TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD DIRECTORY Generated September 27, 2016 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS ALAMO COUNTIES SERVED BOARD DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIR CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS GRANT RECIPIENT Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, Wilson WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS BORDERPLEX Brewster, Culberson, El Paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Presidio WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS BRAZOS VALLEY Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson, Washington Ms. Gail L. Hathaway, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Alamo 115 East Travis, Suite 220 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Phone 210-581-1062 Fax 210-272-3290 ghathaway@wsalamo.org Ms. Joyce Wilson, Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions Borderplex 300 East Main, Suite 800 El Paso, Texas 79901 Phone 915-887-2204 Fax 915-351-2790 joyce.wilson@borderplexjobs.com Mr. Tom Wilkinson, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley P. O. Drawer 4128 Bryan, Texas 77805-4128 3991 East 29th Street (zip: 77802) Phone 979-595-2800 Fax 979-595-2810 twilkinson@bvcog.org Mr. Rudy D. Garza VP, External Relations CPS Energy 145 Navarro, PO Box 1771 San Antonio, TX 78296 Phone 210-353-3640 Fax 210-353-4164 rdgarza@cpsenergy.com Mr. Leo A. Duran, Sr. President L&J Café, Inc. 3622 E. Missouri Avenue El Paso, TX 79903 Phone 915-490-6968 Fax 915-566-4070 leosr.ljcafe@gmail.com Mr. J. Jared Patout Owner/Partner Brewer, Eyeington , Patout, Co., LLP 217 East Washington Street Navasota, TX 77868 Phone 936-825-6507 Fax 936-825-6508 jaredpatout@gmail.com The Honorable Nelson Wolff Bexar County Judge 101 W. Nueva Street Ste. 1019 San Antonio, Texas 78205-3036 Phone 210-335-1326 Fax 210-335-2926 nwolff@bexar.org The Honorable Veronica Escobar El Paso County Judge 500 E. San Antonio Suite 301 El Paso, TX 79901 79901 Phone 915-546-2098 Fax 915-543-3888 rvogt@epcounty .com The Honorable Mike Sutherland Burleson County Judge 100 W. Buck, Suite 306 Caldwell, Texas 77836 The Honorable Duane Peters Brazos County Judge 200 South Texas Avenue, Suite 332 Bryan, Texas 77803-3999 Phone 979-361-4102 Fax 979-361-4503 dpeters@co.brazos.tx.us Ms. Gail L. Hathaway Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions Alamo 115 East Travis, Suite 220 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Phone 210-581-1062 Fax 210-272-3290 ghathaway@wsalamo.org Ms. Joyce Wilson Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions Borderplex 300 East Main, Suite 800 El Paso, Texas 79901 Phone 915-887-2204 Fax 915-351-2790 joyce.wilson@borderplexjobs.com Mr. Tom Wilkinson Executive Director Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley P.O. Drawer 4128 Bryan, Texas 77805-4128 3991 East 29th Street Phone 979-595-2800 Fax 979-595-2810 twilkinson@bvcog.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS CAMERON COUNTY Cameron Travis Ms. Sonia Walsh Human Resources Manager Su Clinica Familiar 1706 Treasure Hills Blvd Harlingen, Texas 78550 Phone 956-365-6048 Fax 956-365-6784 swalsh@suclinica.org Mr. Adrian L. Neely Owner Triad Building Maintenance P. O. Box 140631 Austin, TX 78714 Phone 512-385-1189 Fax 512-385-0317 a.neely@triadsvcs.com The Honorable Pete Sepulveda, Jr. Cameron County Judge 1100 E. Monroe Street Brownsville, TX 78520 Phone 956-544-0830 Fax 956-544-0801 psepulveda@co.cameron.tx.us WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS CAPITAL AREA Mr. Stanley Pat Hobbs, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Cameron 851 Old Alice Road Brownsville, Texas 78520-4231 Phone 956-548-6700 x 4507 Fax 956-548-6717 pat.hobbs@wfscameron.org Ms. Tamara Atkinson, Executive Director Workforce Solutions- Capital Area 6505 Airport Blvd., Ste. 101E Austin, Texas 78752 Phone 512-597-7104 Fax 512-719-4709 tamara.atkinson@wfscapitalarea.com Mr. Stanley Pat Hobbs Executive Director Workforce Solutions Cameron 851 Old Alice Road Brownsville, Texas 78520-4231 Phone 956-548-6700 x 4507 Fax 956-548-6717 pat.hobbs@wfscameron.org Mr. Tamara Atkinson Executive Director Workforce Solutions-Capital Area 6505 Airport Blvd., Ste. 101 E Austin, Texas 78752 Phone 512-597-7104 Fax 512-719-4709 tamara.atkinson@wfscapitalarea.com Page: 1 of 6 Produced by Workforce Board Relations The Honorable Steve Adler Mayor, City of Austin P. O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088 Phone 512-978-2100 The Honorable Sarah Eckhardt Travis County Judge 700 Lavaca Suite #2.300 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone 512-854-9555 Fax 512-854-9535 Source: Board Access Database TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD DIRECTORY Generated September 27, 2016 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS CONCHO VALLEY COUNTIES SERVED BOARD DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIR CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS GRANT RECIPIENT Coke, Concho, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch, Menard, Reagan, Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton, Tom Green Mr. Michael Buck, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Concho Valley 36 East Twohig, Suite 805 San Angelo, Texas 76903 Phone 325-655-2005 Fax 325-482-8900 mbuck@cvworkforce.org Mr. Justin Riggan Vice President & General Manager KIDY FOX 5 S. Chadbourne San Angelo, TX 76903 Phone 325-655-6006 Fax 325-655-8461 jriggan@foxsanangelo.com The Honorable Roy Blair Coke County Judge 13 East 7th St. Robert Lee, Texas 76945 Phone 325-453-2641 Fax 325-453-2157 The Honorable Steve Floyd Tom Green County Judge 112 W. Beauregard San Angelo, Texas 76903 Phone 325-653-3318 Fax 325-659-3258 steve.floyd@co.tom-green.tx.us Mr. Michael Buck Executive Director Workforce Solutions Concho Valley 36 E. Twohig Ave., Suite 805 San Angelo, Texas 76903 Phone 325-655-2005 Fax 325-482-8900 mbuck@cvworkforce.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS DEEP EAST TEXAS Angelina, Houston, Jasper, Nacogdoches, Newton, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler Ms. Marilyn Hartsook, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas 539 S. Chestnut Street, Suite 300 Lufkin, Texas 75901 Phone 936-639-8898 x 5922 Fax 936-633-7491 mhartsook@detwork.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS EAST TEXAS Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Marion, Panola, Rains, Rusk, Smith, Upshur, Van Zandt, Wood Mr. David Cleveland, Executive Director Workforce Solutions East Texas 3800 Stone Road Kilgore, Texas 75662 Phone 903-218-6423 Fax 903-983-1440 david.cleveland@etcog.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS FOR NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS Collin, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Hood, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Navarro, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Wise Mr. David K. Setzer, Executive Director Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas P. O. Box 5888 Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 600 Six Flags Drive Ste. 300 (zip: 76011) Phone 817-695-9187 Fax 817-640-6480 dsetzer@dfwjobs.com Page: 2 of 6 Mr. James D. Mize Executive Vice President First Bank & Trust of East Texas 6174 FM 1878 Nacogdoches, TX 75961 Phone 936-645-1220 Fax 936-559-5200 jmize@fbtet.com Mr. Robert Haberle Community Relations Director Schaumburg & Polk, Inc. 320 S. Broadway, Ste. 200 Tyler, 75702 Phone 903-595-3913 Fax 903-595-2093 rhaberle@spi-eng.com Mr. Mickey Hillock President Hillock Foods, Inc. 1528 Elm Wood Ave. Corsicana, TX 75110 Phone 903-654-1346 hlhillock@gmail.com Produced by Workforce Board Relations The Honorable Danny Neal McCulloch County Judge County Courthouse, Suite 302 Brady, Texas 76825 The Honorable Bob Brown Mayor, City of Lufkin P. O. Box 190 Lufkin, Texas 75902 Phone 936-633-0293 Fax 936-639-9843 mayorbobbrown@cityoflufkin.com The Honorable Robert D. Johnston Anderson County Judge 703 N. Mallard, Suite 101 Palestine, Texas 75801 rjohnston@co.anderson.tx.us The Honorable Darrell Cockerham Hood County Judge 100 E. Pearl St., Room 7 Granbury, Texas 76048 Phone 817-579-3200 Fax 817-579-3213 dcockerham@co.hood.tx.us Ms. Marilyn Hartsook Executive Director Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas 539 S. Chestnut Street, Suite 300 Lufkin, Texas 75901 Phone 936-639-8898 x 5922 Fax 936-633-7491 mhartsook@detwork.org Mr. David Cleveland Executive Director East Texas Council of Governments 3800 Stone Road Kilgore, Texas 75662-9604 Phone 903-218-6423 Fax 903-983-1440 david.cleveland@etcog.org Mr. Michael Eastland Executive Director North Central Texas Council of Govts. 616 Six Flags Drive (Zip: 76011-6303) Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 P.O. Box 5888 Phone 817-695-9101 Fax 817-640-7806 meastland@nctcog.org Source: Board Access Database TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD DIRECTORY Generated September 27, 2016 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS FOR SOUTH TEXAS COUNTIES SERVED BOARD DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIR CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS GRANT RECIPIENT Jim Hogg, Webb, Zapata Mr. Rogelio Trevino, Executive Director Workforce Solutions for South Texas P. O. Box 1757 Laredo, Texas 78044-1757 1701 E. Hillside (zip: 78041-3316) Phone 956-722-3973 Fax 956-725-2341 rogelio.trevino@southtexasworkforce.org The Honorable Pete Saenz Mayor, City of Laredo 1110 Houston Street Laredo, Texas 78040 mayorsaenz@ci.laredo.tx.us WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS FOR TARRANT COUNTY Tarrant Ms. Judy McDonald, Executive Director Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County 1320 S. University Dr., Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76107-5780 Phone 817-413-4400 Fax 817-531-6754 judy.mcdonald@workforcesolutions.net Ms. Lupita R. Canales President A. R. Canales International Brokers, Inc. 125 Flecha Lane Laredo, Texas 78045 Phone 956-722-4200 Fax 956-723-2223 lupita@arcanales.com Mr. Keith Muskrat Vice President Talon Industries 1104 Enterprise Place Arlington, TX 76001 Phone 817-265-5511 kmuskrat@talon-industries.com WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS FOR THE HEART OF TEXAS Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone, McLennan Mr. Anthony Billings, Executive Director Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas 801 Washington Ave., Suite 700 Waco, Texas 76701 Phone 254-296-5389 Fax 254-753-3173 anthony.billings@hotworkforce.com Mr. Rogelio Trevino Executive Director Workforce Solutions for South Texas P. O. Box 1757 Laredo, Texas 78044-1757 1701 E. Hillside (zip: 78041-3316) Phone 956-722-3973 Fax 956-725-2341 rogelio.trevino@southtexasworkforce.org Ms. Judy McDonald Executive Director Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County 1320 S. University Dr., Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76107-5780 Phone 817-413-4400 Fax 817-531-6754 judy.mcdonald@workforcesolutions.net Mr. Terry Marak Chief Financial Officer Region XII Education Service Center P.O. Box 23409 Waco, Texas 76702-3409 Phone 254-297-1178 Fax 254-666-0691 tmarak@esc12.net WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS GOLDEN CRESCENT Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Gonzales, Jackson, Lavaca, Victoria Mr. Henry Guajardo, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent 120 S. Main, Suite 501 Victoria, Texas 77901 Phone 361-576-5872 Fax 361-573-0225 henryguajardo@gcworkforce.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS GREATER DALLAS Dallas Ms. Laurie Bouillion Larrea, President Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas Ross Tower, 500 N. Akard Street, Ste 3030 Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone 214-290-1000 Fax 214-745-1110 lblarrea@wfsdallas.com Page: 3 of 6 Ms. Virginia Du Puy , | Mr. Teodoro "Ted" Taveras Co-Founder/COO Insurance Licensing Services of America, Inc. 111 N. Railroad Street Groesbeck, TX 76642 Phone 254-729-8002 Fax 254-729-8069 ttaveras@ilsainc.com Mr. Chester L. Sackett Executive Director HSSE Maverick Engineering 120 S. Main, Ste. 350 Victoria, TX 77901 Phone 361-576-0180 Fax 361-576-1050 csackett@maveng.com Ms. Ellen Torbert VP, Diversity and Inclusion Southwest Airlines PO Box 36611 HDQ 4DI Dallas, TX 75235 Phone 214-792-5269 ellen.torbert@wnco.com Produced by Workforce Board Relations The Honorable B. Glen Whitley Tarrant County Judge 100 East Weatherford, Suite 501 Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0101 Phone 817-884-1234 Fax 817-884-2793 gwhitley@tarrantcounty.com The Honorable Justin Lewis Hill County Judge P. O. Box 457 Hillsboro, Texas 76645 Phone 254-582-4020 Fax 254-582-4028 countyjudge@co.hill.tx.us The Honorable Ben Zeller Victoria County Judge 101 North Bridge, # 102 Victoria, Texas 77901 Phone 361-575-4558 Fax 361-573-7585 bzeller@vctx.org The Honorable Clay Jenkins Dallas County Judge 411 Elm Street, #200 Dallas, Texas 75202-3301 Phone 214-653-7949 Fax 214-653-6586 Lauren.Mish@dallascounty.org Mr. Henry Guajardo Executive Director Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent 120 S. Main, Suite 501 Victoria, Texas 77901 Phone 361-576-5872 Fax 361-573-0225 henryguajardo@gcworkforce.org Ms. Laurie Bouillion Larrea President Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas Ross Tower Dallas, Texas 75201 500 N. Akard Street Ste. 3030 Phone 214-290-1000 Fax 214-745-1110 lblarrea@wfsdallas.com Source: Board Access Database TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD DIRECTORY Generated September 27, 2016 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS GULF COAST COUNTIES SERVED BOARD DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIR CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS GRANT RECIPIENT Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker, Waller, Wharton Mr. Mark C. Guthrie Shareholder Winstead PC 600 Travis, Suite 1100 Houston, TX 77002 Phone 713-650-2730 Fax 713-650-2400 mguthrie@winstead.com The Honorable Nate McDonald Matagorda County Judge 1700 East 7th Street, Room 301 Bay City, Texas 77414-5094 Phone 979-244-7605 Fax 979-245-3697 cojudge@co.matagorda.tx.us Mr. Jack Steele Executive Director Houston-Galveston Area Council 3555 Timmons Lane, #120 (zip: 77027) Houston, Texas 77227-2777 P.O. Box 22777 Phone 713-627-3200 Fax 713-621-8129 jack.steele@h-gac.com WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY Hidalgo, Starr, Willacy Mr. Michael Temple, Executive Director Workforce Solutions-Gulf Coast Workforce Board P. O. Box 22777 Houston, Texas 77027-2777 3555 Timmons Lane, Ste. 120 (zip: 77027) Phone 713-993-4524 Fax 713-993-4578 mike.temple@h-gac.com Mr. Francisco Almaraz, Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions Lower Rio Grande Valley 3101 W. Business 83 McAllen, Texas 78501 Phone 956-928-5000 x 3701 Fax 956-664-8987 francisco@wfsolutions.org The Honorable Eloy Vera Starr County Judge 100 N. FM 3167 Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 Phone 956-716-4800 Fax 956-487-8709 eloy.vera@co.starr.tx.us Mr. Francisco Almaraz Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions Lower Rio Grande Valley 3101 W. Business 83 McAllen, Texas 78501 Phone 956-928-5000 x 3701 Fax 956-664-8987 francisco@wfsolutions.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS MIDDLE RIO GRANDE Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, LaSalle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde, Zavala Mr. Ricky McNiel, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Middle Rio Grande P. O. Box 760 Uvalde, Texas 78802-0760 216 W. Main, Ste A (zip: 78801) Phone 830-591-0141 Fax 830-591-0004 ricky.mcniel@wfsmrg.org Mr. Jaime Ortiz Owner Miracle Medical Equipment & Supply 502 East Expressway 83 Ste. 16 Weslaco, TX 78596 Phone 956-369-1831 Fax 956-969-9569 jortiz126@hotmail.com Mr. Juan Martinez Board Chair Town House Restaurant 2105 E. Main St. Uvalde, TX 78801 Phone 830-278-1353 Fax 830-278-7272 juanthr@sbcglobal.net The Honorable William Mitchell Uvalde County Judge Uvalde County Courthouse Uvalde, Texas 78801 Phone 830-278-3216 Fax 830-278-8703 wrmcj@uvaldecounty.com WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS NORTH TEXAS Archer, Baylor, Clay, Cottle, Foard, Hardeman, Jack, Montague, Wichita, Wilbarger, Young Ms. Mona Williams Statser, Executive Director Workforce Solutions North Texas 901 Indiana, Suite 180 Wichita Falls, Texas 76301 Phone 940-767-1432 Fax 940-322-2683 mona.statser@ntxworksolutions.org Mr. James C. Sjolander General Manager Berend Bros., Inc. 701 Shoreline Drive Lakeside City, TX 76308 Phone 940-237-6223 Fax 940-423-6225 jim_berendbros@yahoo.com The Honorable Mitchell G. Davenport Jack County Judge 100 Main Street Jacksboro, Texas 76458 Phone 940-567-2241 Fax 940-567-5502 countyjudge@jackcounty.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS NORTHEAST TEXAS Bowie, Cass, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, Lamar, Morris, Red River, Titus Mr. Randy Reed, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas 911 North Bishop, Suite A100 Wake Village, Texas 75501 Phone 903-794-9490 x 508 Fax 903-223-0449 randy.reed@netxworks.org Ms. Jennifer K. Harland Manager of External Affairs AEP SWEPCO 3708 West 7th St. Texarkana, TX 75501 Phone 903-223-5880 jkharland@aep.com The Honorable M.C. Superville, Jr. Lamar County Judge 119 N. Main Street Paris, Texas 75460 Phone 903-737-2410 Fax 903-785-3858 nita@co.lamar.tx.us Mr. Nick Gallegos Executive Director Middle Rio Grande Development Council 307 W. Nopal (zip: 78834-3211 ) Carrizo Springs, Texas 78834 P.O. Box 1199 Phone 830-876-3533 Fax 830-876-9415 nick.gallegos@mrgdc.org Mr. Dennis Wilde Executive Director Nortex Regional Planning Commission 4309 Jacksboro Highway Wichita Falls, Texas 76302 Ste. 200 Phone 940-322-5281 Fax 940-322-6743 dwilde@nortexrpc.org Mr. Randy Reed Executive Director Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas 911 North Bishop, Suite A100 Wake Village, Texas 75501 Phone 903-794-9490 x 508 Fax 903-223-0449 randy.reed@netxworks.org Page: 4 of 6 Produced by Workforce Board Relations Source: Board Access Database TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD DIRECTORY Generated September 27, 2016 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS OF CENTRAL TEXAS COUNTIES SERVED BOARD DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIR CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS GRANT RECIPIENT Bell, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Milam, Mills, San Saba Ms. Susan Kamas, Executive Director Workforce Solutions of Central Texas P. O. Box 450 Belton, Texas 76513-0450 200 N. Main Street (zip: 76513) Phone 254-742-4514 Fax 254-939-3207 susank@workforcelink.com Mr. Larry Anglin Owner HTComp.net, Inc. 900 South Rice Street Hamilton, TX 76531 Phone 254-386-8925 Fax 254-386-8927 larry@htcomp.net The Honorable Jon Burrows Bell County Judge P. O. Box 768 Belton, Texas 76513 Phone 254-933-5105 Fax 254-933-5179 jon.burrows@co.bell.tx.us WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS OF THE COASTAL BEND Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio Mr. Kenneth A. Trevino, President/CEO Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend P. O. Box 2568 Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 520 N. Staples Street (zip: 78401-2414) Phone 361-885-3000 Fax 888-974-3293 ken.trevino@workforcesolutionscb.org Ms. Gloria Perez President/CEO Asiel Enterprises, Inc. 5909 Sutherland Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78414 Phone 361-765-6670 Fax 361-906-2070 gdperez@swbell.net The Honorable Jim Huff Live Oak County Judge P.O. Box 487 George West, Texas 78022 Phone 361-449-2733 x 1002 Fax 361-449-3155 jimhuffjudge@yahoo.com WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS OF WEST CENTRAL TEXAS Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Fisher, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Knox, Mitchell, Nolan, Runnels, Scurry, Shackleford, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor, Throckmorton Armstrong, Briscoe, Carson, Castro, Childress, Collingsworth, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Donley, Gray, Hall, Hansford, Hartley, Hemphill, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Sherman, Swisher, Wheeler Andrews, Borden, Crane, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, Winkler Ms. Mary Ross, Executive Director Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas 500 Chestnut, Suite 1200 Abilene, Texas 79602 Phone 325-795-4301 Fax 325-795-4300 mary.ross@workforcesystem.org Ms. Susan Hodges Consultant Hodges Consulting 1000 Columbia Stamford, TX 79553 Phone 817-819-8048 breachoftrust15@gmail.com The Honorable Roger Corn Callahan County Judge 100 W. 4th Street, Suite 200 Baird, Texas 79504 Phone 325-854-1155 Fax 325-854-1227 ccjudge@camalott.com Mr. Jim Reed Executive Director Central Texas COG 2180 N. Main Street Belton, Texas 76513 P. O. Box 729 Phone 254-770-2236 Fax 254-939-0660 jreed@ctcog.org Mr. Kenneth A. Trevino President/CEO Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend P. O. Box 2568 (zip: 78401) Corpus Christi, Texas 78403-2568 520 N. Staples Street Phone 361-885-3000 Fax 888-974-3293 ken.trevino@workforcesolutionscb.org Mr. Ronnie Kincaid Executive Director Region 14 Education Service Center 1850 Highway 351 Abilene, Texas 79601 Phone 325-675-8609 Fax 325-675-8659 kincaid@esc14.net Mr. Marin Rivas, Workforce Development Director Workforce Solutions Panhandle P. O. Box 9257 Amarillo, Texas 79105-9257 415 West 8th Avenue (zip: 79101-2200) Phone 806-372-3381 Fax 806-373-3268 mrivas@theprpc.org Ms. Charlyn Snow Administrator Amarillo Pathology Group and Physicians Preferred Laboratory 1301 South Coulter Street Amarillo, TX 79106 Phone 806-355-7286 Fax 806-352-6003 snowc@amapath.com The Honorable Terri Beth Carter Sherman County Judge P. O. Box 165 Stratford, Texas 79084-0165 Phone 806-366-2021 Fax 806-366-3011 cojudge@co.sherman.tx.us Mr. Gary Pitner Executive Director Panhandle Regional Planning Commission 415 West 8th Avenue (zip: 79101-2200) Amarillo, Texas 79105-9257 P.O. Box 9257 Phone 806-372-3381 Fax 806-373-3268 gpitner@theprpc.org Mr. Willie Taylor, Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions Permian Basin P. O. Box 61947 Midland, Texas 79711-1947 2911 La Force Blvd. (zip: 79706) Phone 432-563-5239 Fax 432-561-8785 willie.taylor@workforcepb.org Mr. Rudy Martinez General Manager Quell Petroleum 301 S. Meadow Odessa, TX 79761 Phone 432-599-1717 Fax 432-580-5745 rudym75@yahoo.com The Honorable Richard H. Dolgener Andrews County Judge Andrews County Courthouse, Room 104 Andrews, Texas 79714 Phone 432-524-1401 Fax 432-524-1470 rdolgener@co.andrews.tx.us Mr. Willie Taylor Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions Permian Basin P. O. Box 61947 Midland, Texas 79711-1947 Phone 432-563-5239 Fax 432-561-8785 willie.taylor@workforcepb.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS PANHANDLE WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS PERMIAN BASIN Page: 5 of 6 Produced by Workforce Board Relations Source: Board Access Database TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD DIRECTORY Generated September 27, 2016 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS RURAL CAPITAL AREA COUNTIES SERVED BOARD DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIR CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS GRANT RECIPIENT Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Williamson Ms. Margaret Lindsey Membership Sales Director San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce 202 North CM Allen Parkway San Marcos, Texas 78666-2310 Phone 512-393-5900 Fax 512-393-5912 margaretl@sanmarcostexas.com The Honorable Dan A. Gattis Williamson County Judge 710 Main Street, Suite 101 Georgetown, Texas 78626-6339 Phone 512-943-1550 Fax 512-943-1662 www.ctyjudge@wilco.org WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS SOUTH PLAINS Bailey, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Terry, Yoakum Hardin, Jefferson, Orange WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS TEXOMA Cooke, Fannin, Grayson Mr. Kenneth Hill Vice President City Bank-Morton 107 W. Taylor Avenue Morton, TX 79346 Phone 806-266-5511 Fax 806-266-5989 kennethhill799@gmail.com Ms. Sue Daniels Owner/Director Early Learning Pre-School & Child Care Center 2395 Highway 12 Vidor, TX 77662 Phone 409-769-2395 Fax 409-769-9086 sdaniels2395@yahoo.com Ms. Candy VanSant Director of Education Texoma Medical Center 5016 S Hwy 75 Denison, TX 75020 Phone 903-416-4011 cvansant@thcs.org The Honorable Tom Head Lubbock County Judge P. O. Box 10536 Lubbock, Texas 79408 Phone 806-775-1087 Fax 806-775-1550 thead@co.lubbock.tx.us WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS SOUTHEAST TEXAS Mr. James Satterwhite, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area P. O. Box 5279 Round Rock, Texas 78683-5279 2701 Gattis School Road, Bldg. B, Ste. 101 (zip: 78664-3820) Phone 512-244-7966 x 5017 Fax 512-244-9023 james.satterwhite@ruralcapital.net Mr. Martin Aguirre, Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions South Plains 1301 Broadway, Suite 201 Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone 806-744-1987 Fax 806-744-5378 martin.aguirre@spworkforce.org Ms. Marilyn Smith, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas P. O. Box 3607 Beaumont, Texas 77704 304 Pearl Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 300 (zip 77701) Phone 409-719-4750 Fax 409-727-6431 marilyn.smith@setworks.org Ms. Janie Bates, Executive Director Workforce Solutions Texoma 5904 Texoma Parkway Sherman, Texas 75090 Phone 903-957-7408 Fax 903-957-7413 janie.bates@wfstexoma.org Mr. James Satterwhite Executive Director Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area P. O. Box 5279 Round Rock, Texas 78683-5279 2701 Gattis School Road,Bldg. B, Ste. 101 (zip: 78664-3820) Phone 512-244-7966 x 5017 Fax 512-244-9023 james.satterwhite@ruralcapital.net Mr. Martin Aguirre Chief Executive Officer Workforce Solutions South Plains 1301 Broadway, Suite 201 Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone 806-744-1987 Fax 806-744-5378 martin.aguirre@spworkforce.org Ms. Marilyn Smith Executive Director Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas P. O. Box 3607 (zip 77704) Beaumont, Texas 77701 304 Pearl Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 300 Phone 409-719-4750 x 4780 Fax 409-727-6431 marilyn.smith@setworks.org Ms. Janie Bates Executive Director Workforce Solutions Texoma 5904 Texoma Parkway Sherman, Texas 75090 Phone 903-957-7408 Fax 903-957-7413 janie.bates@wfstexoma.org The Honorable Jeff Branick Jefferson County Judge P. O. Box 4025 (zip code: 77704) 1149 Pearl, 4th Floor Beaumont, Texas 77701 Phone 409-835-8467 Fax 409-839-2311 jbranick@co.jefferson.tx.us The Honorable Creta L. Carter, II Fannin County Judge 101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive, Suite 101 Bonham, Texas 75418 Phone 903-583-7455 clcarter@fanninco.net Mr. Greg Vaughn Executive Director Texas Association of Workforce Boards P.O. Box 703278 Dallas, Texas 75370-1804 Phone 214-620-9165 greg.vaughn@tawb.org Page: 6 of 6 Produced by Workforce Board Relations Source: Board Access Database