., • , SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW · FORM OB-MR-35 ·4 REV. OCT. BY-LAW N0._....:.:2:....!4..:.::2~5_ _ _ __ 1964 A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 67 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS IN THE CITY BAY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SEPARATSD TOWN OF- - - - - * ' - "NORTH U i.............__........._..__ IN THE COUNTY OF NIPISSING DISTRICT ---------------------~~~~~----------------------------- WHEREAS Wlder The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. --- THEREFORE the CoWlcil of the Corporation of the said City/Separated Town enacts as follows: {l) The sum of$ 256,000.00 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges Wlder its jurisdiction during the yearl9 asfollows:- CONSTRUCTION ROADS $ BRIDGES AND CUL.VERTS $ ENGINEERING AND OVf:RHEAD $ $ TOTALS - " 190,100.00 NIL 13,300.00 20J 1 ~oo.oo TOTAL ·MAINTENANCE $ $ 49,200.00 NIL $ 239,300.00 $ NIL $ 3,400.00 $ 16,700.00 $ ~2.6QQ.QQ $ ?56,000.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at _ ___.l.lNu.ou.r.,....tu...h"'--...B.ua...._y,___ _ _ this _ _,1....3'-"t..,.h..______ day of November A. D. 1 9 67 (SEAL) Clerk ,.•.. -~ " \ I, _____,C~.-=E:..::.__,A~r"-'m=s-"t'""'r'-"o"""n~ge-_____ , Clerk of the Corporation of the ~ Tctte'd- 'f'O"'WW'l of _ _ _N.LJLUo..t.r_,.tu.hL-..JBu.ac:a.,y~--· do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. _ _..:2:=.:4=2..c.5___ passed by the CoWlcil of the said Corporation on the _ _-=:1:..<3:....:t::.:h==----r-.S...,.-~Wrb~~~>.T~~!Il-m'-:x::~~~~~+- 19 67 I h;reby confirm that this by·law has ....,o.:n approved by the Minister of . ..:..~;~~-~vays. ·········-------~~~---~............................._............ p~tuNICIPAL ENciiNi:ED: Clerk ( SUPPL~ZNTARI 'ORM OB·MR·26 REVISED CITY CONST 2425 RY_t.Aw ~~: ~LA"'n"No . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __.N...._"C...,·Jlt~. ~H.....-...B~A""Y------ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19_67_ TOWN OF _ VILLAGE ESTIMATED COST ITEM 2-CONSTRUCTION-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS BRIDGEs--sTRUCTURES OF 10' OR OVER TOTAL STREET TYPE Corporation's Share $ SPAN $ ... - l. I 1 ' CULVRRT8-PIPES AND STRUCTURES LESS THAN 10' SPAN NUMBER NIL NIL 1),)00.00 lJ,JOO.OO 64 2,.000.00 zs.ooo.oo 1.) ),000.00 2,000.00 ?,500.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 ?,;oo.oo 2,700.00 2,'100.00 9,000.00 9.000.00 TOTAL ITEM 2 • ITEM 3-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (MAXIMUM 7% OF ITEMS 1 AND 2) ITEM 4-MAINTENANCE-ROADS OR STREETS EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING TYPE OF SURFACING STREET TO FROM LENGTH ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR { WINTER CONTROL SNOW CLEAIDNC MILES SANDING OR CINDERING MILES APPLICATION OF SALT MILES ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCHING CONCRETE OR BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIRS MILES STONE GRAVEL OR CINDER RESURFACING .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. PATCHING DRAGGING MILES DUST LAYING (Ca. Cl.) MILES OILING CURB AND GUTTER REPAIRS CATCH: u N S tEANING AND REPAIRS lD$t at on of CroaatDc Protection RaUway croaaiq Jfaill\-.nce TOTAL ITEM 4 IJt.Y t tiNU eVUU 4~t,/J.N•UU ITEM 5-MAINTENANCE-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS BRIDGES NUMBER CULVERTS NUMBER NlL TOTAL ITEM 5 ITEM 6-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD ~MAXIMUM 7$ OF ITEMS 4 AND 5~ Corporation's Share Only 190,100.00 (ITEM 1) $ -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 2) $ -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 3) $ (ITEM 4) $ 49,auo.uo -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 5) $ 1U.L -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 6) $ CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS -,. MAINTENANCE -ROADS OR STREETS .. . If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In the form indicated DATE ),400.00 3,400.00 SUMMARY OF ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY UNDER THE H.I. ACT TOTAL 1UJ.. November lOth19__Q7 $ ftL.a.. J..J,~•vu .)t&.,uv•\J\1 256,000.00 uEt-'At-<TMENT OF HiGHVv'AYS ONTARiO CITY TOWN OF VILLAGE FORM OB·MR·26 REVISED 101ft BAT 64·4199 ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 _f!J__ ITEM I-CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS ESTIMATED COST FROM STREET TO LENGTH DESCRIPTION OF WORK WIDTH TOTAL Cl lv •• ft•'-• 1&1 5 ..... Cl z ..... ~ - ~ ltf..h c<O. .. St.__.._ 1&1 = E:-< z..... z a _.._ s ft ... ... ..... 1&....-""ll'a H ..."-• laL. R.mk lLana ,. __ . . _,1_ ~ z ..... 1&1 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ haalfa -- - -- 111• 10• ~ n• 4 c•-CGcllbuiu 12• ; S'M'r. Cll--.- 4~W~~1ndft!UI' ..,. - · If'!•• ".._._ -· lu.• .ll,t ~ 1-f'llA · Dl~~ht.-. ... c- 12• _.._ ol•• ~ ·- ,,_. 4 ... ~ 1Dc:J.uitifefll' ..... - ... -.1 ... S&ona Sewer .,:_. ~- ,·, -tno.nn 11 It t..nn cnn II 3 .. 600.00 1 • .1.nn.nn "' "' .,.. 11ftft nn .: .,.. ...... . i.-.nl•...lft~~t,j~J>·- . . L Catcllbaaiu 4!t. 21• lit• .. 12• ~ ........ -- .... l.es. Ca~iDs A 1.10111 ~-·. ........_.._. 12• 1t1.n J.OO ... OO - A 4W'tJI!olnAf•.,;. ) · UV\ IV\ ~-nft . - lfi .I..IV\ .m ].1.00.00 12.ann nn 12 91 .. 'JGO.OO 93 .. 700.00 6 .. <ant\ .. IV\ 6 .. ]00 ..00 tVV\ tv'\ Dt•,"-".. aou s•_. .... r- .,,_ Sb.anabl.o UDder Part % - Cl JlePhatJ St.. llf.tt IIAAAJ...... W...t llA•• .... .......... 1 Of,... .. ]()Qt 12• 200• catehbaatu 21• 4 . IrA..... __,_ ·~1tvli.ft• 1011 ~ 12• tl e .. ·"''""lU 4& Ca.~ebbaaiDe lS• ~e. - •· -- f~lHA.fas ~-~1-a• .. 1...7!.1 Cl~-- = catchbuiM 0 ~ 84 smr. "- .... < E-o - ~m• Dllke __ _.... ~ . .,..,,..,.."' - . ,,_ ... 8 ]SQt St:... Artla tft>A 1211 1~.._"!> La.e is• ..~ · &~~· ~ 0 < 21..• lfl• r lac'l•f •• Jlaabolee A Catchbaatu 11!1 - ll llt..m Cbarlea s~. ... " . ~ ::;! ~ _.. . I, "O.;]_t CORPORATION'S SHARE ::;! .. 0 ~ v .... ~ ~~ala. St.. E. ... ... ~St .. ~hom .s> .... 1&1 ..... s-- .....,..,_... __ a.-.~- Jc c .... ,....... .., .... ... ,,_. A:, .. .. .. O,i.M-M · · 0. Ltv\ .IV\ .... ~ IV\ LJfnn()O 1 .. ?00 ..00 1~700 ... 00 ~90,100.00 ~90,100.00 ·- 0 ~ ~ z .. ..... e: TOTAL ITEM 1 -........... _·---· .(_ ·.