air conditioner electric fee terms

If electricity is included with apartment rent, and if you wish to install one or more air
conditioners in your apartment, the following information details the billing terms, PER AIR
CONDITIONER, that residents are required to pay, and the terms under which the payments
are due.
1) If an air conditioner is installed for any portion of a month, payment for the entire month
will be due and payable as stated above. There is no pro-rata of fees.
2) If you remove an air conditioner unit, you must notify this office, in writing, that you have
done so, prior to the date the next payment is due. If we have not received written notification,
we will assume that the unit is still in place, and the bill for the next period will be assessed.
3) If you have an air conditioner unit that is installed but not working, you will be charged as
if it is functioning. For your benefit, and to avoid misunderstandings, please have nonfunctioning units removed immediately and also notify our office in writing.
4) In accordance with all leases, to conserve heat during the winter, all air conditioning units
must be removed by October 31st of each year.
APT. #
Air Conditioner Installation Request Form
I, ____________________________________, request the University to install my air conditioner in my apartment
subject to the below information. I am aware that I will be responsible for providing an air conditioner. I give
permission for Residential Properties to install the air conditioner when I am not at home.
Residential Properties will email you at least two days in advance of the scheduled installation date. Please be
aware that trying to schedule specific times can cause lengthy delays in installation.
Air conditioners are normally only installed from approximately June 1 to September 30. We will install air
conditioners as quickly as possible and your patience is appreciated.
Air conditioners must be close to the place of installation at the time Residential Properties staff arrives. During
certain times in the summer there is a back log of requests and there could be a delay in installation. Weather is
also a factor in installation and removal (rain, snow, ice, etc.)
Apt. #
Phone #
# of AC Units
($75 for one,
$100 for two
or more)
Office Use Only:
RULES AND REGULATIONS: Student Lease – 25 Section G and Non-Student Lease – 24 Section H
Tenant covenants and agrees to keep and observe the following rules and regulations and such rules and regulations as may later be
promulgated by Landlord or Landlord’s agent for the necessary, proper and orderly care of the Building (provided such later rules and
regulations do not materially change the terms contained in this Lease).
No awnings or other projections, including air conditioners, television or radio antennas, wiring or satellite dishes, shall be attached to the roof
or extend beyond the outside walls of the Building. Notwithstanding the foregoing and the provision of Paragraph 9 hereof, if the Apartment
is not air conditioned or if Landlord does not furnish an air conditioning unit to Tenant, Tenant may install one window air conditioning unit
and operate same from the Building’s electricity. It is agreed that, if Tenant installs an air conditioning unit, (a) such air conditioning unit shall
be of the type that will operate safely on the Building’s existing circuits and wiring; (b) Tenant assumes all
responsibility for any damage to the Apartment or the Building or injury to persons that may occur as a result of the installation or operation of
the air conditioning unit; and (c) Tenant shall remove such air conditioning unit on or before October 31 of each year of the term of this Lease.
If the Apartment is air conditioned, whether the air conditioner is furnished by Landlord or installed by Tenant, and whether the installed air
conditioner is operated by Tenant, and if Landlord provides electricity as set forth on page 1 of this lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as
additional rent the amount of the Air Conditioner Charges set forth on page 1 of this Lease on or before the first day of each month in advance
for each month that such charge is payable.