With effect from the academic year 2012-2013 Advanced Synchronous Machine Theory (Core) EE523 Instruction Duration of Univ. Examination Univ. Examination Sessional : : : : 3 Periods / Week 3 Hours 80 Marks 20 Marks UNIT I The Synchronous machine Park’s transformation Flux linkage equations Voltage equations Current formulation of state space equations Per-unit conversion Normalizing Voltage and torque equations Torque and power Equivalent circuits of synchronous machine Flux linkage state space model Treatment of saturation Synchronous machine connected to infinite bus Current Voltage and flux linkage models. — - — — — — — — — — — , UNIT II Sub-transient and transient reactances and time constants Simplified models of the synchronous machine Steady state equations and phasor diagrams Machine connected to infinite bus with local load at machine terminals Determining steady state conditions. — — — - UNIT III Linear models of the synchronous machine Linearization of the generator state space current, voltage and flux linkage models. - UNIT IV Linearization of the load equation for the one machine problem Simplified linear models Effect of loading State space representation of simplified model. — -- — UNIT V Representation of excitation systems, Different models of excitation systems systems Representation of loads. — IEEE, 1, 2 & 3 — Suggested Reading: 1. Kimbark, E.W., Power System Stability, Vol. III, Dover, New York, 1968. 2. P.M.Anderson & A.A.Foud, Power System Control & Stability, Iowa State University Press, U.S.A. 1977. 3. Yao-Nan-Yu, Power System Dynamics, Academic Press, 1983.