TP 7245E 1 of 2 AD Number: CF-2016-10R1 AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued pursuant to Civil Aviation Regulation (CAR) 521.427. No person shall conduct a take-off or permit a take-off to be conducted in an aircraft that is in their legal custody and control, unless the requirements of CAR 605.84 pertaining to ADs are met. Standard 625 Aircraft Equipment and Maintenance Standards Appendix H provides information concerning alternative means of compliance (AMOC) to ADs. Number: Effective Date: CF-2016-10R1 22 July 2016 ATA: Type Certificate: 54 A-131 Subject: Engine Pylons - Missing and/or Loose Fasteners on the Upper and Lower Skin Panels Revision: Supersedes AD CF-2016-10, issued 13 April 2016. Applicability: Bombardier Inc. aeroplane models: CL-600-2C10 - serial numbers 10002 thru 10344, CL-600-2D15 & CL-600-2D24 - serial numbers 15001 through 15388, 15391, 15392, 15395, and CL-600-2E25 - serial numbers 19001 through 19044. Compliance: As indicated below, unless already accomplished. Background: There have been several reported findings of loose or missing Hi-Lite fasteners and collars on the left hand (L/H) and right hand (R/H) upper and lower engine pylon structure common to the upper and lower pylon skin panels and engine thrust fitting. Missing fasteners in these areas are shown to significantly reduce the safety margins and could result in a structural failure of the engine pylon. Bombardier, as an interim corrective action issued a new Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) task for detailed inspection of the engine pylon rib and skin fasteners to inspect for protruding, loose or missing fasteners and rectify any discrepancies noted in accordance with a Repair Engineering Order (REO). The original version of this AD, CF-2016-10, mandated the subject inspection and necessary rectification. Bombardier has since issued Service Bulletin (SB) 670BA-54-007 to replace all affected fasteners with interference fit fasteners, as terminating action for the mandated inspection requirement. AD CF-2016-10 is now being revised to mandate compliance with SB670BA-54-007. Corrective Actions: Part 1 - Inspection/Rectification: A. For aeroplanes above 840 hours total air time since new: Within 660 hours air time or 3 months, whichever occurs first, from 27 April 2016, the effective date of the original issue of this AD, perform the inspection and the required rectification as specified in Corrective Actions paragraph D. below. Repeat subject inspection at intervals not to exceeding 1500 hours air time. CF-2016-10R1 2 of 2 B. For aeroplanes equal to or below 840 hours total air time since new: Within 1500 hours total air time since new, perform the inspection and the required rectification as specified in Corrective Actions paragraph D. below. Repeat subject inspection at intervals not to exceed 1500 hours air time. C. For aeroplanes that have performed Bombardier Reference Instruction Letter (RIL) #4212 Aeroplanes that have been inspected in accordance with RIL #4212 Initial Issue, dated 23 December 2015 or Revision A, dated 28 January 2016 instructions prior to the effective date of this AD, meet the initial inspection requirement as specified in Corrective Actions paragraph A. or B. of this AD. Repeat subject inspection at intervals not to exceed 1500 hours air time from the last inspection in accordance with paragraph D. below of this AD. D. Inspect the LH and RH upper and lower engine pylons in accordance with the AMM instructions specified in Task 54−51−01−220−801 (Config A01), introduced through AMM Temporary Revision (TR) 54-0007, dated 8 March 2016 or later revisions. If protruding, loose or missing fasteners are found, repair before next flight as per REO 670-54-51-034, dated 7 March 2016 or later revisions. Part 2 – Terminating Action: Within 12 600 hours airtime or 6 years from the effectivity date of this AD, whichever occurs first, replace affected hi-lite fasteners and collars in accordance with accomplishment instructions in SB670BA-54-007 dated 13 May 2016 or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Transport Canada. Compliance with Part 2 above constitutes terminating action for the inspection requirements per Part 1 of this AD. Accomplishment of Bombardier REO 670−54−51−035 prior to the effective date of this AD, also meets the intent of Part 2 as terminating action for this AD. Authorization: For the Minister of Transport, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Philip Tang Acting Chief, Continuing Airworthiness Issued on 8 July 2016 Contact: A K Durrani, Continuing Airworthiness, Ottawa, telephone 888-663-3639, facsimile 613-996-9178 or e-mail or any Transport Canada Centre.