Multimode photo electric set up

XU Multimode photo electric
set up guide
Introduction / contents
The Schneider Electric Telemecanique XU ‘Multimode’ photo electric sensors are a flexible solution offering the
4 modes of operation in one product with further fine tuning possibilities to cater for more advanced
4 modes are;
● Diffuse mode (direct object detection at close proximity).
● Diffuse mode with back ground suppression (diffuse with BGS)
● Polarised reflex (reflective type for use with prismatic type reflectors)
● Through beam (operation with additional transmitter accessory)
Fine tuning (also referred to as object teach or second level teach)
Once the sensor has been configured for a particular mode (referred to as environment teach), a further level of
configuration is possible to enable difficult to detect objects (e.g. semi transparent) to be sensed.
Automatic normally open configuration.
● Once the product is set up, the output will default to N/O. For example;
● Diffuse and diffuse with BGS modes will be configured for light switching.
● Reflex and through beam modes will be configured for dark switching.
● The output can easily be modified to N/C if desired.
● A simple diagnostic function indicates the mode the sensor is configured in.
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
Diffuse operation (no accessory required)
2. The sensor must be (‘taught’) for diffuse operation by carrying out the
following steps :•Total reset (Not required if as supplied from factory)
Press and hold the ‘teach’ button (use the nib of your pen) until all three lights
illuminate and flash simultaneously - then release button.
Keep clear
1. Ensure that nothing is positioned in the sensing zone as shown.
•Just the green light should now be flashing.
3. Teaching Diffuse Press and hold the teach button, all the lights will
extinguish, keep pressing until the green light illuminates steady, now release
the button.
•The sensor is now ‘learning’ to operate in standard diffuse mode. The green
light flashes rapidly during this .
Teach button
•Once the green light illuminates continuously the sensor is ready for use.
Status lights
Test the sensor is correctly set up by placing an object in front of
the sensor. The yellow output light should illuminate.
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
Diffuse operation with back ground suppression (BGS)
(no accessory required)
Total reset (Not required if as supplied from factory)
Press and hold the ‘teach’ button (use the nib of your pen) until all three lights
illuminate and flash simultaneously - then release button.
Keep clear
1. The receiver must be re-configured (‘taught’) now for ‘background
suppression’ diffuse operation by carrying out the following steps :-
•Just the green light should now be flashing.
2. Teaching Diffuse with BGS. Press and hold the teach button, all the lights
will extinguish, keep pressing until the green light illuminates steady- now
release the button.
Only objects in front of the ‘background’ should
be detected.
•The sensor is now ‘learning’ to eliminate the background so that only objects in
front are detected. The green light flashes rapidly during this .
•Once the green light illuminates continuously the sensor is ready for use.
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
In other words, the sensor it focused to only
‘see’ the space between the sensor and the
Diffuse operation with back ground suppression (BGS)
- Fine adjustment object teach using ‘2nd teach’
Fine positional detection
1. Having carried out the standard background suppression set-up, it is possible
to ‘teach’ the sensor to only detect the object in a certain position.
2. Make sure the ‘background’ is in position.
3. Place the object to be detected in the required position.The green and yellow
lights should be on in a steady condition.
Position to
be learned
4. The receiver must now be ‘taught’ where the object is to be detected by
carrying out the following additional (2nd teach) steps :•Press and hold the teach button, all the lights will extinguish, keep pressing until
the green light illuminates steady- now release the button.
•The sensor is now ‘learning’ the position of the object to be detected. The green
light flashes rapidly during this .
The sensor should only detect the target object in
the same position as it was when taught.
Test to see that you obtain repeatable results.
•Once the green light illuminates continuously the sensor is ready for use.
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
Polarised reflex operation (with reflector accessory)
1. Align the reflector centrally as shown.
2. The receiver must be (‘taught’) for a reflex arrangement by carrying out the
following steps :•Total reset (Not required is as supplied from factory)
Press and hold the ‘teach’ button (use the nib of your pen) until all three lights
illuminate and flash simultaneously - then release button.
Polarised reflector
•The green light should now be flashing and the yellow light stable*.
3. Teaching reflex Press and hold the button, all the lights will extinguish, keep
pressing until the green light illuminates steady- now release the button.
•The sensor is now ‘learning’ to operate in conjunction with the reflector. The
green light flashes rapidly during this .
•Once the green light illuminates continuously the sensor is ready for use.
The sensor should detect the target placed between
sensor and reflector.
If the object is semi transparent and is not detected,
try optimising the operation as shown on next page.
*Note: Stable yellow indicates correct
alignment with the reflector
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
Polarised reflex operation (with reflector accessory)
- Object teach mode (2nd teach)
Some targets, such as semi-transparent objects can be difficult to detect
as the light beam simply passes straight through the object.
However, it is possible to perform a second object ‘teach’ to detect such
objects (depending on how transparent they are).
Polarised reflector
To ‘teach’ the sensor to detect e.g. a semi transparent bottle placed
between the sensor and the reflector;
Note: The unit should be initially programmed for standard
reflex operation (see previous page)
•Press and hold the button, all the lights will extinguish, keep pressing until
the green light illuminates steady - now release the button.
•The sensor is now ‘learning’ to operate with this target object (green light
•Once the green light illuminates continuously the sensor is ready for use.
The semi-transparent object should now be
reliably detectable!
Note: Not all objects can be detected using this
method, however Schneider Electric has a vast
range of application specific sensors, please
contact us for advice.
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
Through beam operation using transmitter accessory
1. Position the ‘though beam accessory’ in line with the photo electric receiver
as shown
2. The receiver must be configured (‘taught’) that it is a through beam
arrangement by carrying out the following simple steps:-
Through beam
•Total reset (Not required if as supplied from factory)
Press and hold the ‘teach’ button (use the nib of your pen) until all three lights
illuminate and flash simultaneously - then release button.
•The green light should now be flashing and the yellow light stable*.
3. Teaching through beam: Press and hold the teach button, all the lights will
extinguish, keep pressing until the green light illuminates steady- now release
the button.
Teach button
Status lights
•The receiver is now ‘learning’ to operate in conjunction with the through beam
accessory (transmitter). The green light flashes rapidly during this .
•Once the green light illuminates continuously the sensor is ready for use.
The sensor should detect the target placed between
sensor and transmitter accessory.
*Note: Stable yellow indicates correct
alignment of the transmitter
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
If the object is semi transparent and is not detected,
try optimising the operation as shown on next page.
Through beam operation using transmitter accessory
- Object teach mode (2nd teach)
Some targets, such as semi-transparent objects can be difficult to detect
as the light beam simply passes straight through the object.
However, it is possible to perform a second object ‘teach’ to detect such
objects (depending on how transparent they are).
Through beam
To ‘teach’ the sensor to detect e.g. a semi transparent bottle placed
between the sensor and the transmitter accessory;
Note: The unit should be initially programmed for standard
through beam operation (see previous page)
•Press and hold the button, all the lights will extinguish, keep pressing until
the green light illuminates steady- now release the button.
Teach button
Status lights
•The sensor is now ‘learning’ to operate with this target object (green light
•Once the green light illuminates continuously the sensor is ready for use.
The semi-transparent object should now be reliably
detectable, if not try reflective mode with a reflector.
Note: Not all objects can be detected using this
method, however Schneider Electric has a vast range
of application specific sensors, please contact us for
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
Automatic normally open configuration
Once the product is set up, the output will default to N/O.
For example;
Diffuse and diffuse with BGS modes will be configured for light switching.
Reflective and through beam modes will be configured for dark switching.
The output can easily be modified to N/C if desired.
• Output inversion configuration;
Following the initial ‘teaching’ of the sensor, press and hold the ‘teach’ button until both yellow and green
lights illuminate, then release the button
The sensor will now be inverted, e.g. the yellow light illuminated and the output ‘on’. Upon detecting an object
the output will go ‘off’.
To convert back, simply repeat the above process.
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012
Checking configuration mode
If the sensor does not operate as expected, it is possible that it has been
accidentally programmed for an alternative mode.
For example, if during through beam set up, the transmitter beam were blocked
by the object, the likely out come would be to configure the sensor as diffuse
with BGS.
To check which mode the sensor is configured for press the teach button very
briefly (for less than one second), as soon as the green light extinguishes and
release. The red light will flash 1, 2,3 or 4 times as follows;
1 flash of red light = Diffuse
2 flashes of red light = Diffuse with back ground suppression
3 flashes of red light = Polarised reflex (reflection mode)
4 flashes of red light = Through beam mode with transmitter accessory
Unstable operation indication
Notice that only partially breaking the beam results in the red light illuminating this indicates unstable operation.
Green = power on
Red = unstable
Normal operation is indicated by the green power on light illuminated and
Yellow = output on
the yellow light indicates the output detection condition.
Schneider Electric
- Industry – Andy Turtle – January 2012