Project No. 16125 SECTION 00 11 14 End of Life Replacement of Electrical Equipment - Phase II SOLICITATION ADVERTISEMENT INFORMATION PROJECT NO. 16125 Sealed Responses for End of Life Replacement of Electrical Equipment, Phase II at Camp Ripley, 15000 Highway 115, Little Falls, MN, Morrison County will be received by the Department of Military Affairs, Facilities Management Office, Camp Ripley, 15000 Highway 115, Little Falls, MN 56345-4173, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Agency, until 2:00 p.m. on August 17. 2016 and will then be opened and publicly read aloud. PRE-BID MEETING INFORMATION: 1. PRE-BID MEETING (check o n e ):_____ NO _X_ YES (see items 2 and 3 below) 2. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting and site tour is scheduled for August 9, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Facilities Managerment Office, Building 2-1, 15000 Highway 115, Little Falls, MN 56345. 3. MEETING IS MANDATORY (check one): _ X _ N O YES Plans and Specifications were prepared by Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., Mr. William Schweitzer, 8201 Norman Center Drive, Suite 300, Bloomington MN 55437, Telephone No. 952.656.6003. Plans and Specifications may be viewed, without charge, on the Materials Management Division website, then click on Virtual Plan Room - Construction Contracts, then click in the blue box “To view projects as a guest without logging into the site: Click Here”. Plans and specifications can be downloaded for a non-refundable charge of $7.00. Plan Holders are parties that have downloaded the plans and specifications. Plan Holders will be notified via email as addenda are issued. Parties that download the plans and specifications and need to have them printed elsewhere are solely responsible for those printing costs. Note: Paper copies of plans and specifications will not be distributed by the Owner or its agent(s). Please contact Franz Reprographics at 763.503.3401 or support@ for assistance in downloading and working with this digital project information. 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The work will be done under one prime contract that includes: Electrical construction. General, Mechanical, and B. The following summary is a general guide to the scope of work. It should not be construed as a detailed list of work included in the contract. Furnish and install (including supports) the following equipment per the Drawings and Specifications: 1. Replace North Substation with new and provide capability to the new substation to accept two (2) 1-3 MW generators in the future. 2. Replace East substation with new, provide capability to the substation for (1) additional distribution feeder for future feeder and (1) additional distribution feeder for future battery connection. 3. Replace medium voltage Fuster 10-02, Swter 1-02, A-01 and Sect 23-07 with new p ad-m o un t, SF6, medium voltage, 4-way motor operated switch cabinets. 4. Replace existing Fused Sectionalizer, FUSTER 17-01 with a new pad-mount, SF6, medium voltage, 4-way motor operated switch cabinet. 5. Replace existing main recloser at the East substation with new. 6. Replace existing 35kV Sectionalizing Cabinet at East Substation with a new 35kV, SF6, 6-way motor operated switch cabinet. 7. Reconfigure Swter 7-01 switch leg to feed from Fuster 6-01. 8. Reconfigure Swter 7-02 switch leg to feed from Sect 7-02. 9. Relocate Fuster 17-01 to Swter 10-03 location. Solicitation Advertisement Information 00 11 14-1 Project No. 16125 10. End of Life Replacement of Electrical Equipment - Phase II All replaced or new equipment must be capable of integration into a future microgrid and controllable at the building level of granularity via Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for load sequencing and integration of distributed generation and solar PV. Solicitation Advertisement Information 00 11 14-1