6 Nanotechnology 6. N t h l testing t ti 5. Semiconductor device testing 4. Waveform & spectrum measurement 3 Frequency 3. F & phase h measurementt 2. Impedance measurement 1. Current & voltage measurement Methodology of testing Professor Hiroshi Mizuta Nano Group hm2@ecs.soton.ac.uk Room 3010, #53 - Methodology of testing - Experimental Research M h d l Methodology II.3 II 3 1 December 2009 Light Velocity Smell Current Force Voltage Humidity Sugar content 1. 2 2. 3. 4 4. Pi Pico-ammeter t (Keithley 6487) El t Electrometer t (Keithley 6514) Digital multimeter (DMM) Pico-ammeter Electrometer Vib ti capacitor Vibrating it electrometer l t t Mass Radiation Frequency q y Magnetic field Electric field Vibrating capacitor electrometer (Trek 320C) DMM (Agilent 34401) 1. Current & voltage measurement Sound Time Dimension Impedance Temperature Pressure A variety of physical quantities to measure Methodology of testing DC resistance AC current DC current AC voltage g DC voltage Logic circuit Digital display I–V conversion AC – DC conversion R–V conversion I–V conversion Keithley picoammeter 6485 http://www.keithley.com/ • employs feed-back picoammeter circuitry • measures current from 20 fA to 20 mA • 10 fA resolution • <200 μV burden voltage http://www.keithley.com/ When do you need a picoammeter? Measuring low DC currents often demands a lot more than a digital multimeter (DMM) can deliver. Generally, DMMs lack the sensitivity required to measure currents less than 100nA. Even at higher currents, a DMM’s input voltage drop (voltage burden) of hundreds of millivolts can make accurate t currentt measurements t impossible. i ibl Electrometers El t t can measure low currents very accurately, but the circuitry needed to measure extremely low currents, combined with functions like voltage, resistance, and charge measurement can increase an electrometer measurement, electrometer’s s cost significantly. significantly A/D converter All input signals are converted to DC voltage g A/D converter AC – DC conversion Input signal convertor Pico-ammeter Pico ammeter and electrometer Input Input DC voltage lt DC current AC voltage AC current Resistance Digital Multimeter (DMM) voltage divider current divider Rs I R3 + - Differential amplifier vout http://www.keithley.com/ Keithley DMM 2100 Shunt ammeter circuitry Keithley Low Level Measurements Handbook 6th Edition prohibited by noise Low level DC measurement limit R2 R1 R4 Digital Multimeter (DMM) i = dQ/dt = Vd・dC/dt Vibrating capacitor electrometer (T k 320C) (Trek Wien bridge Measure an known capacitance it with ith a series resistance Maxwell bridge measure an unknown i d t inductance with ith loss l Schering bridge measure an unknown capacitance it with ith loss l Various AC bridges z Surface charge measurement : high Vd but small Q gp probe electrode g generates the output p z A vibrating voltage V0 proportional to the surface voltage Vd device AC amplifier lifi Non contacting electrostatic voltmeter Non-contacting Vibrating capacitor electrometer Z4 ∴ In equilibrium, I1 = I2, we have the relationship Z1/Z2 = n1/n2 E1 = Z1I1, E2 = Z2I2 E1, E2 are proportional to the number of turns, n1, n2 : E1/E2 = n1/n2 Z1, Z2 are a know and an unknown impedance, respectively number of turns number of turns Z3 Galvanometer AC power supply Z1 Z2 An AC bridge with two arms replaced by induction coils Transformer bridge Z1 , Z 2 , Z 3 , Z 4 θ1 , θ 2 , θ 3 , θ 4 : Phase angles of θ1 + θ 3 = θ 2 + θ 4 Z1 Z 3 = Z 2 Z 4 Z1 Z 3 = Z 2 Z 4 E ilib i Equilibrium condition diti 9 AC power supply 9 Galvanometer 9 Four impedance Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 AC bridge for LCR measurement 2. Impedance measurement S11 S12 S21 Mag 4. Time-domain Time domain characterization Both magnitude g & phase measured After the slide by Base Emitter Collector Measured Actual E Error 3. Complex values Smith chart Time needed for de device ice modeling High-frequency transistor model 5. Vector-error correction 2 C 2. Complex l iimpedance d needed to design matching circuits 1. Complete p characterization of linear networks Network Analyzer http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/home.jspx?cc=US&lc=eng S22 A self self-balancing balancing transformer bridge A il t LCR M Agilent Meter t 4263B LCR Meter Af http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ After h // iki di / iki/ Coaxial cable S12 ⎤ ⎡ a1 ⎤ S 22 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣a2 ⎥⎦ S matrix ⎡ b1 ⎤ ⎡ S11 ⎢b ⎥ = ⎢ S ⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎣ 21 http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/home.jspx?cc=US&lc=eng • Microwave vector network analyzer for 10 MHz up to 67Ghz • Frequency q y extendable up p to 500GHz by y adding g optional p banded MW modules Agilent microwave network analyzer E8361C Network Analyzer DUT directional coupler A network analyzer is used to analyze the properties of electrical networks, especially those properties associated with the reflection and transimission of electrical signals known as scattering parameters (S-parameters). Network analyzers are used mostly at high frequencies; operating frequencies can range from 9 kHz to 110 GHz. GHz two-terminal AC signal source pair network Network Analyzer Waveform reshaping circuit i it Gate Control circuit Gate opening time T Gate circuit 1/T Counter C t circuit 9 Resolution is determined by the frequency of the time standard pulse generator. 9 Opens the gate for a period T of the input signal, counts the number of pulses to measure T and then determines f by 1/T 1/T. I Input signal i l Time standard pulse generator Reciprocal count method Frequency counter Lissajous figure method Frequency counter method Heterodyne method Phase F Frequency counter t (direct (di t & reciprocal) i l) Microwave frequency counter Resonant frequency meter Frequency 3. Frequency & phase measurementt B Gate Control circuit Gate circuit D Counter circuit http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/home.jspx?cc=US&lc=eng z Universal Frequency Counter, 10 digit/sec z Two 225 MHz input channels, plus optional third channel up to 12.4 GHz z 10 digits per second second, 500 ps time interval resolution 53131A Universal Frequency Counter Frequency counter 9 Resolution is determined by the frequency of the input signal. 9 For the gate opening time T of 1 sec, the number of counted pulses shows the frequency directly. Gate opening p g time T C Waveform reshaping circuit Time standard pulse generator A Direct count method Frequency counter 90° Spectrum S t analyzer l Spectrum Analogue A l oscilloscope ill Digital storage oscilloscope Logic analyzer Waveform Agilent 204-channel 204 channel Logic Analyzer 16806A Tektronix MSO7000 180° ex (t ) Horizontal (X) Agilent Spectrum Analyzer E4440A Vertical (Y) 135° 4. Waveform & spectrum measurementt θ : 45° e y2 ex2 2ex e y − cos θ + = sin 2 θ 2 2 2 a a a e y (t ) = a sin(ωt + θ ) e y (t ) Lissajous figure method ex (t ) = a sin ωt Phase measurement Frequency counter method CCLK × 360° C period Clock signal Reshaped R h d signal 2 Reshaped signal 1 Signal 1 Signal 2 time 22 time time time time i http://jp.home.agilent.com/JPjpn/nav/-11143.0/home.html http://www.lecroy.com/japan/products/probes/logic/default.asp ¾ Converts the captured data into various diagrams such as timing diagrams, g p protocol decodes, state machine traces. ¾ Displays signals on multiple nodes in a digital circuit that have too many ( (over one hundred) h d d) channels h l tto b be examined i d with ith an oscilloscope. ill Logic analyzer Agilent 8508A Vector Voltmeter (VVM) θ= Two signals controls opening and closing the gate, and the number of th pulses the l iis counted t d tto d determine t i the phase difference. Phase measurement BPF Y X-axis http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/home.jspx?cc=US&lc=eng Agilent E4448A, 3 Hz – 50 GHz frequency http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/home.jspx?cc=US&lc=eng Semiconductor device analyzer z Drivers for all of the popular semiautomatic wafer probers z SMU Measurement Resolution: Voltage: 2 µV, Current: 10 fA z Agilent B1500 bench top parameter analyzer p y 5. Semiconductor device testing LO mixer time MSA-400 Micro System Analyzer Light source LED, 770 nm Beam diameter (FWHM) ~0.9 μm Out-of-Plane measurement Max vibration frequency 20MHz Displacement resolution <0.1 pm/√Hz In-Plane measurement Displacement resolution 1 nm Time resolution 100 nsec (strobe exp. time) Measure In-Plane Motion & Vibration by Stroboscopic Video Microscopy Out-of-Plane Vibrations by Scanning Laser-Doppler Vibrometry Measuring 3-D MEMS y & Topography p g p y Dynamics 5. Semiconductor device testing z Microwave vector network analyzer for frequency up to 67GHz (optional to 500GHz) z Pattern recognition coupled with auto focusing z C Cascade d 8 iinch h semi-automatic i t ti probe station suitable for RF and DC parametric measurements Semiautomatic RF probe station Spectrum analyzer measures and monitors complex RF and microwave signals in a frequency domain up to a few tens GHz GHz. Fourier ttransformation f ti 5. Semiconductor device testing magnitu ude Spectrum analyzer magnitu ude More characterization facilities: http://www.southampton-nanofab.com/characterisation.php Lakeshore EMTTP4 prober: x Temperature 5K-475K x 0.55T 0 55T magnett (h (horizontal) i t l) Cryogenic Cryo-Free He3 cryostat: x Temperature T t d down tto 300mK 300 K x 12T CF superconducting magnet x 360 degree sample rotation x Optical access Cryogenic y g testing g 6. Nanotechnology testing 9 Spatial resolution <0.9nm 9 High depth of focus 9 High material contrast 9 Rutherford backscattering analysis: element identification 9 Nanoengineering ●17 Nov. Planning an experimental research (hm2) ●24 Nov. Setting up of an experiment (hm2) Setting-up ●1 Dec. Methodology of testing (hm2) ●8 Dec. Experimental data analysis (hm2) ●5 Jan. 2010 Virtual instrumentation (yt2) Schedule Cryogenic SPM x Nanonics Cryoview 2000 (down to 10K) x Small samples x Optical charn charn. - NSOM x Integrated with Raman: tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) High resolution & multi-mode SPM g resolution SPM, electrical charn. x Veeco High x Small samples x Usual modes plus magnetic force, scanning tunneling, scanning capacitance, conductive, Kelvin force Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) Zeiss Orion He ion microscope Image of CNTs 100nm bar 6. Nanotechnology testing 6. Nanotechnology testing