J12 GENERAL ENCLOSURE ACCESSORIES A D A P T E R P L AT E S • R E L AY R A C K A N G L E K I T WA21ABA WA22BAP WARAK24 F E AT U R E S - S P E C I F I C AT I O N S O P E R AT O R A D A P T E R P L AT E S BLANK ADAPTER P L AT E S R E L AY R A C K A N G L E K I T ( F O R WA L L M O U N T S ) • Used on all Wiegmann disconnect enclosures with universal flange cutouts • An operator adapter plate is required to install a disconnect in all Wiegmann enclosures with a universal cutout on pages F31, F35, F36, F37, F38, F39, F43, F44 • Operator adapters include an adapter plate and additional parts used to interlock the master door with the disconnect operating mechanism. Panel drilling and installation instructions are furnished with each adapter • Each brand and type of disconnect requires a different operator adapter. It is important to select the proper operator adapter and enclosure for the disconnect that you have selected • Used to cover flange cutouts in disconnect enclosures when disconnects are not installed. This greatly increases the versatility of the disconnect enclosures enabling them to also be used as regular Type 12 enclosures • Wiegmann blank adapter plates are made from heavy gauge steel, with oil-resistant gasket to maintain the dust-tight and oil-tight qualities of the enclosure • All blank adapter plates are painted ANSI 61 gray polyester powder • All necessary mounting hardware and instructions are included • For NEMA 12, NEMA 4 and NEMA 412 wall mount enclosures. Designed for mounting 19 inch rack mounted equipment in 24 inch wide enclosures. Small holes are pre-tapped at 10-32 • To install, drill holes in side of enclosure and bolt angles in place • Sealing washers are also provided to maintain original NEMA rating after installation • Finish is white B L A N K A D A P T E R P L AT E S CATALOG NUMBER TYPE OF OPERATOR ADAPTER WA 2 1 B A P Blank adapter for universal cutouts on pages F31, F35, F36, F37, F38, F39, F43, F44 WA 2 2 B A P Blank adapter for enclosures on page F17 WA 3 4 5 6 B A P Blank adapter for single door wall-mount enclosures on pages F3, F7, F21 O P E R AT O R A D A P T E R P L AT E S CATALOG NUMBER TYPE OF OPERATOR ADAPTER WA 2 1 A B A Allen-Bradley 1494F and 1494D WA 2 1 A B VA Allen-Bradley 1494V WA 2 1 C H VA C u t l e r- H a m m e r C 3 6 1 , C 3 7 1 a n d C371 Flex Shaft™ WA 2 1 C H VA ABB Controls WA 2 1 G E T DA General Electric STDA WA 2 1 I T E I - T- E M a x - F l e x ™ WA 2 1 S DA Square D Class 9422, (variable depth and cable mechanism) WA 2 1 W H A C u t l e r H a m m e r / We s t i n g h o u s e S M R E L AY R A C K A N G L E K I T CATALOG NUMBER ANGLE LENGTH “L” DESCRIPTION WA R A K 2 4 23.63 (600) Tw o A n g l e s WA R A K 3 0 29.63 (753) Tw o A n g l e s WA R A K 3 6 35.63 (905) Tw o A n g l e s Standard E.I.A. Spacing D & T 10-32 D ATA S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W I T H O U T N O T I C E