NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY MATERIALS MANAGMENT DEPARTMENT STORES TENDER NOTICE No : S/29/2008 Earnest Money: 2% of the total value offered. (Common to all items) No Tender No PL No Description + specification 41075122/ 4007NS07 Polythene insulated polly thene sheathed Jelly filed 1 OT/582/08 Telephone cable with poly AL moisture barrier 20 pair x 0.63 mm dia as per RDSO.s specn No. TC-41-97 with Amndt. No.1or latest. 4001NS01 Polythene insulated polly thene sheathed Jelly filed Telephone cable with poly AL moisture barrier 20 pair 0.9 mm dia as per RDSO.s specn No. TC-41-97 with Amndt. No.1or latest. 31080070/ OT/583/08 31075010/ OT/584/08 30080032/ OT/585/08 4 KM SR.DSTE/LMG Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 4026300 30981815 POH kit for pin for BMBC bogie 5 items per set as follows. 1) Pin for Lever Hanger to Drg. No. RDSO SK No-98024, alt-2 or latest, item No-14, quantity 4 Nos per set. 2) Pin to Drg. No. RDSO SK No-.98024, alt-2 or latest, item No-9, quantity 44 Nos. per set..3) Pin to Drg. No. RDSO SK No.98024, alt-2 or latest, item No-12, quantity 4 Nos per set, 4) Pin for safety wire along with washer & split cotter to drawing no. RDSO SK No - 98024, alt - 2 or latest, item no: 17, 18, 19 quantity: 32 nos each per set, 5) Pin for lever hanger with Nut, Spring Washer & Split Pin, Drawing no: ICF SK - T - 3 - 2 - 802, alt-c or latest, Item no- 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11, quantity 16 nos each per set. 2000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 7072000 3021NS01 Set of packing Ring for axle box guide/MG ICF to NFR/NBQs Drg.No. SK/C&W/0612 alt 'a' & RDSO STR No. C9703 as follows(1) Packing Ring for MG coach- 20 mm. 3021NS02 Set of packing Ring for axle box guide/MG ICF to NFR/NBQs Drg.No. SK/C&W/0612 alt 'a' & RDSO STR No. C9703 as follows(1) Packing Ring for MG coach- 6 mm. 3021NS03 Set of packing Ring for axle box guide/MG ICF to NFR/NBQs Drg.No. SK/C&W/0612 alt 'a' & RDSO STR No. C9703 as follows(1) Packing Ring for MG coach- 12 mm. 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 364000 30014360 Guide Ring / MG-ICF,as per ICF Drawing no: MGT-0-1014, alt-j/6 or latest,Material Specification IS:28-85,Gr-2. 4500 MTR SSE/Tele/KIR 10000 MTR Total 14500 MTR 2500 MTR 4007NS06 Polythene insulated polly thene sheathed Jelly filed Telephone cable with poly AL moisture barrier 20 pair x 0.50 mm dia as per RDSO.s specn No. TC-41-97 with Amndt. No.1or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 4 Total 4007NS02 Polythene insulated polly thene sheathed Jelly filed Telephone cable with poly AL moisture barrier 100 pair x 0.50 mm dia as per RDSO.s specn No. TC-41-97 with Amndt. No.1or latest. 4007NS04 Polythene Insulated Jelly field Telephone able with poply-AL Moisture Barrier,Conforming to RDSO's Spec.No-IRS:TC 41-97 Amendement No.1,5 Pairs Armoured,0.5mm dia Copper Conductor 4007NS05 Polythene insulated polly thene sheathed Jelly filed Telephone cable with poly AL moisture barrier 10 pair x 0.50 mm dia as per RDSO.s specn No. TC-41-97 with Amndt. No.1or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 3 4 KM SSE/TELE/APDJ 1000 Quantity SE/TELE/TSK 4007NS01 Polythene insulated polly thene sheathed Jelly filed Telephone cable with poly AL moisture barrier 50 pair x 0.50 mm dia as per RDSO.s specn No. TC-41-97 with Amndt. No.1or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 2 Consignee SSE/TELE/AUTO/ MLG 2000 MTR Total 4500 MTR SSE/TELE/AUTO/ MLG 1000 MTR Total 1000 MTR SSE/TELE/AUTO/ MLG 4800 MTR Total 4800 MTR SSE/TELE/APDJ 5000 MTR SSE/TELE/AUTO/ MLG 2000 MTR Total 7000 MTR SSE/TELE/AUTO/ MLG SSE/TELE/APDJ 1200 MTR Total 3700 MTR Due On 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 2500 MTR Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT 300 SET Dy.CMM/NBQ 300 SET Total 600 SET 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SSE/CLS/MG/NB QS 400 NOS. Total 400 NOS. SSE/CLS/MG/NB QS 800 NOS. Total 800 NOS. SSE/CLS/MG/NB QS 800 NOS. Total 800 NOS. 2676 NOS. 141500 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/NBQ 80600 7300 12-02-2009 NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY MATERIALS MANAGMENT DEPARTMENT STORES TENDER NOTICE No : S/29/2008 Earnest Money: 2% of the total value offered. (Common to all items) No Tender No PL No Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 5 77080898/ OT/586/08 10083956/ OT/587/08 10083920/ OT/588/08 8 77080887/ OT/590/08 10083752/ OT/591/08 11 37080226/ OT/593/08 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 1722150 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 1953226 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 297914 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 461498 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 25800 18360567 'Light assembly indicator, Alertor to EMD Part No 10635013. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 12 524700 17320793 Elbow Assembly -5/8 HYD-Includes Viton '' 0 " Ring.To GM Pt No- 40046718.GM Part No - 40046718. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 10083954/ OT/592/08 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 77090512 Paint ready mixed sage green brushing finishing exterior semiglose ISC-219,Spec:IS:117-1984 or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 10 500 77900157 Synthetic Knifing Stopper putty,Mat. Specification : IS: 5083 -88 (2nd Rev. ) & ICF / MD/Spec - 045 issue status 02, Rev - 3 or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 9 219004 18310140 Fuse 300 Amps for Radiator Fan for GM LocomotiveDrawing no: EMD PART NO - 10635464 Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 77080928/ OT/589/08 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 18380037 ''Diode'' silicon negative base pink porecelain (main generator) toDrawing no:EMD Part No - 40029131. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 7 150 77115107 Paint Bituminous Black for corrosion repair,RDSO Specification No: IRS :P-29 or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 6 Description + specification 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 128734 37453452 Door Chainless Cotter, LongRDSO Drawing no: W/DW2517,Alt.-2 or latest.Mat.Specn. : As per drg. Consignee Total 13 30080312/ OT/594/08 14 15 70080468/ OT/597/08 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 45000 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 260125 17400053 BEARING ASM . ROLLER - CE Includes Inner & outer Race.Drawing no: GM Part N0 - 40083493 Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 16 3364697 18021803 ''Slip Ring Assembly Collector'',main generator,Drawing no: EMD Part No - 8345866. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 10083783/ OT/596/08 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 30980057 Aluminium angle Moulding 2.5 x 52 x 2000 mm,ICF/STD -4 -3 -008, item-5 , alt-q or latest,Mat. Spec.- IS:737 8631000 H2. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 10083857/ OT/595/08 1000 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 945551 73030715 Bolt MS Hex Head 12 x 65 With NutBIS Specification No: Steel, IS-1363,pt-I Due On 2676 NOS. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/NBQ SMM/D/DBRT 4580 LTR 3900 LTR Total 8480 LTR AMM/D/SGUJ 250 NOS. Total 250 NOS. 156 NOS. Total 156 NOS. 3480 KGS. SMM/D/DBRT 2060 KGS. Total 5540 KGS. 3180 LTR Total 3180 LTR 100 NOS. Total 100 NOS. 25 NOS. Total 25 NOS. 2700 NOS. 6550 NOS. Dy.CMM/NBQ Dy.CMM/NJP 4605 NOS. 2970 NOS. 600 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT Dy.CMM/PNO 9300 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/SGUJ 6000 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/SGUJ 39100 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/PNO 34500 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/NBQ 10500 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/SGUJ 4400 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Total Cost of Tender Document Rs.: Quantity 2600 12-02-2009 16825 NOS. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT 1500 NOS. Total 1500 NOS. 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/SGUJ 5 NOS. Total 5 NOS. 30 NOS. Total 30 NOS. 150 KGS. Dy.CMM/NBQ Dy.CMM/PNO 3300 KGS. 5100 KGS. SMM/D/DBRT 8900 KGS. 5300 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/NJP 900 12-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/SGUJ 67300 19000 12-02-2009 NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY MATERIALS MANAGMENT DEPARTMENT STORES TENDER NOTICE No : S/29/2008 Earnest Money: 2% of the total value offered. (Common to all items) No Tender No PL No Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 17 41080061/ OT/598/08 Description + specification 500 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 1177805 56986415 Battery charger 220v AC/24vDC-30 Amp.Cap.(Self Regulating),RDSO Specification No: IRS-S-86/2000 with Amendment-4 or latest. Consignee Total Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 41075061/ OT/599/08 Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 19 30080426/ OT/600/08 50080646/ OT/601/08 30080704/ OT/602/08 30080425/ OT/603/08 43080017/ OT/604/08 43085022/ OT/605/08 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: 4 NOS. 21 NOS. Dy.CMM/NJP 1 NOS. 41085023/ OT/606/08 30080313/ OT/607/08 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 300300 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 529490 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 320530 500 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 1120680 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 2363170 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 4148323 5690NS01 Supply of point contactor unit as per Specn No. IRS: S46& firm's Specn. plug in type to operate on 24 V DC & capable of controlling electric point machine operating on 110V DC. The unit shall consisting of N/R Relay (Netural line relay with two coil II) XR Relay (14 V DC Neutral relay)iii) W(N) R/W R-Mechanically inter Locked relay. iv) WCR (Heavy duty capacitor relay with breaking capacity 15 Amp). All above relays shall be mounted on pre-wired base plate. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 26 150 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: 320 NOS. 250 NOS. Total 570 NOS. Dy.CMM/NBQ 1300 NOS. Total 1300 NOS. 2000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 5784944 30980069 Compensating Ring for Primary Suspension, Size 250 x 180 x 12mm,ICF Drg.No. T -0-0-602, item - 9, alt-k or 7 PAIRS 22 PAIRS 36 PAIRS Total 65 PAIRS 96 SET Total 96 SET 300 NOS. Dy.CMM/NBQ 200 NOS. Total 500 NOS. 10 NOS. 27 NOS. Dy.CMM/PNO 30 NOS. Total 67 NOS. 47300 13-02-2009 17 KM Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SSE/SIG/RNY SSE/SIG/KNE 80 NOS. 264 NOS. Total 344 NOS. 3840 NOS. 83000 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT 22500 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: 17 KM 6500 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/KIR Dy.CMM/NJP 10600 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT 6100 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/NBQ 7500 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/NJP Dy.CMM/PNO 13200 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/KIR 23600 12-02-2009 26 NOS. SSE/TL/DBWS SSE/TLS/NBQ 4001NS01 6 Quad 0.9 mm dia copper conductor polythine SSE/SIG/KNE insulated aluminium screen (wire /strip) & galavanised steel armoured under ground jelly filled cable as per Spec Total No: IRS:TC30-2005 (Ver.1) with amendment No.4 or latest.. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 25 372354 55980028 Lifting Barrier for level crossing gate (fractured segment) 10 metre Long RH & LH.RDSO Drawing no: SA-8839 (for RH) & SA-8843 (for LH) Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 24 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 30981748 Foot plate of UIC type Vestibule,RDSO Drawing no: Sk No-99057, Item No-9 to 14 and 18 & 20, alt-1, or latest,Mat.spec.-As per drg. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 23 150 30989474 Double leaf Door Arrangement & Details ( for Vestibule),to Drg No- E.Rly's SK No-LLH-47/2000, alt-nil or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 22 655121 56986440 Electric Key Transmitter (Rotary type), each pair should have same keys conforming to RDSO Drawing no: SA22601 ALT-4 or latest & RDSO Specification No: IRS:S21/2001 or latest Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 21 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 30981750 Window shutter panel of compreg with one side laminated size-605 x 753 x 4 mm,RDSO Specification No: C- K 513 or latest. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 20 500 4590NS01 supply & Testing of Recess mounting type light unit complete with Luminaries, Electronics ballast & lamp including mounting accesories for 'SLR' coaches conforming to RDSO specn.No. RDSO/SPEC/TL/D/0074 (Rev.'0')-2006. Due On 17450 KGS. AMM/D/KIR Dy.CMM/PNO Total 18 Quantity 115700 13-02-2009 NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY MATERIALS MANAGMENT DEPARTMENT STORES TENDER NOTICE No : S/29/2008 Earnest Money: 2% of the total value offered. (Common to all items) No Tender No PL No Description + specification latest.,Mat.Spec- IS: 2062 Fe 410 Cu wc. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 27 30080539/ OT/608/08 Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 28 30080623/ OT/609/08 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 1824000 30982923 Flange welded joint 20 mm Bore (Pipe to Equipment),RDSO Drawing no: WD-83062-S-07 Alt.-3 or latest.RDSO Specification No: 04-ABR-02 Amdt. 2 of Aug 2005 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 1606800 30985638 Hose Connection 700 x 15 mm bore,as per ICF Drawing no: EMU /M-3-5-079 , item-3, alt - q/2 or latest,Material specification: As per drg. Consignee Total 29 43070249/ OT/610/08 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 375036 45984748 Night light fitting with 120 V, screw cap lamp holder with milky white diffuser..RCF Drawing no: CC 76224, Alt-C 45980548 Night light fitting with indication of berth numbers for WGACCN type coaches.conforming to RCF's Drawing No - CC - 76237 Alt - B , or latest. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: 2500 NOS. 2500 NOS. Total 5000 NOS. SMM/D/DBRT Dy.CMM/NBQ 30 31080052/ OT/611/08 30080352/ OT/612/08 30080354/ OT/613/08 144515 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 2566199 30980811 Arm rest NAC chair car,ICF/SK - 6 - 1 - 395, alt - c/2 or latest,Mat.Specn:- As per drg. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 32 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 30983198 UIC type Rubber Vestibule,Drg. No-RDSO SK 99056, alt2, item-2 to 14, 25 & SK-99057, item-8 alt-1,and RDSO/2007/CG-05, Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 31 150 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 223476 30980847 Snacks Table FRP for AC,ICF/SK-6-1-394, alt-j or latest,Mat.Specn:- As per drg. 106 NOS. 56 NOS. Total 162 NOS. 9 SET Dy.CMM/PNO Dy.CMM/D/NB Q 33 30080367/ OT/614/08 34 31080025/ OT/616/08 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 238000 30982182 Hex head screw with nut,ICF Drg No - T- O - 1 - 633 item-34 & 35, alt - r or latest,Mat.Specn: As per drg. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 35 204152 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 399984 36431503 FRP Wall Protector, Colour-Light Grey / BG&MG,as per RDSO Drawing no: SK-83114, Alt-3 or latest,Spec: As per drawing. 27 SET 120 SET SMM/D/DBRT 140 SET Total 260 SET 20 NOS. 30 NOS. SMM/D/DBRT 755 NOS. Total 805 NOS. 51400 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: 12 NOS. 240 NOS. 2900 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: AMM/D/KIR Dy.CMM/PNO 30981153 3 Seater LH for WGSCZJ,ICF / SK - 6 - 1 - 395, item-3, alt-c/2 or latest,Mat.specn:- As per drg. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 30080467/ OT/615/08 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 13-02-2009 9 SET 9 SET Dy.CMM/NBQ AMM/D/KIR Dy.CMM/PNO 7600 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Total 150 13-02-2009 2268 NOS. SMM/D/DBRT Dy.CMM/D/NB Q SMM/D/DBRT 32200 900 NOS. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 1368 NOS. 36500 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Total Cost of Tender Document Rs.: Due On 3840 NOS. Dy.CMM/NBQ SMM/D/DBRT Total Cost of Tender Document Rs.: Quantity 4500 13-02-2009 50 NOS. 302 NOS. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT 70 NOS. Total 70 NOS. 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT Dy.CMM/NBQ 7133 NOS. 1200 NOS. Total 8333 NOS. 1299 NOS. SMM/D/DBRT Dy.CMM/NBQ 1874 NOS. 2621 NOS. Total 5794 NOS. 4800 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/PNO 4100 8000 13-02-2009 NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY MATERIALS MANAGMENT DEPARTMENT STORES TENDER NOTICE No : S/29/2008 Earnest Money: 2% of the total value offered. (Common to all items) No Tender No PL No Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 36 80084066/ OT/617/08 37 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 3033657 80985129 Lubricating Oil Multigrade SAE 15 W /40 as perIS:136561993 Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 31080006/ OT/618/08 Description + specification 1000 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 2020225 30985754 Set of compensating Rings as under: 1. Compensating Ring (Bol) - 12 × Ø 285 × Ø 200 - item No. 11, Qty- 8 Nos, and 2. Compensating Ring (AB) - 12 × Ø 250 × Ø 180 - item No. 9, Qty-16 ICF drawing No: T - 0 - 0 - 602, alt k or latest,specification No: IS: 2062, Fe 410 Cu WC. Cost of Tender Document Rs.: 150 Approx.Tender Value Rs.: 465560 Consignee Quantity Due On Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: Dy.CMM/PNO 12500 LTR Dy.CMM/NJP 12500 LTR Total 25000 LTR 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: SMM/D/DBRT 103 SET Total 103 SET 60700 40500 13-02-2009 Earnest Money Deposit Rs.: 9400 Whenever annexure is referred, the annexure may be obtained along with Tender Schedule / downloaded from website For Controller of Stores N.F. Railway, Maligaon