What causes and affects ‘cling’? -Rods, Cloths, Bits of Metal, Waxed Floss, Balloons, Cans -Charging & Aluminum Can Static Electricity Interactive The Physics Classroom -Balloon and Static Charge, Rutherford Scattering, John Travoltage, Build an Atom PHET Charges, Charging, Felectric, & Uelectric 1 How does electric force differ from a punch in the face? How do we draw the E-field? Charges & Fields, Electric Field Hockey PHET E-field & Potential 2 Gauss’ Law Wiley Simulation Capacitor Lab PHET Gauss’ Law, Capacitors, & Shielding 3 You are chased, which do you choose? Hot or comfortable? Resistance in a Wire PHET Battery Voltage PHET Resistors & Batteries 4 Hypothesize how voltage and resistance affect current. Circuit Construction Kit DC Virtual Lab & Ohm’s Law phet.colorado.edu Ohm’s Law 5 How do circuit properties change in series vs. parallel? Derive the ELECTRIC POWER delivered by a circuit. use analogies to help Circuit Construction Kit DC Virtual Lab & Capacitor Lab - phet Series & Parallel Circuits, Loop & Junction Rules, Power 6 Bar Magnet & Iron Filings Stream of Electrons and a Magnet Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab phet Faraday’s Law phet Magnetic Forces & Fields: Solenoids, Mass Spectrometer, MRI, Motors 7 Transformer Transformer Coil of wire and a magnet PHET simulations Magnet and copper tube Physclips - AC Circuits http://www.animations.physics.unsw.edu.au/jw/AC.html AC & Induction: Induced/Motional & Back EMF, Generators, Transformers 8 Reflection: Mirrors 9 Young’s Double Slit Diffraction, Resolving Power 10 Geometric Optics PHET Refraction, Lenses, Dispersion, Polarization, the Eye & TIR 11 M&M’s Experiment http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.edu/more_stuff/flashlets/mmexpt6.htm Radio Wave PHET Light Speed & EM Waves - Michelson & Morley, Hertz & Maxwell 12 Blackbody Radiation & Emission/Absorption Spectra 13 Photoelectric Effect Phet Quantum Wave Interference PHET Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction PHET Wave/Particle Duality: Photoelectric Effect, Diffraction, Uncertainty Principle, Scattering 14 Vtruck Simultaneity, Time Dilation, Length Contraction 15 Twin Paradox 16 Relativistic Momentum, MassEnergy, & Velocity Addition 17 Nuclear Fission PHET Fission, Fusion, & Power Plants 18 Alpha Decay PHET Beta Decay PHET Radioactive Dating Game PHET Nuclear Decay Radioactive Decay, Half-Life, Dating & Myocardial Infusion Imaging 19 General Relativity: Precession of Mercury, Lensing, Blue/Redshift, Gravity Waves 20 Standard Model & Beyond: Symmetry & Pairs, Entanglement, PET, Quantum Foam 21