MODELLING OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES WITH SKEWED SLOTS USING THE TWO DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT METHOD J. Gyselinck, L. Vandevelde and J. Melkebeek Laboratory for Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, University of Gent St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent, Belgium Tel: +32 9 2643424 Fax: +32 9 2643582 E-mail: Abstract Some methods for considering skewed slots are brie y discussed. It is shown that for a rigorous modelling of skew and of the ensuing axial variation of saturation, a 2 12 D multi-slice model is a viable alternative to a fully 3D model. The computational cost of time stepping such a FE model connected to an external electrical circuit using either a direct or an indirect coupling method is studied. The latter is applied to the simulation of a squirrel-cage induction motor, for which four dierent rotors (with unskewed or skewed slots and with open or closed slots) are available. A satisfactory agreement between measured and computed stator phase current waveforms has been obtained for both no-load and load. Keywords skewed slots, squirrel-cage induction machine, nite element method, dynamic simulation Introduction The ever increasing performance of nowadays workstations allows a more and more detailed modelling of rotating electrical machines. Time stepping a machine model built around a 2D Finite Element (FE) representation of the cross-section has become workable. Such a model may account for magnetic saturation, skin eect in solid conductors, motion eects, arbitrary voltage supply (e.g. inverter supply), an external supply or load circuit, the kinematic equation and so on. The 3D end-eects due to end-windings and end-rings are commonly taken into account by inserting lumped resistances and inductances in the electrical network. For electrical machines with unskewed slots this 2D Single Slice Model (SSM) may produce quite satisfactory simulation results. However, many and in particular small and medium sized machines found in industry have skewed slots. This is indeed an eective measure taken by the designer to reduce the slot ripple of currents, voltages and torque 1]. A SSM of such a machine will yield unrealistically elevated slots harmonics. A sensible prediction of these harmonics thus requires a model that accounts for the skew. Time stepping a completely 3D FE model is still beyond the practical limits of most present day workstations. A rst approximation for obtaining a workable skewed model then consists in neglecting in each cross-section the peripheral current component and the ensuing ax- ial m.m.f., i.e. in each cross-section a 2D magnetic eld perpendicular to the machine axis is assumed. In the classical rotating eld theory, skew is easily introduced by means of skew factors. Indeed, the air-gap uxdensity is resolved into a series of travelling waves, which are obtained by multiplying the stator and rotor m.m.f. waves by the permeance waves, accounting for slotting, saturation, etc.. In case of skewed slots, the voltage induced in the stator winding by a eld wave produced by a rotor m.m.f. component or by the rotor slotting eect is subject to a skew factor dependent on the order of the eld wave. Analogously, a voltage component induced in the rotor circuit is aected by a skew factor if the inducing eld wave is produced by a stator current or by stator slotting. However, a rigorous application of skew factors to a time stepped FE model is far from trivial, if not impossible. In a FE simulation only the total induced voltage is determined, which cannot be split up unambiguously in voltage components induced by dierent ux components (of dierent orders). Consequently, a skew factor cannot be derived properly. Simple ltering procedures for modelling skew, as e.g. mentioned in 2] and (tacitly) used in many other publications, naturaly result in a considerable reduction of the slot harmonics but do not have any solid basis and may lead to erroneous results 3]. Furthermore, in electrical machines with skewed slots, the saturation level in a cross-section varies along the machine axis. This eect is commonly neglected. For instance, in the Magnetic Equivalent Circuit (MEC) method described by Ostovic 4], skew is introduced by a '3D' calculation of the air-gap permeances between the stator and rotor teeth, i.e. taking into account the variation of the overlap of a stator and rotor tooth in the axial direction. However, the reluctances of the MEC representing the stator and rotor iron are calculated on the basis of the total tooth and yoke uxes, and not on the basis of the local ux distribution in the cross-sections. A feasible way for introducing skew in a time stepped FE model in a proper way, is to consider a nite number of cross-sections (or slices) taken at dierent positions along the axis, i.e. modelling skew in discrete steps 3,5,6,7]. Such a model will further be referred to as a Multi-Slice Model (MSM). For time stepping the coupled magnetic and electrical equations of both SSM and MSM, two distinct numerical strategies can be adopted 8,9]: the direct cou- pling method on the one hand and the indirect coupling method on the other hand. The direct and indirect coupling methods, and in particular the implications with regard to accuracy and computational cost will be discussed in the following sections. Single Slice Model The SSM incorporates a single 2D FE model of a crosssection and an electrical network that consists of both conductors dened in the FE model and external components such as voltage sources, resistances, inductances, etc. . In the FE method for 2D magnetostatic and (low frequency) magnetodynamic eld calculations, the Magnetic Vector Potential (MVP) A(x y) is commonly introduced for enforcing a divergence free magnetic induction. In the magnetostatic case, space discretisation of the 2D domain leads to a set of nonlinear algebraic equations in terms of the MVP nodal values and with the exciting current density contained in the right hand side. The dynamic case leads to a set of rst order dierential equations, in which the right hand side contains the current excitation of stranded conductors and the voltage excitation of massive conductors. By dening current loops and corresponding loop currents in the electrical network, Kirchho's current law automatically holds. For each external component a (simple) voltage-current relation may be assumed, whereas the voltage-current relation for the (coupled) FE conductors is eld dependent and, in general, complicated. Kirchho's voltage law nally leads to one equation per current loop. Direct coupling In the direct coupling method 2,8] the eld and circuit equations are solved as a single set of coupled dierential equations. The two types of conductors, stranded conductors (coils) with a uniform current density and massive conductors (bars) displaying skin eect, are easily included. A more comprehensive analysis, including e.g. current sources, capacitors and nonlinear components, is given in 10]. The dierential equations (1-4) governing the directly coupled eld-circuit system: S ( (t) A(t)) A(t)+G @A@t(t) = CbT R;b 1 Vb (t)+CcT Ic(t) (1) Vb (t) = RbIb (t) + Cb @A@t(t) Ib (t) = DbIl (t) (2) Vc (t) = Rc Ic (t) + Cc @A@t(t) Ic(t) = Dc Il (t) (3) DbT Vb (t) + DcT Vc (t) + Rel Il (t) + Lel dIdtl(t) = El (t): (4) are written in terms of: A(t) (Nn 1) : MVP nodal values Ib (t) (Nb 1) : total bar currents Vb (t) (Nb 1) : bar voltages , Ic (t) (Nc 1) : coil wire currents Vc (t) (Nc 1) : total coil voltages Il (t) (Nl 1) : electrical network loop currents where Nn , Nb , Nc and Nl are the number of FE nodes, bars, coils and current loops respectively. In the FE diusion equation (1), S (Nn Nn ) is the stiness matrix of the FE mesh and G (Nn Nn ) is the conductivity matrix of the FE bars. Both S and G are sparse and Symmetric Positive Denite (SPD). The former is dependent on magnetic saturation and the rotor position (t), which is either specied (e.g. constant speed) or governed by an additional kinematic equation. Eqns. (2-3) express the voltage-current relation and the interconnection in the electrical circuit for bars and coils respectively. In the voltage equation (4), external voltage sources, resistances and inductances are accounted for through El (t) (Nl 1), Rel (Nl Nl ) and Lel (Nl Nl ) respectively. Rel and Lel are SPD. Elimination of Ib (t), Ic (t) and Vc (t), and a nite dierence time discretisation yield the following symmetrical Set of Algebraic Equations (SAE) to be solved for every time step t; ! t+ : (0 < 1, t = t+ ; t; ) 2 3 S + Gt CbT R;b 1 CcT Dc " A+ # " : : : # 4 R;b 1 Cb tR;b 1 tDb 5 Vb+ = : : : Il+ ::: DcT Cc tDbT tZl ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (5) where Zl = DcT Rc Dc + Rel + ( t);1 Lel . = 1 and = 0:5 produce the backward Euler and Cranck-Nicholson schemes respectively. The right hand side in (5) depends on the variables at t; (A; , Vb; and Il; ) and on the loop voltages El; and El+ . Magnetic saturation does not aect the further exposition principally. Indeed, applying the Newton-Raphson scheme is tantamount to replacing the stiness matrix S by its equally sparse and SPD Jacobian matrix. Instead of tackling the complete system (5) using a general purpose algebraic solver, advantage should be taken of the particular nature of the system matrix. Indeed, the large (typically 1000 Nn 10000) upper diagonal block S + G= t is sparse and SPD, the upper diagonal 2 2 block S + Gt CbT R;b 1 (6) R;b 1 Cb tR;b 1 is SPD, and the much smaller (typically 10 Nb + Nl 100) lower diagonal block ; tZl is symmetric negative denite. As a consequence, a number of block elimination techniques which only produce subsystems with SPD matrices can be deduced 10,11]. In case of the MSM, one of these techniques elegantly leads to a numerical decoupling of the slices and an economic algorithm 7]. With regard to the computational cost per Newton-Raphson iteration, this particular technique mainly amounts to solving a number of linear SAE's with the same system matrix S (or, more precisely, its Jacobian) and with 1 + Nb + Nlc dierent right hand sides, where Nlc is the number of electrical current loops that contain at least one FE coil. ; ; Indirect coupling In the indirect coupling method the electrical circuit equations are time stepped while the magnetic coupling of the machine windings (or current distributions 3]) is calculated by means of static FE analyses. This implies that skin eect in massive conductors (bars) cannot automatically be included. Depreciating bars to single wire coils and using similar notations as above, the voltage equation (4) can be rewritten as follows: c e T d c e dIl(t) (Rl + Rl )Il (t) + Dc dt ( (t) Dc Il (t)) + Ll dt = El (t) (7) where Rcl = DcT RcDc is the coil resistance matrix, and c the coil ux linkage vector. For a given set of currents Ic = Dc Il and a given rotor position , the ux linkage c = Cc A ( Ic ) is obtained by a single magnetostatic eld computation: S ( A ) A = CcT Ic : (8) The ux linkage calculations can be introduced in the time stepping by means of various iterative procedures 3,12]. The latter commonly require the calculation of 'linearised' inductance matrices Mlc , typically done as follows 3,12-14]. The local saturation level, contained in S = S ( A), is calculated by solving (8). Subsequently, the dierent current loops which contain at least one FE coil, are excited with a unit current while holding the afore computed saturation, thus obtaining: Mlc = DcT Cc (S );1CcT Dc : (9) The computational eort for calculating a single Mlc amounts to solving one nonlinear SAE and Nlc linear SAE's with the same system matrix S , where Nlc has the same meaning as in the direct coupling method. Numerical e ciency From the above discussion it should be clear that it is not sensible to simply state that either of the two methods { direct or indirect coupling { is the most ecient. Much depends on the required accuracy and the ensuing approximations. For instance, one of the major disadvantages of the indirect coupling method, the neglect of skin eect in massive conductors, can be remedied by splitting up current loops into a nite number of subloops, however at the expense of increasing Nlc. Large computational savings, in particular when using the direct coupling, can be obtained by truncating the Newton-Raphson scheme at the rst solution. This is equivalent to using the local saturation level of the previous time point and is quite justifyable if a (very) small time step is adopted. It should also be noted that the indirect coupling method provides more opportunities for obvious approximations and savings. In 3] e.g., spatial current distributions in the squirrel-cage of an induction machine are considered, rather than the bar currents themselves. By limiting the order of these modal distributions, e.g. to fundamental and third order, Nlc can be reduced considerably. Another means for reducing computation time is not to perform the eld analyses for every time step, but to update the inductance matrix only when this is found to be neccesary using some kind of criterion. In case of power electronic supply e.g., a very small time step may be required for the electric equations but not for the magnetic equations. The authors believe that similar features can also be imbedded in a direct coupling scheme, albeit in a less straightforward way. Multi Slice Model The skew of rotor and/or stator slots is modelled by means of a nite number of slices in which an axial current and a 2D magnetic eld are assumed, thus neglecting the peripheral component of the current and the axial component of the magnetic eld. We consider Nsl slices of equal axial length. In each slice the rotor is shifted over the angle i = sk (2i ; Nsl ; 1)=(2Nsl ), (i = 1 :: Nsl) with respect to the average rotor angle (t), where sk is the total skew angle. Direct coupling The MVP nodal values and the FE-conductors voltages of the i-th slice are denoted Ai , Vbi and Vci respectively. The eqns. (1-3) become, for each slice (i = 1 :: Nsl): i S ( (t)+ i Ai )Ai (t)+G @A@t(t) = NslCbT R;b 1 Vbi (t)+Cc Ic (t) (10) i (t) @A i ; 1 Vb (t) = Nsl (RbIb (t) + Cb @t ) Ib (t) = DbIl (t) (11) i Vci (t) = Nsl;1 (Rc Ic (t) + Cc @A@t(t) ) Ic (t) = Dc Il (t) (12) where the matrices S , G, Rb, Rc, Cb and Cc have the same dimensions and the same values as in the single slice case. The dierential eqns. of all slices are coupled as the FE conductors carry the same (total) current Ib (t) and Ic (t). Furthermore, each slice contributes to the total voltages Vb (t) and Vc (t), so (4) becomes: D T b N X sl i=1 V t D i b( )+ T c N X sl i=1 Vci (t) + Rel Il (t) + Lel dIdtl(t) = El (t): (13) The global system of dierential equations (10-13) leads for every time step to a SAE in terms of A^(t)T = (A1(t))T : : : (AN (t))T ], V^b (t)T = N 1 T T (Vb (t)) : : : (Vb (t)) ] and Il (t). The total number of variables (Nn + Nb )Nsl + Nl is practically proportional to Nsl . The SAE takes on the same block structure as in (5), but the block elements now have their own particular block (diagonal) structure. For instance, the MSM global stiness matrix S^ (Nn Nsl Nn Nsl ) is equally sparse SPD and consists of the stiness matrices of the constituent slices: S^ = Nsl;1 diag S (A1 + 1 ) : : : S (AN + N ) : sl sl sl sl (14) The global block elements have the same properties as in the SSM, such that the above specied elimination technique can be applied to the MSM as well. Even better, when doing so, a numerical decoupling of the slices naturally emerges, enabling signicant savings in both computation time and storage requirements. As the most time-consuming operations are performed on separate slices, computation time is practically proportional to Nsl . Furthermore, this technique results in storage requirements that are far less than proportional to Nsl . Indirect coupling In the indirect coupling method the inductance matrices of the dierent slices are calculated and the average matrix Mlc is used for time stepping the circuit equations. Eqns. (8) and (9) become: S ( + i Ai) Ai = CcT Ic i = 1 : : : Nsl N 1 X T c Dc Cc (S i );1CcT Dc : Ml = N sl i=1 (15) sl (16) Figure 1 FE mesh It follows that computation time is proportional to Nsl , and that storage requirements are independent of Nsl . Numerical e ciency The above discussion on the numerical eciency for the SSM also applies to the MSM, as in both cases the computation time is proportional to the number of slices considered. Also for the MSM, the indirect coupling method provides more opportunities for approximations. In 3] e.g., the authors propose to equate the angle step of the discrete rotor motion to the angle step of the discrete skew, and to calculate for each time step only the inductance matrix of the 'leading' slice. This results, however, in the proliferation of the leading slice saturation to the Nsl ; 1 lagging slices, and is therefore not recommended if a large axial variation of saturation, as e.g. observed in the application example described hereafter, is to be expected 3]. Experimental Verication We have applied the direct coupling method to the dynamic simulation of a 3 phase 3kW 4-pole squirrel-cage induction motor. For this motor four dierent rotors to be mounted in the same stator are available. Beside the original (commercial) one, which has skewed (by one rotor tooth pitch: sk = 11:25) and closed slots, three other rotors have been manufactured. Table 1 gives the particular features of the four rotors. rotor 1 skewed closed rotor 2 skewed open rotor 3 unskewed closed rotor 4 unskewed open Table 1 Rotor slot features Simulation model Enforcing anti-periodicity conditions for both the magnetic eld in the FE model and the electrical network voltages and currents, only one pole is modelled. This naturally implies that geometric, material and circuit asymmetries (e.g. eccentricity, magnetic anisotropy and a 'broken' rotor bar resp.) cannot be considered. The mesh used (3034 nodes, 5306 triangular elements 3 layers in the air-gap, the middle of which is remeshed for every time step) and a ux plot at no-load (open slots) are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 2 No-load ux plot I8 ΩFE I8 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I8 Figure 3 Electrical network for the squirrel-cage The electrical network for the stator windings (connected, single layer, 3 slots per phase belt, Nc = 9, Nlc = 3) comprises three current loops, in each of which a resistance and inductance are inserted in order to (approximately) account for the additional resistance and leakage ux due to the end windings. The network for the squirrel-cage (one pole,Nb = 8) is shown in Figure 3. Seven current loops pass through two neighbouring bars in opposite direction. The eighth loop, however, passes through the rst and the eighth bar in the same direction, thus enforcing anti-periodicity for the voltages and the currents. The end ring segments are each represented by a resistance and inductance in series. Measurements & simulation results Measurements have been carried out at the rated voltage (220 V, 50Hz) using the four rotors, at both no-load (slip < 0.0004) and load. In the load case, a DC machine has been used to set a load torque of about 20 Nm. This resulted in a slip ranging from 4.6% to 4.85% (1427-1431 rpm) depending on the rotor mounted. The corresponding no-load and load simulations have been done assuming synchronous A] A] time s] rotor 1 A] time s] time s] time s] rotor 2 rotor 3 Figure 4 Stator phase current waveforms at no-load full line: calculated dashed line: measured A] A] time s] rotor 1 A] rotor 4 A] A] time s] time s] rotor 2 rotor 3 Figure 5 Stator phase current waveforms at load full line: calculated dashed line: measured speed and 1430 rpm respectively. Skewed slots (rotors 1 and 2) have been modelled using 5 or 10 slices. The calculated and measured waveforms of the stator phase current are shown in Figures 5 and 6. A satisfactory agreement between the measured and computed waveforms is observed for all cases. In case of straight rotor bars (rotors 3 and 4), the large slot harmonics are quite well predicted. The reduction of these harmonics as a result of skewing and closing of the rotor slots is also reasonnably well calculated. Using ten instead of ve slices has a negligible eect on the waveforms. The computation cost per NewtonRaphson iteration and the estimated storage requirements for 1, 5 and 10 slices are presented in Table 2. The axial variation of the saturation level (50 Hz component of the ux-density in a stator tooth) and of the (time averaged) torque is depicted in Figures 6 and 7 respectively (load, open or closed rotor slots, Nsl =1 or 10). In case of skewed slots, a considerable increase of the saturation and of the torque towards the leading slice (the right side in Figures 6 and 7) is observed. This is readily explained by the axial variation of the spatial angle between the (fundamental) stator and rotor currents. In all no-load cases the saturation is virtually constant along the axis (1.82T). The computed torque waveform for each slice (Nsl = 5) and the average torque for rotor 1 at load are shown in Figure 8. time s] rotor 4 Figure 6 Saturation level along the machine axis : open slots 2 : closed slots dashed line: Nsl = 1 full line: Nsl = 10 Figure 7 Torque variation along the machine axis : open slots 2 : closed slots dashed line: Nsl = 1 full line: Nsl = 10 Nsl = 1 Nsl = 5 Nsl = 10 computation time s] 4.1 21 43 storage requirements 1.00 1.28 1.68 Table 2 Computation time per NR-iteration (CPU seconds on DEC AXP 3000/500) and relative storage requirements Figure 8 Calculated torque (load, rotor1, Nsl =5) broken lines: individual slices full line: average Conclusion For modelling electrical machines with skewed slots, the Multi-Slice Model is shown to be a viable alternative to a fully 3D model. The direct and the indirect coupling methods for time stepping a 2D FE electrical machine model coupled to a electrical network have been studied and compared, for both SSM and MSM. Using the indirect coupling method, computation time clearly is proportional to the number of slices considered. As in the direct coupling method all dierential equations are coupled and have to be time stepped simultaneously, computation time can be expected to increase exponentially with Nsl . The authors have however devised a numerical technique that equally results in a proportional computation time. This technique has been applied to the no-load and load simulation of a squirrel-cage induction motor. Four different rotors (with unskewed or skewed slots and with open or closed slots) to be mounted in the same stator have been considered. A satisfactory agreement between measured and computed stator phase current waveforms has been obtained for all cases. The signicant axial variation of saturation and torque is evidenced. Acknowledgement The research is carried out in the frame of the InterUniversity Attraction Poles for fundamental research funded by the Belgian State. The second author is a research assistant with the Belgian National Fund for Scientic Research (N.F.W.O.). The authors also greatfully acknowledge Brook Hansen (Hudderseld, U.K.) for supplying the motor and for constructing the special rotors. References 1] K. Binns, R. Hindmarsh and B. Short, 'Eect of skewing slots on ux distribution in induction machines', IEE Electric Power Applications, Vol. 118, No. 3/4, pp. 543-549, 1971 2] N. Sadowski, R. Carlson, C. da Silva and L. Von Dokonal, 'Simulation of single phase induction motors by simultaneous solution of electrical and eld equations', Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical machines, 1994, pp. 705-709. 3] S. Williamson, T. Flack and A. 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