Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography

Public Health and
Medical Education Bibliography
AAMC’s Public Health and Prevention Projects Staff
Biomedical and Health Sciences Research
Association of
American Medical Colleges
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Click on any heading to be taken to that section in the bibliography.
Public health and preventive medicine: General/training issues
Public health/Preventive medicine and medical curriculum: General
Public health in medical curriculum: U.S. Models
Preventive medicine in medical curriculum: U.S. Models
M.D.-M.P.H. Programs
Preventive medicine residency
Public health/Preventive medicine in other GME programs
Public health/Preventive medicine and medical education: History
Academic-public health partnerships
Global Health
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
I. Books/Reports/Monographs
All titles are available from AAMC's Reference Center, unless otherwise noted. The Reference
Center call number follows the entries, where applicable.
Education for More Synergistic Practice of Medicine and Public Health. Hager M (ed.) New York:
Josiah H. Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1999.
Final Report: Population-Based Medical Education: Linkages Between Schools of Medicine and Public
Health Agencies. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health
Resources and Services Administration. July 1995.
Institute of Medicine. The Future of Public Health. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1988.
Institute of Medicine. The Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st Century. Washington DC: National
Academy Press; 2003.
Institute of Medicine. Who Will Keep the Public Healthy? Educating Public Health Professionals for the
21st Century. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 2003.
Lasker RD and the Committee on Medicine and Public Health. Medicine and Public Health: the Power
of Collaboration. New York, NY: New York Academy of Medicine; 1997.
Medical School Objectives Project: Report II Contemporary Issues in Medicine: Medical Informatics
and Population Health. Washington DC: Association of American Medical Colleges, June 1988.
Peters K, Elster A. Roadmaps for Clinical Practice: Primer on Population-based Medicine. Chicago:
American Medical Association, 2002. (Original not currently available. Click on entry to view
Seifer, S.D., Hermanns, K., and Lewis, J.: Creating Community-Responsive Physicians. American
Association for Higher Education, Washington DC, 2000.
White, KL. Healing the Schism Epidemiology, Medicine, and the Public’s Health. New York:
Springer-Verlag; 1991.
White, KL, Connelly JE (eds.). The Medical School’s Mission and the Population’s Health. New York:
Springer-Verlag; 1992.
II. Public Health and Preventive Medicine: General/Training Issues
Allan J, Barwick TA, Cashman S. et al. Clinical prevention and population health: curriculum
framework for health professions. Am J Prev Med. 2004; 27(5): 471-6.
BellasPA, Asch SM, Wilkes M. What students bring to medical school. Attitudes toward health
promotion and prevention. Am J Prev Med. 2000; 18(3): 242-48.
Bennett, IL. The future of preventive medicine. Arch Environ Health. 1969; 19: 419-26.
Ben-Shlomo, Y. Public health education for medical students: reflections over the last two decades. J
Public Health. 2010; 32(1): 132-33 (Commentary).
Brenner S, Siu K. Preventive medicine and public health residency training: federal policy and advocacy
opportunities. J Public Health Management Practice. 2009; S33-S39.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Carey TS. Roper WL. Clinical prevention and population health: getting there from here. Am J Prev
Med. 2004; 27(5): 480-1. (Commentary)
Carmona RH. Healthy people curriculum task force: a commentary by the Surgeon General. Am J Prev
Med. 2004; 27(5): 478-9. (Commentary)
Davis MV, Dandoy S, Greaves WW. Graduate programs What is their contribution to the training of
the public health workforce? Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4): 361-6.
Eggert RW, Parkinson MD. Preventive medicine and health system reform. Improving physician
education, training, and practice. JAMA. 1994; 272(9): 688-93.
Ellingson HV. The specialty of preventive medicine. JAMA. 1969; 207(10): 1899-902.
Gensheimer KF, Read JS, Mann JM. Physicians and medical students: factors affecting entry into
public health. Am J Prev Med. 1994; 10(4): 238-9.
Gruen RL, Campbell EG, Blumenthal D. Public roles for US physicians: community participation,
political involvement, and collective advocacy. JAMA. 2006; 296(20): 2467-75.
Harrell J.A., Baker E.L. The essential services of public health. Leadership in Public Health. 1994; 3(3):
Hayman CR, Cornely PB. Residency training in public health and general preventive medicine. Public
Health Rep. 1970; 85(10): 933-37.
Kahn LH. A prescription for change: The need for qualified physician leadership in public health.
Health Affairs. 2003; 22(4): 241-8.
Lewis CE. The untimely death of preventive medicine. Am J Prev Med. 1989; 5(1): 52-4.
Maeshiro R, Johnson I, Koo D, Parboosingh J, Carney JK, Gesundheit N, et al. Medical education for a
healthier population: reflections on the Flexner report from a public health perspective. Acad Med.
2010; 85(2): 211-19.
Maeshiro R. Responding to the challenge: population health education for physicians. Acad Med. 2008;
83(4): 319-20.
McGinnis JM, Foege WH. Actual causes of death in the United States. JAMA. 1993; 270(18): 2207-12.
McGinnis JM, Moritsugu K, Roberts C. Conference summary and discussion of future directions. Public
Health Reports. 1982: 97(3): 241-43.
Parran T. Future of public health in the United States. J Assoc of American Medical Colleges. 1939;
14: 9-15.
Riegelman RK. Evans CH. Garr DR. Why a clinical prevention and population health curriculum
framework? Am J Prev Med 2004; 27(5): 477-8. (Commentary)
Shalala D. Principles for building a 21st-century public health system. Acad Med. 1999; 74(8): 908-9.
Slaby AE. Protean education in public health. AJPH. 1971; 61(5): 890-2.
Terris M. Evolution of public health and preventive medicine in the United States. AJPH. 1975; 65(2):
Terris M. The primacy of prevention. Preventive Medicine. 1981; 10: 689-99.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Wolfe S. Breaking the barriers to prevention: the role of the medical profession. Bull NY Acad Med.
1975; 51(1): 186-98.
III. Public Health/Preventive Medicine and Medical Curriculum: General
Acheson RM. Introduction to the symposium (Epidemiology in Medical Education). Int J Epid. 1973;
2(4): 355-7.
Altekruse J, Goldenberg K, Rabin DL, Riegelman RK, Wiese WH. Implementing the Association of
Teachers of Preventive Medicine’s recommendations into the undergraduate medical school
curriculum. Acad Med. 1991; 66(6): 312-16.
Andrus NC. Bennett NM. Developing an interdisciplinary, community-based education program for
health professions students: the Rochester experience. Acad Med 2006; 81(4): 326-31.
Arnold CB. Introduction (to supplement titled Forum: The Place of Prevention in Medical Education:
Past, Present, and Future). Prev Med. 1981; 10: 661-2.
Arnold CB. The road ahead. Prev Med. 1981; 10: 736-40.
Ashton J. Institutes of public health and medical schools: grasping defeat from the jaws of victory? J
Epidemiol Community Health. 1993; 47(3): 165-8. (Editorial)
Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine. Teaching Prevention Throughout the Curriculum:
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Enhancing Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in
Undergraduate Medical Education. Sponsored by the Association of Teachers of Preventive
Medicine and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Academic Medicine. 2000; 75(7):
Barr DP. The teaching of preventive medicine. J Med Educ.1953; 28(3): 49-56.
Barrett-Connor E. Epidemiology, National Boards and medical education. Am J Epidemiol. 1980;
112(6): 732-35.
Berfenstam R. Problems in undergraduate teaching of preventive medicine. Ann Soc Belges Med Trop
Parasitol Mycol. 1970; 50(4): 545-56.
Berg RL. Prevention: current status in undergraduate medical education. Public Health Reports. 1982;
7(3): 205-09.
Bishop FM. Departments, sections and programs of preventive/community medicine and public health
in U.S. medical schools. Journal of Community Health. 1983; 8(4): 269-78.
Bishop FM. Preventive/community medicine curriculum time in United States medical schools. Journal
of Community Health. 1983; 9(1): 3-6.
Blue AV, Barnette JJ, Ferguson KJ, Garr DR. Evaluation methods for prevention education. Academic
Medicine. 2000; 75(7 suppl): S28-34.
Blumenthal DS. Prevention in the medical curriculum: reform and opportunity. Am J Prev Med. 1993;
9(2): 122-3.
Campos JJ, Elias PE, Cordoni Junior L. Teaching public health in undergraduate medical courses: a
case study in three universities in Parana. Sao Paulo Med J. 2009; 127(6): 335-41.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Cardarelli R, Shie P. Adding preventive medicine training to medical school curricula. Mayo Clin Proc.
2000; 75(6): 657-8. (Commentary)
Coker RE Jr, Kosa J, Back KW. Medical students’ attitudes toward public health. Milbank Mem Fund
Q. 1966; 44(2): 155-80.
Collins TR, Goldenberg K, Ring A, Nelson K, Konen J. The Association of Teachers of Preventive
Medicine’s recommendations for postgraduate education in prevention. Acad Med. 1991; 66(6):
Dent MM, Mathis MW, Outland M, Thomas M, Industrious D. Chronic disease management: teaching
medical students to incorporate community. Family Medicine. 2010; 42(10): 736-40.
Dismuke SE, Burns BW, Moranetz CA, Ellerbeck E. Curriculum assessment for prevention topics and
the population perspective. Am J Prev Med. 2001; 20(4): 286-90.
Dismuke SE, Sherman L. Identifying population health faculty in U.S. medical schools. Am J Prev
Med. 2001; 20(2): 113-7.
Dornan T, Littlewood S, Margolis SA, Scherpbier A, Spencer J, Ypinazar V. How can experience in
clinical and community settings contribute to early medical education? A BETE systematic review.
Medical Teacher. 2006; 28(1): 3-18.
Entwisle G. The identity of a department of preventive medicine. Arch Environ Health. 1969; 19: 4278.
Evans JR. The “Health of the Public” approach to medical education. Academic Medicine. 1992; 67:
Fried RA. Prevention in medical education: An uncertain future. J Gen Intern Med. 1990; 5(suppl):
Garr DR, Lackland DT, Wilson DB. Prevention education and evaluation in U.S. medical schools: A
status report. Acad Med. 2000; 75(7suppl): S14-21.
Gillam S, Maudsley G. Public health education for medical students: rising to the professional
challenge. J Public Health. 2009; 32(1): 125-31.
Greenlick MR. Educating physicians for population-based clinical practice. JAMA. 1992; 267(12):
Greenlick MR. Educating physicians for the twenty-first century. Academic Medicine. 1995; 70(3): 17985.
Hinman EH. The teaching of preventive medicine. JAMA. 1968; 203(2): 141-6.
Hubbard JP, Clark KG. Conference on preventive medicine in medical schools. J Med Educ. 1953;
28(3): 43-48.
Ibrahim MA, Savitz LA, Carey TS, Wagner EH. Population-based health principles in medical and
public health practice. J Public Health Management Practice. 2001; 7(3): 75-81.
Inui TS. Reform in medical education: A health of the public perspective. Academic Medicine. 1996;
71(1suppl): S119-21.
Jonas S. Health-oriented physician education. Preventive Medicine. 1981; 10: 700-9.
Jonas S. Health promotion in medical education. Am J Health Promot. 1988; 3(1): 37-42, 51.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Jonas S. Implementing the recommendations of the GPEP report pertaining to preventive medicine. Am
J Prev Med. 1987; 3(4): 233-8.
Keck CW. Core competencies for the synergistic practice of medicine and public health. Education for
More Synergistic Practice of Medicine and Public Health. Hager M (ed.) New York: Josiah H.
Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1999; 238-61.
Kitchens JM, Pfeifer MP. Teaching residents to read the medical literature: a controlled trial of a
curriculum in critical appraisal/clinical epidemiology. J Gen Intern Med. 1989: 4(5): 384-87.
Koo D, Thacker SB. The education of physicians: a CDC perspective. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 399-407.
Lewis CE. Public health and medicine. AJPH. 1995; 85(1): 120-1.
Louria DB. The teaching of preventive medicine in medical schools: A limited critique. Preventive
Medicine. 1975; 4: 1-8.
Makover HB. Preventive medicine in the American medical school. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1965; 128(2):
McClary AM, Marantz P, Taylor MH. Preventive medicine 2000: changing contexts and opportunities.
Academic Medicine. 2000; 75 (7 suppl): S22-7.
Moxley JH. Epidemiology in medical education. International Journal of Epidemiology. 1973; 2(4):
Nelson ME. Public health and preventive medicine in the curricula of osteopathic medical schools.
Journal of Medical Education. 1983; 58: 662-4.
Pololi LH, Coletta EM, Kern DG, Davis S, Kiessling LS, Ewing Garber C, et al. Developing a
competency-based preventive medicine curriculum for medical schools. Am J Prev Med. 1994;
10(4): 240-4.
Pomrehn PR, Davis MV, Chen DW, Barker W. Prevention for the 21st century: setting the context
through undergraduate medical education. Academic Medicine. 2000; 75(7 suppl): S5-13.
Reader GG. Public health in medical school: Redressing the balance. Journal of Medical Education.
1978; 53: 519-20. (Editorial)
Rego PM, Dick M. Teaching and learning population and preventive health: challenges for modern
medical curricula. Medical Education. 2005; 39: 202-13.
Riegelman R. Health systems and health policy: a curriculum for all medical students. Acad Med. 2006;
81(4): 391-2.
Riegelman RK, Garr DR. Evidence-based public health education as preparation for medical school.
Acad Med 2008; 83(4): 321-326.
Sachdeva AK. Faculty development and support needed to integrate the learning of prevention in the
curricula of medical schools. Academic Medicine. 2000; 75(7 suppl): S35-42.
Schroeder SA. Health of the Public: An academic challenge. J Gen Intern Med. 1990; 5(suppl): S3-10.
Schroeder SA, Zones JS, Showstack JA. Academic medicine as a public trust. JAMA. 1989; 262(6):
Segall A, Barker WH, Cobb S, Jackson G, Noren J, Shindell S, et al. Development of a competencybased approach to teaching preventive medicine. Preventive Medicine. 1981; 10: 726-35.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Stewart WH. Preventive medicine education in the health spectrum. Arch Environ Health. 1968; 16:
Waldman RH. The role of epidemiology in medical education. Infection Control. 1987; 8(3): 95-6.
Wallace RB, Wiese WH, Lawrence RS, Runyan JW, Tilson HH. Inventory of knowledge and skills
relating to disease prevention and health promotion. Am J Prev Med. 1990; 6: 51-6.
Waters WE. Teaching epidemiology to medical students. Int J Epidemiol. 1977; 6(4): 329-30.
Whitcomb ME. Fostering civic professionalism in tomorrow’s doctors. Academic Medicine. 2005;
80(5): 413-4.
Whitcomb ME. Future doctors should learn about our country’s health care system. Academic Medicine.
2004; 79(2): 105-6.
IV. Public Health in Medical Curriculum: U.S. Examples
Banks SA, Murphree AH, Reynolds RC. The community health clerkship: evaluation of a program. J
Med Educ. 1973; 48(6): 560-64.
Blacklow RS, Boex JR, Keck CW. A required clerkship in community medicine. Academic Medicine.
1995; 70(5): 449-50.
Blumenthal DS. Improving community health through ‘hands on’ approach. The National AHEC
Bulletin. 2003; 20(1): 22-3.
Blumenthal DS, Jones A, McNeal M. Evaluating a community-based multiprofessional course in
community health. Education for Health. 2001; 14(2): 251-5.
Blumenthal DS, McNeal MS, Spencer L, Rhone J, and Murphy F. An interdisciplinary service-learning
community health course for preclinical health sciences students. In Seifer, S.D., Hermanns, K., and
Lewis, J.: Creating Community-Responsive Physicians. American Association for Higher Education,
Washington DC, 2000, p. 63-68.
Buckner AV, Ndjakani YD, Banks B, Blumenthal DS. Using service-learning to teach community
health: the Morehouse School of Medicine community health course. Acad Med. 2010; 85(10):
Buffington J, Bellamy PR, Dannenberg AL. An elective rotation in applied epidemiology with the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1975-1997. Am J Prev Med. 1999; 16(4): 33540.
Caffrey B, Kost GE. Student evaluation of a public health curriculum. AJPH. 1971; 6(5): 1022-9.
Carney JK, Hackett R. Community-academic partnerships: a “community-first” model to teach public
health. Education for Health. 2008; 21(1): 1-6.
Carpenter DE, Dobs-Haske LM, Foldy SL. A public health sub-curriculum of a pediatrics clerkship.
Academic Medicine.1997; 72(5): 436-7.
Chamberlain LJ, Wang NE, Ho ET, Banchoff AW, Braddock III CH, Gesundheit N. Integrating
collaborative population health projects into a medical student curriculum at Stanford. Acad Med.
2008; 83(4): 338-344.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Cleary LM. Population-based prevention: a core competency in medical education. Am J Prev Med.
2003; 24(4S): 161-3. (Commentary)
Contractor D, Bellamy P, Hamilton D, Koo D, Kellerman S. Applied epidemiology elective at the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997-2002. Am J Prev Med. 2004; 26(3): 254-5.
Cornely [AoAMC1] PB. The Howard department of preventive medicine and public health. Journal of
the National Medical Association. 1967; 59(6): 435-40.
Dannenberg AL, Quinlisk P, Alkon E, Bera N, Cieslak PR, Davis JP, et al. U.S. medical students’
rotations in epidemiology and public health at state and local health departments. Academic
Medicine. 2002; 77(8): 799-809.
Drusin LM, Goss MEW, Horowitz SV, Reader GG. The clerkship in public health: a positive
experience. Am J Prev Med. 1992; 8(1): 58-61.
Epling JW, Morrow CB, Sutphen SM, Novick LF. Case-based teaching in preventive medicine:
rationale, development, and implementation. Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4S): 85-9.
Epling JW, Sutphen SM, Morrow CB, Dismuke SE, Novick LF. A Case-Based Curriculum for Teaching
Clinical and Population-Based Preventive Medicine. Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4): Supplement.
Finkel ML, Fein O. Teaching about the changing U.S. health care system: An innovative clerkship.
Acad Med. 2004; 79(2): 179-82.
Finkel ML. Fein O. Teaching medical students about different health care systems: an international
exchange program. Acad Med 2006; 81(4): 388-90.
Finkelstein JA, McMahon GT, Peters A, Cadigan R, Biddinger P, Simon SR. Teaching population
health as a basic science at Harvard medical school. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 332-37.
Fowkes FG, Gehlbach SH, Farrow SC, West RR, Roberts CJ. Epidemiology for medical students: a
course relevant to clinical practice. Int J Epidemiol. 1984; 13(4): 538-41.
Fulmer HS. The community medicine program in Kentucky. Can Med Assoc J. 1967; 97(12): 725-30.
Garr DR. Commentary of the C-POP project. Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4S): 164-5. (Commentary)
Imperato PJ, Feldman J, Nayeri K. Second year medical student opinion about public health and a
second year course in preventive medicine and community health. Journal of Community Health.
1986; 11(4): 244-58.
Jacobsohn V, DeArman M, Moran P, Cross J, Dietz D, Allen R, et al. Changing hospital policy from the
wards: an introduction to health policy education. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 352-56.
Kaji AH, Coates W, Fung C. A disaster medicine curriculum for medical students. Teaching and
Learning in Medicine. 2010; 22(2): 116-22.
Keck CW. Health department-medical school collaboration. Education for More Synergistic Practice of
Medicine and Public Health. Hager M (ed.) New York: Josiah H. Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1999; 122-7.
Kerkering KW, Novick LF. An enhancement strategy for integration of population health into medical
school education: employing the framework developed by the healthy people curriculum task force.
Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 345-51.
McCurdy SA. Preventive medicine teaching cases in the preclinical undergraduate medical curriculum.
Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4S): 108-11.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
McIntosh S, Block RC, Kapsak G, Pearson TA. Training medical students in community health: a novel
required fourth-year clerkship at the University of Rochester. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 357-364.
Novick LF. Introducing a case-based teaching intervention in preventive medicine education. Am J
Prev Med. 2003; 24(4S): 83-4.
Novick LF, Cibula DA, Sutphen SM, Rixey S, Epling JW, Morrow CB. Measuring orientation to
population-based prevention. Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4S): 95-101.
Novick LF, Greene C, Vogt RL. Teaching medical students epidemiology: Utilizing a State Health
Department. Public Health Reports. 1985; 100(4): 401-5.
Ornt DB, Aaron DC, King NB, Clementz LM, Frank S, Wolpaw T, et al. Population medicine in a
curricular revision at Case Western Reserve. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 327-31.
Pearson TA, Barker WH, Fisher SG, Trafton SH. Integration of the case-based series in populationoriented prevention into a problem-based medical curriculum. Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4S): 102-7.
Quraishi SA, Orkin FK, Weitekamp MR. et al. The health policy and legislative awareness initiative at
the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine: theory meets practice. Acad Med. 2005;
80(5): 443-7.
Reynolds RC, Cluff LE. The medical school and the health of the community: programs developing at
the University of Florida. Am J Public Health. 1971; 61(6): 1196-1207.
Rosenberg SN. Student acceptance of a public health clerkship: Advantages of a ‘clinical’ format.
Journal of Medical Education. 1978; 53: 364.
Rosenberg SN, Schorow M, Haynes ML. Bridging the gap between clinical medicine and public health:
an experimental course for medical students. Public Health Reports. 1978; 93(6): 673-7.
Sutphen SM, Cibula DA, Morrow CB, Epling JW, Novick LF. Evaluation of a preventive medicine
curriculum: incorporating a case-based approach. Am J Prev Med. 2003; 24(4S): 90-4.
Taylor WC, Pels RJ, Lawrence RS. A first-year problem-based curriculum in health promotion and
disease prevention. Acad Med. 1989; 64(11): 673-77.
Weisbuch JB, French DM, Rubel RA, Manoharan A. Teaching the elements of community and family
medicine to medical undergraduates. J Med Educ. 1973; 48(10): 953-55.
V. Preventive Medicine and Medical Curriculum: U.S. Models
Carey JC. Integrating prevention into obstetrics/gynecology. Acad Med. 2000; 75(7 suppl): S72-6.
Cheng TL, Greenberg L, Loeser H, Keller D. Teaching prevention in pediatrics. Acad Med. 2000; 75(7
suppl): S66-71.
Dismuke SE, McClary AM. Putting it all together: building a four-year curriculum. Acad Med. 2000;
75(7 suppl): S90-2.
Dubé CE, O’Donnell JF, Novack DH. Communication skills for preventive interventions. Acad Med.
2000; 75(7 suppl): S45-54.
Eckhert NL, Bennett NM, Grande D, Dandoy S. Teaching prevention through electives. Academic
Medicine. 2000; 75(7 suppl): S85-9.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
Felton JS. Teaching preventive medicine by the group discussion method. Arch Environ Health. 1966;
12: 631-8.
Kinsinger L. Teaching prevention in internal medicine clerkships. Academic Medicine. 2000; 75(7
suppl): S60-5.
Konen JC, Leist JC, Prescott CH. Evaluations by three graduating classes of a required community
health project. Academic Medicine. 1992 [AoAMC2]2; 67(7): 479-81.
Korr IM, Ogilvie CD. Health orientation in medical education, United States: The Texas College of
Osteopathic Medicine. Preventive Medicine. 1981; 10: 710-8.
Litaker D, Cebul RD, Masters S, Nosek T, Haynie R, Smith CK. Disease prevention and health
promotion in medical education: reflections from an academic health center. Acad Med. 2004; 79(7):
Marantz PR, Burton W, Steiner-Grossman P. Using the case-discussion method to teach epidemiology
and biostatistics. Academic Medicine. 2003; 78(4): 365-71.
Murphree AH, Banks SA, Reynolds RC. The community health clerkship: Profile of a program. Journal
of Medical Education. 1972; 47: 925-30.
Stein DH, Salive ME. Adequacy of training in preventive medicine and public health: a national survey
of residency graduates. Acad Med. 1996; 71-74: 375-80.
Stine C, Kohrs FP, Little DN, Kaprielian V, Gatipon BB, Haq C. Integrating prevention education into
the medical school curriculum: The role of departments of family medicine. Academic Medicine.
2000; 75(7 suppl): S55-9.
Wolfson P. Teaching prevention in surgery—is it an oxymoron? Academic Medicine. 2000; 75(7
suppl): S77-84.
VI. M.D.-M.P.H. Programs
Boyer MH. A decade’s experience at Tufts with a four-year combined curriculum in medicine and
public health. Academic Medicine. 1997; 72(4): 269-75.
Boyer MH, Madoff MA, Bennett AJ, Dean DH, Hyde JN, Minihan PM, et al. Tufts’ four-year combined
M.D.-M.P.H. program: a training model for population-based medicine. Academic Medicine. 1992;
6(67): 363-5.
Chauvin SW, Rodenhauser P, Bowdish BE, Shenoi S. Double duty: students’ perceptions of Tulane’s
MD-MPH dual degree program. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2000; 12(4): 221-30.
Harris R, Kinsinger LS, Tolleson-Rinehart S, Viera AJ, Dent G. The MD-MPH program at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 371-377.
Kane RL, Weisbuch JB. The M.P.H.: Postgraduate training or remedial medical education? Journal of
Medical Education. 1971; 46: 652-7.
Rosenberg SN. A survey of physicians who studied public health during medical school. Am J Prev
Med. 1998; 14(3): 184-8.
Stellman JM, Cohen S, Rosenfield A. Evaluation of a one-year masters of public health program for
medical students between their third and fourth years. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 365-370.
© 2009 AAMC. May not be reproduced without permission.
Public Health and Medical Education Bibliography
VII. Preventive Medicine Residency
Applegate MS. Preventive medicine teaching cases for preventive medicine residents. Am J Prev Med.
2003; 24(4S): 111-5.
Boulton ML, Montgomery JP, Beck A. Epidemiology competencies and preventive medicine
residencies: do they mix and map? Public Health Reports. 123(1), 136-148.
Cordes DH, Foster Rea D, Kligman E, Eichling P. Meanwhile back at the ranch: training residents in
clinical preventive medicine. Am J Prev Med. 1995; 11(3): 145-8.
Cordes DH, Rea DF, Rea JL, Vuturo AF, Kligman EW. A survey of residency management training:
general preventive medicine graduates. Am J Prev Med. 1996; 12(3): 172-6.
Dannenberg AL, Salive ME, Forston SR, Ring AR, Hersey JC, Parkinson MD. Board certification
among preventive medicine residency graduates: characteristics, advantages, barriers. Am J Prev
Med. 1994; 10(5): 251-8.
Foster T, Regan-Smith M, Murray C, Dysinger W, Homa K, Johnson LM, et al. Residency education,
preventive medicine, and population health care improvement: the Dartmouth-Hitchcock leadership
preventive medicine approach. Acad Med. 2008; 83(4): 390-398.
Katz DL, Nawaz H, Ahmadi R. Jekel JF, DeLuca VA, Cashman S, et al. An integrated residency in
internal and preventive medicine. Acad Med. 2000; 75(1): 41-9.
Lane DS, Ross V, Parkinson MD, Chen DW. Performance indicators for assessing competencies of
preventive medicine residents. Am J Prev Med. 1995; 11(1): 1-8.
Liang AP, Dysinger WS, Ring AR, Hersey JC, Parkinson M, Cates W. Practicing preventive medicine:
a national survey of general preventive medicine residency graduates—United States, 1991. Am J
Prev Med. 1995; 11(3): 139-44.
Salive M. Programs teach preventive medicine. JAMA. 1988; 260(17): 2587.
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