ee Connections 540 SE 18th Street, Owatonna MN 55060 507-451-1032 June 2015 Volume 3, Issue 4 Our mission as Christ Community Covenant Church is to glorify God and seek His will for our personal lives and our lives together. Inside This Issue Page 2 * Musings (cont’d) Page 3 * Mission Focus * Church on the Road Page 4 * Kid’s Connections * Sew Blessed Page 5 * Calendar * Bible Reading Guide Page 6 * Financial Report * Service Schedules Connections is a monthly publication of Christ Community Covenant Church, Owatonna, Minn. Articles for Connections must be submitted by the 15th of each month to Betty Wells. W e b s i t e : w w w . o w a t o n n a c o v e n a n t c hu r c h. o r g E m a i l : c c c @ o w a t o n n a c o v e n a n t c hu r c h. o r g Monthly Musings from Pastor Brent So how well are we doing love? From the musical Carousal by Rogers and Hammerstein, perhaps you remember hearing these words: June is bustin' out all over! All over the meadow and the hill! Buds're bustin' outa bushes And the rompin' river pushes Ev'ry little wheel that wheels beside the mill! As we see all around us, the grass, the flowers and the trees are busting out with green and sensational colors. Truly this season is a gorgeous time of the year as we experience the signs of summer. The song continues: Fresh and alive and gay and young June is a love song, sweetly sung June is bustin' out all over! The saplin's are bustin' out with sap! Love he's found my brother, "Junior," And my sister's even lunier, And my ma is gettin' kittenish with Pap. Because it's June! June, June, June Just because it's June, June, June! Not only is June a wonderful season for budding color, it is also the season for budding love. It has been said in years gone by that June is when every young man’s fancy turns to (not baseball) but love. In fact June is traditionally the most popular month for weddings. So what does all this talk about love have to do with us? Well, as you all know, the Bible has a lot to say about love. First and foremost we need to know that God loves us. In fact the only way that we are able to love is because God loved us first, “We love because He (God) first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Therefore, when it comes to love, please know that God loves you. Do not ever doubt that even though everything and everyone may fail you, God always loves you. (continued on page 2) Monthly Musings from Pastor Brent (continued from page 1) Then in return Jesus said in Matthew 22:37 that the first and greatest commandment is “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” So with all the signs of summer, flowers, blossoming trees and rain showers our genuine response to our loving God should be love in worship, praise, thanksgiving and service in caring for the environment. So how well are we doing love? We often quote these words from memory and we shouldn’t have to be reminded. However, in our busyness and our comfort; in our selfishness and forgetfulness, we have to be reminded and encouraged to reach out in love to all those around us. There are people all around us that deeply need to know that they are loved, and because God loves us, we can love them. So how well are we doing love? Jesus then followed the greatest commandment by saying, “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew 22:39). Jesus also said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). And He also said, “"You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you . . .” (John 5:4344). The Bible also give this instruction, “Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them” (Colossians 3:19), and in response most wives already know to love their husbands. So how well are we doing love? We may intend to and we may want to, but we forget. We may not want to, we may not know the person and we may not even like the person, however, God does not give us a choice. He has asked us to reach out in love to those around us. Perhaps a “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon” as we meet people at the store. We may be the only ones who say anything to them all day. Where appropriate a smile or even a friendly greeting can be encouraging. At home a hug, a kiss and a genuine “I love you” is always good. So how well are we doing love? These are God’s word to us as God’s children and as a community of believers at Christ Community Covenant Church when it comes to love. Love God! Love our neighbor! Love one another! Love our spouse and family! Love our enemy! We know these things and we shouldn’t have to be reminded. Connections Love can be expressed through prayer for another individual with the genuine hope that God will intervene with His love. Love can be demonstrated through friendship and mentoring. Stopping by for a visit or calling a person on the phone or sending them a friendly note are also ways to show our love. So how well are we doing love? The Lord will even help us with the words to say when we want to share the love of Christ with someone by telling them how much God loves them. There are so many people all around us who do not know - really know - that God even loves them because they have never even experienced the real love of a person. So how well are we doing in sharing the love of Christ? The month of June 2015 is here. Wouldn’t it be great to see the people that we know find the love of God in their lives for the very first time? Let us pray to our God who loves us that we might be loving enough to share His love with the people around us. Then June will “be bustin’ out all over” as the love and the joy of the Lord is experienced by members of our family, our friends and even our enemies. Love is awesome and it is my prayer that June will burst out all around us with God’s love. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 page 2 Mission Focus for June Church on the Road Owatonna Care Center Transitional Housing of Steele County is an interfaith Again on Sunday, June 28, we will be taking our church service on the road as we go to the Owatonna Care Center on 18th Street SW. This time of worship with the residents and their families is a great opportunity for us to share the love of Christ with them. Also this service provides a wonderful opportunity for the residents to worship on Sunday morning which they seldom are able to do. nonprofit organization. Their mission is to respond to people with housing needs in Steele County, Minnesota. Transitional Housing began in 2000. It started as a meeting of concerned people, including leaders of local churches, who wanted to end homelessness in Steele County. The group carefully considered the best way to serve the homeless population and decided to adopt the transitional housing approach. Transitional Housing has proudly served the homeless, and those who are in danger of becoming homeless, ever since. Over 300 people are homeless in Steele County on any given night, including small children and families. Some live in abject poverty and abusive relationships, while others live in their cars or might be fortunate enough to have temporary housing with friends or in shelters. Homelessness is often hidden, but it is still there. Dr. Julie Anderson, executive director, will be in our Sunday morning worship service, June 14, to give a special report on this vital ministry in Steele County. For more information please go to their website at If you know someone who lives there, please invite them to come and encourage their family to join with them and us for worship. Please also pray for this special occasion that God will be glorified and that His people will be encouraged in their life and walk with God. The Inspiration for their mission: On the street I saw a small girl, cold and shivering in a thin dress with little hope of a decent meal. I became angry and said to God, “Why do you permit this? Why don’t you do something?” That night God replied, “I have. I made you.” Connections page 3 Sew Blessed by Cathi Carlson The school year has flown by so very quickly, and the children from our church have been busy discovering during their connection time that "Every Story Whispers His Name." Yes, there are lots of stories in the Bible, and we have been focusing on the one big idea that God loves his children and comes to rescue them. It takes the whole Bible to tell this story, and at the center of the story is Jesus. We have been looking at the fact that every story in the Old and New Testaments, somehow "whispers his name" or points to Jesus. We have been having a great time together. Over the summer months, Lisa will be leading the children in a story and activity time. Please remember to pray a Luke 2:52 prayer for Lisa and the children during these days so that they will continue to grow in knowledge, wisdom, in favor with God and in favor with man. When you see Ava, Courtney, Ella, Hannah, Aiden, Gavin or Owen on Sunday morning be sure to say “Hi” to them (they will love it!). Let's help them to LOVE Church! Connections Cutters and Funds Needed Nearly 1000 diapers have been made since “Sew Blessed” began almost 3 years ago. Each Wednesday, the church basement becomes a friendly workshop where women gather to sew, or trace patterns, or cut fabric, or help with miscellaneous tasks, or just to visit. As “Sew Blessed” continues through the summer months, we invite newcomers to join in. Don’t worry about the lunch plan—just come anytime between 10:00 and 2:00. Especially needed at this time are people to trace patterns and cut the t-shirt material. Also needed are donated funds so that fabric can be purchased for the outside layer of the diapers. You may mark your check “Sew Blessed” and put in the offering, or give to Alice Svoboda, or bring with you on any Wednesday. It will be good to see you then! Sunday, June 28 5:00 p.m. at DeWayne & Tillie Erickson’s home All the details will follow soon in the church bulletin. Faith Night with the Mankato MoonDogs vs. Alexandria Blue Anchors Sunday, July 12 Game starts at 6:05 p.m. Cost: $4.00 per person Sign-up sheet coming soon! page 4