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F1R LE, SussEx .
'l'he l'rosidei.t of' the United States .
h 2"
.J•,, 10''
. vo0
Delir i•lr President ,
It is very rood of you to have ·•ritten il1 acknow ledr:men t of my letter .
I do not meau to i<:i ve
-:rouble of joinr so 3.J"ai.1 by 'lenrlinr: unother brief contment .
dut l'urther experience since I
·•1rote does see•n to
show thut you are treutliug a very danp;erous middle path .
You must either Five more encoura~eme11t to busi11e3'l or
tal~e over more of their function':! yourself .
If public
opi11iun is not ready for tne
la t~e
• , then it is necesllary
to wait until public OJ.Ji 11iou is educated .
policies see
Your present
that you posse1::i !'lore po"1er
than you actually have .
l'o- da;. , ho1·1evor , our thour·h t; aro occupied "Ii t h
other tlu. .. ps tha1, ccono1.1ic prosperity .
1 venture to
enclo'le an article wliich l huvo published to- r.lo.y .
.1 t
any r ate the poe..1 ·1hic. serves a·J its motto is verv pood .I
L'he tr a[!ecly i
thu t
the rifh t - minded sho•·1 no iudlci. ti on
of supportiur one auoth)r .
You "fill be roluctar1 t to
- ·~ -
sup por t u1 ;
·1e ure rel uct · u1 t to
ir; rel uc t nt c.o sup per t Spa in .
tor eth er .
3 U.P~
ort ..::'ro.nce ; l•'r·111ce
. t lon v las t
s .:ttl l f"et
b:r the n'?
fut ho·1 1iu ch hur m •1i ll ht... ve be3 n don e
Yo urs ver y sii. c C""Cl ,
·' ..,.. -·
'"' ""'*"'11"" THfl \'W STATUM.A\' A\0 /ltATIU.'10
.. ..,,.._
..................... . dr!W . . . . , 1 ........, . _ .
... 111.--.
,. . . . . . .,...
. . . . . _ .....
_ _ .Hot
,..,,... _ _ . ,
.,,_ . . -.1
...... - '
.... ~ . . "'ft)' pound·~,-....,.
Milt ol l"IJNIC opm.loo.. t• md the Spumh W1t
lll)'GM doubt. 111
h k .tto • '*ttMf1
'° llirW l\lal:.uittn
tMI O.Cir.Slovaka .ar.owlJ at ln.c tll:cmpt 10 llllpbMt
acr-i.y a ~ tolvt:IUll of tlltic .,....._ .t
...... ....,. ..
. , , ..... Gn--. ..... ti . . - - I~
cnon fl
laa.t (.-..n an ,._
. . . .- . . . ~.._'" . . . . . . . Tkpll
J ,._ T,_f• ti ftadl po1111:f ftt ... ,.-.n Jta. 1Ma ~ . . .,_ ..... cadw'lllf Ntwf' ncrpc ..
-4 ol our ....., . . . t - aod Mcny• ..:na die:Q, w< 1 iww P.lllOpUll r.a. wt •• the drtad• « tbl• r.a
.U now •dl11ow'lcd.., R'ill btblJIJ 1tii. 1buc lib btta let ut eow trtum.
11 WQt). llMMh« ft'\ltot ol 1o11:1doinJ1, whet• we hr1vc bcrn,
1'ht t.&ll«.,.,t flCKhiill lO 11\.1 ~w ha v.'OOld be fll
CIOC 111~by, IN.t demvcd, \l'e hllve '"um<J ehai • oqtli~ lhrM Of'dtn. Tbt Snl, fttWna..I 1.aU.UhC'c and 1he NJlllHC
P9Q. . . . ~keo;I b1 DO MIKUOOI "'4 10~ b)' ftO o( rt:l1110U
Tht t«OMl, • W..bdt Tbc UWJ, 1 (Illa
dl:Aa.t• ......JctW.:illp. -oulJ pnU ..... I l*ID'ft' a..Lwy all...u B11e tlie ......, powcn wU lcM dlea
IBlitW--. wllimna ud •llcfnw tMl ..P. --. ~ ........... .,..<••-died .. ,.. • ..,~
If-. ...
"1lilall .._ flO'ID"'t: _..._ 9'~ dM:ir ... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . c.r. Tlw
........... u.r~ .. ._.. ..... > ..-a • ...., -bctt f t ( . r.a ....,.
tlirinhch'ft woul4 eL
ds!'ffttol lvn ol twa0 11 Mt<t ~. aot &c.. f1CUP 1bc rnWra af ubru11u.. Oldont4 "1 1
Gcun.uly, ._,. fro.n Rl*11. The J1p1iww agtC'BIOO " votl ol dlC ll'lmlhm., m Ill IM'llfn of dupuu- M""'""
l1rsc-Jy lndcJ1Cr1dtn:l or eurortu 101"11C11Nnhm l'o:'r,g:1ui~ thtn1, lndud1.111 f-"lllnrn, ttJ1iOUncin1 lhoectbc:r the
pllCtlbm WH mott \lallkdy to u1nd •tlY K'\'f:t c •1r1in l:IUlt\lmcnc of war Tbc:u 1rncr1I t.111tJ WINld be lt1
We ha'tfi btt11 rdyu11 on sn lllutJon
«1u.l1t ciol11bonuoa wbh r-rtkular refer~ 'o 1b
W 11h tht "'-"l'WIMN ttf!Yl r-a.lhm broltm m tbar ikfui..c 111d bkdal.k. I'll llwy •hol.lld be coaccnwd
i.c...s.. thr l'rl9r M.i:nalu and W. l">UP .wck for PQ«, ""' .-.t111 &hr iU'U of pcau Md a.a It bccoasq tlw . . ..M
ll ~ .. ia I WCM CPt,_.. °Mlftl . , . • . . qllaly
" • .,,., ,,_. .c rf'tCdela • 1ndt ~ -~.
• bt ~ To pm u-, • ....,. • all coao _, • •W .. k a
tk Fw.- Lac- ...-Wk
ml J "'• ..._ • d diicre • 10 bt ...t for • f To kirp t.- ....,. .-m dx old pcnoul L~ Tc Mnd•'ft
OW.·~ -.cJ b'Ya and MPf'IMlt UllK'I, to ma;ia ...w o&r Oii ftCllpOCal lmM (tmklcn of tnldt, (tt>tdom
lnlc uot.tllOD •D 1 cL.nuous wotid. Wolhdl'l•'lftl lO ow J itl~lmml, freedom ol n-m1U1D«,
ind freedom o(
KCJCI (l\CI ftllllll <:ot-n"'"all IO OrtftrY .. 10 • donccr, ll'IO"'C'mcnl IUld
cmployl'h<:nt fl( lnd1,·1duali,
how 'WiUit1sJy, ind ptrluipt n1h1fy, wouJJ nuny ol \It thll0 trtde1 Ind <'Uncocy qrernltllt\ 1olni H f1r H rncll(·
rrt1C'1t But,( thC' Pnme MmlM« p1hcn to hl• ~upport 1t.l111 ht llx\e ditteOOtH, •ubfea only 10 t;1fq1N.1d1
1bow whom 11 wuhdnwal lmtil'ld1vcly ltllkU., ht: plo' td.11U'l1
co wbolttak Of •hnonnal ~c:tnalb of giptal
r.,a.w.,,, •ho do IOC bdoq bl lUa. and wtM. he~ • poru.i.uoa. There 1>.hou4d k ,. o&t 10 Gn.w11 -.
a.. ,, ....... w llliC:llM. Ht Im . . dcadiC'd,. --- -*' OfPml:Wd I
-11 C.enua aid A..,_
for . . te . _ . . . , _ . p:nrTJ • 1br- \tcdiu:rrQIN9 ~--wall-~_. bl- ........ ~
~ . . ~ ~ ttUlblltt tile tllOtt ~
9;'hlit -:Id be the rd.lboe of dlC Lftcvc' .. I~
p!ll'UOQ• o( d!lf' Bnmtt Er.r.p;re i"at rto11i ti
Hen DOC okl ~ 1 Tbt _.. Lillilpe would be the: finc--bonl
C'tCllJllftl Che ri.b ol Q f ltC' • only maltin, turC' 1hat, oll'-tl"fllll of tbr old, dnm1a.lcd •1 C'>C:llC\'I, dwd"u'I 10
whtn 11 ~. we t-hall ba\'c no rorn.h anJ no com.mon 1m11y u1 11' parcru'• hou~, •N.11111 all com."llQn lnttfC'I\
<1u~ He I• rMacnrng lmpon!knhlf' or 1hc wodd, inf.I 1cdv11~
6u1 ihc: old l.C:•l\I< !houl.t be: 1<~jc.,.<..t
lhoe .,.,......, or c.:.u-n..11"°1111 bffri1111. thoe nu!e.-ry -0( iiP• of lo 'IWlp!'l"JUVt Ofl"'-M Tlw loHloCid rt;I~...., IO .winctiOM
.cnon, the CWllfon Mid .wt'auna 10 wr fnrn.:A q( f.aitllf'uJ ~.- 10 •nJ all E11tOpao rr<Mr•~ AboQ&d be: ......,
WONh M<i1 *"*'- He n bY1et •II 1hr a.pocidenhlcs • die ' ' " IMWICC'
bf I.Ilic ... ~ " " - tJw E....
.. tlW •Illa ,tJr, .......... dlai. .. ",.,..
fotatt9 ror-1...... ~oltbtold ........
_, die: ......... for ~ ol
Jl'ftCllt.. ~ dw 8ncU e .....~Gcdiot
Yct •hlil 1 ~ c ac:t of~ttT ~P .... ,,. wiD l.O piftiQpllC • !be ~. , _ borr
._Jd C'¥0lc ~ h n ..P*'bk to b.Jd • bncfir bc:tW'tt9 --.u,d br (Of chc bkM.Ull fJi Olbn of!'·,prmg, SD ~
.. I dirt .oc ,. and .. I ""'OC!ld •• 1 \\N1 wouW ooc: do ... Amt~D [.np, hndcJ
.,, tht Unnecf 51110 1od
1( ooe hid 1- pov;cr ?
lit1111td ~" mnnbttl!llp to IJIC' AmrtM"lll con.hncnn ; ind
There b
mtddJc ros:rilon 10-d11 bet'Wtttl Di!D· prthlrt ltl due tourw 1 l'Kifk L<a,uc, an 1irnc1n LCll-UC:,
tC'nst1nce 1 nd 1 1tmnct ped.Jb.rn \f1thlR the KOpt o( • l.«..ut o( 1'lidJk tad Ncotttr
the UJMi.dl U.rut ol S..uocu we 111\M>C, dxrefort., wt
Noo. ol dine- f"OPOUI'- i' d..tlfmlUlo. Tbel t wbok
Ollt te COMtl'\lft I aew ~ p.c1 ClpCtl 19 all tlw
obt«t • tlw ~ " . . , h f t ' " ~
~ ~ of lk 1..arpr....~ -ad. .,..... .....,. ,,.. tk wont fll • ~ die- ~ eL
.-.c ~ .. Giit _ . , . . . . tk po.a .. 9\11. Noc.... a.ilM:~ .........
- 0 . . 'Ire- .....
Kl br • ..x ot1111c
wail» 'll>l" ~bya;pm­ ~ ..,.WC: tJI CIOMU'llUltt rohCl' OI dccnM:
CSIQt l1* 1 l...,ur •1lb no ddiuc ~· 9'ld a 6~
We &re 'lltt:t-l can-iallM,
(Clfftl&bl, wnhol.m a
r..vt.o for o..h member lit 'llXJCK. 11'c conmtutioo of rttOlt.11< w\ll 10 prcnca wti.t w care- for \t'~ 1uit rearm
•udl a E1.11oput1 Lc-quc could be n1ttmcly •lmrlc. FM 1 l11dc more, gn:wcl a Uulc
ind •-a1t •o ~ what
cu:nplc, lhc lhrcc tn.1jc)r L«a\IC l>OWt.,.., C rut, htppui.. \l'c mutttt thc OCCC!o•ll1
for Colkc:i\c ~net
fl'f!IJKC' 1od R.1.1.a;la, wou.Jd ~,·e 10 YOta each• PotanJ 11)d do tlOf ldt • fir:\C<r 10 ....hie,~ 11
Ou1 W'mftli "
md Ued16>$1unb four votitt • h t Sw!bnllod, .,_. bu1 ... 1u~
""' 11M: a~y to ..,,_,
H . _ ldp111tt tbc ~ ud. dw IWba .....,.bk le • m ti. . _ t-.i.., Fatal dusn a..
~ twe ttllft ~; Uc ..... 5ocn dd
Ow ,,..... le . . . . . . _ , *f'C"ld - illc'wMd .,...
~ . . . dda. Al Uit --Nn. -a.a --" . . om poi-a toa ...-. dqcadt - •
• tbr Mlrprdt w1udl fi:Gow, ...W b.IMI t~ w ~-l'Uf ~-Ql:~)'
•bMtt br 1 tlMifoncJ WJCc • ro 1hir r.a or tlNnloc:oct ol • h..h • I qtllld)' of .-,Q 1ftd dannaou:r
~ 1ovol' in& 1wo F.uropc:an ~· tbt appro/.tr ChurchiD undmt1Ddl 1.lut nu.I «:lrmmc of poijl..,.,
CA.. ....._ .,... c
_. .... _... _. -
* ..._
""°' -
..,,'°" 10 tvcn or imct It, 111,1 all other INttC'n.,
fullow111a Ill 1-cnenl 1he p«Kltdlltt ind prlnaple. or &he:
Wtuna: l.apt, w1tho1a4 howcvn, any •prc1k pa.tutec
ol tlX ttithU fllO· h • DOC c:tkllOll ttri.l all tbr ebpbk
powtn ~ ..S.u- Crom lite Oll1bd 11w ha tlleuld
t:ql8 llO t.<uo. ...u tar lhru .... paown ..,.
odlitn . . . WlffY tadf to ,.__
poe.KWM . . . ,.,,._, bJ thc:1-t b~
toColl«on Stalnr,., they hl'l't t diJ1)' 1• m1M t0mc t-ucb
rropoMf M th!•
9\lc thnc it- one '"IC'nl m1ncr wtucb
t1111 M,, Ch1tnbctl1111 r.ttmt 10 (Oflt°I 11.
Tix Oi~1tOll
1ppc1r much more formldtbk, eht D<mocl'ltlc
rnllC'h Im form.idabk, tlan 11tcy tully
It iii 1bc
fC\'tNJ ol tba1 poilnoo ~ •.D ~ .... dfca.i~d,
llO f'""'C'ft drc paicr. l( ...,.. to- ~ ~ a.:!ffr~
.... *"1ua-, Ice • ....,. . . 1eicU; . . titcoor . .
...,. a.. ii 9't -11 to \«fl ... tll • ~. dw ..._.,
won1' morc ~ Wt J"C'W"f i:o 'PNlC
U'c 11r Jcanu111 to bonoiu1 tMff thin rot1D(ffy tht
ld!Wvt:tn<lltt of our ~t and the O.rl\11111
they m1ut wide flnc Tbc 8111hb tnd Ftt:i>eh Sotttn· tlv\ll\lllon t.11d fu:ndimttttal ltWJ of (!Cindi.Kl whkh 1bcy
tnalU, 01.11 of rq:atd bocb to tbtlr OW!f ind cbc gcixnl tttablithfd l.11 1 MVll~ world \l'f lie KCUQ; md cnJurlna
intett'll, 111-iAI demand tfl• lt!llithtt 10 S,.U. f'l'mU, WWW thlo wWh htvt l!Olll bta .uo ancl tndur<J
40d • nqoclllCcd patt . . lhc bM.t of tlle il'ldcpcr::dcra
· - ... bca:Dt ......i: I( f t d i ~ die
of Ca~ *9d chr loqac- ~, ad,.• drc rqm ·
·~.... 911t!'dy ~ pnftaod ....-.but~
vl~Qm.....Wbc .. Cftdtl"' .......~"'
. . . . . . C'l'il twt.... nst. .... W10ICo WC" 9ml
aod I fm hallCI • 1-ruct wl&Jr. . . fl.I •llppOft. The W. .........., ud tl:a¥t ......."" . . c6f- ~
"* •