2014 Gas Outlook Natural Gas Supply, Demand, Capacity and Prices in the Pacific Northwest Projections through October 2023 This report, compiled by the Northwest Gas Association (NWGA) and its members, provides a consensus industry perspective of the Pacific Northwest’s current and projected natural gas supply, demand, prices and delivery capabilities through 2023. The Pacific Northwest in this case includes British Columbia (BC) and the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Additional information, including white papers on specific natural gas topics, can be found at www.nwga.org. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 1 What’s New From scarcity to abundance, the transformation of North America’s energy landscape is remarkable. Our ability to extract The Pacific Northwest, ideally positioned between two prolific natural gas producing areas, is already that can power our economy reaping the benefits of this profuse gas supply. with less of the carbon pollution Manufacturers and other large natural gas consumers that causes climate change.” are considering locating or expanding in the region, – President Barack Obama, 2014 Because of energy resources derived from shale, spurred by access to low-cost supply. Likewise, State of the Union Address North America now has the potential to realize regional electrical utilities are taking advantage of this hydrocarbons (e.g., oil, natural gas, propane, butane, etc.) from shale rock formations deep underground is creating supplyside shocks that reverberate across global energy markets. its long-sought goal of energy independence. economical, cleaner-burning fuel, proposing natural In the meantime, projected long-term low gas-fired plants as one means to reduce greenhouse prices of these resources are attracting gas emissions and achieve environmental objectives. capital and infrastructure for a U.S.-based The long-range affordability of natural gas continues industrial renaissance and spurring to drive this shift in thinking about the role of natural investment in rapidly developing natural gas in our region’s environment and economy. While gas transportation options. At the same prices are higher than a year ago, natural gas remains time, energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. have been reduced to a level not seen in more than a decade, in part because of increased substitution of natural gas for coal in power generation.1 an energy value especially when compared to its price levels of just five years ago and to the current price of substitute fuels. Then, expectations were that natural gas prices would range between $7 and $10 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf ), or dekatherm (Dth)2, U.S. EIA, Monthly Energy Review - U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Energy Consumption, November 2013 An Mcf is a volumetric measure. A Dth is a measure of energy content representing one million British Thermal Units (Btu). While the energy content of a Mcf varies according to a variety of factors, it is roughly equivalent to a Dth (typically 0.95 to 1.05 Dth per Mcf ). For this study, volumetric measures (thousand, million and billion cubic feet; Mcf, MMcf, Bcf ) are used interchangeably with energy measures (dekatherm, thousand dekatherm, million dekatherm; Dth, MDth, MMDth). 1 2 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S “[Natural gas is] the bridge fuel O U T L O O K “Since 2000, the oil and gas sector has spent more on low and zero-carbon technologies than the federal government and all other industries combined. Since 1990, the industry has invested more than $250 billion toward improving the environmental performance of its products, facilities and operations.” – Jack Gerard, CEO, American Petroleum Institute, 2014 State of American Energy 2 and would only increase over time. Today, the U.S. Energy coal-fired power generation (i.e. Boardman, Centralia) with North America’s new reality of affordable, Information Administration (EIA) projects that the average natural gas. abundant natural gas requires new thinking Another new element, added to the Infrastructure and visionary policies. Many existing natural section, is a comparison and brief analysis of the preferred gas regulations were developed during a time represent a modest uptick across most sectors, reflecting resource acquisition strategies dictated by the respective when natural gas was perceived to be scarce generally better economic conditions (see 2014 Regional integrated resource plans (IRP) of each NWGA member and market fundamentals were different than Economic Outlook, on p. 12). Industrial demand appears to company. Assembling and locating this information centrally be perking up while gas use for generating electricity shows in the Outlook study will help to inform the respective Policymakers, local communities, natural the most rapid growth rate among the sectors. Interestingly, NWGA member company planning processes and other gas utilities and customers must collaborate while growth rates are the same or higher than in the 2013 stakeholders. to facilitate the creation of new markets annual price of natural gas won’t exceed $7 before 2035. The demand growth projections in this 2014 Outlook Outlook, actual volumes projected for the residential and Finally, gas companies utilize a number of assumptions they are today. and demand for this increasingly important to help understand their resource requirements and plan fuel source. We all stand to gain if we make their systems accordingly. Identifying extreme but plausible investments and update our policies now to Study. To better capture anticipated but not-yet-planned-for weather conditions is a critical part of satisfying their realize the full potential of a natural gas- regional demand, the Demand section includes a couple obligation to serve core customers (residential, commercial fueled future. of reasonable future demand scenarios. The first is a more and firm industrial consumers). Appendix B provides a matrix For more information, visit www. aggressive regional response by existing and new industrial summarizing some of the key planning assumptions of the fuelingthefuture.org. consumers to lower and more stable natural gas prices. The region’s natural gas utilities. generation sectors are lower. Readers will notice a few new features in this Outlook second scenario examines the effect of replacing existing N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 3 Executive Summary Based on analysis of our members’ data, we have arrived at a reasonable projection of what the natural gas market may look like in the Pacific Northwest over the next 10 years. Here are our key conclusions and some of the issues we are following closely. Supply Prices Demand Key Conclusions Key Variables Key Conclusions Key Variables Key Conclusions t 5IFFOPSNJUZPG/PSUI America’s natural gas resource, made available by extracting hydrocarbons from shale rock formations deep underground, is fundamentally changing the energy landscape. t 5IFEFWFMPQNFOUPGOFX or improved production technologies and techniques. t 4QPUBOEGVUVSFTQSJDFT rebounded in 2013 but continue to reflect an abundance of North American natural gas. t 8IFUIFSGVUVSFSFHVMBUJPOT add to the cost of production or limit access to reserves. t 8IJMFHSPXUISBUFTJOUIF t 5IFBEFRVBDZPGOBUVSBM Pacific Northwest over this gas infrastructure to forecast period remain support regional growth about the same as in the opportunities. 2013 Outlook, annual t 5IFNBHOJUVEFBOEOBUVSF volumes start lower. of the growing use of t 5IFJOEVTUSJBMTFDUPSJT natural gas for generating showing signs of life in the electricity to serve growth, region with higher loads balance the system and and a faster rate of growth transition from coal. than projected in the 2013 t 5IFQPTTJCJMJUZPGOFX Outlook. industrial loads (including t /BUVSBMHBTQSPEVDUJPO continues to exceed expectations despite lower natural gas prices, reallocation of capital and concerns over shale production techniques. t 1BDJmD/PSUIXFTUOBUVSBM gas consumers benefit from their proximity to the prolific Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) and U.S. Rocky Mountain (Rockies) natural gasproducing regions. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S t 5IFFõFDUPGDPNNPEJUZ prices on investments in exploration and production (E&P), and hence on future production. t 5IFJNQBDUFOWJSPONFOUBM concerns may have on natural gas production. t -PDBMBOEOBUJPOBM legislation affecting production/extraction processes. O U T L O O K t .PTUMPOHUFSNQSJDF forecasts have declined significantly since 2008 when large volumes of natural gas from shale began to affect the market. t 1BDJmD/PSUIXFTU consumers benefit from less price competition with eastern markets as the flow dynamics of natural gas shift from traditional producing regions to geographically diverse shale plays. t 5IFQPUFOUJBMFõFDUPGOFX and improved production technologies. t 5IFQBDFPGBEPQUJPO of natural gas for power generation, industrial and transportation uses. t 5IFQBDFPGFDPOPNJD growth. t 5IFQSJDFJNQBDUTPG changing natural gas flows across North America. t 5IFFõFDUPGQJQFMJOFBOE storage constraints on regional pricing. t 5IFCFOFmUTBOEDPTUTPG North American natural gas exports to premium overseas markets. Key Variables t "OVNCFSPGWBSJBCMFT exports) due to sustained could significantly affect lower natural gas demand during the commodity costs. forecast period. This t 5IFTJHOJmDBOUSFHJPOBM Outlook explores two growth potential for natural plausible scenarios: some gas as a transportation fuel replacement of regional in a variety of applications. coal-fired generation with t 5IFJNQBDUPGGVUVSF natural gas and accelerated energy policies on industrial demand. demand, particularly GHG legislation. (See the Demand chapter for discussion of two scenarios exploring the impact of these variables.) 4 Capacity Key Conclusions Putting the Pieces Together Key Variables t 5IFFYJTUJOHTZTUFNPGOBUVSBMHBT t 8IFOXIFSFBOEIPXNVDIOBUVSBMHBT pipelines and storage facilities has will be needed for generation to meet reliably served the load requirements growing base load power demand and of the region for decades and is peaking capacity to support intermittent sufficient to meet today’s needs. renewable sources of generation. t "EEJUJPOBMDBQBDJUZJTMJLFMZUPCF t *NQBDUTPGUIFSFHJPOTDIBOHJOH required within the forecast horizon load profile on existing natural gas to serve new demand for natural gas, infrastructure. For example, the generation particularly on a peak (design) day. facilities planned to replace coal-fired Industrial and generation demand power and new industrial facilities could above the expected case will require significant capacity. Where existing amplify and accelerate the need for pipelines are underutilized, their load incremental capacity. factors would increase. As annual load factors and peaking requirements increase, t 3FHJPOBMQJQFMJOFBOETUPSBHF expansion will be needed. expansions have been undertaken to maintain or enhance system reliability in response to increases in base load and peak day demand. t 5IFUJNJOHMPDBUJPOBOEUZQF of future capacity expansions or additions, and utilization of existing infrastructure, will depend on the changing nature of regional natural gas demand. t 8IFUIFSFYJTUJOHSFHVMBUPSZIVSEMFTBSF eased to allow construction of new or expanded infrastructure in a timely manner to address capacity shortfalls. Projects can take multiple years to develop, making foresight imperative. t 5IFJNQBDUPOSFHJPOBMJOGSBTUSVDUVSFBOE gas flows if one or more West Coast LNG export terminals are built. The profusion of natural gas and an expectation that its price will remain affordable over time is creating opportunities for incremental natural gas use across North America. The Pacific Northwest is well situated to take advantage of this low-cost abundance to address a number of objectives, including economic growth, reducing air pollution and improving public health. Faced with modest growth prospects, regional gas utilities are looking at creative ways to expand uses for this relatively clean-burning resource. A variety of projects are under consideration or being developed, especially in the transportation sector. Regional policymakers are also beginning to ask how the benefits of natural gas might be extended to currently unserved communities or expanded within constrained areas. Finally, how the current infrastructure is utilized or expanded remains an open question. The only certainty is that the existing system will need to be augmented at some point to accommodate additional and potentially more variable demand. The market will determine the type and timing of infrastructure projects as new capacity users emerge. Houses of Tomorrow are more energy efficient, use all natural gas appliances and have direct access to natural gas. Clothes Dryer 4.4 Dth/yr in full-fuelcycle energy consumption Cooking Equipment Natural gas unit 3.8 Dth/yr in fullfuel-cycle energy consumption N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 5 2014 GAS OUTLOOK – A Closer Look Supply From scarcity to abundance, the scope and scale of the North American natural gas resource continues to astonish observers. Key Conclusions t 5IFFOPSNJUZPG/PSUI"NFSJDBTOBUVSBMHBTSFTPVSDFNBEFBWBJMBCMFCZFYUSBDUJOH Geographically spread across North hydrocarbons from shale rock formations deep underground, is fundamentally changing America (Figure S1), shale rock formations the energy landscape. located several thousand feet below the surface of the earth are the source of t /BUVSBMHBTQSPEVDUJPODPOUJOVFTUPFYDFFEFYQFDUBUJPOTEFTQJUFMPXFSOBUVSBMHBT hydrocarbons like oil, natural gas and natural prices, reallocation of capital and concerns over shale production techniques. gas liquids. Essentially petrified mud, the t 1BDJmD/PSUIXFTUOBUVSBMHBTDPOTVNFSTCFOFmUGSPNUIFJSQSPYJNJUZUPUIFQSPMJmD low permeability of shale rock prevents Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) and U.S. Rocky Mountain (Rockies) natural hydrocarbons from readily flowing using gas-producing regions. traditional production methods. That is why the production of FIGURE S1. North American Shale Formations hydrocarbons from shale was, until recently, impractical and uneconomic. Traditional production taps into more permeable rock formations like sandstone into which hydrocarbons migrated over millennia from the shale formations situated below. The innovative application and improved efficiencies of decades-old production technologies changed all that, making it economically possible to unlock vast reserves of natural gas, oil and other hydrocarbons. Estimates of the total available North American natural gas resource have skyrocketed over the last several years. In 2012, the U.S. Potential Gas Committee (PGC) increased its estimate of the total remaining U.S. gas resource by more than 25 percent over its 2010 report (Figure S2).3 FIGURE S2. Comparison of PGC Resource Estimates Since 1990 3,000 2,384 Trillion Cubic Feet 2,500 2,000 1,073 Shale resource not assessed separately 1,500 1,119 1,003 1,000 500 147 147 146 141 155 169 147 169 166 856 854 881 921 897 936 958 950 955 0 Traditional Potential Gas Committee, Potential Supply of Natural Gas in the United States, April 2013. PGC is an independent, non-profit organization that has been estimating U.S. natural gas reserves since the early 1960s. 3 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K ~200 Coalbed Shale 616 687 163 159 1,057 1,052 158 1,153 6 Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) upped its estimate of the remaining marketable Canadian natural gas resource from 424 trillion cubic feet (Tcf ) in 2011 to 1,093 Tcf in 2013, a staggering increase of more than 250 percent.4 As a result, natural gas from shale rock formations has changed the conversation from one of limited and declining supplies just a handful of years ago, to one of abundance and opportunity today. North American natural gas resources are now estimated to be sufficient for many generations to come. According to Navigant Consulting, shale plays made up 6 percent of North American natural gas supply in 2007, and are expected to make up more than 60 percent of overall production by 2035 FIGURE S3. Shale Plays Dominate Future North American Gas Production (Figure S3). U.S. natural gas production grew more than 7 percent in 2011, the largest year-over-year volume increase in history, and almost 6 percent in 2012. A similar shift from traditional to shale and tight sands gas production is occurring in British Columbia (BC). Actual production of natural gas from shale formations continues to exceed expectations despite a soft market. It is difficult to keep pace with the industry as producers introduce new or enhanced technologies and dial in the most effective techniques for producing from each particular field. Figure S4 illustrates this difficulty by plotting recent forecasts of natural gas production from shale against actual production. FIGURE S4. U.S. EIA Forecasts and Actual Shale Production 130 25.0000 Shale Non-Shale Net LNG Imports 110 20.0000 BCf/day 70 Bcfd 90 50 Tcf/year 15.0000 10.0000 30 5.0000 0.0000 -10 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 10 Actual Shale Non-Shale Source: Navigant Consulting Inc. 4 2010 AEO 2012 AEO 2014 AEO (ER) Net LNG Imports Source: U.S. EIA Forecast - Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) Actual - Annual Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals and Production, Dec 2013 Canada National Energy Board, Canada’s Energy Future 2013, November 2013 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 7 In the Pacific Northwest, we are immediately adjacent to and supplied by two large natural gas production areas (Figure S5). The WCSB includes the Canadian provinces of BC and Alberta, while the relevant Rockies producing states are Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. The region typically receives more than 50 percent of its gas from the WCSB while the remainder comes from the Rockies. The ability to source gas from different areas gives regional consumers purchasing options. Figure S6 illustrates the proportion of gas sourced from each, which typically depends on a combination of the lowest commodity price along with available pipeline capacity. Combined, these two production areas produced an average of 25 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 20125, or 30 percent of North America’s total natural gas supply. FIGURE S5. Supply Regions Serving the Pacific Northwest FIGURE S6. Annual Supply Diversity in the Pacific Northwest Horn River Shale Gas Cordova Embayment 100% 9% 9% 8% 9% 9% 8% 9% 9% 8% 7% A L B E RT A Montney Tight Gas Fort St. John $8.00 80% Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin Percentage 70% B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A Duvernay 37% 36% 46% 41% 48% 51% 43% 38% 37% $5.00 $4.00 0% Kingsgate O R E G O N Big Horn I D A H O Boise Klamath Falls Malin 31% 34% 40% 44% 42% $3.00 $2.00 10% 8% 8% 9% 10% 10% 10% 8% 10% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Alberta Domestic British Columbia Storage 14% 2012 18% 2013 $1.00 $0.00 Alberta/Stanfield Prices Rockies/Opal Prices British Columbia/Sumas Prices WY O M I N G Pocatello Salt Lake City N E V A D A Wind River DenverJulesburg Uinta Piceance U T A H Paradox G A S Powder River Green Overthrust River C A L I F O R N I A 2 0 1 4 33% 35% M O NT A N A Bend N W G A Bakken NWGA MEMBER Pipelines Other Pipelines Natural Gas Supply Basins Spokane Portland Medford 43% 46% 10% W A S H I N GT O N Wenatchee 44% 40% 20% Calgary $7.00 $6.00 48% 50% 30% Vancouver Sumas Victoria 34% 60% 40% Seattle $9.00 8% 90% Fort Nelson ALASKA a growth pattern in the latter years as new markets open up and commodity prices improve. More specifically, currently declining production of conventional reserves in Alberta will be offset by expanding shale and tight sands production in the large Montney and Horn River plays in northeast BC and continued development of shale in the U.S. Rockies (Figures S7 and S8). Prices Liard Put this into perspective, the Northwest uses a little more than 3 Bcf/d on average through the winter months (November through March), although that number can go significantly higher when the weather becomes unusually cold. Production from these two areas is expected to be about 26 Bcf/d by 2023. Production in both regions will decline slightly in the near future before resuming O U T L O O K C O L O R A D O 5 Statistics Canada, Table 131-0001 – Annual Supply and Disposition of Natural Gas, 2012; U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Production by State (CO, UT, WY), December 2012 8 FIGURE S7. WCSB Production Forecast6 Key Natural Gas Supply Variables 18 The natural gas supply picture is a rosy one today and is expected to remain that way for the foreseeable future. NWGA members are monitoring a number of evolving issues that could affect supplies, including: 16 14 t 5IFEFWFMPQNFOUPGOFXPSJNQSPWFEQSPEVDUJPOUFDIOPMPHJFTBOEUFDIOJRVFT Bcf/day 12 t 5IFFõFDUPGDPNNPEJUZQSJDFTPOJOWFTUNFOUTJOFYQMPSBUJPOBOEQSPEVDUJPO&1 BOE hence on future production. 10 t 5IFJNQBDUFOWJSPONFOUBMDPODFSOTNBZIBWFPOOBUVSBMHBTQSPEVDUJPO 8 t -PDBMBOEOBUJPOBMMFHJTMBUJPOBõFDUJOHQSPEVDUJPOFYUSBDUJPOQSPDFTTFT 6 4 BC contribution to total WCSB production 2 0 WCSB Low WCSB High WCSB Reference Case BC Reference Case FIGURE S8. U.S. Rockies Production Forecast7 16 EIA adjusted to exclude San Juan, Raton, Paradox, and Williston Basins 14 Gas Production (Bcf/day) 12 10 8 6 Production Growth 2013 to 2023 = 2.9 Bcf/d 4 2 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 Kinder Morgan Forecast Kinder Morgan Low 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 EIA 2013 AEO – Adjusted to Wellhead Kinder Morgan High 2021 2022 2023 Canada National Energy Board, Canada’s Energy Future 2013, November, 2013 Kinder Morgan, 2013 Rockies Production Forecast, September 2013 6 7 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 9 BC Gas Supply Outlook It’s long been known that BC is a major natural gas supplier, but a report released in 2013 turned gas resource estimates upside down. It’s not that past projections were overstating things – rather, that they were grossly conservative. The joint federal-provincial government study (by the National Energy Board, BC Oil and Gas Commission, the Alberta energy regulator and the BC Ministry of Natural Gas Development), released in November 2013, more than doubles the estimated amount of unconventional gas resources in BC. This radical change in estimates of the provincial gas supply is the result of gas producers applying new technology to develop unconventional gas economically. Enormous volumes in northeast BC are now dominating the energy supply portfolio. Specifically, there are large volumes of shale gas in the Horn River Basin, the Liard Basin, and the Cordova Embayment, and tight gas in the Montney Formation. Similar to the shale gas and tight gas surge in other producing areas of North America, such as the Marcellus in Pennsylvania and the Eagle Ford in Texas, BC’s gas production and resource estimates have experienced growth over the last few years. 8 Gas in place means estimated quantities of natural gas that exist in a reservoir including both recoverable and unrecoverable volumes given existing production technologies. The data in this sidebar relate to BC only. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K Before 2009, unconventional gas in North America was not established commercially and gas supply estimates were limited to conventional gas resources. In BC, it was estimated less than 20 Tcf was in place. Now, with the inclusion of shale gas and tight gas, BC has more than 2,700 Tcf of estimated gas in place.8 Estimates of unconventional gas will continue to change as new wells are developed and technology advances. Current production from most unconventional gas reservoirs only covers a portion of the entire reservoir and there is risk when applying these results over broader areas. However, as geologic understanding evolves and new technologies are made available, new resources become economic. For example, from 2009 to 2012 the Montney Formation was estimated to contain 410 Tcf gas in place. Now, based on the research done in 2013, the estimate is over 1,900 Tcf gas in place. That places the Montney play among the top natural gas basins in the world. – Prepared by Brian Morse, Gas Supply Manager – Spectra Energy Transmission 10 2014 GAS OUTLOOK - A Closer Look Natural Gas Prices Natural gas prices fell to their lowest levels in more than a decade in early 2012. gas at the Henry Hub averaged almost $9 per Dth (Figure P1). Key Conclusions This reflected both high supply and low demand due to a warmer than normal winter that year. According to the EIA, the spot price of natural gas rebounded in 2013, averaging $3.73 per Dth at the Henry Hub9 compared to $2.75 in 2012. Current commodity prices demonstrate a continuing surplus of natural gas supply across North America, in stark contrast to the period preceding the advent of the enormous shale resource. In 2008, the spot price of natural In addition, the price the market is currently paying for future deliveries of natural gas (futures) and short-term price forecasts indicate that the supply surplus is expected to continue for a few years (Figure P2). Because utilities pass through (without markup) the costs of purchasing natural gas, Pacific Northwest consumers have saved hundreds of millions of dollars since 2008. Most longer term forecasts project prices to average between $4 and $7/Dth t 4QPUBOEGVUVSFTQSJDFTSFCPVOEFEJOCVUDPOUJOVFUPSFnFDUBOBCVOEBODFPG North American natural gas. t .PTUMPOHUFSNQSJDFGPSFDBTUTIBWFEFDMJOFETJHOJmDBOUMZTJODFXIFOMBSHF volumes of natural gas from shale began to affect the market. t 1BDJmD/PSUIXFTUDPOTVNFSTCFOFmUGSPNMFTTQSJDFDPNQFUJUJPOXJUIFBTUFSO markets as the flow dynamics of natural gas shift from traditional producing regions to geographically diverse shale plays. FIGURE P1. Spot Price of Natural Gas at Henry Hub FIGURE P2. EIA Short Term Price Forecast and NYMEX Futures Contract Prices $14.00 $6.00 $12.00 $5.00 $10.00 $8.00 $/Dth $/Dth $4.00 $3.00 $6.00 NYMEX Gas Futures (2/13/14) Dec-2015 Nov-2015 Oct-2015 Sep-2015 Jul-2015 Aug-2015 Jun-2015 May-2015 Apr-2015 Mar-2015 Jan-2015 Feb-2015 Dec-2014 Nov-2014 Oct-2014 Sep-2014 Jul-2014 Aug-2014 Jun-2014 May-2014 Apr-2014 Mar-2014 Jan-2014 Jan-2014 Jul-2013 Oct-2013 Jan-2013 Apr-2013 Jul-2012 Oct-2012 Apr-2012 Jan-2012 Jul-2011 Oct-2011 Apr-2011 Jan-2011 Jul-2010 Oct-2010 Apr-2010 Jan-2010 Jul-2009 Oct-2009 Apr-2009 Jan-2009 Jul-2008 $- Oct-2008 $0.00 Apr-2008 $1.00 Jan-2008 $2.00 Feb-2014 $2.00 $4.00 EIA Short Term Energy Outlook (2/11/14) 9 The Henry Hub in Louisiana is the pricing point for natural gas futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). Settlement prices there are used as benchmarks for the entire North American natural gas market. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 11 through 2023 (2012$). Even factoring in a growing economy, prices are not expected to rise substantially in the next decade due to the abundance of natural gas described earlier (Figure P3). Price-lowering volumes are but one effect of shale gas. North American shale plays are also geographically dispersed across the continent. Because some of the shale plays are also close to large markets (e.g., Marcellus in Pennsylvania and New York), there is less demand from those regions for the resources the Pacific Northwest depends upon. In addition, the price risks associated with weatherrelated supply disruptions in more distant and clustered conventional sources are mitigated (e.g., hurricanes in the Gulf Coast region). Given continuing abundance of North American supply, consumers are likely to benefit from relatively low natural gas prices for the foreseeable future. NWGA members are tracking a number of market dynamics that could influence natural gas prices going forward: t 8IFUIFSGVUVSFSFHVMBUJPOTBEEUPUIFDPTUPGQSPEVDUJPOPSMJNJUBDDFTTUPSFTFSWFT t 5IFFõFDUPGOFXBOEJNQSPWFEQSPEVDUJPOUFDIOPMPHJFT t 5IFQBDFPGBEPQUJPOPGOBUVSBMHBTGPSQPXFSHFOFSBUJPOJOEVTUSJBMBOEUSBOTQPSUBUJPO uses. t 5IFQBDFPGFDPOPNJDHSPXUI FIGURE P3. Long-Term Natural Gas Price Forecasts t 5IFQSJDFJNQBDUTPGDIBOHJOHOBUVSBMHBTnPXTBDSPTT/PSUI"NFSJDB $10.00 $9.00 t 5IFFõFDUPGQJQFMJOFBOETUPSBHFDPOTUSBJOUTPOSFHJPOBMQSJDJOH $8.00 t #FOFmUTBOEDPTUTPG/PSUI"NFSJDBOOBUVSBMHBTFYQPSUTUPQSFNJVNPWFSTFBTNBSLFUT $7.00 2012$/Dth Key Natural Gas Price Variables FORECAST $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 Historic HH Spot Price EIA 2014 AEO (ER) HH Forecast N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K NWPCC AECO Forecast NWPCC Sumas Forecast NW Power & Conservation Council HH Forecast 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 $0.00 2008 $1.00 12 Regional Economic Outlook for 2014 With U.S. and Canadian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth crawling in around 2 percent for 2013, North America can again bid “adieu” to another year of unmemorable growth. As a result, inflation in both countries has been lower than expected and allowed both central banks to continue with accommodative monetary policies. In turn, this allowed the U.S. housing recovery to gain momentum. For 2014, most published forecasts show GDP growth in both countries will be in the 2.4 - 2.8 percent range, with inflation in the 1 - 2 percent range. U.S. GDP growth is predicted to be somewhat faster than Canada’s. However, there are hurdles to reaching the upper end of this GDP forecast range. First, the European economic recovery is fairly weak and could be undermined by another debt crisis, and China is experiencing a growth slowdown while transitioning to a new generation of political leaders. Weak growth in Europe and China would drag on North American export growth in 2014. Second, U.S. and Canadian households are fiscally constrained. U.S. households continue to experience slow income growth, and Canadian household debt continues to be at historically high levels. In the U.S., public sector spending is also constrained by high debt levels and national politics. Finally, there are growing signals that the Federal Reserve will reduce some asset purchases in 2014, which will increase long-term U.S. interest rates. Given that U.S. and Canadian interest rates tend to rise and fall together, this will also put upward pressure on Canada’s long-term rates. This could slow real estate and investment activity in both countries. Regionally, U.S. growth in the Pacific Northwest will continue to be stronger in the urban areas around Portland, Seattle and Boise. Following 2013, employment growth in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon will continue to track U.S. growth, which will probably be in the 1.5 - 1.8 percent range in 2014. Due to a significant slowdown in the goods producing sector, employment growth in BC will likely end 2013 near zero, significantly below national growth, which will be around 1.4 percent. The weak employment growth reflects weak growth in new construction, consumer spending and exports. Still, 4Q 2013 data for BC shows a rebound in exports and manufacturing, suggesting that BC will see stronger employment growth in 2014. Sources: Bank of Canada, B.C. Stats, Bloomberg.com, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Scotiabank, Statistics Canada, RBC, T.D. Economics, The Economist, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Federal Reserve. – Prepared by Grant D. Forsyth, Chief Economist – Avista Corp. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 13 2014 GAS OUTLOOK - A Closer Look Regional Natural Gas Demand Key Conclusions t 8IJMFHSPXUISBUFTJOUIF1BDJmD/PSUIXFTUPWFSUIJTGPSFDBTUQFSJPESFNBJOBCPVUUIF same as in the 2013 Outlook, annual volumes start lower. t 5IFJOEVTUSJBMTFDUPSJTTIPXJOHTJHOTPGMJGFJOUIFSFHJPOXJUIIJHIFSMPBETBOEBGBTUFS rate of growth than projected in the 2013 Outlook. t "OVNCFSPGWBSJBCMFTDPVMETJHOJmDBOUMZBõFDUEFNBOEEVSJOHUIFGPSFDBTUQFSJPE This Outlook explores two plausible scenarios: some replacement of regional coal-fired generation with natural gas and accelerated industrial demand. TABLE D1. Projected Regional Demand Growth through 2023 Total Residential Commercial Industrial Generation Low Annual Rate Cumulative 0.9% 8.7% 0.7% 6.7% 0.4% 3.9% 0.7% 6.5% 1.9% 18.6% Expected High Annual Rate Cumulative Annual Rate Cumulative 1.5% 14.2% 2.2% 21.7% 0.9% 8.8% 1.1% 10.5% 0.8% 7.6% 1.2% 10.9% 0.9% 8.3% 1.0% 9.8% 3.3% 34.0% 5.0% 55.3% According to the EIA, U.S. natural gas consumption is expected to average a record high 71.2 Bcf/d in 2013, an increase of 1.5 Bcf/d (2.1%) from the previous year. In 2014, projected natural gas consumption is expected to fall by 1.6 Bcf/d (2.2%) because of the forecast 4.6% decline in heating degree days and lower natural gas use by the electric power sector. In 2015, natural gas consumption is expected to rise again by 1.4 Bcf/d with growth in use by the industrial and electric power sectors. Moderate economic growth continues across the Pacific Northwest, affecting projections for the demand of natural gas across every sector (see the Regional Economic Outlook sidebar preceding this section). Natural gas consumption in the Pacific Northwest is expected to grow an average of 1.5 percent per year for a total volume increase of 14.2 percent (114 million Dth) over the next 10 years (Table D1). While the growth rate is generally consistent with last year’s Outlook, expected annual loads average about 1 percent lower than last year’s Outlook and almost 17 percent lower than the pre-recession 2008 Outlook. Much of the growth is expected to come from gasfired electrical generation and an uptick in anticipated industrial consumption. Core market demand (residential, commercial) is characterized by modest but steady growth (Figure D1). FIGURE D1. Expected Sector Demand 300 250 Million Dth 200 150 100 50 2013 Outlook Figures-6.xlsxFIGURE8 0 2013/14 280 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 260 2014/15 4/2/133:04 PM 2015/16 Industrial 2016/17 2017/18 Residential 2018/19 Generation 2019/20 2020/21 Commercial 2021/22 2022/23 14 Core Market (residential, commercial) – Growth rates in the residential and commercial sectors remain about the same as last year (0.9 and 0.8 percent, respectively). Forecasted residential volumes, however, start out 3 percent lower than in the 2013 Outlook (Figure D2). New housing construction, long a bastion of dependable growth for the natural gas industry in the region, continues to lag behind pre-recession levels. New customer additions are barely keeping pace with continuing declines in per-customer use of natural gas due to ever more efficient buildings and appliances. Industrial – The “Great Recession” cost the region more than 20 percent of its industrial gas load between 2007 and 2012, although industry remains the largest user (Figure D3). A significant portion of that loss of load came from the permanent closure of a number of wood and paper products plants in the region. As the region is now beginning to shed the effects of the recession, the 2014 Outlook forecasts 6 percent higher industrial volumes than in 2013 and a faster growth rate (0.9 percent vs. 0.6 percent forecast last year). Favorable gas prices are driving the growth, spurring existing industries to resume pre-recession Figure D2. Residential Demand Forecast Comparison production levels. NWGA members are also reporting increased inquiries from industrial users interested in expanding or locating in the region, and there are proposals to build facilities to export LNG and petrochemicals that utilize natural gas as a feedstock. In response to heightened industrial interest and activity, we analyze an accelerated industrial demand scenario at the end of this section. LNG exports are not included in this scenario. Generation – Projected annual generation loads are lower at the start of the forecast period than in the 2013 Outlook and higher at the end. The forecast average annual growth rate is 3.3 percent, higher than the 2.6 percent forecast in 2013. This reflects the region’s expectation that, while the timing is delayed, it will increasingly rely on natural gas as the marginal generation resource. The 2014 Outlook forecast for natural gas-fired generation is consistent with the findings of the Pacific Northwest Utility Conference Committee (PNUCC) in its Northwest Regional Forecast.10 Public policy and regulatory initiatives in Washington and Oregon have compelled the pending closure of two coal-fired generation facilities in the region: TransAlta’s Centralia units and the Boardman plant Figure D3. Historic Natural Gas Demand By Sector 1000 300 900 250 800 700 200 Million Dth Million Dth 600 150 100 500 400 300 200 50 100 0 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* Residential 2013 Outlook Forecast Commercial Industrial Generation * 2014 Outlook Year 1 Forecast 2014 Outlook Forecast PNUCC, 2013 Regional Forecast, May, 2013 10 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 15 operated by Portland General Electric (PGE). Though no commercial agreements have been executed, it is reasonable to expect that some portion of the output of these plants will be replaced with gas-fired generation. Therefore, we include a simple expanded generation demand scenario at the end of this section. Demand Composition – How and when the region uses natural gas has changed. Industrial use of natural gas is typically constant throughout the year; it doesn’t vary much with the weather. While industrial loads once made up more than half of all regional natural gas demand, today it makes up about one-third of total annual demand (Figure D4) and its share is forecast to be less than 30 percent at the end of this forecast period. Conversely, gas-fired generation – a load that can be quite variable depending on weather and other market conditions – once represented a small portion of natural gas demand in the region. By 2012, however, generation claimed more than 20 percent of regional annual gas demand and, in 10 years, is expected to account for more than a quarter of all regional natural gas use. Residential and commercial loads are also largely weather- Figure D4. Shift In Demand Composition driven and hover around the same proportionate shares of annual demand. Overall, then, regional natural gas demand is more variable today, more subject to the vagaries of weather than when gas was first delivered to the region more than 50 years ago. Currently, variable weather-sensitive loads make up more than two-thirds of the region’s natural gas use, a share that the 2014 Outlook forecasts will increase. Consequently, the region’s infrastructure is being utilized differently today than when it was first built. System Planning – Planning standards are designed to meet demand on the coldest day that could occur in a gas utility’s service territory. While each company approaches the task a little differently, “peak” or “design” days are typically based on historical 24-hour average temperatures actually recorded at representative locations. A comparison of the NWGA member company weather design standards can be found in Appendix B. While peak day loads are higher on average than last year’s forecast, they remain significantly lower than the 2008 forecast issued prior to the recession (Figure D5). Figure D5. Regional Peak Day Forecast Comparison 8 Generation: 3% 7 Industrial: 51% Commercial: 20% Industrial: 32% 6 Residential: 26% Commercial: 19% MillionMillion DthDth Million Dth Residential: 26% Generation: 20% 5 4 3 2 1 0 1996 2013 2008 Peak Day N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 2014 Peak Day 16 Key Variables Affecting Natural Gas Demand Understanding demand – how much, when, where and for what duration natural gas is needed – defines the type and size of infrastructure required to serve it. Regional growth in the use of natural gas has historically been driven by the construction of new housing, commercial and institutional facilities, and new industry. The demand projections in this outlook anticipate continued modest economic growth. However, forecast data don’t always reflect what’s occurring in real-time. The demand for natural gas in the region is changing and NWGA members are watching a number of demand drivers that have yet to be quantified, including: t 5IFBEFRVBDZPGOBUVSBMHBTJOGSBTUSVDUVSFUP support regional growth opportunities. t 5IFNBHOJUVEFBOEOBUVSFPGUIFVTFPGOBUVSBMHBT for generating electricity to serve growth, balance the system and transition from coal. t 5IFQPTTJCJMJUZPGOFXJOEVTUSJBMMPBETJODMVEJOH exports) due to sustained lower natural gas commodity costs. t 5IFTJHOJmDBOUSFHJPOBMHSPXUIQPUFOUJBMGPS natural gas as a transportation fuel in a variety of applications. t 5IFJNQBDUPGGVUVSFFOFSHZQPMJDJFTPOEFNBOE particularly GHG legislation. Market Development Successes and Challenges Residential customers typically make up a majority of a local distribution company’s (LDC) revenues, while industrial customers make up the majority of the load. Many LDCs are seeing stagnant volumes and declining use per customer on the residential side coupled, until recently, with very little growth on the industrial side. With little or no growth, the utilization of a distribution system remains flat or even declines. However, the cost of safely and reliably maintaining and operating those systems is increasing. As customers face ever-increasing rates, they may choose other energy options, thereby exacerbating the situation. That’s why LDCs need to grow: to increase system utilization and spread system costs across a broader base. FortisBC has employed a number of initiatives meant to increase the use of its assets, promote system investments and manage the rate impact on customers. A few examples follow. Confronted with a reduction in water heating load and installations in new buildings (primarily multifamily), FortisBC established a pilot pairing an energy efficiency incentive with a sales incentive to install high efficiency on-demand water heaters in individual suites of multifamily developments. At the end of the pilot, FortisBC had secured 19 projects, representing 1,000 individually metered customers. In every case, developers installed not only gas water heating but also other appliances such as cooktops, fireplaces, dryers, BBQs and heating. The revenues realized from the pilot paid for the project costs in less than two years. Natural gas transportation offers another great opportunity to add constant (not weather dependent) loads to the system, thereby increasing utilization and reducing rates for all customers. LDCs are targeting return-to-home fleets including waste hauling, buses, and short-haul tractor-trailers. FortisBC was successful in obtaining the support of the BC Government for these initiatives. Specifically, the Government authorized the utility to earn its authorized rate of return on up to $62 million by offering incentives to vehicle fleets to offset the incremental cost of a natural gas vehicle. To date over half of these incentives have been committed. The Provincial government also directed the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) to approve a new LNG rate schedule for FortisBC and exempt it from having to secure BCUC approval for a $400 million upgrade to its LNG facility in Tilbury, BC. In response, FortisBC will build new LNG capacity for the transportation market. Prospective demand already exceeds the project’s initial proposed capacity. LDCs are also actively engaged in growing loads by helping their communities achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. Biogas, also known as biomethane or renewable natural gas (RNG), has the dual benefit of providing a very low net carbon fuel because it is extracted from waste streams (e.g., landfills, water treatment plants, animal and other agricultural wastes). FortisBC is operating an RNG program, bringing limited volumes of RNG into its system and offering it to customers. FortisBC currently operates two projects extracting methane from a landfill and from agricultural waste. Together these projects supply RNG to more than 5,000 residential customers and several commercial customers. – Prepared by Jason Wolfe, Director, Market Development– FortisBC N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 17 SCENARIO 1: Accelerated Industrial Demand Possible Regional Demand Scenarios We have developed two scenarios to explore the impact the above variables could have on regional demand and capacity utilization. They include an accelerated industrial growth scenario and a coal replacement scenario. NOTE: these scenarios are created wholly by the NWGA. In developing them, we accessed public information and tested whether our assumptions were reasonable with a number of regional stakeholders. They are solely intended to illustrate possible future outcomes. To our knowledge, neither scenario The most likely candidates for new demand (as opposed to expansion of existing facilities) include L/CNG for transportation (marine, rail, trucking, etc.), food processing, fertilizer and petrochemical production. Loads for a typical facility that might locate here could range from: 3,0005,000 Dth/day for a food processor; 8,000-12,000 Dth/day for a fertilizer plant; 25,000-50,000 Dth/day for LNG fueling facilities and 125,000-150,000 Dth/day for a petrochemical plant. All together, these industrial facilities could add between 59 and 79 million Dth to the last year of the expected forecast (2022/23), or an increase in industrial load of between 22 and 29 percent over the expected case. In this scenario, NWGA adjusted the expected case as follows: 5% increase for 2015-16, 15% increase for 2017-18 and 5% increase for 2019-20. The scenario yields an additional 59.3 million Dth of industrial load by the end of the forecast period, an increase of 22 percent in the last year of the forecast than in the expected case (at the low end of the range described above). The average annual industrial growth rate increases to 3.2 percent from 0.9 percent in the expected case. The scenario adds 6.5 percent to total load and increases the overall growth rate from 1.5 percent to 2.2 percent. reflects any actual negotiations or commercial agreements, nascent or otherwise, except as can be found publicly. http://www.transalta.com/us/2011/12/growth-2/ EFSEC, Amendment 5 to Grays Harbor Energy Center Site Certification Agreement, December 21, 2010 13 A heat rate of 7,000 is representative of the newest CCCT generating units operating in the region (e.g. Port Westward, Mint Farm, etc.). 11 12 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K SCENARIO 2: Expanded Generation Demand In response to policy and regulatory requirements, PGE agreed to cease coal-fueled generation at the Boardman plant in 2020. TransAlta will phase out its Centralia plant, closing Unit 1 by 2020 and Unit 2 by 2025. Depending on market conditions, TransAlta intends to replace its coal-fired facility with a clean-burning natural gas plant as part of a planned Centralia 3. Per TransAlta: “The Centralia 3 project develops replacement power for the current 1,340-MW capacity Centralia coal-fired plant…[t]he proposed new natural gas plant is assumed initially as a roughly one-for-one replacement of Centralia’s 670-MW coal-fired Unit 1.” 11 PGE is keenly focused on developing renewable fuel alternatives to replace as much of the 550-MW capacity of the Boardman plant as possible, but it has not dismissed the possibility that natural gas generation may contribute. In addition, Grays Harbor Energy (GHE) sought and received approval from Washington’s Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) to add 650 MW of gas-fired generating capacity to its existing 650-MW facility (construction period of up to 22 months to begin no later than December, 2020).12 This NWGA scenario assumes 800 MW of new combined-cycle gas combustion turbine (CCCT) generation above our expected case forecast (which already accounts for the new PGE Carty plant). Three hundred (300) MW will be added to Western Washington loads in 2018-19, 200 MW to Eastern Oregon loads (off the GTN pipeline) in 2019-20 and another 300 MW to Western Washington loads in 2020-21. Further assumptions include current turbine technology with a heat rate of 7,000 Btu/kilowatt-hour13 operated 75 percent of the time (utilization rate). The scenario yields an additional 36.8 million Dth of generation load by the end of the forecast period, an increase of 15 percent in the last year of the forecast than in the expected case. The scenario increases the average annual growth rate to 4.9 percent from 3.3 percent in the expected case. The scenario adds 4 percent to total load in the last year of the forecast and increases the overall growth rate from 1.5 percent to 1.9 percent. 18 FIGURE D6. Additional Growth Scenarios Gas & Electric Industries Continue to Collaborate 1100 1000 900 800 Million Million Dth Dth 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Annual Demand – Expected Case 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Accelerated Industrial 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Accelerated Generation Combined Results – If both scenarios were realized, the total annual demand in the last year of the forecast would be 96 million Dth (10.5 percent) higher than the expected case and the overall annual growth rate would increase from 1.5 percent to 2.6 percent. As discussed in more detail in the following section, this suggests accelerated need for additional capacity in the region. Today, natural gas is the go-to fuel for new on-demand electric generation. Natural gas power plants provide flexibility to meet changes in power demand and can help integrate intermittent resources. Gas is also used for baseload generation and will likely replace 2,000 megawatts of Northwest coal set to retire by 2025. As the region constructs more gas-fired power plants, it is important to ensure that the infrastructure can deliver gas to power plants and other users during high demand days. The PNUCC and NWGA have been and will continue to examine gas-electric issues together. One area of recent focus is the Interstate-5 Corridor. Not only does this portion of the system have a significant number of gas power plants, it is the highest populated area of the region and has potential for growing electric power and gas demand. During 2013 we examined the gas infrastructure in the I-5 Corridor under a range of scenarios, including a peak demand day. The initial findings are that the infrastructure is adequate. The report is available at: www.pnucc.org/ system-planning/reports. There are numerous other organizations studying gas-electric interdependence and striving to improve system reliability. The Western Interstate Energy Board is conducting an analysis of gas infrastructure in the Western Interconnection. ColumbiaGrid recently published a report examining electric transmission in the event of a gas constraint. The Northwest Mutual Assistance Agreement helps coordinate regional response during gas emergencies. FERC is attentive to the growing gaselectric overlap and is considering synchronizing the gas and electric scheduling day. Natural gas is and will continue to be an important part of the Northwest’s electric generation portfolio. PNUCC looks forward to continuing to work with NWGA and other regional entities to study and discuss gas-electric interdependence. – Prepared by PNUCC Staff N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 19 2014 GAS OUTLOOK - A Closer Look The Pacific Northwest’s 48,000-mile network of transmission and distribution Regional System Capacity Rockies can deliver more than 4 Bcf/day to the region. Combined with underground Key Conclusions pipelines safely and reliably serves almost and peak storage facilities (Table C1), the 3.5 million natural gas customers. The region‘s natural gas infrastructure is currently t 5IFFYJTUJOHTZTUFNPGOBUVSBMHBTQJQFMJOFTBOETUPSBHFGBDJMJUJFTIBTSFMJBCMZTFSWFEUIFMPBE pipelines that transport natural gas from capable of delivering more than 6.5 million requirements of the region for decades and is sufficient to meet today’s needs. production areas in Alberta, BC, and the U.S. Dth/day of gas at peak capacity. t "EEJUJPOBMDBQBDJUZJTMJLFMZUPCFSFRVJSFEXJUIJOUIFGPSFDBTUIPSJ[POUPTFSWFOFXEFNBOE for natural gas, particularly on a peak (design) day. Industrial and generation demand above FIGURE C1. Pacific Northwest Infrastructure and Capacities (MDth) the expected case will amplify and accelerate the need for incremental capacity. t 3FHJPOBMQJQFMJOFBOETUPSBHFFYQBOTJPOTIBWFCFFOVOEFSUBLFOUPNBJOUBJOBOEFOIBODF system reliability in response to increases in base load and peak day demand. t 5IFUJNJOHMPDBUJPOBOEUZQFPGGVUVSFDBQBDJUZFYQBOTJPOTPSBEEJUJPOTBOEVUJMJ[BUJPOPG existing infrastructure, will depend on the changing nature of regional natural gas demand. TABLE C1. Regional Storage Facilities Facility Owner Jackson Prairie, WA Avista, PSE, NWP Mist, ORC1. Regional NWStorage Natural Facilities Table Underground Subtotal Plymouth, WA NWP Newport, OR NW Natural Portland, OR NW Natural Tilbury, BC FortisBC Energy Nampa, ID Intermountain Gas Gig Harbor, WA PSE Swarr Station, WA PSE Mt. Hayes, BC FortisBC Energy Peak Storage Subtotal Total Storage Type Capacity1 Max Withdrawal (MDth) (MDth/day) Underground 25,448 1,1962 Underground 16,100 5202 41,548 1,716 LNG 2,388 305 LNG 1,000 60 LNG 600 120 LNG 591 155 LNG 588 60 LNG 13 3 3 LPG 130 10 LNG 1,530 153 6,840 866 48,388 2,582 Working gas capacity; gas that can be used to serve the market. Start of season or full rate; storage withdrawal rates decline as working gas volumes decline below certain levels. 3 LPG= Liquid Propane Gas and Air mixture. 1 2 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K Pipelines Spectra BCP Williams NWP TCPL - GTN Other TCPL FortisBC SCP K-M Ruby Underground Storage Jackson Prairie Mist LNG Storage Nampa Newport Plymouth Portland Tilbury Mt. Hayes 20 Peak Day Capabilities – Because natural gas utilities are committed to preventing service disruptions regardless of the circumstances, they design their systems to accommodate extreme but still plausible weather conditions called peak or design days (see Appendix B for a comparison of NWGA member company weather design standards). Figure C2 aggregates the projected design day volumes of NWGA gas utility members and plots them against available capacity. Under the expected and high demand cases, peak day loads could stress the system, approaching or exceeding the region’s infrastructure capacity within the forecast horizon. The probability of design days occurring on every system across the entire region on the same day (“coincidental peak day”) is small. However, the possibility of very cold weather occurring simultaneously along the I-5 Corridor is reasonably high. Figure C3 plots projected design day volumes along the I-5 Corridor against the pipeline and storage resources available to serve the area. The expected and high demand cases along the I-5 Corridor approach system capabilities within the forecast horizon. Base High Day Pipeline Underground Storage FIGURE C2. Low Region-wide Peak Resource/Demand BalancePeak LNG Base High Pipeline Underground Storage FIGURE C3.Low I-5 Peak Day Resource/Demand Balance 6 9 Low Base High Pipeline Underground Storage Peak LNG Peak LNG 5 89 5 78 4 Million Dth/day Million Dth/day Million Dth/day Million Dth/day 67 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 11 00 00 2013 / 2014 Low 2014 / 2015 Base 2015 / 2016 High 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 Pipeline 2018 / 2019 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 Underground Storage 2021 / 2022 2022 / 2023 2013 / 2014 Low Peak LNG 2014 / 2015 Base 2015 / 2016 2016 / 2017 High 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 Pipeline 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 2021 / 2022 Underground Storage 2022 / 2023 Peak LNG 6 9 8 5 Million Dth/day 6 5 4 3 2 Million Dth/day 7 4 3 2 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 21 Accelerated Demand Scenario – Two potential scenarios are outlined in the Demand Section of this report, including accelerated industrial and generation demand. Figure C4 includes the projected incremental loads from these scenarios plotted against the resources available to serve the region.14 More capacity will be required to serve the region more quickly if these scenarios are realized. Analyses such as these help send signals Expected Peak Day Forecast Pipeline Peak LNG to the market of an impending need for additional capacity. Market participants weigh the probability of disruptions and the costs of various infrastructure options to make decisions about what is needed and when. In response to these market signals, projects are typically proposed to serve future delivery capacity needs. Prior to the recession, a number of projects were proposed to serve the region. At that time, California. Subsequent to Ruby’s development, TransCanada’s GTN Pipeline developed a firm northbound service to allow delivery of Ruby gas to customers along the GTN system in Eastern Oregon. With this service, GTN became a bi-directional pipeline providing customers more gas supply options and flexibility. Reductions in projected demand, a slow economic recovery and the new reality of a Acclerated Demand Scenario Underground Storage FIGURE C4. Accelerated Demand Peak Day Resource/Demand Balance 9 Million Dth/day the market needed greater balance in its supply options, including more access to natural gas produced in the Rockies and increased capacity across the Cascades. One of those projects – Kinder Morgan’s 683-mile Ruby Pipeline – began operating in July 2011, connecting the Opal trading hub in southwestern Wyoming to the Malin trading hub at the California-Oregon border. The Ruby Pipeline brings gas supply diversity, predominately to Northern 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 FIGURE C5. Proposed Natural Gas Infrastructure Projects 3 Southern Crossing TCPL W es tc oa st Kingsvale Kingsgate Sumas Washington Expansion Project 11 Washington Expansion Project Install pipeline loop and compression - Install pipeline loop and compression 1 Blue Bridge/Palomar Expansion 22 N-Max/Palomar Expansion Utilize capacity on GTN and proposed Palomar in combination with NWP expansion in I-5 corridor Spectra/FortisBC T-South System 33 Enhancement Project Enhancement Project NWP Utilize capacity on Westcoast in combination with Southern Crossing expansion to Kingsgate 4 N Molalla 2 GT Pacific Connector Construct new pipeline for LNG exports and regional markets 0 0 NW Coos Bay Expected Peak Day Forecast Accelerated Demand Scenario Pipeline Underground Storage Peak LNG P 4 Opal a 14 Figure C4 assumes that the entire load generated by the accelerated demand scenario will require, and contract for, firm transportation and/or storage capacity. In fact, potential shippers have options including less costly interruptible service contracts that can be curtailed as necessary by the capacity operator. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K Ruby Ke rn rir Tusca PG&E Malin 22 vast North American supply of natural gas all combined to change the nature of projects now being considered by the region. Today’s market for regional infrastructure capacity has evolved from valuing diversity to equally valuing reliability; from providing market access for imported LNG to accessing the Asian LNG export markets. In any event, it is only a matter of time before new capacity within the region will be required. Figure C5 illustrates active regional infrastructure proposals, which include: Washington Expansion Project – In response to a request for an incremental 750 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of capacity, Williams Northwest Pipeline (NWP) is planning to construct the Washington Expansion Project. The project consists of 140 miles of 36-inch diameter pipe to be constructed in 10 different segments in or near NWP’s existing right-of-way along the I-5 Corridor between Sumas, WA, and Woodland, WA, plus additional compression at five existing compressor stations. In conjunction with this project, NWP is also proposing an incremental scalable expansion from Sumas to markets in the I-5 Corridor as far south as Molalla, OR. This phase of the project is not contingent upon the aforementioned expansion. Northwest Market Access Expansion (N-MAX)/Cross Cascades Expansion – NWP is working with the current Cross Cascades pipeline sponsors – NW Natural and TransCanada GTN – to develop the project in conjunction with an expansion of the existing NWP system. The Cross Cascades project (formerly known as the Palomar project) would consist of a 106mile, 30-inch diameter pipeline that would run from GTN’s mainline in central Oregon to a NW Natural/NWP hub near Molalla – enhancing delivery capacity to the I-5 Corridor. The Cross Cascades project’s initial design capacity is 300 MMcf/d, expandable to 750 MMcf/d. It would be linked to the N-MAX project on the NWP system to deliver gas to other markets along the I-5 Corridor. Spectra/FortisBC System Enhancement – FortisBC and Spectra Energy continue to evaluate using FortisBC’s Southern Crossing system to provide Spectra’s T-South shippers with flexible receipt and delivery options between Station 2 in Northeast BC and the Sumas, WA and Kingsgate, ID market hubs. This would involve expanding FortisBC’s existing bi-directional Southern Crossing system that connects Spectra’s T-South system at Kingsvale, BC, to TransCanada’s system at Yahk, BC, and will require a 100-mile pipeline-looping project on the Kingsvale to Oliver, BC, segment. Incremental capacity from Station 2 on the Spectra system to Kingsgate could be up to 450 MMcf/d. Expanded Kingsgate-to-Sumas (east-towest) flow capability could also increase supply delivered to Sumas to serve the lower mainland of BC and the I-5 Corridor. Pacific Connector DescriptionGas Pipeline Project (PCGP) – The Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline Project (PCGP) is a 232-mile 36-inch diameter pipeline extending from Malin to Coos Bay, Oregon. PCGP is being proposed by Williams to serve Veresen, Inc.’s Jordan Cove LNG export terminal, as well as potential regional markets between Malin and Coos Bay. PCGP includes 41,000 horsepower of compression to be installed near Malin yielding a total project design capacity of 1.06 Bcf/d. PCGP will provide access to supplies from Western Canada and the U.S. Rockies via interconnections with Gas Transmission Northwest and the Ruby Pipeline. Williams will operate PCGP, which is a 50/50 joint venture with Veresen, Inc. Key Variables affecting Natural Gas System Capacity NWGA members continuously monitor a number of dynamics to ensure that regional natural gas consumers have the gas they need when and where they need it, including: t 8IFOXIFSFBOEIPXNVDIOBUVSBMHBTUIFSFHJPOXJMMSFRVJSFUPHFOFSBUFFMFDUSJDJUZ to meet growing base load power demand and peaking capacity to support intermittent renewable sources of generation. t *NQBDUTPGUIFSFHJPOTDIBOHJOHMPBEQSPmMFPOFYJTUJOHOBUVSBMHBTJOGSBTUSVDUVSF For example, the generation facilities planned to replace coal-fired power and new industrial facilities could require significant capacity. Where existing pipelines are underutilized, their load factors would increase. As annual load factors and peaking requirements increase, expansion will be needed. t 8IFUIFSFYJTUJOHSFHVMBUPSZIVSEMFTBSFFBTFEUPBMMPXDPOTUSVDUJPOPGOFXPS expanded infrastructure in a timely manner to address capacity shortfalls. Projects can take three to five years to develop, making foresight imperative. t 5IFJNQBDUPOSFHJPOBMJOGSBTUSVDUVSFBOEHBTnPXTJGPOFPSNPSF8FTU$PBTU-/( export terminals are built. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 23 Comparing Preferred Resources from Regional IRPs Developing a sufficient and efficient regional system can be achieved by Longer-term deficiencies are likely to be met with some combination of currently looking at the total needs of the region, the resources available, and future resource unsubscribed capacity, future capacity expansions and additional on-system storage options. While current analysis shows resources sufficient to meet demand, these including satellite LNG. There are several planning cycles in which to evaluate resource methodologies may not fully capture the potential demand, both in magnitude options for deficits far out into the future. and timing, or the future availability of existing resources. Due to risks inherent in What has not been fully incorporated are the resources regional generators plan the forecasting process, changing needs and uses for natural gas, limited existing to access to meet growing and increasingly variable generation demand. The Outlook resources, and the lengthy permitting and construction time frames for new resources, has captured future gas-fired generation loads to the extent they are planned, known it is imperative to comprehensively assess regional resource adequacy and future and available. However, it is difficult to project how and when those resources will be resource needs. required. The NWGA will continue working with the PNUCC to plan accordingly. NWGA member utilities strive to understand the planning issues, competitive – Prepared by Kelly Fukai, Manager, Natural Gas Planning – Avista Utilities environment and resource requirements for others in the region because of the common infrastructure TABLE C2. Regional IRPs Preferred Resource Acquisitions for Expected Cases to serve both electricity and natural gas demand. Company IRP File Date Jurisdiction Year of Peak Day Preferred Supply Resource(s) Preparing a plan in isolation of these external Deficiency Selected considerations could mask potential resource Avista Aug. 31, 2012 Washington/Idaho 2029 t 7JOUBHF(5/$BQBDJUZ utilization constraints, ignore operational synergies, Aug. 31, 2012 Oregon 2028 t 7JOUBHF(5/$BQBDJUZ discount project economies of scale, and result in t .FEGPSE-BUFSBM&YQBOTJPO overreliance on existing resources. Cascade Dec. 14, 2012 Washington 2024 t /81$BQBDJUZ For example, LDCs could be relying upon existing t 4BUFMMJUF-/( unsubscribed or under-utilized pipeline capacity t $JUZ(BUF1VSDIBTFT to meet a future deficit. That same capacity may May 25, 2012 Oregon Currently deficient t 3VCZDBQBDJUZXJUI(5/#BDLIBVM be relied upon by electric utilities that need gas for FortisBC July 15, 2010 British Columbia No deficiency in N/A power generation sooner than the LDC. In this case, planning horizon the LDCs’ preferred resource would not be available. No deficiency in Intermountain Feb. 2013 Idaho N/A planning horizon Therefore, evaluating who needs what, when and Washington 2014 NW Natural Mar. 22, 2013 t .JTUSFDBMM where can highlight potential problems and hone in t $SPTT$BTDBEFT1JQFMJOF on regional solutions. Currently deficient t .JTUSFDBMM Jan. 12, 2011 – Original Oregon Table C2 summarizes the identified deficiencies Sept. 1, 2011 – Modified and preferred supply resource portfolios of the 2017 t 48"336QHSBEF Puget Sound May 30, 2013 Washington member utilities from their most recently filed IRPs. It t 14&-/( Energy is apparent from the data in Table C2 that near-term t .JTU/81&YQBOTJPO deficiencies can be handled with existing resources. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 24 APPENDICES A1. Maximum Capacity (Dth/d) 2013 / 2014 2014 / 2015 2015 / 2016 4,039,582 Pipeline Interconnects 1,561,317 WCSB via TCPL/GTN 692,920 Stanfield (NWP from GTN) 165,000 Starr Rd (NWP from GTN) 70,459 Palouse (NWP from GTN) 445,997 GTN Direct Connects Kingsgate/Yahk BC Interior from TCPL 186,941 495,000 Rockies via NWP 655,000 NWP north from NWP south (160,000) Max Demand on Reno Lateral 1,983,265 WCSB via SET 1,753,060 T-South to Huntingdon 178,705 T-South to BC Interior 51,500 T-South to Kingsvale 2,585,058 Storage 1,196,000 Jackson Prairie (NWP from JP) 520,000 Mist Storage (NWN) 305,300 Plymouth (NWP from LNG) 60,000 Newport LNG (NWN) 120,000 Portland LNG (NWN) 60,000 Nampa LNG (IGC) Gig Harbor Satellite LNG (PSE) 5,250 Swarr Stn Propane (PSE) 10,000 Tilbury LNG (FortisBC) 155,466 Mount Hayes LNG (FortisBC) 153,042 Total Available Supply 6,624,640 4,039,582 4,039,582 4,039,582 4,039,582 1,561,317 1,561,317 1,561,317 692,920 692,920 165,000 165,000 70,459 SUPPLY 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 2021 / 2022 2022/2023 4,039,582 4,039,582 4,039,582 4,039,582 4,039,582 1,561,317 1,561,317 1,561,317 1,561,317 1,561,317 1,561,317 692,920 692,920 692,920 692,920 692,920 692,290 692,920 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 70,459 70,459 70,459 70,459 70,459 70,459 70,459 70,459 445,997 445,997 445,997 445,997 445,997 445,997 445,997 445,997 445,997 186,941 186,941 186,941 186,941 186,941 186,941 186,941 186,941 186,941 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 495,000 655,000 655,000 655,000 655,000 655,000 655,000 655,000 655,000 655,000 (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,983,265 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,753,060 178,705 178,705 178,705 178,705 178,705 178,705 178,705 178,705 178,705 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 2,585,058 2,585,058 2,585,058 2,585,058 2,585,058 2,585,058 2,585,058 2,585,058 2,585,058 1,196,000 1,196,000 1,196,000 1,196,000 1,196,000 1,196,000 1,196,000 1,196,000 1,196,000 520,000 520,000 520,000 520,000 520,000 520,000 520,000 520,000 520,000 305,300 305,300 305,300 305,300 305,300 305,300 305,300 305,300 305,300 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 155,466 155,466 155,466 155,466 155,466 155,466 155,466 155,466 155,466 153,042 153,042 153,042 153,042 153,042 153,042 153,042 153,042 153,042 6,624,640 6,624,640 6,624,640 6,624,640 6,624,640 6,624,640 6,624,640 6,624,640 6,624,640 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 25 A2. Annual Demand Forecast (Dth) – Expected Case 2013 / 2014 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 BC Lower Mainland & Van. Island 146,657,195 147,043,410 146,129,220 Residential 53,402,250 53,186,886 52,971,522 Commercial 39,786,087 40,121,171 40,456,254 Industrial 36,600,559 36,867,054 37,133,549 Power Generation 16,868,299 16,868,299 15,567,894 W. Washington 240,238,252 240,359,067 242,002,038 Residential 68,887,384 69,780,216 70,890,177 Commercial 42,802,495 43,052,505 43,369,733 Industrial 76,592,421 77,163,100 78,032,385 Power Generation 51,955,953 50,363,246 49,709,742 W. Oregon 116,222,584 117,352,528 119,223,248 Residential 36,717,772 36,994,904 37,523,911 Commercial 26,613,687 26,666,457 26,830,632 Industrial 38,891,125 39,691,167 40,868,705 Power Generation 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 BC Interior 54,588,307 55,281,772 55,975,237 Residential 16,357,761 16,341,403 16,325,044 Commercial 10,109,222 10,200,023 10,290,824 Industrial 28,121,324 28,740,346 29,359,368 Power Generation E. Washington & N. Idaho 71,667,641 72,916,524 74,227,056 Residential 19,643,317 19,898,121 20,290,389 Commercial 14,091,688 14,268,380 14,541,009 Industrial 28,445,007 28,834,911 29,202,895 Power Generation 9,487,628 9,915,112 10,192,763 E. Oregon & Medford 106,694,879 109,846,830 112,367,095 Residential 7,646,685 7,746,986 7,898,153 Commercial 5,498,263 5,568,217 5,667,016 Industrial 9,290,866 9,381,058 9,507,832 Power Generation 84,259,064 87,150,569 89,294,095 S. Idaho 68,001,728 69,060,245 72,510,038 Residential 21,061,498 21,353,967 21,728,518 Commercial 10,803,798 10,839,180 11,110,147 Industrial 28,136,432 28,867,097 31,671,374 Power Generation 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 146,055,129 145,820,910 145,586,691 145,352,472 52,589,820 52,150,588 51,711,356 51,272,124 40,752,476 41,034,812 41,317,149 41,599,485 37,144,939 37,067,615 36,990,292 36,912,969 15,567,894 15,567,894 15,567,894 15,567,894 252,787,085 257,820,244 260,880,313 261,257,311 72,081,314 73,316,779 74,647,878 76,022,402 43,694,046 43,992,672 44,302,352 44,661,156 78,645,587 79,149,686 79,647,996 80,309,536 58,366,138 61,361,108 62,282,087 60,264,217 119,931,434 120,809,798 121,729,852 122,973,417 37,804,593 38,236,538 38,684,015 39,333,520 26,774,159 26,829,501 26,905,672 27,099,774 41,352,682 41,743,759 42,140,164 42,540,123 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 56,120,773 56,078,245 56,035,717 55,993,190 16,263,101 16,185,448 16,107,794 16,030,141 10,375,808 10,458,633 10,541,458 10,624,283 29,481,864 29,434,165 29,386,465 29,338,766 75,530,332 76,832,506 77,838,465 79,234,416 20,535,477 20,817,372 21,085,941 21,456,413 14,731,978 14,943,487 15,146,198 15,414,336 29,640,850 30,052,396 30,460,394 30,913,828 10,622,028 11,019,251 11,145,932 11,449,839 138,864,938 141,651,232 142,152,854 145,193,547 8,024,966 8,150,845 8,271,960 8,424,204 5,751,875 5,834,702 5,914,860 6,014,497 9,644,927 9,760,821 9,872,580 10,002,325 115,443,169 117,904,864 118,093,454 120,752,521 73,117,705 73,569,291 73,406,043 74,120,984 22,178,890 22,527,496 22,916,172 23,327,374 11,226,525 11,309,505 11,432,002 11,571,945 31,712,290 31,732,290 31,057,868 31,221,665 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 145,118,252 50,832,892 41,881,821 36,835,646 15,567,894 264,276,702 77,399,335 45,012,832 80,880,294 60,984,242 123,752,681 39,659,764 27,134,929 42,957,987 14,000,000 55,950,662 15,952,488 10,707,108 29,291,066 81,010,944 21,742,068 15,630,078 31,368,395 12,270,403 151,889,338 8,559,912 6,101,151 10,143,322 127,084,952 74,728,070 23,745,954 11,713,600 31,268,516 8,000,000 PNW Annual Demand – Base Residential Commercial Industrial Power Generation 862,407,396 229,478,162 153,306,866 257,623,139 221,999,229 Region/Sector N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S 2014 / 2015 804,070,585 811,860,375 223,716,666 225,302,482 149,705,241 150,715,933 246,077,734 249,544,734 184,570,944 186,297,226 O U T L O O K 2015 / 2016 822,433,931 227,627,714 152,265,614 255,776,109 186,764,494 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 872,582,226 877,629,936 884,125,337 896,726,650 231,385,066 233,425,117 235,866,178 237,892,414 154,403,312 155,559,691 156,985,477 158,181,519 258,940,731 259,555,761 261,239,211 262,745,226 227,853,116 229,089,367 230,034,471 237,907,491 2021 / 2022 2022/2023 145,099,431 145,155,100 50,621,081 50,487,909 42,160,805 42,438,646 36,749,651 36,660,651 15,567,894 15,567,894 271,330,733 275,449,915 78,835,771 80,419,898 45,433,475 45,993,729 81,419,490 81,974,516 65,641,997 67,061,772 124,762,852 125,859,876 40,106,580 40,622,992 27,282,997 27,449,025 43,373,275 43,787,859 14,000,000 14,000,000 55,958,784 55,984,513 15,931,931 15,931,052 10,793,661 10,881,632 29,233,192 29,171,829 82,273,869 83,199,465 22,061,845 22,406,302 15,859,728 16,100,452 31,775,217 32,175,443 12,577,078 12,517,268 154,482,949 154,418,964 8,691,401 8,825,542 6,183,576 6,266,588 10,264,984 10,381,966 129,342,988 128,944,868 75,627,559 76,895,391 24,172,044 24,605,779 11,856,988 12,002,133 31,598,527 32,287,479 8,000,000 8,000,000 909,536,176 240,420,653 159,571,230 264,414,336 245,129,958 916,963,223 243,299,473 161,132,206 266,439,743 246,091,802 26 A3. Annual Demand Forecast (Dth) – High Case 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 2021 / 2022 2022/2023 BC Lower Mainland & Van. Island 147,456,368 148,134,047 147,511,321 147,836,036 148,038,026 148,240,017 148,442,007 Residential 53,430,775 53,225,810 53,020,844 52,678,006 52,287,477 51,896,948 51,506,418 Commercial 40,137,453 40,600,709 41,063,966 41,547,052 42,036,808 42,526,564 43,016,321 Industrial 37,019,842 37,439,230 37,858,617 38,043,083 38,145,847 38,248,611 38,351,374 Power Generation 16,868,299 16,868,299 15,567,894 15,567,894 15,567,894 15,567,894 15,567,894 W. Washington 251,135,288 245,735,634 253,374,217 279,538,668 304,141,099 311,290,048 304,729,870 Residential 69,300,162 70,308,210 71,498,420 72,760,579 74,062,425 75,453,589 76,883,684 Commercial 43,450,937 44,085,336 44,615,279 45,011,962 45,441,322 45,843,414 46,284,069 Industrial 77,256,130 77,924,653 78,888,402 79,585,692 80,169,525 80,750,768 81,500,630 Power Generation 61,128,059 53,417,434 58,372,117 82,180,435 104,467,827 109,242,278 100,061,488 W. Oregon 119,081,955 120,295,341 122,264,227 123,037,478 123,985,246 124,976,616 126,297,967 Residential 37,801,896 38,121,481 38,695,375 39,014,608 39,489,078 39,980,018 40,677,140 Commercial 27,383,811 27,454,622 27,637,049 27,592,739 27,663,394 27,755,685 27,968,128 Industrial 39,896,248 40,719,239 41,931,803 42,430,131 42,832,775 43,240,912 43,652,700 Power Generation 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 BC Interior 55,137,205 56,030,689 56,924,173 57,302,179 57,503,369 57,704,558 57,905,748 Residential 16,368,816 16,356,487 16,344,158 16,300,996 16,247,208 16,193,421 16,139,633 Commercial 10,198,667 10,322,089 10,445,512 10,578,493 10,714,680 10,850,868 10,987,055 Industrial 28,569,722 29,352,113 30,134,503 30,422,690 30,541,480 30,660,270 30,779,059 Power Generation E. Washington & N. Idaho 81,177,805 82,498,497 84,366,787 91,190,937 89,948,671 92,357,132 96,319,830 Residential 20,055,121 20,612,480 21,253,533 21,755,365 22,291,881 22,820,761 23,434,181 Commercial 14,231,140 14,582,051 15,000,548 15,342,956 15,703,358 16,057,749 16,467,484 Industrial 28,742,449 29,138,226 29,512,824 29,961,267 30,382,904 30,801,643 31,267,008 Power Generation 18,149,095 18,165,739 18,599,883 24,131,349 21,570,528 22,676,979 25,151,157 E. Oregon & Medford 116,551,317 123,770,200 128,108,062 158,526,493 162,453,002 162,572,130 165,913,083 Residential 7,808,670 7,976,229 8,184,659 8,370,546 8,555,054 8,735,774 8,944,123 Commercial 5,589,344 5,693,511 5,821,764 5,936,203 6,048,321 6,158,210 6,285,660 Industrial 9,391,778 9,483,571 9,612,694 9,752,350 9,870,402 9,984,259 10,116,458 Power Generation 93,761,526 100,616,888 104,488,944 134,467,394 137,979,226 137,693,887 140,566,842 S. Idaho 69,801,780 70,892,052 74,445,339 75,071,236 75,536,370 75,368,224 76,104,614 Residential 21,693,343 21,994,586 22,380,373 22,844,257 23,203,321 23,603,657 24,027,195 Commercial 11,127,912 11,164,356 11,443,451 11,563,320 11,648,790 11,774,962 11,919,103 Industrial 28,980,525 29,733,110 32,621,515 32,663,659 32,684,259 31,989,604 32,158,315 Power Generation 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 148,643,998 51,115,889 43,506,077 38,454,138 15,567,894 307,656,648 78,310,940 46,709,145 82,163,232 100,473,330 127,130,277 41,034,274 28,013,444 44,082,559 14,000,000 58,106,937 16,085,845 11,123,243 30,897,849 97,284,458 23,894,209 16,786,867 31,733,687 24,869,696 172,136,874 9,121,107 6,392,832 10,259,994 146,362,941 76,729,912 24,458,333 12,065,008 32,206,571 8,000,000 149,097,811 50,921,246 44,048,586 38,560,085 15,567,894 327,874,764 79,794,967 47,201,902 82,794,448 118,083,447 128,204,964 41,518,551 28,176,452 44,509,961 14,000,000 58,356,670 16,069,380 11,278,652 31,008,638 98,601,540 24,419,032 17,135,823 32,153,168 24,893,517 173,064,263 9,299,879 6,498,648 10,383,785 146,881,951 77,656,386 24,897,205 12,212,698 32,546,483 8,000,000 149,638,994 50,794,340 44,609,618 38,667,141 15,567,894 329,047,729 81,425,777 47,854,543 83,442,780 116,324,629 129,334,406 42,072,418 28,356,913 44,905,075 14,000,000 58,623,361 16,065,777 11,440,899 31,116,685 100,056,572 24,947,630 17,484,133 32,514,640 25,110,170 175,409,787 9,476,995 6,603,021 10,486,856 148,842,916 78,962,253 25,343,952 12,362,197 33,256,103 8,000,000 PNW High Demand by Sector Residential Commercial Industrial Power Generation 987,689,104 1,012,856,397 1,021,073,101 244,020,596 246,920,261 250,126,888 164,596,615 166,552,761 168,711,323 269,798,031 271,956,567 274,389,281 309,273,861 327,426,809 327,845,609 Region/Sector 2013 / 2014 2014 / 2015 2015 / 2016 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 840,341,717 847,356,460 866,994,126 932,503,027 961,605,782 972,508,724 975,713,119 226,458,782 228,595,284 231,377,361 233,724,357 236,136,444 238,684,166 241,612,374 152,119,264 153,902,674 156,027,569 157,572,726 159,256,672 160,967,453 162,927,820 249,856,693 253,790,141 260,560,359 262,858,873 264,627,191 265,676,067 267,825,545 211,906,979 211,068,361 219,028,838 278,347,071 301,585,474 307,181,038 303,347,381 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 27 A4. Annual Demand Forecast (Dth) – Low Case 2013 / 2014 Region/Sector 2014 / 2015 2015 / 2016 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 139,458,321 50,163,996 39,497,514 34,228,916 15,567,894 237,436,310 75,245,502 43,310,625 79,025,987 39,854,196 119,457,047 37,884,411 26,165,696 41,406,940 14,000,000 52,050,140 15,658,254 10,058,775 26,333,111 72,070,822 18,596,822 13,679,346 30,712,526 104,000,726 127,343,924 7,768,053 5,682,990 9,892,155 104,000,726 72,195,130 22,647,936 11,234,898 30,312,296 8,000,000 138,787,203 49,629,009 39,507,922 34,082,378 15,567,894 243,243,128 76,565,308 43,597,749 79,442,609 43,637,463 120,176,408 38,182,556 26,191,828 41,802,023 14,000,000 51,883,465 15,553,794 10,069,501 26,260,170 73,841,872 18,726,545 13,802,007 31,163,304 112,538,909 136,189,994 7,867,998 5,752,175 10,030,911 112,538,909 72,784,534 23,054,324 11,372,427 30,357,783 8,000,000 138,193,719 137,626,530 49,313,789 49,074,564 39,415,647 39,287,367 33,896,389 33,696,704 15,567,894 15,567,894 244,768,815 246,902,398 77,947,534 79,477,287 43,950,518 44,440,309 79,826,862 80,225,223 43,043,900 42,759,579 121,124,774 122,158,496 38,596,623 39,075,659 26,326,891 26,478,133 42,201,261 42,604,704 14,000,000 14,000,000 51,733,998 51,591,180 15,501,026 15,466,074 10,056,242 10,034,721 26,176,729 26,090,385 74,949,732 74,356,709 18,879,655 19,030,987 13,931,865 14,058,999 31,566,733 31,963,271 116,264,948 106,519,951 140,194,060 130,718,344 7,961,757 8,052,805 5,816,090 5,878,121 10,151,265 10,267,467 116,264,948 106,519,951 73,657,824 74,888,729 23,468,004 23,889,106 11,511,639 11,652,556 30,678,182 31,347,067 8,000,000 8,000,000 772,597,984 771,755,545 781,084,941 809,009,094 813,684,540 821,032,332 820,011,694 219,316,015 220,069,952 221,493,990 222,833,714 224,257,234 225,937,305 227,964,974 146,179,416 146,288,001 147,086,657 147,585,602 148,083,747 148,735,163 149,629,845 240,549,056 242,690,898 247,529,150 248,900,814 250,028,300 250,473,418 251,911,931 166,553,497 162,706,695 164,975,143 189,688,965 191,315,258 195,886,445 190,504,944 836,906,604 229,579,534 150,293,609 253,139,178 203,894,282 844,622,923 231,668,388 151,008,893 254,497,421 207,448,221 BC Lower Mainland & Van. Island 144,320,393 143,854,425 142,088,053 141,471,217 140,800,528 140,129,439 Residential 52,990,143 52,624,544 52,258,945 51,768,498 51,233,941 50,698,983 Commercial 39,191,461 39,309,604 39,427,747 39,466,292 39,476,700 39,487,107 Industrial 35,270,490 35,051,979 34,833,467 34,668,532 34,521,994 34,375,455 Power Generation 16,868,299 16,868,299 15,567,894 15,567,894 15,567,894 15,567,894 W. Washington 232,544,101 229,851,423 234,814,746 238,027,992 237,838,183 240,135,027 Residential 68,560,006 69,349,010 70,381,937 71,500,725 72,666,402 73,932,385 Commercial 42,210,592 42,121,102 42,308,566 42,574,803 42,775,231 43,015,364 Industrial 76,226,365 76,633,101 77,344,229 77,808,415 78,166,599 78,516,531 Power Generation 45,547,137 41,748,210 44,780,014 46,144,049 44,229,951 44,670,747 W. Oregon 113,149,071 114,184,020 115,927,383 116,580,252 117,399,854 118,274,464 Residential 35,513,123 35,741,134 36,206,869 36,455,410 36,851,469 37,271,804 Commercial 25,773,568 25,803,899 25,938,741 25,873,032 25,916,325 25,984,845 Industrial 37,862,380 38,638,987 39,781,773 40,251,809 40,632,059 41,017,815 Power Generation 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 BC Interior 52,566,296 52,522,975 52,479,654 52,394,553 52,294,916 52,195,278 Residential 16,208,760 16,138,095 16,067,430 15,971,632 15,867,173 15,762,713 Commercial 9,947,085 9,978,742 10,010,398 10,026,599 10,037,325 10,048,050 Industrial 26,410,450 26,406,138 26,401,826 26,396,322 26,390,419 26,384,515 Power Generation E. Washington & N. Idaho 67,739,592 67,952,894 68,356,823 69,031,405 70,036,356 71,218,423 Residential 18,275,844 18,146,889 18,089,895 18,130,650 18,212,326 18,372,986 Commercial 13,236,050 13,191,252 13,204,757 13,273,523 13,365,694 13,500,716 Industrial 28,273,513 28,656,632 29,015,792 29,449,187 29,856,697 30,262,367 Power Generation 74,183,877 74,132,066 74,580,855 97,798,977 100,915,774 104,565,451 E. Oregon & Medford 96,024,427 96,108,017 96,787,177 120,282,602 123,655,197 127,578,688 Residential 7,320,083 7,338,272 7,393,266 7,473,895 7,554,568 7,649,722 Commercial 5,331,535 5,359,926 5,409,900 5,471,813 5,532,371 5,600,051 Industrial 9,188,932 9,277,752 9,403,157 9,537,917 9,652,485 9,763,465 Power Generation 74,183,877 74,132,066 74,580,855 97,798,977 100,915,774 104,565,451 S. Idaho 66,254,105 67,281,791 70,631,105 71,221,072 71,659,506 71,501,013 Residential 20,448,056 20,732,007 21,095,648 21,532,903 21,871,355 22,248,711 Commercial 10,489,125 10,523,476 10,786,550 10,899,539 10,980,102 11,099,031 Industrial 27,316,924 28,026,308 30,748,907 30,788,631 30,808,049 30,153,270 Power Generation 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 PNW Low Demand by Sector Residential Commercial Industrial Power Generation N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 2021 / 2022 2022/2023 838,242,385 234,066,482 151,830,207 256,194,821 196,150,876 28 A5. Peak Day Demand/Supply Balance (Dth/day) – Expected Case 2013 / 2014 2014 / 2015 2015 / 2016 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 2021 / 2022 2022/2023 BC Lower Mainland & Van. Island (I-5) 1,378,589 Residential 570,995 Commercial 397,437 Industrial 149,508 Power Generation 260,650 W. Washington (I-5) 2,001,157 Residential 796,170 Commercial 340,383 Industrial 261,051 Power Generation 603,553 W. Oregon (I-5) 1,009,239 Residential 565,125 Commercial 292,524 Industrial 48,590 Power Generation 103,000 BC Interior 385,779 Residential 193,795 Commercial 124,394 Industrial 67,590 E. Washington & N. Idaho 564,262 Residential 206,082 Commercial 148,663 Industrial 80,785 Power Generation 128,731 E. Oregon & Medford (Non I-5 Supply) 615,443 Residential 84,342 Commercial 53,112 Industrial 40,895 Power Generation 437,094 S. Idaho 623,876 Residential 236,089 Commercial 121,621 Industrial 132,666 Power Generation 133,500 1,379,140 568,691 400,718 149,081 260,650 2,017,832 806,625 345,218 262,436 603,553 1,020,420 572,107 294,677 50,637 103,000 388,286 193,601 125,683 69,002 569,695 208,843 150,787 81,334 128,731 617,752 85,658 53,847 41,154 437,094 640,911 239,082 123,163 145,166 133,500 1,156,954 566,388 403,999 148,654 37,913 2,036,306 819,157 349,718 263,878 603,553 1,033,332 580,172 297,166 52,994 103,000 390,793 193,407 126,972 70,413 576,174 212,261 153,298 81,884 128,731 620,399 87,166 54,727 41,413 437,094 645,858 242,347 124,845 145,166 133,500 1,155,400 562,306 406,908 148,272 37,913 2,082,988 833,422 354,186 264,694 630,685 1,043,230 588,053 298,853 53,324 103,000 391,525 192,673 128,166 70,685 582,235 215,396 155,671 82,436 128,731 682,975 88,632 55,575 41,674 497,094 650,748 245,574 126,508 145,166 133,500 1,153,114 557,609 409,685 147,907 37,913 2,103,784 848,849 358,778 265,471 630,685 1,053,538 596,153 300,731 53,654 103,000 391,645 191,753 129,326 70,566 588,079 218,341 158,014 82,993 128,731 685,556 90,100 56,426 41,937 497,094 655,634 248,799 128,169 145,166 133,500 1,150,828 552,912 412,462 147,541 37,913 2,125,329 865,052 363,345 266,247 630,685 1,064,370 604,576 302,804 53,990 103,000 391,766 190,833 130,486 70,447 593,756 221,166 160,307 83,552 128,731 688,103 91,542 57,265 42,203 497,094 659,486 251,341 129,479 145,166 133,500 1,148,542 548,215 415,239 147,176 37,913 2,147,983 882,147 368,072 267,079 630,685 1,075,712 613,267 305,116 54,329 103,000 391,886 189,914 131,645 70,327 599,923 224,310 162,774 84,109 128,731 690,757 93,051 58,145 42,468 497,094 663,201 253,793 130,742 145,166 133,500 1,146,256 543,518 418,016 146,810 37,913 2,171,017 899,643 372,722 267,967 630,685 1,087,544 622,186 307,686 54,672 103,000 392,007 188,994 132,805 70,208 607,143 228,111 165,599 84,702 128,731 693,646 94,716 59,099 42,738 497,094 666,669 256,082 131,921 145,166 133,500 1,146,337 541,252 420,751 146,422 37,913 2,222,040 917,665 377,656 268,901 657,818 1,099,703 631,229 310,455 55,019 103,000 392,846 188,750 134,031 70,065 613,922 231,632 168,285 85,274 128,731 696,425 96,308 60,018 43,006 497,094 669,853 258,184 133,004 145,166 133,500 1,147,237 539,828 423,472 146,025 37,913 2,248,436 937,410 383,326 269,882 657,818 1,112,245 640,418 313,458 55,369 103,000 393,936 188,740 135,282 69,914 621,003 235,510 170,896 85,866 128,731 699,321 97,974 60,975 43,279 497,094 672,697 260,061 133,971 145,166 133,500 Total Design (Peak) Day Demand Total Supply Supply Surplus/(Shortfall) 6,634,036 6,624,640 (9,396) 6,459,815 6,624,640 164,825 6,589,100 6,624,640 35,539 6,631,350 6,624,640 (6,711) 6,673,638 6,624,640 (48,998) 6,718,004 6,624,640 (93,364) 6,764,283 6,624,640 (139,643) 6,841,127 6,624,640 (216,488) 6,894,876 6,624,640 (270,236) Demand (Region/Sector) 6,578,344 6,624,640 46,296 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 29 A6. I-5 Corridor Peak Day Demand/Supply Balance (Dth/day) – Expected Case Demand (Region/Sector) 2013 / 2014 2014 / 2015 2015 / 2016 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 2021 / 2022 2022/2023 BC Lower Mainland & Van. Island Residential Commercial Industrial Power Generation W. Washington (I-5) Residential Commercial Industrial Power Generation W. Oregon (I-5) Residential Commercial Industrial Power Generation Total Peak (Design) Day Demand SUPPLY Pipeline Interconnects Max north flow on NWP @ Gorge Huntingdon/Sumas T-South to Huntingdon Kingsvale to Huntingdon (via Southern Crossing) Underground Storage Jackson Prairie (NWP from JP) Mist Storage (NWN) Peak LNG Newport LNG (NWN) Portland LNG (NWN) Gig Harbor Satellite LNG (PSE) Swarr Stn Propane (PSE) Tilbury LNG (Fortis BC) Mount Hayes LNG (Fortis BC) 1,378,589 570,995 397,437 149,508 260,650 2,001,157 796,170 340,383 261,051 603,553 1,009,239 565,125 292,524 48,590 103,000 4,388,985 1,379,140 568,691 400,718 149,081 260,650 2,017,832 806,625 345,218 262,436 603,553 1,020,420 572,107 294,677 50,637 103,000 4,417,392 1,156,954 566,388 403,999 148,654 37,913 2,036,306 819,157 349,718 263,878 603,553 1,033,332 580,172 297,166 52,994 103,000 4,226,591 1,155,400 562,306 406,908 148,272 37,913 2,082,988 833,422 354,186 264,694 630,685 1,043,230 588,053 298,853 53,324 103,000 4,281,618 1,153,114 557,609 409,685 147,907 37,913 2,103,784 848,849 358,778 265,471 630,685 1,053,538 596,153 300,731 53,654 103,000 4,310,436 1,150,828 552,912 412,462 147,541 37,913 2,125,329 865,052 363,345 266,247 630,685 1,064,370 604,576 302,804 53,990 103,000 4,340,527 1,148,542 548,215 415,239 147,176 37,913 2,147,983 882,147 368,072 267,079 630,685 1,075,712 613,267 305,116 54,329 103,000 4,372,237 1,146,256 543,518 418,016 146,810 37,913 2,171,017 899,643 372,722 267,967 630,685 1,087,544 622,186 307,686 54,672 103,000 4,404,818 1,146,337 541,252 420,751 146,422 37,913 2,222,040 917,665 377,656 268,901 657,818 1,099,703 631,229 310,455 55,019 103,000 4,468,080 1,147,237 539,828 423,472 146,025 37,913 2,248,436 937,410 383,326 269,882 657,818 1,112,245 640,418 313,458 55,369 103,000 4,507,918 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 2,304,060 551,000 1,753,060 1,753,060 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 1,716,000 1,196,000 520,000 503,758 60,000 120,000 5,250 10,000 155,466 153,042 Total Supply 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 4,523,818 Supply Surplus/(Shortfall) 134,833 106,426 297,227 242,200 213,382 183,291 151,581 119,000 55,738 15,900 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 30 A7. Accelerated Demand 2015 / 2016 2016 / 2017 2017 / 2018 2018 / 2019 2019 / 2020 2020 / 2021 2021 / 2022 2022/2023 Annual Demand (Dth) 804,070,585 811,860,375 822,433,931 Year-to-Year Growth 1.0% 1.4% Residential 223,716,666 225,302,482 227,627,714 Commercial 149,705,241 150,715,933 152,265,614 Industrial 246,077,734 249,544,734 255,776,109 Industrial Growth 1.4% 2.4% Power Generation 184,570,944 186,297,226 186,764,494 Generation Growth 0.9% 0.3% Accelerated Industrial Demand (Dth) Adjusted Annual Demand 804,070,585 811,860,375 828,679,792 Adjusted Annual Growth 1.0% 2.0% Residential 223,716,666 225,302,482 227,627,714 Commercial 149,705,241 150,715,933 152,265,614 Accelerated Industrial Load 246,077,734 249,544,734 262,021,971 Adjusted Industrial Growth 1.4% 4.8% Power Generation 184,570,944 186,297,226 186,764,494 Accelerated Generation Demand (Dth) Adjusted Annual Demand 804,070,585 811,860,375 822,433,931 Adjusted Annual Growth 1.0% 1.3% Residential 223,716,666 225,302,482 227,627,714 Commercial 149,705,241 150,715,933 152,265,614 Industrial 246,077,734 249,544,734 255,776,109 Accelerated Generation Load 184,570,944 186,297,226 186,764,494 Adjusted Generation Growth 0.9% 0.3% Combined Accelerated Demand (Dth) Adjusted Annual Demand 804,070,585 811,860,375 828,679,792 Adjusted Annual Growth 1.0% 2.0% Residential 223,716,666 225,302,482 227,627,714 Commercial 149,705,241 150,715,933 152,265,614 Industrial 246,077,734 249,544,734 262,021,971 Power Generation 184,570,944 186,297,226 186,764,494 862,407,396 4.6% 229,478,162 153,306,866 257,623,139 0.7% 221,999,229 15.9% 872,582,226 1.2% 231,385,066 154,403,312 258,940,731 0.5% 227,853,116 2.6% 877,629,936 0.6% 233,425,117 155,559,691 259,555,761 0.2% 229,089,367 0.5% 884,125,337 0.7% 235,866,178 156,985,477 261,239,211 0.6% 230,034,471 0.4% 896,726,650 1.4% 237,892,414 158,181,519 262,745,226 0.6% 237,907,491 3.3% 909,536,176 1.4% 240,420,653 159,571,230 264,414,336 0.6% 245,129,958 2.9% 916,963,223 0.8% 243,299,473 161,132,206 266,439,743 0.8% 246,091,802 0.4% 868,692,786 4.6% 229,478,162 153,306,866 263,908,529 0.7% 221,999,229 917,136,303 5.3% 231,385,066 154,403,312 303,494,808 13.0% 227,853,116 922,297,371 0.6% 233,425,117 155,559,691 304,223,196 0.2% 229,089,367 942,320,481 2.1% 235,866,178 156,985,477 319,434,355 4.8% 230,034,471 955,236,555 1.4% 237,892,414 158,181,519 321,255,131 0.6% 237,907,491 968,400,878 1.4% 240,420,653 159,571,230 323,279,038 0.6% 245,129,958 976,259,439 0.8% 243,299,473 161,132,206 325,735,959 0.8% 246,091,802 862,407,396 4.6% 229,478,162 153,306,866 257,623,139 221,999,229 15.9% 872,582,226 1.2% 231,385,066 154,403,312 258,940,731 227,853,116 2.6% 891,426,936 2.1% 233,425,117 155,559,691 259,555,761 242,886,367 6.2% 907,120,337 1.7% 235,866,178 156,985,477 261,239,211 253,029,471 4.0% 933,518,650 2.8% 237,892,414 158,181,519 262,745,226 274,699,491 7.9% 946,328,176 1.4% 240,420,653 159,571,230 264,414,336 281,921,958 2.6% 953,755,223 0.8% 243,299,473 161,132,206 266,439,743 282,883,802 0.3% 868,692,786 4.6% 229,478,162 153,306,866 263,908,529 221,999,229 917,136,303 5.3% 231,385,066 154,403,312 303,494,808 227,853,116 936,094,371 2.0% 233,425,117 155,559,691 304,223,196 242,886,367 965,315,481 3.0% 235,866,178 156,985,477 319,434,355 253,029,471 992,028,555 1,005,192,878 1,013,051,439 2.7% 1.3% 0.8% 237,892,414 240,420,653 243,299,473 158,181,519 159,571,230 161,132,206 321,255,131 323,279,038 325,735,959 274,699,491 281,921,958 282,883,802 Demand (Region/Sector) 2013 / 2014 2014 / 2015 N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 31 B. IRP Assumptions Company Avista Region/Area Customer Classes 8 Demand Areas which can be broken into 4 Residential, core commercial, core industrial service territories and 2 divisions Cascade Currently 9 load areas (zones) principally based on major upstream pipeline constraints. CNGC will be forecasting at the our 70+ citygates level beginning with the 2015 IRP. 5 regions (includes an “all other” category); West, Central, and East for market share rates; by county for economic forecasting Intermountain FortisBC Residential, commercial, Industrial, core Interruptible 20 years Residential, commercial, and Industrial (potato 5 years processors, other food processors, chemical and fertilizer, manufacturers, institutions, and all other) 3 regions which can be broken into 7 service Residential, commercial and industrial territories and 4 companies NW Natural 12 Regions based on topology of the gas distribution system Forecast Length Econometrics 20 years Separate forecast for customers and use per customer. Key drivers: Population growth; service area residential permitting; U.S., California, and service area employment growth; average household size; U.S. industrial production; U.S. GDP growth; non-weather seasonal factors; and real natural gas prices. Normal weather is based on a 20-year moving average. Residential existing, new construction single family, new construction multi-fam., and res. conversion; commercial existing, new construction & conversions; industrial firm sales; firm transport Residential, commercial, industrial & electric generation Customer Counts: employment, # of households, mortgage rate for residential or Prime Rate for commercial/industrial. Therms per Customer: median household income, weather, natural gas prices. Customer growth forecast: New res. construction customers, # of res. customers who convert to natgas fr/ an alt fuel, & # of small com. customers (assuming a new household = a new dwelling needed). The annual change in households by county x IGC’s market penetration rate in that region = the additional res. anticipated % of conversion customers relative to new construction customers in those locales = # of expected res. conversion customers. (+ res. new construction #s = total expected additional res. customers across the periods, by county). 5 years for PBR, and 20 years for Long Term Resource Plan 20 years Customer growth by region & category. Recent usage data for customer base use + heat use behavior response to historic weather and gas rates. Net residential customer additions (+ stock of convertible dwellings, incentives, technology, marketing programs, etc) 18 years Customer usage patterns influenced by underlying economic, demographic, and technological changes such as growth in population and employment, changes in prevailing prices, growth in electricity demand and in electric generation by renewables, changes in the efficiency profiles of residential and commercial buildings and the appliances within them, and the response to climate change. 20 years, but New technologies/end uses, demographics, fuel switching, DSM, and discussion in the economic growth main text only concentrates on the first 10 years, 2011-2020 PG&E 10 climate zones, do not follow county borders, are based on similar geographic and climatic characteristics and approved by the CPUC PacifiCorp 34 “bubbles:” 15 west, 19 east designed to best describe major load and generation centers, regional transmission congestion impacts, import/export availability, and external market dynamics Residential, commercial, and industrial. For Demand Response, grouped commercial and industrial demand buyback together. Portland General Single contiguous service area Residential, commercial, or industrial. For demand response, by residential and small C&I, medium C&I (30-499kW), large C&I (500999kW), and largest C&I (>1,000kW) 30 years (20102040, but they are only required to forecast out for 20 years) Precarious economic conditions, demographic trends such as in-migration and life expectancy, a business environment that favors future growth; OR’s position as a magnet state, the presence of prominent industry leaders, continued gains in productivity, and emerging sectors sustaining and creating new growth; and the high tech sector Firm: residential, commercial, industrial,large volume commercial, large volume industrial. Interruptible: commercial and industrial. Transportation: firm and interruptible commercial, firm and interruptible industrial. Residential by state; small commercial by state; large commercial, industrial and electric generation gas demand all together; firm customer and transportation. All rate classes are forecasted by state, but non-GS (all but residential and small commercial) is only presented system-wide in the IRP document. 20 years Regional and national economic growth, demographic changes, weather, prices, seasonality, usage, and behavior factors: Structural (population driven) approach for developing Low and High growth scenarios. Puget Sound Single contiguous service area. Energy Questar N W G A By state: Utah and Wyoming (Idaho is rolled into Utah), and pipeline served and class (only by state in the text though). Whole system summaries provided. 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 11 years, through Population, personal income, housing starts, and unemployment rate are used in forecasting by state. 2022 for the demand forecast, and 21 years for the SendOut model. 32 Economic Sources IHS Global Insight; Bureau of Labor Statistics; U.S. Census; Bureau of Economic Analysis; NOAA; University of Oregon Economic Indicator; Construction Monitor; U.S. Federal Reserve; The Economist; Wall Street Journal; IMF; World Bank; Bloomberg; Blue Chip Consensus, Washington Office of Financial Management. Woods & Poole, FHLMC, Federal Reserve, NOAA, Wood Mackenzie. Scenarios Developed Price Forecast An Average Case, Expected Case, High Growth with Wood Mackenzie – first five years modified to Low Price, Low Growth with High Price, and an include Nymex forward prices Alternate Weather Standard Peak Day Determination Coldest day on record, historic peak, and average weather data for each demand region. Low, Medium, High, High Growth with Low Price, Low Growth with High Price, Moderate CO2 costs, High CO2 costs A blend of public and private sources (EIA 20 yr, Bentek 5yr , NYMEX strips, Texas Comptroller) – based on Cascade’s general portfolio mix 61 HDD, based on coldest day in past 30 years Church 2012 Forecast; NOAA Low, base, and high (combined w/ other variables create 18 total demand scenarios) NYMEX & 2 five yr forecasts fr/ “multi-national energy companies”=> Similar enough to use (1) for model. 81 HDD weighted by customers in each district; several distinct laterals and areas of interest are assigned unique DDs. Low, Medium, High Internally developed forecast based on GLJ forecast for AECO, forward price basis between Stn 2 and Aeco, forecast basis between Sumas and Stn 2, and forecast basis between AECO and Kingsgate. The coldest day that is expected to occur once every 20 years, determined through an extreme value analysis. The Extreme Value analysis is based on weather data from the last 60 years and the result could vary from the coldest day experienced in the last 20 years. System-weighted 53 HDD; coldest day last 30 years OEA & NWPCC; Woods & Poole High Customer Growth; Low Customer Growth; IHS CERA (augmented for scenario development Carbon Prices; Reliability; Gas Prices; Low/Medium/ purposes) High Emerging Markets; ? Average and high, as well as an abnormal peak day Avg. of NYMEX futures, long-term CEC forecasts, (APD) EIA, & private sources PacifiCorp’s 2010 DSM potential study, conducted low, medium, and high scenarios – developed 49 cases: 19 by The Cadmus Group Core cases on portfolio performance results for 4 variables (level of a per-ton CO₂ tax, the type of CO₂ regulation – tax or hard emission cap, natural gas and wholesale electricity prices); 14 sensitivity on changes to resource-specific assumptions and alternative load growth forecasts. To minimize data processing and model run-time requirements PC excluded improbable combinations. Third-party proprietary data & forecasting services establish a range of global gas price scenarios, then, IPM® simulates the North American system (allows natgas prices to respond to demand changes fr/ envir. compliance). Results used in a regional Midas model, simulates the Western Interconnection. Low, medium, and high nat gas prices from Henry Hub are obtained. Those 3 forecasts are used to develop 15 unique price projections for the cases analyzed. PGE relies on PIRA Energy Group for natural gas prices Oregon Office of Economic Analysis March 2009 A reference (likely) case, high load, and low load, economic forecast and Global Insight’s February assuming normal weather. 15 portfolios represent (and coal)’s long-term fundamental forecast starting in 2009 U.S. either a single resource or a mix of resources. Then 2014 and going through 2025 for the long-term Henry assess total expected portfolio costs and test using Hub price and basis differentials to Sumas, AECO, and other WECC (for electric) supply hubs. PIRA’s forecasts 21 futures. Stochastic analysis includes changes are available through 2025, after which PGE escalates in load, hydro, natgas price, wind availability & at inflation. unplanned thermal generating resource outages Base, Low, High, High + High CO2, Base + Very High For 2014-16, used 3 mo. avg fwd marks. Beyond 2016, Moody’s Analytics US Macroeconomic Forecast, PSE’s Wood MacKenzie. Also generated Very Low, Low, High & regional and economic forecasts, WA Office of Financial CO2, Very Low Gas Price, Very High Gas Price. Very High Gas Prices derived from WM Forecasts Management. University of Utah (Bureau of Economic & Business Research) and the Utah Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget. When current local data were not available, nationally recognized sources such as the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the U.S. Census Bureau and IHS Global Insight were used. Mean, median, a normal cases and a base case. For the IRP, Questar does Stochastic modeling which more than encompasses low, medium and high. From the Stochastic output they calculate mean, median, and base cases. A normal case was included in the last IRP to help with the quarterly variance report and pass-through cases. Determined the means and standard deviations associated with historical data from each of 9 area price indices. Used avg of 2 price forecasts fr/ PIRA Energy Group (19 months) and IHS CERA (252 months) as basis for projecting the stochastic modeling inputs. PG&E uses a 1 in 90 year cold temp by location but only provides a system weighted mean temp (27˚F) in their text. No HDDs: assume a 10 % probability high temperature load. This is included in their alternative load forecast cases to determine the resource type and timing impacts resulting from a structural change in the economy. Expected normal weather w/ a 50%probability - PGE’s reserve cover ~ 80% of a 1-in-5 weather event. PGE and the PNW have historically been winter peaking, but summer demand has been growing and is projected to increase at a faster rate than winter demand, transforming PGE’s system from winter-peaking to summer-peaking by the end of the decade. 52 HDD daily average A 1-in-20 year weather occurrence: design-day firm customer gas demand projection is based on a theoretical day w/ mean temp -5˚F @ the Salt Lake Airport and corresponding design-day temperatures are seen coincidentally across the service territory. N W G A 2 0 1 4 G A S O U T L O O K 1914 Willamette Falls Dr. #255 West Linn, OR 97068