(qcrv{Jir.Bqrqrc, aqqrow<s qti r{'q m6, qrfu6, F(s aftr l5!!r 6.-4,1^ftffi/r0(+.) !r{i dqfu-or,M.2oo6 { 3r.03.2oo? 16{!1 6.-45l*fufr/ lo {qft-ot.o{.2005 3r.03.2m7 (}{q) I rs{!r 6.-89/frM/09 (eitc) i i {qfu-ot.o{.2004 3r.o3.2oos dffF 16{!1 6.-{7?/ftAq{/m Gi*c) 1.,..n 7 6yk oilol'/tt- \ l---:--# !nft-01.04.2003 * 31.03.20(N !r*( r6{tt F.-476l+m/08 (+*q) d{fu-or.o4.2oo3 +.-iilftqr 6i*te fiv€.( sd+e ftrft., t 31.03.2004 qffi rmfi arqn, 'slfuqa fu-2390s102r07 arfurfuo qqldsr, ft@ ar argt,, kf*!e f+{ qffi d Efr{ * * *.S. <rm, *.9. sqRrn tgi*ra qt *r * lff qr.*.utrfmr, ffiq r vns+tq EftqtFT sqfui r w+vr 28.0s.20r1 t B-frl qfrri qqc"i{T srfufu"o o-q gTfuftqc, ie% (fu€ 3nn ciff-s. oa qrv.n) drn d+q ff6s 61 31ftfrqq. 1e56 (ftr$ eiftfrqq s-6r qrgrn) A er<.fu u-qo d q-{ €t e&frqq 2,/ N. p qrt dd"q cifrq s ffiq qfufuqdf A q*-{ s{ 03-04 d orqfr d FaV u-qd m.r$ tt cffiq 3lEftqc (fu) d s-{E s{ oo-oz d er<,la ri qe fiftq qffa r*go t nw {S irqB + fas Aqo qfifrqq d sig-{ fi srfrd rrga d r{ t r q{ or-os d 3rsft A ftc ciftq srBftqq d s$-{ qfra e-qd n Rffq oTS"t tr 3/ ri 5{ w,i Bftq 3rfi-d r6{urt q 'ic{rr 3rqR fuc ,rc t r qd: I-riFT fuiil{ c6 sqn enivr d aq fuqr ql ra tI qft ftrfi rovq d qqn 3ilqdt d Page 1of 38 \.. -2' ., *"*Hmm1#,'iff11 ##f;}?ffii8lffiti3i:3; F,4?8/*m/08 (ldq) 3rfdRff oi$ 3rq 3ntrrt d d qerern gtror fqi+q fuqI qrqrn I ser6{"r d rn q{ og-oa d ereB Efu e ror"r d rifu( osd 6l vdq 3IhAq d 3IIEIR d e-rr"it 6 fiqq n fo-q qr ra tr dt=if qet d fr-<rq q'frfrfud d gm qqn ron d qrs d .r$ r s{ oa-ol d irsts d ftc ro,-{"il n na or tek'r erivt {16r+6 ongffi ffifuo oq rqrfuqr dqrrr d Ertt tt.ot.oo o} qrRd fuc 'rc ,} frr+d ft6c arffiq crffi, sqrga qrFrfuo or rsrfuqt d am rorq oqio qftd s2/1st.1/07 (ciftq) nqr 3rfia € frqio os.oa.oa ffirq @qi o1 3lrtsT qR-o ft-qt .rqr /03-04 tr6{or , 02 /15t.1 /oz (dfro) i stfu-a sq t B{ffiq sqrgffi d gm cIR-d fuq olrt{r t m frf+a 6tdr t fu s{d qqar rge erfi-a snsrif { eprc, Ffrq qd qfrq d ftffirfi 5ffif 6'r qqrq 5q qqqd 4/ rffi n qd \,?i o-{dr.q G-6q qRr{ii t d.r{ gtr d ft-s-€ 3flqfu d .r{l oFGoT 6qio 4. s, 6 $i ro { re srffa snqn fuqr rrqt fo einrfifrq f+oq d o-ctfr cifi-q orEftqq d um zs(z) d erff{ srfr .r{ fr fut T{qri dQd t iEr l4B ft$-€ Eq Q {Q qifrq fu6q d sc d ffiR-d or frq trq t qs te dF c fqq oF-sol 6qio z,a G s i trfe ocn dqq cre-s cd cffi .ilri d fu€ w enqfu d ,r{ dsn otrsol 6'cid tt.tz.ts G r+ { erm zo(txq) G (O) d srfi-i slrtlft-d qrs G qnk 61 6qT frffi siltIN lii rrorqr d 3{Ertrft-d fu\ qri af orgfuo acror rr+ t t errrlar b s/ ddq rflq i r.oqre sncfu c'ifi-q rowr d orgw ce ssr{ ,r{ fu oq l+rt{6 orErorfi i qmfiq o-qfc6 vq qrqrcq d ffq 6I rqror tcq 3ffiq ftEq o) srqrq oG gc trt cifi-q ft6s d trq i MRo o-si if W ft-6q il d T{ gk d iidEl lt o1 tr er0fiq scTgffi d {HeI eEI s-dr$ rr$ srcfu qq frr rdl frqr rrqlt (wr cgs ft-s d m-frq npn d.*q std fr c-6{"f t {i{q B. ss q{ sqrgffi i €gm w * ft-qn fu-qrt wrgm i emi it ft-f,ilT td gv erfi-anff A if€rc 3rk{ffr d ovrr d sfltr{ T{ q6 sFtd fuqr t fu srfi-flpfr ffidT B ow t erg<v A qd-i H dw or frqfur oq Bii d ifinr of f r<rq ori Br qe r<rq ctfrq qii 3to-rffiq +it +jt i fuqT .;nor t d H am leC.rq 3rtcr q{ friir 6rdr tt onatq 3rsfu it E€i qTerTf d erfic s. s,s2,1l,s'to / - d {ftr A rlrcl irr n<r{I 3iil{-\,'ftq et it furo H d GilirT , Page 2 of 38 -3- ,. "**Hffim1#iiff3; #"#J;l?"ffiiffilffilH31 q*d trflq F.-4?8rfr8q*/08 (Adc) /03-M d sq t ft-rr"r qil i's{tqr rrqr fus .rq e cft{rd d qr t ot dq-6 ftqr rqr fus ig id i g-sd qrt foct sfiapfr i ffi 22.12.20rx' oi oc Mvo 3rffi 6 qqr \6 ccr"r q, fi rqd fuqr ffif €d d gnr gs fa-o-q o1 3fil{ffiq qsaf 5r sqrsr fuqr efu< orfrqtro olerorff gt crq rfi fuqr r s+d qqe qr+ftq ssta qrqrdq d Fdq n {frT{ 3fiF qFsqr fr's-€ d.d qrsar csdl n. s{r{-d EF€qT fu6d gffiui ofis ids dpn onfiitEs gw fi-a CEq de 3fis nft-d-trg d qrft-o n"fuf or frqrl fi fEqI ,rqr Af6-{ B€fi {€ qqrq ori tt nfr d tt 3iil{ffiq fq-oq alfid 6 sqq €e SF ts-.S{r omtirdt trt fu-qr arqr. e+ 6/ csrc f{6-d d.4. cn6 co-s lis d c-fi'r i qrrftq rd-a qrqraq d Fr!fu sr E?rcn ftqi rqr 6erl Tf,rqr qrIT fu 6s ft"tq d snqn qq w ftoq Giilriffiq tt cerq 3[fi-d d qcq 3iilqffiq ft-o-q t ff'tr6 q{ 3rR.3[{. iten ffiq €Efit$-c d orqrqfrqi fi rqa d tr{ nPfi {sd oIIEIT{ ff cs fufq oi rfftffiq f{6q cri qri or n-d frqr rqll srffiq sqrgffi i slffiq d cfrsq d qrqro {6 rlrtn fu o-{ trqIro, 7/ 3rEr6rft i fus snqrs w slfidrefr d o'.rq dl erqrq foqr t ce qe t fo oTff-dpff i frFta qra ffiw, € fr,{r.I 6} <ta (r.v.) w ff snftqe tt t ftqrt l-d fuTFr srqfi qrq{qoiljsri gs dqr 6I sq+rr o-rsr tr Eor{ i sti rrq d e.i fu-. rfi fuqr sih c 6 qrq 6 qr6{ M riiiff otg er5fs trfr.€s trtrm H ft'TF.r d g@rdq qro$ (q.c.) d crc qrfr $r tl 3rfl w fcaq siilififfiq q-6i tt fl M{o, 3iffi i w ri Frq{ h-o'rdT fu qtr{'q B-d-q qrq6q d fur Fpfut or frs,l srfi6pff i ftqr i <r.rd aes q0-otpf d s-6tul A f,uif t +a rS eTi aen o-q frtrt*o 3{ffi i qTTfrq o-rfeo v@ qrqrmq qqn-d Avg C,s€S f{$-q +c dq o-ct 6 (zooz) 126-Ts&S-351-q{ fdTqrs f6-ql B s qr {qs-6Rt of cifrq frqam qr+ tt 3rffiq wrgffi i ri w qrqr A mq;qtfu6 rFrwl iFI {s{ 3rffflefr i frqr t s-r-d duif t srfi-d?fr d rorq d op:if o1 ft-qor tt s/ 3rffiq scrgffi d ergun A;frq ftqr< d qm g d sf{ d d ilf, {cdX.f dd'd n sr-d efluT q Gqqrr r€f €t can w fu srftapff F{ i td fuqrr t {6 we 3rjqrr frqr t fu qrd dt frffi qta (q.c.) H €srr w ddr d ffiq i Page 3 of 38 -4q*d rd{!r F.-44l&88$/ l0(+.)/06-07 v6{or 6.45/:&ad/10 (Adq) /06-07 !q+d r{,or F.-89/ffM/0, (lifrc) /04'05 qfrd r6flr E.-477rqtaq&08 (liftO /03-04 qt-d tr6{!r F.4?8/&m/08 (Hc) /03-04 qfd Bftsff d A qfd crd oT f{frfrur H fu{r, d erEqd crffi 6tt cs crd d t'q crg qri qt v+d am {s slrcrq 6I gir }Frrq q;t qm foq d-dr o1 ort{ fr srd anr flt fu-ql 'Ir$rtr I 'rq dqi H ttrc aen frf qRE qErdrfi t d s6T-{ d}s oir\rrft 3ltr t€ r<rq ftc Tc qrd ot cIft qffi qre d ggdrft <ta (r'l) cr< ol qKfi t {s tr€ 3rgdq t rre apa sI€ Eqr fo of A src.t €ern w H dett lonrr d serq erErorfuif 6] A qrft ?iI H ttri t s) qra tor trqr t ssit ffi qd 6T qTq +qeq ftfud qtd ssiqr t n2{ crn sre orqfdq or crc gs\q'{' wrrrtt sifud fuqrrql tt (srn.srn oqio zo+ogr) qfr il{6 orn.ern oqio qrrar <{tqrrqr t ftilsS q5 olq \'cr'€ ddT zoaog+ i crd qfi erar fi.eqer(. 61 fuqr rrqr afu crd gRI s{i t fo qro H am qtd €{rc qqrt{r rN clq gs qrd o) sq?im A fuc fr'q-fi-r enit qr tor rrql I llirwl n rqa BSe 'q.Efr;d-c t ff {fr apq scrFrd dil t eitfu c6 ffis etrfrrd-e oqio sz fr{i6 13.0i.04 t qs cqlFrd ftqrrqr t fu srzo c{ffi ffiqr ffi fcfrepr t qm fu'qr.rqr t npn ffi ft\ s€ftrd-e oqio sz frqi6 08.11.2003 qrfr fuqr ,rqr t s€ qq-dr!ff t sR€ ft0r6 frh-d qi6 ERI cIK oq ftqr trqr * g1 {s6r qerrn verqo ft0e-o gffffqY qkqq qq d 'iqre i fu+r E6 u-" ffiq qEftn-d-e rrrttq q=t 4iqi6'40 frqto go.ot.zoo+ <plr +sqrak{i6lso2loo4 qqrFrd drdl i fu H frqrr gRI nsf,r sz frrio 16.03.2004 ii crc .rc ftffit eta (au.) €crc qr fr crq o-{ fuqr rrqr t r H ttn 2II Fir or qrgl .fi H fu+rq gM {f,r frtqr .rqr t den s+6 sqa-qcr G q-{en fi ffi{rrr ETir olqfi orFrqfr-dr d ergw o1 rr{ t ftrs* we d-dT t fo, qrd d Rffi eio (+v.) dcri q{ eTq-flpff gr{r Sff ,rg drn H frt{r,T ERr cI< d .r{ t qs ffi6 ff6q or 3rjiiq slh qro ar qrwfuo rrrFIFrF +il * A qg cclFrd qrcl rrqr fu' qrd d ffi sfrmreff i qtarAg q fr A 3ik qtd €Yrc i E qra ir1 dEFI ffi ti d cn gurt gq d{6 rlrd dt ffi q.c. { Eti d orqq qt uiffq fd6q t drn qT{frq o-dzo sEr alrrna{I d gm q(Ii trq n T& fr"did qffif, fuqr.rqr B fu qfr dnr gm qra d frffi cr< 61 vt erf, A qr6{ torrqr d dq tfr <clr n tgI ft-6q cffiq f, t ft-6q qIrT qTwr I H fu{rr qifi-q e\e il q 1q;15 22.12.2000 oI q) ccr"r q: qrff ft-ql t ss't ff ffi s/ s'qigm i qa rff crur fu dPrT Page 4 of 38 ,5 ', .**Hr#ffi1]#i,3::3; ##J;';ffi'r'[ffim; rr{!r F.4?8,'ftd(d/08 Gatc) /03-04 .c+d rn 3{ftfrq sqrgrc t crql fu 61 fu{o' 3rffi i eq 1{-qq€T{ o} qifl-q ft6q t "o q gft-d 5q q qrq f6'qr tt 10,/ +e4firt d fa€ qr d rri flcftil d {iiis i sqrgm i '* 6 366pfr i gd fri-€aa d t ss{ u-gm err<ri a 11T .fi.t^t-e fro erc € r) Fqf-{o 3Tffi A srqrq o-{ ftqrr3lffiff ild ftqr fr "n S+€ tfi s€ti sr SoEII o-q d,r$ {fu ssrt qr<ri 6r te tn srtF-d t aen ss w i od #*<A a Xa w te-sffm 664 arRsr sqrgm, orfi-arptr A gs ad <qt{ .rS tr {< nedl 6 3IEIN #* i ffii< ;' * rrro c-€l Ect qidrq 3lBfrqq sr*r tg d qrqffit or sde o-G gs w q'm fuqr"ft En qrqqrii qc se foqr T qr fu Frqtur q e-qt'r di srd 6d A frt-€ d .tquiF'* qro w 6 t-e dF ft-qr qral S1 <n-qril qra d rq get eilr orer @q fu; rIqT Et tfu-{ gs6r scdq c d 6d oq frqr< A ertn-{ q} t-c efis fi err5siFro qra d rc tS <sn n qrFlfuo d cr;Tc fuc ,rc s+6 n-rc En-<ri q* qz<fu TS frqr qr s-6-ilt 'fi qi qrdr qI srqen d ft-6-q f6qr errEri or sqeT Frqtq c Et6-r ss6r 'sqfr.r d drqr qrdr 1il scrg.m i d i *- *, t 'dt it t tt tt t i I t e/ qF cRita n or frqkr 3lffi A qc t stro *t gv svrg(r i srrqri w t t-e ofu ftc qri d fe-s cI oTlqfu 3r$6ri d dqT dw cr'ts of orr1siFro qra qr+i gg vq w * 11* 6161 fu-ar n/ cifrq slfufuqc d um zo(lxq) aw um zo(+)(fi) dqqrqdtq glrtft-d qrq s od d on"r trr ynfu d fc-g w wrg< i qrql fu flqq S frEfq t Fr6r$r.T{ sftfrffi qFr d ensn w qrq e{R}n-d fuqr rrqr t 3lffils sqTgffi i gw-6f t rrtqn w fuqr *, P5 ffi6refr d am qfuo irv 6I gqan frffirfi g{d t rrqT I qr6 slqrr 03 oI iE€FI 3tdl q"ktt t sqfu EtqI 6. 6.50,000,/- oT ftFqa S qE $ d qrd ot rsq{ ir s€ii qE ff crqr fu vs agt qt={rq6 5q t erq crdt ar qrq $ oq qqr fo-qr rrql tt d+q q-rr"r i fi {s IliF'r{ or qrfuo o,qtI{ frfus-d sql T€f or fr+io ,oi''.roo, oi scr fttqr rml gs fuqrm {s 6nur ftqiE d sIETn w n-re entft-o qro a}saq gr< d ernm w o-t Page 5 of 38 -6q+d trtr{lr qff{ fi.-a4r*m/ 10(+.)/06-07 16{,r fr.45/{tm/ l0 (Ai+c) /06-07 .a+d rd{Er F.-89/fraq&/09 (lifrq) /04-05 r6{Er F.-47?/*ac&/08 (ni*q) /03-04 rc+d rs{!r F.-478ltm/08 (Hq) /03-04 qti 3Tffi i 3ntfud fuq 311* {q qrq o) qqr c o-qi d orqq:nfu 3rrtfud d ftrsd gfu 3rfi-frq Bcrgffi d am d .r$r t+ri-{6 qrq o,) 3tffiq scrgffi A Errr qlrrkr fd;qr irqr r qRunrssq orffiq sqTgff s+d sqer rqo fuv d-*q s-6'$rr .,r$ 3rff'f, 3rqrq fuqr dqr qifiq ffirq n 3rq-d 3riRr6 tq 01 ffion orftR.F qirT d sTrqn w 3rR)fud i i * dt A / v,dr ao <i€ d sca rsg( sflsrit or cfi t, s{ zoos-o4 d s-sB d ft\ nrgo effi-a Hr d H t gc ar$q 6 3ffifu frq-€ dqr + f{o'q dr qifi'q f*oq d sq qrq oti o\ 3rMr6 a+ ergfuc qmi A frE qr erqfu d .r$ 3flErq o-cio 2 q 3 qsFr anqn d d 3rrjsiFr6 srrclR t ftr+q qrfu6 ffif d q d r qmi dQn va smiio-o qr+fiq octdfi qrqmq d F{q dr oTfr'dpfr d q-6{ur i dqq +n qnr rr+r Sg qErR irrrio 4 gi s i frl-< apn fri-e n q'gffi qfrirr qlR+a qq t-e cfiq, q-€i frc qri d f*g w ervfu fr ,r$ i aqr cilsR 6cio o q z d ciftq siftffqq o1 um zo(+)(q) a um zo(+)@ d o-ra qrq s {nfu d 3rrtTc'r d fcg w ervfu d r{ r S:frq s-6{sr i \.6qr, oilqfu T$ fr .r{ aq iF-6I rrql fu ffiq {iqqflrt o) crfrq riq{6n di {iq q qrq 6qqr rqd fu\ w qrfq-ir ffiif d qRieq d ergfoc c+r slisrF-6 t q qr+ftq octd6'va qrqreq oT vfftfu-d F{q sr-d s-6-r'r t ts/ tt drr( TS 6]dr t fi zou-os d c-6r"r n rqo offi-o { Voqa aa omfu A-{ orq-d enqrit d cE{q TS fr.r{ fu w q-qB q Sn< ffiqr d eiorffiq fr'oq dr ut cifiq f{6-q qrq fu-q rqr t T6 ergfuc nw sr+nF-+, t tt q{ zooo-oz d q-{E d ftc drg A qqer ytfiq r6-{ur { v6{re srMR qA fuqrrqr fu oc Fqk6 3iffi d snr fu-s sid-il-\,0-q ft-o.q ai cifl-q h-€q + sq i qrq fuqr.rqr aen M gfu Grfftrq Bcrgffi i of as ergfuo tr ffi fr ,r{ s{ zooo-oz 6 ffiq c-qrqor d fr v.Ern;r srrrm ciffq rflq d lrqn fr fuqr "rqrl q€ 3ficfu ift.r{ fr oc Mr6 3rffi i fus simffiq fu6'q ot qenii n q-S eficfu r Page 6 of 38 -r7 ; ,**H}ffi1,{fi1#11 ##'f;1?ffi13?iHlll;::; (+-*q) ?c+d !rd6{q cifrq fu6q qrafr gq 6{1i$,r fr-ql oiilil-\,fi-q isq{6n t I t qE er5fuo 6.478/frm/08 /03-M tt s{d ERI ftwfud dq{6ri ge ron a{ zoog-ol d rorq i oirtffiq fiarrdn qFil qrqr, qrqri qt fu afs frqI qFII iPtr qro er{iftfr fuc qri + fr-€ w ervfrerai d T { n*Tr c-ri,if n \roqr, 3fiqfu ffid ri4-i-611 A 3iilii-\''fi-q sis 3r-qErdi fu6q d riq{6R q qmi d f*g w d r$t t rol t d Bcfurd f{6rt sfi-Ed cfthft 6 gnr ffKR crs orftanff o1 fri <tfoitdrq ft-+-q ol .r$r sc-d sRT cgs fus ftrsd nEd or sifrq f{6q qrq fuqr t, A d-dq tt B-qo sr il61, dprit, qredt \ti orto qrq qel e-qd fo-q1 rr+I l n".dt gq{qft c d Etffr\ Eerdt d rorcr 3rc{r dqzrrf,ro RQ]ft of gr' oFio c-fi fuqr qr c-6r B t i Mrr olffi i t d :r;d@ ersfu d fdc H drg of qq-dPfr $ Enr 1,77.000 qq ffic{ s. qq i-qr qr<I eIT I {r 706.40 / - cft fficr d f6srs t FoR Ex-wo*s d eatm dm-r d td sri d {i,fET d H d snr 3lftf,reff t ot-Sqt{ ftqT rrqr Qnl qtg d trcei 3rgiiq o1 ufr u-qa el .r{ t qfi-apfr A ftdlq stftE( fr.c. d gm {s s-Jqrr ol ugu otrsoroit d eltc qrt oIrEE ori Eq qffi fu'qr.rqr ft qsfr sfidpfr d am ftc,rs €,q+enf 6 3iild-ds sw d SE EIfr tt w ergdtT a rqrq h-g do. cg-qri d ftc o1 otrsor z.a d ergnn FrrI"T fuc ,rq # dr Xe' fuiiR-a fu-qr rrqr er vsq qR-{6q qq Yflft-d Qn dQn q*I cR-{fi qq t ff d a-.arq fr€ no' c'gsrn npn t rq,zrq il dt€ 6-{i d6 6r qq Ynfuf, ent 3rgiiq o1 oF-sfir s.r d ergsn w ne dfra7rifto f*oq o-q <pn t-go rfl{r{q c-s tRr \.€ d rro a.ri sre q{E A sIRR-fr wt ergdu ol <t ig +sqr q=it of td Afl.r ofrs-or g.z d ergwn ft-oq oc + rtiFc ffi d am c-{rq frqr qnr en t oEsor z.or d eqsn dqri fuc rrc ff 6r ftfisq H fur+rq d am iTfrl Eqfu d enr sr0-flpft A qfrsi q fuur qrqr qTl o\ td ftr*7t* n-o qfarc d ldc oF-gor z.r d rrgrn A-rd ts-€f # d qrcr en ffi ridq i t{fre{"r Jrr q q-I IITqI ot fts'K eI cen otrgot z.t t E rs qren ff ,n fu qFs fttS ron or iqtq 3-oli d fuft dfrY,T d +ir{ fi'ffio E\ d ce oifet or srfuff frnr otrsor 7.8 ilsr 7.e d ei-gun gs.fr.fr. i/ Page 7 of 38 -8- -' Jlfd . c.6rrr qi._44lfrAq+/10(+z)/06-07 4+d 16{!r E.45/sB!d/ l0 (+*c) /06-07 q+d n6{q F.-89nfr4(r$/09 (lifrc) /04-05 ##,X,1lJffii,1i,Sl,3:# H t d qq nRt Ern tr$rn ffgrfi dslr {sd ftq o.+s cfrcrd qrs fd-d-f,r a,'r sft{ 6 or\'fi I g+ot ftOeq rrqzl-{rrq w foqr qrgq qc ltfterq d-{d d gw otfutiorcii d artr Mfi-d dr.n orn qs ftQeror d qrr or trtttl:t thrFr otrn r otrsor ro.r d ergirn ffidr o"r fr{n apn dTrdq d srqtffi i-o. (qc) srarsr s+d gm clfud CfrlT did{ .qfu d anr fuqr qrgrnt oEgot ro.z d ergwn ftfl ftifr ae d orfaer ot -*tr{d q{ swrel 6{ri di,t stt ETdgG tr-m q-d-6 $frc-i d frc +it snset td 'S trm qr sle q{ Tdi qrd srr{ d mqq rr€ d qrqr qv.n t fu-g oFfqs{ oi tre EdTdr d,ff fo ce wri d qq w *ifuo em tS *tis{ qrq'fi 6t q+en o,trr frp.fl srh-s dr sd-.n r c-srro.-di S<R der-dTEf-o qro d dBq E. or ftfts"r i d € € € 1 @ee t friiq dH d onq qR dTfur n tqtq e.rcr t crq fuqI qr sd"n qKrn | (oF-s6l m+r d d ss6r T.riIFr 6 s{d M. i-s'i. 3IrR 01 H fd\ qri qrd # qfu t t g.rad d fd{ tt fr€ dd-<n o'snt qr ss-d gm crft-d rqpr q-it fr q-q fs-+t 10.3) te 6* i ds 6r ti d qrqro ft-6q A-q-6 cfiepfr S ERr qrg rrc I q6 A-sfi orgsq d {rd. qqralT d qrfl N .rq l*w d c,al d srnm qt c), q-{c rrc nqr V+ we ifatffiq riq-r6n oi 1s,/ tS frt-€ ff dr fr'qi"T q'if oeTr srci urupqr q=if n oimt$q 6pn errftq ft-6q riqf,gnf of ciftq Frqq d sc Ecrtqr rrqr I *€ d sqs si-d 3i1 96 .ronr qa-o +1 cft rqo effi-q nvr dild-Sq ft-6?it qmt dr gro-jero <vfw fin nsn ftrqrf gero' n qqrtcr q ft-o-q Tg rrat rrq gqrd q{ gfir{-q q{a trRr, e qldcrd crRr den <v gorq'Tq srFrfuo oq vs c{ o.r5 clfird <r tq e&qn vfu of ger6 s{tar arqr t t d.r{ ffi d d d d t ft\ * fi d tgd t a * ti .,rflt6q {iqq6ni a SdEr i s{ w 9-6r{.rg t-qa tffifq Eqfi d nft nw + cfrcrd d <t i tq d+q ft-6-q or o1 nfu o].t ero t <efqrrqtr qqfr $rwo ffiq war66R de-rr ge ffi cksc H qq-dgi d crc t qrfi fuc ,rc d fu-g i Erftc v{d nrc t qrfi fuC Tq dtfu ,J.rdH 6€ d frI rS gsq orfuorft i t qa fi-e-o drE r a frc urft ccrur qa d enqn cr {irg rrg d t gq q{ cfr Ewrerr qRs ft0ro (ftfr'd) qkqq H qto aen wr+o fttiro 5.frftw qFqq H .icrd d sm fuc ,rc tt q{fr cFilqi fr +g d vau rqa Page 8 of 38 " "**Hh5ffil#113:i; #ffi-J;l?ffiiHl#li8iii (ldc) 4t-d r6flr s.478/tAq+/08 /01-04 fr qqr d s<m ta <{tq Tqr i sqs d }qo uo;i # t' {6iit {rer - o\ s{fqr rrqr }1 arrft frtuc crs n o-qri+ a * tl #-"qn* qtg r*r.o ; ;^,; rrqr tu riret q-6 qrc{ ferft d * Ec dldtd di ;;'-*r{* 19 s<orIa H dr qra qri g6ft+t qrd qra eRE apn grffifr tqi ol -,i"r; .r{ ftffid ei-d-dYoi t se tYtn t h qe G-a s-m.ff;; qrq qts ol qra ffi qrdT ; t qefu H r$iii n sRE frtrero Tqr Bt 3lfuIidr dr qra cri qrar c{tqr il ; "dft. t-€q d qRE qo-S apn +"rcr 3nfr € d qrqerr< i t s{r6{sr€Fq qE i-fct :nerts, q-qrft slqk ns'r cqIoT q-l ckqq € d enr 5,ren o-qi A {4 €lfi fr.6fr' qqc'i{r $q fr {€i wfid f6\ qri B fti-{fi q-t ee etor t b *ruE-a rqq wq of qffiro E{ tt fuc Tc t ftrn-6 1e,/ ffiq f{6-q 61 3{Eftqq o1 sRT s d t f{r€id sFi-d gs qm t apn ergor n ffi irE in ir-q ur !o1 drcrit ;"; ot ""-1d" t se i fo cro cri qd *tr Td tsi sre A fiqqra{dder5<u a urAi iq-o q ?df6 q t Elft gfu ".* d nPzr {sft\ ctFqul {s *nu-- tr {s fu fr.OS' q qq <wrM d rgtrn ifffr dd it r-s o.q t 3l-q'rd € t qrq t qst rre i foqr qr ra t aer qa 3ffiier + dcd \'6 ;; ; q o cftsrd d <{ t dffiq fi+oq oq r{d ftqr H; "n-*.o -€,i "ri **d ors"r A sm s€ ddtq f{6q o-t il d"-ld" fu6s di S Tq H fflnrr rrcl qqc-i$ i d qra a 3r<.fu Mftd foq HEq g. qrfr fuc qro-q fu+qq qdl' d qpr fo-ar a-qil at q* srgwr "OA* t Gtnc ciftq # "*.o 6q1fo'arrrqrn"rTtifiqq-Erqd-3iilrffiqelsqc{+cftsrdotqrtf{6-q qqt # tr * tq-dT <qtg,r{ oen ilE5wR fffiq qS d *H ffin.,T T qqri ft-qr ctsr*T n 6{ ftfu6 sIFroTt i $I sIIEIR **'ft' *ro d ffi $ qr6{ T€t i-or' ca qr+ fr t I d npn elq-flPfr i sri qra ol qwtriYr qr fr+€ n gs fo-or tr s€ti qa 'ff qr+ fu qt-d H €cri gsfuc i d-qs-6R {elr+q ft-oq A "*"* arTEc-d t-d fqflar i d fuqr B A* -r"*"tr q-{dg{ ftrd 3rffi d rrqren Br s€li cfi 3IIqR rrg frqI fu A-sr tA d .*-.=,fu dgrT t rt { I r) Page 9 of 38 . -10- . d-*,-Tffiffi-l,l*';lf:; ##J;-,ffii*g]ffif; F.-4?8/tm/08 (adc) i03-04 .cftf, !6{!r -irq q-{ .q"irqT rrqr ern qr+fiq ocie.o ts-a {IFIItFI oI Frotq (zooz) 126 Vrr&s qo: rfqetrq 3iilttcfiq €q{6n {6f t I lt i ;;; ntu *d ,-t* -Xd" t 6-q Mrr 3{ffi A anin d Sfu oq 2ol slq-frq scrgffi i $I effir{ q1q€ t' € € €rn qq "it lo cqqtr dqt-s ffi ;fu; a* N'dqd di q{ ot cra ffi srd d sq { {dqeq ftfua A,.ror t a o{frg H {fr< crq 3ifu-d fu-qr rqr I d oi 3iililffiq q qmi qrqE q6 3flcm fi fd-ql fr Tc d q{-{rd 3rfi-mnff 6 arqr dre fuc dcd fd anq qT rfi A grr i{frcm qfrt c-Erq d 'r{ r rs !r6R siinldq tr eerq erfirort d am st "-d "* .** t -tC qqsii or rrryq fi Tfi Egr I {s cRies d q< arq ermftG-e w s€ti {< ffii i dt d 1rd d srgsR B-fi 21l sTq-drrff d f{flq qFdfrE or qe a-d air fu srgqq n-q frq11 qid iJa.A q srfiorefr i ra ergau d srd + srgw{ qrd d dI d 3IFed'Rfrft 1 ; H;* ql q-6qi d qrs-ss6r gq' f{teT"I H q'rnr i6qrrql) 1t-6 slws it Td fo-qr q sS d qrqrd ssrqr ott * (€'et vtq fu6q t d 3rgdq A ffi-d 5en t' rt errtrq ftt# * t g* <ria-tffiq ftr6-q qrqffiq 1'd er< wa qTqrdzif d oA * * oiot r ro fa-5 w qr+fio rqta qra $ cn qrq t (si trq J# ft,lu sts< € ila qe cd entrd frFi t fusrgds Q tt Wi-c' EI ; #-4" erl i XO 3l-iiiq Ef{r ener+6 tt{6 arql clr qs n:a inn H d am S-w{ t fu € i + ch"rd # <r t oq aqa ft-qr tlnr qr<r srBq- fu qld dt ftffi H ffl{rT i qtd TCt "nfi fuC qc 22l eTfi-f,reff d f{sn qfrfrE i ild A +rri fuqdr + k€ cl fi we m* m +* $fifleff d c-fl'I t fr t-fi ftf<-oiff turfr Bfi-d E-$ t tu sr-d or rfqagr o-G ffii 6t *errftq ft-6q qn frqr rqr I ilr6q I w ron ciaitdq'de-rtTi ; ,*ri" d erq rsrqrdfult + e-oivilqprn N €-qq-6lit of a 3r5-dq fuc BI H i vo ff ron d u-oq-oatsit d a * n-* tr ff gs Sdq t B€ti 3nqs{6 ccl"r fi qt€ d ffie c-qf, fr{ t PaBe 10 of 38 - 11- "*H*l^1SHl#',1#:3; #"#J#ffiir,[ffim; (Hq) :f,+€ rdrEr F.-478lfr.1]q4/08 /03-04 zga afi.31 \.tt Ak6d fafu-s G-{n€ vSHr {rq (zooe) rc ffi qm ftqr fu gs Fr"fu n qrfiq s'ita $€m) A Frofu or fr<rf td 5s a€fi .qrqrdq t oq sni{r o} sffi qr+ t aqr er;q }rqruif of r.h cmif4-o' otn frqI tr gs trfr"r d +if A qrFtqt {s apa Q 3l-flrf, eff ft fuC rI! €q{6R oif,iidq rias-gn € oen s+S gNI dffiq ft-oq o-r 61 5ftTn fqqrrqr t rs-S * se t fu aq.it 6'r rwr d ffi t offi <-o Eon ce fi.s{r{.w. d dRI ftq rrq Gni:r d qRqrfiTsc gen t offi or srfiereff d fler dr{ gerr t 3t-figT {€t erTt {s qotoT q 6ffi i {e-c qrt fuc e} d 3lq-flPff A oqTfi-€ qf€ oi sTfi Ec e) epn t ss erri{r d er-goa d qifi gc e} ftrt fr.qr{.\'d i tflI o) qgsm den {fl snt qrd oqrft€ q+€ 6'r "torrqr ffiti Sdfud offi zt/ qo.R oI €-a[.rER daiffiq s-qfr 6l cnr rrqr t oiffifrq S.rS fq-S. frfr& f{s-d afr-crcrs rrq (rgsg) eo Ts&S t n EiA (\116) d dsq qE e) fu 3lfi-drPtr i srqi orqfilq otqqq( npn ffi aen gtrd frfierdt i dd ii dn Ec 'ri 6I ftfiqqr frqr cedl vsd ffi i-e fi erfr-dpff ftt 6*q d d-t-d t fi flq d den Es tg crsq zo d ffi qr0 fuqr fuqt wE ger fo erfiarefr E{, fdd-dr aqr dor tt ft-oq o-s fu{r'r d erffiii i qrcl fu it$ .ri or ftoq dfid-flS qrq d fr Een t nw v€ti gs q{ @-q or ffio qt{ frqr qqfu'elq'f,Iefr 6r {rE ireri ur 6 q fie-+t-n 24,/ i. naqidq'ifqqan trgfl rFDqoI n qrq.+q s-{tq qrqrdq i qm ft tt e-q drg-6l t rrql qq o-G 41 Gin'ififrq oq Bt orfi-errrff of dqq-di cpn ffi srjqfr A d ,n nrfu i rq ri or cR-{6{ A-l-d furd orqff $'e-ft d o-t wdt rs-d qR'nrssq frr-qr+ d H{r dft-m{rg t d{d {-I e qrqr rql I {s eiFR o.q q cft{6r *it qo ff fiq{6n A 3i,r t dpr 5d gero r€t fuqr ur {FFdr dr6 de{ o,r ern aBo+g i qI, qI ft dra it qe ff "l}ur t fu o-qlfto-q eirssffi T€t an fr crJqq t we sc * qre d rrr{ 6I Bdts 61 q5 rofw t qfr qro or rrqq ft-6q ti fi frFs drt I 4 t.. , t {; 2s/ Ae sfi.F sSfi frE< d.A. vrr< c.s fr-ff (zooz) rr vs& I @) tf qa fq'qid cftrqrkd fuqr lrqr t fr rre snqs{6 Tfi t fu frffi ergiu i we ut Page 11of38 -"- . "d"*,-Tffi#fr-lf i[1; #"#J;;?ffiiffi[ffi]fi:u q+d F.478lfrm/08 (in*c) !-6{q r<{iR-a d}* w qra d erflldq fuos +it 6 \.6 Wf t ri-{d f{ rrqq 6r sdq'dt /03-04 crd 6I amq dqr irHiDI ilEql fl srlgcd 5qS (zoro) ss 6$r-& eog 6 n. d.m. +.d Ew frEq f{6q ftotq ail €sli td gq qff fu-qr.rqr fd A-dBii ti{kd rE3il erq-q qHEe or $srE gEo ftqr.r qrfr ftqr I {r riq-qErct d ridq ddBit 6 gr{r srqr fi-sT{ Eilsvn qz fi Bdr 6} qr0 fuc .rq qr qmfiq tsEI qrrllcr{r crql fu t'qTfi 6 A'q d ous q <<ri-q rqd fuq rrq ssd cRnH q qfa 6t rmi ft-o!' d 3r:qtT 6 rra ger t t i t ffiq t i # 26l i. dr+r c-s qfi frfr's ffF< fa-oq o-s engm +arivr (zooa) ra vs& ao+ ii qmfiq ts=tr qrqrds d arq 16 Q[sqrR-d fu'qr qq t fu ftffi fi rie-{6n 6t dilitffiq €q{6R qmi d ftc s} lrd d *idq tl €gfr d unt onqs{o t car.rf,, {Fgot,f or fuoq nen {ssl ff6q S sfiSiq d a-ra cEslt or go trq t qet tw i rmi I Tqcif or trq d srfi cffiff, fr-ut qral \'6 Erfr-d B fu'€-6r ffiE qri ffi-dr oi qr d-ar qs cRfurftr of gfrfr=qd o-{i + ftc rils sT 3rnetr qtq slrqc{Fr'q-€t €t qRRft-qq qrq d einrn qr fr6fi{ q soer tl 27,/ i. gF-dcr EdEf6 trqft frFq M G-orar oqRfqd tfi effu-wt tszo (sa) q{r&S 47s (vs$) d ffrx 6l {qS tt gc q6 q< ftqI rqr fo {{ Frotq i crrffq sd-a qrqraq i q5 qm fuqr t fd frqfqo nlq q-6 t fu oE - go rr$q * {st rrq i qq{ q-Jeq d il6d geir t enro rfi slh q6 orgrier rsel qr eu-@er !fi d voor tt i. qndlrri ft-f€ ft'€q fl qrg-ffi rszo (zs) vsffi oo gc rE qm fu'qrrqr fu ss Imisr fr trr{ d $q-S) d Frfu or ii<r{ Ern v6 rrer * qst rrq qro a r{q fuqT rrql Qrr iTsrT n-qgwn E tra ol cr flflfR-d of ,r$ ere' n *i@-tr6tr siilffiq ft-oq d *iqror € zs,z 65q5q qr{Ffu tt t t r 2el i. eq ffi vq ft-s-d ts-$fi Ec trqr qsd ard o) E{i d vrsu-f,w-{ fu-qr rrqr fu qs rrtor {i<{ td i rw roq H vsffi (reaz) sr d nudf d lnqn d etffitii d $o d ftofq 6'r <qft gq 116 Errfi am or<rar t dq-d Page 12 of 38 - 13 q{-d r6ror r'-44lfta*1/r0(fu)/06-07 q{-d rr{!I a-45l+m/r0 (Hc) /06-07 ##fil?ffi,Hiffi1ffi.ll 4ft rr{!l6.478r&m/08 (Hc) /03-04 sit€ -rq+gt aQn s$€r d feoq or 3rBFqq A 3rfffu fuqr rqr a** ot dqr $ sqrq 6-ri tu +it a +, frqrrr a ffiT frqiRd crq 6 qr6r frft< cnll'ii qr u* Tst d tc.i faqr{r qifrq t d rw ry'-$ ta do."; H H-; i -e* i N ti ffii fil ;'r-d-; rgun i-ox otqrqrdq a enr {r fq-{6nt 61 rfaqfifrq fr6-q #;;; m-g *#" sqta d 6q ii qm "rqr ovrgm ft-on.or (zoog) zz ffi 3ol t. d.fr.3nr.oi{f$r dBqr f{$-q qrqroq i sE cnr t f6 q-s rrewf q-fi t sa o-cidfi t orraq a r*i" .ri n"a qe t tudI f{6'4 $n ssd ; cqoii; frd"t ari t'r{r Frqlq-6 qtaq t frffi ra.ft id aff 16, ffi ,r* uE t 6r rrrq \ro {rq t {qt 3rf;iq a qi-g*Fr- (incidental) di a {dR $Ir {6 d rr* * # friitr; qFtr rml I fiq+er* rfmiffiq d-q{6n gr,/ nfi-m{rg rrq ffs< m tcr fi-ffi ftft}e ffi 1el (zoos) 23 tqr qrqr en G'€ a-dl a d FPtq fr{$ d t a-{d ; ;n,+;H "q.t; dff-r{s gsq cR-{tr fu'qt rrq apn :r+sn vd lirqrorrt- tsr rrqr qti- sc a-qeit or qrqrcrq oftccrg i qqr sa t-qrlqTlqlq4q a-l-d d * Hi't*" ftQrer d-dT A t ga ulv* f ft6q ig rfi M T{ sfitA-{d R*-l=t"s.lt # q q-Eq 3t-S{q d "qw 6 v+ i-6T rrql ttclr sfiFI E6q-qffi g3IT I srKtr ft{qr ;t'o *l. t <ot *rc o\ M T$r t €6rrf6R 3iild-utrq {iq{6n 6 tl +€r M (rssz) e7 Tsffi soz or frst{ ti Eq ft*,Tqr tu qmffq sssr sa qrqroq i Ie * tu uR aqeii ol ;; A 6Rql"n f A'r€ fu-d e-(rq-d'-df s IrE6t d ffi frrft frftiq d rro !dqFm t T6i scturd en d s{rt ;" dr;.5tt ;r qfr ot{ ts qqer t tvqsort tA {iqsaR ffiq **-* A r--ld" Eli A ft'5 oi{ d rS tiq-r6n ff e-ri qrtdt s2/ de ds ts-Ssr ft-s-d vsffi -zsz 6T frs'i ti Ec qE w +t ftqe arn cftic{ sr fr{a{rrr 6-rfu6 qm fo'qr rrqr fd qn E* "*" qiri fu w ft-oq *Qrrftq ft-6-q en| slcq t fuqr Tm, qe rS 66I sr $/ q"nt .z6 rq fos'q {.S.t. E-s (zooo) s Page 13 of 38 - 14 4t-dxsror s'44ld:aq{/10(t€)/06-07 a+d !.6{Er 6.45Iffm/10 (Ai*q) /06-07 q{-d r€{vr F.-89/fri(&/09 (lifrc) i M-05 "H#J"1Jffi,iT,sllrx gsffi 3ol A utrrur q qTTffq ,, z i srr* 416 f+s< fr.0.et (rsgs) oo qra t-nrqrE a qffqd 6rqi-nq t m # m* ;;-;ftqu, #*';il qffid rrm qr'r{ rgriu t m ee t * d6d A 3fiqq Efil S qrEc nsn snd "'itqT a.*i""^q" *ti"t ftc'rc 6rir H ; H'"* ;; qrqr i 6q fu{6.3rB6rt oT zre frd"t .l* d'qrrr d g qrEc I ss cRies fud""i qqn q< sFrd 5 6r{kc {q-{6R 3iilitdrq u-qFt d €t 35,/ i. qft{i ds iRqr f{6-d d'fr' dsdr co-s 6efr (e78) eg (sffi +sz ffia fuqr rrrr fr d qq! ftffd tt ffi cq( tuurrqi-t t tun *a 5*mt at t "* J n+* ",t* alrfr t foqi 'rqrr 5wrea d -em fua id 'tc a'r ft "{ ; "--o.{1ds-{rq d fuqI rml <-q qRR{fr{it-n A-f frT oq 3lEfrqq {ffiit 6T 1@ d ro-qq t qrtrq sd@ qrqraq S em re #".O a"**f, rc rqeit or ft-6-q ffiq ft6q st-{rqr< t ger wtr 'qrvrrTl so7 t. riarra 6rq E"s. frca o-+ro qq gst or €s'.{ c*a$ 1^. crd d ft{sit d 3r{st1 crs'r$t gq (zooz) # * * ** m* Tqr fu qqv ffi m 'ii o-"*to" fo-oq t' T6 npa frafr nwq 6,t #r:;;";";# -',." T€t tt FffiT-mi 37l I r0 z ( \ d frq 3Tfrf,rrff 3{14gq6 d fudrc affi-Ef, cfdf{E A gRr crc-ftq qrqra-q d-am frq rrq r&T-dq va qrqrmq qP{trtcl or *ie{ ti Ec nfr'rydt ; r"4, "dS'fi Yn6 o.a om* q !fi fufr qe d T{t s€fi €c ms s-grqr ft-6di or<ror i gs m a* i6*^F:".* * q" 6"t-l or sdsorrGqq-qqfi $-e'fr n ffg FBi"r + fr\ fu-qr erl fi fuirrr'sgtqT t tqnar *r s.ssr d cc f*.{FI lfiq i vo dfti-e ; s*t Gr +* n s-qturd w+fiu t qtrdq drnf, d cR'{6{ fu vrt6r tuurt cH-; *J oqeBlen rqq tu6q d ;; H i qrcr fr d'{d{ 5d-{r cql< * fd Tqdt or Trq {6dT'l cwil * 3flgsrFrr ssd ersrsr go B ffirI^Eo'trerrqr{r6'rfi t fu ageit w dfu-< i s€dI;Irdwo *o, t';G", h.-*a * ot*u qrdqn o-G srfir fu6q 6 66u n rrqq d eieqffiq srJqtrd $ faq *** fil Pase 14or38 -15- . 4+d 16{!r s.44l*Ad/10(+)/06-0? F.45/Sm/ 10 (+-+c) /06-07 .rQ-d Etr{lr #"#J;;?ffiiffi[ffi]i3i:3; 4frf, 16{!r rF.-478l&8(i/08 (++c) /03'M f{s-d €e 3fi8 qqtri{r (zoro) rz \'*r& ass $ rrro{ { qmffq s@ qElrrq qwtrigr i c-rrT d ndf d c-6T{r t qe Froto fuqr fu T6 trq{6n reTrfiq f{6q 6r €-aFrER erl c fo 3iilrffiq fcoq or tdifu {qeit ol ciyr d qrfl -l1 6 gdu n 6H fufr a-€t frr ag 6 rrqq d qiEiq t oi{ rflm qT 3{q-ew :rd rS Qfi ERq itgtr qRunq A ffa diiq {gf-d: srgcf*Lr efi itelr qE trd we S fo qrFrfuo 6rlfu 6r SrrdTq cqriPl tt foq qrrrn dsfi q.E 6q qrq r€t fuqr qr\"n f6 ir-{r {dq 6r Td 61 3irr d.n r ft-{r tnt d 5166 d qE g*, pifue vm Esfrc qrfi frqr ?m fr cquit or erq c-tn qr{ 6} rrd fu-d gsd orqrr fuo-q d €e-q-6rt d w ti eqoil d ir€ qrt sI 3IrJsiFr6 +€l qnr sr s5-611 qqdt 6l rr+rt q) ft-6s 6 fac gen a.t en-i orq i etia en nen E6 TS o-6I sI {tircl fu T*Wit qtI rrr{ tlcll ffos Wtil c6 (st t {i{d ss,/ i. qq.cq. i€d i y* elt qrrftq sqla qrqrdq d vo tt F"tq of fi s;rd Enr a-54 fo-+r 'ror v} errfr src-orRrd Br (roqrftR tso ge ofi'fd CEs frRe-dfr ft-s-d fr.fr.0. fuE'd t 3Tfid o'qi-o 242't,/2006 frqi6 oz.oa.zooz) $I FD{q d 3rq-drefr d am ffi d-fi d il+,-S sfrO 'r$ ei den ssd crsrd {c Tqdf 6,I rTqq 3rfrdlpff at smcritt furn Eo.ri d gent w rr({ d d"6-q f,fr-rilS t sctcisT 3lfiffifr d sii ol {6Ti n Frqfur tg cffid d T$r gc r*gsil 6r ft-6q f6,q qri 6T s{i:q rdl err I gfl gtrlut n qm{q BEf qrqrtrs i qe ersqrR-d ft-qr an fu 3el d eflqR {fu nff-d-{rg i ffi A qnqq t Wt gur t era: qra {s npaqe f+o-q c{ fo crd dfr-r{S * B-ffiricr rrur, rra TIFFII sFdd rS t fa f4-oq ffiq i ffic d frqr f6 I erfi-a c-6-{ur it qrc-frq sqtq qrqrmq rl-e Qn aPn Frqd S n-ro rqott ot Tt33ri 6r rrrr 3rjiiq qtr etFrqd ei.r rrrFr E3rT, T6 3rjqtr \'o, Eda \+dre6R en <p.n v€ r:iatffiq fiq{6R ;rdt s-dr gT fu6-q s6frt QTr {fi I gfiffir E"Gdq ft-s-d +c zsz or ried ti gq qfi fr'qrrqr fu w ofim qr*rri{r (zor) ss ffi rosq i i. sqr gerirr+a ffi. i w ftfut d nrq clfu'6 tge o-r<rar o1 N q f6 n slrqtrayr t srd gm Mft-d 3nrn s crar d Tq3fi of tiiti qr{ffq aol qr+ftq wqta qrqr*q d am i. t-cqrflq Page 15 of 38 -16- .*ffixiffillHiitr3i ##f;;?ffi,Hiffifir (t*c) s.478/frmi 08 a+d 16{[I /03-04 t (sf o* J i r* u* dr ree r€t frqr fu (q {6 n* rrrq qi qr+ dr qrqrd-q i crewt d@!-qm d ql-fr" €-qta ;;;Rd Ei' erFrerd n-a vt qqta qrqrdq fr+-q A 3{+q d c-ee en npn sit f+oq 61 \'5 t q-orsr d n?a etfianff S fd-dn qft-Ea efrfqfu 6T o-r<r t fu 3rqrflpfr A isS aqr qr+fiq qrqffiq qtqricr d am frg .rq Frotq t' d cnr lqc 'rq FPlq te-a$FrR A rywqriA tpdf ttfuq u+. a ridq fuftqi n3rJEtI rt 3iilifffiq sq qra d N .,q-.ff ti, qe fi clsslh-d qr fu sft a t'tq d ergcil4ff,r qI tiq-66q J a W n"m qra ss-o qfufirr d m{q Q tqr KSrn ffi t€ nen qri 5c t erfi-apff srA {*; ; A +* **u F{ri ,r{ €-s't qre qtffiisl fu{Fi qrftd qrt gq r6n rqgit iFI 6<n<r'I td o\ C a ortr qeeWt a'a q tt{.1 t dr t +t gurr 3rff-dTefr A c-6q'I t s{i d drq qqc vo qe Etr: 1rq€ d qrcr t fu qqrdpfr apn f+.c ri;rn g{ aen Tr< d {der it se q5<u QIrlqr+q sd-a s{d 3ladt fq"fu +d ro-q"r drl eti a:n sRifq]q 6c gm dt o-.* a *rif q qRfuiftrdt d rorcr rro fuq d qrcr fa s+d +r 7 w'f ".ff";***" ; r"* ** * t **n" i ; # * H ;; #q:; ffi (gt.*,fr.fr" dq{6ri fuq.rc t tl t H t M H t i i t t 3iiltfrq rqfr 6 tt t Hi t fr'ri fu olfi-drefr + {iqq-fl ftqlfrer d'n ;:'*;; fr,t=-ft ferft fu d rS tr vo d6 u-onsqn u-on t td dct am ; *"*td A ffq G"t< d fufr ir feqr{rsrA e-{sr{d d r6-{'it i d or fo6s 6-{i 3iilifds iF{ t=rol F"1,, of siilrffiq riqaen fi qr+ qrff f6\ rlc i s+i tS ffi n t* A .* t, "tt" *.d sM i. *ffi sdFr cr{. ftfr trr+rd d s{ zoog-o+ ol q-qfuT$ qr*it d orqrclfrqi ff rga d d-;; rior-o. a or-qtu a ftcq5qrtud qrwrfi H dqi or Frqfur iE{ vsirr m"q qo d"{ fo' Sfu Etff t fr fuo,q nRr d fr-qr{ s S' ** ta ft',{FT o.\h t npn vrd gs ciFR dftqr Tqr Bt s{ zoo+-os d *S t *tru B qr a cfrerd d <{ fr o{rQcsr azl 3rqE *-* erfl-f,reff d fd-flc arfuEd ctdRfu A Ertr {6 fi 3nck A ftN sgrq-fi 3lrgffi {erq$ A em i' rtldil-€r Ms cL fuft' srd 'S d t "rnu elrAYr d cftfdR fi rqo d T{ ftrst .t {fr trq o1 sfu Ci Page 16 of 38 -t7- " *ffih1ffil#]ffi8; *m;;;;ffilr'iffifi.8; n.lztrffffilo8 (Adc) o ffi tsTd gnr #qr ;i; d € dw 6r fu6q td f4Trr /03-M rcr"r o\ A rnr{ qe A f{s-q s,d ta a{r'T EilqslT qrqrrqr ttsc r"{d" r"* a'* 6 snr qffflPfr t foqr rrqrt t ; a- "{i *"o a ,-5lo tuc € +n tu fu-qr ir'r * -ftfiq a* 3ltrEd frdri A erfi-arefr id am T agl Frq'{ w i q\ Frltd nEfi qrqrot f< qiAq qrqrdq n"lT qtTfi-q sqta t6 "i 6 qtlu ti frq arq ffi d e-6TYr gri fr"* i * ** sqrq c-Eft a ffi d.rorcr t m a,I *d-Tfr cu onronotr *it. a r*"r ;#;q.d; 3lfi'flpfr A am H f*qFr t tuc te-am t;r t *or s. a *e" tum # rrq i oer s+ ; t; ;d" *A* "On* 3rEBqq d 3{-<frfd d +q{6n d 3rf,'fd tuc qnr qr ttttil Ec {iqf,gri {S um s(r) I argdqdi d fuft frqql{ tl aa,z srfiareff A e-6{q t Tqeil A-.TT{ A $ gnr d{6{ \r6'ql-e Eq sftrn qt $ Aqrq H a .rq-dr'ff n ;"."=R d {iqqqrt Tc tu riqntn t.d fiecers tut ce A ddq n d qrqq ,fi on-mo Atqr rrur t aer fi@-{6rq] qTdI qro ffi srd d w d ar{rePfr qtl qrq ner T{ q-dr{ ssi i ; +*.€= A qr6i tt ir6 eIFI 3ifu-d t d trelr ol; Aqrr H i sq + cTi sra '-e!I sroq qqr foqt fu-ar a-qa ot qs ffoq ffiq t d cft{rd e A ,q-# am q-qo td qaegc orqi-flq d crc q{ q{ fisd r{6-q tu ;'t; ;; oflsrr qt q-$ qI wFiII fu * ff6'q frq-6 6t tq'r 6-6r Bfq+nq .* *; i+rfq-o ar A Er*r t qqrm tr riq{fll A fu6-q cifrq tqq* # a'or* ii rrqr s-6 srws n 3lffiFff d qs i t t ;. ;;; t # - *t ; fr** tuur *" U;il'tfr ero: +s/ Ertr 3iil{t'Sq qrq oqrtq'r froqrrqr B vi gqrq fr-ql $e-efiw A vfifrE + i w rrgiu foqrrqr fa gc a-6{'it n d {i@.r6n qFiE{ k€ cr A r{ 3flqfu tt ffiq tt i t A {i'iq t ffii dr cifrq I 3rfi-dlpff + fuflq 3lftqd A Frqfur A frq fr\ fft-€ fuqr Tqr fu 3r0-dlpfr qqrq 'rq Frrrd aer ciftq 3rBf{qq d srql 13 dsr v{-6 3t-d'fd Eq-6'I q{srgdt fuc Tc o.q q{ Wf 61 6T Srsri fu-ql'rqr n. dfi ilri-< s€ii qs qra Eq fufl 4rr ;; fu* i qd* i ; "E s s€fi rqa fu-art ,"-r; i ff t tl t Page 17 of 38 - 18 ' - * .'tf, !'fi!r r'-44lfraqi1/ro(+)/06-0? q+d;q F 45r&ffi/lo (A'*c) /06-07 :qG r6{q o.-as/frac$/09 (eifrc) /M-05 "#m;"q;ffi;t,slll;:r ffiiqqiffw6o.Inprrcr{<ri4'r*qsor.{ar6trg.acfr{rdd<1i .r{ *19 Tq-iri d or {il ; sm fa'en-<ri Mrr <qtqT t fr-g 6r rrq erfli d {@ q{ "e'lt 3lIqR gqrgff d enr {s *" l.€i a"*g t csfi 3lffiq stR c 6 slrgsrFto qrat ero' ssd t ii" a o a * i *< *"u aq trRr c{ t-e-ds {€t frq -sr soat fieI fu6'q d uR eryn d lz srtr o1 s{fuftqq 46,/ cifiq lr.tti-6 q€t ot qr {t6{ "E* a t *o" i oq a m tr"n ;.* ; r,fr {' t "s {rqfid"itnlrrEs6Rurrins{grqff3lqidqlr(riclfiqa6c<1dI( gaq t 6fl q ffidr 6 aa Ero or-5iu c-€f {6r t a i # #i -c 6qr f{sn ftc cr' {fl qrtrR- fa qrr+i ot {s ". T fu- ;-;, d ffsuri * sir ft er5toa tt ntu a'r$ Tfi * 5*t{ o,# ;'ff-" t .raa t, 1-o" qc 5wr$ 6 qrfi ""4 a i*'er<ri {d i"rq-t Hr;G 5;;*; qrBc I d d 3r4fr n qifi-q sleFqq d srgl zo(+)(c),rqTq mG)(ff) ftilsd t SrrdTc o-{i + tas aryr a"n ;-i";; "n- * d tuh3rEffd dfu si-d 6rt d wnr qr6 c-qd t sqrq-ffi i d ce "i "+ "+*. etq c fr qfrd-q sqrgfrr i' s€ H ;"#';'.€i-fr'" -a m* ffi ' q-+ar{ ar sfud cffisr nqr r s-+a ENI qrfuo' su * gow rx or d ridqcrd:t qe t fr ffi v-or* or frde rfi E3Ir #"# rq" fu* 'rqr ffi qcrq f6-qr qr+ qtfrc rrtRd dr ** * * qrr{+tq 3rk{6r d gI{I qerq 3fi'qfu fr*q fd-drl sqfurif t frr d Ynsr 48,/ cqd d rm t x{ rg<u or not f+ tp'iu'trl ; * o+ a* Tqr fu q;dq ; 6 g"iq t era 3lrryi grs d-d 6q-ff "* s -6i tr qr+fiq sda qffi 4t / 4l zoo4-05 t Ilr I "m-* frft-s frF6 \rs.3nr. s{6g (zoos) ra Vs& reo 5q B-fi T oit'{.it Tqeli 6r {qq 6-q Etnz fr", t *tO" =rA t ot'ngu d{r sGc tuqwr{ frqi6 tgos' A-* A*t $rsdq 3lBq-ffr EI 116 iF6"II t fd d vde 3trtlI c-€t t fr 3{fi-flQfr o-€t ff {s ffiI or zoog 6i 3{fif,Ieff o'r fiq gqr v{'t a qrE- s-{ro 6{1 gs <r<-q fi otS €-ds r€l t ft ffi a qwct{r vrq qrcr tr 3ntcr d ergun r<ru fu"i dr" {w A qr6{ fu-{-ftt{ rerrii qt N #; Page 18 of 38 - 19 rrror* -44l+m/10(+)/06-07 6 45/&m/10 (+*c) /06-07 a+d'q{-d F{!r "*"#f;}iffiif,iffiru:; F.{781frE(*/08 (Hq) qfrd /03-04 !rdF{!I tt qrar qts d (cs) A frt rlrd Wt rErq 6t qtd aqgwn q{rn (r.u.) Br or or trq d qr6{ qR-{6{ nqr f{6-q gwo a eria fr", di ; -r*- dd t rqqaen t 3lrtcr ii fuc Tc eqr{ €ed or otrsoreit €r{Fo agl # sI S GoR cds 6 srgttR 1.77.000 qq # in 706'40 sqa cft dqr d d furq t of west central Railway) uex-works station/works sidings Bareth *a otm duly loaded in to wagons/road vehicles' J t m* .*t ;'"r*O qti.* ctuatt zoa d d otrsrr 2's,7'4 nefi tos or sftq fuqt t ofrsor R-s ro <ur ,-"-; *i+ a <r ftslftd d'r{ t ssd rg{rrartveno-elore d qq srrtud t { ron "ttioo # H"# -; ,.r*)tu d"* qrd-s 6 {rft-d B <vr ge< tft;rr or qq o1'+{ei anin uA -"r ;"rfu*;qri or sds tt d snr ffl a€fi 3[5dq t # A frds i ftfisur crm qzl cIK il drs o-{ ftqI orfl t qE tnt cr< 6hr qqi6 qrd H t'pq71'= fi6-tr qr dRtr e]Fit ao' qd qlr{ t drar dt{r d anin aoln ;i;ft ;; -t ; cR;'; tg",i s dc{ 61 5t"" it" t tit sq.or qn oi'*es d Erd + atF-€Er 7.a 6 rgwn crs fuc'rc ftqr qNl ' 6FsrI "r-* td"S 10.3 d rgwn fri€{ qrd o} eqrsrXd-o dts 6tn nsTr fr?iq d ft 6-Eet or drrl t'r.s it dT qa qffifs fua sTqi vs-d G-flsr 6r sds 6-{i ilr6fi crm qtg{tt rII 1l-6 Irrti"r f, (gq) H qerflq qI vsd ilB-d am qrff faqr tl-d=ila ent.u;5{#'6I ""W-, q, gftIrn crk d ft( qrfud u-ga or<r tt'n t A srftapfr d am dt sol f{gn frtq.Yrsotq 3IE-{ffI i qE S Erff mqr sqr{ 3lrivr A otrsoi ros 4l fiD".* "q" a t ssol otrsol z(t)+Ccrq 6-{i or vdq frilr rrur t .-,ri gq"Rd" s'Ettdz 6qr{fi "*" {€F d-c 6-{r{-11 3r'grqr s+d anr clfi-d qfu t crK 6-{i S *ft **. tt Page 19 of 38 -'o- _ *ffiHffiffil#'iif:; *"#J;l?ffi'Hlffiir:; oG rcrq o.-178r:&ffir08 (Hq) /03-04 qR-{6{ qqr€ antcr d srgac ti er51 $ sq or ff or wdrq ttgs r rto< qo eda qmn tt u31q1 f*s-a A'fr cnd c"-e 3n6r z16 "1 6-r+ t fu 3rfrdl!fr i dc afis n {flqrf4R ifsa 5 etr-{-a +. t*.t*l i tn" to'lo - ** ftur t dsnro<* it ,'{trq sqta qrqrmq zooo) dto' ztz'r oqis 3lfi'd H Gfr" fi=u q ol arq fid ar{ T€i cnr '* i u* --*'n"fo 5{ft* e < T6o ri non ffi-; 6T drmt n"fu ftqr tr # ft nlsrnd w t m Frotq sr-6 r6{sl oqr€i arq -qrfu6 Eeidt or de'i ftqr a€ii w ff dd fu-qr fu 3ltrdPff i fuc qqld: q€t qrfrr stm qrm Frotq fr f{'{r.r t td iluif + i *i,-"f tt "****.g 3naqr k{i6 1e'o52oos rt o,'€i t qrq d ewr cro d i q'fi t Am "- to 6 qiiiq n sds rS $1 qci cs ii s{S ERr f{6q fi 3{196 G5€ "n-rie. fic (1sae) zo t's0em 45' i' qeFFI 6q tgseft.r oqfi (zoog) e.u- g*ri-"A zoz. d-6qE rff ft-s€ €c dw ccfi (2ooo) 2s ffi Cit"- *+ ds qcfr' (zoro) tz vs&d los 61 ;G ,rr, o"i *i.* is€ f{s-d €e qR H i 6-sr{ drqsn qe 6r rffq fr fdqi ma w s-+tf ir i",.i fr* 't Affiq o-t aqo ft'ar t d e-t aea ffi fr6s dr t a <1 of*" . f** t'; q-$ d r# r era: gt Bg q* erfi-anff am o1 eriartffiq fr'6q d€rri 6T sIIqR ,r{ 3rrqfr 3rqrq d qrc q6 66"II t ft 3lfi-atpfr 6f EFqTi d {a qq Q-e-ei.u, d tr-5 q{ s;r6r qm rrqr 65 sici err< qI Bfud tt erEftqq o1 d t-e-d,s r-ar- +t frtqr q$-{ qrf, 3lstfl eqviFro <ra 6-a d-{d +c{fis i./r\/',\ F<qftir ft{q 2oe d ii\ r\ r,/\\/ " --. qra d qrer tfrirT trsrBftqq d snr tz d rgsir * ii'G O. qT sirdr qrEri 4r fr6-q qlRqd or ffoq qnr qr+ crqqlft-d t w u-on ffi-< d srq qTd I I *3" 6a sreFn ; "rT-" o-q 3rdfrffd (deemerl) i nen*er<ricIq+e{fi6 or er6qa faar di rs ftq.rqI i'{fi d sc ffi; qrir fqts rgqa B t Page 20 of 38 -27- "*HHI#ffil#iirii #"s;;l;ffilnffili[:i .aG rc{or q'azsrtdq&/08 (+-*c) /03-04 sfi{ MRd aro d fe-5 qr ts-{6rqt o-e+ t fr ZRr1oi T{ t d skd t etitfu qrq d rrro 6 or gd t nur frs *t d SR d t era' u\ qm t+sc"r i mw'r1 grffi 6r o1 t -o *i* qfr, ;fr"r"fr artr qfi-&q d qnr 26(4Xq) A wrgft E]{r frtqrrsI t;ql ftrs-d gE ;'ft',J* "ntm + snr d ,r{ t ca orqi *eTrq qt sfrra t q6€ E-fr €, 3rFrnq & c sr 7 dt=ii qqii d gs G-g qr t {ie-qtn 3iilrfffiq slersr t *e-qm cifrq s2/ dd ri-e-rdn qt aqdri A riiiq t qTTfi-q {da sq + qRieq **# +TrF{+' n, npqrso qma+ 6 am sqq-q{q q{ ftotq sa ona" a frft-..o H "* qfueg i qt srFrsrd-dr qcff T{ t fu 3rietl ol t ata're-o t ;fuldt no * tu atq €I €'qq-6R .oa;-dil* d rorsr i qE frsiR'd f6ql qr{I qrBc q-fi tt or t <pn otq qr {.qirdn oiilrtfiq rEft or ffi-# anisr t ceqrsr p'6 se dft ffwr o.r laq 3{-qtr d d zoog-o+ s{ sg,/ qqel dr qlfto-rsr u-Eo fuqrrur ur vsd erSsn q€rrrft 6 not* t','* r H frqlrr ot . sTfi-dreff i s. s,gz.te,gto,/- d'd Xe or a-+uq{ft'oq <{fur 6-{i {6 qrqr rqr fo eiqfr d ; fr". a-- "rt fuc 'Tc t ga5,-'vfirur ; *i Fffo u*18 fin€ # 6I qd{rr H ffl{FT dl {o,r{ + Frqiq era t T T t d.ld€**an*t'HfurFIolqfi3r{q{6-drderSsrtr<dqdot qrsq d qrfl {fi o-Efi csc ftftd sqfir o-{fl tr cffi 5.1 {c Aot or ftoq qrff t ilqr tu6q fi$6 5or{ a qr ta aqm o\ ffi #d"f, Railway Quarter Adviser and Chief Account olficer West Central d ARI Financial "* Adviser and Chief iroior.-t"r'l $ as urfi frc'B tr6frcq fu6q fiq6 Fitunciald' tt SAtc t t 61 west centBl Raitway Head Quarter office Murnb"i St Account officer -r€rolt d sqa qtsq d qcq {6 ftTr{II rEIT ft' s-mrrqrnRr d fr+€ il,J* B <er ccM Ort -r sqt{r qwciYr trw d erfl H fur'T d am faqr q'q ofiic'e Head qa qtq{q t-g 21.12.2006 iFI }FrIq **- ta f+n{r enT ft{i6 ..t'w F* qa t fu-5 ftw r-S q ft-{i"r or d .*, * furfq"r 3IrA?r 6qio z1'r220oo t fta-sq fr;-rff-ffi risr t aqr frt{-fu-{ ldfuit d #4. t * * oi-O* "t (q.c) d qrrr fu-r PrFii ot d'rc t grot s-do tt s-<rrq'rwsq 21of Page 38 -22a{-d r€(!r 6.-a4/fraq$/ l0(t')/06-07 F.45/&A(4/ 10 (#4c) /06'07 3frd ns{!r F.-89/fri(s/09 (ni+c) /04-05 e*d c-flEr 6.477lfrm/08 (qi+c) /01-04 aoa qqrq o.47srfaqs/08 (+*c) /01-04 .f,+6 !-6{!I t-d {ffi.rd (oter), qttiql, rrqgq' qrrff' €qq5{ 3{rR q{ 3ifu-d dfail+c d 6q{ ftqr{sn cfl"I n # qri El {s for have been dispached to out side state This is to certiry that the following sle€pers Ltd' Barcth as Per instruction of WCR I{ailway from lvI/s Stri testraria concrete iroa'* p* l lead Quafters at Jabalpur' {s *r;;; }rIlsr q, A qIPI fi 6-ffi (6-{r$fi Rd" qEffie) d ssrq{ d *i e B reot- ,u q+qfi zooa 3 N rl\ {ff-6r tmqPq oqrffr dr .rq dq{ d fr@r."n-{ ffiId ; Rd" fuq ua-* t u"* {s q, q Fq5srt sifu-d frtqr rqr ry t- diffsent T*.tilst'I KG PsC sleeper "As per distribution of Railtay Board in Prt Ltd ' Barcrh and stress crete Pvt' airou,.n.Jti Nont"* Railway from M / S slui kesharia cDC reccived il'rti"" (wcn) tum eueust 2003 to January 2o04Nowith ll'i. consignees' detsils of dispatched O""U1Jr-"*i"J *m N R' consignees so far' The ffit ;il;;"r etc is as under" Quantity ofsleepers dispatched " ' with depot holden to submit CDC duly verified You are requested to instruct concemed to the A D E H Bhopat and to conc€med sleepers counter signature of A D E H concerned of sleepers' factory for debit and credit of the value o-ti i s< ft-tio 21'12'2ooo d cqr"r qe - u6qqr+frq ls vs&S 457, (1e75) 35 vs&S a+s <q El aq {rfu6 qe eif6-d 6ti 13'041ee3 or ft{ frqI <pn H ;-;","" ; fr"|" ft.*qrqfrq qlsrd?it d am qrRa qTM d e-6q"it ;;6src 3rrtFl fl f{qr fu {€t tt *=*; roq'r d ila fi-q-ftq g *1qr*ifl/ro i'#;;; tu{r'r et 6qfq p6 <t-o H # frfild d ERI orErcr a i ;; --" 3rq.fi ililqoar5sli sc dcd or i nq "c t aqrl-d fe.{r{rqrrr .iftqe ;; 3fr q f t frqrrql ifr ffo-q grgr s{i qsq t d t r ror{ *+n -* A-sr fi srds{ 3lIfo-s a crc * srfi ;.*,.tui **t -tg sl-giiq, fu6q erg 3 in sds fuqI rrqr aen qmftq va a dd" artr dr.iid ; qd qffi fuqr (zooz) 125 vs&S 35r 6I €-e{ ti Ec il-, *-fu- 6 gofq"gd* s4/ 67 Fqtw 3IEr6,rA Frfrt (1e7e) Page 22 of 38 -23 a+€ 16.or s.4alfrm/r0(+.)/06-oz qda r+rq a'lsrstffi/ 10 ( i+q) /06-0? iffi-d !.6{or s.-89lfr3q{/09 ({*c) /04'05 ##f..";Jm&',sl,,8ix srdtrrfud fuc 'rg t sc .rqr fu qrrrfrq sEI qrrn?Fl a-iiao 6 gnr dr fu<ia ,* ft-.d A rorcr t a*q M ffiff T€i d qrfrl cfrftE ff ss/ rrtfu{t{sr rfiur i ft-<io ro q+qfi zooz d fdE A-3I-$iq d ,qF aT gfiEq-r e-gd td' 5E{ t dr qgd d q6Tq6q lrgqn a3ltrdeff a fia 6en t tusd i-tr z i 4""* d"ar; O i# ",i "* ffifenB-dst- {id.c the Union of Delhi' for and on behalf of the president of for the tetter Sqrfk 'llD2llllg &ted 08'08'2001' his Contactor, aforesaid advised India 'iae prestessed Monoblock Concreate drcm for manufacture and supply of on oi*"*"ti to Drg No' T'2496 to suit 60 Kg UIC (16?3 e'o"iOu'gt fo' typ"l (Fe-tensioned sleeper (3d Revision of May ' 1996) as amended per RDSO design ana fXs sp;if'caion T'39/85 whereas Railway Board, New . "i".-*r rail ;) as fromtimetotimeforprestressed"oo",.t",l""p.,,(pre-tensionedtype),dulyloadedinto dated to Contractor's unquatified acceplanc€ vide letter wagons/road vehicles with rcfercncc dat€d 08'08 2001 ii."o*.looi. *'*, Board's counter offer No 99rft'l122111/9 3Tfi-frq gqpgm ,r$ | 31q1q 56 ' // d gRT qIR'd t qe cqrFrd dff d - o1.q6 fu s-5etl frrr{ A"oo, "tw qlq Tqr i iFqYT: qffidt fuq 'rq erFnit qc a[fid fu qrd d Eg{''t qtd e{rr 6} dtfi qx'ft difu q\ td t'rq t qqw{ qrlsrt t H qra fufud qfd dan qri sre 6T aI{Ir ftrst T6 6"rT ftw[r{ ffi561 qqtqr rrql dqr Erir qtd €src w slq 61 fuqr sslt ?M srA 6r ; se fror t fii{r n frq d qrq {qn€{ t fu qra H A fr{ ft'q-ft-q sc-d gnr sri {s cla 6\ 3rlqw-ffigsn Bqm'I A ql-d n H *ern w fqr rrqr I {s n-n *O-*q i arsr cra qra d ftffi ryrisl erEffirRdt dr €ti qrior snEn tfr Ec trqto ri E di A 6,rur gs r4e-{611 oi ctfrq *i4{6n qiqr {qI t 3rffiq i sffihtd qi-{ftq o-;fuo va qrqffiq d EN ftc Tc frdq "*,g* o) eftrn qrcr t 02. -- rrqr t d tq-{ dslr (q or q-sr fi H f{rr'r Enr cfi fuqr rgw d T { t n"+ q-+"n ff H fdqt'T' EllI 3lqft sfltRqiDCI d {6 fu Page 23 of 38 r -243lfl-6n-6{T F.-44l':fr3q+/ 10(+')/06-07 'r 'a+€ rfrol s 45/fr3(4/ lo (ai*q) /06-07 #"m;;;ffilr,ffil,ri; rx.r r.-l'lsrfrind/08 (idc) # /01-M Rffi <to (t'u) t orffonff cRr ffi q-e se ttar t ft qrs dlsr( rrqT I {iI^r6n fu6'q 6l f6qr ERI fflrrr d st u* ffi o{ Tqql'rqq +it t a q6 ccrFrd gert fu tra qr6tr6 n ,+ri,lr; q{ qrd iFt dffi # frd.t 3{fi'fleff A ilr @ctcr A qu €{rq 6{d H l4qrrr o1 dfi'r€t ts-{d riiiq n {ffi q{"ii n furh' t cr< ol oF-goreit o1 srgqer * 7 rrarn-6 1e352003 ot rnr-a snsq ff<fo w fo t €rar we t w J5*o t, *r* a 3{q-drQfr n?n -i* en <. "g a-a a $il #""*""ff".fr ;U ^{e r't tI YT qt we drar t fu 6F-sdr d go' fiq Gu d N n-$ ffi A q6it 51ftffi17 qa nc 'rc + f6 on erriYr n sdtud * - rqrq fuR-drt qGc # T zoog r\ eifrTd: fiiq o-{ Aqr "de"^foc oEs6I z n d a {iqq crjqfr d 3r5sri rfii6 tl *'*ou x't or -i-+ 1Bs r qq rre insert $ cR-{F{ qq qt ti fu t sdfgd z.z iq, tr6tr-r ffi n* 23 ti qe .fi sde t or d'fit6Fs6T sTrFn or snrs * *t *" ;";,ft'R* vR-*r<.oo or 5rrfic FqtR-d fu ftffi'd dqd o\ a]Gq qrl€ # tg-'A - qq fuqrqrn qfdi{ A ETn qfq fro"qr o1'*sc qrvm gsi I nd d ergsn fttqr qde tt *t q t sv go, A'3ifdR-ff 5'ren g ssr< oEe-or i ddq or d €ds n dwlT trit 6ts6r 3.2 i qe sde i fu Rqq6 sq t 6'ri srA or ilm t oEsor z frfie{or * (consignee) qrtrd crw6-df or go'i;rd ori ol or frtmq 3$'dlefr d qfts{ d ridfud t I oEs-or z.r d eryn fri{t d'd ilft-fi d am foqr qr'rr1oFs6I za #'trq* *, * aw # A"* d ftte"r qa qrt frc qr(i vqr"r t {dE a e"q mo Hidrt'#r I ffi * ;ffi;q* fr-qr qtgrn l aFsor ro ffiq ol € trrc/nc fio-tr n rtr6l ontrn qra cri srA + frfft nqr Sfu'r sftit^of ;H tl 6F€or ro.l + trtsn qI ssd anr qrft-d qhf, d am Eqr dd fu iqq) ;o ffi-=*r*- ro.s d eqwn N Nq s€R,d-e ffit:ry,*qr' fti=i t-d qrEr< w\'{r1 ?FF-sdT {irt s+ ss t on-' s'f dsn ts 6qi6 3{rfr 3itu-d (i6-{q) H)q#; a= tu*qrs.n td ffi; ; tu* "i, ffi td dtg d c@s srqre{ Page 24 of 38 - 25 4+d !-6{ur F.-44lfr3q{/ l0(+c)/06-07 4*€ tr6{!I s -{5/{taq$/10 (Adc) /06-07 #"#J;1?ffiiHi*lfll; nr{!I F.-4?s/+Ac{/08 (Adq) /03-M 3q+6 qt€ qr ssd ftr sfirr qrft-d qk i frrq qnr qrqrn at&-Ed fu+r dl qE IFItor rEI gqflq fu\ qrn d 1 5Bl $c( fri{q oelr osartro fffrq t qE rs€ drdT t fu 3T$-dlpff d'gn H 6e n {d s-6cft $ fu€rqn # a au q-gqq gcl t aan dw d N qri 6qerqBq qr*o 6 trccft ner € tr qe ,,i5.u-ta # TS ffi d am q-rrul d frdr{ qT qR' srgser d"fl srfidreff d a-u A*re" geir tt or Mqor 3lfi-flpfr o) qr0 qa kqio 1e.05.2003 t q* u* of Sfu tie tr srffiq d fr{ t sqfum fudr< f4*s qr-€-+tq 3IE{6I d anrqe(zoog) 14 \'sS rso d fuq t fo or<rcr ft-en fs-6-q 6q furfr ffq or scrt ftqI 'rqr t qftftqq tsso 3{fufrqc 6 or<{-d qd-q-d q{srfr e} srpr 6 i dfrq ft-6'q or d ird,td qtrqq ?irn-d n fi qd'{.r q+qrfr t r q{ sz-se d ereE d ffrc s' T{t drdtq ft-6-q 6-t ss61.71/- d fu6-q {rRr d fu-wt o,}mordr it rqa d d tr<'l-d srFTfru-r or srm i s-+t ss ft6q d qmolft cifi d qcir5 + fuqI rrar Qnt rE fr6-q f6q (ffrAGii d trd-d fusI qs frsq q ftdi"r qrEI rrqr I ffi d 3i1 t qe sct ftqr rrqr fd dl f{"Eq orfuftqq d 'rqr qct-<Ci t $il srErfirfi i 3nin qnr 3(A) d qm s(q) d €r<'l-d faqr rrqr fi gv tt tr srim Eq ft'6'q ffiq tu6q o1 qftftqq fr um s(fi) d rraqR-qq iirn-d zre tS fu'ds 6-6r;u ti fuqR o-{n or erEon ft-er* vnrc of t <urt or ffion r€t t n-q tS furfr it q-ql'f,q fri6 * qkqq;irna d o-q ffTf i 46 d;fi-q fr'o'q cTR-d 6-s ft{n or sitrftqq t 6qfi d all ftqto rs.tzlgsa oJ s{ tgsz-sa 6 srsE d frc ffi i vc q'fr {qeii d {RFii at sqtqrm fu+or qrq rrgd.d.r{ gc ffi d er6{ srqfurd frft-q {?trd dr Eur wt Vs nRr q{ vc-d EM ft-6n A* "*ffiq fu6q o1 3leftqq A sffr trr "t wn faqr {qT I qr+fiq ssiq vrw ol qrqmq d sqel {tr ft-5 w erfuor qrri d 'r{ fu Eri6 zttotsss or d qTiyr $=d-dq ftio d enqrq w fl+en i crRd fuqr trqr t sQ qq6 fo-at w I cq qrfuot qrq qrq n qRe{ 3nitr o) s{qr6 fuurrqr t qrwq il {s c-Er{o'r gc drna cRqq -*d d+q 3lftF-qq A d.4 slflar"fr d u-o.ror d ilr:ii ft-q f,Pn qE qTTfiq sd-a qrqmq d Enr {grd 6 6du S t i 3ITEIrq ffq d Page 25 of 38 -26" ' o+d sr{!r F.-44rfrm/10(fu)/06-07 4+n c,6{Er F.-45rstaC& l0 (AEtc) /06-07 *"#Ji,,ffi131ffifill F.478/frm/08 (A c) qfl-a 16.{!r *rnr g(ff) d qRnH srd fu6q € rciiBd i tt frqr amr i o3-M t.iI <Kffi d YEi63 d onqn qq foc qri cnsr d frr d sqRrd f{gri Hq Ynq-ol-q sIBs-ffT A ilT Fltq ot fus qrs ftzn T qr t m oEs-or tz oT s$!r ti gs qci 6!r{ d gfu 6-gi 6r T rrql srerm Fr{q {gq-d oT ffiq {€t t 3rfr"g qrftq q} qqfisif d gm f<q or Fr"fu t era, {wd ot{ cniFrodr {fi tt sgl o{ffiq sqlgffi i npn fcgn frirq $rsdrq 3lk{ffir d 3i1 t 6rlrf fc"fu t qqrf,rd A{g Eo-s$q 654 6qiz-6 rrq d a mo "* frqr rqr t ssd ang ce t ft'erfi-arpfr orq, 6r+d A Fnfdr' ffiq 6r ri<rt"-mmo aOo, g g-+d s-6-ror i rc fA-qrE alr fu s{d gRT d fffq fuqFrqr m qffirq erf, d rxeqfidq fu6q t den qt< ill-6{ ft-qr rrqr fa-oq tf eq-d qe aqt f+oq cB'ccif d eil6Rq6 sis i qE rlrqrrqt qr fu'qw_q'r{ dqqr qrtqq t gs qro tqr rrur t ern qe qTa o-qle.o crq $ Er6q nit" $ *-q a uit*rTi ci rrq d err cffid $il tr tS qRRrft d qTa 3iilidq fuo.q d an-qtcrl E-iie6, i qT{fi'q Fta w t iqr ar{rT I g*t Froiq i qT-{A'q BEI qm d T{ qsqRqrBit or qde qrqraq d sRI dilrfffiq ft6.q A *iiiq f; o*d gl rn fu q-Siq slerqr srgdq A frtff srrgsiFro sqr<r< d 656 aqeti ot n* G * t <ot.t* ti drqr qGq r {fl {il srstrRon d onqn w s€ii sq ngm * s"lc fuqI B fu'{6T sdq effifiq scrgffi d'am srqi sriq t fuqr .Tqrro€ii gw sv t 3rci 3nAYr q {fi srsqnsn qt fr* frqr t fu qR A-dI air cTa'ol"B#{0 crq 6rd s$ cr< d qrrs tw Tqr i aq t-6 scn d l-i A-* a oi+* eia n gc fl+oq qrcr atr\'.fi nan $€fi 3lqn trv tFruFI d Cfu n ftqio zr.rz.zooo d vs ccr"r qa or €e{ frqr t fus6r vdu ffi aw n tr 60l fu{io 2'1.i2.20o6 iFI cqFI ctt we t, ftrsf, sq-defr A # or ft-+qq d ertq t vrq + #( 66a fu-q ,rg t qrer fl rs s-++t zooa or d rra $-ffi d wsrqq A diiE i s{Fris it *id'{ t vs-t qti qo *q orfl-apff d H fuqrr t 3t-5-dti d qe tfi se t}tn t fu H f€ A W d s6qft (privity of contract) 5e *e t c€l ti gc {a qqrFrd fuqrrn i fu H A fd\ n ff 3rfi-dlefr Page 26 of 38 -27q+{ E6{.i 6.-aani-lid/ I 0{+.rc6-07 rrrlr F.-15 /frAqd/ l0 (+-Sc) i 06-07 4+n ##J;i?iffiiffii#l,ri; (dc) e+q ,.{I!r F.-4?8/dlq*/08 n fuc rrg idrrrin d rJgn 60 fu'.qT. s] f}|$=r ol errrm 20$ qitrft zool d fr 3ils .tdilft iie€ -dr{ir{-fr surq tr qlt T{ m-6dt qt t ffi t ti * /03-04 fi!{lfi Fftcr 3{rdrPff fts ni .rg t ffi t se ttcr t fu ftk{d d al 3rfrfl?fr t 6-ffi n sdfud .nt qr i fi{lepr ot qrs fr-g 'rq # *ig.rc / qdRe d aaa crq h;qr Tqr 6 aen g< sffi o1 elfta?ff d'gnr t r*r/ u,r,ii il dts ffirqrrqr t carr H r-$-s n sd'q ffi c5m v'd tidfun qqrc u-ort 6 ergag d e-"o'T qrc alftdtQfr ,.; s<r Enr :i.,ttraq t ft-ou fuqr trqr i ssd qra M qtd $T o & t r ar fofc"r rorq d cRqq fta H d gwraa 6r q{ frqi6 22l22ooo d q.a.;r t fu-srt sifi-dr"fi d iiicl 61 <t A €dq n g€r ol sri w rr* gs rrql r{qir6ll simffiq d-q-q-6n t rr..,a i q{,rd iflrqr rrqi 't fu s-'rd ERI GtqI qr''nq A srct *ql1il rrse,l .rd f3ffi qrsq d or-<* m..T{ A ftrg 51qeii d ri .,rru; qqr t o.n qsq d qrgs str{ l:d o} qra or qRe-6c s+d Xoio' scfitr qc ddq f+oq fi tq i, ci-dq ,r'i firg fb'qr qq f eto: s{I eiDR d €qf,6r{ q*-qn tft q ii.ou ui.l ;i€t t o* lryter cot"r i €.ifud fi-qo, €-Sfr 3rq hr<Id rior.r S f+5 r.rd cfrnt{ frYrE fr-i-fi c d or l+f{o' 3lEo,rt d i;m li;qr ,rqr t sllc .i €l 3{,i-fiq vcrgffi d iltr I ,n<lq* mr '*tar.rqr 6il wsr fi Brrrgfi soffi-q B fr t eqf*ra Frsn fr*q in$frq 3{fuf,ffI A iir{r lb;I sE * etftft FFfdr or €s,i f4rn ,rqr t t sr{t q-ocor sq-dPff d q-qt{ol o' op:if -'h '{ror cfi {rrir fr6-q fi urgft fus-d g'rri ti< S< @iffi) 6I fr'tq ifqqA qqctn A qc frqrr ft-o.q d gaq I Br gs c?F{sI t aea q5 en ft f*<rar i d qr4qtn or fi itqror smrrin n ffi ig irq frqI en aen s+d erir ?ifuc qm fi srql rft ibc.rc r v+d gm irqrsor u-iv d erfl td vr Edi d nwr t go.ft -€l fu-qLrrqr l t-€l qRfuifr i w fa-oq qifrq ft-6-q qnr rmr i qer6l Arg tg*@n r or*ft fus< dc afrs qcft (tsTtffi) d c-6r"r d neq fi ft-ir -ft"i-q fi ffiq fioq oc.3rFlfrqq d qrsl 5 q{ Sfua tt o-r<rcrqtli dr .= ii-qud ;lT o-q q.c. i fi.€l ffif"r 6-ri a sqew fr fu-qrr s{fr fi-$ ftci"r itry-mr (erqT{ t-nl* o*rt" d qrrr 3rqfurd f r sq-d Ertr rd 6-q ft{ctYr l ftsca) 3{Eft{rq ', n6a qfi f;rqqr{ff r s66 d ir6d fuqT rrqr I gs trflq t lurin eg {+q-"t f+rq am zo cfrera d << t qrFrfuo ot eqa fu-qt T qr sft Page 27 of 38 _ -24- ' q+d rfllr 6.-44lfltm/lo(+.r06-07 eE+d 116{!r F.45rfrm/10 (*-*c) /06-07 #"#J;;?ffi,Hiffitx 8.478r*ac&/08 (Adc) .q+d trE{lr i 03-04 qe 3iilrfcffs fr6q r€t {€ cRie n qrffq sa <IFITETu i qt qnr fu f+oqq-qtr"r d fi tt ir qfi ea fr6q{ qfr fr$-d ee 3fi,q Wfi. @ffi') d ql{frq tsEI qlqldq q.c. gnr t qc qc igd fisa q.c. oi qu "* @m) A rowr i frqr Tqr tt {s qo-rur d ae{ tfi atfi'apfr d nm"r d n'?d + fi-q ttgc ro-rgr d fi 6-r-Erdr d anr r.l' og trn{q ftrrq i ffi or o-q frqI r5q1 f l tnroil tL itqrer @TqR frfrqrq 62/ {fi f+g w 'r6rm Frotq trqirn rsoo d n-ro ere qdt d ffi or f+oq -! A ft* 3{fuE-d t qri+r sda qrqraq d dM de frF B-.Ssr G qq ffs-€ $' fr YnE c's tlq q.e$o qdfc fufrys (zooz) s vwffi gz i ftg rrq Frdq d cRns n q€ oflem * m <oi qrq d rrrq 6{i d ts-{isq t fr gs m or f+mq fu-qr .rq t no*r Eq mdq ri q-5eq ff t qE fricc fuqr rrql fa, tA ff6df ot offiq ffoq qrqr qr<t qrFt t fo-g va qrqrdq i qrqr fu {s rfiq d I ffq S ergwn fa-6q tral oNfrer Fc fr qTTfi'q c-{tq qrqrdq d am fsc rrs rrrq t €{ear q-€t tr gs ro-s"I 3iilfiffiq fr"6q fuq qri d n-a r€f tt t-cc 3ffud' ss't B-drr orq gIfi srd qis A arai aq 3Eqfa n d 'iliei{ srd ff olq-fl!fr d or sde tr t-<r ttrs T6-e o-{ strfir-'n4-.c qs roq n O. cc. 1s61 tduo fiq, Tof-d: fi-q cr$iEii ol srd '#f.e + drsd or sifu-d dnr qsfr frtE cra qs 6w fu qe d-ea q-fi q-{r tf,I r 3rqi iris qq ricl d qr6{ or t, ftffi *ie-a6r 6y er<tffiq qrqra qt qrqt n"fu A S-" 27 q qmfiq sa Rlrqlaq n nedf d qfisq oqi d fu dt 3rJqq 5sn vs$ aq d a.u. d el-6{ rrr{ d {idq new vt olc-drs a-W'rS npn 6rqq q qRqnq'ft Xt e-w 3l-gcRrd qfu sc e'of{ qri-q "A Rerfr T6 fr ergqu d ff q.c. trq or srFlfuo or vd er<I ot gori qn-ffq osn v{d @-q Te6r oiq dri or ac{ cifo-d tt w nsn w frt td gs sa Erolcrq qrcr fu ss 3rgiiq n A l-iYr fu qrFlfuo or oi gori yrd qq{ d ,r$ aq qre qtfud crfl d snqn q{ q{ €q{ERt of 3id-ffiq ft-6q *Ao rS tt w 3[5eq To Eiie q{6R n?n {6 +€[ ra qr ro-ar fu {r{o{t or rrfi ner ft-6q ft-{r gard Ec rrt-q tc< € t t t t -*i tis t t i "** i i tt d t vi * i t t t d t Page 28 of 38 -?q- . qtd rfilr F 44rfraqi}/ I0(+')/06-07 F{!r F.45/{tm/10 ( dc) /06-07 iqt-d *"#J;;?ffi,f'ffim; F.478I&N/08 (Hc) q{-d !-dFrq /03-M fu fu{ ftotrif or €-{t{ 3{q-or':tr d 3iR t frqI (en nulrtrfi .rqr t t 3rtrdrefr A e-6-rur A dazit s qRfurfrdt fr td r-€f rcri cRie n s{fr furfr fi-q os7 Eirv ?nsotq 3{fuf,ffr n 3{ci dd A dhrq n r-dq.rftR ifuo gc an-{f, eh-m a g-ffifu-d Frofq or rfi ried frqrl {€ q-fi{or 6 *, rfr orfl-apfr d {s cirR qd qrql -,trdl i tl ** t fi-q 61 {ge?D{utntftffi6qrtqqtric{dilrq qrt {€ IFF-rur n S t-0 ut--oE *" d T{ ,n n2lT tst tsR{q-icr tq rrq qTTfrq rqta qrqroq d em qc o-o {iq{6R- d wiie €-qq-6n qrfl arqT G fifuc a *iiiq if ftqq crn enqor 3lBftqq r* m A Sfdtrlr qTd d sTBqfl, qro t rrrq d frq c-<ffi d 'r€ t' sq-d d um zos[+1 arn erkgo qrft-e qr+fiq c-eta qrqrmq i clrr fu {s FD('I qRis i T6 fio, *r.+r" fato tl dr T+rr f6-d ts-ffifud i^d's :rre 6T Fruiq t A-, "t-*.S crq i O Xdq-dqtFrR 3ri -ri *sll{ qr Aimq t mqr l. qrqrmq iieo ge d-{d Cfsd0 6T h!fu d fro fi-s dl riEffid tr rc rfi"it d .rm. U* t a.n qTTfrq rqta *, .r+ertfi A'e-6rsil A aPd t se ft-<or rwd t qn 641 orfi-ifleff d ft-sn qFdhft d argr ergrfq d fuq otrs-orsif d etq q6 qre€ frtqT .rqr B aer s-c 6'F-s6rcit t fu{6l frT{"r Wt qtq t frqr rrqr' or earc f+5 ffi q-ff den S qo* t", t fu qq-dpfr or qrfue # tn-*Zr" n d-s 6-ri or tff en npn {fl I qe qu Ynft-f, anl ql 6-t rtRI ,.r*'r a t vsit dfrq ft6q oc d S qrRr snG-d ff nlrt 'Qfi "At#'.o funq d em u-qrq fus rrc arelt( lffi fi A g-q.r{ ds"n q,'ff s€ H q-{H d .r€ t r v€ H fq{r'r d 6-{ d qrFr td Brnq sm -+ a-au.rcfeo-q qTq6f A er5w # tqn o-*i t aen s-+ot qR-arc fu-qr qrn gm f< 6l tiA qrqmi 3{qi *.* t* -A qr fu dqd d ffi Hqciffi'rit gctq girrcr efil B-r-d fr'os Erft@ t 5ft d'rc $1 ftti< ili d furft E€ qkqq H q+agc d crc d Eqfrq 4ir6 ft-ffiq sllrf,olr iren 5w ffi ql€ d *FIeI qrIFI giDR a{q rrq Edifu ,rg'ror< ovi A fts r€i lgerq qffi tt d d d er-g*u d snun q< d frq+En 3lfi-dPff a1 ntt orfqa 3lq {6rfdi i qqm tS d i6r sd fr.{FT d am eirtffiq 1+4''rer{ rlFlrrqr tt dd d * v+ e-<E *fi Page 29 of 38 -30trtr$r F 4al&a\'$/ I0(+)/06-07 q+€'cqtd !'5{or 6.45l''frm/10 ( n*c) /06-07 ##J;l?ffiiHiffilfi::; (dc) /03-M qfrd r+ror 6.-4?8tffffi/08 qt1fiffi g6r$ A e-rr"ii n td fflTrr d 3rtt e qrff fuc rrq 3t-5qtr E ser+oqrNt d ffi * a r" qIRf, qdlii d olqrcfuqi ff u-qa d 'r{r g-{ A tt fu qqrc c-6R d srgiiq d a-ro gq ff d {'q d qrq frdE-a o-q t+rko erffirit i 3iilittrq riq{6n ;#; 3{fu{6r d am frfuq qrffo Frofdt or de{ ftqr fu*;, ,q"r.ff d ft-dri {re'i {ffi q{q t frqr *, t a a-.a r-o.* q *ifu- t dpfl srffiiFroidi AoTfiiq n fuifuii Rraidt ot ir s-6' tro eiiliffiq ld-6'q t {idfu'd eIRr 3 (q) d criqFii d qrq qr+frq "* d tg56 srBfrqq or fr6-q dd" ; I q #; *"1"" $i qrtrq frft-q va qrqrfld A 6Nr ftfuq Fr"Hf d'r$ rn*"" t w s* tr 6s,/ etor t q{dwi q qrar fuqia w t fu fi qHI 6 qEa ft-o-q irels erg.ii 6q aGs ms't c" rrq e {sn rrq i 'rqt o-ri €'iff gq Rrqid S q-{$ iltrir €c d$ ft-s-d s{rd'et-BTft-{ift-<r (stipulation) Eil ({dFflTrs' g-drss-< ..rqr qun B fo qt fu'ur s.ersr t,ssu) u, go&fr zoz $se)) qi Tfa * qwWf n-< rr<tu aq{ ilar t 3larsr i m.s -'t-"u. d xt W rFFI 1* dsr T *'.fu T .rqq fu6-q ,t ,r.""n', dtr rrcx"i t cqi or {fr fts-{ *aw a u-qft oI 3TFrerd rt''T tr rica t # # # *qs-rr* "* aro, ""dd; 4< q-aff (rggz) az s(ffi) dds t 6M t qis s{*q 0-o i m Frofl( ftur t fa vo qTEc deII zre aFrq iTw t {€i irq n {qoii 6l d}fu6 w t 'rrc 6qr fr.s-d iYr+d Qr+d qifl ,firdo' h* t ffid f{r arBqr (*c e;u{ ,,r, ss-&S 280)t {ilc< 3fis EFcqr fus-€ +fr g}sdr qmfi-q wqta qrqffiq Td er{nc ftfr. d u-otq [(lszs) aa \-sffi asz] t rrrt a *trlq q-Jetr f cnqlftd Fef-.r fu-qr B fu w ersv+o rfi t fu a-q $ (covenant) 61 qRunq $ qT T6 6, q6 wtro t fr tn rrqq ft6q d wiB-<r ;l*; ot 3{r{siFrd t I covenant an s{Qi qrgr q6qfr (mutua agreemeng t I u6 66/ qmftq ffita qrqrdq d w ffi i ot*- t oe #* t *, i 3l-<ffiCf, E\ I eng["t' elcctric compnv of India d-{d gRqT frft' f{cd azs apr i fr6€ Gd gffioe efiu i. vsffi aAi tinrul'.u vsffi ++s n qmffq sqia qrqroq i ut sr-sqrR-d fuqr t fu +aet (tggo) ge Page 30 of 38 -31a+dv6{orr.44ntm/10(+z)/06-0? q{-6 e61q *.457fr3e{/ 10 (Adq) /06-07 *"#Jil?ffi;?lffitx rr{!r F.47sl&m/08 (lt+q) /03-04 .rfi-d t dI d aen vs-d elrjqrr lt sq t a) ; *l* t qfr rrri ftoq A 3rJ*q A 3lgqq i-fi t f6 f6-s ;; a€ FrEHi i T6 fi F{o frilr rrqr tqotuttqeqEc-6-€["f fi sIrsY+o r€t t fu ;-; "qeii or srB-e dar at rwr<fuc d afir qs' fs-" d X{ dr n. drr+aro rtnrfu<-sm f{t-d €-c .".1d" "* oaz i G Frffa fuqr T qr t fu qR fri-€ or q-<rq d-dr ol t,rss.1 . qq'fir \5s t w ctrd frqr srdr t fu-{ ffiier cGn 6 ergun 3 * i *"*m ge-rffiq *nr 6l c.i{r d qrfl d qrcr d dt qE €qq6n crd d ffifl H qri 6 fitg qr gq 3ilqfu o-t fct]ko cFrorft oen d srffiq acrgff'd am d d t, *q-du i o-t Mq'r c-6tor t H f4t{rrr qri 116 3nqrq6 ;r€i .i-; .rqr t 3iilifid-q rrqi d am ifua qe er0-eitff oa* -+ i i f iff rtiftEr covenant oI sds H,ri ffi f6qrm t w d;frq froq or d aen co, qrqrdff{ ffq dfu<r ot <rfuo 6r €-E.{ fr frqr I qidf$q iiGTII fdfftG &-{-rd d Am t €z iRnr orFrfuo-oifrte fstru-< 1n1 erq (zoot-tzn-Tqfifr -sso) ffw d fr'g qr qr€Eli FPIq ftqrrqr t S froii-,u.or.roo, dI a o+.of + c-fiqr d n"rt qrq r*ffiI tt w Fr"tq Er, n. €c iRirr ofmfcn tdrir qft-qq iirnf, wrro engm' d "** t g" qfu* frfr'& d rotq i (lgos-r+ vs.d.fr. ree (\'sfr) lt qm d'r{ Brirrnqqt . qI qqrfuo ffi t t fr i aw q5 q} qrE'oTonf fr{hr-16.oz.zoor oi crfud hrt nq ftdu +t-eoror rt 6rd-{d en arn qFqq vns{ \'6 3is{af6,r o-en A q$-r qfiqf, erl drnd yrq d fuoq o< etBftqq reat apn ddq f{6q 6-{ A fuqr qror en oerr frfuq {ui[ n a* tgr d qrrr qq fi-. it'T sIrqEIqfff6, "-"4 Sa-{r si u-tn"r ftqrtl drr cfiqfuro 9-6nrri o\ qna d {FII?rt q7I .rn oit + srgsR fitz or ftras oti e} r q{ ''tt'-n' g sa-d 3niiEd gM qm fi? qtI 3lrrniT o-q frft-q rrd it q-dfuK A-drcit tr\ fuo-q ft'qr rrqr t-o* vc afld-r qidt t sFf-d nd d orgsv ft-qrrqr dl vo( sqFrn wt d ffiq i t fu {q * "* q; fffro 6 6rqI qro ffi Ti elr tt a-oq 6) v€ii <vio-scia-q fuoq q.+t Page 31of38 -32- dd FroI 6.44l0m/ 10(+.)/06-07 F{!r F.4sr*a(rfiro (+dc) /06-07 q{-€ 16(!l s.-89/&m/09 (!i+c) /M-05 ec+d F.er 6.4?7/&m/08 (!ifr{) /03-04 eE6'd c6l!r F.478/*m/08 (H4) /03-04 eq+d ftid IilTrrr d anr s{6r rra <FIr {s re.5* on-* d,Trd it fi gi tl 3flqR qt 3Tqrq ot ftqr rrqr fu q-€gif o1 A qwrd {6 cnffq trg-i-d i 3rqi Effifud 3lri{r d S-ir 11 f, cQaur fr'dq d fr! qTqr f6 qa &'- -o qa qrqn t T€f fuqr aTI s6-dtl {rrd F,"L um -m-q.* 6 anr tuqrrqr tt ftilsd Td""'5FT o\ ffi {q f}z d flsa^tg rtrsqr .rdl*"* 6 snr 3{qft Rdfr:rrqa'file q-qfurd i rrd or ,lfr i fu-A ** * srd il{r -Fft-- 3lrt{r rt ftFfir ""1 ot oift{rc qrf,r ee t iRnr am trrftrqrq a fuqr ;; H #* .d; ,r*- A-drcit ol qa Biz rcro * 6 ft{t fei ort trEs 3rqB ti qra d ffi d arqr s+d t+t ercs t dhrni ffi"ffid"r.ii oc d qri cffif, n qrf,r 3lqi orqfadi BqA 3rqRrd iirn-d + #"* ,n", t A gi c-tg n+- tt rt ttEs e-6R N w fre dl ffi "RA T" 3lBftqc i-""-,fr.d aerif d *r t qF4q {4" qr+q it f'q-i-d i tt a c-o,rcr ; **ot *n a ddr cifrq f+aq 6 5q q qrq f6qll fr"tq d oF-sor rr d iirnd ;-;O ffi cr€Fr6 a <nr icrrgt fqft-{ qrRro FIoHi or.r petitioner accordingly directs the actual "The state trading corporation, i e ' the warehouse and transport those goods to there users to take delivery of goods from the oflicesituatedoutsidgBcngal.Thusthedetiveryofnewprintwasmadewithinwest Bengal Bengal but transpoft was done out side West "-"- " if passes in either state and "h, thus, appeaE that the property of the goods even is the rcsult ofthe covenant o! incident the movment of goods ftom one state to another ofcontactofsale'itwillcoverthesection3(a)ofthecentratsalesTaxAct,1956.ln (SC) ii* fraang Corporation of India Ltd Vs State of Mvsore (1963) 14 STC 188 already quoted above, same view was taken "" " by the apex coui has not "The Judcial ptonouncemeDt made iD this context We' therefore' are of the properly considered by the leamecl Members of the Board' since the sale occasioned the traosactioo in question was inter state sale " moovment ofthe goods ftom one state to another.'" """ ipiii".,t" Page 32 of 38 -r,- _ lsllr F.44l+m/ 10(+)i 06-07 q{-d rr{!r s.45lfrm/ to (++{) /06-07 rq{-€ ##r;??ffi1ffiiffi]fif; F.478rfr4(A/08 (Hq) eE+€ 16{!r /03'04 qt qr+fiq e?ita qrqroq d' Erqr 3rgffi ft+l ot 31e (az gs6€' Bftr e-icr gi erq ft-cq tfqrFn EIla ddnr ds 3{lsfr siq-osq d opa qe s} ,t fq-g qI turft se d 'r{ tt ss t ss ; -.r;;) "; qrrr irqfurd fffrcrdq d frc fu fr;ii n o'fiqrq gd. ; q-di, soq ci{r d t{r< d scmqf,r iri q{ qtrt qfr; r"fg. t oq d fft qeq-i{rqro d d €ds it furfd fr a u..* tqr r|qTl qsB s6q q-€t d qr6r{6crdo*d qd qri ii?Fii s fr,-g stmo .d; t *= J* tu ss tiiq 67 / d; r+td dt ffi d fag ; t sd-a qrqroq d'am qt gfl qrqr rqr ffi' gs IriFR ol 4q sidr cifrq o.q en oan errfrq oq d 5c I Frsfua fuqr arqr a-e er-5foc ent qs u-or"r t siil{ * a *" qrqx qI o-q or qrqrmfr{ FlH { fi 'r{ er+rr*w d entnt qr 6 ,rfr. frr, d fitg qr frfuq qr+ T qr t t fn lo ft* '.qr url, f-+ot + ftg 6f 'ftq ,ri a Si *rn ,fir w aprit 6 s-6rvr t qTT+q qmfiq sq qrqrarit d gm 68l sfrIrjsR qTTtrq sq-ta 'qrqrf,q G frft-q fttr d qrciFro 3i{it ol #Am- #t-o n"t R's'rc t aen fucd i q-6d["t q6 iPzI gtE dr qrcr t fO {tr ol'rT m"r-" -*tnro si"it il d tr{ t s-{d q-€f t' q-tdryi A* A q6s5c il{r qTR\1 TE3il dt ffi qor fa-5 rroX"i tu\ Yt srd t-s +4-o-6R d ; -g- d {rfi t f,a1T v< Prft d ergvrcl wE q-ffiq qda 61 66 fi-{<r-S{€il d +it T,FI irgn Hq fu+ t' t<rTer< iffFruRt *.** a u* qs f{5 rrr qfi-{dq Frofq q qrd zo'r'r ol Str zoos) t fr+ rr+r 3lftd u- szet(fuffd srqyicr ds €z fu6€ E-sSq qrqrmq d crir ffl ; frii *-fu ri4{6n d €dq it or'fi no qr+frq q-qtq Frokjt d 3flqn w fiergwn s-sqlR-d f6-ql'rqr t*f,d["t *.fr ',f . trade ot commerce' lhere must be an t6. To make a sale as one in the course ofinter'state the goods outside the State and obligariolL whethe! of the seller or the buyer to tanspo it may arise by reason of statute, coDEact between the parties or from mutual from the nature of the transaction understanding or agreement between them or even whichlinkerlthesaletosuchtransportation.suchanobligationmaybeimposed mutual understanding lt is not expressly under the contract itself or impliedty by a necessary that in cases, there must be pieces of direct evidence showing such obligation Page 33 of 38 -34- i E -44l&m/10(&)/06-07 t0 (+*c) /06-0? r.-s9l*aq*i 09 (!i*q) /M-05 3cqtd c'6-{or q+fi r6{EI eq{-d !'fiq F.45/*ffi/ "##J#JffiiT,sllrt in a are infemble ftom circumstantial written contract or oral agreement' Such obligations evidence...... trade or commerce under Section 3(a)' 17........ For a sale to in the couse of inter-state must be sale of goods' Such sale should the two conditio$ must be fulfilled Therc one State to another' A sale would be deemed occalion the movement of the goods from goods from onc State to another within the to have occasioned the movement of the meanings ofclause (a) ofsection 3 ofthe Acl which emelges is - when the sale or 32. From the above decisiom, the principte of occasioning the movemcnt of goods ftom agreement for sale carxies or has the elfect the the mov€ment of goods is provided for in one State to another, irrespective of whether contractofsaleornot,olwhentheorderisplacedwithanybranchoffrceoroehead officewhichresultedinthemovementofgoods,irrespectiveofwhstherthcplopeltyin if the effect of such a sale is to have the the goods passed in one State or the other' an inter-State sale would ensue and would movement of goods from one State to another' of the Central Act on the tum over of such result in exigibility of tax under Section 3(a) goods during the when the turnover relates to sale or purchase of tansaction. tt is only it would be taxabte under the Centra'l Act' course of inter'Staie trade or commerce that t {i{\i\ T* H;'#"'.* T',JS{ 1T: 1S €-c frF.qT sqfrsd "+"on 6e,/ q6i qd sdqftq ffit * #"r.-t t tu tffi WB=l-ff # ; ,* ft+ zz.ie.rsso t T.t t "-tga-Tyi -da.3tilffiq.fr1 ot frqr Tqr-tt^[(rge4 sr vg-ffi $o]..{n *-"t t qH;.i J#;;;--+.{ td s crBfrftir t tT'q T noq"r $ ,*"H,-#;.H -"i3' * gllry{d fr"tq ftqr Tqr t - ;#,-t; "r. d-*,t d e$nr w f{q5sR agaio in question Tii!: Ttd-* case of.Singhbtum ilo of tezo asposea ofon lgth August 1975'by page 334 in.fra- ln that case' we stated: The Forest was bouDd undeI aD agre€ment made with Utilisation O{ficer of the Goveulrnetrt of Bihar from the for securing for the railway tracks h fact' it is clear administration signed cheques werc madj over bv tbe railwav the railwavs of "veo The-sleepers were thus purchased with the monev arose The self-same No S.J.C. c.ro-r'r. so,. of oissa ;;ffi;'.;,;il; lle ;'i",r' J*l ;:';d;;ii;,-""*ion ;;; #;;;" ;;;ilil;d- F;"rs Page 34 of 38 -354{-d Fror F.-44lfrm/10(+)/0'6-07 qfrd rdFpr F.45l&m/ l0 (ir'ftc) /06-07 .q{-€ 16r,r F.-89/*aC&09 (lifrc) /M-05 qffd r5{or F.-47?/&aq{/08 (liftc) /03-04 .n{-d rflq 6.4?8/frm/08 (dc) /03-04 ofthe railways' Undoubtedly, being passed and taken detivery of from the assessee have been the after sleepers 'Bihar. A ilear link has becn established between the purchase of the goods Jesoatched to by ir# the *ress"" -d tra$port $ereof to Bihar. ln fac! it has been consistently foundput the departmental authoritiei as also the Tribunal that it is the assess€e hims€lf who th" .al"rials ioto th" railways for movement. It is difricult to accept the contcdion ofthe between leamed standing counsel that the t ansactions werc two independent ones-otre Forcst the betweeo the assessee uid th. Fo.""t Utilisation Officer and 0le othei lrtilisation Ofticer and the railway administration. The purchase was made following a pre-existing contsact and it envisaged transport of the sleepers from Rowf(ela into Bihar' iror these iasons we would hold that the Tribrural was not corrcct in holding that the sales between the assessee and the Forest Utilisation Officer were exigiblc to sales tax under the Orissa Sales Tax Act. On thc other hand, the ctaim of thc assessee that these and were intended to be exclusively used for the purposes constituted sales taxable under the Central Sales Tax Act was concct. The third case on the point is that of State of Odssa v. Divisional Forest Ofiicer, Karanjia Division llgBl 3, sTc 487 There the ass€ssee was the Divisional Forest Officer and the principai question for consideration was whether the Divisional Forest Officer was actuatty a deater and could be subjectcd to tax. This Coun held that the assessee was not a iealer. Therefore, the present question was not rcally canvassed and considered, 4, On thc facts of the case, we are inclined to agrce that the view expressed by us in singhbhum Timber Trading Company v. State of Orissa s.J.C. No.l30 page 334 infra conecily indicates the law. As the facts arc similar, we would answer the question referred to us by saying that the transactions were exigible to Central sales tax' +ffi t-tr qrfisr vS€ Strz \rq 3rq A e-rrur I fi qrftq tsa qrqr6rq irsnr d gm fcci6 03.11.1987 6i FPtq frqr rrqr t [(rsee) 6e vs&S $] fusd cr{iFro 3isr ffqr5{IR €n. ' dffi< orrrr{qrerl ft-s-d 5. ln the impugned assessment order the authority h8s not discussed the materials forming the basis fo! his finding that therc were two separat€ and distinct sales, the one between the timber dealer and the Divisioml Forcst Ollicers and the other between the Didsiona[ Forest Officem and the railways. He has also not stated why he felt that the deal may not have all the attributes of inter-state sale so as to attract liability of the dealer to pay central sales tax. The taNactions regarding supPly of sleepe$ by forest cont-actors to the railways are done in accordance with the practice prevalent sitrce long- The arrangement has been considered by this Court in several cases while dealing with this very question, whether the tra$action is exigible to Orissa sales tax oI Central sales tax. This Court in the case of Kunjabihari Sahoo v' State of PaBe 35 of 38 !\ -35- _* q{-6 r€$r il.-44l&aqi}/ r0(tz)/06-0? q{a rdror s.45/':&a1](&/ l0 (+.*q) /05-07 q) /04-05 srctd r6{q F -s9r*m/09 (!i #,Hf;";JffitT,sl131u Timber Trading. Company v State of STC 330 and in the case of Singhbhum h.as9* the view that the to trs8:2l st src n (eppenax 334 STC 51 orissa u9821 sales tax- ln the first case sale and therefore exigible to Cenral inter-State of one is hansaction of the South Eastem were that at dle r€guest of the officials court the by considercd the facts and a registered the assessee' a foresl contractor *nt""ttd Om"o fo'"'t Divisionuf the Railway. represented between the Govemor of orissa l" "o""ment "r . rhose sleepers were and the alsessee. sleepers were zupplied. officers ;;";;: of the the State of Orissa as per the specifications oosia" pr"""' diff..""t to rail by despatched for the purpose of assessment Th" a"se'sing omcer included the turnover and at anv that the sales were not exigible to tax ."i-"-";ilt ofthe case' ""'"""" "il., held that on the facts and circumstances Cout This sale intra-State no was there rate inter-State sale liable to tax rmder the Cetrtral assessee the by sleepen of sale the The decision in the "o-o"tit'tta sate liable to tax under the State Act Sales l ax Act. 1956, and not intra-State lI] was followed Comfany U9E2l 5l STC 33a (Ori) [App' fraaing Tim*r Singhbhum of case orissa [982] 5l IJifffi il;;:'"'i :lol i"'tt *t ffi,;;;i;;;esr ;;;;;**. il;;;, "iui-irot in this case. scmq t ssd'sitErq 7o/ sfr FFt{fi A c-6rYr n 1crt *" d 3IFr+q A N 1*TT i fu{it sriqq nqr z16 crt t fu i fq+sn 3rd'irfrq rqfr q6i q +q-d t cin t 3iiltfrq.d4{6R tl d q{s{ sq rrrn fr{f,{ ;;; sqta qrqrdq d av y<rmo t t-{rqTE # -#r* t'fu "-4, ttm c-flor tt f< qc Fdq it Frdq d et rn* hdHfl=ds-qe "*oto rrqr era E-Sfiqft'r q's ffifrs i' fu B fuqr nfro t #"#r'.u (1e70) zo vsffi 354 i qd 6q arftFuo crgam str+o q-sdq tdfr f+s< 3lftFqq d srir s(q) d qRfr it sIrA sqlrTRd fuqr B fu V€ Ftr6R h +d'q r*,Bl^qlt1] Fqta;qrqrdq t -"a -* it e-d"6 qiq-{6R Elrq cfr a qnr rrqr t tu-q ss roc"r n s€H fr" d qs fr"tq ;'t;*fi ;;#; rrrsn w qft d *fe1w +ra i Gtray) 3IFIolt qr+r Ec qE Ci fu fl frulr-r rfi qrtr tt s€li \'6 trqd **rrtt a W 3rqE d fuc "rffiidq fr@q qfrerqr fo.qr tr qs qRieq it qn-fiq frqo w fc5 aen ss ;;"-R" fu.i t o) sia{'dq d-q{6r qrir I rrqta qrqrmq i sqw ffii 3lFrnq of Wi f{ilqn r€t o-s ldqkor e-inwl f,qI s{fi-d rflq d strta-q qmftq qd-a qIFIIIFI TrlT rzlrdro qror f,sfi fu q-e t l6qr frffi€ B t ero, q1 d'r{ H- --fr- ; w qrqrd?it d Enr fti'rn Frot{fi A 3rsn 6q 5qp sm Page 36 of 38 ., -37- . s.45lfrm/ ?q+d rsror l0 (Adc) /06-07 ##f*?ffiigiffilfi.l; (Hc) q+6 r{{q s.4?8/&Eqs/08 /03'04 q-6-tsit sffiiF d Idilfir d qopr d cniFm 3lftAs d ansn w cifrq cs d;flq ; *.1d" ifo.q {rRriit 6T Mr,T o-r M{6 3lerfifi A grn frtqr iilrit d q-qfu d frs 'r$ erqfto or n-o i-e-<fim d ft-€ tn q{ og-o+ o1 qfuq-ffr tsrft-o qlsqFii d colYr n {ffiq $ fa61q frSs nrsffq c=c qqiG-d tr-{fi fu ciftq srftRqq ercr rg (1Xq) 1ni frm zs d qr q-6-dr d-{d o,-a erero crgviFrro qra qt 6 d=Ec fdqT *1" trm tz d er5rn-ra d erpr tfril qtRqa, or ff ffo'q d-{r qrfiq .rfiffqc q|Tfli or et{ d]qs d ftqfui fu.g ?rE lrFItlFI froq a *iqs n fi q-$ or crd 6 sc n u-gm fuv ".guiFm faqq o-t frql qrat t t ero: 3rcrqr qslr{d rsq 61 onr d fiiqd..ft tt / qa tJ a t #. ". t -*" d #rfi"t t -a r* "rit * tr t "** {s fu€ q{ 3Tq-flpff d slrq'fu 3r66R d orfr tt d tl tti ry t tttsr s{ or-on d ssE S frq \'fi 3nqftd ciffq 3lftF-qc d sM zo(+)(q) <pfl qr d sqlgffi i q zo(l)(fr) S s$T 3ln'lfud qrq vnfu d fcg 'r€ t r elql*q 3fi# qi.r d sTIETR rR aFITg rg qro d qrRr 6' 20,4s'1oo / - ol sqrq or qlfu6' 6t or ctH"r d qrqrc sd-i o5 qur t ft slqfdPfr di ENr qr6 srqw or iFI rrrmn Glgrfi Tw+i d gflqR qt iFTiI er d s-€ii qdf frqr t qcr ftqr t aen ftqio tott'zoog o\ ; *.-" t *ua s{d ErtI iF-{ 5. 6,50.000l+ qrd or or$q Br vd-i crqr fu ttqq c-on qe ftRqa fi {6 qqr Ar, *.o "* t erq qr€t or rft qrq oq frqr Tqr ttd-*q u-rrT t fi rc qrqr c-fi qrqrrqr t srd: fuiq d as ron oI crfu6'fiuq fqfu{d qqr ft'qr qro olNft-d fuql nQrr Ynk smri qi *isdq src t d or Mro 3lErolft i 3n$frd d ss-61 gk erffiq sqrgff i dt . t .tqT B{ot qr+orfi c-€( eqrt sqs qs ersfu + frc dr 6-iu-i g6rur rrg in-{tr{ s at,r$ trg-s qrr+rfr d ars-d{t{ qe we €rdr fu g6,c +ejrm a vrpr dl frarfl qd 5.7't,o8,442/- d rrRr or t 5'ron orcr <qi gs ft-5 cr wY G dr w rur.tT qr6 s scr5ff slrtcr s-qqi-6 fuxfr q€l *A m qrmq frtf,fr o-Oq A-oq YrRr d ff6q srwfuo o-{ t{dl l+Ik6' G iqr a-'-a-o qTd n snwrE( oq q srfu6 Srrdn frq rrqrt 6-t r€t si sfuc elfu*t ,.fi q-.itdq fri6 fuE 3rdB MR( t t t t t t t t d ffi dt tt Page 37 of 38 *ffiilJffi^e'ffi],8:ii : "##,I;1r,iffi1,1l,slfi:r qlwft'r ft.iq q qr€fu6 6{ t{dr A 3 qR q{ q''s li'IFrd Gtqr iilr{r 3{tr{ft-d d "rr+ erRct 016: gs l+5 w snRd 3rifud ditrt H " "qi-" qRqrd-{ li qrq oqt Ynk 3{elrcur ig ot ftrtro qffi d ;;;'fui .rrrcq t qrdr o1 oili q-cqrqfi'd fuqr 72l qRqrqc{sq m* t q{ og-ol d ;,i4d" a*it a ;qft t 3rcft frsfrsr a f+5 qstuit w i*t'f # t,tu fi * "t*" eisrd: 66r< a sir Cffiiqti'r fg c-{ntrf, ftq qri € "ni"rer A= d t -"rrfr q 3lfi-d 3i561 fron frqt{6 3{Er6Ifi 61 3i1 r+-w q fi rfo-tffiq d frqir"r ti fqftit d q-6rqr d T flsI 6r furl-{6 d Mt t qfrd 3iYril fr6Rt q a g{.ft.scErq r&ur 1116 q1fuF(s +qrcrfrv{s E-rq-Efdfflh-,'-,,. // "--'.)\ {ff-{(ft :rrfitr6t Ai r{tc1r atl t- Page 38 of 38