This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, Volume 5, number 2 Volume Author/Editor: Sanford V. Berg, editor Volume Publisher: NBER Volume URL: Publication Date: April 1976 Chapter Title: Applications of Control Theory to Macroeconomics Chapter Author: David Kendrick Chapter URL: Chapter pages in book: (p. 171 - 190) Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, 5/2, 1976 APPLICATIONS OF CONTROL THEORY TO MACROECONOMICS BY DAVID KFNDRICK* A survey of applications of control theory to macroeconomics is presented. control theory has been applied to about fifty different macroeconomic models containing anywhere froni one to inure than three hundred equations, and including models of the economies of the United States, canada, United Kingdom. West Germany, France, Belgium. Australia and the Netherlands. A wide range of control theory methods has been applied to these models. Deterministic methods for both quadratic - linear and general nonlinear models have been used. Uncertainty has been introduced in the form of an additive noise to the systems equations and in the form of uncertainty about parameter values, and the models have been solved either with closed loop policies and/or open loop optimal feedback policies. Also, adaptive control procedures have begun to he used on the smaller models. in addition there have been a Jew applications of decentralized control techniques and of differential games. In the past decade, a number of engineers and economists have asked the question: "If modern control theory can improve the guidance of airplanes and spacecraft, can it also help in the control of inflation and unemployment?" Some of the results already available are displayed in Figure 1 in which inflation rates are plotted against unemployment rates. The origin of each arrow in the figure is the average inflation and unemployment rate experienced by the economy during the period studied. The authors of the study and the period covered appear above each arrow. The head of the arrow indicates the average inflation and unemployment rate obtained in a representative optimal control solution calculated by the authors. For the sake of comparison, the slope of the Phillips curve from the St. Louis FRB model [as displayed in Norman and Weatherby (74)] is also plotted. 'I'he location of the Phillips curve on the plot is arbitrary but its slope is as reported. If the controls solution provided unanibiguous improvements over the actual path followed by the economy then the arrows would point toward their origin. Instead, the solutions show a movement toward less unemployment and more inflation. However, the nature of the trade-off is important. On the one hand, it appears from Figure 1 that the optimal control solution could have brought substantial improvements at certain times, e.g., the Eisenhower years (see both the Friedman and Fair results), but in other periods, e.g., the Kennedy years, (Garbade and Pindyck results) the slopes are only slightly lower than for the Phillips curve. On the other hand, the results show that if an administration indeed prefers lower unemployment even at the cost of somewhat higher inflation rates, that result could be obtained using control methods. Or does it? In fact, the authors of the studies cited above viewed their work as only a first step in the direction of providing an answer because their control solutions do not take adequate account of uncertainty and decentralization. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation undcrgrant Soc 72-05254. 171 S References Fair (75b) 2: Athans, et al (75) 3. Pindyck (73a) 4. Friedman (72) 5: Garbade (75a) 1 7 Fair: &c. 69 6 C 5 C., 5, 0. m4 cc c 0 C3 2f Wet Q49 3 4 5 6 Unemployment Rate Percent Figure 1 Determinist Ic Control Results In the actual economy there is uncertainty about the parameters that represent behavioral responses in the economy, the of current endogenous variables), future values of state of the economy (values exogenous variables and shocks to the system, and the form of the model that governs responses in the economy. In the control solutions shown, only a very limited part of that uncertainty is taken account of. Also, decision-making powers in the actual economy are shared by the President, the Congress, and the Federal Reserve Board; in results shown, a single decision maker is assumed. 1. THE RANGE or CONTROL ThEORY APpUCATI0NSTO MACROFC'ONOMICS In the last twenty years there have been approximately 60 applications to some 39 different macroeconometric models. They are listed in Appendix A in order of their size, and the names of those the model name,' Appendix B provides who used each model are listed under a similar listing for theoretical models. The diversity of sizes and the range of countries for which they have been used are readily apparent. When the model and the application are in the same article, 172 a single listing is given. 2. l)ETERMINISTIC REsuE:rs The deeiniiiistic control problem may be written as: find [u,] minimize to subject to (2) x,41 =f(x,, u,) x given where (1) is the criterion function, (2) are the systems equations, the x's are state variables and the u's are control variables. For macroeconometric models the states arc typically levels of consumption, investment, employment, price indices, etc. and the controls are government expenditure, taxes, and the money supply. So the system equations (2) consist of the reduced form of a macroeconometric model and the criterion function represent preference about rates of inflation and unemployment. Many of the applications have used linearized systems equation and quadratic criterion functions and have written the problem as one of finding [u,J'l1' to minimize + > {(x, - .,)' %V,(x, - i,) + (u1 - ñ,)'A,(u, t=1 subject to (4) x,+ = Ax, + Bu, X() given where x = state vector u = control vector i and ü = desired values for states and control respectively W. A = penalty weights on deviations of state and controls respectively from their desired paths. Studies of this type are listed in the quadratic-linear column of Table 1. The nonlinear models of the form (1l(2) are listed in the second column. Also, many of the second group of studies begin with (2) in implicit function form, i.e., (5) g(x,+,,x,, u,)=O. In fact since (5) may contain as many as two to three hundred equations, its solution is an important part of the nonlinear optimal control algorithms. Certain themes recur frequently in these studies: the importance of proper timing and coordination of fiscal and monetary policy,2 the importance of 2 See for example Pindyck (73a) p. 140, Wall and Weslcott (75) p. 16, and Craine, Havenner, and Tinsley (75) p. 12. TABLE I Dtt I 15 MIN ISTI( Sir t)l FS No. of Equations in Econometric Mode! Quadratic-Linear General Nonlinear 1-3 tlustin (53) Chcng & Wan (72) 3--9 Bogaard & Theil (59) Theil (64) Sandblom (70) Shupp (72) Heaie & Summers (7.4) Sandhloni (74) Njorrnari & Weatherhy (74) Healey & MedinaI75) Phillips (59) Holt (62) Shupp (75) Thalberg (7!a, 7th) Paryani (72> You (75) 10-25 25-80 89-300 Erickson. Leondcs, & Norton (70) tHo and Norton (72) Pindyck (72a) Erickson & Norton (73) Kaul (75) van Eijk & Sandee (59, Theil (65) Friedman (72) Oudet (75) Fischer & tithe (75) Fair (74) Gupta, Meyer, Raines & Tarn (75k l.ivsey (71> (74) Norman & Norman (73) Fitzgerald, Johnston & Bayes (73) Friedman & Ilowrcv (73) Holbrook (74a) Rouzier (74) Craine. Havenner Tinsley (75) Holbrook (73) (74b) Woodsjdc (73) Ando, Norman. Patash (75) Athans etal. (75) Fair (75a, 75h) * Theoretical models. t Linear-I inear. ± Classical rather than optimal control. carefully choosing the criterion functIon,3 the substantial alterations in the results when the length of the planning horizon (i.e., of N) is changed,4 and the importance of choosing the solution procedure carefully when solving nonlinear models. 3Livsey(71) p. 542. 4Garbade (75a) p. 180 and Athans etal. (75). 5Ando, Norman, and Palash (75), Fair (74) and Holbrook (74a). 174 3. Srocris'ric Si U[)IES The stochastic colitiOl piobleiti lot teduced form models may be written ut a quadratic-linear form as: find [u,]i to minimize 3= )N) WN(XN - XN) + N-- I f I (x1 - .1)' VV(x - i) + (u - ü,)'A1(u, - subject to systems equation = A (0)x, + B(O1)u + , and measurement equations where 0 = a vector of unknown parameters, = systems noise. q = measurement noise, and y observation vector. Here it is assumed that the state vector cannot be observed directly but rather only through a noisy observer (8). The unknown parameters in A and B are stacked up in the vector 0. Three sources of uncertainty are included here: additive noise , in the reduced form of the macroeconometric model, additive noises, ,, in (8), and uncertainty about the parameter values, 0. Studies that consider systems noise, , only are listed in the first column of Table 2. If the problem is quadratic linear, the certainty equivalence theorem of Simon (56) and Theil (57) is applied and the problem is solved as a deterministicquadratic linear control problem.6 Garbade (75a, 75b) discusses a method to be used with nonlinear models and additive systems noise. The second column of Table 2 contains studies that treat A and B as stochastic. For example the Cooper and Fischer (75) study examines the question of whether it is better to have a fixed growth rate rule for the money supply or to have a discretionary policy. The stochastic parameters are those of a lag distribu- tion. Thus they address the Friedman question of whether or not a constant growth rate rule is better when the lags in the economy are long and uncertain. The more general case of unknown parameters is discussed by Chow (73a). Many of the methods used here are akin to those which engineers call open loop optimal feedback (OLOF). in these, the control may be cautious because of uncertainty about parameter values. in the studies listed under "Dual" in Table 2, the parameters are unknown but it is assumed that they can be learned over time. The control has the "dual" purposes of achieving the desired targets and learning the parameters. However, this is in a sense a false dichotomy since the single goal of meeting the targets is the essential one and only that learning done in early periods helps in meeting the targets in later periods. Four different adaptive control methods have been applied to mac- roeconometric models, Prescott (67). MacRae (72, 75). Abel (75) and Chow 6The WallWestcott method does not use the certainty-equivalence theorem. Also their model is linear in percent changes. 175 TABLE 2 Sioci i tsi'ic Sit DI No. ot Equations in Econometoc Model Additive Noise 1-3 3-9 10-25 Dual Fisher (62) Zellner (66) (71) Zeilner & Geiset (68) MacRae & MacRae (70) *Henderson & Turnovsky Abel (75) (72) Chow (75) Chow (73) *Turnovsky (73. 74a, 74b, 75a) Chow (72b) Burger. Kalish & Babb *Karekcn Muench, Wallace (71) Prescott (67) (71) (73) Bowman & Laporte (72) Brim & Hester (74) Kendrick (73) Phelps & Taylor (75) Aoki (74a, 75a) tSargent & Wallace Cooper & Fischer (75) (75) Shupp (75) Bray (74) (75a) Pindyck & Roberts (74) Wall & Westcott (74. 75) 25-80 Garbade (75a, 75b) 80-300 Gordon (74) * Parameter Uncertainty Kendrick & Majors (74) Walsh & Cruz (75) Upadhyay (75) Theoretical models. (75a), and Upadhyay (75). It is not yet clear which other method still untried) of these methods (or some will prove to be superior in applications to macroeconometric models. So far none of the applications of macroeconomic models have adaptive control to included the errors in measurement, the updating of macroeconometric i. However, reported each quarter are indeed time series would indicate that the first data noisy; therefore, the use of this help in understanding the uncertainty which procedure could surrounds macroeconomic policy. One of the attractive aspects of adaptive not only estimates of the x and the parameter control is that it continually updates °°, and vector 0, but also their convariances, as well. Thus, of the economy associatedpolicymakers learn not only the expected performance with different policy Uncertainty. measures but also the degree of 4. DECENTRALIZATION STUDIES Though macroeconomic policy at least in the by U.S. is definitely decentralization in decision characterized making, there have so fir efforts to model this been relatively few phenomenon. Those involving McFadden (69) and Aoki decentralized control are (75c), which 176 contain three to nine equations. The models involving conflicting objectives are Kydland (73, 76) and Myoken (75a), which also contain three to nine equations, and Pau (73) and Pindyck (76), which contain ten to twenty-five equations. The model in Myoken is theoretical only. TABLE 3 DECENTRALIZATION STuDIEs No.of Equations in Econometric Model Conflicting Objectives Decentralized Control 1-3 Kydland (73) (76) *Myoken (75a) McFadden (69) Aoki (75c) 3-9 Pau (73) Pindyck (76) 10-25 25-80 * Theoretical. 5. FUTURE RESEARCH The answer to the original question of this paper remains elusive. Efforts are now underway to include both uncertainty and decentralization, but only a bare beginning has been made. So the central direction of future research will be the application of methods of adaptive control and game theory to macroeconometric models of increasing size. Some other areas worth further research effort are listed below: The Federal Reserve Board can make monetary policy decisions fairly quickly. 1-lowever, fiscal decisions are made by the President, but must then go to Congress, and back to the President. No control theory application has yet taken account of the difference in timing between the policy-making actions. The measurement errors in (8) above have not yet been systematically included and should be. This should include not only the fact that macroeconomic time series are characterized by different degrees of uncertainty, but also a careful consideration in the timing of the availability of data. Related to point b, above, are the differences in the way data are collected: most data are quarterly, but some are daily, weekly, or monthly. 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Sandblom (70) (a) Thalhcrg (7 Ia. 71l) 2 541-631V 1921-40 1945-63 541-63lV 0 US A 551-7111 0 US US 1921-40 7111 2 Quadratic Linear Linear S 5 Linear 4 Quadratic None None Linear 3 4 5 5 4 Quadratic Linear Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic None Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic 4 Linear Linear 1.inear Linear Lii ear Linear Linear Linear LogLinear Criterio&' Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic 4 Systems Equations Nonlinear Nonhnear Nonlinear 3 1 0 (I Identities 4 6 3 2 1 1 Behavioral Equation 1921-29 1953-72 67111 Estimation Period A 0 0 0 A A Periodicity US US 4. Abel (75) (a) Abel (75) (6) Chow (75a) US US US Country 1. Zellner & Geisel (68) 2. Chow (74) 3. Shupp (75a) Name (Date) APPENDIX A NUMERICAL MACROEcONOMF.TzICMODELS USED IN CONTROL THEORY APPLICATIONS 5 2 2 1 States 2 2 Control 17. Laidler (73) (a) Gupta, Meyer. Raines & Tarn (75) 18. Dept. of Finance Model (a) Ho & Norton (72) 19. Kaul (75) 20. Erickson, Leondes & Norton (70) Erickson, Leondes & Norton (70) Erickson & Norton (73) 21. FRB Monthly Model Thompson, Pierce & Perry (74) (a) Pindyck & Roberts (74 22. Fair (70) (a) Fair (74) 23. Livsey (71) Kendrick & Majors (74) Walsh & Cruz (76) (d) Pindyck (76) Chow (72b) Prescott (67) (71) Kendrick (73) You (75) Fair (74) 14. Shupp (72) 15. Pau (73) 16. Pindyck Piridyck (72a, b; 73a, b) Name (Date) 13. Chow (67) A APPENDIX A (Continued) 1948-63 T9Z1 -U 0 0 UK NI 0 A A Q 0 A 0 icity' Period- US US US Canada US Denmark US Country 571-661V 551-671V Estimation Period 8 8 10 14 11 5 11 15 5 2 1 Identities 5 8 9 8 Behavioral Equation Nonlinear Nonlinear Quadratic 1.inear Nonlineai Nonlinear Quadratic Linear Linear Nonlinear game Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Ouadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Nonlinear Nonlinear Criterion Linear Linear Linear Nonlinear linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Nonlinear Nonlinear Equations Systems NUMERICAL MACROECONOMETRIC MODELS USED IN CONTROL Tf IIaORY APPLICATiONS is 46 11 28 30 30 28 8 States ID 3 3 3 3 25 Control (a) Theil (64) (b) Theil (65) 29. Garbade (75a) (a) Garbade (75a, b) 30. MINNIE Battenberg, Enzler & Havenner (74) (a) Craine, 1-lavenner & rinsley (75) 31. Michigan Model Hymans & Shapiro (73) (a) Holbrook (74a) 32. NIF-2 Higgins & Fitzgerald (72) (a) Fitzgerald, Johnson & Bayes (68) 27. Klein (69) & Norman (69) (a) Norman & Norman (73) 28. Bogaard & Barten (59) (56) (a) van Eijk & Sandee (56) (c) Wall & Westcott (75) 25. Rouzicr (74) 26. Central Planning Bureau (b) Bray (74)(75a) Wall & Westcott (74) (a) Wall & Westcott (74) 24. PREMI Name (Date) Q 0 0 Q US US Australia A A A A Q Icity Period- US lands Nether- US Belgium Netherlands UK Country 471-691V 1929-64 1953-74 551-7311 551-7311 551-7311 Estimation Period 26 41 40 21 12 28 40 27 27 10 12 10 Identities 21 31 12 16 13 11 15 Behavioral Equation Ouadratic PiecewIse Nonlinear NonlInear Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Nonlinear Quadratic Ouadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Linear Criterionb Nonlinear Linear Linear Nonlinear Nonlinear Linear in Percent Change Non-linear Linear Systems Equations NUMERICAL MACROECONOMETRIC MODELS USED IN CONTROL THEORY APPLICATIONS APPENDiX A (continued) >61 4 4 54 4 States 3 3 5 5 6 2 Control a US Canada US W. Germany 0 0 0 A Number olsiates used in the Ieedback. 1955-71 168 260 20() 0 US 19731V 82 0 US 37 47 Behavioral Equation 77 19541 481-64W Estimation Period A Q Periodicitya France US Country A = annual; Q quarterly: M = monthly. b 'Nonlinear" here means nonquadratic and nonlinear, (a) Gordon (74) Woodside (73) 40. Data Resources, Inc. Heliweil etal. (71) Holbrook (73) (74b) Palash (75) (h) Palash (75) 39. Bank of Canada RDX2 (a) Ando, Norman & Raashe (72) 37. Krelle (74) (a) Fischer & Uebe (75) 38. FMS Ando, Modigliani & STAR Boulle, Bayer, Mazier & Olive (74) (a) Oudet (76) Fair (75a) Fair (75) Fair (76) 36. Athans ex at. (75) Wharton Model Evans & Klein (68) (a) Friedman (72) Name (Date) APPENDIX A (Continued) 153 46 29 Identities Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Linear Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Linearized Equations Systems Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Nonlinear Quadratic Piecewise Criterion' NUMERICAL MACROECONOMETRIC MODELS USED IN CONTROL THEORY APPUCATIONS 31 States 20 10 Control Sargent & Wallace (75) Shupp (76) Turnovsky (73) (74a) (74b) (75a) Zellner (66) Phelps & aylor (75) Myoken (75a) Kareken. Muench & Wallace (73) 3, Mundell (65) (a) Cheng & Wan (72) (72) Henderson & Turnovsky Name (Date) APPENDIX B Country icity Pertod 5 5 3 S Estimation Behavioral Period Equation C) () 3 0 Identities Linear Lineir Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic Minimum time Linear linear Quadratic Criterion Linear Systems Equations THEOREtICAL MACROECONOMETRIC MODEI.S USED IN CoNiRot.TutoRy APNICATI0NS 2 Stitcs &'ntrol