Freescale Semiconductor Engineering Bulletin EB213 Rev. 0, 5/2003 Surge - Ringing Wave Clamp for GaAs CATV Module Protection by: Jeff Gengler Freescale Semiconductor INTRODUCTION CLAMP DEVICE SELECTION CRITERIA CATV amplifiers are required to withstand surges induced by nearby lightning strikes. Manufactures use crowbar devices such as gas discharge tubes and semiconductor devices that are intended to limit surge voltages and conduct surge currents. These devices have a very fast turn - on once their threshold voltage is reached, causing a very fast change in voltages (dv/dt). This in turn induces several cycles of high voltage ringing within the pass band of the diplex filter, allowing the surge- ringing wave to propagate to the output of the hybrid module. Commonly deployed crowbar devices such as gas discharge tubes generate a few cycles as high as 200 V peaks at 50 to 150 MHz when they fire during a 6 kV surge event. Because GaAs CATV modules are susceptible to ring wave stresses, a surge- ringing wave clamp is needed for additional protection. The surge - ringing wave clamp is constructed using two silicon bipolar transistors. The bipolar transistor device chosen is critical for successful surge ring wave clamping. Commercially available RF bipolar transistors are suitable devices because the surge - ringing waves are within the CATV pass band. The criteria for a clamp device is as follows: 1. The transistor should have a transition frequency with a minimum of 5 GHz to ensure sufficient reaction speed to incoming surge - ringing waves. 2. The collector - to - emitter breakdown voltage (V(BR)CEO) of each individual transistor should have a high enough breakdown voltage to avoid impacting distortion performance. If this parameter is too low, the high output voltage peaks will be clipped, causing degradation in distortion performance. The V(BR)CEO should be selected SURGE- RINGING WAVE CLAMP above the peak output but not too far above the peak voltage output. The most effective clamp has the lowest Figure 1 illustrates the schematic for the surge - ringing breakdown voltage possible without affecting distortion wave clamp. The clamp is most effective when placed as close performance. The sooner the clamp circuitry breaks to the CATV module as possible. The clamp should be down, the faster it acts to damp ringing waves. Some connected between the output pin of the module and ground. buffer voltage may be chosen to prevent The clamp has been designed to protect against device - to - device variation from causing the clamp to bi - directional waves, which is what the surge- ringing wave is. react prematurely. A device V(BR)CEO with 12 V to17 V The clamp is also designed to turn on only during excessively meets all of these criteria. The actual V(BR)CEO should high voltages while allowing normal operational high voltage be measured because real transistors often have higher peaks to propagate out of the module unimpeded when the breakdown voltages than what the manufacturer proper transistor device is used for protection. specifies. 3. The current handling capability of the protection device is also critical for proper clamp selection. A bipolar RF INPUT RF OUTPUT transistor must be able to handle a minimum of 50 mA 75 Ohm 75 Ohm so the maximum collector current must exceed 50 mA. Selecting a device with a lower maximum current rating can cause the device to self - destruct during a surge - ringing wave event or result in ineffective protection because it will not be able to sink enough current to protect the module. The highest possible current sinking during breakdown is desirable because it further reduces the peak voltage magnitude of the ringing waves. However, this is a design tradeoff because a larger device, which is required to have higher current sinking during conduction, also has more parasitic capacitance in the off state and that impacts the Figure 1. Surge - Ringing Wave Clamp Schematic gain response. This problem can be resolved either by designing around it or selecting a device that compromises the amount of current it can sink (as long © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2003, 2006. All rights reserved. EB213 RF Engineering Bulletin Freescale Semiconductor 1 as the minimum requirement is met) and the amount of capacitance the clamp introduces. Devices close to the minimum often have negligible parasitic capacitance, and no special response considerations are necessary. CONCLUSION To ensure field reliability of GaAs CATV modules, additional protection circuitry must be implemented. Incorporation of the ringing wave clamp shown in Figure 1 results in a major reduction in the voltage magnitude of offending waves during surge events to a level that will not harm GaAs CATV modules. Proper bipolar transistor device selection when used in the surge - ringing wave clamp configuration is an effective means of protection without impacting distortion performance. A reduction of more than 80% in the peak voltages of the ringing waves has been demonstrated in some applications when the clamp is applied versus those in an unprotected module. The transistor devices used to realize the clamp protection circuitry is important. There are many different commercially available bipolar transistors that meet the criteria to be implemented in the surge - ringing wave clamp configuration that the designer can choose from to incorporate packaged transistors into a design. Bipolar transistors are very inexpensive so the extra cost of the additional components is easily offset by the increased field reliability that they provide against lightning - induced surges. EB213 2 RF Engineering Bulletin Freescale Semiconductor How to Reach Us: Home Page: E - mail: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. Alma School Road Chandler, Arizona 85224 +1 - 800 - 521 - 6274 or +1 - 480 - 768 - 2130 Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) Japan: Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Headquarters ARCO Tower 15F 1 - 8 - 1, Shimo - Meguro, Meguro - ku, Tokyo 153 - 0064 Japan 0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125 Asia/Pacific: Freescale Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. 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