Conference Program Scientific Sponsor Halu Oleo University, Indonesia Bali, Indonesia May 7-9, 2016 Conference Location: Bali Dynasty Resort Hotel Jl Kartika, PO BOX 2047 Tuban 80361, South Kuta Bali, Indonesia 9th International Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering (EG '16) 15th International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (IMCAS '16) 4th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing (ASAP '16) 14th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics & Aerodynamics (FMA '16) 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment (HTE '16) 12th International Conference on Engineering Education (EDUCATION '16) 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT '16) 7th International Conference on Automotive and Transportation Systems (ICAT '16) 7th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (TAM '16) 4th International Conference on Automatic Control, Soft Computing and Human-Machine Interaction (ASME '16) Important Notes: (1) You may register at any time after the Plenary Lectures during the conference. (2) The Invoice of payment can be collected at the registration desk. (3) The Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration desk after your presentation. (4) Session chairmen can ask for a special Certificate at the registration desk after the session (5) The duration of a presentation slot is 20 minutes for a regular paper, 30 minutes for an invited paper and 45 minutes for a plenary speech, including questions. (6) All authors should give their biographies to the chairmen before the beginning of the session. (7) Authors can upload their presentations to the available computers 10 minutes before the beginning of their session. Bali, Indonesia May 7-9, 2016 Dear colleague, The WSEAS staff welcome you to another prestigious event. Since 1996, the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society has proudly organized a vast number of successful conferences and published the work of hundreds of scientists from all over the world. We and our affiliate NAUN would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for helping us continue our mission by honoring us with your presence in this conference. WSEAS publications have succeeded in joining most important International Scientific Indexes and Libraries. Thanks to our latest efforts of adopting strict deadlines and a more rigorous review process, the quality of our proceedings and journals is continuing to rise exponentially. We trust that you will enjoy discussing the latest scientific developments with your peers during these three days, and that you will find your stay as pleasant as possible. The WSEAS Team Saturday 7th May 2016 Conference Room: A Time: 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 1: Matrices of Vectors by Prof. Edi Cahyono, Universitas Halu Oleo, INDONESIA. Conference Room: A Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 2: Haptic Robots Stability on Uneven Terrain and Uncertain Environment by Prof. Luige Vladareanu, Romanian Academy, Institute of Solid Mechanics, ROMANIA. 10:30-11:00: Coffee Break Saturday 7th May 2016 Conference Room: A Time: 11:00-13:00 AICT '16 & ASME '16: Automatic Control and Soft Computing Chair: Edi Cahyono, Muhammad Ali Niina Katajapuu, Patric Granholm, Mie Brain Trainer Exercise Game. Field Tests in Finland and Hiramatsu, Eri Ishihara, Junichi Hirayama, Japan Paula Pitkakangas, Mika Luimula Implementation of Evolutionary Computational Techniques and Innovations Strategies for Speed Control of DC Motor Santosh Kumar Suman, Vinod Kumar Giri 73510-206 73510-200 Construction Posterior Distribution for Bayesian Mixed ZIP Spatio-Temporal Model Mukhsar, Asrul Sani, Bahriddin Abapihi, Edi Cahyono 73507-224 Performance Comparison of MIMO Schemes Using MATLAB Simulation Muhammad Ali 73507-215 Heuristic Evaluation of Mobile Government Portal Services: An Experts’ Review Ibrahim Almarashdeh, Mutasem Alsmadi 73510-209 Saturday 7th May 2016 Conference Room: B Time: 11:00-13:00 EDUCATION '16: Education Chair: Ismail Suardi Wekke, Tien Rafida Family and University Collaboration: A Guidance Practice from Islamic University of Alauddin in Makassar Indonesia Arifuddin, Ismail Suardi Wekke 73506-133 Flipped Classroom in the Realm of Higher Education: Potential and Challenges 73506-112 Alberth, Emil Wiramihardja, I. Ketut Suardika An Analysis of Word Formation Processes in Creating Food Brand Names Distributed in Toserba Borma Tien Rafida Aibassov Erkin, Yemelyanova Valentina Directed Search of New Six-Component Aibassov-Savizky Stepanovna, Savizly Ruben, Tussupbaev Nessipbay Kuandykovich, Blagikh Evgeniy Tandem Reaction with Organic Compounds of Vladimirovich Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth 73506-109 Auditors’ Professionalism and Moral Intensity for Whistleblowing Actions on Public Accounting Firms View Tulus Suryanto, Ismail Suardi Wekke 73506-130 Decision By Mathematical Modeling 73506-139 Cezarina Adina Tofan 73506-127 Saturday 7th May 2016 Conference Room: A Time: 13:00-15:00 EG '16: Environmental and Geological Science Chair: Masaji Watanabe, Kunio Yoshikawa The Potential of Chitosan Polymer Waste as Bioremediation Agent of Cu(II) Ions Numerical Study of Inverse Problems in Modeling and Simulation of Microbial Depolymerization Processes Low Potassium Content Pellet Production from Palm Empty Fruit Bunch by Hydrothermal-Washing Cotreatment Conductivity Improvement of Chitosan Membranes through Modification with Lithium for Lithium Polymer Battery Application Implementation of Local Wisdom in Land Tenure and Land Management as Vertical Conflict Resolution at Kontu Forest, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Sri Wahyuni, Ahmad Zaeni, Wa Samrin, Asranudin, Holilah, Asrul Sani 73501-139 Masaji Watanabe, Fusako Kawai 73501-130 Srikandi Novianti, Ilman Nuran Zaini, Anissa Nurdiawati, Kunio Yoshikawa 73501-124 S. N. Asnin, Wahab, Dian Permana, L. O. Ahmad, S. H. Sabarwati, L. O. A. N. Ramadhan 73501-127 Mukhtar, Arifin Utha, Dasmin Sidu, Asrun Lio 73501-103 Permian Corals of Iran and its Paleobioogeography Significance Kaveh Khaksar 73501-109 Production of Eucheuma Denticulatum in New Cultivation Methods in Indonesia Ma’ruf Kasim, Ahmad Mustafa, Muzuni, Wardha Jalil 73501-160 Performance of Modified Fly Ash-Bricks with Sago Husk Kurniati Ornam, Masykur Kimsan, La Ode as Filler for Non-Structural Element in Housing Ngkoimani, Jahidin 73501-148 The HBR Palm Oil Based Biodiesel Properties on Long Duration Storage Parameters Humairak Yusof, Noreffendy Tamaldin, Ghazali Omar, Mohd Fadzli Abdollah 73501-163 Indonesia Fluvial Ecolexicon: A Study of the Decreation of Konaweeha Fluvial Ecolexicon Aris Badara 73501-157 Saturday 7th May 2016 Conference Room: B Time: 13:00-15:00 FMA '16 & HTE 16: Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Chair: Yulius B. Pasolon, Josko Dvornik Numerical Study of Intake Flow Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks R. Manimaran 73504-100 A Numerical Study of Crown Forest Fires Initiation and Spread in Three Dimensional Setting Valeriy A. Perminov 73505-106 Experimental Study on a Single Droplet Combustion of Plastic-Pyrolysed Fuel and Kerosene Blended Lukas Kano Mangalla, R. Pangara, Aditya Rahman, Yulius B. Pasolon 73505-103 Analysis of the Operational Reliability of the Rotary Cup Goran Kovacevic, Josko Dvornik, Srđan Burner of a Marine Boiler Dvornik 15:00-15:30: Coffee Break 73505-100 Saturday 7th May 2016 Conference Room: A Time: 15:30-17:30 IMCAS '16: Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems Chair: Yong-Hoon Kim, Chandra Shekar Savarapu LTSPICE IV Simulation of H+ ION FET Nur Liyana Mardhiah, Lee Yoot Khuan, Roziah Jarmin Extended Adjustable Partial Distortion Search for Frame Rate Up Conversion Yonghoon Kim, Jechang Jeong 73502-106 73502-103 Wavelet Based Transient Fault Detection and Analysis of S. Chandra Shekar, G. Ravi Kumar, Svnl Microgrid Connected Power System Lalitha 73502-100 The Application of Improved Niche Differential Evolution Algorithm in Reactive Power Optimization of Power System Duan Jiao Li, Li Hua Yuan, Cheng Min Wang 73502-109 Sunday 8th May 2016 Conference Room: A Time: 09:00-11:00 AICT '16: Applied Informatics and Computing Theory Chair: Yulius Bara Pasolon, Klimis Ntalianis Grading of Apples and Oranges by Image Processing Osama Alhashi, Fathey S. Almahjob, Abdelsalam Almarimi, Abdosllam M. Abobaker 73507-212 Based on User Demand Depth-Driven Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Qianqian Liu, Mingchun Zheng 73507-209 Multi-Source Video Summarization in the Internet of Things: A Social Computing Approach Klimis Ntalianis, Nikolaos Mastorakis 73507-206 Simone Nelly Siewe Siabo, Blaise Omer Yenke 73507-200 Wayan Somayasa, Asrul Sani, Yulius Bara Pasolon 73507-218 Predicting the Performance of Checkpointing Restart in Multicore Multiprocessor A Most Powerful Test for the Adequateness of an Asymptotic Spatial Regression Model when the Observation is Disturbed by the Set-Indexed Brownian Sheet A Survey of Clickjacking Attack and Countermeasures in Web Environment S. Parthiban, Paul Rodrigues 73507-227 Sunday 8th May 2016 Conference Room: B Time: 09:00-11:00 EDUCATION '16: Engineering Education Chair: Ria Mardiana Yusuf, N. Ravi Kumar Study of Adult Age Limit Laws of Implementation of Marriage in Indonesia Rosdalina The Practice of Human Resource Strategic Roles: Model of “Ulrich” Ria Mardiana Yusuf, Saldy Fidyawan The Effect of Synectic Learning Model Combined with Mind Maps and Cooperative Strategies on Creative Thinking Ability, Creative Attitude, and the Mastery of Biology in Junior High School Student Muh. Khalifah Mustami, Suryadin 73506-124 73506-121 73506-118 Three Phase Grid Integrated Solar Power Using Repetitive Control R. Mahendran, R. Kamalakannan, N. Ravi Kumar 73506-106 Design and Implementation of Photo Voltaic System with Soft Switched Boost Converter Using MPPT Laboratory Governance of Automotive Engineering Education Univeristas Negeri Makasar Based on Data and Information N. Ravi Kumar, R. Mahendran, R. Kamalakannan 73506-103 Marsus Suti, Ismail Suardi Wekke 73506-115 Smart Manufacturing Based on Embedded System for the Festo Modular Production System Stations Arko Djajadi , Bayu Budiman Rochmat, Erikson F. Sinaga 73506-142 11:00-11:30: Coffee Break Sunday 8th May 2016 Conference Room: A Time: 11:30-13:30 EG '16: Economics and Envoronment Chair: Stefano Carlino, Abdeen Omer Mapping and Preference of Marketing Risk of Eco Sweetener ‘Aren Sugar’ Blue Carbon Stock and Green Tea Potential in Mangroves of Coral Triangle Eco-Region, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Weka Gusmiarty Abdullah, Usman Rianse, Raden Marsuki Iswandi, Sitti Aida Adha Taridala, Lukman Yunus, Ine Fausayana, M. Arief Dirgantoro, Weka Widayati 73501-145 Kangkuso Analuddin, Jamili, Andi Septiana, Wa Ode Harlis, Idin Sahidin, Usman Rianse, Saban Rahim, Sahadev Sharma, Kazuo Nadaoka 73501-142 Groundwater Potential and Sustainable Management in The Nile Valley: An Overview Abdeen Omer 73501-118 Geological Modeling and Material Balance Study of Multilayer Heavy-Oil Reservoirs in Dalimo Field Edo Pratama, Mohd Suhaili Ismail Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse, Weka Gusmiarty Abdullah, La Ode Midi, Slamet Hartono, Any Suryantini, Jamhari, Weka Widayati 73501-115 Stefano Carlino 73501-133 Financial, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Analysis of Palm Sugar Domestic Industry in Kolaka Indonesia On the possibility of geothermal exploitation of Campanian volcanoes (Southern Italy): state of art and future perspective. 73501-136 Optimizing Dividend Policy of Oil and Gas Companies Subject to Capital Structure Niyazi Musa Ismayilov 73501-112 Local Wisdom of Sustainable Food Security at Binongko Island (A Study On Community Adaptation Strategies at Hidrawati, Usman Rianse, Marsuki Iswandi, Coastal Area and Small Islands) Nur Arafah 73501-154 Sunday 8th May 2016 Conference Room: B Time: 11:30-13:30 TAM '16: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Chair: Bariş Demirbay, Adnan I. O. Zaid A Comprehensive Study about Diverse Applications of Biocompatible Gelatin both in Industry and Medicine: A Bariş Demirbay, Can Akaoğlu, Ahmet Ata Review Ayhan 73509-206 Hyper Velocity Impact Phenomenon and the Damages Caused by it to Structural Members 73509-203 Adnan I. O. Zaid Cases of Integrability Corresponding to the Motion of a Pendulum in the Three-Dimensional Space Maxim V. Shamolin 73509-200 Sensitivity of FRF’s Curvature Difference Method in Detecting Damage 73509-209 20:00: Conference Dinner Masykur Kimsan, Dyah Kusumastuti, Rildova Bali, Indonesia May 7-9, 2016