Thunder Bay Course Calendar 518 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 2Z8 Phone: (807) 345-1712 Fax: (807) 343-0295 email: Standard First Aid with Level A CPR and AED Register now Standard First Aid & Level A CPR is designed to instill students with the knowledge and confidence to effectively provide First Aid and one-rescuer CPR. Topics include: emergency scene management, shock, unconsciousness and fainting, artificial respiration (adult), choking (adult), severe bleeding, cardiovascular emergencies, and one-rescuer (adult) CPR. This course meets WSIB regulations for workplaces with five or more employees per shift. Time: 8:30apm – 4:30 pm October Day November Day December Day 6,7 Thu,Fri 3,4 Thu,Fri 1,2 Thu,Fri 11,12 Tue,Wed 7,8 Mon,Tue 5,6 Mon,Tue 12,13 Wed,Thu 9,10 Wed,Thu 7,8 Wed,Thu 17,18 Mon,Tue 14,15 Mon,Tue 10,11 Sat,Sun 20,21 Thu,Fri 17,18 Thu,Fri 12,13 Mon,Tue 24,25 Mon,Tue 21,22 Mon,Tue 15,16 Thu,Fri 26,27 Wed,Thu 23,24 Wed,Thu 19,20 Mon,Tue 31,1 Mon,Tue 28,29 Mon,Tue Standard First Aid with Level A CPR Renewal Renew your certificates in a one-day course. Students must be in possession of a valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid certificate and a Level A CPR certificate. Revalidation of a certificate is permissible on a once only basis. It is highly recommended that students review their course material before attending the course. Student workbooks are included due to protocol changes. Prerequisites: Valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid and Level A CPR certificates Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm October Day November Day December Day 5 Wed 2 Wed 5 Mon 19 Wed 16 Wed 14 Wed 30 Wed 21 Wed Standard First Aid with Level C CPR and AED First Aid with Level C CPR is designed to give students the knowledge and confidence to effectively provide first aid and one-rescuer (adult) CPR, as well as infant and child CPR. Time: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm October Day November Day December Day 5,6 Wed,Thu 2,3 Wed,Thu 8,9 Thu,Fri 19,20 Wed,Thu 16,17 Wed,Thu 14,15 Wed,Thu 29,30 Sat,Sun 26,27 Sat,Sun 17,18 Sat,Sun 30,1 Wed,Thu 19,20 Mon,Tue Thunder Bay Course Calendar 518 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 2X8 Page # 2 Standard First Aid with Level C CPR Renewal Register now Renew your certificates in one-and-a-half days. Students must be in possession of a valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid certificate and a Level C CPR certificate. Revalidation of a certificate is permissible on a once only basis. It is highly recommended that students review their course material before attending the course. Prerequisites: Valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid and Level C CPR certificates. Time: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm October Day November Day December Day 15 Sat 18 Fri 3 Sat 21 Fri Standard First Aid with CPR for Health Care Professionals (HCP) Time: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm October Day November Day December Day 15,16 Sat,Sun 19,20 Sat,Sun 3,4 Sat,Sun Standard First Aid with CPR for HCP – Renewal Time: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm December Day 17 Sat Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR and AED Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR teaches basic first aid procedures and practical skills needed to sustain life and manage the scene of an injury. It also includes one-rescuer adult CPR. Topics include: emergency scene management, shock, unconsciousness and fainting, artificial respiration (adult), choking (adult), and severe bleeding. This course meets WSIB regulations for workplaces with five or fewer employees per shift. Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm October Day November Day December Day 3 Mon 9 Wed 7 Wed 11 Tue 14 Mon 12 Mon 17 Mon 23 Wed 19 Mon 26 Wed 28 Mon 31 Mon Phone: (807) 345-1712 | | email: Thunder Bay Course Calendar 518 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 2X8 Page # 3 CPR Level C + AED Register now Level C CPR will instruct the techniques of adult, infant and child CPR. Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Please call for course dates CPR Level C + AED Renewal Renew your certificates in one-and-a-half days. Students must be in possession of a valid St. John Ambulance Level C CPR certificate. Revalidation of a certificate is permissible on a once only basis. It is highly recommended that students review their course material before attending the course. Prerequisites: Valid St. John Ambulance Level C CPR certificates. Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Please call for course dates CPR for Health Care Professionals (HCP) This a new course specifically designed for the current and future Health Care and Emergency Care Professional or Emergency Service Provider. This is a one day course certifying the registrant with emergency scene management, treatment for shock, bag valve mask, cardiovascular emergencies & One-rescuer CPR with adult, child, as well as infant resuscitation, and Two-Rescuer CPR. AED is also included. Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm November Day December Day 19 Sat 3 Sat CPR for Health Care Professionals (HCP) – Renewal Time: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Phone: (807) 345-1712 | December Day 10 Sat | email: Thunder Bay Course Calendar 518 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 2X8 Page # 4 Babysitting Basics Register now This Babysitting course is designed for students age 10 - 14. Students will learn the responsibilities of babysitting, caring for children, children and food, handling difficulties (crying, temper, shyness, and power struggles), children and play, recognizing and preventing injuries, handling emergencies (fire, prowlers, gas or water leaks, etc.) and first aid (managing an emergency, artificial respiration and choking for infants and children, wounds, burns, poisoning, eye injuries, fever, convulsions, and much more). Prerequisites: None Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm October Day November Day December Day 23 Sun 12 Sat 18 Sun 26 Sat Wilderness First Aid Wilderness First Aid is a comprehensive program for those who live, work and play in remote or isolated areas. Students are prepared with the skills and knowledge to treat injuries and promote recovery when they are hours, or even days, away from emergency medical aid. Topics include: cold exposure, dental emergencies, burns, gunshot wounds, broken bones, stomach ailments, spinal injuries and animal bites. Learn how to improvise first aid supplies, transport a casualty to safety, arrange for medical help, and meet the special challenges of wilderness first aid. This is not a survival course--there are no lessons on what to eat or how to build a shelter. Wilderness First Aid is about preparing for an emergency, and making the right decision to ensure your own safety and that of others. If you have ever been isolated from professional medical help, even if just for a few hours, then Wilderness First Aid is the ideal course for you. Prerequisite: Valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid and Basic Rescuer(Level C) CPR certificates. Duration: 32 hours Please call the office for more info Advanced Medical First Responder This is a comprehensive skills oriented training program for people who have specific roles and responsibilities as team members responding to medical and trauma related emergencies (i.e. mine and plant safety personnel, security personnel, police, fire and emergencies first response teams). This 52 hour modular program requires the student to devote 12 hours to precourse reading and at home review, in addition to 40 hours of class time. Our revised curriculum uses the new Canadian edition Emergency Medical Responder that meets the Paramedic Association of Canada's National Occupational Competency Profile. St. John Ambulance will tailor this course to meet the specific requirements of your industry. Core topics include roles and responsibilities, infection control, scene management, advanced primary and secondary assessment protocols, hand-over to EMS, airway management and oxygen administration, cardiovascular emergencies (with AED), hard and soft tissue injuries and medical emergencies. Elective lessons that reflect workplace specific situations will be selected. The classroom emphasis is on skills stations, realistic intervention scenarios, and use of industry specific adjunctive equipment. Prerequisites: Over 16 years of age; a valid St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid certificate is strongly recommended; completion of precourse assignments Duration: 52 hours Please call the office for more info Phone: (807) 345-1712 | | email: Thunder Bay Course Calendar 518 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 2X8 Page # 5 Advanced Medical First Responder - Recertification Register now This course is intended for individuals with current advanced level of certification, who are approaching expiry of certification, but who have not yet expired. Such candidates will be expected to attend the full recertification program and must meet all evaluation criteria as determined by the St. John Ambulance training standards and program evaluation criteria. The program will require all participants to complete a minimum 13 hours of classroom activity (excluding meals, breaks, and any self study activity). Participants must successfully complete the theoretical examination for the AMFR Basic-Curriculum with the minimum passing grade as well must successfully complete all skills stations.. Prerequisites: Current/valid AMFR Certificate. Duration: 2 days Please call the office for more info Instructor Development Program This course is designed for persons wanting to become instructors in First Aid and CPR. Candidates must demonstrate strong practical skills and theoretical knowledge of all first aid standards, therefore the prerequisite for this course is a valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid and Basic Rescuer CPR certificate or its equivalent. As a St. John Ambulance instructor, you will teach courses to the public, earn an honorarium, help Canadians to help themselves, gain experience speaking in front of a group, and develop lasting friendships. Prerequisites: Valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid and Basic Rescuer (Level C) CPR certificates. Duration: 40 hours Please call the office for more info Location Map Thunder Bay - 518 Fort William Road, Thunder Bay, ON Phone: (807) 345-1712 | | email: