Office of the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Finance and Accounting Division Purchasing and Disbursement Services 102 Elmore Hall PO Box 115250 Gainesville, FL 32611-5250 352-392-1331 352-392-8837 Fax March 4, 2011 ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 ON INVITATION TO BID ITB11MB-128 TITLE: Smathers Library East Transformer & Service Entrance Re-Feed The mandatory pre-bid meeting was held March 3, 2011. The bid opening is scheduled for March 23, 2011 at 2:00 PM in Elmore Hall, Gainesville, Florida. This addendum shall be considered part of the Contract Documents for the above mentioned project as though it had been issued at the s ame t ime and i ncorporated i ntegrally t herewith. Where pr ovisions of t he following s upplementary data differ f rom t hose of t he original C ontract doc uments, this addendum shall gov ern and t ake pr ecedence. Bidders ar e hereby not ified t hat t hey s hall acknowledge receipt of the addendum. NOTES: • See attached Moses & Associates Addendum dated March 4, 2011. Mercedes Bongiovanni Construction Coordinator II PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM AND RETURN WITH YOUR BID. FAILURE TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR ADDENDUM COULD CONSTITUTE REJECTION OF YOUR BID. VENDOR NAME VENDOR ADDRESS SIGNATURE The Foundation for The Gator Nation An Equal Opportunity Institution Principals: Francis W. Moses, pe George R. Lebo, leed ap, pe Mark R. Akin, rcdd, leed ap, pe David L. Brooks, CPMP, pe Samuel R. Frasier, CPMP, pe ADDENDUM TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SMATHERS LIBRARY EAST TRANSFORMER AND SERVICE ENTRANCE RE-FEED PPD W.O. NO. 1250577 M&A PROJECT NO. 10058 MARCH 4, 2011 The above named Drawings and Specifications are hereby modified, corrected, and/or supplemented as follows: 1. The attached Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes dated March 3, 2011 shall be part of the construction documents for this project. 2. PROJECT MANUAL: Section 16381/Medium Voltage Power Cable and Accessories Underground: Add the attached section 16381, to existing documents. 3. DRAWINGS: Sheet E0.01/Electrical: Legend, Notes, Schedules & Single Line Diagram: Revise as indicated on the attached 8½”x11" drawings E0.01a, E0.01b, E0.01c, E0.01d, E0.01e and E0.01f, dated March 4, 2011. 4. DRAWINGS: Sheet E0.02/Electrical: Single Line Diagrams: Revise as indicated on the attached 8½”x11" drawing E0.02a, dated March 4, 2011. 5. DRAWINGS: Sheet E0.03/Electrical: Fault Current & ARC Flash Analysis: Revise as indicated on the attached 8½”x11" drawings E0.03a and E0.03b, dated March 4, 2011. 6. DRAWINGS: Sheet E1.01/Electrical: Demolition Plan: Revise as indicated on the attached 8½”x11" drawing E1.01a, dated March 4, 2011. 7. DRAWINGS: Sheet E1.11/Electrical: Power Plan: Revise as indicated on the attached 8½”x11" drawings E1.11a, E1.11b and E1.11c, dated March 4, 2011. END OF ADDENDUM DATED MARCH 4, 2011 H:\10058\Addenda\AD01\AD01.wpd 2209 NW 40t h Terrace, Suite A Gainesville, FL 32605 v 352.372.1911 f 352.372.0186 Principals: Francis W. Moses, pe George R. Lebo, leed ap, pe Mark R. Akin, rcdd, leed ap, pe David L. Brooks, CPMP, pe Samuel R. Frasier, CPMP, pe MINUTES OF PRE-BID MEETING SMATHERS LIBRARY EAST TRANSFORMER AND SERVICE ENTRANCE RE-FEED PPD W.O. NO. 1250577 M&A PROJECT NO. 10058 DATE: TIME: 1. 2. March 3, 2011 10:00 AM LOCATION: PPD A/E Conference Room ATTENDING: See attached list. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Email RFI’s go to Mercedes, copy Michael Richarme and Mark Akin. Mark Akin (MA) to consider adding an allowance for a temporary generator during outage. Preliminary discussion was for a $5,000 allowance. Contractors to contact Ken Miles for Elster meter. MA to clarify the outage durations, quantity and estimated times. Contractor to provide $2,000 allowance for shrubbery/bushes. Contractor to provide engraved labels for electrical service 1 of 2 and 2 of 2. MA to clarify maximum dimensions of pad mount transformer. Contractor to turn existing transformers over to the owner. MA to provide alternate for new MV cable. Contractors to include bid acknowledgment form with bid. cc: Michael Richarme. F:\10058\Minutes of Meetings\M01.wpd NOTE: Minutes are written in paraphrase. If any changes or corrections are needed, please notify Engineer immediately. The Engineer will incorporate decisions and conclusions listed herein unless otherwise directed. 2209 NW 40t h Terrace, Suite A Gainesville, FL 32605 v 352.372.1911 f 352.372.0186 Smathers Library East Transformer and Service Entrance Re-Feed • PPD Project No. 1250577 • 2/8/2011 M&A 10058 SECTION 16381/MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLE AND ACCESSORIES-UNDERGROUND (Added 3/4/11) 1 GENERAL 1.1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section. 1.2 Division-16 Basic Electrical Materials and Methods Sections apply to work of this Section. 1.3 Approval Submittals: 1.3.1 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, specifications and installation instructions for each type of : Cable. Termination. Splice. Elbow. Accessory. 1.3.2 Qualification Data: For cable splicer. 1.3.3 Cable Pull Calculations: Provide cable pull calculations for each feeder between the manholes, and between manholes and equipment. Field verify all duct bank lengths prior to ordering cables. 1.3.4 Cable Pull Plans: Provide pull plans for all primary cable pulls based on the cable pull calculations. Plan shall include: Site layout drawing with cable pulls identified in numeric order of expected pulling sequence and direction of cable pull. List of cable installation equipment. Lubricant manufacturer’s application instructions. Procedure for resealing cable ends to prevent moisture from entering cable. Cable pulling tension calculations of all cable pulls. Cable percentage conduit fill. MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLE AND ACCESSORIES - UNDERGROUND 16381.1 REV. 10/19/10 Smathers Library East Transformer and Service Entrance Re-Feed • PPD Project No. 1250577 • 2/8/2011 M&A 10058 Cable sidewall thrust pressure. Cable minimum bend radius and minimum diameter of pulling wheels used. Cable jam ratio. Maximum allowable pulling tension on each different type and size of conductor. Maximum allowable pulling tension on pulling device. 1.4 Test Reports and Verification Submittals: 1.4.1 Perform the following field tests and inspections and prepare test reports: Insulation resistance test. Shield-continuity test. High Potential Tests: Perform high potential tests conforming to applicable ICEA, ANSI and IEEE standards and cable manufacturer's recommendations. Record test setup and data and submit to engineer. Determine that system is free of faults before connecting to the existing network. Spliced cables (new to exisitng) When new cables are spliced into existing cables, the acceptance test shall be performed on the new cable prior to splicing. After test results are approved for new cable and the splice is completed, an insulationresistance test and a shield-continuity test shall be performed on the length of new and existing cable including the splice. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Acceptable Producers: 2.1.1 Cable: Kerite, Okonite, Aetna, Prysmian. 2.1.2 Terminations & Splices: 3M, Raychem, Elastimold. 2.1.3 Elbows & Accessories: Elastimold, Cooper, 3M 2.2 Primary Power Cable: UL listed MV-105, Sunlight Resistant, of the size and rating indicated on the drawings, single conductor, ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR), 133% insulated, copper tape shield, with outer neoprene or PVC jacket, manufactured in accordance with ICEA S68-516 and complying with NEC-326. All conductors, drain wires, shields and other metallic components shall be copper. MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLE AND ACCESSORIES - UNDERGROUND 16381.2 REV. 10/19/10 Smathers Library East Transformer and Service Entrance Re-Feed • PPD Project No. 1250577 • 2/8/2011 M&A 10058 2.3 Terminations: Raychem HVT series. Provide conforming to cable manufacturer's requirements or recommendations. 2.3.1 Heat shrink type. 2.3.2 Fully shielded construction. 2.3.3 Fully submersible. 2.3.4 Rated to IEEE 48-1990, class 1. 2.4 Splices: Raychem HVS series for in-line, transition or wye as required or shown on the drawings. Provide conforming to cable manufacturer's requirements or recommendations. Splices shall have the following features: 2.4.1 Heat shrink type. 2.4.2 Fully shielded construction. 2.4.3 Fully submersible. 2.4.4 Rated to IEEE 404. 2.5 Separable Connectors and Accessories: 2.5.1 200A Loadbreak Elbows: Meets ANSI/IEEE Standard 386 Separable Insulated Connector Systems. Provide conforming to cable manufacturer's requirements or recommendations. Elbows shall have the following features: Fully shielded. Fully submersible. Have a reinforced stainless steel pulling eye. Have a capacitive test point. 2.5.2 M.O.V.E. Surge Arrestors: Meets ANSI/IEEE Standard 386 Separable Insulated Connector Systems. Provide conforming to cable manufacturer's requirements or recommendations. Elbows shall have the following features: Fully shielded. Fully submersible. Have a reinforced stainless steel pulling eye. MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLE AND ACCESSORIES - UNDERGROUND 16381.3 REV. 10/19/10 Smathers Library East Transformer and Service Entrance Re-Feed • PPD Project No. 1250577 • 2/8/2011 M&A 10058 MCOV rating sized based on phase-to-neutral voltage on grounded wye systems and phaseto-phase voltage for delta systems. 2.5.3 Accessories: Provide any and all required accessories for a complete and functional system including but not limited to: Connecting plugs. Insulating plugs. Reducing tap plugs. Bushing inserts. Bushing well plugs. Caps. Hot line voltage indicators. 2.6 Fireproofing Tape: Provide flexible, conformable, submersible, weatherproof, intumescent elastomer cable fireproofing tape not less than 0.030" thick on all cable sections exposed outside conduit, including but not limited to transformer vaults, manholes, switch pits, pull boxes, and switchgear. Secure with glass cloth electrical tape. 2.7 Identification: Provide engraved phenolic tag on each conductor at all terminations and manholes identifying cable data, circuit data, year installed, and “to” and “from” information. Secure with non-metallic, fungus resistant, heat stabilized nylon self extinguishing cable ties. 2.8 Ground Cable: Grounding cable pulled with MV phase cables shall be copper, 600V, insulated, minimum size shall be #2/0. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 Splices: Medium voltage splices shall be made only in locations shown on the drawings or authorized by the engineer by Field Directive. It is the intent of the design to secure a system for the owner with the minimum number of splices practical. Cable sections lengthened with splices will be required to be replaced with full length sections, as below. 3.2 Splice and Termination Workers: Medium voltage splices and terminations shall be made only by workers experienced in the work and approved by the Engineer. Letter of certification demonstrating experience making MV-90/MV-105 splices over the past five years shall be submitted prior to commencement of the work. Material for this splice shall be at Contractor's expense. MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLE AND ACCESSORIES - UNDERGROUND 16381.4 REV. 10/19/10 Smathers Library East Transformer and Service Entrance Re-Feed • PPD Project No. 1250577 • 2/8/2011 M&A 10058 3.3 Phasing: Maintain correct phase relationship for all cables. Proper phasing shall be witnessed by PPD Utilities. Provide a minimum of 48 hours for witness of test. All equipment needed to ensure proper phasing shall be provided by Contractor. 3.4 Fireproofing: Install tape in accordance with manufacturer's instruction to all cable sections exposed outside of conduit and not less than one inch (1") inside conduit. Securely fasten both ends to prevent unwrapping. 3.5 Grounding: In every manhole and pullbox and at every switch and transformer, bond cable ground wire to equipment enclosure, ground system and ground rod. Ground all splices and terminations, and cable sheaths where outer jacket is removed. 3.6 Cable Slack: Route all cables along the longest path (#180E) in a manhole or pit prior to exiting. Provide maximum cable length by dressing the loops against the walls. 3.7 Bends: Provide maximum practical radius on all bends. Cable lengths bent to less than the manufacturer's minimum authorized radius, at any point and for any duration of time, shall be replaced as below. 3.8 Replacement: Cable requiring replacement shall necessitate the replacement of all conductors in the conduit over the full cable length. Single phase replacement or the addition of splices is specifically forbidden. This applies to existing as well as new cables. END OF SECTION MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLE AND ACCESSORIES - UNDERGROUND 16381.5 REV. 10/19/10