First Aid Treatment You Should Know

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英 語
First Aid Treatment You Should Know
目 次
1. Dial 119 - Calling the Emergency Services / The Need for First Aid
2. How to perform CPR
3. How to use an AED
4. Other Useful First Aid Treatment – fractures, burns, bleeding, & heatstroke
5. Emergency Medical Information
1. Dial 119 - Calling the Emergency Services 119 番の利用のしかた
Remain calm and give direct answer to the questions asked. Speak slowly and clearly.
Nani ga arimashita ka? (What happened?)
- kaji desu (a fire)
- kyūkyū desu (a medical emergency)
- kyūjo desu (someone is trapped)
Basho wa doko desu ka? (Where did it happen?)
- Say the address. If you don’t know the address, give a nearby landmark or building.
- XYZ kosa-ten (near XYZ junction)
Dono yo na jokyo desu ka? (What is the situation?)
- ie ga moete imasu. (a house is on fire)
- kōtsū jiko de, kega nin ga imasu (someone has been injured in a traffic accident)
Anata no namae wa? (What is your name?)
- Say your name.
Anata no denwa bango wa? (What is your telephone number?)
- Say the number that you are calling from.
Whether you are calling from a land line or a mobile phone - the number to dial is the same -119.
Remember to give a good description of where you are!
The Need for First Aid 応急手当の必要性
The Chain of Survival - Like any chain, the chain of survival is only as strong as its weakest link
Early Call to “119” → Early CPR → Early Defibrillation (using an AED) → Early Advanced Care
2. CPR (for adults and children over 8 years of age) 心肺蘇生法(成人、8 歳以上)
1) Check for Response 反応の確認
- determine responsiveness of the patient by tapping on the patient’s
shoulders and shouting in both ears.
2) Call for Assistance 助けを求める
- if no response ask someone nearby to call for an ambulance (119).
3) Check Airway 気道の確保
- perform a head tilt, chin lift to open airway.
4) Check for Breathing
- Place your ear over nose and mouth and look down the chest. Listen
and feel for any air movement on your cheek for about 10 seconds.
- If the patient is breathing place them in the recovery position and wait
for paramedics. If they are not breathing start artificial respiration.
5) Artificial Respiration 人工呼吸
- Pinch the patient’s nose with your thumb and forefinger.
- Put your mouth around that of the patient’s and give 2 slow breaths
(about a second each) just enough to see chest rise.
Note: To reduce the risk of infection between you and the patient, the
use of a CPR mouthpiece is highly recommended.
6) Chest Compression 胸骨圧迫
- Place the heel of your hand in the center of the chest between the
nipple line. Place your other hand on top of the first and keep your
elbows locked.
- Compress the patient’s chest hard and fast; do not pause.
- Repeat compression and breathing at a rate of 100 compressions per
minute. Do not stop until relieved.
7) Chest Compression & Artificial Breathing
- Give 2 breaths for every 30 compressions. Continue this rhythm until
paramedics arrive and take over.
3. How to use an AED AED の使い方・注意点
In order to safely use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) you must follow the AED’s audio
guidance. Do NOT use an AED on a child under 1 year of age.
1) Turn on the AED 電源を入れる
- Turn on the power and follow the audio guidance.
2) Attach Pads
- Expose the patient’s chest – this will allow the pads to send a better electrical
- Make sure any items that may cause injury are removed:
・Use a towel (or similar item) to wipe off any sweat of water from the patient’s
・Remove any medical patches.
・If the patient is wearing a pacemaker, place pads at least 3cm away from it.
・Remove any jewellery or other metallic objects.
Electrocardiograph Analysis 心電図の解析をする
- After attaching the pads to the patient, attach the wires to the AED unit.
- Follow the audio guidance, and move away from the patient; make sure
nobody is touching the patient.
The Electric Shock 除細動の実施
- The AED will determine whether an electric shock is required and will
automatically charge up.
- If the AED instructs you to push the shock button, once again make sure
nobody is touching the patient before pushing the button.
5) After the Electric Shock
If after the shock the AED informs you that another shock is not required, start
CPR again as soon as possible.
4. Other Useful First Aid Treatment その他の応急手当
1) Fractures 骨折
●Symptoms - intense pain, deformity, sudden swelling, change in skin colour.
- Even if the symptoms of fracture are slight, make sure the affected area is immobilized.
- Immobilize the damaged bone (minimize movement)
- Do not straighten the broken bone; even if the bone is deformed immobilize as it is.
< Using a brace > < Using a triangular bandage >
2) Burns やけど
- As soon as possible place the affected area under cool/tepid (not cold) running
- If at all possible avoid touching the burn blister.
- After cooling the affected area cover it with a sanitary gauze.
- After applying first aid seek professional medical care.
3) Bleeding 止血方法
A reduction of the blood volume from internal or external bleeding can cause circulation problems and lead to
circulatory shock. If blood loss further continues it can lead to death.
- Direct pressure on the wound – in the majority of cases this method is effective.
Pushing down on the wound with a “thick”, folded , hand towel (or similar item) is effective.
- If the body losses more than 20% of its blood in a short period of time, circulatory shock may occur.
Raising a patient’s legs can improve blood supply to the heart.
Note: When treating someone who is bleeding in order to lessen the risk of infection take precautions so that
you do not come in direct contact with the blood.
4) Heatstroke 熱中症
Heatstroke can affect anyone and is usually a result of excessively high outside
temperatures or physical exertion.
●Symptoms - include headaches, tiredness, nausea and vomiting, and in some cases
- The normal action to take is to rest, cool, and re-hydrate the sufferer. If the symptoms
do not improve or become worse seek immediate medical assistance.
5. Emergency Medical Information 緊急医療情報
The Aichi Emergency Treatment Information Center 愛知県救急医療情報センター
A 24-hour service that provides information about where to go for medical treatment in Aichi Prefecture, in
the event of a traffic accident, sudden illness, and other emergencies. You can find information about medical
facilities on-line in Japanese, English, and other languages.
Voice & Fax Information System in 5 Languages 外国語音声 FAX 案内
An automatic voice & fax information system is available in 5 languages providing information about local
medical facilities.
English Fax 052-249-9799
Chinese Fax 052-249-9499
French Fax 052-249-9899
Tel: 052-263-1133
Fax 052-249-9699
Portuguese Fax 052-249-3299
Emergency Medical Consultations for Children 子ども救急相談
If your child becomes ill after normal hospital hours (for example at night or at the weekend), a medical
professional can advice you over the phone on what action to take depending upon the child’s symptoms.
○Shoni Kyukyu Telephone Consultations 小児救急電話相談
Available: 19:00 - 23:00 on weekends, holidays, and at New Year
Tel: 052-263-9909
○Kodomo Anshin Telephone Consultations 子どもあんしん電話相談
Tel: 052-933-1174
Available: Weekdays (20:00 ∼ 24:00), weekends, holidays, and at New Year (18:00 ∼ 24:00)
Nagoya International Center Information Counter 名古屋国際センター 情報カウンター
The Nagoya International Center provides vital information in 8 languages.
Available: Open 09:00 - 19:00; closed Mondays & New Year
Tel: 052-581-0100
NIC’s Three-way Telephone Consultation System Tel: 052-581-6112
- Consult with a civic service (such as a health center) over the phone via an interpreter.