':_~ 4~~ Z t..1 Page 1 ELTECH 113 Lecture (Ouiz #1, In Class) Date : Thursday, 8-29-2002 (5 :30 pm - 6 :45 pm) Instructor : Bret Allen Instructions : Select the best possible answer from each of the following thirty-five (35) multiple choice questions : 1. The smallest particle into which an element can be divided without losing its identity is the : atom b . molecule c . neutron . proton 2 . A negative charged particle of an atom is the : electron b . molecule c . neutron d . proton The like charges of two electrons will cause them to : a . attract repel c . neither attract nor repel d . cannot tell What is the most commonly used conductor in electronics? a . aluminum copper gold d . silver 5 . Electrical current is defined as the movement of which subatomic particles? electrons b . molecules c . neutrons d . protons 6. Current equals : coulombs/time b . coulombs x time c . voltage/time d . voltage x time ELTECH 113 Lecture (Quiz #1, 35-Multiple Choice Questions) Page 2 7. 8. The earliest electrical researchers believed that current flowed from a positive potential to a negative potential . This type of current flow i _ now called : a . conductance conventional . electron d . voltage Electromotive force (emf) is measured in : a . amps b . coulombs 0 volts d . watts 9. If a fluid system is compared to an electrical system, the fluid pump will correspond to a : battery b . conductor c . current d . lamp 10 . If an electrical system is compared to a fluid system, then electrical current corresponds to the : a . pressure b . pump water flow d . water wheel 11 . A burned out . a short in an open in . a short in d . an open in lamp the the the the filament will cause : lamp lamp fuse fuse 12 . When an electronic component fails due to a short circuit, the event will cause : -, an increase in current b . a decrease in current c . the current to stop flowing d . no change in the current flow 13 . If an electronic component fails by developing an open circuit, the current will : a . increase b . decrease cease d . not change ELTECH 113 Lecture (Quiz #1, 35-Multiple Choice Questions) Page 3 14 . A circuit in which current is flowing is considered : >O closed b . open c . shorted d . disconnected 15 . An a. b. --:>Q d. open circuit may be caused by a : closed switch shorted component blown fuse solder bridge 16 . The Battery symbol is : a. I -->(E) I I c . III d . IV T If in b. c. d. ti circuit resistance decreases from 10 ohms to 8 ohms, then the current the circuit will : increase decrease remain the same cannot tell .a ,.. 18 . Which of the following formulas is a form of ohm's law? a . V = I /R b. I R/V R = V/I d . V = R/I T ELTECH 113 Lecture (Quiz #1, 35-Multiple Choice Questions) Page 4 19 . If resistor voltage is 3 V with 0 .1 A flowing through it, what is the resistor value? -f' -Te IC - a . 0 . 03 ohms b . 0 .3 ohms c . 3 .0 ohms 3V _ 30 ohms T V= ->(D r 3v-D- A 20 . What electromotive force would cause 20 A of current to flow through a 500 ohm resistor? a . 0 .04 V A b . 2 .5 V c . 25 .0 V --~ ® 10, 000 V k10 C. 7- S V ~. /~, O va How much current will flow through a 1 k ohm resistor, when it is connected to a 1 .5 V battery? -~ aO. 1 . 5 mA b . 666 mA c . 666 A d . 1 .5 kA 21 . The rate at which work is performed is called : a . current b . energy --><Z) power d . voltage 22 . How much power does a resistor dissipate when a 9 V battery causes 2 A ' of current to flow through it? a . 0 .22 W (~ V ) b . 4 .5 W ) --.b'~ 18 W d . 40 .5 w 23 . ^ 24 . 25 . 8 How much current does a 1 .5 kW, 120 V heater use? a . 5 .56 ~tA b . 80 MA 12 . 5 A d . 180 kA -j- -' v ra~ v How many ohms of resistance would a 120 V, 200 W lamp filament have? a . 0 .6 ohms b_ 1 .67 ohms 72 .0 ohms d . 333 ohms 6 070V) _ ELTECH 113 Lecture (Quiz #1, 35-Multiple Choice Questions) 7 d, o Page 5 26 . What is the current flowing in this circuit? a . 3 .3 mA ® 0 .33 mA c . 33 .3 uA ~ _ - d . 3 . 3 ~tA ._-h-- eD, 33 m A V1 "' D a3 1/ ^ , eDv033 .~ 23mV R1 ~ 690hm 27 . What is the battery voltage? a. 1 V Q 0. 1 V 10 mV d . 1 mV 690hm 28 . = 0 - -Z l/oL. 7-S What is the power dissipated by the light bulb? 250 W b . 25 W c . 2 .5 W d . 250 mW ELTECH 113 Lecture (Quiz #l, 35-Multiple Choice Questions) Page 6 29 . What is wrong with this circuit? a . Nothing . b . Rl is open . Rl is shorted . d . Battery is dead . 3 .3k Oh m 30 . Which of the following is a voltage source? --->a© battery b . 1 amp c . resistor d . ground 31 . Like poles of two magnets will : a . attract repel neither attract nor repel demagnetize 32 . A good fuse will measure : zero ohms resistance b . a medium resistance c . a high resistance d . infinite resistance 33 . A circuit breaker can be used to replace a : a . battery fuse c . relay d . thermocouple ELTECH 113 Lecture (Quiz #1, 35-Multiple Choice Questions) Page 7 34 . ' If the battery will last for 256 hours, what is the battery amp-hour rating? a . 420 amp-hours b . 920 amp-hours T _ _5 c.. 1420 amp-hours 1-92 0 amp-hours 5 f 1 P- s5 A V1 75V 1 C 100hm L 35 . What a. 1 b. 3 5 d. 7 7E, ? 5-4; Ldw,4`5- N~ _ ~/yt l ~a~o f~/ytr4- l~ou~_ is the minimum value of the fuse? amp amp amp _, amp '- s U1 TS R1 260h m 5 : r2t _-mil 1 M ~~ = 5~ TNz~ s ~s /el/\/ 5 w'f2 C Ho,1CE 5 T~~ U~~ ~ S~512 3~ s~ or'' G I-vft,/ ELTECH 113 Lecture (Quiz #1, 35-Multiple Choice Questions) -END OF QUIZ #1- Lv ,:? 4 Z~0~)