President LEOYENI let Vice President BAF3F3Y DE BAuN 2nd Vice President FF3ANCIS MuF3F]Y Trealsurer lFIENEADE Secretary SUSANNE HUF3T Counsel MICHAEL J. HuGHES Directors LEONARD BENAFli EDITH F]AE BFIOWN JULIE CASTF3O MAF]lO CASTF]O TAD DEJEWSKI CHAF3LES GEF3HAFIT CAROL HANSALIK KONF]AD F. HANSALIK PAULINE LOF]ENTZ HELENF3UDY F3AYMOND SCHFtYVEF3 PAULINE STECHEF3 LUCILLE T. STILLMAN Advisory Board WILLIAM M. FITZPATF]lCK LUCILLE C. HAMPTON PHILIP ISENBEF]G Pres.Emeritus ANGELO JOHN GF]ADO MICHAEL WEF]BOF PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE AMERICAN ARTISTS PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE To advance the cause pf fine arts in AmerI'Ca, through the Promotion Of high Standards Of beauty, integrity and craftsmanship ln painting, sculpture and the graphic arts. To emphasize the importance of order and coherent communication as prime requisites of works of art through exhibI'tiOnS and PubliCatiOnS' + -_- + AMERICAN ARTISTS PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE FOUNDED l928 67Ih GRAND NATIONAL November 7th through November I 7th DAILY I:00 P.M. -5:00 P.M. LEO YENI, Exhibition Chairman JURY OF SELECTION THE NATIONAL BOARD OF AAPL JURY OF AWARDS OILS a POLYMER WATERMEDIA Carlos Castano Gary Erbe Joan Heston Michael Benedetto, A/fernate Newell eiles Joseph Occhipinti Richard Ocks Tod Dejewski, A/ternafe I PASTELS & GRAPHICS SCULPTURE Sydney H. Hermel Dlan SIapo Rae Smith Carey Boone Nelson Annette H. Hanna, A/ternate Michael Stelzer, A/ternafe Francis E. Murray Greg Wyatt MEMBERS OF THE JURY OF AWARDS ARE NOT IN COMPETITION + *` AIINAIFgDS NEWINGTON AWARD - BEST PAINTING IN SHOW - ANY MEDIUM ! 1 000 May be won once only in anythree year PeriOd! DICK BLICK - SPECIAL AWARD - ANY MEDIUM S 500 OIL a POLYMER AWARDS AAPL Medal of Honor plus The Grumbacher Gold Medallion Award & Cerfif'ICate for Merchandise The A.E. Labutis Klue Award for Best Atmospheric Effect 8o ! !;o; The John R. Grabach Memorial Award The Claude Parson Memor'lal Award for Landscape The Helen DeCozen Award for a Floral *The C,A.A.S. John S, Dole Memor'laI Award ;o§o o5 o§o.I The New Jersey Chapter Adward The Helen G, Oehler Memorial Award The R'lchard Noyes Award *The C,A.A.S, Peter Matulavage Memor'lal Award The D'lanne Rudy Memorial Award i_he william E. Bdrfels Memorial Award for Tradit'lonal Marine The Lelia Gard'ln Sawyer Memorial Award The President's Award The D'lrector's Award The John SpiegeI Memor'lal Award Honorable Mention :33!i WATERMEDIA AWARDS si §s 338ioio:! o! oi:! ! GRAPHIC a PASTEL AWARDS s s si3io 8o oio o8! AAPL Medal of Hor)or plus The Winsor & Ne\whon Award The PhiI'lp lsenberg Award The David Baumo_el Memor'lal Award The Rose Yehi Memor'lal Award The Helen G, Oehler Memor'lal Award The Peter Matulavage Memorial Award The President's Award The Lelia Gardin Sawyer Memorial Award The Maitland Award The Claude Parson Memorial Award Honorable Mention AAPL Medal of Honor plus The Paul Bransom Memor'Ial for Pastel *Tha c.A.A.S. Frank C. Wright Memorial Award for Graphic The Helen G. Oehler Meinorial Award The Lelia Gard'ln Sawyer Memorial Award The Pastel Society of Amer'lca Plaque The Pres'ldent's Award (any medium) The Claude Parson Memorial Award Honorable Mention SCULPTURE AWARDS AAPL Medal of Honor plus * The Council of Amer'IC-an Artist Societies Award The Anna Hyatt Hunt'lngton Memorial Award The Helen G. Oehler M_emor'lal Award The CIaude Parson Memorial Award The Leila Gard'ln Sawyer Memorial Award The Arts Fest (Calvary Baptist Church) The President's Award The H.A, Fadhl'l, M.D. Award Honorable Mention "council of American Artist Societies Award s sis!s o5o5o!o!o o ! ! 2i LEO YENI Venetian Back Yard EDITH RAE BROWN Caught in the Moment D. BARRYJONES Oriental Aura BARRIE VAN OSDELL Evening Glow ELIZABETH TORAK Tom Painting Black Leather Overalls BARBARA GOODSPEED VAUGHN L. JACKSON At The Creek Retired BUT,Willing I ftii#^ iREif THOMAS TORAK Cantaloupe JUDITH VISCONTl-SUMIN Venus Rising "r FRANK MASON Girl in Straw Hat GLORIA MALCOLM ARNOLD ln The Valley MURRAY KARN From the Terrace NANETTE FLUHR Portrait of my Grandfather AUDREY ROMANO You Can See Forever LILLY SZEtL CIassicaI LegacI'eS SuSANNE HURT Still Life with FIowers and Fruits CYNTHIA ECKSTROM The Wool Press "r BEVERLIV A. FREDERICKS Cheetah JUNKO ONO ROTHWELL Looking Over The Banister RICHARD OCHS A Taste of Maine MIRIAM MARGOLIN Pretty Lady MARIAN FLAHAVIN wlNIFRED OIDOUGHERTY The Paris Gown Clearing ri CARMINE GLIELMI Serenade BILLY MONTELLA, JR, Two Skiffs (Wickford, R.I,) I WING.SHEK LEE A Man with a Sun Glass KONRAD HANSALIK Shape, Form, Figure and Presence PAT REAGAN Deadly Artistry FRANK SALERNO Indoor Pool MARC AUSTEN PEGGY A. SOLINSKY Le Maschere Romero PAUL PENCZNER Germantown Bouquet CHRIS PUGLIESE Tristam BARBARA ELLIS DONALD HILDRETH The Shy Calf Golden State BETSY M. KELLUM The Green Apple KAREN HOLT MARY LOVING-DRISCOLL Banjo Break Endangered SHIZUE SIMONITSCH Eggs for Breakfast AMY UNFRIED The End ofa Long Day C. BARBARA SMITH JANICE BARAGWANATH Apple Harvest Beachcomber J.D. TITZEL Hidden Prey JOAN B. TUMPSON-RIVLIN Celynis & Alexis lI BETTY BLEVINS ELIZABETH BRANDON Bending the Iron GIen's Garden TAMARA SEGGEBRuCH Poppies ELIZABETH WIDMAYER Irish Tommy I fl 55 a E= i TINA CORDON KAREN Z. ALCORN Joan Three Pears and Lace ' KERRY O'GORMAN The Gentle Ones JUNE E, BLACKSTOCK Portrait of Geremy Raines WARD MANN RUTH FRIEDMAN Cityscape Lynmouth ` JERRY WINICK Great Grandma H.A. FADHLl, M'D. The Proud Breed lRENE ADE Pail of FIowers LORYN BRAZIER Waiting for Summer KAWETAINWf3AIM A Maine DORA HAGGE Luchsinger'S Fruit Room JACK ROSENHAFT VICTOR MARTINEZ Main Street, Chatham Colca Man KIM SHAKLEE Lucinda THYRZA WHIITEMORE Still Life with Onions SANDRA BIERMAN The Old, The Ugly and The Beautiful FRANK GIOVINAZZO Adriatic Canal JAYNE M. JENNINGS Wild Berries ONGAV A:H One Second To Live ROBERT BRAuN DARRELL DAVIS Portrait of Mary Bounding Kangaroo JAN JOHANSEN Lunch atthe MET ANN J. MASSEY Henri Berenger PEGGY DRESSEL Susan ROBERT THERIEN cdladiums lv CHRIS KRUPINSKI Three Oranges GRIGORY GuREVICH BONNIE VON DuYKE Young Artist VI'ntage Rocker PAM INGALLS-COX Reading in the Sun MARJORI W. STOLL Catching Ain't Everything `i`` ` grjfo JULIA DEL NAGRO-OEHMKE SHERYL LEVINE Blue Blockers A OILS AND POLYMER PAINTINGS No Ahist T'ltle l mEN.E ADE Pail of Flowers #1 2 3 BILL L. ANGF3ESANO Charlottels Gaze GLORIA M. AF]NOLD ln the Valley 4 LYNN N. AYLSWOF]TH MICHAEL BENEDETTO Four Peaches A Corner of the Restaurant The Old, The Ugly and The Beautiful 5 6 SANDF]A BIEF]MAN 8 JUNE E. BLACKSTOCK ELIZABETH BFtANDON 9 FtOBEF]T BFIAUN 10 LOFIYN BFtAZIEF] ll EDWIN BFIOUSSAF]D 12 F]lCHAF]D L. CAPELL 7 14 BETH A. CAFIVEF] MAF]lO CASTF]O 15 DEBOF]AH CHAPIN 13 Portrait of Jeremy F=aines Glenls Garden Portrait of Mary Waiting for Summer N. Carolina Cove The Corner FlorI'St Time and Tide Dad's Legacy Marl'e Basse 16 JOHN COLLINS Pennaquid Point Light 17 BEF3NAFID COF]EY December Day 18 PAM INGALLS-COX KAFtOLY DAF]OCZI HELEN DAVID HAFtOLD DAVIS, JR. LOUIS DE DONATO FF]ANCESCA C. DE TOFFOL NICOLE DUET CYNTHIA ECKSTROM F]eading in the Sun 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 BAF|BAF]A ELLIS ALICE C. FEF|GUSON NANETTE FLUHF] JEANNE FULTON MICHAEL GALLAFIDA FF]ANK GIOVINAZZO NED GLATTAUEFI Price S1600 800 4200 4000 NFS 3200 NFS 8000 NFS 2500 2400 1 500 2500 NFS NFS 1 200 NFS Jugs onions & Brass 2500 3800 600 Snow Flurries Tree Tops on Bromley Mountain 2000 AIlie Horse, Artichoke & Egg The Wool Press The Shy Calf NFS NFS 475 3000 NFS lmari Bowl 1 2OO Portrait of my Grandfather NFS 1 200 1 600 Hennerls "Alsatian Girl With Fruit" F]ed Pears Adriatic Canal Vanity CAF=MINE GLIELMI Serenade BAFIBAFIA GOODSPEED FIUSSELL W. GOF]DON At the Creek Musselbound Shape, Form, FI'gure and Presence 36 KONFIAD HANSALIK 37 38 MAFtLIES HEF]GET Iris DONALD M. HILDFIETH 39 40 KAREN HOLT SUSANNE HUFtT Golden State Banjo Break StI'II Ll'fe iiHiE OILS AND POLYMER PAINTINGS Ah'lst Title HELEN N. JACOBS JAYNE M. JENNINGS A. HALE JOHNSON D. BAF|FIY JONES Monhegan Surf D. KEF]STING A:mry The F]ed KI'mOnO No. 1 SETSUKO LAZAFIE WING SHEK LEE Jazz Dancers FtlCHAFtD LINCOLN PAULINE LOF]ENTZ JOHN LOUGHLIN WILLIAM J. MALONEY WARD MANN FFIANK MASON JOSEPH MENDEZ A Man With aSun Glass The Brown Jug Painters Home Port Spring Snow Copley Square ln Winter Lynmouth Girl in Straw Hat Incoming Tide DEAN MITCHELL Babe New Orleans French Quarter BILLY MONTELLA) JFt. Two Skiffs (Wickford, F1.I.) AF]THUFI K. MILLEF] / Position Three Orl'ental Aura GEF3ALD LAZAF]E LINDA LILLING :#;o. Wild Berries Price S1800 1 000 8500 5000 NFS 3000 4000 2000 700 2800 900 3200 1 800 7000 1 5,000 4000 8500 NFS NFS DOUGLAS MOF]GAN Cozy Corner llOO MAF]K NOF]SETH Southern Gl'rI, North Light ANTHONY ODOM Ll'ttle Tony 4200 2000 2200 JULIA DEL NAGFRO-OEHMKE Blue Blockers KEF]FIY O'GOF]MAN The Gentle Ones JILL OLIVITO F]I'VerS Run PAUL PENCZNEF] Germantown Bouquet Chinese Lanterns with Fan Spanish Wells Street Scene Tristam Bass F]ocks Surf CHFIISTOPHEF] PIEF]CE MOF|GAN S. PFIICE CHFIIS PUGLIESE MAFILENE E. PUTNAM NANCY FtEILLY SEFIGIO FIOFFO AUDF]EY F]OMANO JACK F]OSENHAFT HELEN F]UDY JOSEPH E. FIUSSO Marilyn Johnson The Master Carver (Joe Lincoln Decoy) You Can See Forever Main Street] Chatham Engll'sh Tea Beckerls Barns] Summer 1500 1 250 3800 2800 2800 NFS l500 2200 4000 2000 1500 NFS l 200 FFtANK SALEF3NO Indoor Pool 5000 F]OBEFtT G. SEBASTIANO Still Life with Grinder 1200 DINO SISTILLI Port of Philadelphl'a C. BAF]BARA SMITH Apple Harvest 950 425 OILS AND POIVMER PAINTINGS No Arfist Title Price 81 KATHLEEN C. SMITS PAULINE STECHEF] Tuolumne Meadows S950 LUCILLE T. STILLMAN Jack MAF]JOFII W. STOLL Catching AI'n't Everything Classical Legacl'es 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 LILLY SZELL Antique Pitcher KAYE TANIGAWA ELIZABETH TOFIAK THOMAS TOFtAK BAF]F]lE VAN OSDELL THYFIZA WHITTEMORE ELIZABETH WIDMAYEFI Mal'ne Tom PaI'nting NATALIE A. WILLIAMS Summer Days in Vermont THECKLA W. WILLIAMS KFIISTIN L. WOODWAF]D Autumn Jewels Cantaloupe Evening Glow Stl'II LI'fe Wl'th Onions Irish Tommy UntI.I We Meet Again. NFS NFS I 3200 NFS l0,000 NFS 3500 I600 NFS NFS 1600 1500 1 300 WATERMEDIA Title No. Artist 95 96 MARGARET ALDERSON MARC.AUSTEN 97 98 PHIL AUSTIN Mt. Pedernal Le Maschera Deserted Beaver Pond, Colorado Rockies RUTH BADERIAN Sunflower Blue 99 JANICE BARAGWANATH Beachcomber loo BETTY BLEVINS Bend'lng the Iron 10l MARGE CHAVOOSHIAN Late Afternoon lO2 BARRY DEBAUN Dawn of Spr'lng 103 TAD DEJEWSKI 104 105 106 JOHNA. FERNIE The Balt'lc Trader East Coast Sh'lpp'lng 107 NANCY FORTUNATO JOE FRASSEITA WALTER FERRY BILL M. FITZPATRICK Number 4 Buoy #l MadeI'lne 109 RUTH FRIEDMAN 110 CHARLES J. GERHART Echoes from the Past Crabs Cityscape Storm Over Chatham lll DORA HAGGE VAUGHN L. JACKSON JOAN JAMIESON Luchsinger's Fru'It Room Ret'lred But Wll'lng Splash of Color 114 MURRAY KARN 115 CHRIS KRUPINSKI From the Terrace Three Oranges 116 MARK LAGUE Montreal Bu'lld'lng Tops 108 112 113 117 LAURIE L. LAWTON Rhododendron'S Open'lng 118 JI BEN LU St. Mar'Ia Church Swallow 119 DANIEL MARSULA 120 VICTOR MARTINEZ 12l LALIT K. MASIH l22 SUZANNE MC WHINNIE Colca Man New Harbor 2 Woman With Striped Scarf 123 HENRY C. MEIER Old Iron 124 125 126 BOB MILNAZIK Bus Stop Eggs ln A Nest JANET MILNAZIK 127 DONALD A. MOSHER RICHARD OCHS 128 WINIFRED O'DOUGHERTY 129 130 CARL PODSZUS JOEL POPADICS 131 RICHARD P. RESSEL 132 RAY SCHRWER TAMARA SEGGEBRUCH 133 134 135 ROBERT STEEDMAN ANITA STRAND T'In Hav Fest'lval A Taste of Ma'lne Clearing Regatta Day, Ven'lce Red & Yellow Roses Fairv'lew Avenue Slow Day Poppies W'lnters Rest Lost R'IVer r9i[];5;5i[OIo;o;! ! i!:;o; ; ;o; : sp9ii5l WATERMED-IA I Artist Title CHARLES A. SWERTSEN Pilot Boat- Up For Repairs Caladiums lV ROBERT THERIEN NANCY GAUCHER-THOMAS KoilI J. D. TITZEL Hidden Prey Vintage Rocker BONNIE VON DuYKE SONJA WEIR ;£i o208; LEO YENI p2r:cofi;oo; Belford, N.J' Venetian Back Yard 23 SCULPTURES I Arf'lst LEONARD BENARI Blues Singer DANIEL C. BROWN EDITH R. BROWN The Acrobats Caught 'In the Moment DANI Reflect'lons DARRELL DAVIS H. A. FADHLl, M'D. Bounding Kangaroo The Proud Breed BEVERLY A. FREDERICHS Cheetah KATHLEEN M, FRIEDENBERG The Challenge TINA CORDON GRIGORY GuREVICH GEORGE B. HANOVER Joan WILLIAM G. HANSON Young Artist Medium Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze HydrocaI 1 200 3850 8000 2000 NFS 1 200 Bronze 4500 3200 3900 SHERYL LEVINE A Mary Fields GWEN MARCUS Supplication Plaster Bronze Bronze MIRIAM MARGOLIN MARILYN NEWMARK Pretty Lady Joie deVie Deadly Ahistry Caribou Endangered AMY UNFRIED Lucinda otterlly pointless Angus The End ofa Long Day JUDITH VISCONTl-SUMIN Venus R'ISing PATI STAJCAR LENA TORITCH ?3300 3500 5000 2300 Cherry Wood JACQUELINE LORIEO MARY F. LOVING-DRISCOLL KIM SHAKLEE Pr'lce Out of Eden Portrait of Patrick McGrath Bonded Terra Gotta PAT REAGAN SARAH ROSE I§!:::i; Title Terra Cotta Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze 725 7140 1 800 5500 2700 1 400 950 1 200 1 600 6000 3000 PASTELS a GRAPHICS Artist Title KAREN Z. ALCORN PERRY ALLEY Three Pears and Lace Broadway Subway MILTON R. BELLIN Pope John, the XXIII JANE BUTKOVSKY Tim MARY J, COSTELLO RAINIE CRAWFORD Apollo and Artemis ln An Eastern Mood CHRISTINA DEBARRY PEGGY DRESSEL MARIAN FLAHAVIN Pink Peonies Chinese Bowl Tyrone Susan The Paris Gown ANGELO JOHN GRADO Friends SANDRA J, HADLEY A Man of Letters SIDNEY H, HERMEL Full Service Island ROZ HOLLANDER Red Peppers ALICE BRYAN HONDRU Black Leather Overalls Lost Corridor MARTHA DEHAVEN DIANA DESANTIS JUDITH B. HRANIOTIS SlOOO 125 2000 NFS l500 2000 3000 450 2500 1 500 NFS NFS NFS 1 000 1 200 NFS 500 JAN JOHANSEN sALO'MON KADOCHE Lunch atthe Met 12oo New England Night ` 2500 BETSY M. KELLUM The Green Apple HERMAN MARGULIES Abandoned #56 ANN J. MASSEY Henri Berenger Steps To My Past An Afternoon ln May Looking Over the Banister AAGOT MATSON SANDY N. PERRINE JUNKO O. ROTHWELL CHOWJIAN SHENG Deep Breakfast With Greatest Care SHIZUE SIMONITSCH Eggs for Breakfast PETER SELTZER RAE SMITH On Goldfish Pond Vll PEGGY A. SOLINSKY Romero Sentimental Journey NFS l 900 3500 850 NFS 800 2400 280 NFS l 600 NFS LORRIE B. TURNER Outdoor Cafe 4500 4000 550 CJNGAW N:1 One Second To Live 1 250 MICHAEL WERBOFF Untitled NFS JERRY WINICK Great Grandma NFS SUZANNE YOUNG El'lzabeth ln White FRANK E. ZUCCARELLl October DAVID J. THOMPSON JOAN B. TuMPSON-RIVLIN l4f f r;i i Price Celynis & Alexis ll 600 1 2co LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND THEIR ADDRESSES Name Address IRENE ADE 739 Pine Lake Dr., Washington Township, NJ 07675 P.O. Box 5385, Tahoe City, CA 96145 KAREN Z. ALCORN MARGARET ALDERSON 105 N. Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314 PERRY ALLEY 159 Saratoga Ave. #4A, Yonkers, NY 10705 BILL L. ANGRESANO 135 E. Clinton Ave., Apt. 6B, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 301 E. CenterSt,, Lee, MAOl238 29 East28th SL NewYork, NY 10016 772 Wisconsin Bay Road, Ell'lson Bay, Wl 54210 393 P'lnewood Drive, Wyckoff, NJ O7481 390 Congress Ave., East Wlliston, NY 1 l596 10 Woodcrest Ave., TrumbulI, CT O66l I 3O3 East 37th St., New York, NY 10016 1550 N. Grand Ave., Baldwin, NY 1 l510 178 Devonshire Drive, New Hyde Pk, NY 1 lO40 GLORIA M. ARNOLD I MARC AUSTEN PHIL AUSTIN LYNN N. AYLSWORTH RUTH BADERIAN JANICE BARAGWANATH MILTON R. BELLIN LEONARD BENARI MICHAEL BENEDETTO SANDRA BIERMAN JUNE E. BLACKSTOCK BETTY BLEVINS ELIZABETH BRANDON ROBERT BRAuN ( l904 Hanover Ave.; Richmond, VA 23220 43 East Grand Ave., Montvale, NJ 07645 EDWIN BROuSSARD DANIEL C. BROWN ll Hickory Hill Road, Dix Hills, NY l1746 EDITH R. BROWN JANE BUTKOVSKY RICHARD L. CAPELL BETH A. CARVER MARIO CASTRO DEBORAH CHAPIN MARGE CHAVOOSHIAN JOHN COLLINS HELEN DAVID 142 Cook St., P.O. Box 197, Parrott, GA 31777 5715 78th St., Lubbock, TX 79424 212 Paddock Lane, Nashville, TN 37205 243 E. 39thSt.,#4B, NewYork, NY lOOl6 LORYN BRAZIER BERNARD COREY MARYJ' COSTELLO PAM INGALLS-COX RAINIE CRAWFORD DANI KAROLY DAROCZI 542 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80302 (I 1494 Cedar Swamp Rd., Brookville, NY 1 1545 216W, Chapel St., Hazleton, PA 18201 360 East 65th St., New York, NY 1002l l22 Franklyn Ave., lndialantic, FL 32903 225 Brompton Rd.So,, Garden City So., NY 1 l530 7034 Woodstream Terrace, Seabrook, MD 20706 222 Morningside Dr., Trenton, NJ O8618 39 Boxwood La., Hicksville, NY 1 l801 10l Main St., So, Grafton, MA Ol560 31 Florence Rd., Putnam Valley, NY 10579 9542 SW Gorsuch Road, Vashon Island, WA 98073 2l Mountain View Ave., New Miiford, CT 06776 2520 Bowdoin Pl., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 1067 Richford Terr., Elizabeth, NJ 07202 8 Kupperman Lane, Monsey, NY 10952 DARRELL DAVIS 136 S. Collins, Arlington, TX 76010 HAROLD DAVIS, JR. 227 Quail Run, Roswell, GA 30076 15 Ferncliff Terrace, Short Hills, NJ 07078 CHRISTINA DEBARRY BARRY DEBAUN Trail Motel, Rt, 28, Boicev'llle, NY 12412 LOUIS DEDONATO 400 East 77th SL New York, NY lOO21 :]l 4;:;i!i LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND THEIR ADDRESSES Name MARTHA DEHAVEN TAD DEJEWSKI DIANA DE SANTIS FRANCESCA C. DETOFFOL PEGGY DRESSEL NICOLE DUET CYNTHIA ECKSTROM BARBARA ELLIS H.A. FADHLl, M.D. ALICE C. FERGUSON JOHN A. FERNIE WALTER FERRY BILL M. FITZPATRICK MARIAN FLAHAVIN NANEITE FLUHR Address 106 La Vista Drive, Los Alamos, NM 87544 20 Sutton Place South, NewYork, NY 10022 ¬j6ij;g; ; l58;;§3;3g[ 34 School St., East Williston, NY I l596 216 Bay Drive, Massapequa, NY l l758 1 1 Rockaway Ave., Oakland, NJ 07436 322 South 9th St., Deming, NM 88030 751 Mulberry Point, Guilford, CT 06437 l:l l :l l Mt. Ellen, Box 420, Waitsf'leld, VT 05073 9908W C R l8E, Loveland, CO 80537 955 Lantern Lane, Vero Beach, FL 32963 Box l389, l l Oak St., Kennebunkporf, ME 04046 4315 Webster Ave., Bronx, NY lO470 2 union St,, P.O. l lO3,Sherburne, NY l3460 Rt. 7 Schafer Rd" Spokane, WA 99206 153Weeks Dr., Dix Hills, NY 1 l746 BEVERLY A. FREDERICHS 249 N. Marion St., Palatine, lL 60067 383 Foulke Lane, Springf'leld, PA 19064 3 Hidden Spr'lngs Lane, East Windsor, NJ 08520 KATHLEEN M. FRIEDENBERG 255 Golf V'lew Road, Ardmore, PA l9003 RUTH FRIEDMAN 307 East89thSt.,#lD, NewYork, NY lOl28 JEANNE FULTON MICHAEL GALLARDA 9890 Liberty Ct" Boca Baton, FL 33434 P.O. Box l437, Ferndale, CA 95536 NANCY FORTUNATO JOE FRASSEITA CHARLES J. GERHART FRANK GIOVINAZZO NED GLATTAUER CARMINE GLIELMI BARBARA GOODSPEED RUSSELL W. CORDON TINA CORDON ANGELO JOHN GRADO 52 ClarkSt., Apt. 8E, Brooklyn Hts., NY l l20l l8 Prospect St., Demarest, NJ 07627 343 East 30th St., #l4N, NewYo'rk, NY 10016 560 Lynn St., Harrington Pk, NJ 07640 1 1 Holiday Po'lnt Rd" Sherman, CT 06784 R.D, #2 Irish Lane, Cambr'ldge, NY l2816 24 Fifth Ave., NewYork, NY lOOl 1 641-46 St., Brooklyn, NY l l220 I GRIGORY GUREVICH SANDRA J. HADLEY 282 Barrow St., Jersey City, NJ 07302 DORA HAGGE 1224 Sheridan Dr., Hastings, NE 68901 15 Sterl'lng Woods, Prospect, CT O6712 93 Ocean Ave., lslip, NY 11751 lll 535 W. Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia, PA l91 19 192 GEORGE B. HANOVER KONRAD HANSALIK WILLIAM G. HANSON waltham studios, l44 Moody St., Waltham, MA 02154 i l91 36 37 MARLIES HERGET 23 Laauwe Ave., Wayne, NJ 07470 SIDNEY H. HERMEL 41 union SquareW. R612, NewYork, NY lOOO3 156 DONALD M. HILDRETH 3029 Scotland St., Los Angeles, CA 90039 5 Dogwood Dr., Newton, NJ 07860 157 6765 laos Ct., Lisle, lL 60532 1600 Deer Path, Mounta'lns'lde, NJ 07092 158 ROZ HOLLANDER KAREN HOLT ALICE B. HONDRU 38 39 LIST OF EXHIBITORS ANDTHEI.R ADDRESSES Name Address JUDITH B. HRANIOTIS 245 Browns Rd., Walden, NY l2586 SuSANNE HuRT VAUGHN L. JACKSON HELEN N, JACOBS JOAN JAMIESON 299 Riverside Dr., New York, NY 10025 1 1600 Ten Penny Dr., Fairfax Station, VA 22039 JAYNE M. JENNINGS JAN JOHANSEN_ A. HALE JOHNSON D. BARRY JONES 684 Terrace Dr., Paramus, NJ 07652 70 Hamilton Lane, Waterfown, CT 06795 7 Green Way, Old Tappan, NJ 07675 458 Benton SL Anoka, MN 55303 16l Franklin Hill Rd., Colrain, MA Ol340 3009 South Hughes, Amarillo, TX 79109 SALOMON KADOCHE 1454 Orchard Rd., Mountainside, NJ 07092 MURRAY KARN 120 East 86th'St., Apt. 3B, New York, NY 10028 BETSY M. KELLUM 2703 Green Holly Springs Ct., Oakton, VA 22124 5Saddle Ridge Rd" Ho Ho Kus, NJ 07423 10602 Barn Swallow Ct., Fairfax, VA 22032 D. KERSTING CHRIS KRuPINSKI MARK LAGuE LAURIE L. LAWTON GERALD LAZARE SETSUKO LAZARE WING SHEK LEE SHERYL LEVINE LINDA LILLING RICHARD LINCOLN PAULINE LORENTZ JACQUELINE LORIEO JOHN LOUGHLIN MARY F, LOVING-DRISCOLL JI RENLU 46 Ponner Ave., Montreal, Quebec H9R 4x9 38 Darrow St., Pawlucket, Rl 02860 33 Threadneedle Cres. Willowdale, Ontario, CD M2HIZ5 33 Threadneedle Cres, Willowdale, Ontario, CD M2HIZ5 74-02 43 Ave,, Apt. 5K, Elmhurst, NY 1 1373 P.O. Box l27, Jefferson Valley, NY 10535 724 Iron Latch Rd,, Franklin Lakes, NJ O7417 210 East68th St., Apt 13G, NewYork, NY 10021 20 Southview Dr., Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 693 Weaver St., Larchmont, NY lO538 124 Angell Rd,, Lincoln, RI 02865 2039 So. Alton CL Denver, CO 80231 99-63 66Ave, #Al, Rego Park, NY 1 1374 WILLIAM J. MALONEY 1O Hull Dr., Saugus, MA Ol906 WARD MANN GWEN MARCUS 77 Rocky Neck Ave" Gloucester, MA 01930 401 E. 80th St., NewYork, NY 10021 MIRIAM MARGOLIN HERMAN MARGuLIES DANIEL MARSULA VICTOR MARTINEZ 32 Revere Rd" Washington, CT 06793 2828 Castleview Dr" Pittsburgh, PA l5227 5253 West 127th Place, Hawthorne, CA 90250 LALIT K. MASIH FRANK MASON ANN J, MASSEY AAGOT MATSON SuZANNE MCWHINNIE HENRYC. MEIER JOSEPH MENDEZ ARTHUR K. MILLER I 39 Reed Drive, Roslyn, NY 1 l576 9 Old Route 208, New Paltz, NY 12561 385 Broome St., NewYork, NY 10013 4 Rue Auguste Chabrieres, Paris, France 75015 39 Carter Dr., Stamford, CT 06902 32 PaperMill Dr., Madison, CT 06443 349 Chestnut St., Lewes, DE 19958 3431 Wesley St. B, Culver City CA 90232 393 New Castle Ave., Portsmouth, NH O380l ]i:1111111111 ;: ; !4; ¬!;: ;o ¬; 3:; L[ST OF EXHIBITORS AND THEIR ADDRESSES Name Address BOB MILNAZIK 777 Manc'lll Rd., Wayne, PA 19087 777 Mancill Rd., Wayne, PA l9087 l l918 England, Overland Park, KS 66213 151 Keeley Ave., Warw'ICk, Rl 02886 33l Cherry St., Son Franc'lsco, CA 941 18 13 Main St., Rockporf, MA 01966 22 Woodhollow Road, East Hills, NY l 1577 JANET MILNAZIK DEAN MITCHELL BILLY MONTELLA, JR. DOUGLAS MORGAN DONALD A. MOSHER MARILYN NEWMARK MARK NORSETH RICHARD OCHS ANTHONY ODOM WINIFRED O'DOUGHERTY JULIA DELNAGRO-OEHMKE KERRY O'GORMAN JILL OLIVITO PAUL PENCZNER SANDY N. PERRINE CHRISTOPHER PIERCE CARL PODSZUS JOEL POPADICS MORGAN S. PRICE CHRIS PUGLIESE MARLENE E. PUTNAM PAT REAGAN NANCY REILLY RICHARD P, RESSEL SERGIO ROFFO AUDREY ROMANO SARAH ROSE JACK ROSENHAFT JUNKO O. ROTHWELL HELEN RUDY JOSEPH E. RUSSO FRANK SALERNO RAY SCHRYVER ROBERT G. SEBASTIANO TAMARA SEGGEBRUCH 121 Third St.,#l, Brooklyn, NY 1 1231 62 D'Alfonso Rd. Newburgh, NY 12550 7836-B Penrose Ave., Elkins Park, PA l9027. 699 Canistear Rd" H'lghland Lakes, NJ 07422 1825 E. Exchange, Crete, lL 60417 431 1-KSnipe Creek Lane, Rale'lgh, NC 27613 813 un'lon Blvd., Totowa, NJ O7512 1436 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN38104 1023 Riverside Dr., Greenup, KY 41 144 lnn'lsfree, Shushan, NY 12873 4 The Loch, Rockvilie Ctr., NewYork l l570 loo Alto Vista Dr,, R'lngwood, NJ 07456 15 Royal Palm Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32960 6l l Adams St., Hoboken, NJ 07030 5400 N. A i A#25D, Vero Beach, FL32963 4286 West Lake C'lrcle, Littleton, CO 80123 9 Marilane Rd., Westporf, CT 06880 lolo Founta'ln Ave., Lancaster, PA l7601 222 Clapp Rd., Scituate, MA 02066 17 Morningside Dr., Latham, NY l21 10 1010 East Fourth St., Loveland, CO 80537 145 Henry SL Brooklyn, NY l l201 3625 Woodstream C'Ir., Atlanta, GA 30319 856 Hillcrest Rd. Ridgewood, NJ 07450 12 Jordan St., Skaneateles, NY 13152 349 W. Cortland Ave., Oceans'lde, NY, l l572 106Walnut Ave.,Floral Park, NY l 1001 1 18-l8 union Turnpike,' #6A, Kew Gardens, NY 1 l415 SHIZUE SIMONITSCH RR#2, Box 122, Onarga lL 60955 29 Paddy Hollow Rd., Bethlehem, CT O675l l4599 Picadilly Road, Brighton, CO 806Ol 2400 Bruce St., #87, Conway, AR 72032 37 L,InCOln Ave" Massapequa Park, NY l l762 DINO SISTILLl 309 Nottingham Rd., Woodbury, NJ 08096 PETER SELTZER KIM SHAKLEE CHOW JIAN SHENG l235292i ; :jgo6¬! i 6i!; :; 8g; i,l,lil t- LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND THEl,R ADDRESSES Name Address C. BARBARA SMITH 3002 Rolling Green Dr., Churchville, MD 21028 RAE SMITH Scarborough Manor, Scarborough, NY 10510 P.O. Box 374, New Hampton, NH 03256 2625 E, Third Ave" Denver, CO 80206 pK!!HGL5EAY S6SLYN!Tiv I PATI STAJCAR PAULINE STECHER ROBERT STEEDMAN LUCILLE T. STILLMAN MARJORI W. STOLL ANITA STRAND CHARLES A. SWERTSEN LILLY SZELL KAYE TANIGAWA ROBERT THERIEN NANCY GAUCHER-THOMAS DAVID J, THOMPSON J.D. TITZEL ELIZABETH TORAK THOMAS TORAK LENA TORITCH JOAN B, TUMPSON-RIVLIN 218 S. Dekker Dr., Golden, CO 80401 80-30 25orh SL Bellerose, NY l 1426 400 Coolidge Dr., Portsmouth, NH 8 Drum Hill Lane, Stamford, CT 06902 145 West 67th St., Apt. 25G, NY, NY 10023 39 Helen St., Hamden, CT O6514 20 Leonard St., Wading River, NY 1 l792 5 Halter Rd., Glenmont, NY l2077 37 Nancy Ave., Pittsfield, MA Ol201 1015 N. Somers Ave., Fremont, NE 68025 391 Valley Rd., Middletown, RI 02842 6622 Cambria Terrace, Elkr'ldge, MD 21227 8l Gibson Rd., Greenville, PA 16125 RR1, Box 1823, Pawlet, VT 05761 RRl, Box 1823, Pawlet, VT 05761 602 W, South Temple, Salt Lake City, uT 84104 LORRIE B, TURNER 2180 Brickell #l4, Miami, FL 33129 14ViIIage Dr., Huntington, NY l 1743 AMY UNFRIED 76 Park Ave" Bronxville, NY 10708 BARRIE VAN OSDELL Rt. l, Box 315-F, Horseshoe Rd., Honea Path SC 29654 3132 W. Port Royale Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85023 60 Riverside Dr., New York, NY lOO24 14Augusta Dr., Newark, DE l9713 25 Madison St., So. Bound Brook, NJ 08880 CjNGAW A:ITI JUDITH VISCONTI-SUMIN BONNIE VON DUYKE SONJA WEIR MICHAEL WERBOFF THYRZA WHIITEMORE ELIZABETH WIDMAYER NATALIE A. WILLIAMS THECKLA W. WILLIAMS JERRY WINICK KRISTIN L. WOODWARD LEO YENI SUZANNE YOUNG FRANK E. ZUCCARELLl "4; i;! ! O: :! i 412W, llOthSt., NewYork, NY lOO25 378 Whittemore Rd., Middlebury, CT 06762 333 West57th St. #7C, NewYork, NY 10019 662 Cheyenne Dr., Franklin Lakes, NJ O7417 1623 N. 13th Ave., Pensacola, FL 32503 4 Garret Dr., West Paterson, NJ 07424 44 Hoffman Dr. Latham, NY l2l lO 40 Reyam Rd., Lynbrook, NY i l563 22 Russet Lane, Halesite, NY l l743 61 Appleman Rd., Somerset, NJ 08873 22i; MEMBERSHIP IN THE AIAIP_LThe American Artists Professional League, lnc, was Organized in 1928 to help the artists Of the country solve their professional problems, lt has a long record of constructive help, such as setting standards of quality for pigments, promoting competent understandable art, American Art Week, etc' our League has over nine hundred members throughout the United States... men and women who have dedicated themselves to the highest professional standards of beauty, integrity and craftsmanship. There are five kinds of membership: Artist, Fellow, Patron, Sponsor and Benefactor' Artist members are those Who have been approved by the Membership Committee of the Nat'lonal Board of D'lrectors. Fellows are our top-ranking active members. After becoming an Art'lst Member and being accepted in our Grand National Exhibit,Ion for three years, not necessarily COnSeCutiVely, an Artist Member, automatically becomes a Fellow' patrons, sponsors and Benefactors are those Who COnS'lder Our high Objectives worthy Of backing and would like to make a donation to our efforts, Coherent fine art urgently needs the solid support of American art patrons' lfyou would like to become a patron, sponsor or Benefactor member Check below: I $25 Patron Member I $50 Sponsor Member I ;loo or more Benefactor Member Membership is tax deductible. Make all-,checks payable tO the "American Artists Fund," and mail c/o the American Artists Professional League, Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY lOOO3. American Artists Professional League, Inc. App"cation as an active member please fi" in the App"cation for Membership below and mail with check for $35,00 (Annual Due) and three 35mm color sI'deS. Mclke Check Or money Order Payable to the order of ART EDUCATION: The American Artist Professional League) lnc. and mail it to.. A,A,P,L., Salamgundi Club 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003 SCHOOLS: (please Print) TEACHERS.. (Zip)....'..........-...I....I....... MEMBER OF FOLLOWING ART SOCIETIES.. Oil Painting........'...'.I.sculpture'..-........Graphic Artist'...'..I..' Water Colorist AIM AIT!DS BENEFACTORS spoNSORS AND PATRONS we, the members of The American Artists Professional League, are most grateful for the added support of these valued members and friends, especially in the:e times of ever increasing costs. lf you sincerely bel,leve in Traditional Realism ln American Art today' join uS by becoming a Benefactor, Sponsor, or Patron or Member' See the preceding two Pages for full infOrmatiOn' Mr, & Mrs. Richard Maitland Ruth Baderian Pamela Barnett Mr. & Mrs, Joseph Baumoel Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Berolli Dick Blick council of American Art Societies Elizabeth Elberg Florence Englerf Dr. H.A, Fadhli Maria Freudenberg Frank Mason Cheryl O, McLeod Carey B. Nelson Mrs. John Newington New JerseyAAPL Chapter Margaret O'Malley Pastel Society of America Paul Penczner Joyce Pike Robert O, Frick Carmine Glielmi M. Grumbacher, lnC. Robert E, Hayer Philip lsenberg Irene Spiegel Dorothy G, Juergens Winsor & Newton Garcia Lou Young-Willard Leo Yeni Mr, & Mrs. Richard Stillman Carlina Valenti Dorothy E, Von Rhee Richard J, Willemin Howard P. Kallen Elke von Lera-Schloss IN MEMORIAM Doris Bitler Marion Brown William Byford-Brown Helen DeCozen Grace Ditzion Charlotte Dunwiddie |&` _ 7 Created in 1928 by dedicated artists of stature for the protectI.On Of artl.StSI I'ntere.StSI and Traditional Realism in American Art. THE AMERICAN ARTISTS PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE F. Bollard Williams, Assistc]nt Treasurer of the Nc]tional Academy and former president of the' solmagundi club, both of which are located in New York City, noted a need for a notional organization to fill the ropI.a devel- opment Of Off interest in Other large cities ond distc]nt oreos such c]s call.fOrniO. ln Jonuory 1928, he called a meetlng Of fifteen members of the solmogundi Club to discuss forming \`The American Artists P.rofes- sionoI League.'' The majority ottending were OCOdemiCianS Such aS Frank deHaven, Hobarf Nichols and Bruce Crane, ,,The American Anists Professional Leogue'' became a reality Ot thor meeting with F. Bollard WlljclmS its first President, Wilford Conrow Secretary and Cordon Grclnt its TrecISurer. The first problems to be considered Were the inferior manufacture of orfisrs paint and obtainl'ng commissions of official ponroits for American Anists. Too many European painters Were COming tO Washington, D.C., and receiving commissions for OffjCiOI POrfrOitS While American Artists were neglected. Alberf T. Reid knew his way around washington, D.C. and persuaded cI CcllifOrniCI Senator to OttOCh C] rider tO 0 Congressional Bill. This rider specified thor all official portraits, paid for with taxpoyers' money' were to be pointed by Americcln Artists. ''The American Anl.sts Professional Leclgue,'' now referred to as the AAPL, achieved its first success, and to this day our governments official porfroits in Washington, D.C., ore painted by American Anists. Wiltord Conrowls specialty was the chemical and physical purity of pigments. Through his efforts, a fund of S3500 wcls obtained from the Carnegie corporation Endowment Fund for a program of color pigment research. Dr. Martin Fischer undertook the I.nVeStigOtiOn Ot the University of cI'nCinnOtj. lt Was com- Pleted in 1932, making the AAPL the country's authority on om.srs pigments, The AAPL was also instrumental in securing the and abstractions were gemng the lion,s share of government sponsorshI.P, grants Of Public money and media promotion. AAPL rcliSed objections to these practices to the highest levels of government at the whI.te House, before Senate Committees, through lectures, radio broodcosts, rv appearances and jn U.S. Bureau of standards, origl.nal set of Publications. government-sponsored stondclrdS for CIrfiSt,S. colors. These standards were updated in 1962. All major manufacturers of orfisrs paint followed AAPL standards, and to this day each tube of point states: "statement of contents as recommended by The Americcln Artists pro- fessional League," The AAPL was not-and is not-compensated l'n any way for these recommendations: It was and is done os a Service tO CIII clrfiStS. In 1930 the AAPL founded..American Art Week," and sponsored its observance nationally durl'ng the first week of November Eminent Artists who have served the AAPL I'n the Past aS Officers and Board Members include Dean CornweII, Lionel Barrymore, Roger Deering, Harvey Dunn and Frederic Whitaker. To these and the many unnamed, we the present AAPL members give our Salutations and our thanks. The AAPL Grand National Exhibitions hove always been for members only' and we were always fortunate to exhibition space gratis, Things began to change in l980 to a POint Where We spent most Of Our time scouring New York City for exhibition space. each year. PTeSident Eisenhower applauded In 1981, after several years of negotiations, Our efforts WI'th 0 telegram to our office I.n we had a beautiful Grand National Exhibition 1959. Rising costs and diminishing funds at the exhibitI'On gallery of the Equjtoble Hfe mode it necessary to discontinue this program Assurance society. The following year they in the early ,70s. Were unable to I'nClude the AAPL into their During the yeclrs between l930 and 1951, the AAPL published a bI.-Weekly COlumn, in ART DIGEST mQgOZjne, devoted to exhibit schedule, and nothing else was available. After a review of the very few galleries large enough for our Grand National SOIving problems for orfists, gMng news of ExhI'bitiOnS, all Of Which had high rental fees, members and such editorI'al comments and We Selected the Salmagundi club, a beautiful crI'tI'CiSm OS the AAPL wished to discuss. state Landmark Building on lower Fifth Avenue in Chapters were organized during this period New York City. and even I.nCluded 0 Chapter in Paris, France. The decodes of 1950, 1960 and pqrf of the '70s sow on off world with drastic Changes. Public and government tastes were in on era during which extremes, fads, shocks LEO YENI President, AAPL GEfEa Ct®aov® Art Studies HH Leec4 Frank Zuccarelli, PSA 61 Appleman Road somerset, N.J. 08873 908-249-01 99 Italy I_ -_ _ =T____I PAINTING WORKSHOPS Pastels-oils Summer 1996 Italy pa.lnt with Frank ZuccareIIi Master Pastel'lst FREE ©©ENN©!EL Off AMERE]©ARE AREH]SHS §®e]EH]ES ASSOCIATED ARTIST ORGANIZATIONS FROM COAST TO COAST, WITH COMBINED GROWING MEMBERSHIP OF MANY THOUSANDS OF INDMDUAL ARTISTS, ARE NOW JOINED TOGETHER IN A REAFFIRMATION OF FAITH IN BEAUTY, INTEGRITY, AND COHERENT COMMUNICATION AS NECESSARY INGREDIENTS OF FINE ARTS' IT IS NOW CLEAR THAT PUBLIC TASTE IS STRONGLY TURNING IN FAVOR OF ART RELEVANT TO OBSERVED NATURE. WRITETOUSI COUNCIL OF AMERICAN AR"ST SOCIE"ES 47 FIFTH AVENUE a NEWYORK, NY qOOO3 This is the Fund which provides the cash awards and medals for our Grand National Exhibitions, over s3,000 and 4 Gold Medals have been awarded this year. Contributions are welcomed, great or smalI' All contributions are tax deductible. Make checks payable to: AMERICAN ARTISTS FUND c/o American Artists Professional League, 47 FIFTHAVENUE. NEWYORK, NY 10003 ft:tt G7,i¬rfec{:a--