Annual Report 2009

A Letter to Our Supporters
where age is just a number
Report 2009
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to provide you with this Annual Report for 2009. It’s no secret that it
was a challenging time, but we are proud to report that Avenidas finished the year with
all programs intact despite difficult expense reductions.
At the same time, more people than ever sought Avenidas out for information,
support, and enrichment activities. We served about 6,500 people, most of whom used
multiple services offered through our 10 major program areas. They registered over
18,000 times for activities as diverse as Mandarin classes and rides to the grocery store.
Avenidas continues to be THE resource for older adults.
Lisa Hendrickson
President & CEO
Program highlights for the year include the expansion of the Early Literacy Program
into Redwood City and East Menlo Park. There are now about 90 volunteers
enthusiastically tutoring first, second and third-graders in reading in 21 schools
throughout the area. Avenidas Village continues to add benefits for its members,
strengthened by the work of its Advisory Council and volunteers, and we are excited to
be planning a significant expansion of the Village into Los Altos and Los Altos Hills.
We also added free handyman services to qualifying residents of Palo Alto and
Mountain View and continued to offer low-cost transportation options to keep people
moving. Conferences on housing options and support for family caregivers were sold
out and will be offered again in 2010.
We care most about what our participants have to say about our services, so we were
delighted when 99% of those surveyed recently said that they would recommend
Avenidas to a friend. Additionally, a City of Palo Alto survey measuring perceptions
of the city’s services found that when compared to over 200 other cities, Palo Alto
residents ranked senior services in the 98th percentile. Kudos to our staff and
volunteers who deliver exemplary service every day, to every person who requests help.
And thanks also to you, the community that supports Avenidas. You are the volunteers
who give of your time and talents to help us do more and do it better. You are our
donors whose generosity helps us keep our doors open. You are the professionals who
teach and coach and speak at our conferences. You are the friends who refer others to
us and pass the word along. You are the participants who give us feedback and who are
the reason we open our doors each day. Thank you all. We look forward to continuing
to work with you to assure that the Mid-Peninsula’s older adults have access to services
and activities that will help them remain active, independent, and engaged.
Peggy Dalal
Board Chair
p. 2
Chair’s Circle
p. 3
Lasting Legacies
p. 7
Financial Information
Avenidas’ revenues come from
a variety of sources. The largest
component of income comes
from fees that participants
pay, which increased to
42% of total revenues in
fiscal 2009. All fees are set
at levels that are affordable
for everyone and they
rarely cover program costs.
To keep fees affordable,
Avenidas actively raises
funds each year and uses its
reserves to cover costs.
In addition, revenues
from community support,
endowment, and other
reserves represented 42%
of total revenues. The
remaining 16% of revenues
came from a variety of
sources, including the City
of Palo Alto, the counties of
Santa Clara and San Mateo, and
in-kind professional services.
In fiscal year 2009, the
organization realized a
$29,659 deficit, which was an
improvement over both the
budgeted amount and the prior
year. Net non-operating losses,
primarily investment losses,
resulted in a decrease in Avenidas’
total assets.
The Avenidas Board of
Directors designates all
unrestricted bequests and
certain other restricted income
to an endowment that provides
funding for program services now
and into the future. To assure
its availability to fund future
programs, the endowment is
invested to earn average annual
total returns equal to the payout
rate plus inflation. In fiscal 2009,
however, due to investment
losses, the endowment decreased
in value. As other revenue sources
shrink, the endowment provides
an essential cushion against
higher fee increases and/or
program discontinuations, but
in this uncertain economy, it
is necessary to closely monitor
expenses and program costs.
Condensed Statement of Activities for the Years Ended June 30, 2009 and 2008
FY 2009
FY 2008
Public Support and Operating Revenue
Program Fees
Investment Income & Board-Authorized Reserve Transfers
Community Contributions to Operations
Government including City of Palo Alto
$602,808 $536,324
In-Kind Professional Services
$43,490 $203,430
Total Public Support and Operating Revenue $4,090,133 $3,994,063
Management and General
$367,253 $332,481
Total Expenditures
$4,119,792 $4,328,626
Surplus (Deficit) before Non-operating Items & Bequests
Restricted Donations
$12,466 $56,550
Investment Income (Loss) & Gains on Investments
Endowment & Other Reserve Transfer to Operation
Restricted Donations to Endowment
$67,093 $1,000
Total Change in Net Assets ($4,674,326) ($3,111,825)
Condensed Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2009 and 2008
Cash & Equivalents
Investments - Unrestricted
Investments - Restricted by Donors
Receivables, Deposits, Prepaids
Property & Equipment, net
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$20,199,060 $24,829,041
$310,382 $266,037
$19,888,678 $24,563,004
$20,199,060 $24,829,041
Audited financial statements are available for inspection by appointment at the
Avenidas office located at 450 Bryant Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301.
Avenidas Handyman Services
Keep Seniors Safe at Home
In-Kind Professional Services
Government Including
City of Palo Alto
Program Fees
Investment Income
& Board-Authorized
Reserve Transfers
and General
For below-market rates, Avenidas
Handyman Services can install safety
features in seniors’ homes such as
grab bars and security lighting
and increase accessiblity by
building wheelchair ramps
and other additions. They
can also paint, fix leaky
faucets, repair faulty
wiring, and even help
with yard work and
gutter cleaning.
The trustworthy
handymen of this
program serve close to
400 seniors annually.
Chair’s Circle:
California Health Care
Foundation/Dr. Ian Morrison
($20,000 and over)
Council on Aging Silicon Valley
Yogen and Peggy Dalal
The Los Altos Community Foundation
Palo Alto Farmers Market
Director’s Circle
Estate of Dr. Rixford K. Snyder
The Beverly M. Folger Foundation Sobrato Family Foundation
Nancy and Richard Goldcamp
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Johnson, Jr.
The Muschner Endowment Fund
Palo Alto Commons Management LLC
Palo Alto Community Fund
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Ross Stores Inc.
Ruth and Don Seiler
President’s Circle
Avenidas Volunteers Stay Active and Engaged
Volunteers are invaluable to Avenidas.
They help us meet the needs of seniors
in the community through programs
that provide rides, teach new skills,
improve computer savvy, and enrich
mental and physical wellness. They also
teach children to read. And they help
with administrative work, enabling us
to run a successful organization.
Avenidas Advocate
Last year, 489 Avenidas volunteers
accomplished 21,334 hours of volunteer service at a value of $486,202.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Anderson
Association for Senior Day Health
Jim Baer
Bingham, Osborn & Scarborough, LLC
The Eyerly Trust
Floyd Family Foundation
Jill and John Freidenrich
Ms. Barbara Hager
Kiwanis Club of Mountain View
The Barkley Fund
The Carl Gellert and
Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Fran Codispoti and
Ken Schroeder
Cynthia and Bill Floyd
Nancy H. Handel
Home Instead Senior Care
Prof. Charles & Joan Horngren
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Marcus
Mr. Gordon Russell
Sunrise Webster House
Leonard and Jeanne Ware
The Wildflower Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Mackenzie
Morgan Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Nichols, Jr.
The Private Bank of the Peninsula
Carolyn and Bill Reller
Sand Hill Advisors LLC
Stanford Hospital and Clinics
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The Zaffaroni Foundation
Avenidas Partner
Jan and Brad Anker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. David Arscott
Mary Anne Nyburg Baker and
G. Leonard Baker Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Berg
Annette G. Bialson & Gary Sharron
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brenholz
BridgePoint at Los Altos
Canyon House & Crescent Villa
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Colligan
Comerica Bank-California
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cotter
Jean and Michael Couch
Couch Properties
Neal and Jan Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Draper
Mrs. Nancy Drapkin
Denise Savoie and Darrell Duffie
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eisenstat
Ms. Jeanne Flamen
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Glynn, Jr.
Marcia and John Goldman
Prof. and Mrs. John Gurley
The Health Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Hecker
Eleanor and Bruce Heister
Lisa and Dana Hendrickson
Hewlett Packard Company
Mr. and Mrs. Darel Hodgson
Home Care Assistance
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hopper
Dr. James Bassett and
Mrs. Lily Hurlimann
Ms. Chiyoko Iwasaki
Mike and Teena James
Ms. Ginger Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Johnson
Mr. Kevin Jones and
Mrs. Dawn Herrell-Jones
Mrs. Barbara Jones
Mr. & Ms. R. Michael Kasperzak, Jr.
Ms. Mary Alice Kelly
Robert and Joyce Kleiner
Inge R. Koenig
James and Catherine Koshland
Cathy and Howard Kroymann
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lampert
Mrs. Joan Lane
Peter and Sue LaTourrette
Helen and George Leong
Lucile Salter Packard Children’s
Lytton Gardens, Inc.
The Markkula Foundation
Matched Caregivers Continuous Care
Shirley and Duncan Matteson
Ms. Jean K. McCown
Ms. Sara Virginia Mcleod
Mrs. Albert Moorman
TOSA Foundation
Morrison and Foerster
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Murphy-Chutorian
Susan and Gib Myers
Ms. Tami Okuda
Older Adults Care Management
Lynn and Susan Orr
Ken and Barbara Oshman
Mary and Ward Paine
Seniors Maintain Mobility with Avenidas
Transportation Services
For many who have given up driving,
Avenidas’ Transportation Program
is their resource to stay mobile.
This program provides seniors with
a variety of transportation options
so they can get their hair done, go
to the doctor, pick up groceries, or
come to lunch at Avenidas. Avenidas
staff also provide answers to local
transportation resource questions on an as-needed basis.
Last year, over 100 of our community’s most frail seniors got to where
they needed to be, thanks to Avenidas Transportation Services.
Palo Alto Lions Charities, Inc.
Mr. Stephen Peeps and
Ms. Carol Manning
Mr. and Mrs. David Petrone
Pilgrim Haven
Carolyn and Tom Reese
Paul and Maureen Roskoph
Nancy and Norman Rossen
Ms. Sherri Sager
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sandstrom
Bill and Lee Schroeder
See’s Candies, Inc.
Dr. Leonard J. Shustek and
Ms. Donna Dubinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin B. Steinberg
The Stratford
Anne and Craig Taylor
Thoits Bros. Inc.
Jeanie Nieri Treichel
Mr. Andy Verhalen and
Ms. Janet Brownstone
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Wheatley
Jeanne Wohlers and Alan Herzig
Mark and Sheila Wolfson
Keeping Hope Alive
When 2009 state budget
cuts threatened to reduce
the amount of government
funding available for senior
day care, the following
individuals and organizations
made special gifts to support
the Avenidas Rose Kleiner
Senior Day Health Center
Medical Emergency Fund:
Association for Senior Day Health
Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Ms. Sandra J. Cuen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dunker
Ms. Barbara Hager
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kourt
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kroymann
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ladner
Mr. Bert Laurence &
Ms. Barbara Bowden
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Russo
Barney Goodman Fund/
Barbara Strauss Bullis
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Whaley
Mr. and Mrs. Rand N. White
Avenidas Sponsor
Ms. Margaret M. Abe
Andy’s Roofing Co. Inc.
Mrs. Jane Bacon
Bay Alarm Medical
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandin
Mr. and Mrs. Luca Cafiero
Cantor Arts Center at Stanford
Channing House
Elizabeth Clinch
Mrs. Jean Coblentz
Gordon & Carolyn Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Duhring
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Farwell
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferber
Mrs. Inger Friis
Ms. Virginia Fry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hilbers
Mary and Bill Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. E. M. T. Jones
Ms. Marie Kitajima
Larry Klein and
Milbrey McLaughlin
Virginia and Jim Lyons
Ms. Patricia A. McClung and
Mr. Allen Morgan
Prof. and Mrs. George C. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Roxy Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ream
Gayle and Hank Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rossi
Mr. Robert Sawyer
Mr. David Schwartz and
Ms. Tonia Wisman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwerer
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, Jr.
Seniors At Home
Shadhika Project, Inc.
Steve and Paula Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stein
Mrs. Warren R. Thoits
Susan and Carl Thomsen
Elizabeth B. Wolf
Avenidas Lifelong Learning & Wellness Options
Keep Seniors Strong and Smart
Activities at Avenidas are designed to stimulate both body and mind.
Participants can optimize brain fitness by learning a new language, taking
a computer class, playing chess, or attending a lecture. Or, they can
stimulate their brains with a creative arts class, drama workshop, or trip to
an exotic locale. And with 17 different
exercise classes as well as social dancing
and a walking group, Avenidas
makes it easy to maintain
strength, flexibility, aerobic
capacity, endurance, and
a happier mood.
Last year, 1,357 people
attended a Lifelong Learning
& Wellness class, lecture, or
event at Avenidas.
Avenidas Associate
Barbara & Bill Alhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Avis
Mr. & Mrs. Denis G. Babson
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barnholt
Ms. Ellen Berryhill
Donna Bohling and
Doug Kalish
Mr. & Mrs. John Z. Bulkeley
Ms. Barbara B. Carlitz
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Clark
Ms. Carolyn Lee Compton
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Dawes
Mr. & Mrs. Norm DeNardi
Ms. Carol L. Diamond
Alan and Joan Earhart
Mr. Gary Fredkin
Monty and Judy Frost
Loi and Ivan Gendzel
Mrs. Jonathan B. Gifford
Ms. Marilyn Gildea
Ms. Cathleen Glenn
Joseph & Hon-Mai Goodman
Barbara and Michael Gross
Ruth and Ben Hammett
Mr. Philip Hanawalt &
Ms. Graciela Spivak
Ms. Mary Hand
Ms. Lee Harnett
Dr. and Mrs. Birt Harvey
Mr. Alan Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey D. Hinman
James and Marjorie Hodel
Thomas & Sharon Hofstedt
Ms. Gretchen Hoover
Mr. Robert B. Jack
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Kelly
Jeanne D. Kennedy
Maureen & David Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J.
Darlene P. Vian and
Brian P. McCune
Pat and Nancy McGaraghan
Betsy and Bill Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Meier
Mr. Herb Morgan
Bob and Harriet Moss
Ms. Martha L. Norberg
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Okarma
Ms. Lenora I. Park
Ms. Catherine Parkhurst
Ms. Helen L. Patterson
Joseph and Helen Pickering
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R.
Dr. Beth B. Rosenthal
Irene and John Sampson
Page and Ferrell Sanders
Mr. Joseph Sciascia
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seiler
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Silber
The Honorable Joe Simitian
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Strock
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Stultz
Ms. Elizabeth D. Taft
Mrs. Ninna Traugott
Mimi Webb
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Weigen
Mr. & Mrs. John Woodworth
Tom and Ellen Wyman
Prof. & Mrs. Charles Yanofsky
Ms. Rivka Yerushalmi
Avenidas Participant Services: Everyone Belongs!
Anyone 50+ can enjoy Avenidas. Our lobby offers a comfortable space to
make friends and share casual activities such as board games and puzzles.
Additionally, it is a place to connect with the outside world; we offer
access to free computers and information about community resources.
Our classes, activities, and services are open to all, but those who choose
to become Avenidas members receive discounted prices, a daily four hour
parking pass, and our monthly newsletter mailed to their door.
Presently, 1,780 proud members belong at Avenidas.
Avenidas Friend
Mr. George B. Abbott
Ms. Taka Abbott
Mr. Richard Adler
Mary Ellen Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Andrews
Mrs. Judith A. Appleby
Ms. Jane P. Ardley
Mr. Don Augenstein
Mr. Peter Bacchetti
Mr. & Mrs. William Baerg
Dr. & Mrs. Clifford R. Barnett
Ms. Karen Bartholomew
Dr. Elaine Baskin and
Mr. Ken Krechmer
Richard and Marcia Baugh
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Bax
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie
Mr. & Mrs. George Bechtel
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bellumori
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Benz
Ms. Mary Berdell
Ms. Mary R. Berrett
Susan and Mark Bertelsen
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bickford
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Bilodeau
Mr. & Mrs. Olle Bjorkman
Mrs. Karen W. Black
Ms. Joanne W. Blokker
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Bochnowski
Sam and Betty Bonar
Prof. & Mrs. Charles P. Bonini
Mr. & Mrs. Kent R. Bourquin
Ms. Barbara Bowden
Mrs. Pamela J. Brandin
Mr. Thorley Briggs
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin C. Britton
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Antony F. R. Brown
Ellen M. Brown, M.D.
Malcolm Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown
Ms. Phyllis Browning
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Burkoth
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Busse
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carey
Uwe and Aino Carroux
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Casey
Catherine Cerny
Mr. Victor Chinn
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Choquette
Mr. Ying Chow
Mr. Winfield Christiansen
Robert & Jacqueline Clark
Mr. Frank Cliff
Mr. Bernard Cohen
Ms. Jean MacKaye Colby
Mr. David Conrad
Mr. Millard Crain
Dr. & Mrs. William Creger
Mrs. Margaret L. Daiss
Peggy and Chuck Daiss
Ms. Kathleen Davenport
Ms. Sally M.J. Davis
Mr. Rolund De Hoog
Linda and Ed De Meo
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean
Arline and Peter Dehlinger
Mr. David Deneau
Mr. Daniel DeYoung
Ms. Marianne Dieckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Guy T. DiJulio
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Dillon
Robert and Mary Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Donovan
Mrs. Margaret Dorfman
Ms. Adelheid Dumanski
Mr. & Mrs. Rosser B. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Egbert
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Einfalt
Mrs. Gertrud Eitner
Ms. Susan K. Elgee
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Elkind
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Endsley
Kristine and John Erving
Judge Stanley & Betty Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Robin D. Faisant
Mrs. Virginia E. Fehrenbacher
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Finkel
Dr. & Mrs. Solon I. Finkelstein
Mr. Roger J. Fisher
Mr. Kassahun Haileyesus
Mr. G. Robert Hamrdla
Mrs. Nonette Hanko
Elizabeth and John Harker
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hartzell, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Harry H. Hatasaka
Robert Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. John Haynes
Ms. Winifred B. Heimstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Hellman
Alice and David Henderson
Mr. Konrad Herman
Maie and Tracy Herrick
Mrs. Louise P. Herring
Anne R. Hessing
Ms. Priscilla Hexter
Ms. Constance Hillis
Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Hitz
Ms. Sharon Hoard
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoberg
Ms. Judith Rytand Hoff
Seniors Live Well through Avenidas
Health Services
Older adults are kept on the path to good health
through free screenings, information groups,
counseling, and alternative treatments available at
Avenidas. We provide annual flu vaccines and offer
support groups for those affected by Parkinson’s
Disease, breathing problems, prostate cancer, and
general life changes. Low-cost
alternative and complimentary
treatments such as massage,
podiatry, Reiki, Feldenkrais,
hypnotherapy, and foot
reflexology can be enjoyed by
all at Avenidas.
Last year, close to 2,000
people with more than 6,000
appointments were served by
this program.
Mr. Mark Reinhold and
Ms. Alison Fleming
Mr. Greg Fowler
Ms. Helen Fredkin
Ms. Mary Bryan Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Galen
Ms. Margaret Gampell
Wesley & Dianne Gardiner
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Garratt
Paul and Jean Garrett
Ms. Betty Gerard
Mrs. Lorrie Gilligan
Ms. Barbara Goeckeler
Mr. Michael Goldstein
Ms. Dora Goldstein
Mrs. Janice Good
David Gordon & Lucia Heldt
Ms. Shelley Gordon
Mrs. Anne Green
Ms. Elizabeth Greene, Esq.
Mrs. Joan Griffiths
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holloway
Ms. Patricia Huggins
Ms. Nancy Shizi Hwang
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Ida
Ms. H. Ann Inouye
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Irvin
Ms. Kazuko Ishimaki
Ms. Donna Ito
Ms. Kingsley Jack
Ms. Carol Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Jehning
Mr. Peter Johanson
Ms. Carol Georgia Johnson
Mr. Stanley H. Judd
Joy and Herb Kaiser
Ms. Simone Kakihana
Dr. Leon Kaseff
Drs. Steven and Kimberly Kato
Ms. Sue Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kirby
Mr. Burke Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kotoske
Mrs. Jean Krakower
Mrs. Lillian Kwang
Mr. Nicholas La Porta
Mr. Philip M. Lally
Mrs. Jane M. Land
Mr. Clayton Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Lauing
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lave
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Law
Kenneth and Anne Lawler
Ms. Judy Leahy
Dr. Philip R. Lee
Mr. Stuart Leeb
Ms. Nancy E. Lem
Mr. Mark Lesley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Limbach
Ms. Janet K. Littlefield
Mrs. Daniel S. Livingston
Ms. Dorothy Lloyd
Mrs. Florence Lopin
Ms. Charlotte Lowell
Worth and Andy Ludwick
Richard and Jing Lyman
Mrs. Linda B. Lynch
Marion and Erick Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mansfield
Dr. and Mrs. James B. D. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. M. Richard Maser
Ms. Merele G. McClure
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McCroskey
Mr. William McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Hal W. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. McKee
Mrs. Eve Melton
Ms. Molly Meschke
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Meyerhof
Mrs. Dorris C. Miller
David and Lynn Mitchell
Ms. Jean Mitoma
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mock
Ms. Jane Molony
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Morris
Ms. Patricia Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Morton
Ms. Dena Mossar and
Mr. Paul Goldstein
Ms. Maridel M. Moulton
Mr. Kazumi Muraki
Shirley and David Negrin
Ms. Bettie Anne Nicewonger
Brad and Judy O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Casper Y. Offutt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Yuji Okano
Mr. Mark O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. James Opfer
Mike and Randee Palmer
Scott and Sandra Pearson
Mr. Paul F. Perret
Mr. and Mrs. Girvin Peters
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pfluke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Player
Jerry and Charlene Porras
Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Price
Ms. Renee Prudhomme
Prof. and Mrs. Leonard G. Ratner
Ms. Margaret D. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reneau
Avenidas Rose Kleiner Senior Day Health Center
Assists Participants and their Families
Friends, care managers, and physicians refer families to the Avenidas Rose
Kleiner Senior Day Health Center for quality care. Participants benefit from the
daily health monitoring, nutritious hot lunches, therapies (speech, physical, and
occupational), companionship, varied activities, and exercise offered in this day
program. Family caregivers appreciate the support, respite, and peace of mind
that the Center provides.
Mrs. Eleanor J. Rhoades
Mr. Lawrence Richard
Mr. Alfred Richmond
Ms. Barbara Rieder
Mrs. Barbara Riper
Dr. and Mrs. Lester A. Roberts
Ms. Carol Seiler Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Emery H. Rogers
Dr. Deborah Rose
Ms. Sharon Rosen
Mr. Richard Rosenbaum
Mrs. Deborah Rosenberg
Ms. Mona J. Rosenberg
Anne and Mike Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenzweig
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rossi
Peter Rudd, M.D.
Gary and Eileen Ruppel
Jacquie and Donald Rush
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Rutherdale, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Santana
George and Dorothy Saxe
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schachter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schauer
Dr. Stanley L. Schrier and
Ms. Barbara Klein
Jeanette Schroyer
Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Schultz Jr.
Charles G. Schulz and
Claire E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Scott
Prof. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Scott
Dr. Eugene J. Segre
Dr. and Ms. Steven Sharbrough
Mary Ann Shallenberger and
Philip S. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Siegel
Mr. Edgar Simons
Mr. Sven E. Simonsen
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Marlene Sleek
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Slocum
Dick and Jerry Smallwood
Peggy E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Smith
Ms. Andrea B. Smith
Ms. Sylvia Smitham
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Soderquist
Mrs. Gretchen K. Sorensen
Ms. Marge Speidel
Mr. Lane L. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stangl
Nancy Steege
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Stein
Peter Borawsky and Patty Ewart
GiftsRuth S. Steiner
Garden Court Hotel
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Stolpa
InKICKS Cookies and Ice Cream
Mr. Nelson Stone
Kind Michael Patrick Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Street
Susan and Jim Sweeney
Palo Alto Weekly
Mr. Rory Swezey
See’s Candies, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Tanner
Strictly Candid by Margaret Abe
Prof. and Mrs. Richard Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Terhar
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Mr. Jerry Tinney
Leave a Meaningful Impression
Mr. Murray Tobak
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Tooker
Avenidas Legacy Society is a group of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tormey
Ellen and Mike Turbow
individuals who have made a bequest, or
Ms. Laura Turnbull
planned gift, to Avenidas. Such gifts enable
Ms. Ellen Uhrbrock
Avenidas to continue its important work for
Ms. Janis Ulevich
generations to come, improving the quality of
Ms. Elisabeth Vandenberg
life for older adults in the community through
Ms. Sharon Veach
Dr. Robert V. Violante
low-cost services.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Vroom
Ms. Mariam Wahab
In addition to a bequest made through a will or
Darien and Douglas Walker
trust, you can also make Avenidas a beneficiary
Mrs. Victoria Walker
to a life insurance policy. Other planned gifts
Joseph F. Walter, M.D.
Ms. Holly Ward
can provide income during your lifetime or
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waugh
help reduce your taxes. There are plans that can
Mrs. Anna Wu Weakland
preserve your heirs’ inheritance while benefiting
Ms. Judith Weiss
Avenidas. With the help of your attorney or
Mr. David R. Wells
financial advisor, you can choose the planned
Ed and Alison Wells
Peter and Deborah Wexler
giving option that meets your needs and carries
Ralph and Jackie Wheeler
your actions far into the future.
Mr. Mark Whiting
Ms. Barbara Whitman
For information, call 650-289-5446 or visit
Ms. Suzanne Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willis
Mr. Robert C. Wilson
Ms. Kay Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Wolper
Brad Anker
Ms. Annabelle Woodard
Ed & Margaret Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. Young
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Young
Annette Bialson
Mrs. Margaret B. Yung
Michael & Jean Couch
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Zatz
G. Robert Hamrdla
Mr. and Mrs. Orin Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zukin
Ginger Johnson
Alan Henderson
Mr. Arnold M. Zwicky
Avenidas Friend
Last year, almost 150 participants and more than 400 family caregivers
benefited from the Center.
Bea Hubbard
Mary Hughes
Mike Kasperzak
Mary Kennedy
Board of Directors
Peggy Dalal
Vice Chair
Cathy Kroymann
Jim Sandstrom
Loren Brown
Richard Adler
Brad C. Anker
Annette Bialson
Dr. Peter Cheng
Jean Coblentz
Oscar Garcia
Mary D. Hughes
Kevin Jones
Jim McCaffrey
Jean McCown
William F. Nichols
Karen V. H. Olson
Stephen Peeps
Paul Roskoph
Nancy Weeks Rossen
Sherri Sager
C. Grant Spaeth
Anne L. Taylor
City of Palo Alto Council
Greg Schmid
City of Mt. View Council
Mike Kasperzak
La Comida Liaison
Shirley Negrin
Published by Avenidas
450 Bryant Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Tel: 650-289-5400
Fax: 650-326-3048
Avenidas provides
support, information,
and community to enrich
the lives of older adults
and their families.
In Memory Of:
Vincent Balistreri
Norman S. Brooks
Betty Carpenter
Devora Cascade
Mamie Crawford
Irving Fineberg
Marie Hardin
Steve Hmelar
Earl Jack Jordan
Nate Rosenberg
Rixford K. Snyder
Jim Sprout
Avenidas Social Work Services
Support and Inform
Not every senior center
has a social work services
program, but participants
are glad that Avenidas
does. They know they can
work through problems
in counseling sessions,
or share experiences in a
support group. For referrals
to senior services, people can
call Avenidas’ Information
& Assistance specialists. Adult
children can receive help with aging
parents through consultations and with Avenidas’
geriatric care management program. And numerous
seniors have benefited from our free reverse
mortgage counseling.
Last year, more than 1,500 seniors were helped by
Avenidas Social Work Services.
In Honor Of:
Jenny and Terry Blaschke
Ray Kramer
Jim Cochran
Heather and Tad Nishimura
Eloise Gage
Victoria Stein and Paul Bartz
Sara Goldstein
Avenidas Rose Kleiner Senior
Day Health Center Staff
Dr. and Mrs. Greenwald
Seniors Age-in-Place Comfortably
with Avenidas Village
Membership in Avenidas Village offers seniors
a way to stay in their homes while they age
and still have access to services, socializing, and
support. Over 140 vendors have been qualified by
Avenidas Village and most give members moneysaving discounts. Membership provides one-stop
shopping, concierge-level service, social programs,
mobility, connectivity, medical advocacy, and
peace of mind.
Almost 300 seniors were supported by this innovative program last year.