! .John BeFord ! _____ ...__ • _____________..~~~~~""_....~~ __••~..IIt«W__..<""' ••:."'."'•• .._ "'"""'";,.....~~.,.;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;._;;;;__ ;;;;;;;;;;;<;;;;;;;JJ Ph~sics Sr.-ing 2013 2220 I Name: ---------------- Discussion TA: 1 Exam 2 Unid: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ------------- Show all work! I()()O ...R" 2;oeo ~ b.-__~----._--~----4d [20 pIS.] For the circuit shown, determine the direction and magnitude of the current in the horizontal wire between a and e. R = 1.00kn E=250V ~ 7f!t-4; e L~ i '. Z~D -- 1'000 i, -lfO(Jf))~ -::-.::> -/()OO,.', _'fOOO.Aj - S'oo~ AIj .f- ~«J;'3 :::::;; -1>0 ~ ¢ _ 3eoo ( ; I -+ ~1- -~f) ..\- l( Ocr.;:. J:i -;: __ 3 oc>Z" ;. I - '}1X>::);::t.. ~ 7000 ; 1. ::. ..... '1::n:>.).4 -+ !:'oo - 20&>01"1. --:;: I', _ ?()O-{ ~ i'l -.J. 3) 1-'; £).,::) _ ~ 000;1 - C; 000;... v..{kry\M.'(\ -<- ;, J;:ii.- I .... 0 C> 2 o-:Y.)';: 2- -\. ).oS::O e>L~cl;,3 0 ~ 0 j!, ~,....; 00 : • 1\,;: p.'jng 20).3 Name: ------------------------- .John [)cFOI'd 2 Exam 2 Unid: ________________________ Discussion TA: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Show all work! The circuit shown consists of two resistors, R] and R2 and two capacitors, C] and C2• They are connected to battery. The switch is initially open with no charge on the capacitors. The switch is then closed. (a) (b) [10 pts.] Detennine the charge on capacitor C] as a function oftime. [10 pts.] Detennine the charge on capacitor C2 as a function oftime. L....---<ly e C, V ( 1- --1:/1") e I-.--...J J>h~ sics 2220 .John UeFonl Spl'ing 2013 3 Name: - - - - Unid: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exam 2 Discussion TA: - ­ Show all work! A proton, moving in the plane of the page has a kinetic energy of 6.00 MeV. A magnetic field of B = 1.00 T is directed into the page. The proton enters the magnetic field with its velocity' vector at angle a= 45.0° to the linear boundary ofthe field as shown. (a) --~ [10 pts.} Find x, the distance from the point of entry to where the proton will leave the field. (b) [10 pts.] Calculate the angle at which the proton leaves the field. X p ~ ~it1e ~ 'I- -;;: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X it­ 2- t. S;11 t.(S­ Ph~'sics Name: 2220 Spring 2013 ------------------------- Unid: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .John DeFot'd 4 Exam 2 Discussion TA: ________________ Show all work! [20 pIS.] An infinitely long. straight wire carries a current II and is partially surrounded by a loop of length L and radius R carrying a current 12 • The axis ofthe loop coincides with the wire. Calculate the mawetic force exerted on the loop. !fJJ ;~ fp./~ (/~ ( WI'~ ,~ 17\ Y 'h!t?~ ~ • ~ -;St!c:-I-i'()¥'1 ~ .t::...J ((: .::> f- lC'J,' ft" ~<', ~ f.tyU- 1<; ?;,!.£., - J., ,he.. mo.5 'I),,/-,C -t C> f'r \ R ~1 ~ 0 ~ qL~ ~ c ? 'Fy '7 r ...... r~ r. L ~ -\-- ~-r1-L B> ,~(-r\ ce Tz,. L E. ) > • PIn sics 222 Name: --------------------------- Vnid: __________________________ Discussion TA: 5 Exam 2 --------------------- Show all work! Pl A long cylindrical conductor ofradius a has two cylindrical cavities each of ._- --------------. diameter a through the entire length as shown in the end view. A current I is directed out ofthe page and is uniform through a cross section of the r conducting materiaL (a) (b) [10 pts.] Find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field in terms of Ilo, I, r and a at point Pl' [10 pts.] Find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field in terms of Ilo, I, r and a at point P2• F; v'\d. ,I\~ C-trrt...A:,;: T:::: J Tr ~ r' I I I I I I I I I I I i"'III:II(-----+,.: • r •