Direct method for calculation of AC side harmonics and interharmonics in an HVDC system L.Hu and L.Ran Abstract: AC side current harmonics in an HVDC system arc shown to be dependent on the commutation overlap and thc DC side ripple. Interharmonics exist when the AC networks operate at different frequencies. An analytical inethod is proposed to reprcscnt such effects in the AC sidc harmonic calculation. The algorithm does not require iteration between the AC and D C sides. Thc rcsult obtained using the analytical method is verified using time domain simulation. 1 Introduction There is sustained interest in studying harmonic generation in HVDC systems. On the AC side, harmonics in the quasi-square current waveform arc well known [I]. It has been shown that close coupling exists between the HVDC system and the AC network, which should be includcd in ia harmonic load flow study [2, 31. Other studies havc shown the effects of AC supply unbalance, jittering of firing angle and commutation overlap due to harmonics, and network asymmetry [4-71. The modulation theory has been used i n harmonic studies of HVDC systems [8, 91. Using switching functions which describe the convcrter state, the harmonic current on the AC side and the voltage on the D C side are calculated. Thc advantages of a modulation-theory-based method include an insight into thc mechanism of liarmonic generation and the casc of iniplenienlation. The accuracy of such a method is usually low since the switching runctions are often simplified a s being quasi-square with the commutation overlap ignored. The D C side ripple could be accounted for by iteration, which however makes tlic method complicated to apply, and the accuracy is still limited, A phenomenon associated with some HVDC systems is the interharmonics when the AC networks operatc at dirferent frequencies. The modulation theory has also bccn uscd to investigale the mechanism giving rise to interharmonics which feature non-integer harmonic ordcrs [IO, 1 I]. Existing methods need improvement in accuracy and are not yet suitablc for direct calculation. If harmonics or intcrharmonics are to be calculated directly without iteration, it is essential to properly represent all parts of the system. This paper improves the modulation analysis of the AC harmonics and interharmonics in an HVDC system. A direct AC side method is proposed with the coinmulation overlap included. It is assumed that the overlap is known 0IEE,2 W IEE P ~ o c ~ ~ ~ ~oiiliiic d i i & no. s 2CHXKIh68 DOf 10.1049/ip-gld:2DOM)668 I'ap first irceived 301h Scplcinbcr 1999 kind iii rcviscd Ibmi 27th April 2000 I..Hu is with Ilic Business Innovation CciilIc, SlafFordshirc, S r12 OAR, IJK 1.Ran is wit11 1112 School of Engineering, Univcrsily of Nortlioinb~iatit Ncwcastle, NE1 BST, UK when describing the method. Calculation or this operating parameter is discussed regarding its correlation with the harmonics. Harmonics and intcrharmonics associated with the constant DC currcnt and its ripplc are analysed to illustratc that diffcrcnt AC and D C side iinpcdanccs should be used in different cases. The calculation results arc compared with timc-domain simulation for the CICKE HVDC benchmark system. / Fig. 1 t vac;:av v v v v v v v v v v v (t) ~ <im/;,riw~i~ioii o/ iiii ~ ~ ~. t\ ~~ ~ ~ ~ j Vac2_abc(t) ~~ ~~ f i V / K : iimi,oiiiarioii . S J N W ~ ~ 2 Generation and different types of AC side harmonics Fig. I shows thc configuration or an I-IVDC systcni. First, let LIS considcr that the AC networks at both cnds operate at the same frcqucncy so that interharmonics will not be gcnerated. Although thc final calculation is dircctly carried out on the AC side, it is illustrative to considcr that the AC side currcnt is the modulation product of the DC side current icci (!) with the current switching functions sil,,(t). Phase '(I' a t the sending end is uscd a s an example. GLCILO(h) = %-n(t)iCkl(t) (1) With commutation overlap, the current switching ftl'utiction for a 6-pulse converter is shown in Fig. 2. When the pliase undcr consideration is not conducting, thc function is zero. When the phase is conducting the whole DC current, the function is + I or --I depending on the current direction. During commutation while the current is transited, thc switching function is determined by the varying current conducted by this phase [I]. The switching function is defined by two operating parameters of the HVDC system: the liring-clclay angle rx and the overlap anglc LI. These can be estimated 1Pom thc load condition [ I , 5 , 121. The Fourier series of the switching fLu1ction is shown in the Appendix (Scction 1 I). The DC current is represented a s shown in Fig. 3. The D C voltage is determined using the phase voltages and 329 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ vollagc switching runctions. At the sending end, 'U& I (t) = S,, I ( t )U n c i ( t )+ S + .%I-C(~'),[)acl il J -0 ( t) l J a d_b (t) -<:(/,I - '/' - S,l-nhc(t)2),,l-n6c(t) (2) where , ~ , , ~ - ( , / ~ ~and ( f ) v,,.l~~,~jc(t) are column vectors of thc switching fhctions and phase voltages, respectively. The voltage switching function is shown in Fig. 4 for phase 'N'. During commutation, the DC bus potential equals the voltage average of the two phases involvcd; the switching function is 1/2 or -ID. current switching function is an operation from the D C side to the AC side, whereas the voltagc switching function is from the AC side to the D C side. Both switching futictions can be denoted as the sum of the fundamcntal and harmonic components. For the 12-pulse configuration, some Fouricr temis will be cancelled and others doublcd. The remaining terms are of the 12k f 1 hannonic order. Therefore the switching functions can be expressed as . s i I _ n ( t ) = 2.5il-a-I ( t )+ 2 1 ,~zl_aLlzk*l ( t ) (3) k T l , 2 , 3 , . .. .StJI-a(t) + = 2,9?>lLd(t) 2 S~>lLaJ2k+l(t) (4) k=l , 2 , 3 , .. . whcre s i l and l(t) are the fundamental components wh%Feas s i l 12kbl(~) and ,s,,~ 12/<+l(t)the harmonic components for 6-pulsc converter.-The constant voltage component in ~ ~ / ~ ,is( tmainly ) the modulation result of .svl~ohc~l(t)and vciClc,/,c(t).Thc D C voltages at both ends of the line produce a constant current, which is modulated by the currenl switching function to givc the fhdamental AC currenl and the inherent harmonics. Harmonics are also gencrated in the D C voltage by modulating s y l a/jc 12k*l(t) with Y , , ~f,/lc(l). ~ The results are at the 12th, 24th, Ibth, 48th ctc. harmoi?ic ordcrs, and D C current ripplc will then result. Modulated back to thc AC side, such DC ripple will add to thc harmonics at the Ilth, 13th, 23rd and 25th etc. ordcrs. Combining voltagc and current-switching functions, Table I detincs the different types of components in the AC side current. This paper next addresses such components and the methods to calculate than directly. For thc conveniencc of calculation, the following analysis will be inaiiily in the frequency domain. (i (( 3 AC current components corresponding to constant DC current The fundamental and inherent AC harmonics arc proportional to the constant DC current which is driven by the voltage difference across the HVDC transmission line. The constant component of the converter D C voltage is calculated using fundamental voltage-switching functions and the supply phase voltages. At the sending cnd, whcre L, I is a rotating vector representing s y 1 I(t), while Po,; represents vCaI (,(f). It can be arbihiirily assumed that both vectors iotate in the anti-dockwisc direction. The time-domain signal is the projection of the rotating vector on lhe horizonlal axis. Other vectors are similarly defined. Mathematical opcration on such rotating (I Fig.4 ~~~/iri~~-.s~i~ii~/~i~~,~,/~iiici~~~i~ The switching functions also apply to a 12-pulse configuration which is assumed in the following description. The Table 1: Components in the AC-side current sd t) Fundamental Harmonic Fundamental S r a b c J ( t ) v a ~ c ( f ) :constant DC current ld, AC side current: fundamental component Sv-abc-12kl '(dVd,c(t): DC current ripple idc-q2k(t) AC side current: major associated harmonics SiLabc-l(t)/dc SiLabc-I ( t)k/cdc12k( t) Harmonic AC side current: inherent harmonics AC side current: minor associated harmonics S i a b c ~ 1 2 k(t)idc-12h( ~l 8 SI( t) vab,(t) SiLabc_12k~l(t)/dc 330 IEF P,or.-Gorer. Tramm />i.slri/>.. V d 147, No. 6 , N o v i n b o . 2000 vectors follows the complex number convention; 1 is the conjugate of S,,, Every term in eqn. 5 is cf6rkcd from a modulation product in the time domain. For cxiimple, Svl (, I P,,1. I , is derived as follows regarciing a 12-pu1se converter-configtiration. (i 2S"l-@_l(t)7J<><,L@(t) + = 2C,l_l cos(w1t O7,I-LVlcos(w1t + $1) = c , , ~ l v l [ c o s ( ~- I& - I )+c:os(2Ldlt+$Jl +&L1)1 (6) The first tenn corresponds to tlie A,,l (, I V,,(,-,, when considered in the frequency domain, whG& the second term spins to zero a,mong tlie balanced tlircc phascs. 3,,1-~,-1 V,,,.,-,,, V,,,,-/, and I P(,cl-c are equal because the phase voltage and thc fun&iiiicntal switching function are phase shifted by the same angle. The voltage at the receiving end oT the DC line can be expressed in the same way. The efrccl or commutation reactance has already been incliidcd in the voltage-switching function [I]. In calculating tlie constant DC currcnt, the DC-side network is a resistance Rch.. Considering that the rectifier and inverter arc connected in opposite polarities with respect to the DC line, the D C line current can be allculated as si,,-,,-,, Thus the fundamental AC current can bc dcrivcd in a matrix format for both ends. When large smoothing inductance is applied, the DC current is close to its average value and the ripple can be ignored. In such a case, the inherent harmonics shown in eqn. 9 will give good accuracy. Tlie above analysis shows that, given switching fhictions, tlie inherent harmonics can be analysed on the AC side directly. Tlie switching fiinctions can be expressed in the systeiii-volkigc phase angle, firing angle ancl coniniukition overlap a s shown in the Appendix (Section I I), which ftirthcr specifies tlie cquations. Associated harmonics due to DC current ripple 4 When the ripple in thc DC current is large, the additional A C current harmonics could be fotind tising cqn. I, however the D C current ripple is unknown. The AC side harmd DC side ripple are physically the S a m currcnl viewed from dilTcrent sidcs or thc convertcr. It is possible to calculate the additional A C currcnt harmonics directly. The harmonics oftlie voltagc and current switching ftinctions are grouped in pairs. Viewed from the DC side, the D C current ripple is related to the harmonics in the DC volvage. Thc I2ktli l~ariiionic:voltage is due to modulating the supply voltagc with the (12k * I)th Iiariiionic pair in the voltage switching function. The D C side 12kth harinonic current can he cxpressed a s follows for tlic sending end: IdcI-lSi, = 31/1I _Iai, (SW I -&-I where Sil I represents the hndamcntal current switching I is function IbT phase '(I' at the sending end, whcrcas Si* <,~ for tlie receiving end. Eqn. 8 implies a two-port model for the HVDC system. Since the voltage and current arc hotli on the AC side, such a model can be combincd with the AC systems to solve for the ftindamenlal AC current. This is illustrated iii Fig. 5 with the admittance matrix dcfined by eqn. 8. Depending on the DC-side resistance and switching functions, each admittance clement is a constant complex number. Tlie admiltancc matrix provides a relationship governing the amplitudes and phase angles of the voltages and currents. etjrl-T( jacl_a_l I $ system sending HVDC system ~~ Ai + IV<UI -0 ) where YIl imd Y12 are tlie admittance elements in the DC network matrii at thc 12kth harmonic l'rcquency. Modulation operation in thc hrackets is to derive the harmonic voltages at the sending and receiving ends of the DC line. Contributions from thc three phascs are equal. When the DC current ripple is modulated back to the A C side using the rundaincntal current switching function, harmonics of 12k I orders result. They are of the major associated harmonics shown in Table I . For the (12k + l)th A C harmonic, L (. I -<,-I2 k + I = s i 1 -a-1 L i r I - 1 Zk Vac2-a One of our purposes is to derive the inherent harmonics in the AC sick current. Since tlic rclationship hetwecn thc A C current and the switching function is a simple gain. they are obtained by scaling thc current switching function to give the same fundamental currcnt as calculated in the above equivalent circuit. t ' r , i ~ c - ( ; c ~ i i er^ 1-0 +- SZ,I - I @system receiving end Fig. 5 ~iinlu~nurnoliiil,~~~c~ii~ii~~ rnolwtkl o / the Hvnr /inold< IEE I iacz-a-1 admittance matrix defined by eqn. 8 Vac1-a ah Di.stri/~.,Vol. /47, A'o 6. Noaciiiho. 21jljO Viewed from the AC side, tlic current ripple is driven by voltc~gc sources which are the DC harmonic vollagcs modulated to the A C side using tlic ctirrent switching runclion. On the AC side, the current ripple will cxpcricncc impcdiiiice or the network, and the DC and AC circuits should be solved simultaneously. Corresponding to eqn. 1 1, Fig. 6 shows an equivalent circuit for the iixijor associated AC harmonic. The AC networks at both ends are single-phase models at the 12ktli harmonic frequency. Normally two 331 phases of a 6-pulse bridge arc conducting and each phasc presents harmonic impedance to the D C currcnt ripple. When the AC network is represented in a singlc phasc, it thus sees half of the DC side impedance. The whole DC network is represented as the 'intemal' impedance of the harmonic voltage sourcc, with all the impcdancc scaled down by a ratio of 2. The referrcd source voltages arc +SuLa-i2k+l V a c L a ) Val:2-a_12k+l = (12) 3 ' -si1 -a-l (Su2.n-lPk--J 2 L o +So2-n-l2k+1 Vac2-o) (13) On condition that switching functions are based on real delay angles and overlaps, the above calculation does not need to be itcrativc. The only approximation is that, in deriving the AC network model, two phases arc assumed lo be conducting, whereas actually all three phases are conducting during commutation. Vacl_a_12kil Fig. 6 *- vac2_a_12k+1 ,!Qiiiwleii/ cixuhfiv //v iiiigor uvsociii/<d/ i w i i o i i i r The major associated harmonic at the (12k ~. I)th ordcr can be similarly derived using an equivalent circuit. However, as it is associated with the Samc D C current ripplc i,,ci12k, it can be directly calculated once I<,(I ', 12k+l is obtained. Comparison shows that the pair oT aGociated harmonics is of tlie same amplitude but different phasc angles. Therefore the harmonic current at each characteristic frcquency may be contributed from diffcrent modulation mechanisms. The calculation is performed in the frequency domain with correct phase angles, so that the total harmonics in the AC sidc current can be obtained using superposition. The phase difference betwecn two AC systems will affect the D C currcnt ripple and thus the AC-side harmomcs. An HVDC system is usually regardcd as a currcnt harmonic sourcc on the AC side [ I , 131. However, the above analysis shows that the harmonics associated with the D C current ripple should not bc simply considered as such, because the ripplc depcnds on the AC-side impedance. It is appropriate to represent thc HVDC system as a voltage harmonic source with internal impedance of the DC network. This is advantagcous when the DC-side harmonic impedance is low, thus the DC current ripple is largc, e.g. in some back to back schemes and systems with sub-sca cables [13]. 5 Calculation of the interharmonics The above analysis can be extended to the case when thc two AC nctworks operatc at different frequencies. The switching functions at the two ends will have different fundamental and harmonic frequencics. The calculation of the inhcrcnt AC side harmonics corresponding to the constant DC current is the same as in Section 3, but the DC ripple is differcnt and contains harmonic components or both systen1 frequencies. Intcrharmonics at one cnd are always related lo the ripple associated with tlie D C voltage harmonics at the other end [IO, It]. Becausc the harmonic frequencies are different at the two terminals of thc DC network, they have to he calculated separately. ........................... HVDC system 'acl_a-l2k+l DCneiwork "acl~qiZk+l Fig.7 /?quiiri/etit ciwuii ~ J ; , =!= - /he F hconioiiir cowevpn,nr/infito dip DC ciiweiit rQip/e,/roiii /lie smw e i d The same method can be used to calculate the major associated harmonics at the rcceiving end directly from its current switching function and the sending cnd results obtained from Fig. 6. For each ripplc frequency on the DC side, only one equivalent circuit nccds to be solved. In addition to thc major associated harmonics, the DC current ripple can also modulate with the harmonics of the currcnt switching runction to cause minor associatcd harmonics on the AC side. The D C current ripplc is unchanged, so the AC networks should still be represented at the same frequency a s for the DC side network. Considcr the components of the current switching function at orders 12n + I, the minor associated AC harmonics arc or the orders 12k + 12n t 1 and 12k 12n + I,and can be calculated using an cquivalcnt circuit similar to Fig. 6. Altcrnativcly, they can bc directly calculated from - ~ O C I ~ < ! ~ l 2 Ik. + I n c l ~ n _ 1 2 k i - ( . L 2 7 L ~= l) silLa_1271il ' ' StI-n-1 L,l-a-l2k+l (15) Consider the sending end: Fig. 7 shows the equivalent circuit used to calculatc the AC sidc hai-tnonics associatcd with the D C current ripple caused by the vohage harinonics o l the same end. The harmonics are of characteristic frequencies of tlie sending system and are not interharmonics. Corresponding to a DC-side harmonic number of 12k, the frequency which is uscd to dctermine tlie sending end AC network (single phase), D C network and recciving end AC network (siaglc phase) is where j'i is the fundamental frequcncy at the sending end. The harmonic voltage source in the equivabnt circuit for the AC-side harmonic ordcr 12k + 1 is the same as in eqn. 12. This corresponds to the major associated harmonics, which can then be used to calculate ininor associated harmonics, as shown in cqns. 15 and 16. Intcrharinonics at the AC side of the sending cnd arc caused by the ripple associated with thc DC voltagc harmonics of the rcceiving end. Fig. 8 shows the equivalent circuit for calculation. Thc AC and D C nctworks are now dcterinined by the harmonic frequency of the receiving system, which is shown below. The voltage source is referred I I X P~.o.-CCW Tror,s,ii. I ~ ~ . D b f r M . . Vol. 147. No. 6. Nosonlm 2000 to the sending end whcrc thc intcrharmonics are calculated. The current switching function of the sending end is used. where J; is the fundamental frequency at the rccciving cnd. Depending on the switching lunctions of both ends, the voltage source will be at interharmonic frequencies. A siniilar proccdurc can be applied to derive intcrharmonics at the receiving end. The AC and DC nctworks should be appropriately represented, a s shown in this paper. laclLa~i2k+l \ \ \\ ' , ' / DCnetwork I 111)system receiving end - "ac2~a~12k+i Fig.8 Equiinlwit circuitJijr [lie iiwrliiivtiiuiiii Interaction between harmonics and overlap The mcthod has so far bccn described based on the assumption that the commutation overlap is known. If the DC current is small, the overlap can be easily estiinatcd using the average DC current [I]. Alternatively, a measured overlap angle can bc used in online calculation. In either case, the method proposed is applied without iteration. Commutation generally takes placc whcn the D C current is at a minimum. When the DC ripple is large, the harmonics to be calculated will allect the overlap. In order to achieve high accuracy, an iterative proccdtirc is necessary to calculate this operating parameter. The method proposcd in this paper can be implemcnteed in each step of the itcration, in which the A C and DC sides are always proccsscd simultaneously. Given the overlap, the proposed method will readily produce the AC harmonics and liencc ii DC ripple, and the estimated overlap can then be updated. Other methods ciin also bc developed to calculatc the ovcrlap [5, 141. 7 I HVDC system sending end 6 400011 . . . . . . . ~ - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :--- ' current control is applied to the rectilier to givc an average D C currcnt of 1800A. A fiindamental load flow study gives the operating parameters, as shown in Table 2. Fig. 9 shows the simulated A C current; commutation overlap is evident. Table 3 compares the calculated harmonics at the sending end with simulation, and close agreement is observed. Table 3 also shows the erfect ofchaiigiag the sending-end commutation overlap by 10%, assuming that the constant DC current is unchanged. The mcthod can be applied to account for system uncertainties. Verification of the proposed method Two studies are performed to verify the proposed method: the CIGRE Bcnchmark HVDC system, and a 49Hd51 Hz asynchronous interconnection. In each case, the steadystate waveforms of the AC side current are obtained using the SABER simulator and an FFT is applied to obtain the harmonic content. The results are compared with those calculatcd using the analytical method, which is iniplenientccd in MATLAB. Details of the 12-pulsc, monopolar ClGRE Bcnchmark HVDC system can bc found in [12]. At the rccciving end, the extinction angle of the inverter is set to 18". Constant Table 2: Operating parameters of the HVDC system (case 1) Parameter Sending end Receiving end AC side phase voltage, 187.7kV LO",50Hz 140.8kV L40". 50Hz RMS Firing-delay angle 10.28" 137.2' Commutation overlar, 23.46" 14.8" -400011 0.760 0.765 Fig.9 I I 0.770 0.775 0.780 0.785 0.790 0.795 0.800 time, s . S i i i i i i b t ~ ~ ( l / l ~ . \ciirvent i~le (mw I ) Table 3: Harmonic components of the sending-end AC-side current (case I ) Harmonic Simulation Calculation Overlap, +IO% Overlap, -10% Ist, 50Hz 1723.3A 1719.31A 1721.30A 1719.11A 11th. 550Hz 59.84A 62.72A 50.97A 75.69A 13th, 650Hz 37.81A 38.51A 29.67A 49.32A 23th. 1150Hz 15.96A 14.62A 12.97A 14.73A 25th. 1250Hz 13.5A 14.41A 10.78A 15.74A 3.95A 35th. 1750Hz 5.30A 5.60A 6.08A 37th. 1850Hz 5.20A 5.85A 5.39A 4.12A 47th. 2350Hz 1.53A 1.89A 3.07A 3.60A 49th, 2450Hz 1.56A 1.52A 3.11A 2.17A In the second study, the ClGRE system is modified to show interharmonics. It is assumed that the sending system operates at 49 N x whereas the receiving system opemtes at 5 I Hx. The I .OH DC induct" is rcduccd to a quarter. This results in a higher DC current ripple. Fig. 10 shows the simulated DC current at the sending sidc. The peak lo peak ripple is ovcr 55A; about 3'%, and a complex modulation effect is seen. 1840 11 I Fig. I 1 shows the AC-side current waveroms at the sending and receiving ends. T a b b 4 shows the calcukated harmonics at the sending end as coinpared with the simulation. In order to achieve the required frequency resolution, the simulation waveform was sampled over 1s. Harmonics and interharmonics at the receiving end can bc similarly calcukaled. Table 4 compares amplitude only. The phase angle can be verified by reconstructing the current waveform from its harmonic content. Fig. 12 shows the reconstructed waveforms, which should be compared with Fig. 11. tcms because the filters become lcss effective. The distribution of harmonics and interharmonics in the AC network can be subsequently calculated. Conclusions 8 This paper presents an improved method of calculating the AC side hannonics and intcrhainionics in an HVDC system. Equivalent circuits are obtained from the modulation theory. The switching functions employed are derived from the actual commutation process so that the effects of the commutation overlap are included. Using the proposed method, calculation is carried out on the AC side directly, without iteration with the D C side. The algorithm is implemented in MATLAB. The accuracy of the method has been verified using time-domain simulation. The proposed method provides further insight into the mechanism of harmonic generation in an HVDC system. It allows powcr system engineers to predict the effects on harmonics and intcrharmonics when the system conditions are changed. 9 0.770 0.775 0.780 0.785 0.7’90 0.795 0.800 time. s S i a l r t i w r m /r?ac 2) 0.760 0.765 Fig. 11 Table 4: Harmonics/interharmonics of the sending-end ACside currents (case 2) Frequency Modulation terms Simulation Calculation 12f1-11f1,etc. 1720.89A 1721.30A 539Hz Ilfl, 12f1-f1,etc. 60.24A 61.99A 563Hz 12f2- fIr etc. 637Hz 13f1, 12f1+ fi, etc. 49Hz f1, 12f2+ fl, etc. 661 Hz 1127Hz 23f1, 24f1 - fl! etc. 1175Hz 244 - fl, etc. 1225Hz 254, 24f1 + fl, etc. 1273Hz 1715Hz 2.78A 2.92A 38.95A 40.72A 2.51A 2.88A 16.13A 15.44A 3.36A 3.85A 13.61A 13.53A 24f2 + f,, etc. 3.26A 3.82A 35f1. 36f1 - f1, etc. 5.24A 6.04A 1813Hz 37f1, 36f1 + 4 , etc. 5.04A 5.46A 2303Hz 47f1. 48f1 - 4, etc. 1.56A 2.29A 2401Hr 49f1. 486 + f,, etc. 1.59A 2.01A -4000 I 0 Fig.12 I 0.01 Xaori,s~v,,.um/ AC 0.02 time, s 0.03 The authors would like to thank Prof. R.E. Morrison for his advice. 10 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 References KIMBARK, E.W.: ‘Direct currcnt transmission - vol. 1’ wilcy Interscicncc, New York, 1971) pp, 295-327, pp. 71-123 XIA, D., and HEYDT, G.T.: ‘Harmonic power flow studies, part I Formulation and solution’,EEIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETr1ifl.Y. P u n w A p p v Syst., 1982, 102, (6), pp, 1257-1265 XIA, D., and HEYDT, G.T.: 'Harmonic power flow studies, parl I1 implcnienlation and praclical application’, 1 S y ~ t . ,1982, 102, (6), pp. 12661270 WOOD, A.R., and ARRILLAGA, J.: ‘The frequency dependent impedance of an HVDC convcrlcr’, IEEE Ti”. Poii:er Deliv., 1995, 140, (6), pp. 1635-1641 WOOD. A.R., and ARRILLAGA, J.: ‘HVDC converter waveform dislorlion: a fscqucncy domain analysis’, IEE Pruc. Gmer. Trmrm.,1995, 142, (I), pp. 88-96 XIA, D., SHEN, Z . , and LlAO, Q.: ‘Solution of noncharacteristic liarmonics caused by multiple factors in HVDC transmission systcms’. 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Nov‘mher 2OlNJ and for the voltage switching function, f I)($ 1 /, -) 2 is the phasc of the AC side voltagc, a is thc firing delay angle aiid LI is thc coninititation ovcrlap. Oi,_ljk+l = (Gk: - <V - 335