Impedance Matching and Tuning 1 Impedance peda ce Matching atc g and a d Tuning u g • Impedance matching or tuning is important for the following reasons: Maximum power is delivered Improve the SNR of the system Reduce amplitude and phase errors in L Figure 5.1 (p. 223) A lossless network matching an arbitrary load impedance to a transmission line. 2 Impedance peda ce Matching atc g and a d Tuning u g Other Discussion Matching network usually use lossless components: L L, C C, transmission line, transformer, … There are many possible solutions available Use Smith chart to find the optimal design F Factors iin the h selection l i off a particular i l matching hi network: k Complexity Bandwidth Implementation Adjustability 3 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts Figure 5.2 (p. 223) L-section i matching hi networks. k (a) ( ) Network k for f zL inside the 1 + jx circle. (b) Network for zL outside the 1 + jx circle. 4 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts • Analytic Solutions (ZL = RL + j XL) Case 1 : z L is inside the 1 jx ( RL Z 0 ) Case 2 : z L is outside the 1 jx ( RL Z 0 ) For a matching condition : For a matching condition : 1 Z 0 jX jB 1 RL jX L 1 1 jB Z0 RL j X X L Separating into Re/Im parts : Separating into Re/Im parts : B XRL X L Z 0 RL Z 0 X 1 BX L BZ 0 RL X L Solution : BZ 0 X X L Z 0 RL X X L BZ 0 RL Solution : X L RL Z 0 RL2 X L2 Z 0 RL B RL2 X L2 X RL Z 0 RL X L Z 1 X Z X L 0 0 B RL BRL B Z 0 RL RL Z0 5 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts - jX - jB jX jX - jB L L C C - jX jB jB Y Z L C C L C L L C 6 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts • Smith chart solutions Case 1 : z L is inside the 1 jjx circle 1 jx circle 7 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts Case 2 : z L is outside the 1 jx circle 1 jb circle i l 8 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts • Example 5.1 L-Section Impedance Matching Z L 200 j100 , Z 0 100 , f 500 MHz Solution 1 : z L 2 j1 y L 0.4 0.2 j jb j 0.3 y 0.4 0.5 j z 1 j1.2 x j1.2 b C 0.92 0 92 pF 2 f Z 0 L x Z0 38.8 nH 2 f 9 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts • Example 5.1 L-Section Impedance Matching Z L 200 j100 , Z 0 100 , f 500 MHz Solution 1 : z L 2 j1 y L 0.4 0.2 j jb j 0.7 y 0.4 0.5 j z 1 j1.2 x j1.2 1 C 2.61 ppF 2 f x Z 0 Z0 L 46.1 nH 2 f b 10 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts • Example 5.1 L-Section Impedance Matching Figure 5.3b (p. 227) (b) The two possible L-section matching circuits. ( )R (c) Reflection fl i coefficient ffi i magnitudes i d versus frequency f for f the h matching hi circuits i i off (b). (b) 11 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts • Lumped elements (l < /10): parasitic C/L, spurious resonances, fringing fields, loss and perturbations caused by a ground plane. 10 nH 0.5 pF 25 pF 12 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts Estimating Bandwidth : single g frequency q y bandwidth Approximate tuning may be Better!! Frequncy Contours : Foster' s reactance theorem as f , jX of impedance and jB of admittances Impedances and admittances on the Smith chart trace clockwise arcs as frequency is increased. 13 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts • Constant Q circles: X B R G 1 Q 2 FR Q R FR 0 RL 14 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts Broadband Low Q matching 1 Q 2 n FR Q=1 074 Q=1.074 15 Matching atc g with w t Lumped u ped Elements e e ts One-section High Q Matching v. s. 3-sections Low Q Matching 16 Single-Stub S g e Stub Tuning u g Yini jB (a) No Lumped Elements (b) Easy to fabricate in microstrip or stripline. Y0 jB Z in jX Z 0 jX Figure g 5.4 (p (p. 229)) Single-stub tuning circuits. (a) Shunt stub. (b) Series stub. 17 Single-Stub S g e Stub Tuning u g (S (Shunt) u t) • Example 5.2 S.C. Z L 60 j80 Z 0 50 , f 2 GHz S.C. y z L 1.2 j1.6 y L 0.6 j 0.8 SWR circle i l intersects i t t 1 jb circle i l : d1 0.11 for y1 1 j1.47 d 2 0.26 for y2 1 j1.47 j1.47 S.C. l1 0.095 j1.47 S.C. S C l2 0.405 18 Single-Stub S g e Stub Tuning u g (S (Shunt) u t) • Example 5.2 19 Single-Stub S g e Stub Tuning u g (S (Shunt) u t) Z L 1 YL RL jX L 1 1 tan t, for t 0 d 2 1 tan 1 t , for t 0 2 t Bs Bs B RL jX L jZ 0t d : Z Z0 Z 0 j RL jX L t where t tan d Y G jB 1 Z For an open - circuited stub, RL 1 t 2 where G 2 2 RL X L Z 0t d is chosen so that G Y0 1 Z 0 X L RL Z 0 RL X L2 Z 0 t for RL Z 0 RL Z 0 2 B 1 1 B 1 tan tan 1 s 2 Y0 2 Y0 For a short - circuited stub,, lo RL2t Z 0 X Lt X L Z 0t B 2 Z 0 RL2 X L Z 0t 1 1 Y0 1 1 Y0 tan tan 2 B Bs 2 If the resultant l is negative 2 ls t X L 2Z 0 for f RL Z 0 20 Single-Stub S g e Stub Tuning u g (Se (Series) es) • Example 5.3 Z L 100 j80 Z 0 50 , O.C. O.C. f 2 GHz z z L 2 j1.6 SWR circle intersects 1 jx circle : d1 0.120 for z1 1 j1.33 d 2 0.463 for z 2 1 j1.33 j1.33 O.C. O C l1 0.397 j1.33 O.C. l2 0.103 21 Single-Stub S g e Stub Tuning u g (Se (Series) es) • Example 5.3 22 Single-Stub S g e Stub Tuning u g (Se (Series) es) YL 1 Z L GL jBL d: 1 1 tan t, for t 0 d 2 1 tan 1 t , for t 0 2 t X s X s X GL jBL jY0t Y Y0 Y0 j GL jBL t where t tan d Z R jX 1 Y For an open - circuited stub, GL 1 t 2 where R 2 2 GL BL Y0t d is chosen so that R Z 0 1 Y0 BL GL Y0 GL BL2 Y0 t for GL Y0 GL Y0 2 1 1 Z 0 1 Z tan 1 0 tan 2 X X s 2 For a short - circuited stub,, lo GL2t Y0 BLt BL Y0t X 2 Y0 GL2 BL Y0t 1 1 X 1 1 X s tan tan 2 Z 0 2 Z0 If the resultant l is negative 2 ls t BL 2Y0 for f GL Y0 23 Double-Stub oub e Stub Tuning u g 24 Double-Stub oub e Stub Tuning u g Figure 5.7 (p. 236) Double-stub tuning. (a) Original circuit with the load an arbitrary distance from the first stub. (b) Equivalent-circuit with load at the first stub. 25 Double-Stub oub e Stub Tuning u g Forbidden region : No intersection point with Rotated 1 jb circle reduce d for reducing forbidden region d 0 or / 2 : frequency sensitive d are generally chosen as / 8 or 3 / 8 26 Double-Stub oub e Stub Tuning u g • Example 5.4 Z L 60 j80 , Z 0 50 Stubs: open-circuited stubs, d / 8, f 2 GHz Z L : a series resistor and capacitor Solution: zL 1.2 j1.6 yL 0.3 j 0.4 b1 1.314 l1 0.146 b1 0.114 l1 0.482 y2 1 j 3.38 y2 1 j1.38 1 38 b2 3.38 l2 0.204 b2 1.38 1 38 l2 00.350 350 27 Double-Stub oub e Stub Tuning u g 0.995 pF 0.204 0.146 0.995 pF (c) Figure 5.9b (p. 239) (b) The two double-stub tuning solutions. (c) Reflection coefficient magnitudes versus frequency for the tuning circuits of (b). 0.350 0.482 (b) 28 Double-Stub oub e Stub Tuning u g Forbidden region : • Analytic Solution st Just to the left of the 1 stub : Y1 GL j BL B1 length d transmission line 2 0 1 2 2 1 Y0 1 t 2 GLY0 GL2t 2 B1 BL t where t tan d and Y0 1 / Z 0 part off Y2 Y0 1 t 2 Y0 BLt B1t G GLY0 2 0 2 t t 2 4t 2 Y0 BLt B1t 1 t 2 1 1 GL Y0 2 2 2 2 2t Y0 1 t 2 L Y 1 t 2 0 Y0 1 t 2 0 GL Y0 2 t sin 2 d just to the left of the 2 nd stub : GL j BL B1 Y0t Y2 Y0 Y0 j t GL j BL j B1 reall 4t 2 Y0 BLt B1t Y0 1 t 2 GLY0 GL2t 2 GLY0 B2 GL t lo 1 1 B For O.C. stub : tan 2 Y0 For S.C. stub : ls 1 1 Y0 tan 2 B 29 Thee Quarter-Wave Qua te Wave Transformer a so e Figure 5.10 (p. 241) A single-section quarterwave matching t hi transformer. t f th design d i 0 4 att the frequency f0. Z in Z1 1 4Z 0 Z L 2 1 sec 2 Z L Z 0 Z L Z0 2 Z0Z L cos for f near 2 Z L j Z1t Z1 j Z L t where t tan l tan 2 , at f 0 Z 2 1 Z in Z 0 Z L Z0 Z in Z 0 Z L Z 0 j 2t Z 0 Z L Z0Z L Figure 5.11 (p. 242) Approximate behavior of the reflection coefficient magnitude for a singlesection quarter-wave transformer operating near its design frequency. 30 Thee Quarter-Wave Qua te Wave Transformer a so e Bandwidth : 2 m 2 2 Z0Z L 1 2 1 sec Z L Z0 m 2 m 2 Z0Z L or cos m 1 m2 Z L Z 0 If we assume TEM lines, then 2 f v p f l v p 4 f0 2 f0 2 Z0Z L 4 m 4 f 1 m 2 2 cos f0 1 m2 Z L Z 0 Fi Figure 5.12 5 12 (p. ( 243) Reflection R fl ti coefficient ffi i t magnitude versus frequency for a single section quarter-wave matching transformer with various load mismatches. mismatches 31 Thee Theory eo y of o Small S a Reflections e ect o s • Single-Section Transformer 1 T12T213e 2 j T12T2132 2 e 4 j 1 T12T213e 2 j e n 0 n n 2 jn 2 3 1 x , for x 1 1 x n 0 n T12T213e 2 j 1 1 2 3e 2 j 1 3e 2 j 1 13e 2 j 1 3e 2 j Figure 5.13 (p. 244) Partial reflections and transmissions on a single single-section section matching transformer. transformer 32 Thee Theory eo y of o Small S a Reflections e ect o s • Multisection Transformer Figure 5.14 5 14 (p. (p 245) Partial reflection coefficients for a multisection matching transformer. Z Z0 0 1 Z1 Z 0 Z n 1 Z n n Z n 1 Z n N ZL ZN ZL ZN Z n : vary monotonically 0 1e 2 j 2e 4 j N e 2 jN Transformer can be made symmetrical : 1 2 N / 2 , for N even e jN 0 e jN e jN 1 e j N 2 e j N 2 2e jjN 0 cos N 1 cosN 2 n cos N 2n 2e jN 0 cos N 1 cosN 2 n cos N 2n ( N 1) / 2 cos , for N odd Given Gi , design d i Z1 , Z 2 , Z N 33 Thee Bode-Fano ode a o Criterion C te o Circuit Bode - Fano limit Figure 5.22 (p. 262) The Bode-Fano limits for RC and RL loads matched with passive and lossless networks (ω0 is the center frequency of the matching bandwidth). (a) Parallel RC. (b) S Series i RC. RC 34 Thee Bode-Fano ode a o Criterion C te o Circuit Bode - Fano limit Figure 5.22 (p. 262) The Bode-Fano limits for RC and RL loads matched with passive and lossless networks (ω0 is the center frequency of the matching bandwidth). (c) Parallel RL. (d) S Series i RL. RL 35 Thee Bode-Fano ode a o Criterion C te o Figure 5.23 (p. 263) Illustrating the Bode-Fano criterion. (a) A possible reflection coefficient response. (b) Nonrealizable and realizable reflection coefficient responses responses. 1. Given RC : m 2. m 0, unless 0 m 0 only l at a finite fi i number of frequencies 3. R or C or m high Q load is harder to match 36