your children shall render their brain skills radiantly sharp and full of sacredness. ………………….. YOUR WELL WISHER SHRI CHOTE MAHARAJJI ONE WHO PURIFIES SINNERS SHRI DEVRAHA BABA 159/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SEATED ON A LOFT AT A HEIGHT OF 8 FEET BUILT ON THE SHORES OF RIVER YAMUNA. HE IS SEATED OUTSIDE HIS HUT ON THE LOFT HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA BLESSING DEVOTEE BALRAM JAKHAR WITH HIS RIGHT LEG THE PRIMEVAL ACHARYA AMONGST ALL PARAMHANSAS HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR APPEARING ALL THE MORE DARK SKINNED DUE TO APPLYING THE DARK JUICE OF AMLA OR MYROBALAN (THE ABOVE PHOTO CLICKED BY AN ITALIAN DEVOTEE) HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR BLESSING HARYANA’S CHIEF MINISTER SHRI BHAJANLAL WITH HIS FEET AND AT THE BASE OF THE LOFT STANDING ON THE SIDE IS SHRI BADE MAHARAJ EKAVASTHA MANONMANI PARAMYOGI SAMRAT HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR REVATI RAMAN SINGH THE EX IRRIGATION MINISTER (U.P.) AND NRIPENDRA MISHRA PRESENT FOR HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S FINAL DARSHAN ON 20TH JUNE 1990 AD SHRI BADE MAHARAJ GUIDING HIM FOR DARSHAN AND GIVING ALL OTHER DETAILS ON THE OCCASION OF 160/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S JAL SAMADHI INDIA’S HIGHLY RENOWNED PRIME MINISTER SHRI ATAL BEHARI VAJPAYEE ON 21ST JUNE 1990 AD HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR HAD GIVEN BLESSINGS TO INDIA’S HIGHLY RENOWNED PRIME MINISTER SHRI ATAL BEHARI VAJPAYEE BY SAYING: CHILD! MY INFINITE COMPASSION AND GRACE, FLOW ON YOU. YOU SHALL GET A SUPERB OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY. I AM GOING TO LEAD YOU TO THE PINNACLE OF ALL ROUND ADVANCEMENT. HOW PRICELESS WERE THESE DIVINE WORDS OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR THAT TODAY WE ALL ARE ACTUALLY WITNESSING THE GREAT RESULTS VICTORY TO OUR VERY BELOVED HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR A MAMMOTH CROWD OF DEVOTEES COLLECTED ON THE OCCASION OF JAL SAMADHI GIVEN TO HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR IN THE YEAR 1990 AD ON 21ST JUNE AT THAT TIME INDIA’S HIGHLY RENOWNED PRIME MINISTER SHRI ATAL BEHARI VAJPAYEE WAS ALSO PRESENT 161/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN INDIA’S EX DEFENCE MINISTER KC PANT CONSORT MRS. ILA PANT ARRIVES TO OFFER HER DEVOTED OBEISANCES AT THE HALLOWED FEET OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR ON THE OCCASION OF HIS PUNYA TITHI- SHE CONVERSED WITH BOTH THE MAHARAJJI’S REGARDING REVERED BABA PARAMHANS SAINT SHRI BADE MAHARAJJI WITH HIS LOTUS HANDS HELPING IN HANDING OVER PRASAD TO INNUMEROUS DEVOTEES GATHERED FOR THE PUNYA SMRITI OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WHEN DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S SAMADHI STHAL OR MEMORIAL A BIG PROBLEM CROPPED UP IN THE FORM OF A SPEEDY CURRENT OF RIVER YAMUNA WATERS MANIFESTING THERE BOTH US MAHARAJJI’S FERVENTLY PRAYED TO MOTHER YAMUNA TO PLEASE HELP US IN SUCCESSFULLY CONSTRUCTING REVERED BABA’S MEMORIAL. DUE TO THE EFFECT OF THESE PRAYERS WITHIN 10 DAYS ITSELF MOTHER YAMUNA DIVERTING HER COURSE WENT FAR AWAY AT A DISTANCE OF 400 METERS AND AFTER OUR TASK OF CONSTRUCTING THE MEMORIAL GOT COMPLETED IN 10 MONTHS RIVER YAMUNA RETURNED THERE HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S MEMORIAL WAS COMPLETED IN THE YEAR 1994 AD. THE PHOTO SHOWN ABOVE WAS CLICKED ON 26/3/93 IS THAT OF THE MEMORIAL WHICH WAS YET IN THE PROCESS OF BEING CONTRUCTED HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S 162/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN DIVINE SAMADHI STHAL OR MEMORIAL AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF IT WAS COMPLETED FULLY HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S SACRED IMAGE REINSTATED IN THE GARBHAGRAHA OR SANCTUM SANCTORUM HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR THE DIVINE EMPEROR AMONGST ALL GREAT RISHIS AT THE MAIN DOORWAY OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S DIVINE SAMADHI STHAL OR MEMORIAL IS REINSTATED SANKAT MOCHAN LORD HANUMANJI A 400 YEAR OLD AGED TORTOISE CALLED DEVOTEE RAMDASJI MANY A TIMES WOULD COME OUT OF RIVER YAMUNAJI TO FEARLESSLY ROAM AROUND IN HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S ASHRAM OR HERMITAGE FIRST FROM THE RIGHT IRRIGATION MINISTER OF M.P. RAJA M.P. SINGH DEVJI’S BROTHER RAJA K.P. SINGH DEVJI LEADING THE PROCESSION OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S 163/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN FINAL CREAMATION RITES IT IS BANG OPPOSITE TO SHRI DEVRAHA BABA SAMADHI STHAL OR MEMORIAL IN VRINDAVAN DHAM IRRIGATION MINISTER OF U.P. SHRI OM PRAKASHJI PRESENT IN A GOVT. OFFICIAL ROLE FOR A SCHEME REGARDING THE SECURITY OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S SAMADHI STHAL OR MEMORIAL FROM THE CUTTING OF RIVER YAMUNAJI THE MINISTER IS CONVERSING WITH THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF GAZIABAD URBAN COOPERATIVE BANK-SHRI RAVIDATT SHARMAJI AND CHOTE MAHARAJJI SHRI CHOTE MAHARAJJI INNAUGURATING HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR FRIEND’S CLUB IN EUROPE AFTER CONSTRUCTING A LOFT OF HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR IN THE 1998 AD HARIDWAR KUMBH MELA AN IMAGE OF REVERED GURUDEV BABA WAS REINSTATED ON IT BOTH MAHARAJJIS IMMERSED TOTALLY IN SINGING HYMNS IN PRAISE OF GOD AND ALSO GIVING DISCOURSES ON REVERED BABA’S LIFE AND TEACHINGS TO THE LARGE CROWD OF DEVOTEES GATHERED THERE 164/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN EVEN WHEN HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR WAS ALIVE RIVER GANGA MAYA WOULD SPORT DIVINELY BY SURROUNDING HIS LOFT FROM ALL SIDES THIS DIVINE SPORT WAS REPEATED AGAIN ON THAT DAY DURING THE 1998 AD HARIDWAR KUMBH MELA WHEN BOTH MAHARAJJIS WERE MAKING ARRANGEMENTS TO RETURN TO REVERED BABA’S MEMORIAL IN VRINDAVAN AFTER THE CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE KUMBH MELA AS HAD HAPPENED ON EVERY SUCH OCCASION THIS TIME TOO IN THE KUMBH MELA RIVER GANGA MAYA CIRCUMABULATED HIS LOFT THERE IN UTTER DEVOTION SHRI CHOTE MAHARAJ IMMERSED IN PERFORMING YOGIC PRACTICES AS TAUGHT BY HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR HH BRAHMARSHI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR KE LADAI TE LAL REVERED BABA’S TWO POWERFUL WATCH GUARDS THE INCOMPARABLE RARE DUO OF RAM-LAKSHMAN 165/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN ATTAINING ALMIGHTY GOD ‘Mantra chanting or Japa’ is that first very important step which on fructifying becomes the cause of attaining Almighty God’s divine grace. This grace of Almighty God leads the living being to the second step of attaining God or divine cosmic consciousness which is immersing oneself in ‘sacred selfless tasks’. When both ‘Mantra chanting or Japa’ and ‘sacred selfless tasks’ bear fruits the third step is experienced called ‘self knowledge’. When ‘self knowledge’ is attained the sense of duality in our psyche gets uprooted. Thus a sense of soul oneness with the entire world dawns and one merges with God or divine cosmic consciousness. Now the living being gets catapulted to the fourth step of ‘attaining Almighty God’. After reaching this great inner state the living being never returns to this material world of bondage and spiritual ignorance. When ever such souls who are one with Almighty God come again to planet earth then after reinstating sacred righteousness, human values and lofty sacred ideals again via their divine wisdom, devotion to Almighty God and pious actions get immersed in God or divine cosmic consciousness (Brahmaleen). On the 1st step the living being latched on to devotion to god and on the 4th step God merged the living being into his divine cosmic consciousness. MERE ONE SINGLE DIVINE TEACHING FROM A GREAT GOD REALIZED GURU CAN OPEN UP ALL KNOTS/COMPLEXES RELATED RIGHTEOUSNESS, DIVINE KNOWLEDGE AND GOD ATTAINMENT (LIVING BEING + DEVOTION TO GOD) THAT LEADS TO (ACTION, RIGHTEOUSNESS) THAT LEADS TO (SELF KNOWLEDGE) THAT LEADS TO (ATTAINING ALMIGHTY GOD AND THE LIVING BEING MERGING INTO HIM) ………………SHRI BADE MAHARAJJI 166/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN ONE MESSAGE FOR INDIAN CITIZENS Today there is a dire need for Indians to imbibe their own culture instead of following western culture. Westerners are very much reinstated in their own culture. Thus we must also learn to remain firmly rooted in our culture. No culture can advance aptly if it immerses itself in vain dancing-singing, living dirtily (lethargy in bathing regularly) and by wearing abnormal type of clothing carrying out undesirable actions. Lest westerners have developed highly on the financial and economic front it is because of their hard work. Beloved Indians! If you wish to learn something from westerners then by giving up lethargy learn to carry out your righteous duties in life and certainly do not imbibe their foolish behavior and activities. It is painful to note in today’s contemporary times that our youth looking upon western country’s advancement as a result of their stupidities are immersed in imbibing them. Lest anyone possessed the infinite vault of flowers of true culture (encompassing truth, non violence, integrity, valor, love for righteousness, daring, believing in oneness of all world religions, pious character, marrying only one husband or one wife, surrendering to Almighty God, welcoming and lovingly serving guests, remaining steadfast in one’s righteous duties etc) it was present only in India. Today much more than economic advancement is the dire need for ethical advancement which previously was synonymous with India’s identity. Material wealth is very much dependent on such divine qualities. If India today is considered poor there is no need to fear. Some greedy elements by deluding the brains of our countrymen in various ways are madly rushing towards attaining authority and power. Their goal merely involves fraud, wiliness, hard heartedness and by hook or by crook latch on to authority and power. Thus their arrogant ego and deep pockets get filled to the brim via oppression and suppression of the lay public. The day the divinely compassionate Lord who chose to incarnate in our land India shall give us a true devoteeruler that very day onwards our grandeur shall render heaven also pale. That person whose blood does not boil when dire situations are faced by our cows, righteous duty, Almighty God, Indian women and our country India can never be called a true Hindu at all. Only he can be called a true Hindu who for the protection of the above cuts up the noose of deluded mental attachment so that for this divine mission he smilingly sacrifices his very life. ……………..SHRI CHOTE MAHARAJJI 167/168 SHRI DEVRAHA BABA LILA DARSHAN HH MAHAYOGI DEVRAHA BABA SARKAR’S DIVINE HALLOWED IMAGE REINSTATED IN THE GARBHA GRIHA OR SANCTUM SANCTORUM 168/168