In the book Dumpling Days, what color dresses are Lissy, Ki

In the book Dumpling Days, what color dresses are Lissy, Ki-Ki,
and Pacy wearing on the plane to Taiwan? Pink
In the book Dumpling Days, why did Mom want the girls to
match on the plane trip? So mom could keep a better eye on
In the book Dumpling Days, in what town and state does Pacy
live? New Hartford, NY
In the book Dumpling Days, how long is Pacy’s family planning
on staying in Taiwan? 28 days
In the book Dumpling Days, how does dad describe Taiwan?
Treasure island
In the book Dumpling Days, what kind of class id Ki-Ki signed
up for in Taiwan? Paper cutting
In the book Dumpling Days, how old id Lissy? 14
In the book Dumpling Days, why was Pacy called Twinkie? She
is Asian (yellow) on the outside and white (American) on the
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Lissy say Auntie Jin’s
husband’s name is? Uncle Flower
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Auntie Jin’s husband’s real
name? Uncle Li-Li
Who are Julian and Shogun? Pacy’s cousins
In the book Dumpling Days, how many dumplings can the
famous dumpling chef in China make in 7 hours and 26
minutes? 1 million
In the book Dumpling Days, what does a peach symbolize?
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Ghost Month? When the
gates between the living world and the ghost world are open
In the book Dumpling Days, how do you say thank you for
pouring tea? Tapping your fingers twice on the table
In the book Dumpling Days, what was on the top of Lissy’s
name chop? A pig
In the book Dumpling Days, what was on the top of Ki-Ki’s
name chop? horse
In the book Dumpling Days, why don’t people walk across the
street in Grandma’s neighborhood? The traffic is crazy
In the book Dumpling Days, what was the fortune teller’s
chant supposed to do? Keep Pacy safe and happy
In the book Dumpling Days, what did Pacy discover outside
when she heard the ice cream truck music? A garbage truck
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Ki-Ki’s Chinese name
mean? Victorious thought
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Lin mean in Chinese?
In the book Dumpling Days, how do you change things in
Chinese painting? With your next stroke
In the book Dumpling Days, how did Pacy get in trouble in the
bathroom? She pressed the red button and sounded an alarm
In the book Dumpling Days, which student in Pacy’s art class
In the book Dumpling Days, why did Mom pick pink dresses for
the girls to wear to Taiwan? It was the only dress in all the girls
In the book Dumpling Days, where did Melody move?
In the book Dumpling Days, where do mom and dad consider
their homeland? Taiwan
In the book Dumpling Days, why does Ki-Ki ask lots of
questions? Her teacher told her there was no such thing as a
stupid question
In the book Dumpling Days, what kind of class is Pacy signed
up for in Taiwan? Painting birds and flowers
In the book Dumpling Days, what kind of class is Lissy signed
up for in Taiwan? Calligraphy
In the book Dumpling Days, what was Pacy called at the
Taiwanese-American convention? Twinkie
In the book Dumpling Days, who met Pacy’s family at the
airport in Taiwan? Auntie Jin and her husband
In the book Dumpling Days, what is the capital of Taiwan?
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy suggest they eat
for their first night in Taiwan? dumplings
In the book Dumpling Days, what city did mom compare Taipei
to? New York City
In the book Dumpling Days, what are you supposed to be if
you can eat soup dumplings without making a mess? A real
Chinese person
In the book Dumpling Days, what holiday is Ghost Month
similar to? Halloween
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy think Dim Sum is
similar to? A backward buffet
In the book Dumpling Days, what is a name chop? Your symbol
of identity
In the book Dumpling Days, what was on the top of Pacy’s
name chop? tiger
In the book Dumpling Days, how did dad pick each name chop
for the girls? By the year they were born
In the book Dumpling Days, how do people cross the street in
Grandma’s neighborhood? They use tunnels that cross under
the road
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Ki-Ki’s favorite cereal?
Lucky Charms
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy’s Chinese name
mean? Precious or treasured thought
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Lissy’s Chinese name
mean? Beautiful thought
In the book Dumpling Days, what can’t you do in Chinese
painting? Erase
In the book Dumpling Days, what did Pacy eat that made her
feel like she sneezed the sun? Wasabi
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy’s art teacher want
them to paint? Bamboo
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Lissy’s late birthday gift
makes her angry? Audrey
In the book Dumpling Days, how many dresses could Lissy pick
to have her pictures taken in? 3
In the book Dumpling Days, what is the biggest difference
between Pacy’s family and the other kids at school in New
York? Their eyes
In the book Dumpling Days, what do they call dad’s oldest
brother? Big Uncle
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Pacy supposed to do with
the toilet paper after she is done in the airport bathroom?
Throw it in the trash can
In the book Dumpling Days, what are strawberry pocky similar
to? Pretzels with strawberry coating
In the book Dumpling Days, who is Lian? Cousin Clifford’s wife
In the book Dumpling Days, how can you tell the difference
between wontons and dumplings in dumpling soup? Wontons
are smooth and none are shaped the same-dumplings look like
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Clifford’s favorite food at
the market? Wax apples
In the book Dumpling Days, where was the old welcome gate?
In the book Dumpling Days, why didn’t anyone sit in the front
row at the Chinese opera in the temple? These seats are
reserved for ghosts
In the book Dumpling Days, what was the significance of giving
green onions to the God of Literature? He gives you
In the book Dumpling Days, what is the significance of giving
the God of Literature garlic? If you need help with math
In the book Dumpling Days, what are the 4 best pleasures in
life? Yawning, Picking your ear, scratching your back, and
picking your nose
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Clifford say is his
greatest pleasure? Laughing
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Ki-Ki’s greatest pleasure?
Eating and eating candy
In the book Dumpling Days, who was the only one willing to
break with tradition the day Suying got married? Grandma
In the book Dumpling Days, how many floors does Taipei 101
have? 101
In the book Dumpling Days, how fast does the elevator in
Taipei 101 travel? 1010 meters per minute
In the book Dumpling Days, who did Pacy mail a post card to
from Taipei 101? Melody
In the book Dumpling Days, who did Ki-Ki mail her postcard to?
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy have for dessert in
Taipei 101? Dessert dumplings or mocha
In the book Dumpling Days, what are the girls allowed to get
from the bakery? Pineapple cakes
In the book Dumpling Days, what did the man on the subway
from her grandma? Getting her photos taken
In the book Dumpling Days, what type of makeup did mom tell
the makeup lady that Lissy needed? The natural look
In the book Dumpling Days, from what town did dad come?
In the book Dumpling Days, what did mom give Pacy when she
went to the bathroom in the airport? Toilet paper
In the book Dumpling Days, mom says that Chinese is the
official language and Taiwanese is considered what? A dialect
In the book Dumpling Days, before picking them up at the train
station, when was the last time Pacy had seen Cousin Clifford?
When he got married in Boston
In the book Dumpling Days, how do people in Taiwan know
Clifford is from America? He wears a helmet when he is on the
motor scoter
In the book Dumpling Days, why won’t Ami hang her laundry
out at night during Ghost Month? She is afraid ghosts might
move into them
In the book Dumpling Days, what does the Chinese word for
American really mean? People of a beautiful country
In the book Dumpling Days, why is Chinese opera being
performed in the temple? to entertain the ghosts
In the book Dumpling Days, why is it so smoky at the temple?
The people are burning paper things for the ghosts
In the book Dumpling Days, what is the significance of giving
radishes to the God of Literature? You get talent
In the book Dumpling Days, what is the significance of giving
the God of Literature celery? If your test is long and detailed
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy say is her greatest
pleasure? Reading
In the book Dumpling Days, what is Lissy’s greatest pleasure?
In the book Dumpling Days, what kind of train did Pacy’s family
travel on? The bullet train
In the book Dumpling Days, what does dad say is the tallest
building in the world? Taipei 101
In the book Dumpling Days, why does Taipei 101 have coins on
it? They are good luck
In the book Dumpling Days, what was Taipei 101 built to
resemble? Bamboo
In the book Dumpling Days, which boy at school does Pacy
like? Sam Mercer
In the book Dumpling Days, in what restaurant did Pacy eat in
while in Taipei 101? McDonald’s
In the book Dumpling Days, what is grandpa doing for
grandma’s party? Paying for it
In the book Dumpling Days, what did mom order for
grandma’s birthday? Turtle cakes and peach buns
In the book Dumpling Days, which name chop did Pacy think
steal from mom? Her change purse full of tissues
she was choosing to use on her painting for the exhibit?
In the book Dumpling Days, where does Uncle Shin live?
In the book Dumpling Days, where does Uncle Shin want to
eat? At the night market
In the book Dumpling Days, what is the first food Pacy eats at
In the book Dumpling Days, what did Uncle Shin order for Pacy
the night market? Chicken cutlet
to drink at the night market? Frog eggs
In the book Dumpling Days, what are frog eggs? Tapioca
In the book Dumpling Days, what is frog eggs called in
America? Bubble tea or black pearl tea
What game was Pacy watching when she got separated from
In the book Dumpling Days, what smelled like throw-up at the
her family? The goldfish game
night market? Stinky tofu or chow doufu
In the book Dumpling Days, who found Pacy when she was
In the book Dumpling Days, why did mom and dad leave
lost? Shogun
Taiwan and move to America? Taiwan was under martial law
In the book Dumpling Days, who supported the family when
In the book Dumpling Days, who did the military police take
dad was a boy? Big Uncle
from dad’s house? Big Uncle
In the book Dumpling Days, how did Big Uncle support the
In the book Dumpling Days, who won 2 goldfish and gave one
family? He was a teacher
to Pacy? Lissy
In the book Dumpling Days, what color was the goldfish Pacy
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Lissy’s calligraphy say?
chose? Silver
In the book Dumpling Days, what did the name chop “really”
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy decide she wants
say that Pacy used on her painting? Forever
on her name chop? Her English name and her Taiwanese name
In the book Dumpling Days, who won the exhibit for paper
In the book Dumpling Days, who the exhibit for painting? Eva
cutting? Ki-Ki
In the book Dumpling Days, what kind of flower is in grandma’s In the book Dumpling Days, how old will grandma turn on her
corsage? Purple orchid
birthday? 60
In the book Dumpling Days, what did the young emporer
In the book Dumpling Days, how can you tell the difference
decide should be done with people who reach 60 years old?
between wood for the root of a tree and wood from the same
They should be executed
tree’s branch? The root sinks and the branch floats
In the book Dumpling Days, what is on Pacy’s name chop?
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy give grandma for
Grace Pacy
her birthday? Her painting that was on exhibit
In the book Dumpling Days, what Chinese character is put on
In the book Dumpling Days, what Chinese character is put on
clothes for children? Happiness
clothes for adults? Long life
In the book Dumpling Days, what was wrong with Pacy, Ki-Ki,
In the book Dumpling Days, what was the party favor for
and Lissy’s Chinese clothes on the day of grandma’s party?
guests at grandma’s party? Decorated rice bowls
They were too tight
In the book Dumpling Days, who is Master of Ceremonies at
In the book Dumpling Days, what do all the birds at grandma’s
grandma’s party? Uncle Shin
party symbolize? The phoenix or the empress
In the book Dumpling Days, how long did the long-faced man
In the book Dumpling Days, what special dance did Ki-Ki not
live? 600 years
like? The Lion Dance
In the book Dumpling Days, who were dressed as the lions for
In the book Dumpling Days, what is for dessert at grandma’s
the Lion Dance? Uncle Flower, Shogun, Julian, and their father party? Turtle cakes and peach buns
In the book Dumpling Days, what did Ki-Ki give grandma for
In the book Dumpling Days, what does Pacy finally decide the 3
her birthday? #1 Grandma award
birds in her painting are wishing for? To like Taiwan and for
Taiwan to like them
In the book Dumpling Days, what did grandma give her
In the book Dumpling Days, what candy did Lissy pack to take
grandchildren for her birthday? Money
back to the U.S.? 10 tins of sour plum candy
In the book Dumpling Days, what candy did Ki-Ki pack to take
In the book Dumpling Days, what sweet did Pacy pack to take
back to the U.S.? white melon candy
back to the U.S.? pineapple cakes
What did Uncle Flower give Pacy to open on the plane?
In the book Dumpling Days, who asked Uncle flower to give
Pacy the goodbye present at the airport? Auntie Jin
In the book Dumpling Days, how many different types of
dumplings did Pacy eat in Taiwan? 7
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