ST. JOHN XXIII CATHOLIC SCHOOL ii? i x x n h o j . t at’s new, S Wh June 2015 75 Edey Street, Arnprior, ON, K7S 1B9 T-613-623-2828 F-613-623-0785 Principal: Mrs. Heidi Fraser Vision Statement Inspired by our rich heritage and inspired by the struggles of our past, we at St. John XXIII Catholic School are called to express our mission as church, to pass on the good news of Jesus Christ, to make it relevant in the world today and to be the hope for the future. First Communion On May 31, several St. John XXIII students celebrated the Sacrament of First Communion at St. John Chrysostom Church. Congratulations go out to: Gavin Ashford, Preston Barr, Izabella Barsoski, Ethan Butler, Cohen Cardiff, Alex Carroll, Lexie Chaput, Owen Coe, Daniel Coady, Mackenzie Davis, Noah Diotte, Liam Flaherty, Cali Groulx, Carley Hunt, Ryan Lacasse, Matthew Marcellus, Livia Mulvihill, Kaleb Periard, Bryce Rebertz, Rachel Robertson, Emily Tweedie, Nikole Tyagley-Campos, and Trent Whitman. S e n i o r K i n d e rg a rt e n “ m ov i n ’ o n to g r a d e 1 ” a n d G r a d e 6 l e av e ta k i n g Our Senior Kindergarten students will be involved in their SK Movin’ On To Grade 1 celebration at St. John XXIII on Friday, June 19th, 2015. The festivities will begin in the gym at 1:30 p.m. All parents are invited to join us! More information will be sent home to families from the Kindergarten teachers. Our grade six class will participate in a special liturgical Leave-Taking Ceremony on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Family and friends are invited to gather in the gym for this celebration. Refreshments will be served to the graduates and their guests in the school foyer following the service. “Congratulations and Good Luck” to all of our graduates! Wherever you go and whatever you do, please be reminded of the friendship and nurturing you were blessed with here at St. John XXIII. We are privileged to have had the opportunity to help build the framework for your future. Good luck at St. Joseph’s in the fall. Closing school mass The date for our closing school mass is Thursday, June 25th at 10 a.m. The school will be heading over to St. John Chrysostom Parish to celebrate our end of the school year mass with our parish priest, Fr. John Burchat. Please join us if you can. REPORT CARDS Final report cards will be sent home with all students on Tuesday, June 23rd. Please make sure that you take the time to review the report card with your child and then complete, sign and return page three to school before the school year is over. Moving over the summer? Please notify the office or your child’s teacher if you will be moving over the summer and your child will not be joining us in September. Dress code In the warmer weather, all tops should have shoulders covered (i.e., no spaghetti straps). All tops and bottoms should overlap (no mid-sections showing). Shorts and skirts should be mid thigh in length. A good rule of thumb is that shorts and skirts should be at least to the end of your fingertips whenever your arms are at your side. We also suggest that students wear hats/caps whenever outside to protect them from the sun. Putting sunscreen on your child before they attend school each day is also recommended. Calling all missing books!!! We are missing a few books from our school library and a number of textbooks and novels from the classrooms. The cost to replace those books is frightening. Please search your households (especially children’s bedrooms) for school books. You will be amazed at what you may find. Good bye and good luck Year end is also a time to say thanks to those who will be leaving us. We extend our very best wishes to Ms. Erin Beaudry, and Mrs.Tracey Jeror as their teaching/support assignments come to a close at the end of the school year. They have been a wonderful addition to our staff this year and we wish them much success in the years to come. A special thank you also to our tutors in the classroom: Alannah O’Neill, Ellen Flegal and Taylor Berube. Great job! SK/1, 1, 1/2 & 2 Classes Headed to the rodeo! On Friday, June 12, many of our students will head over to the Arnprior Agricultural Area to learn more about animals and rodeos. Our students will be there from 11-1 and will be eating their lunch there as well. More details will follow in a note home. Drumming Presentation On Friday, June 5, students will be treated to a special Native Drumming Performance by students from St. James Catholic School in Eganville. Thank you to Myles Sabourin for organizing this event. Bowling All classes will be bowling once during the month of June. Notes will go home with date and times. School supplies for September 2015 Like last September, As a school, we will supply the majority of items such as pencils, erasers, scissors, notebooks, art supplies and agendas. Parents only need to purchase school bags, lunch kits, pencil cases, indoor shoes and headphones. In September we will ask for $5.00 for each grade one to six student for an agenda . “Over the carp” cross country run in Fitzroy harbour The St. John XXIII Spring Running Team will be participating in the annual Fitzroy Harbour Over the Carp Run on Thurs., June 18. Thank you to Mrs. Flegal for training the students. Masc Presentation On Thurs., June 18, the students will have the opportunity to watch an integrated dance performance by Propeller Group. The primary students will have the opportunity to watch the performance entitled, “All the Buzz” and the junior students will watch the performance entitled, “Dream a Little Dream”. This is a special performance because integrated dance is highly innovative in that it pushes movement research boundaries by exploring new principles of movement with dancers previously excluded from dance and performance. Propeller Dance signifies forward motion, propelling integrated dance into the future, creating new aesthetics in art and continuing to build community. Propeller Dance is the only organization in Ontario with the sole mandate of providing dance programming to children, youth and adults with and without disability. Becoming a leader in integrated dance in Canada, Propeller Dance provides inclusive, accessible and integrated dance programming to people with and without disability. All professionals are dedicated to the needs of people with disabilities. St. John XXIII will be in for a real treat with these performances! School Council News Hello Everyone: I am here to report that we were extremely busy last month getting everything organized for our major fundraiser...MAYFEST. I have to say it was very successful. I saw many happy faces and lots of families out having fun together, which is always a good sign. I want to THANK everyone who helped organize, set up, sell tickets. As well a big THANK YOU to businesses who donated to the school, volunteers who went in search for donations, staff for helping, and everyone who made the night a great success. Our profit was over $5000. We are always in need of volunteers so think about helping us come September for the new school year. We love new ideas and everyone has the ability to help and give back to our school community. We have one more Parent Council meeting left this school year, it is on Wednesday, June 10th at 6pm in the library. "Thank you" goes out to all who came out to help Parent Council this year and hope to see you next year. We hope you have a wonderful summer with your families and please be safe. Tracey Jeror, Chair ST. John XXIII Track and Field On Friday, May 12th, our junior division headed to the track at ADHS for our school’s track and field meet. Students were able to participate in a variety of track events and several had great results. Many students will be moving on to participate in the McNab Track Meet and the SJHS Track Meet (June 12). Thank you to Mrs. Ryan for spearheading the organization of the meet and for all other teachers and parent volunteers who assisted in the great day! Grade 4 Boys 100m David Toner/Memphis van Wyk Hogan Mosley Grade 4 Girls Grade 5 Boys Grade 5 Girls Grade 6 Boys Grade 6 Girls Emily Toupin AJ Anas Alyssa McNulty Damen Gauthier Meg Redmond Callie Kuehl Gabe Hill Abby Patrois Caleb Oberback Macy Marcotte Victoria Chartard Brodie Smith Melanie Lalande Justin Duff Jadyn Stashick Dakota Gallinger 200m Hunter Coady Emily Toupin AJ Anas Alyssa McNulty Damen Gauthier Meg Redmond Ben Herter Victoria Chartrand Gabe Hill Shay-Lyn Kluke Caleb Oberback Macy Marcotte Owen Osborne Tarynn Jeror Justin Duff Courtney Mosley Hogan Mosley Allison Niblett 400m Ben Herter Emily Toupin AJ Anas Abby Patrois Adam McCuaig Meg Redmond Hunter Coady Victoria Chartrand Josh Morris Shay-Lyn Kluke Quinn Trudeau Courtney Mosley Scot Sliwowski Desiree MacAulay Justin Duff Teagan Smith Adam McCuaig Meg Redmond Hudson Barr Allison Niblett 800m David Toner AJ Anas Keigan Campbell Brodie Smith Abby Patrois Quinn Trudeau Kade Chaput Softball Throw David Toner Emily Toupin Alex Lecuyer Abby Patrois Damen Gauthier Dakota Gallinger Maya Mulvihill Melanie Lalande Adam McCuaig Ben Herter Allison Niblett Christopher Hebert Emma McCormick Cees van Wyk Matthew Richard Standing Long Jump Teagan Smith / Meg Redmond Cassandra Kidd Jadyn Stashick David Toner Emily Toupin AJ Anas Alyssa McNulty Adam McCuaig Joyia Chase Keigan Campbell Madison Schlievert Xander Stewart Abby Patrois Damen Gauthier Teagan Smith Gabe Hill Melanie Lalande Justin Duff Meg Redmond Rowan Malheiro Jordan Tate Running Long Jump Rowan Malheiro Jordan Tate AJ Anas Abby Patrois Damen Gauthier Madison Devlin Carter Tomp Victoria Chartrand Gabe Hill Alyssa McNulty Caleb Oberback Joyia Chase Brodie Smith Keandra O’Brien Elijah O’Brien Meg Redmond Hogan Mosley Madison Schlievert McNab Track & Field Results St. John XXIII sent a team to the McNab Track and Field meet for the first time on May 20. It was a windy day but that didn’t slow our runners down. Our athletes represented our school very well! Event First 60 m Damen Gauthier 100 m Damen Gauthier Second Third Fourth Med Redmond Fifth Alyssa McNulty AJ Anas 200 m Meg Redmond 400 m Meg Redmond 800 m Kate Dyer 1500 m Abby Patrois Relay—4x100 m Boys Team Long Jump Madison Devlin Adam McCuaig Girls Team Joyia Chase Damen Gauthier Standing Long Jump Joyia Chase Softball Throw Teagan Smith Teagan Smith Cassandra Kidd David Toner Abby Patrois Cees van Wyk Main Raffle Winners 1st—Ryan Blimkie ($300 Best Buy Card) 2nd—Denis Diotte (Wilderness Tours Trip) 3rd—Lisa Niblett (Arnprior Pack) 50/50 Winner—Chris Toner Congratulations to all of the winners of the extra draws, cake draws, and silent auction! Thank you to everyone who made a donation, volunteered time and/or came out and had fun! My Dad is a superhero because: He Is as fast as the flash when it comes to barbecue night. One time I came home and he was at the barbecue and done in 15 seconds. He is as brave as superman when it comes to destroying bees. One time there was something like a hornet building a nest outside my window and he came and destroyed it. He is as funny as iron man when it's time for a laugh. One time at supper he announced wrestling names in an announcer voice. He is as classy as batman when it comes to ties. He wears a matching tie when it comes to an occasion. He is as worthy as Thor when it comes to holding a wrench. When our heater or air conditioning needs to be fixed he does it in just a few seconds. He is as warm as the human torch when it’s time for a hug. Whenever I feel down I can just hug my dad. He is as perfect as vision when it comes to cooking. He can never get a recipe wrong and makes it even better. From Jordyn. My Super-dad My dad has the super-smarts power because he always solves the problem…(sometimes) My dad is very Handy because if i break something like a toy or anything he can repair it with his handy Mandy tools in a hop, skip, and a jump. My dad has the SUPER-SILLY ability because he always makes the funniest jokes! My dad is a Fixer-Upper because he can fix ANYTHING (I mean ANYTHING!)! He fixes cars, tractors, toys, ANYTHING! This also relates to his Handy Mandy powers. My dad has the super strong power because… just look at his muscles! How big? Maybe 1000000CM I’m betting $100.00! :D My dad is SOOOOOOOOO awesome with the pawsome. He is really good with animals because all the animals love him. (and so do I <3!) My dad is a big senators fan and so am I! I love senators and so does he. sometimes me and my dad will go to senators games! I love that! I imagine that when he is in heaven he will be playing in the play-offs and win the heavenly Stanley cup! My dad is… SUPER DAD! Isabella Super Firefighter Man!!! (and Scrapbook Mom, the sidekick) As protective as a firefighter! He can have excuses on some things! Makes the best pizzas EVER!!! Baseball flyer, is an amazing baseball thrower and catcher!!!!!! Is an amazing hazmat guy!!! so funny he makes even the best people who can’t laugh, laugh Is so cool he is out of this world… ...and his sidekick: Scrapbook Mom As protective as an...ugh...protective mother!! And makes the best noodles ever! That’s my Super Firefighter Man! Declan My Super Dad My dad is as strong as Hulk. He used to carry me to bed when I was asleep. Dad is as fast as Flash when there is a cockroach, when giving four-wheeler rides, and not to mention when barbecuing steak. Dad is super dad. James My Superhero Daddy: The Music Man My dad is a strong as the hulk. Every time I rearrange my room, my dad always volunteers to move my furniture. My dad is as musical as iron man. Every night my dad goes down to the basement and I can hear his beautiful music. My dad is as handy as captain America. He always fixes everything that is broken and if he can’t, he will try and try again. My dad is as funny as Thor. He will always try to make me and my mom laugh. he is so funny! My dad is as fast as flash. One time, when my dad and I were racing, he was finished before I even got started. Love your little side kick Alexis My dad is the best superhero ever because: He is as strong as the HULK. When I need help he never says no. He’s as loving as CUPID. He always loves me no matter what. He’s as sacrificing as IRON MAN. When I was in Dance and Mom couldn’t take me, he would. He’s as handy as CAPTAIN AMERICA. He fixes lots of things. He’s as happy as HAWKEYE. Whenever he gets home he has a big smile on his face which I love. He’s as funny as the JOKER. Whenever he imitates someone it puts a smile on my face. He’s a great cook just like JAMIE OLIVER. My dad is super dad! Kennedy My dad is diaper dad! He is the BEST at changing DIAPERS! He is like an army captain, he will lead me and Noah through our lives with no struggle. He is as brave as Ironman because he promised to go head-to-head with wolf to protect his family. He is as smart as Bruce Banner because he helps me with my homework. My dad is Diaper Dad and I love him. MY SUPERDAD My dad is as handy as captain America!!! My dad is as loving as the HULK:) My dad is as good at fixing things as Ironman! My dad is as funny as THOR! My dad is as strong as superman!!! My dad is my superhero. Matthew Superhero Dad!!! :) My dad is as fast as FLASH because whenever he is playing soccer he gets past the other team before you can even say “lightning”. He’s as smart as ironman because he always figures out the answers for my homework. He’s also really funny like the joker because he always jokes around whenever people are feeling down. My dad is good at bbq’s like wolverine because at supper he makes the best bbq hot dogs ever! That's why my dad is a superhero dad! Keandra Dad is a superhero: Dad you are as fast as flash because you are on time all the time. You are as funny as joker because you tell me lots of jokes. Dad you are as lovable as cupid because you say I love you all the time to me. Love, your little sidekick Tori HELLO,THIS IS EVAN WITH BREAKING NEWS!!! THERE IS A NEW SUPERHERO IN ARNPRIOR!!! HIS NAME IS THE MINECRAFTER!!! He is as strong as the Hulk because he can lift me up with one arm. He is as fast as the Flash because he almost always beats us in races. He is as good at building as Dan TDM because he always builds awesome things on Minecraft. He is as good as Bobby Ryan because he never gives up. He is as funny as Eddie Murphy because he always makes me laugh. He is as good at cooking as Jamie Oliver because he always makes us awesome breakfasts. He is as good as Billy Bishop at flying us. THAT IS MY DAD!!! Evan My dad is a superhero. My dad is the best superhero because he is as smart as Einstein, as strong as the Hulk, as fast as the Flash, as good Bruno Mars, as brave as Ironman, as protective as the Green Lantern, as helpful as a doctor, and as funny as Jeff Dunham. His kids and wife are his sidekicks. He can fly and has super strength. We help him beat the bad guys and he gets trophies all the time. We get one too. I like my Super Dad. My dad and my mom rock because they get me and my sister stuff and I am thankful for what I have and what a great family I have. By Joshua My dad is my favourite super hero because … He is as strong as the Hulk. He can carry heavy boxes without help. He is as fast as the Flash. When we play tennis he is always hitting the ball. He is as classy as Batman. No matter what he wears he always looks good. He is as brave as Superman. He always protects us from spiders. He is as protective as the Green Lantern. He protects us from evil bugs. He is as helpful as Captain America. On Saturday he always has bacon ready for breakfast. He is as smart as Ironman . He always knows what to do when I get hurt. I love you Superhero Dad. Love from your little sidekick, KYLE. My Dad My dad is as strong as superman because he spends all day working on a roof; as smart as ironman because he always tells me stuff; as handsome as Thor because well...he just is; as boring as aqua man—just kidding! As brave as Captain America because he always stands up for what is right; as awesome as batman for taking me places; and has more stories than the fantastic 4. My dad is iron dad! Dylan Dad, you are super because: You are as smart as Ironman because you help me do my homework . You are as helpful as Captain America because you make supper for me all the time. You are as strong as Hulk because you lift heavy things. You are as funny as Joker because you tell me lots of jokes. My dad is a super dad! Love from your little sidekick, Tori. My dad is the best superhero ever because... My dad is as fast as the flash because he wins every family race. He is also as smart as ironman because he gets everything right when he works and answers all questions right. My dad is as funny as Thor because he does jokes and we always fall for it and laugh our heads off. That's why Dad is a superhero. Rowan MY DAD IS A SUPER HERO My dad is a superhero because he is as strong as Captain America. He piles lots of wood in the summer with me. And picks me up. He is as smart as IRONMAN because he always helps with my homework. He is as warm, caring and loving as Cupid because he is always in the mood for hugs and snuggles. He is as awesome as Thor because he does absolutely everything with me. My Dad is super dad! The Mulvengers First, there is me, Glide. Then Hyper Voice, my sister. Then bathroom cleaner, my mom. Then Swiftdog Charlie, and finally, my dad power man. My dad is power man because… He is as strong as thing. One time he flipped the trampoline over. He is as funny as nick fury. In 2012 after hockey he made shirts with funny nicknames. He is as smart as Bruce Banner. When he put a new tv up, he did it with no instructions. We are the Mulvengers! Lucas My dad is my favorite superhero because he is as strong as the hulk. He is as brave as SUPERMAN. He is as helpful as Captain America. He is the funniest person on earth. He is the best COOK in the world. He is loving. He is caring. He is good at fixing things. MY DAD IS A SUPER DAD! I love my dad because when I need help he is willing to help me. Also because he makes supper every night and it is the best supper. Also what I love about my dad is that he makes me laugh. And one more thing, I love my dad because he takes me for long four wheeling rides and they are so fun. I LOVE U DAD :) Alex Breaking news! This is really important! Breaking news! This is the breaking news! There is a new superhero in town! The superhero’s name is Derek strength. He is really, really, really strong, and apparently really good at making waffles! Dad you are the best dad ever! You are as brave as Thor because you are willing to take some risks sometimes. You are as smart as Ironman because you always help me with my homework. You are as strong as hulk because sometimes you lift really heavy things. It is really fun when you take me somewhere, like to my hockey games, or a game in Ottawa. It is really fun and awesome when you and I go up to the hunt camp and go hunting with our friends. Dad you are awesome at playing the guitar. I love how you are a sports person like me. I also love how you and I love hockey, and the Montreal Canadiens, and how we both kinda like the Ottawa Senators. Hogan 28 21 14 7 Sunday 30 Pizza Day Report Cards Home 29 Mass @ 10 AM—St. John Chrysostom Church Gr. 6 Leave Taking Ceremony 10:00, Dance in PM Gr. 2/3 & 3 Trip to Upper Canada Village 25 23 Pizza Day 22 24 MASC performances Gr. 1, 1/2, 2 & Rebertz’s 1s—Trip to Starr Gymnastics SJHS Track & Field—rain date Gr. 5 Trip to Bonnechere Caves Over the Carp Run 18 17 16 Pizza Day Gr. 6 going to SJHS for special game day 11 Schroder/Duhn & Rebertz’s SK Trip to A Gym Tale Sub Day EQAO 4 Thursday 15 School Council Meeting 6-8 Gr. 3 students going to SJHS for special game day Greenaway/McKay Kinder Trip to A Gym Tale PA day—no school EQAO 10 EQAO Hila Science Lighthouse— Mulligan’s grade 2 3 9 2 1 Wednesday 8 Tuesday Monday PA day—no school 26 Senior Kindergarten Graduation 1:30 19 Arnprior Rodeo—SK/1, 1, 1/2 & 2 attending 12 SJHS Track & Field Meet— track & field team attending Drumming Presentation in Gym 10:30 5 Friday 27 20 13 6 Saturday St. John XXIII June 2015 Calendar