Contest - Termsv200113_SIL_CARvSB_SIL_CAR-DEf

ARTICLE 1: Organization
UITP, a non-profit international association whose head office is located at Rue Sainte-Marie 6,
BE-1080 Brussels (Belgium), is organizing a free contest (hereafter the "Contest") exclusively for
its members.
The contest will be available from January 27th until February 2nd on as described
in this regulation. Any participation in the competition implies unreserved acceptance of these
rules by the participant. Non-compliance with the regulation by the user will result in the outright
revocation of his/her participation and, where appropriate, the allocation of prizes granted.
ARTICLE 2: Duration
The contest takes place from January 27th until February 2nd midnight on the website The organizer reserves the right to postpone, modify, cancel or renew this contest
if circumstances require. In any event, the organizer shall not be held liable for such an
ARTICLE 3: Accessibility
The contest is for UITP’s members only. The contest will be accessible on a private social
network which is exclusively dedicated to members, and can only be accessed with a login and
a password provided by UITP to its members.
Only selected entries will comply with all the provisions of this article. The organizing company
therefore reserves the right to carry out any checks it deems appropriate regarding the identity
and address of each participant.
Participation in the contest implies explicit and unreserved acceptance of this regulation, in all its
provisions, rules of conduct in place on the Internet (label, charter of good conduct ...), as well as
laws and regulations applicable to contests in force in Belgium.
ARTICLE 4: Contest mechanism – Winner selection
To participate, the member will have to connect to the MyUITP platform between January 27th
and February 2nd midnight and answer the following “Fill in the blank” question using the “Wire”
status functionality.
Fill in the blank: “In 2014, urban mobility will…”
The UITP jury will determine which answer is the most original, relevant and timely.
The winner will be announced on MyUITP and also on
Only participants who completed the “Fill in the blank” will be eligible for a prize.
The organizing company shall in no circumstances be held liable for any malfunctions beyond its
control, including the unavailability of the MyUITP platform.
ARTICLE 5: Prize
The prize will be a free pass for a UITP workshop or seminar in 2014. The winner will make
his/her choice from a list of events provided by UITP in 2014.
1 The winner can decide to personally attend the workshop/seminar or to offer the prize to one of
the organization’s employees.
The winner will be personally notified by email within 7 days. The announcement email will
provide the winner with all the details regarding UITP’s workshops and seminars (topic,
The prize awarded may not be the subject of a dispute of any kind on the part of the winner. The
prize awarded is not transferable to someone outside the winning company.
No cash refunds or exchanges will be possible.
However, in case of force majeure as defined by law and jurisprudence, the organizer reserves
the right to substitute the prize announced for another prize of at least equal value.
ARTICLE 6: Disclaimer
Participation in the contest implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and
limitations of the Internet, including regarding the technical performance of the platform,
response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, risks of interruption and,
more generally, the risks inherent in any connection and transmission on the Internet, the lack of
protection of certain data against possible misuse and contamination by viruses circulating on
the network.
It is specified that the organizer shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting
from any interruption, malfunction for any reason whatsoever, or for any direct damage resulting
from participation in the contest. It is up to the participant to take all appropriate measures to
protect his/her own data and/or software stored on their computer equipment against any attack.
Connecting to MyUITP and participation in the contest is under the participant's responsibility.
The organizing company may cancel all or part of the contest if it appears that fraud has
occurred in any form whatsoever, including by computer, as part of participation in the contest or
the determination of the winner. It reserves, in this case, the right not to award the prize to
fraudsters and/or bring the perpetrators of the fraud before the competent courts.
However, it does not incur any liability whatsoever vis-à-vis the participants for any fraud
Fraud is defined, for instance, if a participant uses a false identity (i.e. a fictitious identity or one
borrowed from one or more third persons). Indeed, each participant shall participate in the
contest in his/her own unique name. Fraud shall result in the removal of the participant.
The organizer reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to extend, suspend or
discontinue the contest. The responsibility of the organizer shall not be liable for doing so. As far
as possible, these changes or modifications will be transmitted in advance by all appropriate
In case of amendments to the contest regulation, a participant will be deemed to have accepted
this change simply due to his/her participation in the contest at the date of entry into force of
such an amendment. Participants refusing the amendments made shall cease to participate in
the contest.
ARTICLE 7: Privacy
In accordance with the provisions of the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of
privacy, details of participants will be processed on paper or by automated processing. This
information is provided to the organizing company. Participants have the right to access, rectify,
cancel or oppose their data upon written request to UITP’s Office: Rue Sainte-Marie 6, BE-1080
Brussels (Belgium).
2 Solely by reason of the acceptance of his/her prize, unless expressly opposed, each Winner
authorizes the organizer to use his full name (s) on UITP’s websites. In the event that the winner
does not want this, he/she must stipulate this by mail to the above address.
This regulation is subject to Belgian law. Participants are therefore subject to Belgian legislation
applicable to competitions.
In case of a dispute or claim, for any reason, applications must be submitted to the organizer
within a maximum period of two months after the closing of the contest (date of postmark).
Any dispute arising in connection with the contest which cannot be settled amicably shall be
brought before the competent courts.
ARTICLE 10: Evidence convention
The organizer has the necessary technical means to demonstrate participation or nonparticipation of a member. It is therefore agreed that, in the absence of manifest error, the data
contained in the information systems of the organizer have probative value as regards
connections and information resulting from computer processing of the contest. It is agreed that,
except in the case of manifest error, the organizer may exercise such as evidence of any act
committed or omission, programs, data, files, records, operations and other elements (such as
monitoring reports or other reports), format or computer or electronic media, established,
received or held directly or indirectly by the organizing company, including its information
systems. Participants agree not to challenge the admissibility, validity or probative elements of
nature, format or the above computer or electronic media, on the basis of any legal provision
whatsoever which specifies that certain documents must be written or signed by the parties to
constitute proof.
Thus the elements are considered evidence, and, if they are produced as evidence by the
organizer in any litigation or other, they will be admissible, valid and enforceable between the
parties in the same way under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any
document created, received or retained in writing.