KDER.E220029 Grounding and Bonding Equipment Grounding and

KDER.E220029 - Grounding and Bonding Equipment
Grounding and Bonding Equipment
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Grounding and Bonding Equipment
Se e Ge ne ral Inform ation for Grounding and Bonding Equipm e nt
34600 SO LO N R D
SO LO N, O H 44139-2631 USA
Trade m ark and/or Trade nam e :
"ER ITEC H®", "ER IC O ®", "C ADW ELD®"
Copper lay in connectors, C at. Nos. ELL4DBT, ELL4DB, EL6C EDB.
Galvanized Ground Rod, C at. No. 815780.
Ground clamps for dire ct burial, Mode l Nos. SR GC 46 and SR GC 46BR for conne ction of No. 10 solid, 8 solid and strande d, 6 solid
and strande d, 4 solid and strande d conductors to building ste e l and signal re fe re nce grids. All Mode l Nos. m ay be followe d by R or
Ground clamps for conne ction of coppe r wire to re bar Mode ls R C 70 and R C 100. All Mode l Nos. m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Ground clamp for Inte rsyste m Bonding Te rm ination, C at. No. IBTB, followe d by R or R x x .
Ground rod connectors for dire ct burial, Mode l Nos. C P12, C P34, C P38, C P58, HDC 12, HDC 34, HDC 58, HDC 58R . All Mode l Nos.
m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Ground rod coupling for dire ct burial, Mode l SC 58/C R 58. All Mode l Nos. m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Grounding clamps, for dire ct burial, C at. Nos. EHL58, EHL12F, EHL34, followe d by C or G, followe d by 1 or 2, followe d V, K, or G,
followe d by R or R x x .
Sectional ground rod kits, Mode ls C GE3C P, C GE5C P, C GE51K, C GE51G. All Mode l Nos. m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Bronze ground pipe clamp for bare wire, for m ak ing conne ction be twe e n coppe r grounding conductor, galvanize d wate r pipe ,
coppe r wate r tubing, coppe r ground rod or brass he x fittings, Size s 1/2" through 4", C at. Nos. C W P-1J, -2J, -3J, -1JSH, -2JSH,
Ground clamps, C at. Nos. C P12, C PH58R , HDC 58R , C -58, C P34, C W P 1J, C W P 2J, C W P 4J, HDC 12, C PH34, HDC 34, HDC 1.
Ground clamps, C at. No. KUL jum pe r for conne cting coppe r wire to galvanize d strand ste e l.
Ground clamps, for dire ct burial, C at. Nos. MBNC 82, MBNC 240, MBNUPC J82, MBNUPC J240, MBNC 240A.
ERITECH Grounding electrodes, C at. Nos. 6113, 6134, 6144, 6158, 6313, 6334, 6344, 6358, followe d by 00, 03, 12, 15, 18, 80,
83 or 90; C at. Nos. 2.4M12, 3.0M12, 2.4M58, 3.0M58, 2.4M34, 3.0M34, S2.4M58, S3.0M58, S2.4M34, S3.0M34. All C at. Nos. m ay
be followe d by R or R x x ; C at. Nos. 615900, 615980.
Ground clamps, for m ak ing conne ctions be twe e n 1/2 coppe r wate r tubing and 10-2 awg wire . C at. No. m ay be followe d by R or
Mode ls EK16, EK17.
Lay-in type grounding clamps, C at. Nos. EK16, EK16R , EK17, EK17R .
Ground connectors, C at. Nos. GC 064, GC 065, FC 075.
Ground connectors, two copper cables to rod/pipe, C at. Nos. FC 076DH, FC 078DH, FC 082DH.
Ground rod connectors, for dire ct burial, C at. Nos. C 12, C 58, HDC 34, HDC 58. All C at. Nos. m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Ground rod connectors, for dire ct burial, C at. Nos. SP58, SP58B916, followe d by R or R x x . Stainle ss ste e l for m ak ing conne ction
be twe e n coppe r conductors and ground rod, size s 1/2 - 5/8 in. and for size # 4 re bar.
Ground rod couplings, C at. Nos. C R -34, C R -58, C R -100, C R -12S.
KDER.E220029 - Grounding and Bonding Equipment
Ground rod kit, Part No. 605880K. C at. No. m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Sectional ground rod couplings, C at. Nos C C 12F, C C 58, C C 34. All C at. Nos. m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
C at. Nos. KC C 12F, -34, -58. All C at. Nos. m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Ground connectors, Exothermic welding systems, CA DWELD, CA DWELD PLUS, and CA DWELD Exolon. C ADW ELD de signations:
15, 25, 32, 45, 65, 90, 115, 150, 200, 250, 500.
C ADW ELD PLUS de signations: 15, 25, 32, 45, 65, 90, 115, 150, 200, 250, 300, followe d by PLUSF20.
C ADW ELD Ex olon de signations: XL15, XL25, XL32, XL45, XL65, XL90, XL115, XL150, XL200, XL250, XL300, XL400, XL500.
For Ground R od to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s GR , GT, GY, NT, NX, PG.
For Ste e l to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s HA, HS, HC , HT, VS, VB, VG, VT.
For Ground R od to Ground R od, Se rie s HD, GB.
For Paralle l Tap C able to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s PC , PT.
For Te e Tap C able to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s TA, PG.
For R e bar to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s R D, R J, R R , R C .
For Butt Splice C able to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s SS.
For C able to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s XA, XB.
For Bus Bar to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s LJ, LQ .
For Bus Bar or Lug to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s LA, LE.
For Lug to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s GL.
For Bus Bar to Bus Bar up to 645 square m m cross se ction, Se rie s BA, EP, ER .
For Aircraft Grounding R e ce ptacle to C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s R A, R B.
For Aircraft Grounding R e ce ptacle to Ground R ods, Se rie s GB.
For Aircraft Grounding R e ce ptacle to Ground R od and C able up to 250 k cm il, Se rie s GB/GR , GB/GT.
For 3/4 in. diam e te r Ground R od to Bus Bar up to 150 square m m , Se rie s C R .
All se rie s m ay be followe d by R or R x x . May be suffix e d by additional le tte rs and num be rs.
Signal reference grids C at. Nos. SR G, SR GM, followe d by A, B, C , F, G, H, followe d by A, B, C , D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, followe d by
thre e digit num be r, m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Solid Copper ground rods, C at. Nos. LPC 700, LPC 702, LPC 704, LPC 706, LPC 708, LPC 709, LPC 711, LPC 713.
Solid Stainless Steel ground rods plain, C at. Nos. 685800, 683400, 685880, 683480 and thre ade d(se ctional) C at. Nos. 685800S,
683400S, 685880S, 683480S.
Stainless Steel Braided Ground Conductors, C at Nos. 519728, 519729 and Se rie s C PI, followe d by XX which m ay be 16, 25, 35,
50, 70; followe d by YY which m ay be 50 through 5000; followe d by ZZ which m ay be 6 through 20.
Stainless Steel Couplers, C at. Nos. C R 58SS, C R 34SS, C C 58SS, C C 34SS.
Chemical grounding rods, EC R se rie s, m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Ground bar kits, C at. Nos. EGB, EPG, TGB, B54, TMGB, followe d by additional le tte rs and num be rs indicating style and
configuration, m ay be followe d by R or R x x .
Zinc alloy ground clamps, Size s 1/2 in. through 1 in. for m ak ing conne ction be twe e n coppe r grounding conductor and galvanize d
wate r pipe , coppe r wate r tubing or ground rod. C at. Nos. ZW P1J, ZW P1JR *.
Grounding connectors, Split bolt type , for use with two #6 solid AW G, C at. Nos. ESB2, ESB2R x , ESB4, ESB4R x , ESB6, ESB6R x #; for
use with two #8 str. AW G, C at. Nos. ESB8, ESB8R x #.
Bronze ground pipe clamps for bare wire, for m ak ing conne ction be twe e n coppe r grounding conductor, galvanize d wate r pipe ,
coppe r wate r tubing or coppe r ground rod. Size s 1/2 in. through 6 in. Also for ste e l re bar size s 5 and 6. For dire ct burial in e arth
and concre te . C at. No. C W P1JUR *.
Bronze ground pipe clamps for bare wire, for m ak ing conne ction be twe e n coppe r grounding conductor, galvanize d wate r pipe ,
coppe r wate r tubing or coppe r ground rod. Size s 1/2 in. through 6 in. C at. Nos. C W P2JU, C W P2JUR * for dire ct burial.
Grounding lugs, C at. Nos. EL6C S, EL6C S8, EL6C SNH, EL6C SDBNH.
Grounding lugs, for dire ct burial, C at. Nos. EL6C SDB, EL6C SDB8, EL6C SDBNH.
Grounding Clamp for use with braids, C at. No. C C R 608SF.
Grounding assembly kits, C at. Nos. C C R 6101J1616, C C R 6102J1616, C C R 6101J1632, C C R 6102J1632.
Se rie s FS followe d by 016; followe d by XXXX, which m ay be 0100 through 5000; followe d by A, B, C or D; followe d by A, B, C or D;
followe d by 065 or 085.
KDER.E220029 - Grounding and Bonding Equipment
Grounding Braids, Se rie s MBJ followe d by 6, 10, 16, 25, 30, 35, 50, 70 or 100; followe d by XXXX -, which m ay be 0100 through
5000; followe d by 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25 or 30; m ay be followe d by R or R x x , Se rie s PBC R followe d by 6, 10, 16, 25, 30, 35,
50, 70 or 100; followe d by XXXX ,- which m ay be 0100 through 5000; followe d by 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25 or 30; m ay be
followe d by R or R x x .
Grounding buses, C at. Nos. TDSGABC 14, TDSGAU14, TDSGAW B17, TDSGAPA14, TDSGAPC 14.
# "R x " Suffix is alte rnate pack aging option with quantity "x ".
* The "R " suffix is for an alte rnate pack aging option.
Last Update d on 2013-09-20
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