NOCCinfra NOCCinfra (NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY) INDUSTRY FACILITATION CENTRE GANESWARPUR INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, BALASORE, ORISSA-756019 TELEFAX: 06782-267273 PLASTIC POLYMER & ALLIED CLUSTER, BALASORE ( PROJECT UNDER Industrial Infrastructure Up gradation Scheme) NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed Rate tender invited from reputed and eligible bidders for Supply, Erection, Modification, Testing & Commissioning and preparation of approved as built drawings of Signaling & Telecommunication work at new railway siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railways. NIT Ref: NOCCinfra/Railway Siding (S & T)/2015-16/117 USTRY FACILITATIONTREGANESWARPUR IND. Name of the work Date Of Publication Of Tender Supply, Erection, Modification, Testing & Commissioning and preparation of approved as built drawings of Signaling & Telecommunication work at new railway siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railways. Date : 11th Dec, 2015 Last date and time of receipt of Date : 6th Jan,2016, Time 15.00 hours bids. Date and Time of opening bid Date : 6th Jan,2016, Time 16.00 hours Place of availability, receipt & NOCCi BUSINESS PARK opening of quotation. 3rd Floor of Trade Tower At-Bampada, Post-Chanpur, Balasore. Pin-756056, Near Birla Tyre, Opposite of CIPET. Ph-06782-255966 / 967 Can also be downloaded from BID Cost Rs. 2100/- (Rupees Two Thousand One Hundred Only) Inclusive of VAT @ 5% DD in favor of NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY, PAYABLE AT BALASORE. Bid security / Rs. 4,00,000/- (Rupees Four Lakh Only) The Ernest money deposit (EMD) bid must be accompanied by EMD of the OR Bank Guarantee should be amount Rs 4,00,000/- shape of DD in favor of valid 90days from the date of NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE bid opening any nationalized COMPANY, PAYBLE AT BALASORE. bank. (ii) Bank Guarantee Format Enclosed Period of Completion 04 Months from the date of placing LOI/W.O Tender issuing authority A.G.M-Finance , NOCCinfra, Balasore BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 1 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra INDEX Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Description NIT Cover Page Index Instruction of Tenders BID Qualification Criteria Project Description & Scope of Work Time Schedule Schedule of Quantities General Terms & Conditions Special Condition of Contract Safety, Health & Environment Requirements Technical Specification Drawings Bank Guarantee Format Summary of Price Bid Schedule – “A” Supply of S & T Materials Schedule – “B” Execution of S & T Materials BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 2 of 130 Pages 1 2 to 2 3 to 7 8 to 9 10 to 12 13 to 13 14 to 15 16 to 43 44 to 57 58 to 63 64 to 82 83 to 97 98 to 98 99 to 99 100 to 120 121 to 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra INSTRUCTIONS OF TENDERERS PREAMBLE: NOCCi Balasore Infrastructure Company, (NOCCinfra) proposes to provide new railway siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway. The scope of the work includes but not limited to the following. The work involves for Supply, Erection, Modification, Testing & Commissioning and preparation of approved as built drawings of Signaling & Telecommunication work for NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Railway siding taking off from Balasore station. 1.1 i. Panel Interlocking of central cabins of N e w Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway. ii. Provision of Panel Interlocking with MACL Signaling. iii. Provision of Electrical Point Machines, Track Circuits etc. Provision of LED lit Signals. iv. Provision of Integrated Power Supply. v. Provision of Digital Axle Counter, (for Block proving). Provision of VHF Sets for Communication. vi. Provision of Glued Joint. vii. Provision of Data Logger. viii. Allied Miscellaneous works. ix. All other enabling/associated works required to complete the jobs as per specification and schedule of quantities/rates. 1.2 The work involved shall comply with the Railway standard drawings 1.3 The period of completion is 4 (Four) months. 1.4 The tender is required to bid in two bid system: A. BID-01 (Technical Bid) The technical bid against the Tender Notice Ref: NOCCinfra/Railway Siding (S & T)/2015-16/117, dated 11th Dec,2015 will be prepare sign and sealed by the tenderer and put inside a cover Super Scribed technical bid for Tender Notice Ref NOCCinfra/Railway Siding (S & T)/201516/117, dated 11th Dec,2015 duly sealed & signed. B. BID-02 (Price Bid) as per the BOQ attached at NIT, to be duly filled up signed & sealed in every page and put a separate cover super scribed price bid against Tender Notice Ref NOCCinfra/Railway Siding (S & T)/2015-16/117, dated 11th Dec,2015 duly sealed & signed by the tender. 1.5 The tender shall put both the bids i.e., Technical & Price Bid as described above along with two separate Demand Drafts on for Bid Cost & other for Bid Security deposits inside a single cover super scribed Tender Notice Ref NOCCinfra/Railway Siding (OHE)/2015-16/117, dated 11th Dec,2015 duly signed seal to be put inside the Tender box, which will be opened on 6th Jan, 2016 Time 16.00 hours. 2. Tenders completed as per instructions in Para-(i) or (viii) of letter inviting tenders will be received by OWNER in his office on date 6th Jan, 2016 upto 15.00 hrs. Tenderer has to make sure that the documents are submitted before the schedule time. No postal delays will be considered. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 3 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 3. 4. Tender Notice No- NOCCinfra/Railway Siding (OHE)/2015-16/117, dated 11th Dec, 2015 Cover one will contain details duly filled in, where applicable, as per Item no. 1/i to 1/viii of the letter inviting tender excepting Item no. v which is Price Bid Document. Tenders have to be sent to: A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY NOCCi BUSINESS PARK 3rd Floor of Trade Tower At-Bampada, Post-Chanpur Pin-756056, Near Birla Tyre, Opposite of CIPET, Balasore, Odisha Ph-06782-255966 / 967 a. Tenders for works shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of sixty days from the date of opening of tenders. b. The successful tenderer shall be required to execute an agreement with OWNER for carrying out the work as per agreed conditions. The cost of stamp paper for the agreement shall be borne by the bidder. c. The contract operations and proceedings in connection with the works shall at all times be conducted during the continuance of contract in accordance with the laws, ordinance, rules and regulations for the time being in force in the state and the Contractor shall further observe and comply with the bye laws and regulations of the Government of India and State Government and of Municipal and other authorities having jurisdiction over area involved in connection with the works. The hospital and medical regulations in force for the time being shall also be complied with by the Contractor/s and his workmen. d. The Contractor shall be responsible for the observance of the rules and regulations under the Mines Act and Mineral Rules and Indian Metallurgical Rules and Regulations of State Government concerned as amended from time to time. e. The Contractor shall at all times keep the OWNER / CONSULTANT indemnified against all penalties that may be imposed by the Government of India or State Government for infringement of any of the sections / clauses of the Mines Act and Rules made there-under in respect of the quarries from which the ballast and other material for these works is procured. 5. TIME LINE & RATE ANALYSIS: 5.1 Time is the essence of the contract. In order to complete the work within the schedule time, the tenderer is required to submit a detailed PROGRAMME CHART for various activities. Any offer without “PROGRAMME CHART” is liable to be rejected. 5.2 The tenderer shall submit an analysis of rates if called upon to do so. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 4 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 6. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS. 6.1 Works will be carried out according to the General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract and Specifications applicable for these works. 6.2 In case of any variation between General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract, the Special Conditions of Contract will prevail. In case of variation between Special Conditions of Contract and schedule of quantities and rates, the later will prevail. 6.3 Bid Cost: All bids must be accompanied by bid cost in the acceptable form as specified in the bidding document. 7. Bid Security: All bids must be accompanied by bid security in the acceptable form as specified in the bidding document. 8. The tenderer should quote in figures as well as in words the amount tenderer by them. The amount for each section should be worked out and the requisite totals given. In case of discrepancy given in figure and words, the amount quoted in words will prevail. 9. The tenderer shall visit the site and acquaint him fully of the site conditions before quoting the rates and he shall attach a certificate for having done so in the Performa to certify that they have inspected the site and observed / collected all necessary data to enable them offer this tender. No claim arising out of ignorance of site conditions shall be entertained. The acceptance of a tender will rest with the competent authority of the owner, who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender, and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received, without assigning any reason thereof. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled, or are incomplete in any respect, are liable to be rejected. Tenders containing any condition leading to unknown / vague / indefinite liabilities are liable to be rejected. If at all any rebate is to be offered the tenderer shall first quote his rates strictly on the terms and conditions stipulated in the tender document and then show separately any rebate(s) offered specifying the conditions for such rebate(s). Failure to follow this procedure will render the tender liable for rejection. Tenderer desires to offer alternate proposals and design and commercial offer he may do so in a separate letter but any conditions and writing on the present tender should not be altered / mutilated. Canvassing in connection with tender is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the tenderer who resort to canvassing are liable to be rejected. 10. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the Contractor who is authorized to take instructions from the Engineer-in-charge shall be communicated to the OWNER / CONSULTANT for approval together with their biodata. The person so approved shall not be replaced without prior approval by the Engineer-in-charge. 11. All amounts shall be quoted only on the proper form of the tender and each page of tender papers and schedule of rates shall be signed. Any deletion or over-writing in schedule of rates shall be duly attested by authorized signatory. 11.1 While quoting the amount in the respective schedule the word “only” should be written closely, following the amount and it should not be written in the next line. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 5 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 12. Sales Tax or any other taxes, levies and duties on materials and on works in respect of this contract shall be payable by the Contractor. CONSULTANT / OWNER will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. This should be taken into account while quoting the rates of Contractor. 13. The Contractor must submit a copy of the PAN Card along with the tender. 14. Under Section 194-C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 deduction of income tax in advance will be made from sums payable for the work carried under this contract as per extant rules from each of the Bills paid. 15. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed by a person holding power of attorney authorizing him to do so, power of attorney should be enclosed to the tender duly notarized. 16. The tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be required to appear at the office of the OWNER through a duly authorized representative to execute the contract agreement within 7 days (seven days) on receipt of notice that the contract has been awarded to him / them. Contract period will be reckoned from the date of LOI or Work Order. Contractor should mobilize within 7 days on receipt of LOI or Work Order. 17. Should a tenderer find discrepancies, or omissions in the drawings or any of the Tender Forms or should be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the authority inviting tenders who may send a written intimation to all Tenderers. It should be understood that every endeavor has been made to avoid any error which can materially affect the basis of the tender and the successful tenderer shall take upon himself and provide for the risk of any error which may subsequently be discovered and shall make no subsequent claim on account thereof. 18. The OWNER / CONSULTANT will not be bound by any power of attorney granted by the tenderer or by changes in the composition of the firm made subsequent to the execution of the contract. It may, however, recognize such power of attorney and changes after obtaining proper legal advice, the cost of which will be chargeable to the Contractor. 19. The drawings for the works can be seeing at 3rd floor of Trade Centre of NOCCi Business Park, Opposite CIPET, Near Birla Tyres, Bampada at any time during office hours. 20. Tenders containing erasures and alterations of the tender documents are liable to be rejected if they were not attested by the tenderer. 21. If the tenderer deliberately gives wrong information in his / their tender to create circumstances for the acceptance of his / their tender, the OWNER / CONSULTANT reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage. 22. If a tenderer expires after the submission of his tender or after the acceptance of his tender and before commencement of work the OWNER / CONSULTANT shall deem such tender as cancelled. If a partner of a firm expires after the submission of their tender or after the acceptance of their tender and before commencement of work, the OWNER / CONSULTANT shall deem such tender as cancelled, unless the firm retains its character. 23. Should a tenderer or Contractor have a relative employed in managerial capacity in OWNER / CONSULTANT or in the case of partnership firm or company incorporated under the Indian Company Law, should a partner or a relative of the partner or a BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 6 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra shareholder be employed in responsible capacity under the OWNER / CONSULTANT, the authority inviting tenders shall be informed of the fact at the time of submission of tenders, failing which the tender may be rejected. If such fact is suppressed at the time of tendering and comes to light at any time after the acceptance of tender, the contract is liable to be rescinded. 24. As per requirement, any item / quantity can be added / deleted from the scope of work. 25. All tender received will remain valid for a period of 60days from the last date of receipt of tenders and validity of tenders can also be extended of agreed by the tenders & NOCCinfra. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 7 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BID QUALIFICTION CRITERIA INTRODUCTION & BRIEFES SCOPE OF WORK: NOCCi Balasore Infrastructure Company, (NOCCinfra) proposes to provide new Railway Siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway. (For Railway Infrastructure Development in Railway Areas) SCOPE OF THE WORK: The scope of the work includes but not limited to the following. 1. Panel Interlocking of central cabins of New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway. 2. Provision of Panel Interlocking with MACL Signaling. 3. Provision of Electrical Point Machines, Track Circuits etc. Provision of LED lit Signals. 4. Provision of Integrated Power Supply. 5. Provision of Digital Axle Counter, (for Block proving). Provision of VHF Sets for Communication. 6. Provision of Glued Joint. 7. Provision of Data Logger. 8. Allied miscellaneous works. 9. All other enabling/associated works required to complete the jobs as per specification and schedule of quantities/rates Completion Period for the entire scope of the works is Four (4) months. The Site Address as below: M/s. NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Integrated Logistic Hub (ILH) Near Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Somnathpur, Industrial Estate Balasore, Odisha, India BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 8 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible for award of contract, bidders shall provide evidence satisfaction to the OWNER / CONSULTANT of their eligibility and of their capability and adequacy of resources to carry out the contract effectively. All tenders submitted shall include the following information along-with documentary evidence for being qualified. a. Copies of documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and places of business of the company of firm or partnership. b. Average Annual Financial Turnover, as per audited profit & Loss account, in each of the last three financial ending March 2015 shall be at least 10 crores. Documentary evidences (Xerox copies - attested) for turnover, Balance Sheet, IT Return of last 3 years, VAT/ Sales tax registration should be furnished. c. The bidder should have Labour License and PF, ESI registration, Xerox copy should be furnished. d. Tenderer should be in business as design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of Signaling & Telecommunication Indian Railway for a minimum period of 3 years at the time of bid opening and should have completed Signaling & Telecommunication work contract value not less than 4 (Four) Crore. e. The Bidder should have successfully completed and commissioned the work of Electronic/ Panel interlocking for at least 2 B-Class stations of Indian railways with job scope of Supply, Indoor work, Outdoor work etc. The Bidder should be working vendor with Indian Railways for executing of Signaling & Tele Communication (S&T) work. f. Credential certificates issued by Govt. Organizations/ Semi Govt. organizations of Central or State Government; or by Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous bodies of Central /State Government; or by Pvt / Public Ltd. g. Copies of documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and places of business of the company of firm or partnership. h. Information regarding any current litigation / arbitration in which the tenderer is involved to be declared. i. To qualify for award of this contract the bidder must have got credential Certificate in his own name. Credential of sub-contractors not accepted. In this Tender JV is not admissible. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 9 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra PROJECT DESCRIPTION & SCOPE OF WORK NOCCi Balasore Infrastructure Company invited sealed bids from reputed and eligible bidders for Supply, Erection, Modification, Testing & Commissioning and preparation of approved as built drawings of Signaling & Telecommunication work at new railway siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railways. 1.1 NOCCinfra reserves the right to split the scope of work and award the contract(s) to one or more Bidder(s) on the basis of least evaluated cost to it. It also reserves the right to split the scope of work into supply and services, as per its discretion. 1.2 All Capitalized words and expressions used in these Instructions to Bidder but not defined herein shall have the meaning as ascribed to them in the GCC. 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SITE INFORMATION This tender envisages Supply, Erection, modification, Testing & Commissioning of Signaling & telecommunication work at new railway siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway along with other miscellaneous works. SCOPE OF THE WORK: The scope of the work includes but not limited to the following. 1. Panel Interlocking of end cabin of New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway 2. Provision of Panel Interlocking with MACL Signaling. 3. Provision o f Electrical P o i n t Machines, T r a c k Circuits e t c . Provision o f LED lit Signals. 4. Provision of Integrated Power Supply. 5. Provision of Digital Axle Counter, (for Block proving). Provision of VHF Sets for communication. 6. Provision of Glued Joint. 7. Provision of Data Logger. 8. Other allied jobs. A. INDOOR & WORKS INVOLVE THE FOLLOWING 1. Design, Installation and commissioning of Panel Interlocking System with alteration from Railway. 2. Preparation & supply of all drawings/documents. 3. Preparation of Dog chart/ locking table of DL type. 4. Installation & commissioning of IPS. 5. Internal wiring in between Panel, Relay Racks, CTRs9, etc. 6. Post commissioning Maintenance. 7. Installation & commissioning of Data Logger. 8. Any other works related to commissioning of the Signaling System. 9. Installation of DL type leaver frame with all accessories. 10. Locking alteration of leaver frame. 11. Other allied jobs. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 10 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra B. INDOOR & WORKS INVOLVE THE FOLLOWING Trenching, laying and termination of Signal/ Telecom cables. Installation & Commissioning of Signals with LED aspects & Track Circuits. Charging & installation of batteries for IPS. Track Circuits etc. Fixing of Steel Apparatus cases & wiring as per approved Circuit diagram. Provision of Earth Electrodes. Wiring of Relay Racks in Relay Room /Siding Panel Cabin/Locations. Installation & commissioning of Electric Motor Points. Installation & commissioning of Single Section Digital Axle Counters for lock. Proving with Balaso re Railway Stations. Provision of Warning System for L/C Gate. Outdoor works required for commissioning o f the System & Any other items not listed above but referred to in the Tender Document. 12. New Relay Room. 13. Alteration in SSI work of Balasore 14. Other allied jobs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The Correspondence Address is as below: The Site Address as below: M/s. NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Integrated Logistic Hub (ILH) Near Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Somnathpur, Industrial Estate Balasore, Odisha, India The prospective bidders are requested to thoroughly read and comprehend the various sections of this tender document and visit the sites before quoting for the tender. Full time supervisor to be provided at work spot and job shall be carried out only after complying with all safety & security norms. A full Time Qualified Engineer who is technically competent and having sufficient Site experience to be posted for supervising and carrying out all the Jobs as per the Scope. The contractor has to take necessary precaution for the safe transportation of the material. Before quoting for the said job the contractor is required to visit the site and make himself acquainted with the scope of the job and quote accordingly. The tenderers are required to go through the tender document thoroughly and carefully and offer their most competitive rates for the job. The Correspondence Address is as below: NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY NOCCi BUSINESS PARK 3rd Floor of Trade Tower At-Bampada, Post-Chanpur, Balasore. Pin-756056, Near Birla Tyre, Opposite of CIPET. Ph-06782-255966 / 967 The contractor shall arrange all equipment, tools, power and water required for execution, testing & completion of the job. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 11 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra All safety precautions to be taken for carrying out the above jobs as per requirement and safe working practices and as per the directions of Engineer in charge at no extra cost to NOCCinfra. NOTES: 1. Any cables / piping encountered during excavation and other any construction activities as specified above, the same shall be separated using Sand Bed and Tiles or to be re-routed, if necessary as directed by the Engineer in charge at no extra cost to NOCCinfra. 2. The contractor shall prepare a detailed date wise schedule of work/Bar Chart of the activities as per PO and submit to Engineer-In-Charge for approval before commencement of activities. 3. The Contractor has to give progress report with photographs every fortnight in hard copy as well as soft copy. Scope also includes shifting of any scrap materials lying at the constructional area to the designated place inside the depot premises at no extra cost. Job also includes site clearing from any debris, vegetation, bushes and trees, etc and make the site free for construction at no extra cost. The contractor shall arrange for all materials, equipment, tools, power and water required for execution & completion of the job. The bidders are required to go through the tender document thoroughly and carefully and offer their most competitive rates for the job. They are also advised to visit the site before offering their quotation. We confirm that our quotation has been prepared after thorough study of tender documents, site conditions, specifications, drawings, works contract, general terms and conditions of contract agreement, General terms and conditions, etc. and agree to all conditions in toot. 2.0 SITE VISIT 2.1 The bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of works at all locations and their surrounding and obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing of the bid and entering into the contract. The cost of visiting the sites shall be at bidder’s own expenses. No extra claim on account of non-familiarity of site conditions shall be entertained during execution of works. 2.2 The bidder and any of his personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Owner to enter upon his premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the explicit condition that the bidder, his personnel or agents will release and indemnify the Owner and his personnel and agents from and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for personnel injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage and expenses incurred as a result hereof. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 12 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra TIME SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Signaling & Telecommunication of Railway Siding at New Railway Siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway. LOCATION: M/s. NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Integrated Logistic Hub (ILH) Near Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Somnathpur, Industrial Estate Balasore, Odisha, India COMPLETION PERIOD: 4 (Four) Months from the date of issue of LOI / Work Order. NOTE: 1) Time for completion shall be reckoned from the date of issue of Fax/ Letter of Intent/Work Order by NOCCinfra. 2) Time for completion shall include the time required for mobilization, preparation of drawings, submission, Liaoning /approval from railways, QAP/ITP, execution and all other enabled/associated works, demobilization, carrying out the works as per requirements of Contract Document and instructions of NOCCinfra Engineerin-Charge. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 13 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra SCHEDULE OF QUANTITES IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Scope of Work, Supply of Material, Technical Specifications, QAP, ITP (Inspection Test Plan) Requirement of relevant Codes, SCC (Special Conditions to Contract), GTC (General Terms & Conditions), Schedule of Rates, Statutory Rules & Guide Lines as applicable, Minimum Equipment / Machineries Deployment and any other requirement to complete the Job / Work as per this Tender Document shall be deemed to be included in SOR item. 2. For all Items preparation of Construction Drawing as per relevant code & Tech. Specifications of this Tender, Quality Control, Inspection & Job procedure, Project Scheduling & Monitoring Document as per SCC, Submission of all these documents to NOCCinfra for approval deemed to be included in quoted rates. 3. The Water and Electrical power required for constructional activity shall be in the Scope of Contractor & shall be deemed to be included in SOR Items. 4. All the Testing Charges for Items as per tender documents elicited in various sections shall be borne by contractor and deemed to be included in quoted rates. 5. All Tools & Tackles, Equipments, and items brought to site by contractor will be permitted to be taken out only after completion of work & fulfillment of necessary formalities. 6. Rate for all items to include deployment of qualified Quality Control & Safety Engineer at site from the date of LOI till completion of job as per WO. QC Engineer & Safety Engineer deployed as per above will report to NOCCinfra site-in-charge on daily basis for complying all the QC/safety jobs mentioned in the WO. 7. The Drawings/QAP/ITP /Job procedures attached along with tender document are for guidance/ tender purpose only. The successful bidder to submit the above for NOCCinfra approval as per the job requirements during the execution of the job. 8. The job includes execution of S& T works for newly constructed railway tracks along the existing railway line. The job includes strict adherence to all requirements of Indian railways, including liasoning, approval, obtainance, inspection etc and other relevant statutory compliances during execution of the job. The quoted rate is deemed to include above and no separate payment shall be made on this account. 9. The entire job will be supervised by railway approved consultant and details of which shall be furnished to successful bidder. Preparation of drawings, stage wise inspection, liasoning and approval from railways/ consultant shall also be included in all items and no separate payment shall be made. 10. The party shall deploy qualified personnel for execution of the job. 11. The bidder shall provide complete details of all men, material, equipment, deployment schedule, schedule of completion of job including micro scheduling to be provided otherwise bid may be liable for rejection. 12. Erection of any item of equipment, whether supplied by the purchaser or contractor will include testing, commissioning and bringing the equipment into operation to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 14 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 13. Soon after the approval of drawing, the contractor shall assess the quantity of each material required for the work and submit his assessment which will be verified and approved by purchaser. 14. Such materials as have been issued to the contractor but left behind with him unutilized, shall be determined after reconciliation with the actual quantum issued vis-a –vis utilized for execution of the work and returned to the purchaser at no extra cost in the same condition of the material as were issued to the contractor. If the contractor fails to return such materials, the cost of such materials will be recovered at twice the cost. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 15 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. DEFINITIONS The following expressions shall have the meanings specified against the respective item, wherever used in this document, unless repugnant to the context and meaning thereof: OWNER means NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY (NOCCinfra) acting through its Authorized Officers authorized to act on his behalf to enter into contracts for works. CONSULTANT means the agency appointed by the OWNER for SUPERVISION and COORDINATION of the activities connected with the execution of the PROJECT. CONTRACT means this agreement including the schedules, Annexure, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, if any, the drawings, specifications, and tender forms if any, and PRICE BID. CONTRACTOR means the person, the firm, or the Partner who has entered into contract with the OWNER and shall include their executor, administrators, authorized agencies and successors. WORKS shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with the contract. DRAWINGS means the maps, drawings, plans, and tracings annexed to the contract or referred to in the specifications and such other drawings as may, from time to time, be furnished to the CONTRACTOR. LETTER OF INTENT means intimation by a letter, that the tender has been accepted in accordance with the provisions contained in the letter. CONTRACT PRICE means the aggregate sum payable by OWNER to CONTRACTOR for WORK performed as per CONTRACT but excluding value of EQUIPMENT, services and any material provided by OWNER free of cost to CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER shall mean the Engineer-in-charge of the work and/or the person deputed by the Consultants / Owner for close co-ordination and supervision / Quantity / Quality control of all works executed under the contract hereof. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIVE shall mean the person deputed by the contractor to execute the work as per the contract and shall be the person to co-ordinate the delivery of the material at the required site and at the required time and deployment of competent labor force for the physical execution of the work. SPECIFICATIONS shall mean the relevant RDSO/CORE specifications for materials and works or as amplified, added or superseded by special specifications if any mentioned in tender documents. CONSTRUCTION PLANT shall mean all appliances or things or whatsoever nature required for the execution, completion or maintenance of the work or temporary work (as hereinafter defined) but does not include materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the permanent work. TEMPORARY WORKS shall mean all temporary works of every kind required for the execution, completion or maintenance of works. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 16 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra SITE shall mean the land and other places on, under, in or through which the works are carried out and any other lands or places provided by the Owner for the purposes of the contract. PERIOD OF MAINTENANCE shall mean the specified period of maintenance from the date of completion of the works as certified by the Engineer. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: A refundable earnest money deposit, as indicated above, through demand draft drawn in favor of NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY, payable at Balasore, Odisha will have to accompany the Bid. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned after award of contract. EMD of the successful bidder will be released on submission of the PBG. CLARIFICATIONS / NEGOTIATIONS: Tenderer (s) will have to attend to the office of the Corporation for negotiations /clarifications required in respect of their quotations without any commitment on the part of NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK ORDER BY TENDERER: After communication of the corporation’s acceptance of the contractor’s tender, if the contractor fails to return the duplicate copy of the work order and agreement duly signed in token of their acceptance within 7 days. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT: On acceptance of the offer, the successful contractor will have to execute an agreement with NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY covering all aspects of the contract in standard form, immediately before commencement of the works. The intending Tenderer(s) should acquaint themselves with the provisions of standard agreement prior to quoting. POWER OF ATTORNEY: When the party signing the agreement is not the sole proprietor, the necessary power of attorney authorizing the person who is acting on behalf of the firm should be produced before execution of the agreement. EXECUTION OF WORKS: The contractor shall submit on receipt of the work order and before starting the work, shall submit a detailed construction programme (PERT/ MS PROJECT) chart adhering to the completion time quoted in the work order. The program thus submitted shall form a part of the contract and shall be binding on the contractor. However, NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY reserves the right to alter the programme if necessary. No claim whatsoever of the contractor on this account will be entertained. NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY's right: NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY reserves the right to increase / decrease the tendered quantity of any or every item and delete any item at any stage of work at the accepted rates. The contractor’s claim for compensation or damages on account of these shall not be entertained. However, if it appears that the quantity increases and decreases by 25% or more, the rates are negotiable across the table. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 17 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra REVISIONS: NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY reserves the right to revise the specifications, drawings and designs at any stage of work. Such deviations shall be adjusted at the rates already contained in the work order or at the prevailing market rates, if the rates are not available in the work order, when there is no abnormal change in drawings. MATERIALS / EQUIPMENTS: All the materials/equipments/fittings/components, required for the work are to be procured by the Contractor from the latest approved manufacturers of RDSO/CORE or certified by RITES. The consignee will further check the material after receipt at Railway’s / Contractor’s depot and issues material receipt certificate (MRC). No material shall be erected at site without inspection by consignee and without issue of MRC. MRC is must for all items irrespective of whether ONA payment is allowed/claimed or not. SAFETY AND SECURITY OF MATERIAL: The responsibility of the materials and equipment brought or installed by the contractors (till they are handed over to Eastern Railway) will remain with the contractor and any claim of whatsoever nature due to any loss or otherwise will not be entertained. The contractor will have to handover completed job in its entirety as per work order. METHOD OF WORK: The contractor shall carry out works as per directions in the work order. The contractor shall not undertake on his own any change in the specifications mentioned in the tender documents and work order. In case of doubt, the contractor will refer the matter in writing and the contractor shall carry out the item of work as per clarifications given, In case of delay in getting such clarifications, the contractor will not be entitled for any claim on any account of idling of their labour, machinery etc. In case the contractor carries out the work as per his own specifications not acceptable to the corporation in such cases, the same will be required to be redone as per the specifications given by NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY, at the contractor’s risk and cost. In case of failure to re-do the work by the contractor, NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY, reserves the right to get it done through any other agency entirely at the risk and cost of the contractor. MEASUREMENTS: All works shall be measured as per Railway's Norms and final payment shall be as per the measured quantities and not as per work order quantities and the measurement to be certified by consultant, contractor and Site In-Charge of NOCCinfra jointly on proper Measurement Book (M.B). PROGRESS REPORT OF WORK: Contractor shall submit progress report of the work to the consultant and NOCCinfra on daily basis. Contractor has to be submitted Monthly Plan / Work Schedule to execute the work and accompanied with monthly progress report for review. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 18 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra MAINTENANCE OF INSTRUCTION BOOK: The contractor at site will maintain an instruction site order book serially numbered having one original and two copies of each page so that our visiting officers/ site engineers can issue instructions regarding progress and quality of work to the contractor. The contractor or the contractor’s representative will sign in the instruction book in token of receipt of an understanding of such instruction. The original copy of the instruction page shall be sent to the concerned “Consultant/Engineer” and second copy will be retained by the issuing person and the third copy shall be retained by the contractor. CANCELLATION OF ORDER: If the performance of the successful contractor is found to be unsatisfactory, NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY reserves the right to cancel in part or whole of the contract and gets the work executed through alternate means at the entire risk and cost of the contractor on whom the order was first placed. In such cases, the contractor should make good all losses that NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY may suffer due to this. ABANDONMENT OF WORK: In case the contractor abandons the work in spite of notices, NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY shall issue the final notice to the contractor to remain present at site for taking final measurements and in case the contractor does not report at site on due date and time as per NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY’S notice, the corporation’s representative will take unilateral measurements of abandoned work which will be binding on the contractor and the balance work will be carried out by any agency appointed by the corporation at the entire risk and cost of the contractor. GUARANTEE/DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD: The Contractor shall be guarantee satisfactory working of the installation erected by him, for a period of 18 months from the date of commercial operation or from the date of provisional acceptance by Railways. DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES: Any damage caused to existing facilities while carrying out the work shall be made good by the contractor to entire satisfaction at his own risk and cost. During execution of work if it is found necessary, to dismantle any facilities to facilitate the movement of materials and equipment, the same shall be made good at the contractor’s own cost after completion of work. STATUTORY RULES AND REGULATIONS: The contractor will abide by the rules, regulations, bye laws and statutes etc. imposed by the government / semi government and other local authorities for execution of this job. EMPLOYMENT OF APPRENTICES: The contractor shall during the currency of contract when called upon by the “Consultant/Engineer”, engage and also ensure engagement by sub-contractors and others employed by the contactor in connection with the works, such number of apprentices in the categories mentioned in the act and for such periods as may be required by the “Consultant/Engineer”. The contractor shall train them as required BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 19 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra under apprentices’ act 1961 and the rules made there-under and shall be responsible for all obligations of the employer under the said act including the liability to make payment to apprentices, as required under the said act. OMISSIONS / DELETIONS: Any omission / deletion noticed in the terms without the prior approval of the corporation, shall result in rejection of the contractor’s claim for payment of these items. COMPLETION OF CONTRACT: Acceptance of a facility(s) by the corporation does not constitute final completion of the contract. The contract shall be deemed to be executed in full and final measurement certified only when the contractor has fully discharged all obligations in terms of all contract documents. 2. SECURITY DEPOSIT: a) The successful Contractor, within 15 days from placement of Order / LOI will be required to deposit a Performance Security equivalent to 5% of the finalized Work Order Value. b) The Performance Security should be in the form of a Demand Draft from a Nationalized Bank, favoring NOCCinfra and payable at Balasore. c) The contract Performance Bank Guarantee shall remain valid for a period of 60 days over & above the completion date of all works as certified by the consultant / engineer-in-charge. d) The said Bank Guarantee shall be prepared in the prescribed Performa as attached with this bidding document. The Bank Guarantee furnished shall be executed on Non-judicial stamp Paper worth of Rs. 100/- (Rupees Hundred only), purchased in the name of the issuing Bank, as per the prevalent rules. e) No interest shall be allowed by the NOCCinfra on the above Performance Security deposit submitted by the Contractor. f) The Contractor should perform the duties as described in the scope, in this document, failing which Performance Security deposited by the Contractor will be forfeited by NOCCinfra. 3. SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 CONTRACTOR’S UNDERSTANDING: It is understood and agreed that the contractor has, by careful examination, satisfied himself regarding condition of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of materials to be encountered, the character, quality and of equipment and facilities need preliminary and during the execution of the work, the general and local conditions, the labor conditions prevailing therein and all other matters which can in any way affect the works under the contract. 3.2 COMMENCEMENT OF WORK: The Contractor shall commence the works within seven days after the receipt by him of an order in writing to this effect from the Owner/Consultant and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 20 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 3.3 Contractor shall carry out work as described in detail in Schedule of work, all in conformity with the drawings, specifications, codes, standards and instructions provided by Owner or their Consultant from time to time or specified herein as applicable to the work. 3.3.1 The quantities indicated in the relevant Schedule given herein are only approximate and Contractor shall carry out all items of work in required quantities as per drawings and specifications provided by Owner. 1.3.2 Work shall be executed with all due diligence, in the manner specified herein to the satisfaction of within the time schedule agreed to herein for the respective item. 3.3.3 Contractor shall post at Site appropriate number of qualified and competent supervisory staff for day-to-day supervision of work. 3.3.4 Workmen engaged by Contractor shall be experienced and competent for the respective item of works. 3.3.5 Contractor further undertakes to co-operate with Owner as well as other contractors appointed by Owner and operating at site and agrees to freely exchange technical information as may be reasonably asked for by Owner. 3.3.6 The responsibility of the Contractor is to hand over the site to the concerned Railway authority after commissioning of the work. 3.3.7 All inspection of testing equipment will be arranged by the agency. 4. TIME SCHEDULE 4.1 Contractor shall carry out work in a phased manner and hand over the respective items after carrying out such tests as prescribed herein, within the programme given. The responsibilities of Contractor in respect of Programme will be effective from the date on which Letter of Intent has been issued by Owner. 4.1.1 Time is the essence of Contract and Contractor should understand the necessity of achieving the stage wise targets in the specified sequence as set forth and hereby undertakes to mobilize the required resources and exercise due diligence to adhere to them. During the implementation of Contract, Owner / Consultant may issue to Contractor, where applicable, instructions / requirements in respect of priorities and sequence in the overall interest of the Project and Contractor shall fully cooperate with Owner in following these instructions and submit to Owner detailed working programmes for achievement of these, which shall be reviewed and approved by Engineer-In-Charge. 4.1.2 Contractor should recognize possibility of inclement weather conditions at site and agree to take all reasonable precautions and measures necessary to permit execution of work as per agreed programme despite such adverse conditions and Contractor shall not be entitled for any additional payment whatsoever, on this account. 4.1.3 In the event of any delay in completion of work or part thereof as per agreed schedule, due to reasons other than those specifically exempted Owner may deduct from the considerations due to Contractor under Contract or otherwise recover from Contractor in lieu of liquidated damages, a sum calculated at half of one per cent (½%) of the total contract price per week of delay for the portion of work agreed to be carried out by Contractor subject BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 21 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra to a maximum of five (10%) percent of total contract price. It is understood and agreed that such amounts due represent the losses suffered, by Owner because of delay in work by Contractor and it shall not be necessary for Owner to establish the actual amount of losses suffered, irrespective of whether the work or part thereof could be put to any use by Owner had it been completed by Contractor as per schedule. 4.2 If in the opinion of the Owner/Consultant, the progress of work has at any time been delayed by any act or neglect of the Owner or by any other Contractor employed by the Owner or by strikes, lock-outs, fire, unusual delay in transportation, exceptionally inclement weather, unavoidable causalities or any causes beyond the Contractor’s control and arising otherwise than through the Contractor’s own default, or by delay authorized by the Owner/Consultant, or by any cause which the Owner shall decide as justifying the delay then the time of completion of the works may be extended for such reasonable time as the Owner/Consultant may decide. 4.3 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY IN SUPPLIES/ EXECUTION The liquidated damage clause should be enforced wherever the work has been delayed beyond the date of completion mentioned in invitation to bid. However, when the delay is due to force majeure conditions or due to any genuine reasons beyond the control of the supplier/ contractor, waiver of penalty can be considered. No waiver should be granted without justification. a. b. c. d. e. 4.4 The request for waiver of LD should be made by the contractor, in writing with reasons/ justifications, within 3 months from the date of completion of delivery/ erection job. Waiving of liquidated damages should be approved by the competent authority as per the delegation of powers and circulars issued by the Head office from time to time, after the indenter justifying the reasons for waiver convincingly to the competent authority. Whenever proposals for approval for refund of liquidated damages already deducted are put up, the amount that will be actually refunded should be brought out specifically with detailed justification. To arrive at the LD charges, to be deducted for delayed completion, the date of actual completion duly certified by Architect / Engineer should be considered. Waiver of the liquidated damages should not be agreed, unless the delay is proved to be beyond the control of the contractor. The case may be put up with backup evidences in support of the delay, justifying the reasons beyond any one’s doubt. Amendment should be issued after taking necessary approval. Normally, the liquidated damages @ 0.5% of the order/ contract value will be deducted for each completed week of delay. No deduction for LD is to be made for delays less than a week. While calculating the period of delay only completed weeks shall be taken in to account and incomplete week, if any shall be ignored. The week shall comprise of 7 days including Sundays and holidays, if any. The total amount so deducted shall not exceed 10% of the order / contract value. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AND RECOVERY OF ADVANCE: The accepted completion schedule shall be governed by the Liquidated Damages and Recovery of Advance clause. If contractors to complete the work within the time period (s) specified in the Work order, the NOCCinfra shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under. This work order, deduct from the ordered price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to (0.5% of the full work order value for each completed BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 22 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra week of delay OR 0.5% of the value of the order contract value only for each completed week of delay). The total amount so deducted shall not exceed 10% of the work order value. Once the maximum is reached, the NOCCinfra may consider cancellation/termination of work order and forfeiture of the deposit/performance guarantee. In case the contractor fails to completed the work within the stipulated delivery period plus 20% of the same as grace period, subject to a minimum of 15 days, the work order shall stand cancelled and the supplier shall refund the advance, if paid, along with interest at the rate of 18% per annum compounded quarterly on the last day of March, June, September and December, on the advance paid, for the entire period for which the advance was retained by the supplier. This will be without prejudice to other remedies like risk work etc. Any incremental taxes, duties and levies on account of the delay in the execution of the work order by you will be to your account. 5. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS The Technical Documents enclosed hereof are, unless otherwise specified, preliminary and typical and are intended only to generally represent the nature of work to be executed. Owner will be issuing to Contractor, from time to time, final and more detailed drawings. 5.1 Documents once issued by Owner for constructions may subsequently be revised, without prejudice and as soon as the revised documents are received, Contractor shall withdraw the previous document from the field and return to Owner for cancellation. 5.2 Contractor shall carry out the work in strict conformity with the drawings, specifications and such other documents and instructions provided by Owner / Consultants and standards and codes of practice prescribed by Owner / Consultants for the respective items of work. Where Owner’s / Consultants own standards are referred to, the same will be provided by Owner / Consultants; but where other published standards codes of practice are prescribed, Contractor shall make own arrangements to be equipped with copies of such documents for use in execution of work and failure to do so shall be deemed negligence in performance of Contract. In the event of any conflict or contradiction between any two or more of the documents provided by Owner / Consultants or between such documents and the prescribed codes / standards, Contractor shall bring the same to the attention of Engineer-In-Charge as soon as it is noticed by Contractor; and the decision of the Owner/Consultant shall be followed as to which standard specification or code of practice is to be followed. 6. OWNER’S REPRESENTATIVE 6.1 All instructions and orders to Contractor shall be issued by Engineer-In-Charge nominated by owner/consultant and communicated in writing to Contractor’s Representative, if available at site or to Contractor. Work shall be executed under direction of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge, all in accordance with the provisions herein. Contractor shall proceed with work in accordance with the decisions, orders and / or instructions issued by the Engineer-In-Charge provided that; If the Contractor shall without undue delay after being given a decision, order or instruction otherwise than in writing, require it to be confirmed in writing, such decision, order or instruction shall not be effective until written confirmation thereof has been received by Contractor, and the contractor shall commence the work within 10 days after the receipt by him, of an order in writing to this effect from the Owner and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 23 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 6.2 Failure of the owner/consultant’s representative to disapprove any work or materials shall not prejudice the power of the competent authority of the owner/consultant thereafter to disapprove such work or materials and to order the removal or breaking up thereof. 7. COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS The contractor shall commence the work within 7 days after the receipt by him of an order in writing to this effect from the Owner and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay. 8. COMPLIANCE TO OWNER/CONSULTANT’s INSTRUCTIONS The site in-charge of the Consultant/Owner’s Engineer shall direct the order in which the several parts of the works shall be executed and the Contractor shall complete without delay all instructions given by him from time to time but the Contractor shall not be relieved thereby from responsibility for the due performance of the works in all respects. 9. ALTERATIONS TO BE AUTHORISED The owner/consultant shall have power (i) to make alterations in, deletions from, additions to, or substitutions for the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or admissible during the progress of the work and (ii) to omit a part of the work in case of non-availability of a portion of the site, or for any other reasons, and the Contractor shall be bound to carry out the works in accordance with any instructions given to him in writing signed by the owner/consultant and such alterations, omissions, additions or substitutions shall form part of the Contract as if originally provided therein and any alteration, additional or substituted work which the Contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the works, shall be carried out by the Contractor on the same conditions in all respects including rates on which he agreed to do the main work. 10. WORKING HOURS Normal working hours are during daylight. Contractor shall take specific permission to carry out work between sunset and sunrise. 11. EXTRA WORKS Should works over and above those included in the contract require to be executed at the site, the Contractor shall have no right to be entrusted with the execution of such works which may be carried out by another Contractor / Contractors or by other means at the option of the OWNER. 12. SEPARATE CONTRACTS IN CONNECTION WITH WORKS The owner shall have the right to let out other contracts in connection with the works. The Contractor shall accord other Contractors reasonable opportunity for the storage of their materials and the execution of their work and shall properly connect and co-ordinate his work with another Contractor. The Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the owner/consultant, defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. The Contractor’s failure to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other Contractor’s work BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 24 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra as fit and proper for execution of his work, except as to defects which may develop in the other Contractor’s work after the execution of his work. 13. ADHERENCE TO SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS The whole of the works shall be executed in perfect conformity with the specifications and drawings of the contract. If the Contractor perform any work in a manner contrary to the specification or drawings or any of them and without such reference to the owner/consultant, he shall bear all the costs arising or ensuing there from and shall be responsible for any loss to the owner. 14. COMPLIANCE WITH CONTRACTOR’S REQUEST FOR DETAILS The Site Representative shall furnish with reasonable promptness, after receipt by him of the Contractor’s request for the same, additional instructions, by means of drawings or otherwise, necessary for the proper execution of the works or any part thereof. 15. MEANING AND INTENT OF SPECIFICATION AND DRAWING If any ambiguity arises to the meaning and intent of any portion of the specifications and drawings or as to execution or quality of any work or material or as to the measurements of the works, the decision of the Engineer thereon shall be final subject to appeal (within 7 days of such decision being intimated to the Contractor) to the Owner who shall have the power to correct any errors, omissions or discrepancies in the specifications, drawings, classification of work or materials and whose decision in the matter in dispute or doubt shall be final and conclusive. 16. MATERIALS 16.1 In respect of free supply items, the materials will be issued to Contractor from store at site against appropriate requisition, countersigned by the Consultant and transport from store to place of work will have to be done by Contractor. Contractor shall hold such material in safe custody and shall maintain proper accounts of its use. Such accounts shall be available for inspection by Owner if required. No item of material shall be removed from site without approval of Owner. 16.2 Materials will be issued only during normal working hours of the site store. 16.3 Any excess materials drawn by Contractor, but not used in work shall be returned to Owner’s store at site and receipt obtained; and credit will be given for the quantity so returned. 16.4 Owner gives no assurance that material to be issued by Owner will be readily available as and when indented by Contractor. Contractor is advised to give a monthly programme of his requirement for each calendar month at least 30 days prior to the first of the calendar month. This programme should indicate the expected requirement in sizes, and quantities and dates on which required. If Contractor fails to take such advance action, he shall not be entitled for any claim or extension of time schedule consequent to delay by Owner in issue of materials, even if such delay has affected work. 17. SUPPLIES BY CONTRACTOR 17.1 Contractor shall procure in time at his own cost and use in work all material required in carrying out work. Material so procured and brought to site shall be BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 25 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra stored by Contractor at place allotted for the purpose by Owner and security arrangements shall be made by Contractor. 17.2 Contractor shall provide such materials in sufficient quantities and in time so that work can proceed uninterrupted and shall take advance action in procurement of items, which are in scarce supply or availability of which are seasonal. 17.3 Materials provided by Contractor shall be of specification agreed to herein or as approved by Consultant. Materials brought to site shall be used in work only after approval by Engineer-In-Charge and if so required by him, Contractor shall provide test-certificates and/or samples for verifying the quality, as per the relevant technical requirement. The additional testing if required / carried out will be at the cost of contractor. 17.4 SUB-CONTRACT Sub-Contract is allowed for this work. In the event of awarding sub-contract to any party/parties by you for the manufacture/supply/erection of any parts/spares/components that will be used in ordered equipment, you must furnish us details about your sub-contract also prima facie responsibility rests on you regarding quality, quantity, guarantee/warranty of the materials supplied by the subcontractors. 17.5 REMOVAL OF IMPROPER WORK AND MATERIALS The Consultant shall be entitled to order the following from time to time:a) The removal from the site within the time specified in the order of any materials which in his opinion are not in accordance with the specifications or drawings ; b) The substitution of proper and suitable materials ; c) The removal and proper re-execution (notwithstanding any previous tests thereof or “on account” payment therefore) of any work which in respect of materials or workmanship is not in his opinion in accordance with the specifications. 18. ACCESS TO SITE 18.1 Owner shall provide Contractor access to site and place within site where work is to be performed at all reasonable times. Any approach road, bridges over trenches, ladders of such other means of access required in the area of work shall be made by Contractor at no cost to Owner. 18.2 The access to site or place of work shall not be exclusive to Contractor but only such as to enable him to execute work. Owner reserves the right to grant access to site and place of work to other contractors engaged by Owner for carrying out work relating to Project and Contractor shall fully co-operate with such other contractors and carry out work without causing any hardship to others, Owner for inspection and / or any statutory authorities shall at all reasonable times have access to site and place of work. 18.3 Access to site granted herein shall not be construed as grant of any right of possession or Title to Contractor over site or part thereof. 18.4 Engineer-In-Charge or any other authorized representative of Owner shall at all reasonable time to be entitled to inspect work or any part thereof. Contractor shall provide all necessary assistance to Owner / Consultants and shall make available BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 26 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra all necessary scaffolding, tools and testing equipment to enable Owner to carry out such inspection tests. Contractor shall uncover any part of work or make openings for inspection as Engineer-In-Charge may direct and make good such part to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner / Consultants. 18.5 The Contractor shall give 7 days’ notice to the Owner or his representative whenever any work or materials are intended to be covered up in the earth, in bodies or walls or otherwise to be placed beyond the reach of measurement in order that the work may be inspected or that current dimensions may be taken before being so covered or placed beyond the reach of measurement, in default whereof the same shall at the option of the Owner or his representative be uncovered and measured at the Contractor’s expense, or no allowance shall be made for such work or materials. 19. TEMPORARY WORKS 19.1 All temporary works necessary for the proper execution of the works shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor at his own cost and subject to the consent of the Engineer shall be removed by him at his expense when they are no longer required and in such manner as the Owner / Consultant shall direct. In the event of failure on the part of the Contractor to remove the temporary works, the Owner will cause them to be removed and the cost of such removal as increased by supervision and other incidental charges shall be recovered from the Contractor. If temporary huts are provided by the Contractor on the land provided by owner for labour engaged by him for the execution of works, the Contractor’s shall arrange for handing over vacant possession of the said land after the work is completed, if the Contractor’s labor refuse to vacate, and have to be ejected by the owner, necessary expenses incurred by the owner in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor. 20. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Contractor shall provide all tools, tackles, hoisting equipment, safety appliances, ladders, scaffolding, testing equipment and such other facilities as are required for carrying out work and Owner does not undertake to provide any such facility except as provided hereunder. Contractor’s equipment shall be used solely for the purpose of work and shall not be removed from site by Contractor without written permission of Owner. Contractor shall be responsible to maintain and safeguard Contractor’s equipment against damage or loss. 21. CONTRACTOR WORKS TO ARRANGE FOR SUPPLY WATER AND POWER FOR Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for the arrangement to obtain the supply of power and water necessary for the works. 22. PRECAUTION DURING PROGRESS TO WORKS 22.1 During the execution of works, the Contractor shall at his own cost provide materials for and execute all shoring, timbering and strutting work as is necessary for the stability and safety of all structures, excavation and works and shall ensure that no damage, injury or loss is caused or likely to be caused to any person or property. 22.2 DAMAGE TO PROPERTY/OR PRIVATE LIFE AND PROPERTY: The Contractor shall be responsible for all risks to the works and shall make good at his own expense all loss or damage whether to the works themselves or to any BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 27 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra other property, persons or property of others from whatsoever cause in connection with the works until they are taken over by Owner (including that payable under the provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act or any Statutory Amendments thereof) to any person or persons sustaining damage as aforesaid by reason of any act, or any negligence or omission on the part of the contractor the amount of any costs or charges (including costs and charges in connection with the legal proceedings) which Owner may incur in reference thereto, shall be charged to the Contractor. The Owner shall have the power and right to pay or to defend or to compromise any claim of threatened legal proceedings or in anticipation of the legal proceedings being constituted consequent on the action or default of the contractor, to take such steps as may be considered necessary or desirable to ward off or mitigate the effect of such proceedings, charging to the contractor, as aforesaid, any sum or sums of money which may be paid and any expenses whether for reinstatement or otherwise which may be incurred and the propriety of any such payment, defense or compromise, and the incurring of any such expenses shall not be called in question by the contractor. 23. ROADS & WATER COURSES Existing roads or water courses shall not be blocked, cut through, altered, diverted or obstructed in any way by the contractor, except with the permission of the Owner. All compensation claimed for any unauthorized closure, cutting through, alteration, diversion or obstruction to such roads or water courses by the Contractor or his agent or his staff shall be recoverable from the Contractor by deduction from any sums which may become due to him or otherwise according to law. 24. PROVISION OF ACCESS TO PREMISES During progress of work in any street or through-fare, Contractor shall make adequate provision for the passage of traffic, for securing safe access to all premises approached from such street or through-fare, and for any drainage, water supply or means of lighting which may be interrupted by reason of the execution of the works and shall erect and maintain at his own cost barriers, lights and other safeguards as prescribed by the Owner for the regulation of the traffic and provide watchmen necessary to prevent accidents. The works shall in such cases be progressed during night and day if so ordered by the Owner / Consultant and with such vigor so that the traffic may be impeded only for as short a time as possible. 25. SAFETY 25.01 SAFETY OF PUBLIC: The Contractor shall be responsible to take all precautions to ensure the safety of the public whether on public or Owner’s property and shall post such look-out men as may in the opinion of the Owner / Engineer be required to comply with the regulations pertaining to the work. 25.02 WORK PERMIT: Safety work permit book is to be maintained by the contractor on daily basis with serially numbered, having one original and two duplicate copies of the same page and which will be signed by Contractor, Consultant and Client. Permit copy will be always at the site office with Site Engineer. Permit is closed on the same day after completion of work with given time schedule on permit book. Contractor shall take specific permission to carry out work after sunset and deploy a responsible person for the job. 26. USE OF EXPLOSIVES Explosives shall not be used on the works or on the site by the Contractor without the permission of the Owner / Consultant and then only in the manner and to the extent to which such permission is given. When explosives are required for the BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 28 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra works, they shall be stored in a special magazine to be provided by and at the cost of the Contractor in accordance with the explosives Rules and Regulations. The contractor shall obtain the necessary license for the storage of and the use of explosives and all operations in which or for which explosives are employed shall be at the sole risk and responsibility of the Contractor and the Contractor shall indemnify the owner in respect thereof. 27. SUSPENSION OF WORKS The Contractor shall on the order of the Owner / Consultant suspend the progress of the works or any part thereof for such time or times and in such manner as Owner / Consultant may consider necessary and shall during such suspension properly protect and secure the work so far as is necessary in the opinion of the Owner / Consultant if such suspension is: a) Provided for in the contract, or b) Necessary for the proper execution of the works or by reason of weather conditions or by some default on the part of the Contractor, or c) Necessary for the safety of the works or any part thereof. The Contractor shall not be entitled to the extra costs (if any) incurred by him during the period of suspension of the works, but in the event of any suspension ordered by the Owner / Consultant for reasons other than aforementioned and when each such period of suspension exceeds 14 days the Contractor shall be entitled to such extension of time for completion of works as the Owner / Consultant may consider proper having regard to the periods of such suspension and to such compensation as the Owner / Consultant may consider reasonable in respect of salaries or wages paid by the Contractor to his employee during the period of such suspensions. 28. RATES FOR ITEMS OF WORKS The rates entered in the accepted schedule of Rates of the contract are intended to provide for works duly and properly completed in accordance with the general and special (if any) conditions of contract and the specifications and drawings together with such enlargements, extensions, diminution’s, reductions, alterations or additions as may be ordered as per these conditions and without prejudice to the generality thereof and shall be deemed to include and cover: Supervision and labor. Supply, including full freight of materials, of stores patterns, profiles moulds, fittings, centering, scaffoldings, shoring props, timber, machinery, derricks, tackle, ropes, pegs, posts, tools and all apparatus and plant required on the works, except such tools, plant or materials may be specified in the contract to be supplied to the Contractor by the Owner: The erection, maintenance and removal of all temporary works and buildings All watching, lighting, bailing, pumping and draining; All prevention of or compensation for trespass ; all barriers and arrangements for the safety of the public or of employees during the execution of works; BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 29 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra All sanitary and medical arrangements for the safety of the public or of employees during the execution of works; The setting of all work and of the Construction, repair and un-keep of all control lines, bench marks and level pegs thereon; Site clearance All fees, duties, royalties, octroi, rent and compensation to owner’s for surface damage or octroi taxes and impositions payable to local authorities in respect of land, structures and all materials supplied for the work or other duties or expenses for which the Contractor may become liable or may be put to under any provision of law for the purpose of or in connection with the execution of the contract. All such other incidental charges or contingencies as may have been specially provided for in the specifications. 29. RATES FOR EXTRA ITEMS OF WORKS Any item of work carried out by the Contractor on the instructions of the Owner / Consultant which is not included in the accepted Schedule of Rates shall be executed at the rates agreed upon between the Owner / Consultant and the Contractor before the execution of such items of work, and the Contractor shall be bound to notify the Owner / Consultant at least seven days before the necessity arises for the execution of such items of work that the accepted Schedule of Rates does not include a rate or rates for the extra work involved, in the event of entitled to execute the extra works by other means and the result from such procedure. Provided always that if the Contractor commences work or incurs any expenditure in regard thereto before the rates shall be determined as herein-to fore mentioned, then and in such a case the Contractor shall be only be entitled to be paid in respect of the work carried out or expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of determination of the rates as aforesaid, according to the rates as shall be fixed by the Owner. However, if the Contractor is not satisfied with the decision of the Owner, supported by an analysis of the rates claimed. Consultant’s decision after hearing out the position shall be final and binding on the Contractor and the owner. 30. PRICE 30.1 In consideration of work, Owner shall pay Contractor the sum specified in Schedule of Rates. 30.2 All prices shall remain firm till completion of work and shall not be subject to escalation of any description including those on account of delays due to Force Majeure. 30.3 Amounts specified in Schedule are subject to deduction of Income-tax and Owner shall withhold from the same such amount as is due at rates prevailing at the time of payment and remit the same to income-tax authorities to the account of Contractor and provide Contractor with appropriate certificate of tax deduction. Any statutory variation in the rate of deduction of income-tax shall not lead to any adjustment in Price. 30.4 Sales tax/VAT/Works Contract Tax if required to be deducted at source as per the rules of the state government, the same shall also be deducted at source with appropriate certificate for such deduction. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 30 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 31. HANDING OVER OF WORKS The Contractor shall be bound to hand over the works executed under the contract to the owner complete in all respects to the satisfaction of the Consultant. The Consultant shall determine the date on which the work is considered to have been completed, in support of which his certificate shall be regarded as sufficient evidence for all purposes. The Consultant shall determine from time to time, the date on which any particular section of the work shall have been completed, and the contractor shall be bound to observe any determination of the Consultant. 32. WARRANTY/GUARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee satisfactory working of the installations erected by him, for a period of (18) eighteen months from the date of provisional Acceptance by the Purchaser/Eastern Railway whichever is earlier. The guarantee for spares should be coincident with the guarantee for erected equipment, if any spares are supplied. During the period of guarantee the Contractor shall keep available an experienced engineer and necessary equipment to attend to any defective installations resulting from defective erection and/or defects in the equipment supplied by the Contractor. This engineer shall not attend to rectification of defects, which arise out of normal wear and tear and come within the purview of routine maintenance work. The Contractor shall bear the cost of modifications, additions or substitutions that may be considered necessary due to faulty materials, design or workmanship for the satisfactory working of the equipment The final decision shall rest with M/S NOCCI BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY. 33. CLEARANCE OF SITE ON COMPLETION On the completion of the works the Contractor shall clear away and remove from the site all constructional plant, surplus materials, rubbish and temporary works of every kind, and leave the whole of the site and works clear and in a workman-like condition to the satisfaction of the Owner/Consultant. No final payment or settlement of the accounts for the works shall be made to the Contractor till, in addition to any other condition necessary for such final payment, site clearance shall have been effected by him, and such clearance may be made by the Owner/Consultant at the expense of the Contractor in the event of his failure to comply with this provision within 7 days after receiving notice to that effect. Should it become necessary for the Owner/Consultant to have the site cleared at the expense of the contractor, the Owner/Consultant shall not be held liable for any loss or damage to such of the Contractor’s property as may be on the site and due to such removal there-from, which removal may be effected by means of public sale of such materials and property or in such a way as deemed fit and convenient to the Owner / Consultant. 34. VARIATIONS AND OMISSIONS Contractor shall not alter any of work except as directed in writing by Engineer-InCharge. Owner shall have full powers during execution of Contract to alter, amend, omit, add or otherwise vary work, from time of time by issue of written notice thereof to Contractor and Contractor shall carry out such modifications as if the said variation is stated in Contract. In case in the opinion of Contractor they said variation will involve an increase or decrease in the Contract Price or any of the BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 31 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra other obligations of Contract, the same should immediately be brought to the notice of Owner. The difference in contract price if any occasioned by such variations shall be added to or decreased from the contract price and paid in the same manner as contract price. 35. MEASUREMENTS, CERTIFICATES & PAYMENTS 35.1 The quantities set out in the accepted schedule of rates with items of works quantified are the estimated quantities of the works and they shall not be taken as the actual and correct quantities of the works to be executed by the Contractor in fulfillment of his obligations under the contract. 35.2 The Contractor shall be paid for the works at the rates in the accepted schedule of rates and for extra work at rates determined, the measurements taken by the ENGINEER in accordance with the rules prescribed for the purpose by Consultant / Owner. Such measurements will be taken of the work in progress from time to item and at such intervals, as in the opinion of the Consultant shall be proper having regard to the progress of the works. Relevant IS code for measurement will be followed. In the case of “variation in quantity” of any item / items of work, the units rates quoted shall remain the same irrespective of the quantity. However the contract value will be computed based on the revised quantities. If Contractor is called upon to carry out any extra item, consideration receivable by Contractor for extra items shall be determined by mutual agreement. 35.3 ON ACCOUNT PAYMENTS: The Contractor shall be entitled to be paid from time to time by way of “On Account” payments only for such works as in the opinion of the Consultant he has executed in terms of the contract. All payments due on the Consultant’s Representative’s Certification shall be subject to any deductions which may be made under these presents. Provided always that the Consultant may in any certificate make any correction or modification in any previous certificate which shall have been issued by him and that the Consultant may withhold any certificate of the works or any part thereof as not being carried out to his satisfaction. 35.4 ON ACCOUNT PAYMENT NOT PREJUDICIAL TO FINAL SETTLEMENT “On Account” payments made to the Contractor shall be without prejudice to the final accounts (except where measurements are specifically noted in the measurements book as “Final Measurements” and as such have been signed by the Contractor and Engineer-in-charge) and shall in no respect be considered or used as evidence of any facts stated in or to be inferred from such accounts nor of any particular quantity of work having been executed nor of the manner of its execution being satisfactory. 35.5 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF WORKS As soon as in the opinion of the Consultant the works shall have been substantially completed and shall have satisfactorily passed any final test or tests that may be prescribed, the Consultant shall issue a certificate of completion in respect of the works and the period of maintenance of the works shall commence from the date of such certificate provided that the Consultant may issue such a certificate with BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 32 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra respect to the part of the works before the completion of the whole of the works or with respect to any substantial part of the works which has been both completed to the satisfaction of the Consultant and occupied or used by Owner and when any such part shall be considered as completed and the period of maintenance of such part shall commence from the date of such certificate. 35.6 CONTRACTOR NOT ABSOLVED BY COMPLETION CERTIFICATE The certificate of completion shall not absolve the Contractor from his liability to make good any defects, imperfections, shrinkage’s or faults which may appear during the period of maintenance specified in the tender arising in the opinion of the Consultant from materials or workmanship not in accordance with the drawings or specifications or instructions of the Consultant. Such defects, imperfections, shrinkage’s or faults shall upon the directions in writing of the Consultant be amended and made good by the Contractor at his own cost. In case of default on the part of the Contractor, the Consultant may employ labour and materials, or appoint another contractor to attend and make good such defects, imperfections, shrinkage’s and faults and all expenses consequent thereon and incidental thereto shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be recoverable from any moneys due to him under the contract. 35.7 MAINTENANCE CERTIFICATE The contract shall not be considered as completed until a Maintenance Certificate shall have been signed by the Consultant stating that the works have been completed and maintained to his satisfaction. The Maintenance Certificate shall be given by the Consultant upon the expiry of the period of maintenance or as soon thereafter as any works ordered during such period pursuant of these conditions shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the Consultant and approved by Consultant and full effect shall be given to this clause notwithstanding the taking possession of or using the works or any part thereof by Owner. 35.8 FINAL PAYMENTS On the Consultant’s Certificate of completion in respect of the works, an adjustment shall be made and the balance of amount based on the Consultant’s or the Consultant’s Representative’s certified measurements of the total quantity of work executed by the Contractor up to the date of completion and on the accepted schedule of rates and for extra works on rates determined under relevant clause of these conditions shall be paid to the Contractor. Those shall be subject to any deductions which may be made and further subject to the contractor having delivered to the Consultant either a full account in detail of all claims he may have on Owner in respect of the works or having delivered a “No Claim” certificate and the Consultant having after receipt of such account given a certificate in writing that such claims are correct, that the whole of the works to be done under the provisions of the contract have been completed, that they have been inspected by him since their completion and found to be in good and substantial order, that all properties, works and things removed, disturbed or injured in consequence of the work, have been properly replaced and made good and all expenses and demands incurred by or made upon Owner for or in respect of damage or loss by, from or in consequence of the works, have been satisfied agreeably and in conformity with the contract. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 33 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 36. REPAYMENT OF SECURITY DEPOSIT The total security deposit shall become due and shall be released to the Contractor after the expiry of the period of maintenance / warranty period as reckoned from the date on which the Consultant shall have passed the certificate of completion comprising the whole of the works to be done under the provisions of the contract, or any other earlier date subsequent to the completion of the whole of such works that may be fixed by Consultant/ Owner in this behalf, provided that all the stipulations of this clause have been fulfilled by the contractor and all claims and demands made against Owner for and in respect of damage or loss by, from or in consequence of the works have been finally satisfied, provided further that in the event of different maintenance periods having become applicable to different parts of the works, the term expiry of period of maintenance, shall for the purpose of this clause is deemed to mean the expiry of the latest of such periods. 37. STATUTORY REGULATIONS 37.1 WAGES TO LABOUR The Contractor shall comply with the latest provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE “Said Act”) and the Rules made there under in respect of any employees employed by him on road construction, in building operations or in stone breaking or stone crushing or in any other kind of Scheduled employment as defined in the said Act for the purpose of carrying out this contract. If, in compliance with the terms of the contract, the Contractor supplied any labor to be used wholly or partly under the direct orders and control of the Owner whether in connection with any work being executed by the contractor or otherwise for the purpose of the owner such labor shall, for the purpose of this clause, still be deemed to be persons employed by the Contractor. If any money shall, as a result of any claim or application made under the said act be directed to be paid by the Owner, such moneys shall be deemed to be moneys payable to the owner by the contractor and on failure by the contractor to repay the owner any moneys paid by it as aforesaid within seven days after the same shall have been demanded, the owner shall be entitled to recover the same from the moneys due or accruing to the contractor under this or any other contract with the owner. 37.2 PROVISIONS OF PAYMENT OF WAGES ACT The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936as modified from time to time and the Rules made there under in respect of all employees employed by him in the works. If in compliance with the terms of the contract, the Contractor shall supply any labour to be used wholly or partly under the direct orders and control of the Owner whether in connection with the works to be executed hereunder or otherwise for the purpose of the Owner such labour shall nevertheless be deemed to comprise of persons employed by the Contractor and any money which may be ordered to be paid by the Owner shall be deemed to be money payable by the Owner on behalf of the Contractor and the Owner may on failure of the Contractor to repay such money to the Owner deduct the same from any money due to the Contractor in terms of the contract. The owner shall be entitled to deduct from any money due to the contractor (whether under this contract or any other contract,) all money paid or payable by the Owner by way of compensation as aforesaid or for costs or expenses in connection with any claim thereto and the decision of the owner upon any question arising out of the effect or force of this clause shall be subject to appeal to the Owner, whose decision shall be final and binding on both the sides. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 34 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 37.3 PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT LABOUR (Regulation & Abolition Act 1970) a) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules 1971 as modified from time to time, wherever applicable and shall also indemnify the Owner from and against any claims under the aforesaid Act and the Rules. b) The Contractor shall obtain a valid license under the aforesaid Act as modified from time to time before the commencement of the work and continue to have a valid license until the completion of the work. Any failure to fulfill this requirement shall attract the penal provisions of the contract arising out of the resultant nonexecution of the work. The Owner being principal employer will issue necessary certificates as per the ACT to the Contractor. c) The Contractor shall pay to labour employed by him directly or through subcontractors the wages as per provisions of the aforesaid Act and the Rules wherever applicable. The Contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of the contract to the contrary, cause to be paid the wages to labour indirectly engaged on the work including any engaged by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work, as if the labour had been immediately employed by him. d) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the work for performance of the contractor’s part of the contract, the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with provisions of the aforesaid Act and the Rules wherever applicable. e) In every case in which by virtue of the provision of the aforesaid Act and the Rules, the owner is obliged to pay any amount of wages to a workman employed by the contractor of his sub-contractor in execution of the work or to incur an expenditure in providing welfare and health amenities required to be provided under the aforesaid Act and the Rules or to incur any expenditure on account of the contingent liability of the Owner due to the Contractor’s failure to fulfill his statutory obligations under the aforesaid Act or the Rules, the owner will recover from the Contractor, the amount of wages so paid or the amount of expenditure so incurred and without prejudice to the rights of the Owner under Section 20, SubSection (2) and Section 21, Sub-section (4) of the aforesaid Act. The Owner shall be at liberty to recover such amount or part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit and / or from any sum due by the Owner to the Contractor whether under the contract or otherwise. The Owner shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under sub-section (1) of the Section 20 and sub-section (4) of Section 21 of the aforesaid Act except on the written request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the owner full security for all costs to which the Owner might become liable in contesting such claim. The decision of the Owner regarding the amount actually recoverable from the Contractor as stated above shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 37.4 PROVISIONS OF THE EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ACT 1952 The Contractor shall be liable to pay by the due date his contribution, employee’s contribution and other administrative charges as per provisions of the Employee’s Provident Act as amended from time to time, in respect of all the staff and labour employed by him for the execution of the contract. In the event of his failure to follow the above provisions, the Owner shall make arrangements to pay the said amount of contribution as assessed to the Provident Fund Commissioner and the Owner will recover from the Contractor the amount paid to the Provident fund Commissioner, out of the sums due to the Contractor. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 35 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 37.5 PROVISIONS OF WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of Section 12 sub-section (1) of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 the Owner is obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed by the contractor in executing the work, the Owner will recover from the contractor the amount of the compensation so paid, and without prejudice to the rights of Owner under section 12 sub-section (2) of the said Act, the Owner shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it from the sum due by the Owner to the Contractor whether under these conditions or otherwise. The Owner shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under section 12 sub-section (1) of the said Act except on the written request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the Owner right but the Contractor will become liable in consequence of contesting such claim. 37.6 The Contractor shall abide by the relevant Act like Minimum wages, Employees Provident Fund, ESI etc. and Rules and Regulations in force of the state of Orissa from time to time for the labour employed in construction work. The contractor shall be fully and solely responsible for any compensation/ fine that may be imposed for violation of the said Rules/Regulations/Act. 38. LABOUR CAMPS The contractor shall at his own expense make adequate arrangements for the housing, supply of drinking water and provision of latrines and urinals of his staff and workmen and for temporary crèches where 50 or more women are employed at a time. Suitable sites on the owner’s land if available, may be allotted to the Contractor for the erection of labour camps, either free of charge or on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by owner. All camp sites shall be maintained in clean and sanitary condition by the Contractor at his own cost. 39. REPORTING OF ACCIDENTS TO LABOUR The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all employees employed by him and shall report serious accidents the appropriate Authorities and also to the Owner/Consultant or the Consultant’s representative and shall make every arrangement to render all possible assistance/medical treatment, if required. 40. COMPLIANCE TO RULES FOR EMPLOYMENT OF LABOUR The Contractor shall confirm to all laws, byelaws, rules and regulations for the time being in force pertaining to the employment of local or imported labour and shall take necessary precautions to ensure and preserve the health and safety of all staff employed on the works. 41. PRESERVATION OF PEACE The Contractor shall take requisite precautions and use his best endeavors to prevent any riotous or unlawful behavior by or amongst his workmen and others employed on the works and for the preservation of peace and protection of the inhabitants and security of property in the neighborhood of the works. In the event of the owner requiring the maintenance of a special police force at or in vicinity of the site during the tenure of the works, the expenses thereof shall be borne by the Contractor, and if paid by the owner shall be recoverable for the Contractor. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 36 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 42. SANITARY ARRANGEMENT 42.1 The Contractor shall obey all sanitary rules and carry out all sanitary measures that may from time to time prescribed by the owner and permit inspection of all sanitary arrangements at all times by the Consultant or the Consultant’s representative. Should the Contractor fail to make adequate sanitary arrangements, these will be provided by the owner and the cost therefore recovered from the Contractor. 42.2 OUTBREAK OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE The Contract shall remove from his camp such labour and their families who refuse protective inoculation and vaccination when called upon to do so by the Consultant or the Consultant’s representative on the advice of the Owner. Should cholera, Plague or other infectious disease break out, the Contractor shall burn the huts, beddings, clothes and other belongings of, or used by, the infected parties and promptly erect new huts on healthy sites as required by the Consultant, failing which within the time specified in the Consultant’s requisition the work may be done by the Owner and the cost therefore recovered from the Contractor. 42.3 MEDICAL FACILITIES AT SITE The Contractor shall provide medical facilities at the site as may be prescribed by the Owner/Consultant in relation to the strength of the Contractor’s resident staff and workmen. 42.4 USE OF INTOXICANTS The sale of ardent spirits or other intoxicating beverage on the work place or in any of the buildings, or tenements owned, occupied by or within the control of the contractor or any of his employees directly or through petty contractors or subcontractors employed on the work shall be forbidden and the contractor shall exercise his influence and authority to the utmost extent to secure strict compliance with this condition. 43. NON-EMPLOYMENT OF LABOUR BELOW THE AGE OF 14 The Contractor shall not employ children below the age of 14 as laborers directly or through petty contractors or sub-contractors for execution of work. 44. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS FOR LABOUR It is agreed that the Contractor shall not employ a person for the purpose of executing work under this contract unless a medical certificate of fitness in the prescribed form granted to him by a doctor certifying that he is fit to work as an adult. This certificate is obtained and kept in the custody of the Contractor or a person nominated by him in this behalf and the person carries with him, while at work, a token giving reference to such certificate. It is further agreed that the responsibility for having the adolescent examined medically at the time of the appointment or periodically till he attains the adult age, shall devolve entirely on the Contractor and all the expense to be incurred on this account shall be borne by him and no fee shall be charged from the adolescent or his parent such medical examination. 45. PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF MEDICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE 45.1 A certificate of fitness granted or renewed for the above said purposes shall be valid only for a period of one year at a time. The certifying doctor shall revoke a certificate granted or renewed if in his opinion the holder of it is no longer fit for work in the capacity stated therein. Where a certifying doctor refuses to grant a certificate, he shall, if so required by the person concerned, state his reasons in writing for doing so. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 37 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 45.2 MEDICAL RE-EXAMINATION OF LABOURER Where any official appointed in this behalf by the Ministry of Labour is of the opinion that any person employed in connection with the execution of any work under this contract in the age group prescribed without a certificate of fitness or his having a certificate of fitness but no longer fit to work in the capacity stated in the certificate, he may serve on the contractor, or on the person nominated by him in this behalf, a notice requiring that such person shall be examined by a certifying doctor and such person shall not, if the concerned official so directs, be employed or permitted to do any work under this contract unless he has been medically examined and certified that he has been granted a certificate of fitness or a fresh certificate of fitness as the case may be. 46. ACCOMMODATION AT SITE & COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Owner does not undertake to provide any covered area or protected accommodation of any kind for use by Contractor for office, store, shop or residential accommodation. 46.1 Owner shall allot a plot of land at convenient place in site within reasonable distance of the place of work where Contractor may build temporary structures for site office, store and fabrication shop; and Contractor shall make arrangements for fencing and security. Contractor shall also make suitable arrangements for sanitation and hygiene in the place allotted to Contractor. 46.2 Contractor shall make his own arrangements for residential accommodation of staff and workmen, facilities for food and canteen and shall not set up any hutments, barracks or other form of residential units at any place within site or on other land belonging to Owner, unless specifically agreed to. 46.3 Contractor shall make his own arrangements for any telephone, fax communication facilities he needs in carrying out work. In case of emergency, Owner may permit use of available facility for which charges, if any, shall be borne by Contractor. 47. OWNER’S REGULATIONS AND RULES Contractor shall observe and ensure that his supervisors and workmen observe all rules and regulations of Owner applicable to site as may be communicated by Owner from time to time. Contractor shall ensure that his supervisors and workmen engaged at site function in a disciplined manner. 48. CLAIMS Claims by Contractor for any disputed item shall be lodged with Owner within thirty (30) days of disallowance of the same failing which the claim shall be deemed to have been waived. 49. FORCE MAJEURE Neither Contractor or Owner shall be considered in default in performance of Contract if such performance is prevented or delayed due to circumstances of Force Majeure, provided that the party so affected notifies the other in writing promptly, in any case within fifteen (15) days of its occurrence, of the existence of a situation of Force Majeure giving evidence thereof for the purposes of this Article Force Majeure means. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 38 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra i. War or hostilities. ii. Riot or civil commotion iii. Earthquake, flood, tempest, lightening or other natural calamities. iv. Accident, fire or explosion on site not caused by willful negligence of Contractor, and / or v. Labour strike or lock-out exceeding ten (10) days in duration not caused by any deliberate act of indiscretion by Contractor. If the situation of Force Majeure extends of a period exceeding thirty (30) days the parties shall meet together and discuss the further course of action, provided that if Contractor’s performance is affected Owner may at his option and at any time remove from the scope of Contractor the portion of work so affected and have it executed by any other agency as Owner may deem fit and reduce from the consideration payable to Contractor proportionate amount. Contractor shall be entitled for extension of time-schedule for the performance of the portion of work affected by the situation of Force Majeure by a reasonable period but shall not be entitled to any financial compensation such as idle wages or escalation in cost. Decision by Owner shall be final in respect of any extension of time. 50. RIGHT OF OWNER TO FINALISE CONTRACT The owner shall be entitled to finalize the contract at any time should, in the owner’s opinion, the cessation of work becomes necessary owing to paucity of funds or form any other cause whatsoever, in which case the value of approved materials at site and of work done to date by the Contractor will be paid for in full at the rate specified in the contract. Notice in writing from the owner of such finalization and the reason shall be conclusive evidence thereof. 51. PAYMENT ON FINALISATION OF CONTRACT Should the contract be finalized under clause 50.0 of these conditions, and the contractor claims payment for expenditure incurred by him in the expectation of completing the whole of the works, the owner shall admit and consider such claims as are deemed reasonable and are supported by vouchers to the satisfaction of the Owner. The owner’s decision on the necessity and propriety of such expenditure shall be final and conclusive. The Contractor shall have no claim to any payment of compensation or otherwise howsoever, on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full but which he did not derive in consequence of finalization of the contract. 52. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT OWING TO DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR If the Contractor should: i. Become bankrupt or insolvent, or ii. Make an arrangement with or assignment in favour of his creditors, or agree to carry out the contract under a committee of Inspection of his creditors, or BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 39 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra iii. Being a owner or Corporation, go into liquidation (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), or iv. Have an execution levied on his goods or property on the works, or v. Assign the contract or any part thereof to other person except with specific written approval of owner. vi. abandon the contract, or vii. Persistently disregard the instructions of the Owner or contravene any provision of the contract, or viii.Fail to adhere to the agreed programme of work by a margin of 10 percent of the stipulated period or ix. Fail to remove materials from the site or to pull down and replace work after receiving from the Owner notice to the effect that the said materials or works have been condemned or rejected under relevant clause of these conditions, or x. Fail to take steps to employ competent or additional staff and labour as required, or xi. Fail to afford the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative proper facilities for inspection of the works or any part thereof as required under these conditions. then and in any of the said causes, the Engineer on behalf of the Owner may serve the Contractor with a notice in writing to that effect and if the contractor does not, within seven days after delivery to him of such notice, proceed to make good his default and carry on the work or comply with such directions as aforesaid to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer, the Owner shall be entitled after giving 48 hours’ notice in writing under the hand of the Owner to rescind the contract as a whole or in part or parts ( as may be specified in such notice) and adopt either or both of the following courses: a) to carry out the whole or part of the work from which the Contractor has been removed by the employment of the required labour and the materials, the costs of which shall include lead, lift, freight, supervision and all incidental charges; b) to measure up the whole or part of the work from which the Contractor has been removed and to get it completed by another Contractor, the manner and method in which such work is completed shall be in the entire discretion of the Owner whose decision shall be final; and in both the cases (a) and (b) mentioned above, the owner shall be entitled (I) to forfeit the whole or such portion of the amount as it may consider fit, and (ii) to recover from the contractor the cost of carrying out the work in excess of the sum which would have been payable according to the certificate of the Engineer to the contractor if the works had been carried out by the contractor under the terms of the contract such certificate being final and binding upon the contractor. Provided however, that such recovery shall be made only when the cost incurred in excess is more than the amount held by the Owner. This is proposed to be forfeited and shall be limited to the amount by which the cost incurred in excess exceeds the amount proposed to be forfeited. The amount thus to be forfeited or recovered may be deducted from any moneys then due or which any time thereafter may become due to the contractor by the owner under this or any other contract or otherwise. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 40 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 53. RIGHT OF OWNER AFTER RECISSION OF CONTRACT OWING TO DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR In the event of any or several of the courses, referred to in clause 52 of this contract, being adopted: a) the contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any commitments or made any advances on account of or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract and Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work thereto not actually performed under the contract unless and until such works and the value payable in respect thereof and the Contractor shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified. b) the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative shall be entitled to take possession of any materials, tools, implements, machinery and buildings on the works or on the property on which these are being brought or ought to have been executed and to retain and employ the same in the further execution of the works or any part thereof until the completion of the works without the Contractor being entitled to any compensation thereof or for wear and tear or destruction thereof. c) The Owner/Engineer shall, as soon as may be practicable after removal of the Contractor, fix and determine ex-party or by or after reference to the parties or after such investigation or enquiries as he may consider fit to make or institute, and shall certify what amount (if any) had at the time of rescission of the contract been reasonably earned by or would reasonably accrue to the Contractor in respect of the work then actually done by him under the contract and what was the value of any unused, or partially used materials, any constructional plant and any temporary works upon the site. d) the Owner shall not be liable to pay to the Contractor any moneys on account of the contract until the costs of the completion and maintenance, damages for delay in completion (if any), and all other expenses incurred by the Owner have been ascertained and the amount thereof certified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall then be entitled to receive only such sum as is due to him after such costs have been adjusted from the Moneys due. 54. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION In the event Owner is unable or unwilling to complete or is compelled to postpone their activities relating to Project at any stage during the currency of Contract, Owner may either suspend or terminate Contract by giving Contractor thirty (30) days’ notice. If Contractor shall fail or neglect to execute work with all due diligence and expedition or shall refuse or neglect to comply with any reasonable orders given to him in writing by Owner in connection with work or shall otherwise commit breach of any of the provisions of Contract, Owner may give Contractor notice in writing requiring to make good such failure, neglect or breach. Should Contractor fail to comply with the notice within the time specified therein, then Owner shall, without prejudice to other rights of Owner under Contract, be at liberty to have such work or portion of work as Contractor has failed or neglected to execute, executed directly or through any other agency Owner deems fit at the risk and cost of Contractor, and Owner shall have the free use of all of Contractor’s equipment, materials and other things for the time being available at site for getting the work completed in the above-said manner to the exclusion of any right of Contractor over the same, without being responsible to Contractor for fair wear and tear thereof, Owner shall further be entitled to apply the proceeds of such equipment and unused materials BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 41 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra of Contractor and any balance amount that may be due to Contractor for work actually executed towards any claims on Owner from third parties in consequence of failure, neglect, refusal or contravention by Contractor and / or towards any expense that Owner might have incurred in getting the work completed in the above said manner, in excess of what Owner would have had to pay Contractor as per Contract. If Contractor shall become bankrupt or insolvent or have a receiving order made against him or shall compound with his creditors or shall commence to be winding or otherwise than for the purpose of reconstruction or shall carry on its business under a Receiver for the benefit of its creditors, Owner may at its sole discretion either : a. Terminate Contract forthwith by notice in writing to Contractor or the Receiver or the Liquidator or to any other person in whom the contract may become vested and have the remaining work executed at the risk and cost of Contractor in the same manner as specified above or, b. Give such Receiver, Liquidator or other person as aforesaid the option of carrying out the Contract subject to his providing security for the due and faithful performance of Contract up to such amount as may be mutually agreed upon. In the event of suspension of Contract vide above, immediately on receipt of notice therefore from Owner, Contractor shall suspend all activities at site expect those essentially to be carried out to safeguard and secure work for the time being in progress in a safe manner without wastage of materials and temporarily disband or re-assign Contractor’s workmen except those essentially required at site such as for security of Contractor’s equipment and materials. Contractor shall re-mobilize its workmen and re-commence work within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice from Owner requiring Contractor to do so. All costs reasonably incurred by contractor in connection with temporarily winding up work, maintenance of site during period of suspension and remobilization on withdrawal of suspension order shall be paid by Owner in addition to Contract Price specified herein, and the amount of such additional sum shall be mutually agreed to between the parties based on detailed information provided by Contractor. Contractor shall further be entitled for extension of time-schedule corresponding to the period of suspension including permitted period for remobilization. In the event of termination of Contract vide above, immediately on receipt of notice therefore from Owner, Contractor shall take all steps for winding up work such as cancellation of any pending orders and termination of any sub-contracts that Contractor might have entered into with others in connection with work, safeguarding and securing of any work in progress in a safe manner, disbanding of workmen, removal of temporary construction may by Contractor at site and return of all Equipment, special tools, un-used materials and documents that Owner has supplied to Contractor. Owner shall pay the Contractor for the portion of work executed till such termination less amounts already paid, together with any reasonable cost necessarily incurred by Contractor pursuant to such termination as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties hereto based on detailed information provided by Contractor. Contractor shall not be entitled for any payment in respect of the portion of work left unexecuted. Upon termination of Contract for any reason, obligations of the parties hereto shall cease except for the liabilities of either party to the other in respect of obligations that accrued prior to the date of such termination. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 42 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 55. RECOVERY OF DUES FROM CONTRACTOR Owner shall have recourse to Contractor for any costs, claims, demands proceedings, damages and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in connection with any failure of Contractor to perform any of his obligations under the terms of Contract. Any amount due from Contractor as per Contract shall be deducted from money due or becoming due to Contractor under Contract or under any other account or may be recovered through the process of Arbitration and relevant Laws. 56. CONSEQUENTIAL LOSSES Liabilities of either party to the other are limited to those specifically provided for herein. Neither Owner nor Contractor shall under any circumstances be liable in respect of any indirect or consequential loss or loss of profit suffered by the other party in connection with or arising out of Contract except as specified hereof. 57. EFFECTIVE DATE AND VALIDITY Contract shall become effective on signature by the contractor.Unless terminated by Owner, Contract shall remain valid till obligations of both parties are fulfilled. 58. ARBITRATION: In the event of any dispute in the interpretation of the terms of this agreement/work order or difference of opinion between the parties on any point in the work order arising out of or in connection with the agreement/accepted work order or with regard to performance of any obligation hereunder by either party, the parties hereto shall use their best efforts to settle such disputes or difference of opinion amicably by mutual negotiations. In case no agreement is reached, either party may forthwith give to the other, a notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference of opinion and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of sole Arbitrator to be appointed by “NOCCinfra” whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the parties. The arbitration proceedings shall be governed under the provisions of the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules there under or any statutory modification thereof for the time being in force. In this agreement/work order, venue of such arbitration shall be Balasore (Odisha) and courts at Balasore alone shall have jurisdiction regarding any matter arising out of this agreement. 59. JURISDICTION : Balasore, Odisha, India BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 43 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of Contract (GCC) also referred to as General Terms & Conditions of Works Contract, Schedule of Quantities, specifications of work, drawings and any other document forming part of this Contract wherever the context so requires. 1.2 Notwithstanding the sub-division of the document into these separate sections and volumes, every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary of every other part and shall be read with and into the Contract so far as it may be practicable to do so. 1.3 Where any portion of the GCC is repugnant to or at variance with any provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract, then unless a different intention appears, the provision(s) of the Special Conditions of Contract shall be deemed to override the provision(s) of GCC only to the extent that such repugnancy or variations in the Special Conditions of Contract are not possible of being reconciled with the provisions of GCC. 1.4 Wherever it is stated in this Bidding Document that such and such a supply is to be affected or such and such a work is to be carried out, it shall be understood that the same shall be affected and /or carried out by the Contractor at his own cost, unless a different intention is specifically and expressly stated herein or otherwise explicit from the context. Contract Price shall be deemed to have included such cost. 1.5 The materials, design & workmanship shall satisfy the applicable relevant Indian Standards, the job specifications contained herein & codes to. Where the job specifications stipulate requirements in referred addition to those contained in the standard codes and specifications, these additional requirements shall also be satisfied. In the absence of any Standard / Specifications / Codes of practice for detailed specifications covering any part of the work covered in this bidding document, the instructions / directions of Engineer-in-Charge will be binding upon the Contractor. 1.6 In case of contradiction between relevant Indian standards, GCC, Special Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and Schedule of Rates, the following shall prevail in order of precedence. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) Detailed Purchase Order along with Variations, if any, and its enclosures . Fax of Intent (FOI)/Letter of Intent (LOI) Schedule of Quantities Special Conditions of Contract Statement of Agreed Instructions to Bidders General Conditions of Contract Technical Specifications Relevant Indian Standards. Drawings/ Data Sheets BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 44 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 1.7 SAFETY, FIRE FIGHTING AND SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF NOCCinfra 1.7.1 Contractor shall provide adequate number of standard lengths of IS Stamped Fire hoses, IS Stamped DCP Fire extinguishers, fire buckets with sand and nozzles. These items can be taken back by the Contractor after completion of work. Sand shall also be maintained dry by the Contractor with fresh supply, whenever required. Work permit may not be issued by NOCCI in the absence of above items. 1.7.2 Safety Helmets shall be provided to all the employees of Contractor including that of his labour contractors. 1.7.3 Safety Belts and Harnesses shall be provided adequate number for the workers working at heights. 1.7.4 Proper earthing shall be provided for all equipments and generators. 2.0 THE WORK 2.1 SCOPE OF WORK & SCOPE OF SUPPLY by the Contractor in 2.1.1 The scope of work and Scope of Supply covered in this Contract will be as described in Scope of work provided in the Instructions to bidders, Schedule of Quantities, Technical Specifications, Drawings, etc. 2.2.1 TIME SCHEDULE The Completion period shall be 4 (FOUR) Months from the date of issue LOI / WO. 2.2.2 Time is the essence of this Contract. The period of completion given includes the time required for mobilization as well as testing, rectifications, if any, retesting, demobilization and completion in all respects to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.2.3 A joint programme of execution of work will be prepared by the Engineerin-Charge and Contractor. This programme will take into account the time of completion period of the Contract. 2.2.4 Monthly execution programme will be drawn up by the Engineer-in-Charge jointly with the Contractor based on availability of materials, work fronts and the joint programme of execution as referred to above. The Contractor shall scrupulously adhere to the Targets/ Programme by deploying adequate personnel, Construction Equipment, Tools and Tackles and also by Timely Supply of required materials coming within his scope of supply as per Contract. In all matters concerning the extent of target set out in the monthly programme and the degree of achievement, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding upon the Contractor. 2.2.5 Contractor shall give every day category-wise labour and equipment deployment report along with the progress of work done on previous day in the proforma prescribed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 2.3 MEASUREMENT OF WORKS 2.3.1 Mode of measurement will be as specified in Specifications or SOR. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 45 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 2.4 PAYMENT TERMS 2.4.1 SUPPLY ITEMS ï‚· 10% of the supply value shall be paid as advance on submission of Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount. Bank Guarantee shall be valid till delivery of supply items or to be extended till the advance is adjusted against actual value of supply. ï‚· 50% payment shall be paid against Supply, Inspection, Testing and Acceptance of materials by South Eastern Railways duly certified by the Engineer in charge & PMC, advance of 10% if availed, will be adjusted. ï‚· 10% payment shall be released against proper stacking / storage of materials at project site. ï‚· 30% payment shall be released after completion of erection, testing and commissioning of supply materials. ï‚· Balance 10% shall be retained from the bill and shall be released after successful completion, commissioning & charging of items of the job against final bill on production of performance Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount valid upto 18 months. 2.4.2 EXECUTION ITEMS ï‚· 60% payment shall be paid against completion of work as per description of Schedule “B” items duly certified by the Engineer in charge & PMC. ï‚· 10% payment shall be released after inspection, testing by South Eastern Railways duly certified by the Engineer in Charge & PMC. ï‚· 20% payment shall be released after on successful completion & Testing by South Eastern Railways for Signaling & Telecommunication System as whole and handed over to NOCCinfra. ï‚· Balance 10% shall be retained from the bill and shall be released after successful completion, commissioning & charging of items of the job against final bill on production of performance Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount valid upto 18 months. 2.5 TEMPORARY WORKS 2.5.1 All temporary works, enabling works, including dewatering of surface and subsoil water, preparation and maintenance of temporary drains at the work site, preparation and maintenance of approaches to working areas, adequate lighting, wherever required, for execution of the work, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and all costs towards the same shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted prices. 2.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE 2.6.1 Detailed quality assurance programme to be followed for the execution of Contract under various divisions of works will be mutually discussed and agreed to. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 46 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 2.6.2 The Contractor shall establish, document and maintain an effective quality assurance system as outlined in the specifications and various codes and standards. 2.6.3 The Owner/Consultant or their representative shall reserve the right to inspect/witness, review any or all stages of work at shop/site as deemed necessary for quality assurance and / or timely completion of the work. 2.6.4 In case Contractor fails to follow the instructions of Engineer-inCharge with respect to above clauses, next payment due to him shall not be released unless and until he complies with the instructions to the full satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. 2.7 LEADS 2.7.1 For the various works, in case of contradiction, leads mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities shall prevail over those indicated in the Technical specifications. 3.0 ROYALTY, INCOME TAX, SERVICE TAX AND PRICES 3.1 ROYALTY 3.1.1 All royalties etc., as may be required for any Borrow Areas, including right of way etc., to be arranged by Contractor shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted prices. 3.1.2 Contractor’s quoted rates should include the royalty on different applicable items as per the prevailing State Government rates. In case, Owner is able to obtain the exemption of royalty from the State Government the Contractor shall pass on the same to Owner for all the items involving royalty. Any increase in prevailing rate of royalty shall be borne by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Owner. 3.2 INCOME TAX 3.2.1 Income Tax at the prevailing rate as applicable from time to time shall be deducted from Contractor’s Bills as per Income Tax Act and quoted rates shall be inclusive of this. Owner will issue the TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) Certificate. 3.3 FIRM PRICES 3.3.1 The contract price shall remain firm and fixed till the completion of work in all respects and no escalation in prices on any account shall be admissible to the Contractor except for statutory variations as per General Terms and Conditions (GTC). 4 4.1 PROVIDENT FUND,LABOUR, LABOUR LAWS AND SITE REQUIREMENTS PROVIDENT FUND 4.1.1 The Contractor shall strictly comply with the provisions of Employees Provident Fund Act and register himself with Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (RPFC) before commencing work. The Contractor shall deposit Employees and Employers contributions to the RPFC every month. The Contractor shall furnish along with each Running bill, the challan / receipt BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 47 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra for the payment made to the RPFC for the preceding month. The Contractor shall furnish the code number allotted by the RPFC Authority to the Engineer-in-Charge before commencing the work. 4.1.2 In case the RPFC challan / receipt, as above, is not furnished, Owner shall deduct 16% (sixteen percent) of the payable amount from Contractor’s running bill and retain the same as a deposit. Such retained amounts shall be refunded to Contractor on production of RPFC Challan / receipt for the period covered by the related running bill. 4.2 LABOUR LICENSE 4.2.1 Before starting of work, Contractor shall obtain a license from concerned authorities under the Contract Labour (Abolition and Regulation) Act 1970, and furnish copy of the same to Owner. 4.3 LABOUR RELATIONS 4.3.1 In case of labour unrest/labour dispute arising out of non-implementation of any law, the responsibility shall solely lie with the Contractor and they shall remove/resolve the same satisfactorily at his cost and risk. 4.3.2 The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his staff and labour and to preserve peace and protection of persons and property in the neighbourhoods of the Works against such conduct. 4.4 EMPLOYMENT OF LOCAL LABOUR 4.4.1 The Contractor shall ensure that local labour skilled and / or unskilled, to the extent available shall be employed in this work. In case of non – availability of suitable labour in any category out of the above persons, labour from outside may be employed. 4.4.2 The Contractor shall not recruit personnel of any category from among those who are already employed by other agencies working at site but shall make maximum use of local labour available. 4.5 SITE CLEANING 4.5.1 The Contractor shall clean and keep clean the work site from time to time to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge for easy access to work site and to ensure safe passage, movement and working. 4.5.2 The Contractor shall dispose of the unserviceable materials, debris etc., to the earmarked area within the premises or any other location outside the premises as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. No extra payment shall be paid on this account. 4.5.3 REVIEW/APPROVAL OF DRAWINGS, SUBMITTED BY CONTRACTOR DESIGN OTHER DOCUMENTS NOCCinfra/consultant will normally require and utilize a maximum time frame of seven (07) working days from the date of Receipt for Review/Approval of Drawings, Design and other documents submitted by Contractor. Upon Review of the submitted documents, NOCCI may give their comments and ask for redesign/ resubmission after necessary rectifications/ modifications and the time frame of 7 working days will be applicable for same. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 48 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 4.6 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES 4.6.1 Contractor shall obtain all clearance (work permit) from the Owner, as may be required from time to time, prior to start of work. Work without permit shall not be carried out within the existing premises. 4.6.2 Contractor shall obtain plans and full details of all existing and planned facilities/services/utilities from the Owner and shall follow these plans closely at all times during the performance of work. Contractor shall be responsible for location and protection of all facilities/utilities and structures at his own cost. 4.6.3 Despite all precautions, should any damage to any structure / utility etc. occur, the Contractor shall contact the Owner/authority concerned and Contractor shall forthwith carry out repair at his expenses under the the direction and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge and Owner/concerned authority. 4.6.3 Contractor shall take all precautions to ensure that no damage is caused to the existing facilities etc., during construction. Existing structures/facilities/utilities damaged / disturbed during construction shall be repaired and restored to their original condition by Contractor after completion of construction to the complete satisfaction of Owner. 4.7 WORK FRONT 4.7.1 The work involved under this Contract may include such works as have to be taken up and completed after other agencies have completed their jobs. The Contractor will be required and bound to take up as and when the fronts are available for the same and no claim of any sort whatsoever shall be admissible to the Contractor on this account. Only extension of time limit shall be admissible, if the availabilities of work fronts to the Contractor are delayed due to any reason not attributable to the Contractor and the same is clearly recorded. 4.8 SITE FACILITIES 4.8.1 The Contractor shall arrange for the following facilities at site, workmen deployed/engaged by him / his sub-contractor, at his own cost: i) ii) iii) iv) 4.9 for Arrangement for First Aid. Arrangement for clean & potable drinking water. A crèche where 10 or more women workers are having children below the age of 6 years. Any other facility/utility as may be required under the Contract as per the existing legislation/regulations. CONTRACTOR’S SITE OFFICE AND STORES 4.9.1 Owner shall provide land only for contractor’s site office and stores and fabrication yard, if any at site. However, same shall be dismantled prior to submission of Final Bill. 4.9.2 The Contractor shall remove all temporary buildings / facilities before leaving the site after completion of works in all respect. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 49 of 130 etc., A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 4.10 CONSTRUCTION POWER AND WATER 4.10.1 Owner shall not provide power and the Contractor shall be exclusively responsible to make his own arrangements for supply power, without any extra cost to the Owner. of 4.10.2 Water required for the works shall be arranged by the Contractor. The contractor has to make all necessary arrangement for drawing water including making temporary storage, pumping etc. 4.11 CONSTRUCTION 4.11.1 RULES AND REGULATIONS 4.11.2 Contractor shall observe in addition to Codes specified in respective specification, all national and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and requirements pertaining to the work and shall be responsible for extra costs arising from violations of the same. 5.0 PROCEDURES 5.1 Various procedures and method statements to be adopted by Contractor during the construction as required as per the respective specifications shall be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge in due time for approval. 5.2 5.2.1 SECURITY As the premises will be protected area, entry into the area shall be restricted and may be governed by issue of photo gate passes. The Contractor shall arrange to obtain through the Engineer-in-Charge, well in advance, all necessary entry permits/gate passes for his staffs and labourers and entry and exit of his men and materials shall be subject to vigorous checking by the security staff. The Contractor shall not be eligible for any claim or extension of time whatsoever on this account. 5.2.2 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to safeguard all his materials/owned from theft, damage etc. For this purpose the contractor shall be allowed to keep his own security inside NOCCI premises 5.3 DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS 5.3.1 Drawings accompanying the Bidding Document are indicative of scope of work and issued for bidding purpose only. Purpose of these drawings is to enable the bidder to make an offer in line with the requirements of the owner. 5.3.2 The contractor as per ‘scope of work’ shall carry out preparation of detailed and working drawings. Detailed construction layout drawings as needed shall be prepared by contractor and got reviewed/approved by Engineer-inCharge/Architect before taking up the work. 5.4 ROUNDING OFF 5.4.1 All payments to and recoveries from the Contractor shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee. Wherever the amount to be paid / recovered consists of a fraction of a rupee (paise), the amount shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee if the fraction consists of 50 (fifty) paise or more and if BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 50 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra the faction of a rupee is less than 50 (fifty) paise, the same shall be ignored. 5.5 CONTRACTOR’S BILLING SYSTEM 5.5.1 NOCCinfra will provide an approved format for Measurement sheets, Bill Summary and Bill Abstract. Contractor has to ensure that these data are updated for each subsequent RA and Final Bill. 5.5.1 NOCCinfra will utilize these Contractor’s bill. data for processing and verification of the 5.6 SITE ORGANIZATION 5.6.1 The Contractor shall without prejudice to his overall responsibility to execute and complete the works as per specifications and time schedule progressively deploy adequate qualified and experienced personnel together with skilled / unskilled manpower and augment the same as decided by Engineer-in-Charge depending on the exigencies of work to suit the construction schedule without any additional cost to Owner. all necessary superintendence during the 5.6.2 The Contractor shall provide execution of the Works and as long thereafter as the Engineer-in-Charge may consider necessary for the proper fulfilling of the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract Such superintendence shall be given by sufficient persons having adequate knowledge of the operations to be carried out (including the methods and techniques required, the hazards likely to be encountered and methods of preventing accidents) for the satisfactory and safe execution of the Work. The workmen deployed by the Contractor should also possess the necessary license etc., if required under the existing laws, rules and regulations. 5.7 ADDITIONAL / EXTRA WORKS Owner reserves the right to execute any additional works / extra works, during the execution of work, either by themselves or by appointing any other agency, even though such works are incidental to and necessary for the completion of works awarded to the Contractor. 5.8 RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR 5.8.1 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain the approval for any revision and/or modifications decided by the contractor from the Owner / Engineer-in-Charge before implementation. Also such revisions and / or modifications if accepted / approved by the Owner / Engineer-in-Charge shall be carried out at no extra cost to the owner. Any change required during functional requirements or for efficient running of system, keeping the basic parameters unchanged and which has not been indicated by the contractor in the data / drawings furnished along with the offer shall be carried out by the contractor at no extra cost to the owner. 5.8.2 All expenses towards mobilization at site and demobilization including bringing in equipment, work force, materials, dismantling the equipment, clearing the site etc. shall be deemed to be included in the prices quoted and no separate payments on account of such expenses shall be entertained. 5.8.3 It shall be entirely the contractor’s responsibility BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 51 of 130 to provide, operate and A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra maintain all necessary construction equipment, steel scaffoldings and safety gadgets, cranes and other lifting tackles, tools and appliances to perform the work in a workman like and efficient manner and complete all the jobs as per time schedule. 5.8.4 Preparing approaches and working area for the movement of his men and machinery. 5.8.5 The procurement and supply in sequences and at the appropriate time of all materials, and consumables shall be entirely the contractor’s responsibility and his rates for execution of work will be inclusive of supply of all these items. 5.9 COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES 5.9.1 Contractor shall be responsible for proper coordination with other agencies operating at the site of work so that work may be carried out concurrently, without any hindrance to others. The Engineer – in – Charge shall resolve disputes, if any, in this regard, and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 5.10 UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD STRUCTURES 5.10.1 The Contractor will familiarize himself with and obtain information and details from the Owner in respect of all existing structures, and utilities existing at the job site before commencing work. The Contractor shall execute the work in such a manner that the said structures, utilities, etc. are not disturbed or damaged, and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner from and against any destruction thereof or damages thereto. 5.11 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED WITH FINAL BILL 5.11.1 Statement of final bills – issue of No Claim/ No Due Certificate 5.11.2 The Contractor shall furnish a No-Claim/No-Due declaration indicating that there are no balance dues to his sub-vendor/sub-contractors/labour contractors along with the Final Bill. 5.12 WORKING HOURS 5.12.1 Depending upon the requirement, time schedule / drawing/ programme and the target set to complete the job in time, the works may also have to continue beyond normal working hours/night hours / holidays or during such periods without causing any inconvenience to the neighbours/others with due permission from EIC, for which no extra claim shall be entertained. However for all such working contractor’s responsible representative shall be available at site to receive the work permit to be issued by N O C C I w ithout responsible representative of the contractor, no work shall be allowed inside the premises. 6.0 TESTS, INSPECTION AND COMPLETION 6.1 6.1.1 TESTS AND INSPECTION The Contractor shall carry out the various tests as enumerated in the technical specifications of this Bidding Document and technical documents that will be furnished to him during the performance of the work at no extra cost to the Owner. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 52 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 6.1.2 All the tests either on the field or at outside laboratories concerning the execution of the work and supply of materials by the Contractor shall be carried out by Contractor at his cost. 6.1.3 The work is subject to inspection at all times by the Engineer-inCharge. The Contractor shall carry out all instructions given during inspection and shall ensure that the work is being carried out according to the technical specifications of this bidding document, the technical documents that will be furnished to him during performance of work and the relevant codes of practice. 6.1.4 Compressed air for carrying out works ,if required shall be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost. 6.1.5 For material supplied by Owner, Contractor shall carry out the tests, if required by the Engineer-in-Charge, and the cost of such tests shall be reimbursed by the Owner at actual to the Contractor on production of documentary evidence. 6.1.6 All results of inspection and tests will be recorded in the inspection reports, proforma of which will be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. These reports shall form part of the completion documents. Any work not conforming to execution drawings, specifications or codes shall be rejected and the Contractor shall carry out the rectifications at his own cost. 6.2 FINAL INSPECTION After completion of all tests as per specification the whole work will be subject to a final inspection to ensure that job has been completed as per requirement. If any defect is noticed, the Contractor will be notified by the Engineer-in-Charge and he shall make good the defects with utmost speed. If however, the Contractor fails to attend to these defects within a reasonable time (time period shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-Charge) then Engineer-in-Charge may have defects rectified at Contractor’s cost. 6.3 INSPECTION OF SUPPLY ITEMS 6.3.1 All inspection and tests on bought out items shall be made as required by specifications forming part of this contract. Various stages of inspection and testing shall be identified after receipt of Quality Assurance Programme from the contractor / manufacturer. 6.3.2 Inspection calls shall be given for association of Owner , as per mutually agreed programme in prescribed proforma , giving details of equipment and attaching relevant test certificates and internal inspection report of the contractor. All drawings, general arrangement and other contract drawings, specifications, catalogues etc. pertaining to equipment offered for inspection shall be got approved by Owner and copies shall be made available to Owner before hand for undertaking inspection. The contractor shall ensure full and free access to the inspection engineer of Owner at the contractor’s or their sub-contractor’s premises at any time during contract period to facilitate him to carry out inspection and testing assignments. 6.3.3 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 53 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 6.3.4 The contractor / sub – contractor shall provide all instruments, tools, necessary testing and other inspection facilities to inspection engineer of Owner free of cost for carrying out inspection. 6.3.5 Where facilities for testing do not exist in the contractor’s / subcontractor’s laboratories, samples and test pieces shall be drawn by the contractor / sub-contractor in presence of Inspection Engineer of Owner and duly sealed by the later and sent for tests in Government approved test house or any other testing laboratories approved by the Inspection Engineer at the contractor’s cost. 6.3.6 The contractor shall comply with the instructions of the Inspection Engineer fully and with promptitude. 6.3.7 The contractor shall ensure that the equipment / assemblies / component of the plant and equipment required to be inspected are not assembled or dispatched before inspection. 6.3.8 The contractor shall not offer equipment for inspection in painted conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Owner . The contractor shall ensure that the parts once rejected by the inspection engineer are not used in the manufacture of the plant and equipment. Where parts rejected by the inspection engineer have been rectified or altered, such parts shall be segregated for separate inspection and approval, before being used in the work. 6.3.9 6.3.10 On satisfactory completion of final inspection and testing, all accepted part of the work and equipment shall be stamped suitably and inspection certificate shall be stamped suitably and inspection certificate shall be issued in requisite copies for all accepted items. For stage inspection and for rejected items, only inspection memo shall be issued indicating therein the details of observations and remarks. 6.3.11 All inspections and tests shall be made as required by the specifications forming part of this contract. Contractor shall advise NOCCI in writing at least fifteen days in advance of the date of final inspection / tests. Manufacturers inspection or testing certificate for equipment and materials supplied may be considered for acceptance, at the discretion of Engineer- in-Charge. All costs towards testing etc. shall be borne by the contractor within their quoted rates. 6.4 DOCUMENTATION 6.4.1 COMPLETION DOCUMENTS a) The following documents shall also be submitted in triplicate as part of completion documents: Test certificate for materials supplied by the Contractor. b) Certified records of field tests on materials / equipment, as applicable. c) d) Material appropriation statement as required. Six sets of drawings showing therein the as built conditions of the work duly approved by the Engineer-in-Charge along with one set of reproducible on polyester film (drawings prepared by Contractor) along with soft form of the same. e) Other documents as mentioned in Technical Specification. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 54 of 130 by the Contractor A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 6.4.2 “AS BUILT” DRAWINGS Upon completion of work, the Contractor shall complete all drawings to “As built” status (including all vendor / Sub – vendor’s drawings for bought out items) and provide the Owner, the following : a. One complete set of all original tracings / reproducible along with the soft form of the same. b. Six complete sets of prints. The following Drawings / Documents are required to be submitted well in advance by the Contractor before acceptance of the Work by NOCCI to facilitate NOCCinfra to go through the Drawings / Documents so as to satisfy himself before issuing the certificate for Acceptance of the work. The "as built” documentation shall consist of: A. Plot plan duly indicating the initial spot levels.(Original with 3 copies) B. Plot plan duly indicating the final spot /invert levels.(3 copies) C. Plot plan duly indicating the grid lines, FGL in each block, coordinate(s) of pillar and their levels.(6 copies +1 CD in AutoCAD format ) D. All laboratory test results (3 copies) E. All field test results (3 copies) F. Level Book (Original) G. Joint Measurement record (Original) H. The set of correspondences/drawings/approvals obtained from Railways (triplicate) I. Construction/ As built drawings of culverts 7.0 OTHERS 7.1 DISPUTE SETTLEMENT BETWEEN GOVT. DEPT. / PSU & PSE 7.1.1 In the event of any disputes or differences between the Contractor and the Owner, if the Contractor is a Government department, a Government company or an undertaking in the public sector, then such disputes or differences shall be resolved amicably by mutual consultation or through the good offices or empowered agencies of the Government. If such resolution is not possible, then the unresolved disputes or differences shall be referred to arbitration of an arbitrator to be nominated by the Secretary. Department of legal affairs (Law Secretary) in terms of the Office Memorandum No. 55 / 1 / 75 – CF dated 19th December 1975 issued by the Cabinet Secretariat (Dept. of Cabinet Affairs) as modified from time to time. The Arbitration Conciliation Act 1996 shall not be applicable to the arbitrator under this clause. The award of the arbitrator shall be binding upon parties to the dispute, provided, however any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to Law Secretary whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. 7.2 PROJECT SCHEDULING AND MONITORING 7.2.1 The following schedules / documents / reports shall be prepared and submitted by the CONTRACTOR for review / approval at various stages of the contract. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 55 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 7.2.3 AFTER PLACEMENT OF PURCHASE ORDER Upon placement of Work Order, Contractor has to furnish a detailed bar chart within 15 days of issue of FOI/LOI. 7.2.4 PROJECT REVIEW MEETINGS The CONTRACTOR shall present the programme and status at various review meetings as required. MONTHLY REVIEW MEETING Level of Participation: Senior Officers of Owner & Contractor. a) b) Agenda Progress Status/ statistics. Completion Outlook c) Major hold ups / slippages. d) Assistance required. e) Critical issues. f) Client query / approval. . NOCCi BUSINESS PARK 3rd Floor of Trade Tower At-Bampada, Post-Chanpur, Balasore. Pin-756056, Near Birla Tyre, Opposite of CIPET. VENUE : Ph-06782-255966 / 967 7.2.5 PROGRESS REPORTS I) MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT This report shall be submitted in three copies on a monthly basis within Ten calendar days from cut-off date as agreed upon, covering overall scenario of the work. The report shall include but not be limited to the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Brief introduction of the work. Activities executed / achievements during the month. Scheduled vs actual percentage progress and progress curves for sub-ordering, manufacturing / delivery, sub-contracting, construction activities and overall quantum wise status of purchase orders against scheduled. Areas of concern / problems / hold ups, impact and action plans. Resource deployment status. Annexure giving status summary for Material Requisitions and deliveries, sub-contracting and construction Photographs of progress (3 sets) to be furnished by contractor. Distribution: OWNER BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Two copies & One at Site. Page 56 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra II) DAILY REPORT: Daily report in duplicate as out lined in 2.2.4 of SCC and any other additional information/data/guideline/job procedure sought by Engineer-in-Charge shall be submitted without fail to NOCCI at site by contractor. 7.3 GENERAL ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENT The contractor has to ensure efficient use of natural resources like water, fuel oil and lubricants. The contractor should ensure proper awareness to workers to maintain a green and clean environment inside / outside the building premises. The contractor must collect and dispose of all the waste and scrap materials at the designated place only as directed by Engineer – in Charge. 7.4 GUARANTEE/DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD: The Contractor shall be guarantee satisfactory working of the installation erected by him, for a period of 18 months from the date of commercial operation or from the date of provisional acceptance by Railways. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 57 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS (SHE POLICY) SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT POLICY SPECIFICATION MANAGEMENT FOR SAFETY HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT (SHE) CONTENTS CLAUSE NO. TITLE 1.0 SCOPE 2.0 REFERENCES 3.0 REQUIREMENT OF SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT (SHE) 3.1 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 3.2 HOUSE KEEPING 3.3 SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT 4.0 DETAILS OF SHE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BY CONTRACTOR 1.0 4.1 ON AWARD OF CONTRACT 4.2 DURING JOB EXECUTION SCOPE This specification establishes the Safety Health and Environment (SHE) management requirement to be complied with by the Contractors during construction. Requirements requirements legislations. Specifications. requirements, stipulated in this specification shall supplement the of SHE Management given in relevant Act (s) / General Conditions of Contract (GCC), and Job Where different documents stipulate different the most stringent shall be adopted. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 58 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 2.0 REFERENCES This document should be read in conjunction with following: - General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Job Specifications 3.0 REQUIREMENTS OF SAFETY HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO BE COMPLIED BY BIDDERS 3.1 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY (SHE) 3.1.1 The Contractor should have a documented SHE policy to cover commitment of their organization to ensure health, safety and environment aspects in their line of operations. 3.1.2 The SHE management system of the Contractor shall cover the SHE requirements including but not limited to what is specified under Para 1.0 and para 2.0 above. 3.1.3 Contractor shall be fully responsible for planning and implementing SHE requirements. Contractor as a minimum requirement shall designate / deploy the following to co-ordinate the above: No. of workers deployed Up to 250 - Designate one safety supervisor Above 250 & up to 500 - Deploy one qualified and experienced safety Engineer/ officer Above 500 - One additional safety (for every 500 or less) engineer/officer as above. Contractor shall indemnify & hold harmless Owner / NOCCI representatives free from any and all liabilities arising out of fulfillments of SHE requirements. 3.1.4 The Contractor (SHE) requirements levels at site. & either non – shall ensure that the Safety, Health and Environment are clearly understood & faithfully implemented at all 3.1.5 The Contractor shall promote and develop consciousness for Safety , Health and Environment among all personnel working for the Contractor. Regular awareness, program site meetings shall be arranged on SHE activities to cover hazards involved in various operations during construction. 3.1.6 Arrange suitable first aid measures such as First Aid Box, trained personnel to give First Aid, Stand by Ambulance or Vehicle and install fire protection measures such as : adequate number of steel buckets with sand and adequate fire extinguishers to the satisfaction of NOCCinfra/Owner. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 59 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 3.1.7 The Contractor shall evolve a comprehensive planned and documented system for implementation and monitoring of the SHE requirements. This shall be submitted to NOCCI/Owner for approval. The monitoring for implementation shall be done by regular inspections and compliance to the observations thereof. The Contractor shall get similar SHE requirements implemented at his sub-contractor(s) work site/office. However, compliance of SHE requirements shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any review / approval by NOCCinfra/Owner shall not absolve contractor of his responsibility /liability in relation to all HSE requirements. 3.1.8 Non-Conformance on SHE by Contractor (including his Sub-contractors) as brought out during review/ audit by NOCCinfra /Owner representatives shall be resolved forthwith by Contractor. Compliance report shall be provided to NOCCinra /Owner. 3.1.9 The Contractor shall ensure participation of his Resident Engineer / Site-in-Charge in the Safety Committee / SHE Committees meetings arranged by NOCCI /Owner. The compliance of any observations shall be arranged urgently. He shall assist NOCCI /Owner to achieve the targets set by them on SHE during the project implementation. 3.1.10 The Contractor shall adhere consistently to all provisions of SHE requirements. In case of non-compliance or continuous failure in implementation of any of SHE provisions; NOCCI /Owner may impose stoppage of work without any Cost & Time implication to Owner and/or impose a suitable penalty for non-compliance with a notice of suitable period, up to a cumulative limit of 1.0% (one percent) of Contract Value with a maximum limit of Rs. 10 lakhs. This penalty shall be in addition to all other penalties specified elsewhere in the contract. The decision of imposing stoppage work, its extent & monitory penalty shall rest with NOCCI /Owner & binding on the Contractor. 3.1.11All fatal accidents and other personnel accidents shall be investigated by a team of Contractor’s senior personnel for root cause & recommend corrective and preventive actions. Findings shall be documented and suitable actions taken to avoid recurrences shall be communicated to NOCCinfra /Owner. Owner / NOCCinfra shall have the liberty to independently investigate such occurrences and Contractor shall extend all necessary help and co-operation in this regard. 3.2 HOUSE KEEPING 3.2.1 Contractor shall ensure that a high degree of housekeeping is maintained and shall ensure inter alia the followings wherever applicable: a. All surplus earth and debris are removed/disposed the working areas to identified location(s). off from b. Unused/Surplus Cables, Steel items and steel scrap lying scattered at different places within the working areas are removed to identified location(s). c. All wooden scrap, empty wooden cable drums and other combustible packing materials, shall be removed from work place to identified location(s). BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 60 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra d. Roads shall be kept clear and materials like: pipes, steel, sand boulders, concrete, chips and bricks etc. shall not be allowed on the roads to obstruct free movement of men & machineries. e. Fabricated steel structural, pipes & piping materials shall be stacked properly for erection. f. Water logging on roads shall not be allowed. g. No parking of trucks / trolleys, cranes and trailers etc. shall be allowed on roads which may obstruct the traffic movement. h. Utmost care shall be taken to ensure over all cleanliness and proper upkeep of the working areas. 3.3 i. Trucks carrying sand, earth and pulverized materials etc. shall be covered while moving within the premises. j Only properly designed steel scaffolding materials to be used for working at heights more than 3.0M . Double scaffolding using wooden ballis may be allowed for working at height less than 3.0M SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT 3.3.1 The Contractor shall provide safe means of access to any working place including provisions of suitable and sufficient scaffolding at various stages during all operations of the work for the safety of his workmen, and, NOCCI /Owner. Contractor shall ensure deployment of appropriate equipment and appliances for adequate safety and health of the workmen and protection of surrounding areas. 3.3.2 The Contractor shall ensure that all their staff and workers including their sub-contractor(s) shall wear Safety Helmet and Safety shoes. Contractor shall also ensure use of safety belt, protective goggles, gloves etc. by the personnel as per job requirements. All these gadgets shall conform to relevant IS specifications or equivalent. 3.3.3 Contractor shall ensure that a proper Safety Net System shall be used at appropriate locations. The safety net shall be located not more than 30 feet (9.0 meters) below the working surface at site to arrest or to reduce the consequences of a possible fall of persons working at different heights. 3.3.4 Contractor shall ensure that flash back arrester shall be used using Gas Cylinders at site. Cylinders shall be mounted on trolleys. while 3.3.5 The Contractor shall assign to his workmen, tasks commensurate with their qualification, experience and state of health for driving of vehicles, handling and erection of materials and equipments. All lifting equipments shall be tested certified for its capacity before use. Adequate and suitable lighting at every work place and approach there to, shall be provided by the Contractor before starting the actual operations at night. 3.3.6 Hazardous and/or toxic materials such as solvent coating, or thinners shall be stored in appropriate containers. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 61 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 3.3.7 All hazardous materials shall be labelled with the name of the materials, the hazards associated with its use and necessary precautions to be taken. 3.3.8 Contractor shall ensure that during the performance of the work, all hazards to be health of personnel, have been identified, assessed and eliminated. 3.3.9 Chemical spills shall be contained prevent further contamination. & cleaned up immediately to 3.3.10 All personnel exposed to physical agents such as ionizing radiation, ultraviolet rays or similar other physical agents shall be provided with adequate shielding or protection commensurate with the type of exposure involved. 3.3.11 Where contact or exposure of hazardous materials could exceed limits or could otherwise have harmful effects, appropriate personal protective equipments such as gloves, goggles, aprons, chemical resistant clothing and respirator shall be used. 3.3.12 A Crèche where 10 or more female workers are having children below the age of 6 years. Reasonable Canteen facilities are made available at appropriate location depending upon site conditions. 3.3.13Suitable facilities for toilet, drinking water, proper lighting shall be provided at site and labour camps, commensurate with applicable Laws / Legislation. 3.3.14 Contractor shall ensure storage and utilization methodology of materials that are not detrimental to the environment. Where required Contractor shall ensure that only the environment friendly materials are selected. 3.3.15 All persons deployed at site shall be knowledgeable of and comply with the environmental laws, rules & regulations relating to the hazardous materials substances and wastes. Contractor shall not dump, release or otherwise discharge or dispose of any such materials without the express authorization of NOCCinfra /Owner. 4.0 4.1 DETAILS OF SHE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BY CONTRACTOR On Award of Contract The Contractor shall prior to start of work submit his Safety Health and Environment Manual or procedure and SHE Plans for approval by NOCCI /Owner. The Contractor shall participate in the pre-start meeting with NOCCinfra /Owner to finalize SHE Plans including the following: - - Job procedure to be followed by Contractor for activities covering. Handling of equipment, Scaffolding, Electric Installation, describing the risks involved, actions to be taken and methodology for monitoring each activity. NOCCinfra /Owner review / audit requirement. Organization structure along with responsibility and authority records / reports etc, on SHE activities. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 62 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 4.2 During job execution 4.2.1 Implement approved Safety Health, and Environment management procedure including but not limited to as brought out under para 3.0. Contractor shall also ensure to: - arrange workmen compensation insurance, registration third party liability insurance etc., as applicable. under ESI Act, - arrange all HSE permits before start of activities (as applicable) like hot work, confined space, work at heights, storage of chemical / explosive materials and its use and implement all precautions mentioned therein. - submit timely the completed checklist on SHE activities, Monthly SHE report, accident reports, investigation reports etc. as per NOCCinfra /Owner requirements. Compliance of instructions on SHE shall be done by Contractor and informed urgently to NOCCinfra /Owner. - ensure that Resident Engineer / Site-in-Charge of the Contractor shall attend all the Safety Committee / SHE meetings arranged by NOCCinfra /Owner. Only in case of his absence from site that a second senior most person shall be nominated by him in advance and communicated to NOCCinfra /Owner. - display at site office and work locations caution boards, list of hospitals, emergency services available. - - provide posters, banners for safe working to promote safety consciousness. carryout audits / inspection at sub contractor works as per approved SHE document and submit the reports for NOCCinfra /Owner review. assist in SHE audits by NOCCinfra /Owner, and submit compliance report. - generate & submit HSE records / report as per SHE Plan. - appraise NOCCinfra /Owner on SHE activities at site. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 63 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS/EQUIPMENTS OF THE BOQ PREPARED FOR “N E W BLOCK STATION UNDER NOCCinfra 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK: NOCCI inviting tender for alteration of Panel Interlocking with MACL Signaling & Locking arrangement work in connection with construction of Railway Siding from existing Rail head at new railway siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railway. 2.0 The Signaling and Telecom materials to be supplied by the contractor amendments as per specifications/drawing with latest revisions & indicated in the different items of the supply and execution schedules. Specifications and drawings may be purchased from RDSO or to be collected by the Contractor except otherwise mentioned. 3.0 CABLE LAYLING 3.1 CABLE PLAN: Cable plan with distribution chart for each cable shall be prepared for each station by the contractor leaving adequate spare conductors in each cable as laid down in para 15.3.2 of chapter XV of pt.II SEM i.e. 20% of working conductors on each cable shall be left spare up to outer most points and 10% beyond outer most points. A distance of approximately 10 cm. must be maintained between Telecommunication cable and Signalling cables. The Signaling cables must be separated from Power cables by a row of bricks between them. 3.2 CABLE TRENCH : Excavation of cable trench shall be made in all kinds of soils including clearing roots of trees, rocks etc. to a depth of 1.0 M and to a width of not less than 0.35 M provide proper protection as required by Railways while crossing Power cables, pipe lines etc. The bottom of the Trench shall be leveled and got rid of any sharp materials. Trenches shall be straight as far as possible and steep angles shall be avoided. Alignment of the Main cable route as well as track/road crossings will be indicated in the Cable layout Plan. (a) Signaling/Power cables shall be laid as close to the track as possible in the station limit but not less than 3 m from the nearest track centre. The cable track separation distance both within station limits and in the block section generally not to exceed 6 m. However outside the station limits, the cables should generally be laid at not less than 5.5 m from the centre or the nearest track. (b) It is desirable that the excavation of trenches is not done in long lengths and does not remain uncovered overnight. It is preferable that trenches are dug, cable laid and refilling done on the same day. Wherever if rock formation is experienced and trenching cannot be done to a depth of 1m, the trench shall be dug as far as possible and protective measures taken to avoid damages of cable as decided by site Engineer. However, the minimum depth shall not be less than 300 mm for laying RCC pipes in hard moorum. Whenever rocky soil is experienced, concerting has to be done for a depth of 150 mm after laying the cables to protect them. (c) BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 64 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra (d) During excavation of the trenches, the earth should not be thrown on the ballast. The earth should be thrown by the side of the trenches, away from the track. Complete excavated earth shall be back filled in the trench after laying the cable and well rammed. (e) Wherever Power Cables are to be laid along with other cables bricks are to be laid lengthwise approximately, five bricks per meter for separating Power Cables from other Signaling Cables. (f) Spreading of river sand in the excavated cable trench to a depth of 75mm and after laying of underground Signaling cables/Power cable as per the cable plan covering the cable, with river sand to a depth of 75mm. The river sand shall be spread in the cable trench in the station section. (g) Before the cables are laid, a visual inspection of cable shall be made and it shall be tested for insulation and continuity of cores. The insulation resistance of new cable shall not be below 500 Mega Ohms per KM at 20 degrees Celcious. If there is wide disparity between insulation of different conductors, the conditions of the cable should be thoroughly checked before permitting its use. Bedding and armoring shall be inspected to see that there has been no damage during transit or in storage. In case where the wheels are not available or the area is not convenient for rolling the wheels along with route, the drum shall be mounted on the axle at one end of trench and cable paved out. It should be carried out by adequate number of men ensuring that the insulation of the cable is not damaged and no kink/twist is formed. In no case shall the drum be rolled on the road for laying of cables and the cable dragged on the ground for laying purposes. The cables shall be laid gently into the trench and not thrown out under any circumstances. Before laying of cable in the trench, a visual inspection shall be adequate for any damage or defect througho ut its length. Normally, cable laying should be commenced only after the Relay room and cable termination box on the route at the respective stations are ready, and the cable should be duly terminated at the Relay room/Location Boxes, immediately after the cables are laid. However, if for any reasons the cables are to be laid in advance, special care should be taken to ensure that the coiled cable near the relay room/Location Box is fully protected before and during final termination. The coiled cable should be fully covered with a layer of bricks in its entire length and provided with adequate number of cable markers. On no occasion the ends of the cable should be left unprotected. The cable ends shall be sealed with cable sealing compound. All the cable terminals shall be written describing the function. (h) At each end of the Main cable/Tail cable/Power cables an length of 6 to 8 m should be kept. (i) At the time of commissioning of cables, the insulation values of the cable should again be checked and the value obtained shall not be below 500 mega Ohms per KM at 20 degree C. If there is wide disparity between insulation of different conductors, the conditions of the cable should be thoroughly checked before permitting its use. The reading shall be recorded in the register for all cables. (j) extra coil The Contractor thereafter shall supply the completion cable layout/termination plan and cable route plan showing the distance of cables from the nearest track centre at every 30 M interval and location of Location boxes. The distance of location box from nearest track centre shall be indicated. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 65 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra (k) Contractor shall be fully responsible for making necessary preventive arrangements to avoid theft/damage to cables, during construction period and also upto handing over of station after commissioning. 3.3 TRACK/ROAD CROSSINGS Wherever Signaling / Telecom cable has to cross the track / road, it shall be ensured that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The cable crosses the track/road at right angles. The cable normally does not cross in between or inside points and crossings. The track/road crossings to be carried out as per the railway/NOCCinfra engineer I/C instruction. The work includes removal of ballast, cutting of trench across track/road at the places indicated by the Site Engineer and covering the trenches after placing RCC pipe/pipes in position. RCC pipe/pipes 75-80 m inner dia shall be provided for track/road crossings. For each track crossings, two numbers of RCC pipes each 2 M long with collar shall be provided. For each road crossing, required number of RCC pipes each 2 M long with collar shall be provided depending upon the width of the road. 4.0 FOUNDATIONS 4.1 The top level of the foundation shall be in level with the existing rail level. The proportion of cement, sand, ballast shall be in the proportion of 1:3:6 for casting foundations for signals, location boxes, and the proportion will be cured for a period not less than 7 days. Fine aggregate must consist of sand, stone ballast not exceeding 25mm x 25mm size and cement. The sand and ballast must be clean and free from soil, clay, shells, soft or flaky materials or any vegetable. Ballast must be washed when necessary to ensure cleanliness. Sand used must be tidal river sand and must be free from any salts. Water used for mixing must be clean and free from any oil, alkali, and acid. Materials for concrete must be carefully and accurately measured for every batch. Mixing must be done in a mixing trough or a M.S. Sheet which should not be more than half full at the time of mixing. Two men shall use square ended shovels and not phowrahs. Water must be added by pouring water must be continuous until all materials and water are thoroughly mixed and uniformly combined. When batch if fully mixed, it must be used without any delay. The aggregate shall be deposited in uniform layer not exceeding 15 cms. Tamping and spreading of each layer to be done as to cause it to settle thoroughly in the form and produce a dense mass. Forms must be drenched with water before the concrete is placed against them and must not be removed in less than 36 hours afterwards. A template for each foundation should be prepared suiting the holes in the base of the location box or signal post (for which foundation is cast) in order to hold the anchor bolts in position till the foundation is cured. 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 66 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 4.10 The template shall be removed before the top of the foundation is given fine finishing. The exterior surface of the foundation should be finely finished leaving 4 cms. of thread portion of the anchor bolt free to enable erection of signal post or location boxes. All foundations shall be cast under the direct supervision of the Site Engineer of the work. Curing must be done for all foundation for not less than 7 days. 5 LOCATION BOX/ APPARATUS CASE The work consists of pit excavation, casting foundations with bolts of adequate size having cement concrete of ratio of 1: 3: 6 with stone ballast of 40 mm size. The position of Location Boxes will be finalized by the Site Engineer. It shall be fixed taking care that staff working on location boxes does not in danger from running train. 5.1 All Location Boxes/safety battery boxes shall be erected on concrete foundation and plumbed. It should be clear of infringement when the doors kept open perpendicular to the track. All foundations shall be plastered on all sides and earth work shall be made upto the required level. All the Location Box/battery boxes used shall be painted on inner side with white paint before fixing the shelf planks and terminal board after a primary coating with red oxide and with Aluminum paint on outer side after installation at site. Teak Wood planks of 20 to 25 mm thick to be used and planned for fixing ARA Terminal/ fuse block. Wood screws of proper size shall be used. Size of terminal boards and shelf planks shall be finalized by Railways Site Engineer. Two holes on either side of terminal/fuse block shall be made if required for carrying out wiring termination. Shelf plank be securely fixed in level on suitable M.S. angle brackets. Wood polish/varnish of good quality shall be applied before fixing terminal/gadgets. In place of teak wood thick 10mm Hylam sheet of P-3 grade may also be used. 5.2 5.3 The underground Signaling cable shall be taken into the Location Box/battery boxes and properly secured by wooden clamps/cable gland plates. 5.4 The cables shall be neatly skinned, bunched and terminated. All cores of cable shall be terminated on the terminal board at locations and in Relay rack at the required places in the order as approved by Site Engineer. All the power cables (Aluminum) shall be provided with aluminum lugs using crimping tool. 5.5 All Location Boxes shall be provided with 'E' type lock arrangements on one or both the doors as per instructions at site. Contractor shall procure material and fabricate for fixing of 'E' type lock if such provision did not exist on the Location. 5.6 After all the Signalling cables are taken inside the Location Box/battery box the side opening shall be closed with masonry work and plastered. The inner side is then filled with sand and finally the bottom is sealed with sealing compound. 5.7 armours of all the cables and Location Box/battery box be earthed Excavation of a pit at a given location on natural fixing earth pipe covering the same with a mixture of 2 Kg. SIGNATURE Page 67 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE The shall soil, BIDDER’S SEAL & NOCCinfra Of charcoal, 2 kg of common salt an earth. This includes brick masonry around the earth. G.I. pipe of size 50mm x 3.5 M with 12mm dia holes on the sides at intervals of 300mm. If more than one Location boxes are grouped at a place, one earth shall be provided for each Location box. 5.8 5.9 The earth resistance shall not be more than 10 Ohms. Earth resistance and date are to be painted on earth pit. Track Relays, Line Relays, Point Contractors, Overload Relays, transformers, Battery chargers, rectifiers, charged secondary cells, track feed resistance, EKT, telephone plugs etc. shall be fixed neatly in the Location Box as required. The wiring shall be carried out in a neat manner with 3/0.75mm PVC copper wires or by 1 x 1.5 mm cable conductor and terminated, bunched and tested. The relays wherever fixed shall be fixed in such a manner that they can not be easily removed or tilted. Details of cable terminations and wiring particulars shall be painted inside the Location Boxes door in addition to documentation. Contractor shall procure and fabricate M.S. flats/angle for relay fixing, inside Location Box. The design of such fabrication will be issued by Site Engineer. Relay fixing arrangements shall be firm and rigid to avoid any chance of vibration due to train movements. 5.10 All electrical equipments wherever provided shall be earthed. Description of equipments, relay etc. shall be neatly painted inside the Location Boxes door. All the internal wiring shall be tested from Point to point in full, jointly by contractors authorized Engineer and Site Engineer/ Supervisor. 5.11 Charged secondary cells if installed inside Location Boxes, shall be fixed firmly leaving working space for taking Specific Gravity reading and distilled water topping. Anti corrosive black paint to be coated inside the Location Box. Additional ventilation arrangements shall be made. The date of installation, capacity and serial number shall be painted on each cell and the inner side of the door. The record shall be maintained in a proper format for each battery set as per railways laid down practice. 5.12 Battery links (lead) with suitable bolts and nuts shall be used for connecting cells.Petroleum jelly is to be applied on terminals immediately after connection. The specific gravity and voltage reading shall be recorded in a separate register and handed over to Site Engineer duly signed. 6.0 SIGNALS All the signal posts and accessories are to be supplied as per spcn. and to be fitted on concrete foundations as per locations indicated by site supervisor. All the signals are provided with LED lamps lit on 110 V AC. In case of LED lamp failure, health monitoring unit (HMU) shall generate and audio visual alarm that will be provided on control panel. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 68 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 6.1 The work includes excavation of pits and casting of Signal foundations, The exact Position/location of signals will be indicated/decided by the site Engineer.. 6.2 Foundation for Signal post should be of cement concrete in the ratio of 1: 3: 6 using stone ballast of 40 x 40mm size to be cast at location shown by Site Engineer. The foundations are to be plastered in all sides. 6.3 Signal pole shall be securely fixed to surface base and erected on signal foundation and plumbed. The gap between the signal pole and surface base shall be filled up with lead wool or any other approved substance to avoid tilting. Multi unit Colour Light Signal upto 2/3/4 aspect shall be properly mounted on Signal post with or without route indicator. Soon after installation, the pole shall be painted with Aluminum/white enamel after giving a coat of primer and the Signal unit shall also be painted as per the Standard practice. 6.4 Wherever Route indicator Junction type is to be erected, it shall be mounted on the top of the Signal pole and a large off set bracket shall be fixed with 'U' Bolts of 20 mm dia 2 Nos. on the Signal pole for mounting multi unit Colour Light Signal. A 21.5mm through hole shall be drilled on pole just below the offset bracket and a through bolt provided to prevent the offset bracket from sliding down. The tail cable shall be first terminated on the route indicator and separate wiring (PVC 3/0.75 copper) shall be run to Color Light Multi unit Signal from Route indicator. 6.5 To take the wires into the Multi unit, a vertical slot of not less than 25mm x 37mm in size shall be made on the Signal pole. Suitable protection shall be provided on the slotted pole before cable is taken through it and care shall be taken that no damage to insulation of tail cable is caused. 6.6 Signal units door shall be locked using Universal locks. 6.7 Necessary earthwork shall be made for each signal as required by Railways. The cables are to be taken through the pole to the unit without damaging the insulation and Armour then skinned and terminated. 6.8 All the signal units are to be wired as per approved practice of South Eastern Railway. The wiring is to be tested jointly. 6.9 The signal post shall be properly plumbed and fitted with ladder having a platform and guarding on the top. Necessary ladder supports as required shall be provided. All the signal posts and signals shall be installed clear of infringements (i.e. 2.36 Mts. from the central line of the nearest track. Extra clearance to be catered for, to commensurate with the degree of curvature, if the, signal to be installed is situated on the curve). Markers and number plates shall be fixed wherever necessary as per Signal Interlocking Plan using suitable clamps. Signal No. has to be painted on the "Number plate" as well as on the door outside. All fittings are to be tightened properly. Signal unit shall be looked properly. The back cover of the signal shall be crossed by white lines (X). BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 69 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 6.10 All the signals shall be provided with wire mesh. 7.0 Control cum Indication Panel has to be provided for operation of points and signals for New block Station yard. Control and Indication Panel will be of domino type with domino size of 54mm X 34mm. exchangeable units complying to the requirements of specifications no. IRS: S36/37 or latest. Inside wiring between domino to domino and between domino to tag block, angle iron frame etc. shall be provided depicting the yard layout of the station as per approved Signaling plan & Panel face diagram, showing all signals ( Main & subsidiary), Points, Track circuited area, position of crank handle, position of L/C gate, operating / emergency push buttons for route release, provision of SM’s key, counters with sealing arrangements housed in a steel metal cabinet. This also includes supply of transparent acrylic sheet of adequate thickness for covering on top side of the panel with necessary holes / slots on the sheet for push button / keys for their convenient operation. Panel should be supplied complete with wiring and soldering along with the panel tag block analysis. 10% spare indication LEDs and push button dominos of all types shall be supplied along with the panel as spares, by Contractor. 7.1 Another Control Cum Indication Panel, table mounted type has to be provided for operation of Points and Signals at the Cement Siding Panel cabin in separate building in the Cement siding inplant yard. This will be a small domino type panel with exchangeable units for operation of point, signals and slots as per approved SIP and panel diagram of the inplant yard having facility to indicate position of points, signals, track circuited area, position of crank handle, SM’s yard shall be interlocked for the key etc The inplant portion connected to main Railway yard . Other technical arrangements should be maintained as above and the table required for fixing the panel with 10% spare indication LEDs and push button dominos of all types shall be supplied along with the panel as spares, by Contractor. 8.0. Data Logger to be provided with maintenance PC with data logging facility for provision of Analogue and Digital inputs at panel building. Soft wares for system configuration & fault diagnostic including complier for making changes in panel shall be provided. 9.0. Single Section Digital Axle Counter (SSDAC) to be supplied strictly as per RDSO specifications with necessary spares and tool kits as mentioned in the schedule. These will be used for block proving for adjacent bock section of J cabin to N cabin. The resulted output of SSDAC to be connected with the respective block instruments of the above block section, as per approved circuit diagram. These instruments to be installed by the Engineer of Original Equipment Manufacturer. 10.0. Single Line Block Instrument shall be of Diado type (Frequency modulated) to maintain the similarity with the other side instrument, to be supplied strictly as per RDSO spcn. indicated in the schedule. Each BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 70 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Instrument is interconnected with the SSDAC as per approved circuit. Block Instruments shall be provided in the SM’s Panel room and each of them to be provided on wooden platform as per standard practice of SE. Railway. Separate earth to be provided for each instrument. Power supply to the Instruments shall be taken from IPS-N cabin at Balasore Station and separate battery supply / IPS as the case may be, to be provided at J cabin. 11.0 Integrated Power Supply System to be provided at Balasore Panel building and should be supplied for 6-lines as RDSO spcn. given in the schedule with 300AH secondary cell and to be installed by OEM. Engineer. The converter configuration, approved by NOCCinfra, to be obtained before placing the order to the firm. Primary level Surge protection to be provided in IPS. The IPS shall provide only for S&T equipments of Balasore Station yard. All the DC-DC converters should be installed in N+1 configuration in active load sharing mode. 12.0.Points: Points machine to be supplied (preferably Siemens point’s machines) strictly as per spcn. in the schedule. Point contactor units at Balasore station relay room shall be of Railway practice and those of Cement Siding panel cabin are of Siemens contactor units. Facility for manual operations of point machine by cranks handle, in case of failure of electrical operations, shall be provided. For this purpose, crank handle keys shall be provided with different ward combination for each CH group and matching sockets on the point machines. Crank handles of the point machines are to be interlocked as per SIP and circuits. 13.0. Lightning and Surge Protection: Staged protection shall be provided to prevent the system from damage due to transient voltages and surge staged protection refers to primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Primary level protection shall be provided with IPS. Tenderers may also submit their own scheme for earthing and lightning strokes surge protection along with technical offer. 14.0 TRACK CIRCUITS 14.1 The work includes bonding of rail joints which shall be made with 8 SWG soft solid wire, 7.2mm holes are to be drilled close to fish plates on the web of rail and the bond wires are fixed by driving channel bond pin, tightly. In point track circuit parallel jumpers bond wires/cables shall be provided as required by the Railways. 14.2 Two TLJ boxes one at track feed end and another at relay end shall be fixed clear of infringement and the respective track circuit tail cable 2 x 2.5 PVC copper conductor from the Location Box shall be terminated. The connection from the TLJ boxes to the rail should be through the solid G.I. soft wire 8 SWG which should be fixed to the Rail by channel Bond pin both at feed and relay ends. The G.I. wire from TLJ boxes to sleepers should be covered with suitable PVC coloured sleeve and there upon neatly clipped on the sleepers to prevent shorting with rails. Insulations/grommets-PVC shall be provided on TLJ box to prevent G.I. wire earthing. Double lead wire shall be provided both of feed and relay ends. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 71 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 14.3Both TLJ boxes shall be painted and track circuits shall be neatly numbered as required by Railways. 14.4Rail joint insulation RDSO type where provided with long bolts and nuts at places marked by Railways/ NOCCI. The required long bolts and nuts will be supplied by Railways / NOCCI. Every rail joint insulation shall be tested jointly after installation. Wherever point track circuit is involved, the gauge/crossing tie plates/Stretcher bars and switch extension pieces shall be insulated. Only non-insulated gauge tie plate/crossing plate/leading and following stretchers for the above will be supplied by the Railways. Contractor shall procure and fix suitable MS flat 10mm. Thick of required size and drill suitable holes both in leading/following stretchers and MS flat for providing stretcher insulation. Contractor shall procure and provide proper size bolts and nuts, spring washers to keep firm the insulation joint against vibration. Insulation shall be provided correctly and tested jointly. After providing insulation, it should be inserted in the presence of Railway representative only. The switch extension pieces/'D' clamp fittings also should be insulated. The contractor shall supply all insulations as per Schedule. 14.5 Polarity bonding in point track circuit in duplicate shall be provided for each point track using 8 SWG G.I. soft wire insulated and clipped to sleeper. 14.6 After completing the installation of track circuit, it shall be energized, tested, adjusted and readings recorded in a register/track circuit history cards. The bonding and jumping plan shall be prepared for each track circuit. 14.7 The additional work like skimming of fish plates, insulation of fish plate holes etc required in connection with provision or RDSO type insulation Joint for track circuits shall be done by contractor. The insulation provision shall not be required where glued joints are supplied by Civil Engineers for Track Circuit. 15.0 CABLE TERMINATION RACK: 15.01 Cable termination racks shall be erected in the relay room at the required location as shown by the Engineer with suitable foundation bolts and cement concreted. The cable termination racks shall be painted soon after installation before cable termination work is taken up. Suitable cable ducts wherever required shall be provided to bring all outsides cables to the termination rack. All the cables are to be neatly skinned, fixed on the cable bracket and terminate in order. The cable armours and the rack should be earthed. Internal wiring and termination particulars are to be written with paint. 15.02 Way terminal blocks are to be fixed on suitable 6mm thick Hylum sheet, which are fitted to the cable termination racks and held rigidly by machined screws. The number of 6 way terminals is to be painted serially on the C.T Rack and details of termination are painted on Decolam/Hylam sheet and fixed in the relay rack. 15.03 All the cables shall be identified by punched labels tied on each cable. Painted cable termination index board shall be fixed in the relay room BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 72 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra showing the terminal numbers circuit wise. As made terminal particulars shall be prepared in linen/polyester tracing signed and handed over to the Railways. It is pointed out that the panel wiring shall be as route setting type and therefore the planning of the work maybe done accordingly. 16.0 WIRING: 16.01 The equipments are to be wired in relay room, Cabin Master's Office, power supply arrangements, location box, CT box, battery box and in other locations as per circuit diagram. These circuit diagrams shall be prepared and submitted by contractor in advance for approval. The two copies of each WD shall be checked by Engineer and one approved copy shall be returned to contractor for necessary carrying out the work. 16.02 Contact numbering for the relays shall be made by the contractor as per the approved circuit diagram issued by the Engineer and type of relay proposed to be used on the installation. 16.03 The wiring between the terminal board of the panel and the unwired tag block on the r elay rack is to be carried out using multi-core cables (40 core or 60 core0.6mm/1.0mm dia annealed lined copper wire to IS-694. The wiring on the Q series relay rack is to be carried out by 16/0.2mm dia single core multi strand flexible A.T. copper wire to IS.694. 16.04 Soldering at the tag block terminals shall made using good quality solder and flux. Care must be taken to prevent dropping of excessive solder from terminal thereby causing failure/unwanted connection or short by fusing of PVC insulation in row below it. It is advisable to raise the wires by mechanical means and temporarily interposing a wooden or plastic sheet between the adjacent rows while soldering, to collect the excessive solder that may be dropping out. 16.05 After testing, the loose wires on the cable ladder shall be neatly bunched and laced with twine black. The contractor shall adopt suitable Colour code for wiring as required by the Railway's representative. Spare conductors to an extent of 10% are to be provided on the interconnecting wire runs for future developments. 16.06 color code for wiring as required by the Railway's representative. Spare conductors to an extent of 10% are to be provided on the interconnecting wire runs for future developments. 16.07 Various supplies associated with signaling viz., 110V AC, 110V DC, 24V DC,12/24V AC and 12/24V DC flashing are to be brought out to the relay/ equipment room as per instructions. Necessary measuring instruments are to be mounted on the Hylam sheet 10mm thick fitted to the 'K1' relay rack with suitable switches and HRC fuses. 16.08 The incoming cables to the relay room are to be neatly arranged and fixed to the cable supporting and guiding rack. The duct shall be filled with sand and plastered neatly to avoid entry of mice or reptiles. 16.09After the complete testing by the NOCCinfra representative and before commissioning the installation, the contractor shall arrange necessary sealing leads and wires for sealing the relays. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 73 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 16.10 Suitable arrangements shall be made in the relay rack for fixing condenser and resistance unit, required for slow to release feature. Letter painting shall be made against each unit to identify circuit for which it is used. 16.11 All circuits shall be carefully protected by individual fuses in the relay room and locations grouped preferably to facilitate easy fault location. Fuses shall be so arranged that they can be easily be placed without causing interference of fuses and the circuits in which they are used shall be prepared and kept in the relay room. Fuses for all Signaling circuits shall be of the nondeteriorating type as per RDSO specification. 17.0 LEAD ACID/LOW MAINTENANCE BATTERIES 17.1 The charged Low Maintenance Batteries shall be provided in the Battery room locations as per drawing instructions. 17.2 The battery stand shall be given anti-corrosive black paint before installation of battery and shall be mounted on porcelain insulators. The cells shall be arranged neatly with sufficient working space for maintenance. 17.3 Cells are to be connected with suitable links sufficient to carry full load. Immediately, after connection, petroleum jelly shall be applied on battery terminals. The wiring shall be carried out by PVC 7/1.4mm copper wire/10 multi strand copper wire and terminated in the terminal board in the battery room. The details of batteries and the capacity, circuit, date of installation etc., should be painted. The specific gravity and voltage regarding shall be recorded for each cell in a separate register, along with the guarantee certificate of the supplier and handed over to the Railways duly signed. A wooden stand for keeping Hydrometer shall be fixed in each battery room. 17.4 Connections terminations shall be tested by the contractor and after satisfying himself and then to be tested jointly with Railway's representative. Any alterations shall be carried out by the contractor before commissioning of installation. In case of IPS system the maintenance free batteries shall be kept as per design of the IPS equipment and RDSO specifications. 18.0 Earth: (Ref: SEM Para 18.6) The earth shall be of an approved type and should be buried at a depth of not less than 1.5 meter and at a distance not less than 2.5 meter from any other earth. The earth resistance should not be more than 10 Ohms. Seperate earth shall be provided for each instruments and location boxes where feasible. The length of earthed wire shall be as short as possible and the cross section of the wire not less than 4mm dia. The earth wire shall not have a sharp bent and spiral. Earth should be adequately protected from mechanical injury and be efficiently connected to earth with necessary soldering. 19.0 PAINTING: All signaling equipments shall be painted in accordance with signal engineering manual chapter XI. The coloring scheme s h a l l be as per Para 1102 Annexure 'A'. 19.1 SIGNAL POSTS AND FITTINGS: (COLOUR LIGHT SIGNAL): i) Post .. 'White' (Aluminum paint should be used) ii) Fittings (Hood and Mechanism box) 'Black' The rear of the mechanism box and background may be painted white where necessary, with the approval of Chief Signal & Telecommunication Eng ine BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 74 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 19.2 Electrical Signalling l ocation: -Point machines, key transmitters…. 'Black' 19.3. Junction Boxes, battery boxes and Location Boxes: a) Junction Boxes - Post type : i) Inside .. 'White' ii) Outside .. 'Chocolate' (Red oxide paint should be used). b) Junction Boxes - Ground type and Location Boxes: i) Inside .. 'White' ii) Outside .. 'White' (Aluminum paint should be used). 19.4 INDOOR PAINTING: 19.4.1 Painting the complete relay rack/cable termination rack and ladder and its fixtures and other equipment installed in the relay room as of Site Engineer and writing all cable per the instructions termination numbering particulars in rack and also on board, relay numbering, nomenclature and other details both on relays and racks, rack numbering, particulars of condensers and fuses, resistances both at fixing boards as well as in the particulars board, axle counter equipment details, cable numbering as cables. And any other details requires in Relay Room for panel interlocking circuits by Site Engineer. 19.4.2 Painting all termination particulars in the panel, block instruments, EKT's Crank Handle box, resetting plunger box in the SM's Office/Panel room. 19.5 OUTDOOR PAINTING: Supply of approved quality of paint and painting the following equipments in two coats duly scrapping the rust as directed by Site Engineer at site. The colors to be used are as given in Par 22.1 to 22.5 above. a) Color light signal post complete with route indicators, ladders, calling on signals, shunt signals are to be painted both insides and outside including numbering of signals, cable termination details as per Standard practice. b) Location boxes both inside and outside with location number, particulars of cable termination and other equipments kept inside the location. c) Track circuits: Painting block joint numbers fed/relay end details on rails, TLDs, details of feed equipments with track circuit numbers and battery with track circuit number and date of installation. d) Point Machine lay out complete including Point Number, Circuit Diagram inside the cover, Junction box details Point contactor unit number in location box etc. 20.0. Commissioning of Panel consists of:a) Testing of all points and signals from panel. b) Checking the correspondence between the points and their panel indications. c) Checking the correspondence between the track circuits and its panel indications. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 75 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra d) e) Testing of sidings its electrical transmission of EKT, panel indications Testing of LC gates, its electrical transmission of EKT, panel indications. 21. Testing of Relay interlocking, energization of relays by connecting simulation panel. It is preferable to energies relays circuit wise and sheet wise, since it involves no. of routes and parallel movements before taking up the above energies, the following work should be completed. a) Wire to Wire Bell test of all sheets before soldering and after soldering. b) Plugging of all relays as per contact configuration. Before plugging of relays, all fingers are to be checked. Any finger found loose or not properly hooked is to be set tight. c) Power supply arrangement with batteries. d) Connecting the simulation panel i) It should be possible to control all TPRs, NWKRs/ RWKRs, CHLRs; LXCPRs etc. form the simulation panel by energizing all the relays. ii) It is desirable to have the simulation panel adjacent to control panel, so that the panel indication can be observe simultaneously while testing. iii) All possible tests are being conducted including the negative tests and defect noticed are to be rectified. 22. COMMISSIONING OF PANEL:a) Check up all signal aspects by directly feeding from cable termination rack (110 V AC). Check up operation of points from C.T. rack and check whether NWKR/RWKR incoming feed is available (by connecting 24V DC) b) Check up the incoming feed of TPRs in the C.T. rack .The above checking will confirm the pairing of cable conductors. Remove the wiring connection of simulation board on cable termination rack and make through the links of all TPRs, WKRs and signal circuits. First test the points from panel individually and conduct all tests discussed earlier including track locking test, correspondence between point position and NWKR/RWKR in relay room. c) Check whether all TPRs have picked up and check up the panel indication by individually by dropping each track circuit correspond correctly. d) Check whether all other required relays viz., CHLR, LXPR, have picked up. e) Test all the signals from panel. f) Check the correspondence between relay from and signals aspects, which is most important. For checking the aspects of home signals, distant signals, staff (not below the rank of Site Engineer) should be deputed to site with walkie-talkie or Magneto telephone and check the correspondence. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 76 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra g) Remove the signal lamp at site of every aspect and check whether indication disappears on the panel and ECR drops in the relay room. h) Open all registers & make entries of counter numbers before handing over to operating staff. TESTING OF TRACK CIRCUIT. All the track circuits shall be energized and outgoing TPR voltage checked. ii) Check whether cross protection wiring is done for TPR circuit. iii) Shunt the track circuit at various places on the track and check whether the track relay drops every time it is shunted. (Especially near fouling marks). iii) Check the correspondence between TR and TPR in relay room. iv) Track circuit shall be adjusted properly and readings recorded. TSR value shall be recorded. v) Check whether the track circuit is protecting the fouling point. vii) Ensure that at least one polarity rail is in series connection. viii) Check up in put AC voltage to the track feed charges is sufficient and battery is getting charged. 23 i) 24 TESTING OF SIGNALS i) ii) iii) iv) Signals shall be initially tested from the LOC box to attend to minor troubles of LED Signal Units, wiring etc., All the aspects shall be checked by giving 110 V AC feed from Loc. Box and then the test shall be repeated by giving feed from Relay room CT rack. This test shall be done for each aspect, route and shunt signals. Care shall be taken to ensure that no train is approaching during this test to avoid misleading information to drivers. Ensure that signal number plate is provided and unit back door is fastened and locked properly. Door locking is very important to prevent sun rays falling on to lenses to give phantom indications. 25. REGISTERS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO OPERATING STAFF:a) Relay room key register, b) Route cancellation register, c) Crank handles register, d) Axle counter reset register, e) Block instrument register. Sealing of equipments where required should be done. Entries should be made in the signal history book regarding new S&T assets commissioned. 26 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF DIGITAL CLOCK AND PA S YSTEM Supply of materials should be in conformity with the following Specifications Digital Platform Clock 4digit with GPS synchronization, Double Faced, as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/62/2008 Rev.3.0 or latest. This item should be procured from RDSO approved Firm only. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 77 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 1. Digital auto announcement Software (in English, Hindi & Local State Language as per specification no. RDSO/SPN/TC/61/2007 Rev.2 or latest). This item should be procured from RDSO approved source only. 2. PC based control console shall be of desk-top type complete with all accessories, HP make, Model S-3400 or similar with following configuration: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Processor: Intel Pentium Dual Core E2200. RAM: 2 GB DDR2-SDRAM or higher. Chipset: NVIDIA Geforce 7100/NVIDIA N-Force 630i. Chipset: NVIDIA Geforce. HDD: 500 GB or higher. Graphic: NVIDIA GeForce 8400HD 256 Mb. OS: To suit latest window based digital auto announcement system as per Specification no. RDSO/SPN/TC/61/2007 Rev.2 or latest. 27 VHF Communication 25 W VHF as per following specifications should be supplied and installed at each of the three panel buildings with 15 mtrs. Self supporting mast and antenna. 5watt VHF sets are to be provided to operating & maintenance staff. 28 Technical Specification: ( 5WPortable(Handheld) Radio) 11 1.1 1.2 1.3 General : Operation Modulation Power Supply 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.0 Frequency Band Number of Channel Channel spacing Frequency stability Transmitter : : : : : Simplex/Semi duplex with Frequency Modulation (Phase) 1800 mAH, 7.5V, ultra high Ni-MH As decided by Railways. 16 Channels Programmable 12.5/20/25 ± 5 ppm. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 Power output Spurious Emission A/F Response Audio distortion Receiver : : : : : 5 Watt. Less than 0.25 Micro Watt. + 1 to -3 dB Less than 5%. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Sensitivity Selectivity A/F Response Audio output : : : : 0.30 Micro Volt or better for 12 dB SINAD than 60 dB. Better +1 to -3 dB 500 mW. 4.0 : : : Accessories: Following accessories to be provided with each set. 4.1 Helical Antenna for Handheld set 4.2 Leather case/Belt Clip 4.3 Single Unit Rapid Battery Charger 1800 mAH, 7.5V, Ni-MH battery BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE : 1 No. : 1 No. : 1 No. Page 78 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 29. SPECIFICATIONSOF 25WVHF RADIO Sl.No A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C C1 C2 C3 C4 PARAMETERS GENERAL Frequency Range Channel Spacing Emission Frequency Spread Frequency Stability Type of Operation Operating Temperature Range Speaker Impedance TRANSMITTER RF Power Output Frequency Deviation Modulation Sensitivity Modulation Distortion Modulation Fidelity Spurious and Harmonics Output CHARACTERISTICS As directed by Railways 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz 8K50F3E or 16KOF3E 5 PPM Simplex / Semi - duplex, Press to talk -30ºC to 55ºC 8Ω 10 to 25 Watt +/- 5 kHz(W type), +/- 2.5 kHz (N type) 80mV for 60% max,deviation at 1000Hz. Better than 5% Within +1,-3dB of 6 dB/ Octave -36dBm (.25Μw) 50Ω 0.3µ V / -118 dbm at 12 dB SINAD Better than 60 dB Better than 65 dB Better than 30. Specification. of Stacked Dipole Omni Directional Antenna SL NO PARAMETERS CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION A A01 A02 A03 A04 A06 A08 A09 B B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B11 Frequency Range – MHz Bandwidth Impedance Ω VSWR RF Power handling capacity – Termination Lightning Protection MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIO Support Pipe Material Support Pipe Length – feet Support Pipe O D – mm Support Pipe Wall Thickness – Radiating Elements Material Radiating Elements Material O Radiating Elements Mounting Mounting Clamp for Antenna Shipping Length BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 79 of 130 As directed by 10 50 Unbalanced less than 1.5 100 N - Female Direct Ground Aluminum 12 50 2.5 Aluminum 12 Cast Iron / Aluminum Cast Iron / Aluminum 6.5 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 31. Specification of Antenna Cable SL NO PARAMETERS Length A1 A2 Size CHARACTERISTI As per site RG 217 Low Loss A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 Jacket Outer Diameter Characteristic Impedance Average Power Rating Attenuation Polyethylene Black 14 50+ / -1 Ω 1.00 kW at 100 0.05 dB/Mt at 100 32. Specification. of12VoltsBattery (SMF battery) SL NO PARAMETERS A1 Voltage A2 Backup Capacity A3 Can work with radio A4 Maintenance CHARACTERISTI 12V Min 65 AH 25 Free Maintenance 33.0 GENERAL 33.1 Signal and interlocking fittings All signal and interlocking fittings should be in accordance with I.R.S. Specification No. S10 unless otherwise specified. 33.2 Sealing of equipments where required shall be done. 34.0 AS MADE DETAILS: After commissioning of the entire installation and approval of draft completion drawings tracings of documents and plans shall be made by the contractor on tracing film to Railway Standard size and also 6 copies of the following neatly bound shall be handed over to the NOCCinfra duly signed: One CD shall also be handed over for their records. 1. Signaling Plan, 2. Track bonding diagram. 3. Cable plan. 4. Cable route plan. 5. Location Box wiring diagram termination and cable particulars. 6. Cable termination rack particular. 7. Cable insulation readings. 8. Relays and other equipments detail (field equipments), Power supply diagram 9. Wiring diagrams, Contact analysis chart. 10. Any other drawings required by NOCCI in connection with this work. 11. Technical equipments pamphlets and guarantee cards. 12. Power Equipment layout diagram, Fuse Analysis Chart, Equipment Layout. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 80 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 35.0 SL No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 49. 48. 49. Materials to be i nspected by RDSO Description Data Logger. Wire Flexible 16 / 0.02mm Flexible wire 3 x 0.75 dia. ( Red & Black) PVC Insulated 60 core X 0.6 mm Cable PVC Insulated 40 core X 0.6 mm Cable Fuse Block Base for NDT Fuse. NDT fuse block & fuse links 2, 4 & 16 Amps. Single Section Digital Axle Counter (for Block-Proving) with Spares. Integrated Power Supply System (6 Lines) with 300AH Batteries UG Cable for Railway Signaling 2core x 2.5 UG Cable for Railway Signaling 12core x 1.5 UG Cable for Railway Signaling 24core x 1.5 UG Cable for Railway Signaling 6core x 1.5 UG Cable for Railway Signaling 2core x 25 ( Aluminum Power UG Cable for Railway Signaling 18core x 1.5 UG Signaling & Telecom 6 qd. Cable Jelly Filled . LED based Signal Unit with HMU for Red, Yellow and Green aspects. LED based Signal Unit with HMU for Shunt, Route & Calling On Signal Electrical / Rotary Key Transmitter ( EKT / RKT ) Relays Style QL-1 Relays Style QBCA-1 Relays Style QTA-2 Relays Style QNA-1 Relays Style QSPA-1 Relays Style QN-1 Relay Fail Safe Electronic time delay Device.( Both 120 Sec & 60 Sec) Electric Points Machines ( Rotary Locking Type) Point Contractor Units Diesel Generator Set.10 KVA and 5 KVA with acoustic Enclosure Track Feed Battery Charger Track Feed Resistance Secondary Cell (LA) 40AH Secondary Cell (LA) 120AH Choke ‘B’ type Nylon Insulated Rail Joints 52/60 kgs. 220V AC/ 24V DC Battery Charger- Self Regulating. 220V AC/ 110 V DC Battery Charger- Self Regulating. 220V AC/ 110 V AC Signal Transformer 1KVA Ferro resonant voltage stabilizer 5 KVA ARA Terminal 8way, 6-way & 1 way Digital Platform Clock, Double Faced with GPS synchronization Electronic Magneto Telephone Thermo shrink Jointing Kits for Jointing UG Quad Cable VHF Sets 5 Watts ( Hand held), & 25 Watts 4 W way station Control Telephone Surge protection systems ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ Classes Single Line Token less Block Instrument. Disconnect Type Terminal Block. DC/DC converter ( Item-50 of Sch.-A ) BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 81 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 36.0 Material to be inspected by RDSO/Consultant. SL No. Description of Materials 1 Colour Light Signal Posts 140 mm dia. 4.5M & 3.5 M long & surface bases 2 Off set bracket for CLS main units with fixing U clamps etc. 3 CLS units for 2-aspects and 3 aspects signals 4 Junction type Route Indicators 3-Way 5 Shunt Signal posts, units, brackets, Surface bases 6 Points machine (Rotary type 143 mm stroke) ground connections 7 Calling On signal units. 8 Apparatus cases Single and Half with miniature / Standard E type 9.. Fire Extinguisher. 10. Track Lead Junction Boxes 11 Ground Lever 12 A/B type CI foundations 13 Ground connection for point machine BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 82 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 83 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 84 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 85 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 86 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 87 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 88 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 89 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 90 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 91 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 92 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 93 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 94 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 95 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 96 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 97 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Name of Work: - Supply, Erection, Modification, Testing & Commissioning and preparation of approved as built drawings of Signaling & Telecommunication work at new railway siding taking off from New Block Station on Nilgiri Ballast Siding, Balasore under Kharagpur Division of South Eastern Railways. SUMMARY OF PRICE BID Sl No Description Amount (Rs.) Total Cost of Schedule "A" : Supply of S & T Materials Total Cost of Schedule "B" : Execution of S & T Materials Grand Total * *(Rupees ………………………………………………………………………………………Only) BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 98 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra SCHEDULE "A": SUPPLY Of S & T MATERIALS SL NO ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY RATE (RS.) AMOUNT (RS.) Outdoor Cables 1 Cable Railway Signaling Unscreened underground with plain annealed copper conductor, armoured PVC insulated to conform to IRS:S63/2014 (Rev.4.0) or with latest amendments. Inspection: RDSO. a) 24 core x 1.5 Kms. 19 b) 12 core x 1.5 Kms. 30 c) 6 core x 1.5 Kms. 20 2 Railway underground jelly filled 6 Quad telecom cable as per spec. No.TC/30/2005 (Ver. I) Amd. 4 with latest amendment having 0.9 mm dia. Inspection: RDSO. Kms. 19 3 Underground Railway Power Cable, PVC insulated, heavy duty armoured, Aluminium conductor of size 2 core X 25 as per IRS:S-63/2014 & IS: 1554 (Part-1) (Rev. 4.0) with latest amendments. Inspection: RDSO. Kms. 8 Indoor Cables 4 Supply of Cable PVC insulated single core plain annealed copper conductor 3X0.75mm dia as per Specn no. IRSS-76/89 (Amd.3). Colour as per Supply of choice of RITES Engr. To be supplied in coils of 100 mtrs each. Coil (100 M each) 20 5 Supply of Cable PVC insulated single core plain annealed copper conductor 16X0.2mm dia as per Specn no. IRSS-76/89 (Amd.3). Colour as per Supply of choice of RITES Engr. To be supplied in coils of 100 mtrs each. Inspection: RDSO. Coil (100 M each) 1000 6 Supply of Cable PVC insulated single core plain annealed copper conductor Coil (100 10 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 99 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 7X0.75mm dia as per Specn no. IRSS-76/89 (Amd.3). Colour as per Supply of choice of RITES Engr. To be supplied in coils of 100 mtrs each. Inspection: RDSO. M each) 7 PVC insulated multicore strand single core copper conductor cable, 10 sqmm as per IRS:S-76/89 (Amd.3) or latest. Inspection: RDSO. Mtrs. 200 8 PVC Insulated Railway Signaling Indoor Multi Core Cable (30 Pair, 0.63 sqmmdia) as per IRS 76/89 (Amd. 3) or latest. Inspection: RDSO. Mtrs. 200 9 Cable indoor copper conductor, plain anneal-ed high conductivity, 650V grade PVC insulat-ed unarmoured as per IRS-S -76/89 (Amd-3),or latest for following : (i) 60core × 0.6 mm dia (ii) 40 core x 0.6mm dia. Kms. 1 Nos. 80 Nos. 40 Set 5 RCC Pipe 10 RCC Pipe 150 mm dia & 2 m long with collars to Specn. No. IS-458/1971. Inspection: Engineer Location Box 11 Supply and transportation of Steel Apparatus Case (Large) with front and back door, key & lock & key (Word No. 42) Drg. No. RDSO/S-11500 or latest. Inspection : RITES/QA/Division Signals 12 Colour Light Signal (2 Aspect) as per Drg. No. SA - 23003 A/M (Adv.) Alt.8 & Specn. IRS-S-23/86 & 26/64 having following items :Inspection: RDSO a) Signal Post 140 mm dia 4.5 / 3.5 mtrs. long to IRS-S-6-81 - 1 No. b) Signal Base C I 140 mm dia. to Drg. No.S-2011- 1 No.. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 100 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra c) CLS Ladder complete with platform and base 4.5/3.5 mtrs. long to Drg.No.SA-23153 (Adv.) Alt 1.- No. d) CLS Unit 2 Apect complete to Drg. No. SA - 23003 A/M to C/M (Adv.) without transformer & lenses- 1 No. e) Anchor Bolt complete (915 x75 x 24 mm) Drg, No. 116A/H – 4 Nos 13 Colour Light Signal (3 Aspect) as per Drg.No.SA - 23003 A/M (Adv.) Alt.8 &Specn. IRS-S-23/86 & 26/64 having following items :Inspection: RDSO a) Signal Post 140 mm dia 4.5 / 3.5 mtrs. long to IRS-S-6-81 - 1 No. b) Signal Base C I 140 mm dia. to Drg. No.S-2011- 1 No.. c) CLS Ladder complete with platform and base 4.5/3.5 mtrs. long to Drg.No.SA-23153 (Adv.) Alt 1.- No. d) CLS Unit 2 Aspect complete to Drg. No. SA - 23003 A/M to C/M (Adv.) without transformer & lenses- 1 No. e) Anchor Bolt complete (915 x75 x 24 mm) Drg, No. 116A/H – 4 Nos. 14 Set 2 Junction type Route Indicator 66/84, IRS-S-23/86 with drg.No.SA66/84, IRS-S-23/86 with drg.No.SA23404 (Adv.) Alt 2. Inspection: RDSO Set 1 15 Calling-on-Signal unit without signal lamp, lamp holder and lens arrangement and fixing arrangement having RDSO Drg.No.SA-24351 (Adv.) Alt.A. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 1 16 Dependent Shunt Signals complete having following items: Inspection: RDSO Set 4 a) Position Light Shunt Signal unit without lenses, lamps & lamps holder unit to RDSO Drg.No.SA-23840. 1Nos. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 101 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra b) OFF Set Bracket of Shunt Signal for 90 mm dia post to SA-23080 (Adv.) Alt. 1. (1 No.) 17 Independent Position Light Shunt Signals complete having following items: a) Shunt Signal post 90 mm dia mounting socket X 1 mtr. Long to IRSS-6/81, IRS-S-26/64 drg. No. S 23845 (Adv) b) Shunt Signal surface base 140 mm dia to IRS-S-23844 (Adv) c) Shunt Signal unit without lenses & lamps along wiyh lamp holder unit to RDSO drg. No. SA-23840 (Adv) Alt. 1 Spec. d) Anchor bolt complete (305 mm x 50 mm x 20 mm) to Drg. No. SA-110 A/M. Set 3 Nos. 20 Jointing Kit 18 Supply, transportation & installation of Thermo Shrink Jointing Kit (RTSF2/3/4) for straight joint for 6 Qd/10/20/50 pair jelly filled /Railway Signaling cable (0.9 mm Conductor Dia.) as per RDSO Specification No.: IRS:TC 77/2012 (Rev. 3.0) with Amdt. 1 & 2 or latest. Inspection: RDSO Signal LED 19 LED based Signal Lighting Unit for Main Aspect as per RDSO Specn. No. RDSO/SPN/153/2004 with latest Amendment suitable for 110/100 V AC and to use with conventional/LED ECR including current regulator, health monitoring unit with Power Supply arrangement. Inspection: RDSO a) Red Aspect Nos. 8 b) Yellow Aspect Nos. 8 c) Green Aspect Nos. 2 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 102 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 20 LED based signal lighting unit for Calling-on Signal with built-in current regulator as per RDSO Specn. No. RDSO/SPN/153/2011 (rev. 4.1) or latest suitable for 110 V AC to use with conventional /LED ECR. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 1 21 LED based signal lighting unit for Shunt Signal with built-in current regulator as per RDSO Specn. No. RDSO/SPN/153/2011 Rev. 4.1 or latest suitable for 110/100 V AC and to use with conventional/ LED ECR. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 21 22 LED based signal lighting unit for Route indicator with built-in current regulator as per RDSO Specn. No. RDSO/SPN/153/2011 Rev. 4.1 or latest suitable for 110/100 V AC and to use with conventional/ LED ECR. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 12 Relays 23 Relay Plug-in type, Style- QECX 61 (AC LED All Aspects), AC Lamp proving relay unit, slow release neutral line relay, 4F-4B contacts, front & back contacts metal to carbon, shall be suitable for working in series with the 110V/15W AC, LED signal complete with plug board, retaining clip & connectors. Confirming to BRS 941A, IRS: S 34 & IRS: S 23 & STS/E/Relays/AC Lit LED Signals/09-2002. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 15 24 Relay, point contactor unit, Non-AC Immune, plug-In type, 24V DC and capable of controlling Electric point machine operating on 110V DC conforming to IRS:S 46, IRS:S 34 & IRS:S 23 (as applicable). The unit shall consist of N/R realy (Double wound DC neutral line relay), XR relay (DC neutral line relay). W(N)R/W (R) Rmechanically interlocked relay & WCR (Heavy duty contactor relay with 16 Nos. 9 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 103 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Ampere breading capacity). All the above realys shall be mounted on prewired base plate. Inspected by : RDSO 25 Relay AC Immune, Plug-in type, Style QBCA1 DC biased point contactor, 24V DC, 2F(HD)-4B contacts Front contacts (heavy duty) and back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug board, retaining clips & connectors. Confirming to BRS 943, IRS S 34 & IRS S 23.Inspection: RDSO Nos. 12 26 Relay Plug-in type, Style – QL1 Magnetically latched, DC Neutral Line, 24VDC, 11F-4B contacts. Front and Back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors. Confirming to BRS 935A, IRS S 34 & IRS S 23. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 12 27 Relay Non-AC Immune, Plug-in type, style – QN1 DC neutral line, 24V DC, 12F-4B contacts. Front & back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors. Confirming to BRS 930, IRS S 34 & IRS S 23. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 300 28 Relay Non-AC Immune, Plug-in type, style – QN1 DC neutral line, 24V DC, 8F-8B contacts. Front & back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors. Confirming to BRS 930, IRS S 34 & IRS S 23. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 300 29 Relay AC Immune, Plug-in type, style – QNA1 DC neutral line, 24V DC, 12F4B contacts. Front and back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors. Confirming to BRS 931A, IRS S 34, IRS S 23 & IRS S 60. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 80 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 104 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 30 Relay AC Immune, Plug-in type, Style QNA1 DC neutral line, 24V DC, 8F-8B contacts. Front & Back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug board, retaining clip & connectors. Confirming to BRS 931A, IRS S 34, IRS S 23 & IRS S 60. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 50 31 Fail-safe electronic flasher device 60/120 flashers per minute (workable on 24V DC/ 110V AC) confirming to RDSO's specn no. RDSO/SPN/173/2002 Amnd. 1. Nos. 16 32 Electronic Flasher relay 60 flashes per minute (workable on 24 V DC/110 V AC) or flasher relay for giving 60 flashes per minutes. Inspection: RDSO Nos. 4 Nos. 7 Set 7 Point 33 Supply & Transportation of Electric Point Operating Machine IRS Type, 143 mm stroke (AC immunity 160 V AC) complete with lock, detector and slides for lock and detector, nontailable to operate on 110 V DC, rotary locking, universal type as per specification No. IRS: S-24-2002 (IRS S - 37/82 for Motor) with latest amendment and drawing No. RDSO S/10800 or latest and Motor Drg. No. RDSO-S/10910. This includes cable terminal box (MS), Telescopic pipe and a Tool Kit. Tool kit box to be supplied 15 (fifteen) set, each set shall consist of: i) M6 / M8 / M18 / M20 / M22 Box Spanners - 1 set. ii) M10/M12 Spanners - 1 set. iii) Adjustable Wrench - 1 no. iv) Screw Driver 300 mm long - 1 no. Inspection by RDSO. 34 Point Machine Ground fittings as per RDSO Drg. No. 53361-62-63 of latest suitable for point machine IRS24/2002 alogwith the nylon insulation required. Inspection: RDSO BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 105 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Insulation 35 Insulation Set for Gauge / Xing tie Plates for BG as per IRS-S-40/84. Each set comprising of : a) Splice plate - 2 Nos. b) Bushes c) Washers 12 Nos. 36 Insulation set for following & leading P way stretcher bar for BG as per IRS-S40/84. Each set comprising of. Inspection:Engineer a) Insulating plate - 2 Nos. b) Bushes 4 Nos. c) Washers 4 Nos. 37 Insulation set for Switch extension pieces (D/P bracket) for Point Machine as per IRS-S-40/84. Each set comprising of: Inspection:Engineer a) Side plate LH - 2 Nos. b) Side plate RH - 2 Nos. c) Bushes - 8 Nos. d) Washers - 8 Nos. e) Insulation set for L Bracket. Each set comprising of: f) Insulation Plate - 1 no. g) Nylon Bush- 2 Nos. h) Nylon Washer- 2 Nos. Set 7 Set 7 Set 7 Nos. 7 6 Nos. Point 33 Supply & Transportation of Electric Point Operating Machine IRS Type, 143 mm stroke (AC immunity 160 V AC) complete with lock, detector and slides for lock and detector, nontailable to operate on 110 V DC, rotary locking, universal type as per specification No. IRS: S-24-2002 (IRS - BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 106 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra S - 37/82 for Motor) with latest amendment and drawing No. RDSO S/10800 or latest and Motor Drg. No. RDSO-S/10910. This includes cable terminal box (MS), Telescopic pipe and a Tool Kit. Tool kit box to be supplied 15 (fifteen) set, each set shall consist of: i) M6 / M8 / M18 / M20 / M22 Box Spanners - 1 set. ii) M10/M12 Spanners - 1 set. iii) Adjustable Wrench - 1 no. iv) Screw Driver 300 mm long - 1 no. Inspection by RDSO. 34 Point Machine Ground fittings as per RDSO Drg. No. 53361-62-63 of latest suitable for point machine IRS24/2002 alogwith the nylon insulation required. Inspection: RDSO Set 7 Set 7 Set 7 Set 7 Insulation 35 Insulation Set for Gauge / Xing tie Plates for BG as per IRS-S-40/84. Each set comprising of : a) Splice plate - 2 Nos. b) Bushes c) Washers 12 Nos. 36 Insulation set for following & leading P way stretcher bar for BG as per IRS-S40/84. Each set comprising of. Inspection:Engineer a) Insulating plate - 2 Nos. b) Bushes 4 Nos. c) Washers 4 Nos. 37 Insulation set for Switch extension pieces (D/P bracket) for Point Machine as per IRS-S-40/84. Each set comprising of: Inspection:Engineer a) Side plate LH - 2 Nos. 6 Nos. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 107 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra b) Side plate RH - 2 Nos. c) Bushes - 8 Nos. d) Washers - 8 Nos. e) Insulation set for L Bracket. Each set comprising of: f) Insulation Plate - 1 no. g) Nylon Bush- 2 Nos. h) Nylon Washer- 2 Nos. Panel 38 Control Panel route setting type having Domino of size 54 x 34 mm Tag Block for termination of cable. Prewiring between Dominos & Tag Block/ 8 way strips. LED indication for various functions in the yard layout such as signals, Points, Track Circuits etc. Operating functions such as push buttons, emergency push buttons, count amendment for Relay counters and S.M.'s Key other requirements as per provision contained in para 3 of IRS-S-36 with latest amendment for Panel Interlocking System. Inspection:Engineer Nos. 1 Nos. 1 Nos. 16 IPS 39 Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of SMPS based IPS confirming to RDSO specn. No. RDSO/SPN/165/2012 (Ver.-3.0) and sketch no. SE/SK/CON/182/2005 or RITES for IPS up to 6 lines area along with 200AH, LMLA or VRLA Battery. Details as follows:Inspection by RDSO. EKT 40 Supply and transportation of Electric Key Transmitter (EKT) as per Drg.No.SA-22601. Alt. 4. or latest and Specn. IRS:S-21/2001 or latest. Inspection by RDSO. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 108 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Relay Rack 41 Supply and transportation of Relay Rack Composite / 'Q' series as per Drg. No. SK/DRG/OL/SER/192 Sheet No. 2/2. The Relay rack assembly complete with fixtures & all accessories like ladder, runway for indoor cable wires, alongwith mounting arrangement etc.Inspection:Engineer Nos. 8 Terminals and Fuse 42 ARA terminal (1 way) made of PBT as per Specn. No. IRS:S-75/2006 (Rev.2) and Drg. No. SA23745 (Alt.5).Inspection:RITES/QA Nos. 3000 43 ARA terminal (6 way) made of PBT as per specn. No. IRS:S-75/2006 (Rev.2) and Drg. No. SA23756 (Alt.3).Inspection:RITES/QA Nos. 500 44 Fuse block made of PBT as per Specn. No. IRS:S-75/2006 (Rev.2) and drg. No. SA23748 (Alt.4). Non deteriorating fuse links type with suitable fuse carrier and box.Inspection:RITES/QA Nos. 800 Fuses 45 Non deteriorating non indicating type fuse as per IRS-S-78/92 with latest amendment.Inspection:RITES/QA i) 4 Amps Nos. 200 ii) 6 Amps Nos. 500 iii) 16 Amps Nos. 100 Mtrs. 5 Bus bar 46 Negative bus bar 20mm x 5 mm thick made of Copper bar with OBA Brass screw & washers, all should be Nickel plated.Inspection:Engineer BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 109 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Earth Electrode 47 Earth Electrode assembly to drg. no. CON/SK/T/9 & CON/SK/T/9A. Inspection:Engineer Nos. 100 Nos. 2 Nos. 15 Nos. 1 Nos. 4 Nos. 4 Set 1 CTR 48 Cable Termination Rack complete in all respect. Drg. no. SK/DRG/OL/SER/197. Signals Plate 49 MS Number plate (3mm thick) with fixing clamps of letter shall be black colour in the white back ground. Details of description shall be given by the Site Engineer. The plate & clamps shall be painted before lettering of Signal Number. Inspection : Engineer SM Table 50 Wooden Table along with operating chair as per Drg. No. S&T/W/SDAH/016/A for fixing of Block Instrument and for keeping of TSR including fixing and its wiring. Note: Table size will be according to the size of Controlcum-indication Panel.Inspection:Engineer Stop board 51 Stop Board / Sighting Board on RSJ Post complete with all fittings.Inspection:Engineer Telephone 52 Desk type Electronic Magneto Telephone as per RDSO Spec. No. IRS TC:79/2000 (Amendment-2) or latest.Inspection:RDSO Lifting Barrier 53 Electrically Operated Lifting Barrier Set Each Consisting Of 2 Nos. Of Lifting Barrier Pedestals, Each With 8 Contact Circuit Controller With Top Roller Type Limit BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 110 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Switches, Hand Crank, 2 Electric Motors,24vdc Of Capacity Suitable To Operate Barriers Upto 32' Long Booms, 2 Nos. Of Allumiium Booms Of 32' Length With 2 Nos. Stop Boards.Boom Light Boxes, Ms Counter Weights And 2 Nos. Of Boom Support With Boom Solenoid Locking But Without Fringes Along With Control Panelwith Buttons And Indicating Lamps, Motor Connectors And Mcb And Hand Generator (24vdc) To Operate 2 Barriers Of 1 Set. 54 Supply Of Double Wall Corrugated Pipes (Dwc) Having Non Flame Propagation And Anti Roddent Properties And Have Ip67 Protection On Coupling Arrangement ( Minimum Outer Dia 175 Mm & Minimum Inner Dia 148 Mm) Along With Socket/Coupler As Per Is:14930(PartIi) (Isi Marked On Pipe]. Inspection:Consignee. 55 Supply Of Paper Base Hylum Sheet 12 Sqmm Mm Thick. Inspection: Consignee 56 Warning device with Hooter and flasher unit (24V D.C/ 110 V, A.C.).Inspection:RDSO Nos. 2 57 Supply of ARC lever with foundation, crank etc Set 7 Mtrs. 3000 15 Telecom 58 Supply of Telecom OFC Cable with control system Km 9 59 Supply of HDPE Duct pipe 40/33 for OFC cable spec. no. GR/CDS/08/02 Km 9 60 Supply of of OFC joint closure as per Tech. spcn given in Section III Chapter IX and its installation, splicing of OFC after testing of all fibres as per specifications, drawings . This includes provision of pit & all needed materials for splicing of OFC & installation of joint closures. Nos. 16 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 111 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 61 Supply and fixing of 20 pair C.T. Box and termination of cable. Nos. 8 62 Supply of Way station control equipment 4 wire type along with Control Telephone as per Technical specification at locations decided by the Engineer( 4 wire way station control equipment & Control Telephone only shall be supplied by Railway in this tender and issued to contractor for execution of work. All other materials shall be supplied by contractor.) Set 2 63 Supply of 12 Volt/10-12 maintenance battery low Nos. 4 64 V F Transformers (1 Quad/2T) as per Tech spcn. Given in Section III, chapter VIII. Nos. 12 65 OFC jumper cable (10 M long) with FC/PC connector on both sides) as per Tech specn given in Section III, chapter IX. Nos. 10 66 Supply of control room equipment operated 48 V DC, with three digit 7 segment LED display and way station calling facility up to 80 stations by pressing push button along with 20 local Telephone calling facility with microphone speaker and handset along with remote patching equipment capacity as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/66/2007 with ammendment-2, inluding latest ammendment. Set 2 67 Supply of push button telephone Pulse /Tone switchable Telephone set with Redial, Mute, Pause, Flash Tone/ Pulse Facility as per TEC spec No.GR/TEL-02/04 Sept 02 with ammendment 2 including latest ammendment Nos. 4 68 Supply of DTMF way side Telephone in all stations, SP, SSP and TSS. This includes supply & fixing of DP, PVC Nos. 2 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE AH Page 112 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Channel, Telephone bracket and laying/ termination of switch board cable. 69 Supply of M/s FIBCOM make Model No. 6325 SDH Add/Drop MUX (STM-1) for main stream at stations in cable huts as per TEC specification No. GR/SDH-04/02 MAR 2002 with amendment 1 & 2, with L-1.1 Optical Interface and as per technical requirements for OFC system equipped with 21 E1s(including engineering Order - Wire), expandable up to 63 E1s capacity, simply by addition of E1 cards, fully wired, cross connect granularity at VC-12, VC-3 & VC-4 levels, aggregate interface, power unit, sub-racks, installation materials with all other accessories and technical manuals etc. Nos. 2 70 Supply of SDH Add/Drop MUX (STM-1) for back- up stream at long haul locations as per TEC specification No. GR/SDH-04/02 MAR 2002 with amendment 1 & 2, with L-1.1 Optical Interface and as per technical requirements for OFC system with 21 E1s(including engineering Order Wire), expandable up to 63 E1s capacity, simply by addition of E1 cards, fully wired, cross connect granularity at VC-12, VC-3 & VC-4 levels, aggregate interface, with one Ethernet interface-card supporting minimum four Ethernet port, power unit, sub-racks, installation materials with all other accessories and technical manuals etc. Nos. 2 71 Supply of M/s WEBFIL make 2MB programmable primary digital drop insert multiplexer with conference facility as per technical specifications IRS:TC-68-2012 with latest amendments, with other stipulations of tender document, fully wired for 30 channels complete with power supply unit, remote control supervision facility Nos. 2 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 113 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra & all other accessories, installation material, technical manuals etc. The MUX shall be equipped for 16 E&M VF circuits, 4 data circuits of 64kbps, 6 hot line/ subscriber interface circuits and 4 Exchange interface circuits and V.24 low data interface card for SCADA. 72 Supply of Network Management System (NMS) including associated software as per technical specifications and technical details in tender document complete with all accessories. This includes supply of two PC work stations (the second work station shall be in hot stand by mode). (It must be compatable with existing STM-1 & DI MUX available in the section.) No. 1 73 Supply of power pack 230 V AC I/P to 48 V DC of 1 Amp current capacity complete with Battery backup of 48 V 7 AH as approved by Engineer in charge. Nos. 2 74 Supply of surge suppressor for all the 30 circuits derived from primary MUX's (Z- protection) complete. Nos. 10 75 Supply of SMPS based battery charger for telecom use of 230V AC/48V DC, 25 Amp capacities. This shall be consisting of 3 modules of 12.5 Amps each in 2+1 configuration with automatic switching between the modules as per RDSO spec No. RDSO/SPN/TL/23/99 (Ver. III) with latest amendment (as on date of opening of technical bid). Nos. 3 76 Supply, installation commissioning of arrangement (ring earth) location of OFC installation. and earthing at each Nos. 14 77 Supply of low maintenance Lead Acid stationary Secondary cell as per IRS specification no. IRS: S-88/2004 or latest amendment, nominal voltage 2V, Nos. 20 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 114 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra each of 120 AH capacity with hard rubber container for the use of Rly Signalling & telecommunication. (Including Spare Qty for UDL-STN=4 no. & PKR-MLDT=12 no.) Maintenance Tools and Instructions: A wall mounting type "Tool Board" of suitable material and protected against acid fumes shall be supplied along with set of 12 nos each battery. The tool board shall comprise: 78 Supply of 6 pin Emergency socket & Emergency socket box as per specification No. IRS: TC 42/87 ammendment-1 including latest amendment. Nos. 10 Set 1 Miscellaneous 79 Supply of Data Logger system complete with the following: i) Supply of Data Logger with 512 digital inputs and 32 analog along with dual card leased line modem as per RDSO Spec.No.IRS:S-99/2006 (Amdt3) or latest. ii) Supply of Power supply arrangements in the form of 12V 42AH batteries-4nos and 28 V 10 Amps charger- 1no with consignee inspection. iii) Dual Leased Modem internal card to fit in Central Processing Unit Rack for Networking of Data Logger System with other stations. iv) Fault Analysis System with Fault Analysis Software (Data Logger Analyser) consisting of a PC (reputed band only) with following configuration, Intel Pentium IV or higher version, Processor speed 3.2 GHz, 1 MB Cache Memory, 1GB/4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, Two Front & Two Rear USB Port, One Parallel Port, TFT Colour Monitor(17"), Sound Card with Speaker, Network card with 1000 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 115 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra mbps, Key board, Optical Mouse, 10/100 T LAN Card, Combo Drive, Window XP Operating License Software, Antivirus Software with License, UPS with 30 minute back up, Printer (as per Site Engineer). Note : Window XP Operating License Software & Antivirus Software with License not to be provided as preloaded Software. This includes suitable arrangement for keeping the instrument as per instruction of Site Engineer. 70 Supply of SDH Add/Drop MUX (STM-1) for back- up stream at long haul locations as per TEC specification No. GR/SDH-04/02 MAR 2002 with amendment 1 & 2, with L-1.1 Optical Interface and as per technical requirements for OFC system with 21 E1s(including engineering Order Wire), expandable up to 63 E1s capacity, simply by addition of E1 cards, fully wired, cross connect granularity at VC-12, VC-3 & VC-4 levels, aggregate interface, with one Ethernet interface-card supporting minimum four Ethernet port, power unit, sub-racks, installation materials with all other accessories and technical manuals etc. Nos. 2 71 Supply of M/s WEBFIL make 2MB programmable primary digital drop insert multiplexer with conference facility as per technical specifications IRS:TC-68-2012 with latest amendments, with other stipulations of tender document, fully wired for 30 channels complete with power supply unit, remote control supervision facility & all other accessories, installation material, technical manuals etc. The MUX shall be equipped for 16 E&M VF circuits, 4 data circuits of 64kbps, 6 hot line/ subscriber interface circuits and 4 Exchange interface circuits and V.24 low data interface card for SCADA. Nos. 2 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 116 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 72 Supply of Network Management System (NMS) including associated software as per technical specifications and technical details in tender document complete with all accessories. This includes supply of two PC work stations (the second work station shall be in hot stand by mode). (It must be compatable with existing STM-1 & DI MUX available in the section.) No. 1 73 Supply of power pack 230 V AC I/P to 48 V DC of 1 Amp current capacity complete with Battery backup of 48 V 7 AH as approved by Engineer in charge. Nos. 2 74 Supply of surge suppressor for all the 30 circuits derived from primary MUX's (Z- protection) complete. Nos. 10 75 Supply of SMPS based battery charger for telecom use of 230V AC/48V DC, 25 Amp capacities. This shall be consisting of 3 modules of 12.5 Amps each in 2+1 configuration with automatic switching between the modules as per RDSO spec No. RDSO/SPN/TL/23/99 (Ver. III) with latest amendment (as on date of opening of technical bid). Nos. 3 76 Supply, installation commissioning of arrangement (ring earth) location of OFC installation. and earthing at each Nos. 14 77 Supply of low maintenance Lead Acid stationary Secondary cell as per IRS specification no. IRS: S-88/2004 or latest amendment, nominal voltage 2V, each of 120 AH capacity with hard rubber container for the use of Rly Signalling & telecommunication. (Including Spare Qty for UDLSTN=4 no. & PKR-MLDT=12 no.) Maintenance Tools and Instructions: A wall mounting type "Tool Board" of suitable material and protected against Nos. 20 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 117 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra acid fumes shall be supplied along with set of 12 nos each battery. The tool board shall comprise: 78 Supply of 6 pin Emergency socket & Emergency socket box as per specification No. IRS: TC 42/87 ammendment-1 including latest amendment. Nos. 10 Set 1 Miscellaneous 79 Supply of Data Logger system complete with the following: i) Supply of Data Logger with 512 digital inputs and 32 analog along with dual card leased line modem as per RDSO Spec.No.IRS:S-99/2006 (Amdt3) or latest. ii) Supply of Power supply arrangements in the form of 12V 42AH batteries-4nos and 28 V 10 Amps charger- 1no with consignee inspection. iii) Dual Leased Modem internal card to fit in Central Processing Unit Rack for Networking of Data Logger System with other stations. iv) Fault Analysis System with Fault Analysis Software (Data Logger Analyser) consisting of a PC (reputed band only) with following configuration, Intel Pentium IV or higher version, Processor speed 3.2 GHz, 1 MB Cache Memory, 1GB/4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, Two Front & Two Rear USB Port, One Parallel Port, TFT Colour Monitor(17"), Sound Card with Speaker, Network card with 1000 mbps, Key board, Optical Mouse, 10/100 T LAN Card, Combo Drive, Window XP Operating License Software, Antivirus Software with License, UPS with 30 minute back up, Printer (as per Site Engineer). Note : Window XP Operating License Software & Antivirus Software with License BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 118 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra not to be provided as preloaded Software. This includes suitable arrangement for keeping the instrument as per instruction of Site Engineer. v) Supply of multy front End Processor with Modem as per RDSO Spec.No.IRS-S-99/2006 and spec A1with latest amendment 80 Supply of Single Section Digital AxleCounter as per Spcn. No. RDSO/SPN/177/2003 Ver-1 Amd-2)or latest includ-ing final track clearence relay with accessories for block section proving .The set stands for the equipment required for one block section Sets 2 81 Supply of Digital Axle Counter (3D) with all accessories Set 1 82 Supply of Single Line Tokenless Block Instrument as per spcn. no. IRS:S98/2001 Amd-3 Pair 1 83 Supply Of Filter Unit For Single / Double Line Block Instrument To Be Used In 25 Kv Ac Traction Area.Spec.No. Irs-S-68/89(Latest). Material To Be Procured From Rdso's Approved Firm Only. Inspection :Rdso Nos. 2 84 Supply Of Block Bell Equipment, Block Bell, Block Telephone, Spec.No. Irs-Tc44/88(Latest). Inspection :- Consignee. Nos. 2 85 Supply of Wooden Cup Board Nos. 1 86 Supply and Installation maintainance free Earth Nos. 14 of TOTAL OF SCHEDULE – “A” (Rupees ……………………………………………………………………………………… Only) BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 119 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra SCHEDULE "B": EXECUTION OF S & T MATERIALS SL NO ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY 1 Excavation of cable trench 1 m deep and 300 mm wide along side of the Track in all types of soil, conforming to distances as per cable route plan & refilling after cable laying as per Drg.No.RITES/SIG/GEN/021-98. This work includes : KM 15 a) Covering of laid cables in trenches by a layer of 50 mm thick loose soils before covering by 2nd class bricks lengthwise, 4 bricks per m approximately b) Disposal of soils, clearing of roots, bushes etc. in all types of soils. c) Cable route markers are to be laid along with the cable route as per instruction of site In-charge. 2 Transportation & Fixing / laying of RCC pipes with collars 100 mm dia 2 mtrs. long to Spec.No. IS-458 for laying of cables to 1M depth & 0.3M wide trench underneath the Track/. Pucca Road/ Road crossing/ platform cutting / Level Xing specified in Tech. Circular No. CON/SK/T/2. This work includes repairing and plastering of Platform/Pucca Road/Road Crossing after cable laying. Nos. 50 3 Transportation & Laying of Signaling & Telecom Cables of various sizes in the excavated trench as per cable chart & tech. specification. This includes supply of U clamp & anchoring the cable with U clamp at an interval of 25 metres as per Drg. No. CSTE/CON/Cable/81. KM. 67 4 Excavation of pit, casting of concrete foundations for Steel Apparatus Case as per Drg. No. CON/SK/T/8. This Nos. 45 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 120 of 130 RATE (RS.) AMOUNT (RS.) A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra includes : a) Supply of cement of approved brand, sand, stone chip 1'' size & mixing in the ratio 1:3:6. b) Supply of 4 Nos. foundation bolts as per Drg.No.SA-112A with Nuts & MS washer. 5 Excavation of pit, casting & plastering of concrete foundation for Colour Light Signal. as per Drg.No.CON/SK/T/12 This includes : Supply of cement, sand, stone chip 1'' size & mixing in the ratio 1:3:6.and supply of foundation bolts of sizes 24mm x 915 to suit drg.SA-116 A/M. 6 Transportation, Erection & fittings of 2/3/4 Aspect Colour Light Signals, This includes: a) Erection of surface base, signal post, signal unit, ladder with guard, dependent shunt signal/Calling On signal on Off-set bracket etc. as per SIP. b) Insertion of tail cable, termination of tail cable to the main signal unit, dependent shut signal, calling on signal etc. and wiring to the signal. 7 Excavation of pit, casting & plastering of concrete foundation for independent Shunt Signal / Shunt indicator as per Drg.No.CON/SK/T/13 This includes : Supply of cement, sand, stone chip 1'' & mixing in the ratio 1:3:6.and foundation bolts of sizes 20 mmx 305 mm to drg.SA-110 A/M. a) Erection of Shunt Signals / indicator. This includes: insertion of tail cable, wiring of signal/slot unit. b) Erection of surface base, signal post, signal / slot unit. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Nos. 7 Nos. 3 Page 121 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 8 Erection of Jn. Type Route Indicator with 6 way drum, with 1/2 way arm. This includes a) Fixing of LED lamps b) Wiring & testing 9 Transportation & Erection of Steel Apparatus Case on foundation including fixing of miniture `E' type lock & locking arrangement, wiring, testing & commissioning as per approved wiring diagram. This includes : i) Supply & fixing of hylum sheet, resin bonded 6 mm thick grade P3 in standard size of 1.22 x 1.22 mtrs. for shelves, strips and for fixing ARA terminal, fuse blocks etc. ii) Termination of cables with number. embossed ferrules, bunching of cables with PVC tape button including supply of ferrules, tape, cable fixing clamps etc. iii) Filling up pit inside the Apparatus Case by sand and plastering of the foundation. iv) Fixing of terminals, fuse blocks, N.D. fuses, etc. as per approved wiring diagrams. v) Supply & Fixing of Six way terminal block on hylum strips of size 625 mm x 57mm x 6 mm inside Apparatus case for wiring discretional of Terminal and fuse as per approved wiring diagram. 10 Transportation, Installation, wiring, testing and commissioning of 110 V, DC Point Machine as per Specifications and approved wiring diagrams. This includes : Fixing of point machines on MS plate fixed on wooden/concrete sleepers complete BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Set 1 Nos. 45 Nos. 6 Page 122 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra with fixing of anti theft covers, junction boxes , ground connection. Fixing of insulation for gauge tie plate and crossing plate for 52/60 KG Points & Crossings. Fixing of insulation for switch extension pieces (D /P bracket) and leading and following stretcher bars. Termination of cable & Wiring from the cable termination box to the point machine as per specifications. All smithy works. Supply of MS plates, flat, angle, bolts, nuts, pins as required. Preliminary adjustment for operation of Points by Crank Handle Testing the point machines from the point of operation including testing with 5 mm Test Piece. Note: If required removal, dismantling of existing point machine with ground connection or DP included in above work. 11 Transportation, Erection of Cable Termination Rack. This includes supply of nuts & bolts, Supply and fixing of MS wiring ladder from CTR to Relay Rack, Supply & fixing of Hylam sheet (725 mm x 57mm x 3mm) for fixing of terminal block & wiring terminal description, termination of Signaling cable with number embossed ferrule, bunching of cable with PVC tape and button, earthing of the CTR & cable armour and soldering, MS clamps and cement for masonry works, filling up the cable pit by sand. Nos. 2 12 Transportation, Installation of Q series/ composite Relay Rack assembly with (3/4 X 9'') anchor bolts with one nut and one washer per bolt. Fixing of MS ladders as per requirement, fixing of relay base plates, relays, fuses, busbar, terminals, terminal blocks, fixing of Hylam sheet ( 725mmx57mmx3mm) for wiring relay & terminal descriptions. Nos. 7 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 123 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 13 Transportation, Wiring of Relays complete in Relay Rack and Rack to Rack, Tag Block & CTR as per approved wiring diagram. Crimping of wires with relay connectors and soldering after testing, bunching of wires with PVC tape & button. Alteration of wiring of the existing relay rack, if any, to be carried out. Per Relay 900 14 Transportation, Installation, testing and commissioning of IPS system SMPS based for Panel Interlocked station. Nos. 1 15 Transportation, Installation, wiring, testing & commissioning of LED based Operating cum Indication panel as per Specn.No.S-36-96.This includes termination of cable/duly fixed with MS clamps on Tag Bock/8 way strip and supply of MS angle/flat, teakwood, bolts & nuts, screws etc. Nos. 1 16 Transportation, Installation of RED / YELLOW/ GREEN Main Signal LED aspect, current regulator and health monitoring unit. Nos. 21 17 Installation of Route Indicator/ Shunt LED Aspect with built in current regulator. Nos. 1 18 Installation of Calling -on LED aspect with built in current regulator Nos. 1 19 Painting two coats of enamel paint over one coat of Red oxide primer on the following items after scrapping and cleaning of the surface wherever necessary. Primer & paints both of approved quality are to be supplied by Contractor. A i) Welded Steel Apparatus Case Nos. 21 Main Signal post with signal unit, Jn. surface complete with Route indicator fittings as per Rlys. standard practice. This includes dependent, Independent shunt Signals also as enclosed above. Nos. 7 ii) BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 124 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra iii) Point Machine with ground connections complete (point machine with black enamel only outside & ground connection with Red oxide). Nos. 6 B) Indoor-Outdoor Lettering/Numbering of Signals, Points, track circuit Apparatus cases, TLJB, Boards/Relay Rack/CTR Relay/Cable Description on LC gate and Relay Room and Goomty etc. Nos. 18 20 Transportation, Installation of Earth Electrode & connecting to apparatus case, signal unit, power equipment, cables etc. through GI wire 6 SWG suitably connected on MS flats size 40 x 5 mm as per drg. No. RITES/SIG/GEN/015-98 or RITES/SIG/GEN/01 This includes digging of pit in earth 3 m deep casting of cement concrete enclosure as per drawing no. CON/SK/T/9A, soil treatment as per standard practice involving pouring of salt & charcoal, connecting the equipment through earth lead wire & soldering, Salt, charcoal, cement, soldering material, wiring material etc. required shall be supplied by the contractor. NOTE: All the materials required for wiring testing & commissioning of earth electrodes including earth enclosure & such sundry materials as charcoal, salt, salmoniac, GI wire, copper lugs with bolts, Nuts & washers, eyelets, paints, soldering materials etc. shall be supplied by the Contractor. All the materials including earth pipe shall be transported to the execution site by the contractor. The contractors has to supply earth register as per Railway format. Nos. 45 21 Transportation, Installation, wiring, testing & commissioning of Rotary Key Transmitter. This includes fixing of key transmitter on hylum sheet, termination of cables, wiring of key Nos. 16 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 125 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra transmitter & supply of hylum sheet, wiring material, nuts & bolts etc. 22 Design, preparation & supply of documents mentioned below along with original tracing on a standard 7.5 micron polyester film in AUTO CAD format with CD a) Cable route Plan. b) Apparatus case details plan. c) Cable termination details d) Completion plans for i) Wiring diagram ii) Selection table iii) Signal Interlocking Plan iv) Contact Analysis chart v) Fues analysis of the rack. vi) Tag block analysis of the rack. vii) C.T. Rack viii) Power Panel diagram ix) Relay layout chart rack wise x) Bus bar arrangement xi) Track bonding plan xii) Junction box details. xiii) Front Plate Diagram e) preparation/ Modification of Station Working Rule with SWRD 23 Initial charging of lead acid and low maintenance batteries for Block needle and bell,and battery room. This includes supply of Sulphuric Acid, Distilled water,preparation of electrolyte, charging & discharging of batteries (3 cycle). BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Set 4 Page 126 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra a) 2V, 80 AH 24 Installation, testing & commissioning of entire system including Panel Interlocking. LS 25 Transportation, Installation of Sighting/ Stop Board. The necessary materials required for grouting shall be supplied by the contractor. Nos. 26 Post commissioning maintenance of Month S&T gears. During this maintenance period distilled water for maintenance of battery, lubricating oil for point machines, LC Gate & at switch of points, 8 SWG wire for Track Bonding, Lead wire for Track Circuit, Flexible wire rope, revit, thimble, sleevs, sackles for LC Gate maintenance, etc. are to be supplied as and when required at the own cost of the contractor. Minimum four nos. of wiremen (skilled) and four nos. of helper along with one Retd. Rly. JE/SE to be deputed at each shift (8 hours). 3 27 Electrical Lifting Barrier Gate foundation, Indication, wiring, Testing and Carring Set 1 28 Existing Cable shifting in Old Cabins/Yard, Protecting of signal Cables, Trenching for Projections/ Shifting of cables. Termination of cables in Signals, Location, point Machine/PT. JB, Box, TLJB, CTR etc. as Per Direction of Site Engineer. Complete Materials required for above mention work to be supplied by contractor. LS 29 Overall cost for UNFORESEEN/MISCELLANEOUS Items for Items NOT INCLUDED IN "Schedule -A, B & C". LS 30 Re-Instatement of Platform and repairing to original state after cable Mtr. BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Nos. 42 4 1700 Page 127 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra laying. 31 Boaring of Road (National Highway) in Level Crossing area for Cable laying etc. Mtr. 100 32 Installation of Datalogger Set 1 33 Installation of RKT Nos. 4 34 Alteration of SSI and Panel at Balasore in connection with new Block Station of Nilgiri Ballast Siding. LS 35 Construction of Panel building including Relay Room, Battery Room, Power Room, SM Room and L.C. Gate. (The work includes Doors, Windows, Flooring, Acidproof Tiles, Painting and Lettering.) Sqm. 250 36 Installation, Wiring, testing and commissioning of Single Section Digital Axle-Counter as per Spcn. No. RDSO/SPN/177/2003 Ver-1 Amd-2)or latest includ-ing final track clearence relay with accessories for block section proving .The set stands for the equipment required for one block section Sets 2 37 Installtion of Digital Axle Counter (3D) with all accessories Set 1 38 Installation, Wiring, testing and commissioning of Single Line Tokenless Block Instrument as per spcn. no. IRS:S-98/2001 Amd-3 Pair 1 39 Installation, Wiring, testing and commissioning Of Filter Unit For Single / Double Line Block Instrument To Be Used In 25 Kv Ac Traction Area.Spec.No. Irs-S-68/89(Latest). Material To Be Procured From Rdso's Approved Firm Only. Inspection :Rdso Nos. 2 40 Installation, Wiring, testing and commissioning Of Block Bell Equipment, Block Bell, Block Telephone, Spec.No. Irs-Tc- Nos. 2 BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 128 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra 44/88(Latest). Inspection :- Consignee. 41 Installation of Way station control equipment 4 wire type along with Control Telephone Sets 2 42 Installation of control room equipment operated 48 V DC, with three digit 7 segment LED display Sets 2 43 Installation of DTMF way side Telephone in all stations, SP, SSP and TSS. Nos. 2 44 Installation of SDH Add/Drop MUX (STM-1) for back- up stream at long haul locations Nos. 2 45 Installation of M/s WEBFIL make 2MB programmable primary digital drop insert multiplexer with conference facility Nos. 2 46 Installation of Network Management System (NMS) including associated software Nos. 1 TOTAL OF SCHEDULE – “B” (Rupees ……………………………………………………………………………………… Only) BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 129 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE NOCCinfra Form of Bank Guarantee for EMD Amount (on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100 minimum or as per the stamp act of local state Govt.) In consideration of NOCCi BALASORE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY (hereinafter called “the NOCCinfra”) having agreed to accept payment of Rs.4,00,000/- from M/s. ___________________________________ (hereinafter called the said bidder) towards Earnest Money Deposit under the terms & conditions of Notice Inviting Tender NIT NoNOCCinfra/Railway Siding (S & T)/2015-16/117 / Dt-11.12.2015 for supply, installation , commissioning and testing of Signaling & Telecommunication (S & T) of Railway Siding at Somnathpur, production of Bank Guarantee for Rs.4,00,000/- (Rupees Four Lakh Only). We_______________________Bank (hereinafter called “Bank/Surety) having is Registered Office at _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___, acting through its Officer / Manager Shri______________________________________ do herby unconditionally and guarantee and undertake to indemnify the NOCCinfra to the extent of Rs. 4,00,000/-against any breach of tender condition by the said bidder during the validity period of the tender i,e, 60days from the last date of receipt of tenders and undertake to pay the amount on mere receipt of written demand under guarantee for NOCCinfra without demur and protest at ____________________________________ Branch office at__________________________. We, the ___________________ Bank, further agree that any amount/demand stated by the NOCCinfra within limit of this guarantee, shall be conclusive and binding, notwithstanding any differences between the NOCCinfra and the Bidder or any dispute whatsoever pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. The BANK’s liability under this guarantee is limited to Rs.4,00,000/- (Rupees Four Lakh Only), and shall come into force with immediate 72 hrs effect up to 5th March, 2016 unless the demand is made by NOCCinfra on the BANK on or before the said date. Our liability under the guarantee is restricted Rs.4,00,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh Only), Our Guarantee shall remain in force till 5th March, 2016 unless the demand is claimed / is made on us on or before the said date, we shall stand discharged from the obligations under the guarantee. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING CONTAINED ABOVE: 1. 2. 3. OUR LIABILITY UNDER THIS Bank Guarantee should not exceed Rs.4,00,000/-. (Rupees Four Lakh Only). This bank Guarantee shall be valid up to 5th March, 2016. The guarantee shall remain in force till 5th March, 2016 and if any loss, expenses caused or suffered by NOCCinfra by reason of any breaches by the said bidder of any of the terms & conditions of NIT should be preferred on the bank before 5th March, 2016.The guarantee shall thereafter cease and the bank shall be released and discharged from the liabilities hereunder. For & on Behalf of BANK with Seal BIDDER’S SEAL & SIGNATURE Page 130 of 130 A.G.M-FINANCE