Editorial - Hypertension

Annual Progress Report and Our Thanks to Referees
Dear Colleagues:
This is our seventh annual progress report to you. Once
again, we want to extend to each of you our deep gratitude for
your words of encouragement and support over these years. It
is difficult to realize that these 7 years have flown by so
rapidly. As we enter our final year of our editorial tenureship,
we are grateful for the opportunity we have been given to
bring to you what we truly believe is the best of the world’s
research achievements.
With respect to our most recent publication statistics, we
are proud and pleased to tell you that the impact factor of our
journal remains the highest of all hypertension journals, 4.93
for 1999. The number of manuscripts submitted to us continues to increase. Last year, 1,269 manuscripts were submitted
to the journal; and, as of the end of October 2000, we have
received 1,071 papers and we anticipate receiving about
1,300 submissions by year’s end. Bear in mind that this does
not include the papers submitted for the Inter-American
Society of Hypertension meeting, because these scientific
sessions are held biennially. We continue to maintain a very
speedy initial review time of 4.0 weeks from submission to
first decision and 13.3 weeks from submission to final
acceptance. As you know, the first figure is probably the more
pertinent datum for an author to assess the promptness and
efficiency of a journal’s review process. The latter figure
reflects many other factors including the speediness of
authors to respond to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions (including the performance of additional experiments).
Special note should be made that over these past 7 years,
we have increased the number of clinically oriented research
papers published in Hypertension, and, at present, they
comprise over one half of the manuscripts published. They
represent the very best and cutting-edge work in clinical
investigation and, clearly, are on par with those other papers
published in our journal from the various fundamental laboratory sciences. We are also pleased that over one half of the
papers submitted to Hypertension emanate from the best
laboratories of countries other than the United States. For
your interest, the top 5 countries submitting papers to Hypertension in this past year originate from Japan, Italy, Germany,
United Kingdom, and France (in that order). Our foreign
submissions have continued to increase, and they presently
exceed the number of papers submitted from the United
States. Thus, as of the end of October 2000, there were 711
foreign submissions as compared to 360 from the United
We will soon implement publishing a condensed print
version of the Materials and Methods section. A more
detailed (but not copyedited) Materials and Methods section
will be published online each month as a data supplement.
This will be done in an effort to publish more manuscripts as
well as for us to continue to shorten the time from acceptance
to publication.
Before closing, we wish to reiterate a personal comment
that must be obvious to each of you. Over these years you
have commented to us personally and in writing about your
satisfaction with the manner in which you have related
with our editorial office staff. So, once again, we want to
express our total delight and deep satisfaction with our
outstanding staff. We are truly proud of their commitment
to the journal and to all of us who have had the pleasure of
working with them. Debby Smith and Irene Hebert have
done a tremendous job in relating to our authors, publisher,
and the American Heart Association staff. Lisa Pineda,
who recently joined us, supports their efforts. And all of us
want to express our appreciation to the publication staff of
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Working with them each
day continues to be an ongoing pleasure. I also want to
express my everlasting fondness, respect, and appreciation
of Richard N. Ré and L. Gabriel Navar. They are superb
colleagues, broadly knowledgeable, and totally committed
to our journal.
Finally, as we always do each year, we are pleased to
credit the unselfish time provided to the journal and its
readers by more than 700 reviewers and the hardworking
editorial board members for their outstanding review of
submitted manuscripts. These peer reviewers from all over
the world underscores our point that Hypertension, as a
journal, is appreciated worldwide. You may be interested
that over 50 of these colleagues and friends of all of us
have reviewed over 10 papers this past year. Clearly,
without their interest, generosity of time and effort, and
their tremendous commitment, our editorial responsibilities would not have been as rewarding.
(Hypertension. 2001;37:1-5.)
© 2001 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at http://www.hypertensionaha.org
January 2001
Aalkjaer, Christian
Abboud, Hanna E.
Abe, Jun-ichi
Abramson, Stephen
Adair, Thomas H.
Agabiti-Rosei, Enrico
Agarwal, Arun K.
Alam, Jawed
Alderman, Michael H.
Alexander, J. Steve
Alexander, R. Wayne
Alhenc-Gelas, Francois
Allen, Andrew M.
Allen, Michael T.
Altura, Burton M.
Amerena, John
Amiri, Farhad
Anderson, David
Anderson, Erling A.
Anderson, Sharon
Anderson, Warwick P.
Andriantsitohaina, Romaroson
Antonios, Tarek
Anversa, Piero
Appel, Lawrence J.
Ardaillou, Raymond
Ardell, Jeff
Arendshorst, William J.
August, Phyllis
Averill, David B.
Aviv, Abraham
Avolio, Alberto
Azizi, Michel
Bachmann, Sebastian
Bachvarov, Dimcho
Bader, Michael
Bagrov, Alexei
Bairey-Merz, Noel C.
Baker, Kenneth M.
Bakris, George L.
Bank, Norman
Barajas, Luciano
Barker, D. J. P.
Barman, Susan M.
Barnard, R. James
Baron, Alain D.
Barrett, Jack D.
Barton, Matthias
Batlle, Daniel C.
Batuman, Vecihi
Baumbach, Gary L.
Baxter, G. F.
Baylis, Christine
Becker, Lewis
Beevers, D. Gareth
Beierwaltes, William H.
Beilin, Lawrence J.
Bell, David
Benetos, Athanase
Bennett, Max R.
Berecek, Kathleen H.
Berk, Bradford C.
Bernard, Catherine
Bernstein, Kenneth E.
Berry, Colin
Best, Patricia
Biaggioni, Italo
Bianchi, Giuseppe
Bidani, Anil K.
Bie, Peter
Bing, Oscar H.
Bing, Richard
Binkley, Phillip F.
Birkenhager, W. H.
Bishop, Sanford P.
Bishop, Vernon S.
Black, Henry R.
Blaine, Edward H.
Blatteis, Clark M.
Blaustein, Mordecai P.
Bobik, Alex
Boerwinkle, Eric
Boger, Rainer H.
Bohlen, H. Glenn
Bohm, Michael
Bohr, David F.
Bonsignore, Maria R.
Booz, George W.
Boulanger, Chantal
Bradford, W. David
Brands, Michael W.
Braiser, Allan
Bravo, Emmanuel L.
Bray, George A.
Brayden, Joseph E.
Brecher, Peter
Brenner, Barry M.
Briggs, Clark A.
Brook, Rob
Brooks, David
Brooks, Robert
Brooks, Virginia L.
Brosius, Frank
Brosnihan, K. Bridget
Brown, Morris J.
Brown, Nancy J.
Brownley, Kimberly
Brunner, Hans R.
Buckalew, Vardaman M., Jr.
Bukoski, Richard D.
Bulpitt, Christopher J.
Burnier, Michel
Burt, Vicki L.
Busse, Rudi F.
Calhoun, David
Cambien, Francois
Campbell, Duncan J.
Campbell, William B.
Campese, Vito M.
Cannon, Paul J.
Capdevila, Jorge H.
Carabello, Blase A.
Carey, Robert M.
Carmines, Pamela K.
Carretero, Oscar A.
Casadei, Barbara
Catanzaro, Daniel
Catt, Kevin J.
Caulfield, Mark
Cerutti, Catherine
Challis, John R. G.
Chambers, Richard
Chao, Julie
Chapleau, Mark W.
Chappell, Mark C.
Charpie, John
Chaudhuri, Gautam
Chen, Alex
Cheung, Donald
Cheung, Oliver
Chiabrando, Chiara
Chien, Kenneth R.
Chien, Shu
Chilian, William M.
Chrysant, Steven
Chung, Oliver
Cirillo, Massimo
Clement, Denis L.
Cleroux, Jean
Clozel, Jean-Paul
Clozel, Martine
Cody, Robert J.
Coetzee, William
Coffman, Jay D.
Coffman, Thomas
Cohen, Richard A.
Cohn, Jay N.
Colucci, Wilson
Connell, John M. C.
Cook, Julie
Cooper, Richard S.
Corvol, Pierre
Cowley, Allen W., Jr.
Cox, Robert H.
Crandall, David
Creager, Mark A.
Crow, Michael
Crystal, Ronald G.
Cunningham, Thomas
Cutler, Jeffrey
Dampney, Roger
Daniels, Stephen R.
Danser, A. H. Jan
Dart, Richard A.
Das, Dipak K.
Davidge, Sandra
Davis, Michael
Davison, Cathy A.
Davisson, Robin
de Bold, Adolfo J.
de Champlain, Jacques
De Jong, Paul E.
de Leeuw, Peter W.
de Lemos, James
de Mello, Walmor
De Simone, Giovanni
De Stefano, Anita
de Wardener, Hugh E.
Deddish, Peter A.
Delafontaine, Patrick
Deng, Alan Y.
Deschepper, Christian F.
Devereux, Richard B.
Devlin, Alison M.
Dhalla, Naranjan S.
DiBona, Gerald F.
Dietz, Nancy
Diez, Javier
Dimsdale, Joel
Distler, Armin
Diz, Debra I.
Dobrin, Philip B.
Dominiczak, Anna F.
Dorrance, Anne
Dostal, David E.
Douglas, Janice G.
Drexler, Helmut
Dries, Daniel
Dubey, Raghvendra K.
Ducimetiere, Prof.
Dunbar, Joseph
Dunn, Francis G.
Dunn, Michael J.
d’Uscio, Livius
Dzielak, David J.
Eckberg, Dwain L.
Egan, Brent
Egashira, Kensuke
Ehmke, Heimo
Ehsani, Ali A.
El-Dahr, Samir S.
Elam, Mikael
Elghozi, Jean-Luc
Elijovich, Fernando
Elliott, William J.
Ely, Daniel
England, Sarah
Epstein, Murray
Erdos, Ervin G.
Erne, Paul
Ernsberger, Paul
Esler, Murray D.
Espiner, Eric A.
Eto, Tanenao
Faber, James E.
Fabsitz, R.
Fagard, Robert
Falkner, Bonita
Feener, Edward
Feldman, Ross D.
Felley-Bosco, Emanuela
Ferguson, Alastair V.
Ferrannini, Ele
Ferrari, Alberto
Ferrario, Carlos M.
Feuerstein, Gioria Z.
Fingerle, Jurgen
Fink, Gregory D.
Fitzgibbon, Wayne
Flack, John M.
Fleg, Jerome L.
Fletcher, Eugene R.
Floras, John S.
Fogo, Agnes B.
Frohlich et al
Foletou, Michel
Folts, John D.
Ford, Charles
Fouad-Tarazi, Fetnat
Francis, Gary S.
Franco-Saenz, Roberto
Franklin, Stanley
Fray, John C. S.
Freeman, Ernest
Freeman, Ronald H.
French, Brent
Frishman, William H.
Froelich, Juergen C.
Froelicher, Victor F.
Fujishima, Masatoshi
Fujita, Masatoshi
Fujita, Toshiro
Funder, John W.
Furlan, Raffaello
Gaasch, William H.
Gabbiani, Giulio
Galletti, Ferruccio
Ganten, Detlev
Gardiner, Sheila M.
Gardner, David G.
Gardner, Jeffrey P.
Garvin, Jeffrey L.
Gavras, Haralambos P.
Gavras, Irene
Gelband, Craig
Gerdes, A. Martin
Gerthoffer, William T.
Ghione, Sergio
Gifford, Ray W., Jr.
Giles, Thomas D.
Giles, Wayne
Gillum, Richard F.
Glantz, Stanton A.
Gnasso, Agostino
Godfraind, Theophile
Godfraind, Theophile
Gohlke, Peter
Goldstein, David S.
Gomez-Sanchez, Celso E.
Gomez-Sanchez, Elise P.
Gonick, Harvey
Goodfriend, Theodore L.
Gopalakrishnan, Venkat
Goto, Atsuo
Goto, Katsutoshi
Graham, Robert
Grammas, Paula
Granger, D. Neil
Granger, Joey P.
Grassi, Guido
Greenland, Philip
Griendling, Kathy
Griffin, Karen Ann
Grimm, Richard H., Jr
Gross, Kenneth W.
Grover, A. K.
Grundy, Scott
Gyurko, Robert
Haddy, Francis J.
Hainesworth, Roger
Hall, Ian
Hall, John E.
Hall, W. Dallas
Hallenbeck, John M.
Hamet, Pavel
Hamilton, Carlene A.
Hamlyn, John M.
Hamm, L. Lee
Hansen-Smith, Fay
Harrap, Stephen B.
Harris, Raymond C.
Harrison, David G.
Harrison-Bernard, Lisa M.
Harsdorf, Ruediger V.
Haselton, James
Hassid, Aviv I.
Haus, Erhard
Haynes, William
Hayoz, Daniel
Haywood, Joseph R.
Hazen, Stanley
He, Jiang
Heagerty, Anthony M.
Hecker, Markus
Heerden, J. Van
Heesch, Cheryl M.
Heistad, Donald D.
Heller, Lois
Herrera, Victoria L. M.
Hershey, Linda
Hinderliter, Alan L.
Hinojosa-Laborde, Carmen
Hintze, Thomas H.
Hirata, Yasunobu
Hirooka, Yoshitaka
Horiuchi, Masatsugu
Horton, Jureta W.
Hostetter, Thomas H.
Houghton, Jan L.
House, James S.
Hsueh, Willa A.
Hubner, N.
Hunt, Steven C.
Hurst, J. Willis
Husain, Ahsan
Huxley, Virginia H.
Hyman, Albert L.
Ichikawa, Iekuni
Iellamo, Ferdinando
Imai, Yutaka
Imig, John D.
Inagami, Tadashi
Ingelfinger, Julie R.
Inscho, Edward W.
Insel, Paul A.
Ishii, Masao
Ishimitsu, Toshihiko
Ito, Sadayoshi
Izumo, Seigo
Izzo, Joseph L., Jr.
Jackson, Cynthia
Jackson, Edwin K.
Jackson, Simon
Jamerson, Kenneth A.
James, Edgar
Janicki, Joseph S.
Jeunemaitre, Xavier
Johns, Douglas G.
Johns, Edward J.
Johnson, Alan Kim
Johnson, Richard J.
Johnson, Robert A.
Johnston, Colin I.
Joles, Jaap A.
Jones, Daniel W.
Joossens, Jozef V.
Jose, Pedro A.
Julius, Stevo
Kadowitz, Philip J.
Kaissling, Brigitte
Kanagy, Nancy
Kannel, William B.
Kaplan, Norman M.
Kaplan, Robert C.
Karemaker, John M.
Kass, David A.
Kastin, Abba J.
Katusic, Zvonimir
Katz, Arnold M.
Kawachi, Ichiro
Kawano, Yuhei
Kem, David C.
Kennedy, Richard H.
Kern, Philip A.
Kesteloot, Hugo
Khalil, Raouf A.
Kim, Shokei
Kirchner, Kent A.
Kitamura, Kazuo
Klarr, Susan A.
Klatsky, Arthur L.
Klein, Robert M.
Klett, Christopher
Kline, Robert L.
Klinger, James R.
Klungel, Olaf H.
Knot, Harm J.
Kobayoshi, Naohiko
Kochar, Mahendr S.
Kohan, Donald E.
Koller, Akos
Kontos, Hermes A.
Kopin, Irwin J.
Kopp, Ulla C.
Koren, Michael J.
Korner, Paul I.
Kost, Curtis K., Jr.
Kotchen, Jane Morley
Kotchen, Theodore A.
Krakoff, Lawrence R.
Krieger, Eduardo M.
Krousel-Wood, M. A.
Krushkal, Julia
Kuller, Lewis H.
Kurtz, Armin
Kurtz, Theodore W.
LaPointe, Margot C.
Annual Progress Report
LaRosa, John C.
Lackland, Daniel
Lahera, Vicente
Lalouel, Jean-Marc
Lang, C. C.
Lauer, Ronald M.
Laurent, Stephane
Laurindo, Francisco R. M.
Lautt, Wayne
Lavrovsky, Yan
Lawrence, Andrew J.
Lee, Amanda
Lee, Richard T.
Lee, Wai K.
Leeb-Lundberg, L. M. Fredrick
Leenen, Frans H. H.
Lentz, Steven R.
Lerman, Amir
Levenson, Jaime
Lever, Anthony F.
Levy, Daniel
Levy, Howard P.
Libby, Peter
Linas, Stuart
Lindheimer, Marshall D.
Linz, Wolfgang
Lip, Gregory
Lip, Gyh
Liu, Peter
Lockette, Warren E.
Loeffler, Bernd-M.
Lohmeier, Thomas E.
Lokhandwala, Mustafa F.
Lombard, Julian H.
London, Gerard M.
Loscalzo, Joseph
Loutzenhiser, Rodger
Lovallo, William R.
Lucchesi, Pamela
Luft, Friedrich C.
LuftB, Friedrich C.
Lumbers, Eugenie
Luscher, Thomas F.
Lyall, Fiona
Lynch, Sean
MacGregor, Graham A.
Macfarlane, Peter W.
Madeddu, Paolo
Magness, Ronald R.
Majid, Dewan
Malik, Kafait U.
Malliani, Alberto
Mancia, Giuseppe
Manger, William M.
Mangili, Ruggero
Mangili, Ruggero
Manning, P. Davis, Jr.
Mansoor, George
Marceau, Francois
Margolius, Harry S.
Mark, Allyn L.
Marrero, Mario
Marsh, James D.
Massie, Barry M.
Materson, Barry J.
Matsubara, Hiroaki
Matsuoka, Hiroaki
Mattson, David
Mayet, Jamil
McCarron, David A.
McGiff, John C.
McNamara, Dennis
McNeill, John H.
Mehta, Jay L.
Meier, Christoph R.
Meininger, Gerald A.
Melby, James C.
Mendelsohn, F. A. O.
Merz, C. Noel Bairey
Messerli, Franz H.
Michel, Martin C.
Middlekauff, Holly
Miller, Allison
Miller, Virginia M.
Mills, Paul
Mitchell, Gary F.
Mitchell, Kenneth D.
Miyazaki, Mizuo
Mogensen, Carl Erik
Montastruc, Jean-Louis
Moore, Leon C.
Moreau, Pierre
Morgan, Trefor O.
Morishita, Ryuichi
Morkin, Eugene
Morris, Brian J.
Morris, David J.
Morris, Mariana
Morrison, Shaun
Mortara, Andrea
Moser, Marvin
Moser, Ulrich
Mugge, Andreas
Muiesan, M. Lorenza
Mulatero, Paolo
Mullins, Linda
Mulroney, Susan
Mulrow, Patrick J.
Multhoff, Gabrielle
Mulvany, Michael J.
Munzel, Thomas
Murakami, Hiroshi
Nadler, Jerry L.
Naeije, Robert
Nakamura, Yasuyuki
Nakao, Kazuwa
Nakazawa, Hiroe
Naraghi, Ramin
Nath, Karl
Navar, L. Gabriel
Nazzaro, Pietro
Nemenoff, Raphael
New, Maria I.
Newton, Josh
Nicholls, M. Gary
Nishikimi, Toshio
Nishiyama, Akira
January 2001
Nitenberg, Alain
Noll, Georg
Nussberger, Juerg
O’Brien, Eoin
O’Connor, Daniel T.
O’Rourke, Michael F.
Ogihara, Toshio
Ohanian, J.
Ojo, A.
Olsen, Jorgen H.
Olsson, Ray A.
Omae, Teruo
Ono, Hidehiko
Oparil, Suzanne
Ordovas, Jose M.
Orlov, Sergei
Overton, J. Michael
Owens, Gary K.
Ozo, A.
Pagano, Patrick J.
Palatini, Paolo
Pandey, Kallash N.
Panza, Julio A.
Paoletti, Rodolfo
Paolisso, Giuseppe
Parati, Gianfranco
Parving, Hans H.
Paul, Martin
Paulus, W. J.
Pedrinelli, Roberto
Pepine, Carl J.
Perez-Stable, Eliseo J.
Perloff, Dorothee L.
Perry, Colin
Perry, Jr., H. Mitchell
Persson, Pontus B.
Pfaffendorf, Martin
Pfeffer, Marc A.
Phillips, D.
Phillips, M. Ian
Phillips, Robert
Pickering, Thomas G.
Pieper, Galen M.
Pitt, Bertram
Ploth, David W.
Plutzky, Jorge
Pohl, Ulrich
Pollitzer, William S.
Pollock, David M.
Pollock, Jennifer S.
Prasad, Ananda S.
Pratt, J. Howard
Prewitt, Russell L.
Printz, Morton P.
Pritchard, Kirkwood A., Jr.
Puddey, Ian B.
Purdy, Ralph E.
Quilley, John
Quyyumi, Arshed A.
Rabelink, Ton
Radomski, Marek W.
Raffenstin, Bernadette
Raij, Leopoldo
Rajagopalan, Sridharan
Rakugi, Hiromi
Ram, C. Venkata S.
Rao, D. C.
Rapp, John P.
Rappaport, Lydie
Re, Richard N.
Reaven, Gerald M.
Reckelhoff, Jane F.
Reddi, Alluru S.
Reddix, Rhoda
Redfield, Margaret M.
Reeves, John
Regoli, Domenico C.
Reid, Ian A.
Reid, John L.
Reinhart, Glenn A.
Reisin, Efrain
Remuzzi, G.
Resnick, Lawrence M.
Resta, Tom
Reudelhuber, Timothy L.
Richardson, David W.
Ritz, Eberhard
Roberts, James M.
Robertson, David
Rocchini, Albert P.
Rodicio, Jose L.
Rojagopalan, Sonjay
Roman, Mary J.
Roman, Richard J.
Romero, Juan C.
Rosendorff, Clive
Rosenman, Ray H.
Rosenthal, Julian
Rosenthal, Talma
Rossi, Gian Paolo
Rotimi, Charles
Rowland, Neil
Rubinstein, Israel
Ruilope, Luis M.
Rump, L. C.
Rusch, Nancy
Saade, George R.
Saavedra, Juan M.
Sachinidis, Agapios
Sacks, Frank
Safar, Michel
Saito, Yasushi
Salazar, F. Javier
Salgado, Helio C.
Salonen, Jukka T.
Salvetti, Antonio
Samani, Nilesh J.
Sanders, Paul W.
Sapru, Hreday N.
Sarkar, Rajabrata
Saruta, Takao
Sasayama, Shigetake
Sassard, Jean
Sato, Akio
Saunders, Elijah
Sawicki, Grzegorz
Schafer, James A.
Schatz, Irwin
Schieken, Richard M.
Schiffrin, Ernesto L.
Schillaci, Giuseppe
Schmid-Schonbein, Geert W.
Schmidt, Harald
Schnackenberg, Christine G.
Schnermann, Jurgen B.
Schobel, Hans Paul
Scholkens, Bernward A.
Schor, Nestor
Schork, Nicholas J.
Schrier, Robert
Schunkert, Heribert
Schwartz, Arnold
Schwartz, Gary L.
Scicli, A. Guillermo
Seals, Douglas R.
Seidman, Daniel
Sen, Subha
Sever, Peter S.
Shade, Robert E.
Shapiro, David
Sharma, Arya M.
Sharma, P.
Sharp, Matthew F.
Shimada, Kazuyuki
Shroff, Sanjeev G.
Siffert, Winfried
Sigmund, Curt D.
Silverberg, Donald
Simon, Geza
Singh, Krishna
Siragy, Helmy M.
Skrabal, Falko
Sleight, Peter
Smilde, Tineke J.
Smulyan, Harold
Solomon, Caren
Solomon, Scott D.
Somers, Virend K.
Soubrier, Florent
Sowers, James R.
Speth, Robert
Spodick, David H.
St. Lezin, Elizabeth
Staessen, Jan
Stallone, John N.
Steinberg, Helmut O.
Stekiel, William J.
Stern, David
Stevens, Victor
Stevenson, Lynn Warner
Strauer, Bodo-Eckehard
Strazzullo, Pasquale
Sturek, Michael
Sudhir, Krishna
Sumners, Colin
Sumpio, Bauer E.
Sun, Yao
Susic, Dinko
Suzuki, Hiromichi
Swynghedauw, Bernard
Tackett, Randall L.
Taddei, Stefano
Frohlich et al
Takekoshi, Kazuhiro
Takeshita, Akira
Takishita, Shuichi
Tallant, Elisabeth Ann
Tallant, Mario
Talman, William T.
Tamaki, Toshiaki
Tanaka, Hirofumi
Taylor, Addison A.
Taylor, W. Robert
Tedgui, Alain
Tejwani, Gopi
Terada, Naohiro
Textor, Stephen
Thibault, Gaetan
Thiemermann, Chris
Thomas, Walter G.
Thornburg, Kent L.
Thrasher, Terry N.
Timmermans, Pieter BMWM
Tiret, Laurence
Toney, Glenn
Touyz, Rhian M.
Trimarco, Bruno
Troughton, Richard
Tuck, Michael
Turk, James R.
Uhal, Bruce
Umemura, Satoshi
Unger, Thomas
Vallance, Patrick
van Berkel, Theo
van Hinsbergh, Victor W.M.
VanZwieten, Pieter A.
Vanhoutte, Paul M.
Varagic, Jasmina
Vari, Richard C.
Varma, Daya R.
Vaughan, Douglas E.
Vaughan, E. Darracott
Vaziri, N. D.
Ventura, Hector O.
Verdecchia, Paolo
Vetter, Hans
Vetter, Wilhelm
Victor, Ronald G.
Villarreal, Francisco J.
Vio, Carlos P.
von Harsdorf, Rudiger
Waeber, Bernard
Wall, Susan
Wang, Donna H.
Annual Progress Report
Ward, Ken
Warnock, David G.
Watson, Karol
Watts, Stephanie
Webb, David J.
Webb, R. Clinton
Weber, David
Weber, Karl T.
Weber, Michael A.
Weder, Alan B.
Wei, Kevin
Weinberger, Myron H.
Weiner, Norman
Weir, Matthew R.
Welch, William J.
Wesson, Donald E.
Westerhof, Nicolaas
Wetmur, James
White, William B.
Whitworth, Judith A.
Wilcox, Christopher S.
Wilson, Britt
Wilson, Loretta
Wingard, Chris
Wirth, Klaus J.
Witztum, Joseph
Wong, Pancras C.
Wood, Alastair J. J.
Wood, Stephen C.
Wright, John W.
Wyss, J. Michael
Xiao, Rui-Ping
Yagi, Shigeru
Yamori, Yukio
Yanagisawa, Masashi
Yang, Baichun
Yang, Xiao-Ping
Yazaki, Yoshio
Yokoyama, Mitchel M.
Young, David B.
Young, James B.
Young, William
Yuan, Jason X. J.
Zambraski, Edward
Zatz, Roberto
Zhou, Xiaoyan
Zhou, Xin Jin
Zidek, Walter
Zimmerman, Ben G.
Zou, Al-Ping
Zuccarello, Mario
Zukowska-Grojet, Zofia
Zusman, Randall M.
Edward D. Frohlich, MD
L. Gabriel Navar, PhD
Associate Editor
Richard N. Ré, MD
Associate Editor
The editors have made several important new innovative changes in the Instructions to Authors in this issue concerning
the Methods section of new manuscripts as well as the presently available electronic submission.