
BEWAG Professor of Energy Engineering and Protection of the Environment
Institute for Energy Engineering
Technische Universität Berlin
Marchstraße 18
10587 Berlin
Tel. Nr.: +49 30 314 24776 ; Fax Nr.: +49 30 314 21683
Email : tsatsaronis@mailbox.tu-berlin.de
Habilitation (M.E. - Thermoeconomics),
Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Germany
Ph.D. (M.E. - Combustion) - Technical University of Aachen, Germany
MBA (Business Admin.), Technical University of Aachen, Germany
Diploma (M.E.), National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Summary of Experience:
Over thirty-eight years of experience and related educational background in
the fields of combustion technology, exergy-based methods, development,
design, simulation and analysis of energy-conversion processes, optimization
of the design and operation of energy systems, and power plant technology.
Principal investigator of research projects sponsored by the U.S. Department
of Energy, the U.S. Electric Power Research Institute, the German Research
Foundation, the European Union, three German Ministries as well as various
other organizations, engineering companies, and electric utilities.
Over thirty-five years of teaching experience.
1994 - present
Professor, Institute for Energy Engineering, Technical University of Berlin,
Germany. (1996-2005 Managing Director of the Institute; 2002-2003
Associate Dean, School of Process Science and Engineering)
1986 - 1994
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Electric Power (Center of
Excellence), Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee,
1982 - 1986
Research (Full) Professor, Energy and Environmental Engineering Center,
Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.
1978 - 1982
Senior Staff Member and Lecturer, Institute of Thermodynamics, Technical
University of Aachen (RWTH), Germany.
1977 - 1978
On leave from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany for military
service (nine months) in the Corps of Engineers in Greece.
1973 - 1977
Research Associate and Lecturer at the Institute of Thermodynamics,
Technical University of Aachen, Germany. (September - December 1975:
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Research work at the Department of Fuel and Combustion Sciences,
University of Leeds, Great Britain.)
Life Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Past member of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division Executive
Past Chairman of the ASME Systems Analysis Technical Committee
Member, Greek Society of Engineers
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Centre for Applied
Thermodynamics (1998 - 2001)
First prize in the Pan-Hellenic competition in Mathematics among High
School students organized by the Greek Mathematical Society (June, 1967).
Borchers Award (based on the Ph.D. Thesis) of the Technical University of
Aachen, Germany (October, 1977).
Edward F. Obert Best Paper Award, ASME (November 1994).
James Harry Potter Gold Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(November, 1998).
Edward F. Obert Best Paper Award, ASME, (November, 1999).
Co-author of a paper awarded the Best Student Paper Award for the 2006
Symposium on Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis and Improvement
of Energy Systems, Advanced Energy Systems Division of ASME (November
Calvin Rice Lecture Award, ASME, (November 2008)
Doctoris Honoris Causa, Polytechnic University of Bucharest,(March, 2004)
Guest Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology, China (October 2002)
Honorary Professor, North China University of Electric Power, 1997
Who's Who in the World (since 1992)
Who's Who in Science and Engineering (since 1993)
Who's Who in the South and Southwest (1991 and 1993)
Honorary Editor: International Journal of Thermodynamics, International Centre for
Thermodynamics (2003–present)
Associate Editor: Energy, The International Journal, Elsevier Science Ltd. (1986-present)
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of ASME (19881995)
Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier Science Ltd. (1995-present)
International Journal of Applied Thermodynamics, International Centre for
Applied Thermodynamics (1998-2002)
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd. (2002-present)
Personal Data:
Born on September 22, 1949, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Summary of Publications:
One book, seven chapters in six books, eight articles in encyclopedias, guest
editor of four journal special issues, two dissertations, over 70 journal
publications, over 150 conference proceedings publications, 26 technical
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reports, and over 250 presentations at national and international meetings
and seminars. Co-Editor of 22 bound volumes.
A. Bejan, G. Tsatsaronis, and M. Moran, Thermal Design and Optimization, J. Wiley, New York, 1996.
Chapters or Sections in Books:
M. Moran and G. Tsatsaronis, “Engineering Thermodynamics, Chapter 1 in CRC Handbook of
Thermal Engineering, (F. Kreith, Editor-in Chief), CRC Press, 2000, pp. I-1 through I-108.
Tsatsaronis, G., “Strengths and Limitations of Exergy Analysis”, in Thermodynamic Optimization
of Complex Energy Systems, (A. Bejan and E. Mamut, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1999, pp. 93-100.
Tsatsaronis, G., “Design Optimization Using Exergoeconomics”, in Thermodynamic Optimization
of Complex Energy Systems, (A. Bejan, and E. Mamut, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1999, pp. 101-115.
Jüdes M., Vigerske S., Tsatsaronis G. “Optimization of the Design and Partial-Load Operation of
Power Plants Using Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming”, Chapter 9 in Optimization in the
Energy Industry (J.Kallrath, P.M.,Pardalos, S. Rebennack, and M. Scheidt, eds.), Springer
Verlag, 2008, pp. 199-227.
Tsatsaronis, G., “Exergoeconomics and Exergoenvironmental Analysis”, Chapter 15 in
Thermodynamics and the Destruction of Resources, (B.R. Bakshi, T.G: Gutowski, and D.P.
Sekulic, eds.), Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011, pp. 377-401.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Piancastelli, C., Gallio, I., and Mororsuk, T. “Exergetic and
Exergoeconomic Analyses of an Oxy-fuel Power Plant with CO2 Capture”, Chapter 9 in
Advances in Energy Research, Volume 6, (M.J. Acosta, ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,
2011, pp. ?-?.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Boyano, A., and Mororsuk, T. “Post-Combustion CO2
Capture with Monoethanolamine in a Combined-Cycle Power Plant: Exergetic, Economic and
Environmental Assessment”, Chapter ? in Advances in Energy Research, Volume ?, (M.J.
Acosta, ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012, pp. ?-?
Contributions to Encyclopedias:
Tsatsaronis, G. and Cziesla, F., “Thermoeconomics, Encyclopedia of Physical Science and
Technology, Third Edition, Volume 16, Academic Press, 2002, pp. 659-680.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Cziesla, F., six articles published in: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
(EOLSS) Theme: “Exergy, Energy Systems Analysis and Optimization” (edited by C.
Frangopoulos), developed under the Auspices of UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2009,
Vol.I, pp. 34-146:
Exergy and Thermodynamic Analysis, pp. 34-45
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Basic Exergy Concepts, pp. 46-59
Exergy Balance and Exergetic Efficiency, pp. 60-78
Exergy Analysis of Simple Processes, pp. 79-107
Strengths and Limitations of Exergy Analysis, pp. 108-120
Energetic and Exergetic Analysis of Complex Systems, pp. 121-146.
Tsatsaronis, G., “Application of Thermoeconomics to the Design and Synthesis of Energy
Plants”, In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Theme: “Exergy, Energy Systems
Analysis and Optimization” (edited by C. Frangopoulos), developed under the Auspices of
UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2009, Vol. II, pp. 162-174.
Guest Editor of Journal Special Issues:
Tsatsaronis, G., Invited papers on exergoeconomics. ENERGY – The International Journal 19
(1994) 3, pp. 279-281.
Tsatsaronis, G., Moran, M.J., Cziesla, F. and T. Bruckner, Special Issue Dedicated to ECOS
2002, Berlin, Germany, 3-5 July 2002, 15th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs,
Optimization, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ENERGY – The International
Journal 29 (2004) 12-15, pp. 1835-2617.
Frangopoulos, C.A., Rakopoulos, C.D. and G. Tsatsaronis, Special Issue Dedicated to ECOS
2002, Aghia Pelagia, Crete, Greece, 12-14 July 2006, 19th International Conference on
Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ENERGY – The
International Journal 33 (2008) 2, pp. 105-370.
Frangopoulos, C.A., Rakopoulos, C.D. and G. Tsatsaronis Special Issue Devoted to the ECOS
2006 Conference, Energy Conversion and Management 48 (2007) 11, pp. 2749-3052.
Journal Publications:
Tsatsaronis, G., "Prediction of Propagating Laminar Flames in Methane, Oxygen, Nitrogen
Mixtures," Combustion and Flame 33 (1978), pp. 217-239.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Vereinfachung des Methan/Sauerstoff-Reaktionsmechanismus (Simplification of the Methane-Oxygen Reaction Mechanism)," Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft 30 (1978)
No. 6, pp. 249-255.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Zur Druckabhängigkeit der charakteristischen Flammengrößen in Methan/
Luft-Gemischen (On the Pressure Dependence of Characteristic Flame Variables in MethaneAir Mixtures)," Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 50 (1978) No. 8, Synopse 616, p. 641.
Lück, K. C. and Tsatsaronis, G., "A Study of Flat Methane-Air Flames at Various Equivalence
Ratios," Acta Astronautica 6 (1979), pp. 467-475.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Lück, K. C., "Comparison between Predicted and Experimental
Temperatures and OH-Concentrations in One-Atmosphere Methane-Air Flames," Journal of
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 4 (1979), pp. 193-200.
Tsatsaronis, G., "On the Effect of Pressure in Methane-Air Flames," German Chemical
Engineering 2 (1979) No. 2, pp. 86-94.
Tsatsaronis, G., Schuster, P., and Rörtgen, H., "Bilanzierung des Verfahrens zur hydrierenden
Vergasung von Braunkohle (Analysis of the Brown Coal Hydrogasification Process)," BrennstoffWärme-Kraft 32 (1980) No. 3, pp. 105-111.
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Janicka, J. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Berechnung chemischer Gleichgewichte in heterogenen
Systemen unter Berücksichtigung realer Stoffeigenschaften (Calculation of Chemical Equilibrium
in Heterogeneous Systems under Consideration of Real Material Properties)," Erdöl und KohleErdgas-Petrochemie 33 (1980) No. 11, pp. 521-526.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Mathematische Modelle zur Analyse der Reaktionskinetik in Gasgemischen
(Mathematical Models for the Analysis of Reaction Kinetics in Gas Mixtures)," BrennstoffWärme-Kraft 32 (1980) No. 10, pp. 478-480.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Kesel, W., "Numerische Simulation einer Solarenergieanalage mit Wärmepumpe zur Raumheizung und Warmwassererzeugung (Numerical Simulation of a Solar System
with Heat Pump for Heating and Warm Water Production)," Heizung-Lüftung-KlimatechnikHaustechnik 32 (1981) No. 12, pp. 469-471.
Knoche, K. F., Tsatsaronis, G. and Löhrer, F., "Thermodynamische Analyse eines ADAM/EVAProzesses zur Stromerzeugung (Thermodynamic Analysis of the ADAM/EVA Process for
Electric Power Production)," Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft 34 (1982) No. 1, pp. 22-26.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Janicka, J., "Anwendbarkeit von Gleichgewichtsmodellen zur Simulation
von Kohlevergasungsreaktoren (Applicability of Equilibrium Models for Simulating Coal
Gasifiers)," Erdöl und Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochemie 35 (1982) No. 7, pp. 337-341.
Janicka, J. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Crude Gas
Composition in a Coal Hydrogasification Process," Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
7 (1982) No. 4, pp. 241-252.
Knoche, K. F., Tsatsaronis, G. and Spindler, K., "HECAP: Ein neuer Prozess zur Erzeugung
von Wasserstoff und elektrischem Strom-Theoretische Untersuchungen (A New Process for
Generating Hydrogen and Electric Power - Theoretical Investigations)," Erdöl und Kohle-ErdgasPetrochemie 36 (1983) No. 11, pp. 530-534.
Eisermann, W., Hasberg, W. and Tsatsaronis, G., "THESIS - Ein Rechenprogramm zur
Simulation und Entwicklung von Energieumwandlungsanlagen (A Computer Program for the
Simulation and Design of Energy-Conversion Plants)," Brennstoff-Wärme-Kraft 36 (1984)
No. 1-2, pp. 45-51.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Spindler, K., "Thermodynamic Analysis of a New Process for Hydrogen and
Electric Power Production by Using Carbonaceous Fuels and High-Temperature Process Heat,"
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 9 (1984) No. 7, pp. 595-602.
Tsatsaronis, G., Hasberg, W. and Winhold, M., "The Effect of Coal-Conversion Ratio in the
Brown Coal Hydrogasification Process," Energy-The International Journal 9 (1984) No. 11-12,
pp. 1023-1032.
Hasberg, W., Tsatsaronis G. and Peschel, W., "Kombination der hydrierenden Vergasung von
Braunkohle mit Wasserzersetzungsprozessen-Thermoökonomische Analyse (Combination of
the Brown Coal Hydrogasification Process with Water Splitting Processes-Thermoeconomic
Analysis)," Erdöl und Kohle Erdgas Petrochemie 37 (1984) No. 12, pp. 552-558
Tsatsaronis, G. and Winhold, M., "Exergoeconomic Analysis and Evaluation of Energy
Conversion Plants. Part I-A New General Methodology," Energy-The International Journal 10
(1985) No. 1, pp. 69-80
Tsatsaronis, G. and Winhold, M., "Exergoeconomic Analysis and Evaluation of Energy
Conversion Plants. Part II - Analysis of a Coal-Fired Steam Power Plant," Energy-The
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International Journal 10 (1985) No. 1, pp. 81-94.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Valero. A., "Thermodynamics Meets Economics," Mechanical Engineering,
August 1989, pp. 84-86.
Tsatsaronis, G., Lin, L., and Pisa, J., "Exergy Costing in Exergoeconomics," Journal of Energy
Resources Technology 115 (1993), pp. 9-16.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Thermoeconomic Analysis and Optimization of Energy Systems," Progress in
Energy and Combustion Systems 19 (1993), pp. 227-257.
Tsatsaronis, G., Tawfik, T. and Lin, L., "Exergetic Comparison of Two KRW-Based IGCC Power
Plants," Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 116 (1994), pp. 291-299.
Tsatsaronis, G., Lin, L. and Tawfik, T., "Exergoeconomic Evaluation of a KRW-Based IGCC
Power Plant," Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 116 (1994), pp. 300-306.
Valero, A., et al., "CGAM Problem: Definition and Conventional Solution," Energy – The International Journal 19 (1994), pp. 279-286.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Pisa, J., "Exergoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of Energy Systems
– The CGAM Problem," Energy – The International Journal 19 (1994), pp. 287-321.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Chen, Y., "Exergoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of Cogeneration
Systems", International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 7 (1995) Nos. 3/4, pp. 148-161.
Tsatsaronis, G. "Exergoeconomics: Is It Only a New Name?", Chemical Engineering and
Technology , 19 (1996), No. 2, pp. 163-169.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Moran, M.J., "Exergy-Aided Cost Minimization", Energy Conversion and
Management, 38 (1997) Nos. 15-17,pp. 1535-1542.
Krause, A., Tsatsaronis, G. and Sauthoff, M., “On the Cost Optimization of a District Heating
Facility Using a Steam-Injected Gas Turbine Cycle”, Energy Conversion and Management, 40
(1999), Nos 15-16, pp. 1617-1626.
Tober, E., Tsatsaronis, G., Cziesla, F., and van der Kooi, H., “Exergetic Life Cycle Assessment
and Exergoeconomic Analysis of an Aniline Process”, Entropie, 220/221 (1999), pp. 55-60.
Bausa, J., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Dynamic Optimization of Start-Up and Load-Increasing
Processes in Power Plants - Part I: Method, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and
Power,123 (January 2001), pp. 246-250.
Bausa, J. and Tsatsaronis, G., “Dynamic Optimization of Start-Up and Load-Increasing
Processes in Power Plants - Part II: Appplication”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and
Power,123 (January 2001), pp. 251-257.
Bausa, J., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Reducing the Energy Demand of Continous Distillation
Processes by Optimal Controlled Forced Periodic Operation”, Computers in Chemical
Engineering 25 (2001), pp. 359-370.
Erlach, B., Tsatsaronis, G., and Cziesla, F., „A New Approach for Assigning Costs and Fuels to
Cogeneration Products”, International Journal of Applied Thermodynamics, 4 (2001), pp. 145156.
Tsatsaronis, G., and Park, M.-H., “On Avoidable and Unavoidable Exergy Destructions and
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Investment Costs in Thermal Systems”, Energy Conversion and Management 43 (2002), pp.
Cziesla, F., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Iterative Exergoeconomic Evaluation and Improvement of
Thermal Power Plants Using Fuzzy Inference Systems”, Energy Conversion and Management
43 (2002), pp. 1537-1548.
Faber, R., Jockenhövel, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., „Dynamic Optimization with Simulated
Annealing“, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 29, (2005), pp. 273-290.
Lazzaretto, A. and Tsatsaronis, G., “SPECO: A Systematic and General Methodology for
Calculating Efficiencies and Costs in Thermal Systems”, Energy – The International Journal 31,
(2006), pp.1257-1289.
Cziesla, F., Tsatsaronis, G. and Gao, Z. “Avoidable Thermodynamic Inefficiencies and Costs in
an Externally-Fired Combined-Cycle Power Plant, Energy – The International Journal 31,
(2006), pp. 1472-1489.
Ahadi-Oskui, T., Alperin, H., Nowak, I., Cziesla, F., and Tsatsaronis G. “A relaxation-based
heuristic for the design of cost-effective energy conversion systems“, Energy – The International
Journal 31 (10-11), (August 2006), pp. 1346-1357.
Paulus, D.M., and Tsatsaronis, G. “Auxiliary equations for the determination of specific exergy
revenues“, Energy – The International Journal, 31 (15), (2006), pp. 3235-3247.
Tsatsaronis, G., “Definitions and Nomenclature in Exergy Analysis and Exergoeconomics”,
Energy - The International Journal, 32, (2007), pp. 249-253.
Koch, C., Cziesla, F., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Optimization of Combined Cycle Power Plants Using
Evolutionary Algorithms”, Chemical Engineering and Processing 46 (2007), pp. 1151-1159.
Frangopoulos, C.A., Rakopoulos, C.D., Tsatsaronis, G. “Special Issue Dedicated to ECOS
2006”, Energy – The International Journal 33, (February 2008), pp. 105-106.
Tsatsaronis, G., Kapanke, K., and Blanco Marigorta, A. M., “Exergoeconomic Estimates for a
Novel Zero-Emission Process Generating Hydrogen and Electric Power”, Energy – The
International Journal, 33, (February 2008), pp. 321-330.
Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G. “A New Approach to the Exergy Analysis of Absorption
Refrigeration Machines” Energy – The International Journal 33 (6), June 2008, pp. 890-907.
Tsatsaronis, G., “Recent Developments in Exergy Analysis and Exergoeconomics”, International
Journal of Exergy, 5, (5/6, 2008), pp. 489-499.
Meyer, L., Tsatsaronis, G., Buchgeister, J., and Schebek, L. „Exergoenvironmental Analysis for
Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Energy Conversion Systems”, Energy – The
International Journal 34(1), January 2009, pp. 75-89.
Jüdes, M., and Tsatsaronis, G. “Improving Mathematical Optimization Techniques with the Aid
of Exergy-Based Variables”, International Journal of Thermodynamics, 12(2), 2009, pp. 75-82.
Kelly, S., Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T., “Advanced Exergetic Analysis: Approaches for
Splitting the Exergy Destruction into Endogenous and Exogenous Parts”, Energy – The
International Journal 34(3), March 2009, pp. 384-391.
Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Advanced Exergy Analysis for Chemically Reacting Systems
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– Application to a Simple Open Gas-Turbine System”, International Journal of Thermodynamics,
12(3), 2009, pp. 105-111.
Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Advanced Exergetic Evaluation of Refrigeration Machines
Using Different Working Fluids”, Energy – The International Journal 34, 2009, pp. 2248-2258.
Meyer,L., Castillo, R., Buchgeister, J., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Application of Exergoeconomic and
Exergoenvironmental Analysis to a SOFC System with an Allothermal Biomass Gasifier”,
International Journal of Thermodynamics, 12(4), 2009, pp. 177-186.
Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T., “Advanced Exergetic Analysis of a Novel System for
Generating Electricity and Vaporizing Liquefied Natural Gas”, Energy – The International Journal
35, 2010, pp. 820-829.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Morosuk, T., “Conventional Exergetic and Exergoeconomic
Analyses of a Power Plant with Chemical Looping Combustion for CO2 Capture”, International
Journal of Thermodynamics, 13(1), 2010, pp. 77-86.
Ahadi-Oskui,T., Vigerske, S., Novak, I., and Tsatsaronis, G. “Optimizing the Design of Complex
Energy Conversion Systems by Branch and Cut”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34,
2010, pp. 1226-1236.
Boyano, A., Blanco-Marigorta, A.M., Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Exergoenvironmental
Analysis of a Steam Methane Reforming Process for Hydrogen Production”, Energy – The
International Journal 36, 2011, pp. 2202-2214.
Petrakopoulou, F., Boyano, A., Cabrera, M., and Tsatsaronis, G. “Exergoeconomic and
Exergoenvironmental Analyses of a Combined Cycle Power Plant with Chemical Looping
Technology”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 5(3), 2011, pp. 475-482.
Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Comparative Evaluation of LNG-based Cogeneration
Systems using Advanced Exergetic Analysis”, Energy – The International Journal 36 (3), 2011,
pp. 3771-3778.
Christidis, A., Koch, C.,Pottel. L., and Tsatsaronis, G., “The Contribution of Heat Storage to the
Profitable Operation of Combined Heat and Power Plants in Liberalized Electricity Markets”,
Energy – The International Journal 36 (X), 2011, pp YY-YY, doi:10.1016/j.energy.2011.06.048
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Boyano, A., and Morosuk, T. “Exergoeconomic and
Exergoenvironmental Evaluation of Power Plants Including CO2 Capture”, Chemical Engineering
Research and Design, 89 (9), 2011, pp. 1461–1469.
Dobrovicescu, A., Tsatsaronis, G., Stanciu, D., and Apostol, V. “Consideration upon Exergy
Destruction and Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Refrigerating System”, Revista de Chimie, 62
(12), 2011, pp. 1168-1174.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. “Exergoeconomic Analysis of an Advanced
Zero Emission Plant”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133 (11), 2011, pp.
Erlach, B., Schmidt, M., and Tsatsaronis,G. „Comparison of Carbon Capture IGCC with Precombustion Decarbonisation and with Chemical – Looping Combustion”, Energy – The
International Journal 36, 2011, pp..
Boyano, A., Morosuk, T., Blanco-Marigorta, A.M., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Conventional and
Advanced Exergoenvironmental Analysis of a Steam Methane Reforming Reactor for Hydrogen
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Production”, International Journal of Cleaner production, 20(1), 2012, pp. 152-160.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, and G., Morosuk, T., “Advanced Exergoenvironmental Analysis
of a Near-Zero-Emission Power Plant with Chemical Looping Combustion”, Environmental
Science and Engineering, (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es203430b.
Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. “Understanding and Improving Energy Conversion Systems
with the Aid of Exergy-Based Methods” Energy – The International Journal, accepted for
publication, 2012.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Morosuk, T., and Carassai, A., “Conventional and Advanced
Exergetic Analyses applied to a Combined-Cycle Power Plant”, Energy – The International
Journal, (2012) doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2011.05.028.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., “Production of Hydrogen-Rich Fuels for Pre-Combustion
Carbon Capture in Power Plants: A Thermodynamic Assessment”, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy, (2012), doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.01.147.
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Morosuk, T., and Paitazoglou, C., “Environmental Evaluation
of a Power Plant using Conventional and Advanced Exergy-Based Methods”, Energy – The
International Journal, (2012), doi:10.1016/j.energy.2012.01.042
Boyano, A., Blanco-Marigorta, A.M., Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Steam Methane
Reforming System for Hydrogen Production: Advanced Exergetic Analysis”, International
Journal of Thermodynamics, 15(1), 2012, pp. 1-9.
Petrakopoulou, F., Boyano, A., Cabrera, M., and Tsatsaronis, G. “Exergy – Based Analyses of
an Advanced Zero Emission Plant”, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2012,
accepted for publication
Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Morosuk, T., and Carassai, A., “Advanced Exergoeconomic
Analysis Applied to a Complex Energy Conversion System”, Journal of Engineering for Gas
Turbines and Power, Volume 134, Issue 3, 2012, Article number 031801
Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. “On the Thermodynamic Inefficiencies in Combustion
Processes” Chemie Ingenieur Technik, accepted for publication,2012.
Conference Proceedings Publications:
Knoche, K. F. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Exergetic Analysis of Energy Conversion Processes,"
Seminario Sobre Tecnologia de Carvao Proceedings, Florianopolis, Brasil, September 9-11,
1981, Vol. II, pp. 100-112.
Tsatsaronis, G., Schuster, P. and Rörtgen, H., "Thermodynamic Analysis of a Coal
Hydrogasification Process for SNG Production by using Heat from a High-Temperature Nuclear
Reactor," Second World Congress of Chemical Engineering Proceedings, Montreal, Canada,
October 4-9, 1981, Vol. II, pp. 401-404.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Thermodynamic Analysis of a Coal Gasification Process," in Energy: Money,
Materials and Engineering, EFCE Publication Series No. 23, I. Chem. E. Symposium Series
No. 78, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1982, pp. T5/1-10.
Knoche, K. F. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Exergetic Analysis of Energy Conversion Processes: Coal
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Hydrogasification," in Efficiency and Costing, Second Law Analysis of Processes, R. A. Gaggioli
(Editor), ACS Symposium Series 235, Washington, D.C., 1983, pp. 135-146.
Tsatsaronis G., "Combination of Exergetic and Economic Analysis in Energy-Conversion
Processes," Energy Economics and Management in Industry, Proceedings of the European
Congress, Algarve, Portugal, April 2-5, 1984, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, Vol. 1, pp.
Knoche, K. F., Tsatsaronis, G., Spindler, K. and Prümm, B., "Energy Conversion Process with
Coal and Sulphuric Acid," Energy Economics and Management in Industry, Proceedings of the
European Congress, Algarve, Portugal, April 2-5, 1984, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, Vol.
2, pp. 75-79.
Knoche, K. F., Tsatsaronis, G., Spindler, K. and Prümm, B., "Energy-Conversion Process with
Coal and Sulphuric Acid," Hydrogen Energy Progress V: Proceedings of the Fifth World
Hydrogen Energy Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 15-20, 1984, Vol. 3, pp. 1135-1143.
Tsatsaronis, G., and Winhold, M., "Exergoeconomic Analysis of Energy Intensive Chemical
Processes," World Congress III of Chemical Engineering Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 2125, 1986, Vol. I, pp. 402-406.
Tsatsaronis, G., Hasberg, W., Schuster, P., and Winhold, M., "Analysis and Evaluation of Brown
Coal Hydrogasification Processes with the Aid of the THESIS Computer Code," Winter Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, California, Dec. 7-12,
1986, Computer-Aided Engineering of Energy Systems, ASME, AES-Vol. 2-1, Optimization (R.
A. Gaggioli, editor), pp. 37-42.
10. Tsatsaronis, G., and Winhold, M., "Exergoeconomic Analysis of an Integrated Coal GasificationCombined-Cycle Power Plant," Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Anaheim, California, Dec. 7-12, 1986, Computer-Aided Engineering of Energy Systems, ASME, AES-Vol. 2-3, Second-Law Analysis and Modelling (R. A. Gaggioli, editor), pp. 4553.
11. Tsatsaronis, G., Winhold, M., Panahi, Z., and Stojanoff, C.G., "Thermoeconomic Analysis of
Electric Power Generation from Salt-Gradient Solar Ponds in Southwest U.S.A.," Solar
Engineering 1987, Solar Energy Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 22-27,
1987, Vol. I, pp. 88-96.
12. Tsatsaronis, G., "A Review of Exergoeconomic Methodologies," Proceedings of the Fourth
International Symposium, Second Law Analysis of Thermal Systems, (M. J. Moran and E.
Sciubba, editors), Rome, Italy, May 25-29, 1987, pp. 81-87.
13. Tsatsaronis, G., Winhold, M. and Stojanoff, C. G., "Thermoeconomic Analysis of the Design of a
Gasification-Combined-Cycle Power Plant," Joint Power Generation Conference, Miami Beach,
ASME, Florida, October 4-8, 1987, ASME paper No. 87-JPGC-Pwr-49.
14. Tsatsaronis, G. and Winhold, M., "Integration of a Coal Hydrogasification Process with a Process
for the Generation of Electricity and Hydrogen," Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, Boston, Massachusetts, December 13-18, 1987. Analysis and Design
of Advanced Energy Systems, ASME, AES-Vol. 3.2, Applications (M. J. Moran, S. S. Stecco
and G. M. Reistad, editors), pp. 15-22.
15. Munukutla, S. S., Tsatsaronis, G., Anderson, D. E., Wilson, S. M., and Harris, J. C., "FLAPP: A
Microcomputer Software for Analyzing the Effects of Key Parameters on Plant Scherer Performance," Proceedings: 1988 EPRI Heat-Rate Improvement Conference, May 10-12, 1988, Richmond, Virginia, Proceedings, January, 1990, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto,
W:/sekretariat/büro/resume2906.wpd - March 26, 2012
California, RP 1711-6, pp. 6B-55 through 6B-64.
16. Munukutla, S. S., Tsatsaronis, G., Shih, Y. J., Anderson, D. E., Wilson, S. M., and Harris, J.C., "A
Microcomputer Software for On-Line Evaluation of Heat Rate," Joint Power Generation Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 25-29, 1988, ASME paper No. 88JPGC/PTC-1.
17. Tsatsaronis, G. and Chen, M. C., "Microcomputer Software for the Economic Evaluation of
Power Plants," Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Microcomputer Applications in
Energy, Tucson, Arizona, November 1-3, 1988, pp. 29-35.
18. Tsatsaronis, G., Munukutla, S., and Anderson, D., "Microcomputer Software for Heat Rate
Predictions and Evaluations in Power Plants," Proceedings of the Third National Conference on
Microcomputer Applications in Energy, Tuscon, Arizona, November 1-3, 1988, pp. 37-40.
19. Tsatsaronis, G., Pisa, J.J. and Gallego, L. M., "Chemical Exergy in Exergoeconomics,"
Thermodynamic Analysis and Improvement of Energy Systems, Proceedings of the International
Symposium, Beijing, China, June 5-8, 1989, Pergamon Press, pp. 195-200.
20. Tsatsaronis, G., Pisa, J., Tawfik, T., Sahai, V. and Lin, L., "Power Plant Heat Rate Improvement
Through a Thermoeconomic Analysis," Proceedings: 1989 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement
Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, September 26-28, 1989, Electric Power Research Institute,
RP-1711, EPRI GS-6985, September 1990, pp. 4A-1 through 4A-18.
21. Gadiraju, M., Munukutla, S.S., Tsatsaronis, G. and Scott, O., "Steady State Performance
Simulation Model for J.M. Stuart Station Unit 2," 1989 Joint Power Generation Conference,
Dallas, Texas, October 22-26, 1989, ASME Paper No. 89-JPGC/Pwr-22.
22. Tsatsaronis, G., Gallego, L.M. and Tawfik, T.A., "A Thermoeconomic Analysis of Boiler and
Auxiliaries," 1989 Joint Power Generation Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 22-26, 1989,
ASME Paper No. 89-JPGC/Pwr-43.
23. Tsatsaronis, G., Tawfik, T. A., Lin, L., and Gallaspy, D. T., "Exergy Analysis of an IGCC Design
Configuration for Plant Wansley," 1989 Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, San Francisco, California, December 10-15, 1989. Analysis and Design of
Energy Systems: Thermodynamic Analysis of Industrial Processes, ASME, AES Vol. 10-3 (R.
A. Bajura, M. R. Von Spakovsky and E. S. Geskin, editors), pp. 21-29.
24. Tsatsaronis, G., Pisa, J. J., and Lin, L., "The Effect of Assumptions on the Detailed Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Steam Power Plant Design Configuration; Part I: Theoretical
Development; Part II: Results and Discussion," A Future for Energy, Proceedings of the
Florence World Energy Research Symposium, Firenze, Italy, May 28-June 1, 1990, pp. 771792.
25. Tsatsaronis, G., Tawfik, T., and Lin, L., "Performance Comparisons of Integrated GasificationCombined-Cycle Power Plants," Proceedings of the 25th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Reno, Nevada, August 12-17, 1990, Vol. 5, pp. 490-494.
26. Tsatsaronis, G., "A Course in Thermoeconomics," 1990 Winter Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dallas, Texas, November 25-30, 1990, Education in
Thermodynamics and Energy Systems, ASME, AES-Vol. 20 (G. Tsatsaronis, M. J. Moran and
A. Bejan, editors), pp. 7-13.
27. Tsatsaronis, G., and Lin, L., "On Exergy Costing in Exergoeconomics," 1990 Winter Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dallas, Texas, November 25-30,
1990, Computer-Aided Energy Systems Analysis, ASME, AES-Vol. 21 (G. Tsatsaronis, R. A.
Bajura, W. F. Kenney and G. M. Reistad, editors), pp. 1-11.
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28. Tsatsaronis, G., "Integrated Gasification-Combined-Cycle Power Plants: An Alternative for
Electricity Generation," Symposium on Energy Futures Proceedings, Kiawah Island, South
Carolina, May 9-10, 1991, pp. 1-22.
29. Ackermann, P., Smith, J. D., and Tsatsaronis, G., "Development of an Expert System Data Base
for NOx Control in Power Plants," Proceedings of the International Conference on the Analysis of
Thermal and Exergy Systems (ATHENS '91), Athens, Greece, June 3-6, 1991, pp. 829-844.
30. Tsatsaronis, G. and Sanae, M., "On-Line Thermoeconomic Evaluation of Power Plant Performance," 1991 International Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, California, October 610, 1991, ASME Paper No. 91-JPGC-Pwr-13.
31. Gallaspy, D. T. and Tsatsaronis, G., "A Comparison of Alternative IGCC Power Plant Designs:
Air-Blown IGCC with Hot Gas Cleanup vs. Oxygen-Blown IGCC with Cold Gas Cleanup," 1991
International Joint Power Generation Conference, San Diego, California, October 6-10, 1991,
ASME Paper No. 91-JPGC-Pwr-14.
32. Tsatsaronis, G., Tawfik, T., Lin, L. and Gallaspy, D. T., "Exergetic Comparison of Two KRWBased IGCC Power Plants," 1991 Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991, Second Law Analysis-Industrial and
Environmental Applications, ASME, AES-Vol. 25 (G. M. Reistad, M. J. Moran, and W. J. Wepfer
and N. Lior, editors), pp. 7-18.
33. Tsatsaronis, G., Lin, L., Tawfik, T. and Gallaspy, D. T., "Exergoeconomic Evaluation of a KRWBased IGCC Power Plant," 1991 Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1-6, 1991, Second Law Analysis-Industrial and Environmental Applications, ASME, AES-Vol. 25 (G. M. Reistad, M. J. Moran, W. J. Wepfer and N. Lior,
editors), pp. 18-32.
34. Tsatsaronis, G., Lin, L., Pisa, J. and Tawfik, T., "Design Optimization of IGCC Power Plants,"
Proceedings of the American Power Conference, Chicago, IL, April 13-15, 1992, pp. 1220-1225.
35. Lazzaretto, A., Pisa, J. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Comparison of Exergy Costing Methods Applied to
a Natural Gas Depressurization Plant," ECOS '92, Proceedings of the International Symposium
on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, June
15-18, 1992, ASME, New York, 1992, pp. 173-182.
36. Tsatsaronis, G., Pisa, J., Lin, L. and Tawfik, T., "Cost-of-Electricity Minimization in the Design of
IGCC Power Plants," ECOS '92, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Efficiency,
Costs, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, June 15-18, 1992,
ASME, New York, 1992, pp. 465-473.
37. Tsatsaronis, G., Pisa, J., Lin, L., Tawfik, T., Sears, R. E. and Gallaspy, D. T., "Thermoeconomics
in Search of Cost-Effective Solutions in IGCC Power Plants," (invited paper), Coal Energy and
the Environment, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 12-16, 1992, pp. 369-377.
38. Tsatsaronis, G., Pisa, J., Lin, L., Tawfik, T., Sears, R. E. and Gallaspy, D. T., "The Minimization
of the Cost of Electricity for an Integrated Gasification-Combined-Cycle Power Plant Design,"
International Joint Power Generation Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 18-22, 1992, ASME
Paper 92-JPGC-Pwr-41.
39. Krane, R. J. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Exergy Analysis and Thermoeconomics in Search of CostEffective Solutions. Part 1: Exergy Analysis" (invited paper), Innovative Energy and
Environmental Applications, Proceedings of the 15th World Energy Engineering and World
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Environmental Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, October 27-30, 1992, pp. 361-366.
40. Tsatsaronis, G. and Krane, R. J., "Exergy Analysis and Thermoeconomics in Search of CostEffective Solutions. Part 2: Thermoeconomics," (invited paper), Innovative Energy and Environmental Applications, Proceedings of the 15th World Energy Engineering and World
Environmental Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, October 27-30, 1992, pp. 367-373.
41. Tsatsaronis, G., Pisa, J., Lin, L. and Tawfik, T., "Optimization of an IGCC Power Plant – Part I:
Optimized Cases," 1992 Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, Anaheim, CA, November 8-13, 1992,
Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy Systems – 1992,
ASME, AES-Vol. 27 (R. F. Boehm, et al., editors), pp. 37-53.
42. Tsatsaronis, G. Lin, L. and Pisa, J., "Optimization of an IGCC Power Plant – Part II: Methodology
and Parametric Studies," 1992 Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, Anaheim, CA, November 8-13,
1992, Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy Systems – 1992,
ASME, AES-Vol. 27 (R. F. Boehm, et al., editors), pp. 55-67.
43. Tsatsaronis, G., Lin, L., Pisa, J. and Tawfik, T., "Improvement of Heat Rate and Cost of
Electricity in IGCC Power Plants," Proceedings of the 1992 EPRI Heat Rate Improvement
Conference, Birmingham, Alabama, November 17-19, 1992, EPRI-TR102098, Palo Alto, CA,
pp. 44-1 through 440-22.
44. Pisa, J., Lin, L. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Evaluation and Optimization of IGCC Power Plants,"
Proceedings of the EPRI Conference on Improved Technology for Fossil Fuel Power Plants –
New and Retrofit Applications, Washington, D.C., March 1-3, 1993.
45. Tawfik, T., Tsatsaronis, G. and Price, D., "Design Performance Comparisons of IGCC Power
Plants," Proceedings of the American Power Conference, Vol. 55-II, 1993, pp. 1722-1727.
46. Lin, L. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Analysis and Improvement of an Advanced Concept for Electric
Power Generation," Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Systems and
Ecology, July 5-9, 1993, Cracow, Poland, Vol. 1, pp. 557-566.
47. Tawfik, T., Tsatsaronis, G. and Price, D., "Exergetic Comparison of Various IGCC Power Plant
Designs," Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Systems and Ecology, July 59, 1993, Cracow, Poland, Vol. 1, pp. 585-593.
48. Lin, L. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Design Optimization of an Advanced Concept for Generating
Electric Power," Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 20-24, 1993.
49. Lin, L. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Cost Optimization of an Advanced IGCC Power Plant Concept
Design," Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy Systems –
1993, ASME, AES-Vol. 30/HTD-Vol. 266 (H. J. Richter, editor), pp. 157-166. (This paper was
honored by ASME with the E.F. Obert Best Paper Award.)
50. Price, D. W. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Design Analysis of Dow-Based IGCC Power Plants,"
Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy Systems – 1993,
ASME, AES-Vol. 30/HTD-Vol. 226 (H. J. Richter, editor), pp. 355-369.
51. Tsatsaronis, G. and Krane, R. J., "Cost Savings Through Exergy Analysis and
Exergoeconomics," National Petroleum Refiners Association, Paper No. AM-94-34, Washington,
D.C., pp. 1-25, presented at the Annual Meeting, March 21-22, 1994, San Antonio, Texas.
52. Lin, L. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Design Optimization of a Hybrid Concept for Generation of Electric
Power," Proceedings of the American Power Conference, April 25-27, 1994, pp. 1702-1707.
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53. Lin, L. and Tsatsaronis, G., "A Systematic Approach for the Cost Optimization of Advanced
Power Plants," Proceedings of the Florence World Energy Research Symposium FLOWERS
'94, (D. Carnevale, G. Manfrida and F. Martelli, eds.), Florence, Italy, July 6-8, 1994, pp. 157164.
54. Tsatsaronis, G., “Design Optimization of Thermal Systems Using Exergy-Based Techniques”,
Proceedings of the Workshop Second Law Analysis of Energy Systems: Towards the 21st
Century (E. Sciubba and M.J. Moran, eds.), Rome, Italy, July 5-7, 1995.
55. Tsatsaronis, G., “On the Efficiency of Energy Systems”, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy
Systems, ECOS ‘95 (Y.A. Gögüs and G. Tsatsaronis, eds.), Istanbul, Turkey, July 11-14, 1995,
pp. 53-60.
56. Tsatsaronis, G., Krause, A., Roberts, M.J., and Mensinger, M.C., “Design Improvement of an Oil
Producing Plant Using Eastern Oil Shale”, Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy Systems (R.J. Krane, ed.), American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
AES-Vol. 35, New York, 1995, pp. 379-393.
57. Tsatsaronis, G. and Moran, M.J., “Exergy-Aided Cost Minimization”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Aspects of
Energy Systems, ECOS ‘96 (P. Alvfors, L. Eidentsten, G. Svedberg and J. Yan, eds.),
Stockholm, Sweden, June 25-27, 1996.
58. Lazzaretto, A. and Tsatsaronis, G., “A General Proces-Based Methology for Exergy Costing”,
Proceedings of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Devision, AES-Vol. 36 (A.B. Duncan, J.
Fiszdon, D. O Neal and K. Den Braven, eds.), ASME 1996, pp. 413-428.
59. Tsatsaronis, G. and Moran, M.J., "Exergoeconomic Optimization of Complex Energy-Conversion
Plants" (in German), Wirtschaftliche Wärmenutzung in Industrie und Gewerbe, VDI Berichte
1296, Düsseldorf 1997, pp. 55-67.
60. Krause, A. and Tsatsaronis, G., “Thermodynamic and Exergoeconomic Evaluation of the HumidAir Turbine Cycle”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Thermodynamic Analysis
and Improvement of Energy Systems, Beijing, China, June 10-13, 1997, pp. 111-118.
61. Lazzaretto, A. and Tsatsaronis, G., “On the Quest for Objective Equations in Exergy Costing”,
Proceedings of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division, AES-Vol. 37, (M.L. Ramalingam,
J.L. Lage, V.C. Mei, and J.N. Chapman, eds.), ASME 1997, pp. 197-210. (This paper was
honored by ASME with the E. F. Obert Best Paper Award.)
62. Krause, A., Tsatsaronis, G., and Nales, J., “Thermoeconomic Analysis and Evaluation of Design
Options for Refinery-Residual-Based IGCC Systems” Proceedings of the Seminario REFINO
2000, Madrid, Spain, February 19-20, 1998, Fundacion Repsol Publicationes, pp. 143-159, the
same paper was also published also in the Proceedings of the International Conference
Gasification - The Gateway to a cleaner future,, Dresden, Germany, Sept. 23-24-1998, pp. 1-10.
63. Tsatsaronis, G., “A Critical Review of Approaches for Evaluating Thermal Systems from the
Thermodynamic, Economic and Environmental Viewpoints”, Proceedings of the International
Workshop Advances in Energy Studies, Porto Venere, Italy, May 26-30, 1998, pp. 195-206.
64. Krause, A., Tsatsaronis, G., and Sauthoff, M. “On the Cost Optimization of a District Heating
Facility Using a Steam-Injected Gas Turbine Cycle”, Proceedings of the International Congress
on Efficiency, Cost Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Aspects of Energy Systems and
Processes, ECOS ‘98 (A. Bejan, M. Feidt, M.J. Moran and G. Tsatsaronis, eds.), Nancy, France,
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July 8-10, 1998, pp. 283-290.
65. Tober, E., Cziesla, F., Tsatsaronis, G., and van der Kooi, H., “Exergetic Life Cycle Assessment
and Exergoeconomic Analysis of an Aniline Process “Proceedings of the International Congress
on Efficiency, Cost Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Aspects of Energy Systems and
Processes, ECOS ‘98 (A. Bejan, M. Feidt, M.J. Moran and G. Tsatsaronis, eds.), Nancy, France,
July 8-10, 1998, pp. 507-515.
66. Tsatsaronis, G., “Strengths and Limitations of Exergy Analysis”, Thermodynamic Optimization of
Complex Energy Systems, Proceedings of the International Seminar “Contemporary Problems
of Thermal Engineering”, Gliwice, Poland, September 2-4, 1998, pp. 351-359.
67. Bausa, J. and Tsatsaronis, G., “Dynamic Optimization of Start-Up and Load-Shifting Processes
in Power Plants - Methodology and Applications”, Proceedings of the Advanced Energy
Systems Division, AES-Vol. 38, (H. Metchalchi, E. Kweller, M.L. Ramalingham and J.N.
Chapman, eds.), ASME, 1998, pp. 165-173.
68. Tsatsaronis, G., “The ECOS ‘99 Conference in Tokyo”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Efficiency, Cost Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Aspects of Energy
Systems, ECOS ‘99 (M. Ishida, G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran, and H. Kataoka, eds.), Tokyo,
Japan, June 8-10, 1999, pp. 2-4.
69. Tsatsaronis, G. and Park, M.H., “On Avoidable and Unavoidable Exergy Destructions and
Investment Costs in Thermal Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Efficiency, Cost Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Aspects of Energy Systems,
ECOS ‘99 (M. Ishida, G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran, and H. Kataoka, eds.), Tokyo, Japan, June 810, 1999, pp. 116-121.
70. Cziesla, F. and Tsatsaronis, G., “Iterative Exergoeconomic Evaluation and Improvement of
Thermal Power Plants Using Fuzzy Inference Systems”, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Efficiency, Cost Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Aspects of Energy
Systems, ECOS ‘99 (M. Ishida, G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran, and H. Kataoka, eds.), Tokyo,
Japan, June 8-10, 1999, pp. 380-385.
71. Lazzaretto, A. and Tsatsaronis, G., “On the Calculation of Efficiencies and Costs in Thermal
Systems”, Proceedings of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division, AES-Vol. 39 (S.M.
Aceves, S. Garimella and R. Peterson, eds.), ASME, November 1999, pp. 421-430.
72. Tsatsaronis G., “Some Thoughts Regarding the Worldwide Effective Use of Energy Resources
and the Reduction of Environmental Impact”, Advances in Energy Studies - Exploring supplies,
constraints and strategies, (S. Ulgiati, M.T. Brown, M. Giampietro, R.A. Herendeen, K. Mayumi,
Editors), Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop, Porto Venere, Italy, May 23-27, 2000,
pp. 543-548.
73. Bausa, J., Tsatsaronis, G., and Jockenhövel, T., “Reducing the Energy Demand of Contiuous
Distillation Processes by Optimal Controlled Forced Periodic Operation”, Proceedings of the
ECOS 2000 International Conference - Eurotherm Seminar 65: Process Integration (G.G. Hirs,
ed.), Enschede, Netherlands, July 5-7, 2000, pp. 1437-1450.
74. Erlach, B., Tsatsaronis, G. and Cziesla, F., “New Approach for Assigning Costs and Fuels to
Cogeneration Products”, accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the
International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
Impact (ECOS 2001), Istanbul, Turkey July 4-6, 2001, pp. 759-770
75. Lazzaretto, A. and Tsatsaronis, G., “Comparison Between SPECO-Based and Functional
Exergoeconomic Approaches”, Proceedings of the 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engi15
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neering Congress and Exposition, November 11-16, 2001, New York, N.Y., IMECE2001/AES
23650, pp. 1-16.
76. Tsatsaronis, G., “Perspectives of Fossil-Fuel-Based Energy-Conversion Technologies in the 21st
Century” in Advances in Energy Studies-Reconsidering the Importance of Energy (S. Ulgiati –
Editor-in-chief) 3rd Biennial International Workshop, Porto Venere, Italy, September 24-28, 2002,
SG Editoriali, Padova, 2003, pp. 411-415.
77. Tsatsaronis, G., Cziesla, F. and Gao, Z., “Avoidable Thermodynamic Inefficiencies and Costs in
Energy Conversion Systems. Part 1: Methodology”, Proceedings of the 16th International
Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy
Systems, ECOS 2003 (N. Houbak, et al., eds.), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 30 – July 2, 2003,
pp. 809-812.
78. Tsatsaronis, G., Cziesla, F. and Gao, Z., “Avoidable Thermodynamic Inefficiencies and Costs in
Energy Conversion Systems. Part 2: Application to an Externally-Fired Combined Cycle”, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and
Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2003 (N. Houbak, et al., eds.), Copenhagen,
Denmark, June 30 – July 2, 2003, pp. 815-825.
79. Ahadi-Oskui, T., Cziesla, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Alperin, G. and Novak, I., „A Relaxation-Based
Heuristic for the Design of Cost-Effective Energy Conversion Systems“, Proceedings of the 16th
International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2003 (N. Houbak, et al., eds.), Copenhagen, Denmark, June
30 – July 2, 2003, pp. 1239-1246.
80. Koch, C., Cziesla, F., Tsatsaronis, G., „Structural and Parametric Optimization of Gas and Steam
Power Plants” (in German), VDI-GET-Fachtagung “Optimierung in der Energieversorgung”,
Würzburg, 14./15. Oktober 2003, VDI-Bericht 1792, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2003, pp. 89-104.
81. Jüdes, M., Cziesla, F., Ahrens, W., Petri, J., Tsatsaronis, G., „Neural Networks as an Aid to
Performance Evaluation Using an Industrial Cogeneration Plant as an Example“ (in German),
VDI-GET-Fachtagung “Optimierung in der Energieversorgung”, Würzburg, 14./15. Oktober
2003, VDI-Bericht 1792, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2003, pp. 201-213.
82. Cziesla, F., Tsatsaronis, G., „Exergoeconomic Assessment of the Performance Degradation in a
Power Plant at Full and Partial Load“, Proceedings of the 2003 ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, Advanced Energy Systems, Washington D.C., November
16-21, 2003, Paper No. IMECE2003-43856, pp. 1-9.
83. Paulus, D. and Tsatsaronis, G., „Auxiliary Equations for the Determination of Specific Exergy
Revenues“, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization,
Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2004 (R. Rivero, et al. eds.),
Guanajuato, Mexico, July 7-9, 2004, pp. 561-572.
84. Paulus, D., Tsatsaronis, G. and Morosuk, T., „An Overview of Methods for Splitting Physical
Exergy“, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization,
Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2004 (R. Rivero, et al. eds.),
Guanajuato, Mexico, July 7-9, 2004, pp. 787-799.
85. Tsatsaronis, G., “Future Perspectives of Gas Use”, Proceedings of the International Conference
Energy from Gas, Gliwice, Poland, April 19-21, 2005, pp. 1-8.
86. Tsatsaronis, G., “Definitions and Nomenclature in Exergy Analysis and Exergoeconomics”,
Shaping our future energy systems, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on
Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,
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ECOS 2005 (S. Kjelstrup et al, editors), Trondheim, Norway, June 20-22, 2005, pp. 321-326.
87. Morosuk, T. and Tsatsaronis, G., “Graphical Models for Splitting Physical Exergy”, Shaping our
future energy systems, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs,
Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2005 (S.
Kjelstrup et al, editors), Trondheim, Norway, June 20-22, 2005, pp. 377-384.
88. Jüdes, M., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Diagnosis of Malfunctions and Associated Avoidable Thermodynamic Inefficiencies during Operation of Power Plants” (in German) in Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, Tagung Stuttgart, 27. und 28. Oktober 2005, VDI-Berichte 1908, 2005, pp. 213224.
89. Lazzaretto, A., Jüdes, M., Toffolo, A., Cziesla, F., Passuello, R., and Tsatsaronis, G., “The
Characteristic Curve Method in Energy Systems Diagnosis: Analysis of Uncertainties in a Real
Plant, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
IMECE 2005; November 5-11, 2005, Orlando, Florida, IMECE2005-80762, 12 pp.
90. Tsatsaronis, G. and Kapanke, K., „Thermodynamic Analysis of a Novel Process with Integrated
CO2 Capture for the Production of Electric Power and Hydrogen“, Proceedings of the ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE 2005; November 5-11,
2005, Orlando, Florida, IMECE2005-79785, 11 pp.
91. Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Splitting the Exergy Destruction into Endogenous and
Exogenous Parts – Application to Refrigeration Machines”, Proceedings of the 19th International
Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy
Systems, ECOS 2006 (Ch.Frangopoulos, C.Rakopoulos and G. Tsatsaronis, editors), Agia
Pelagia, Crete, Greece, July 12-14, 2006, pp. 165-172.
92. Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “The “Cycle Method” used in the Exergy Analysis of
Refrigeration Machines: From Education to Research”, Proceedings of the 19th International
Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy
Systems, ECOS 2006 (Ch.Frangopoulos, C.Rakopoulos and G. Tsatsaronis, editors), Agia
Pelagia, Crete, Greece, July 12-14, 2006, pp. 157-163.
93. Tsatsaronis, G., Kapanke, K., and Blanco, A.M., “Exergoeconomic Estimates for a Novel
Process with Integrated CO2 Capture for the Production of Hydrogen and Electric Power”,
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation
and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2006 (Ch.Frangopoulos, C.Rakopoulos
and G. Tsatsaronis, editors), Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece, July 12-14, 2006, pp. 1581-1591.
94. Dobrovicescu, A., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Exergy Destruction due to Friction in Heat Exchangers –
A Refrigeration System Case Study”, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on
Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,
ECOS 2006 (Ch.Frangopoulos, C.Rakopoulos and G. Tsatsaronis, editors), Agia Pelagia, Crete,
Greece, July 12-14, 2006, pp. 173-182.
95. Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “A New Approach to the Exergy Analysis of Absorption
Refrigeration Machines, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling
and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES-2006), 27-31 August 2006,
Prague, Czech Republic, CD, file 1441, pp. 1-20.
96. Ahadi-Oskui, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Optimization of the Design of Complex Energy Conversion
Systems using Mathematical Programming and Genetic Algorithms” Proceedings of the ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2006, November 5-10,
2006, Chicago, USA, IMECE2006-14344.
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97. Tsatsaronis, G., Kelly, S.O., and Morosuk, T.V., “Endogenous and Exogenous Exergy
Destruction in Thermal Systems” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2006, November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, USA,
98. Boche, L., Jüdes, M., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Optimizing the Operation of Energy Conversion
Systems Using Historical Operating Data”, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,
ECOS 2007 (A. Mirandola, Ö. Arnas, and A. Lazzaretto, editors), Padova, Italy, June 25-28,
2007, pp. 157-163.
99. Jüdes, M., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Cost Effective Design Optimization and Maintenance Strategies
with Consideration of the Partial Load Behavior of Power Plants”, Proceedings of the 20th
International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2007 (A. Mirandola, Ö. Arnas, and A. Lazzaretto, editors),
Padova, Italy, June 25-28, 2007, pp. 251-258.
100. Morosuk, T.V., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Advanced Thermodynamic Evaluation of Refrigeration
Machines Using Different Working Fluids”, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,
ECOS 2007 (A. Mirandola, Ö. Arnas, and A. Lazzaretto, editors), Padova, Italy, June 25-28,
2007, pp. 397-405.
101. Morosuk, T.V., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Exergoeconomic Evaluation of Refrigeration Machines
Based on Avoidable Endogenous and Exogenous Costs”, Proceedings of the 20th International
Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy
Systems, ECOS 2007 (A. Mirandola, Ö. Arnas, and A. Lazzaretto, editors), Padova, Italy, June
25-28, 2007, pp. 1459-1467.
102. Tsatsaronis, G., “Recent Developments in Exergy Analysis”, Keynote lecture, Proceedings of the
International Energy, Exergy and Environmental Symposium, Evora 2007, July 7-9, 2007,
Evora, Portugal, CD-ROM.
103. Jüdes, M., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Design Optimization of Power Plants by Considering Multiple
Partial Load Operation Points”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2007, November 11-15, 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA,
104. Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. V., “Advanced Exergoeconomic Evaluation and its Application
to Compression Refrigeration Machines”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2007, November 11-15, 2007, Seattle,
Washington, USA, IMECE2007-412202.
105. Meyer, L., Buchgeister, J., Tsatsaronis, G., and Schebek, L., „Formation of Environmental
Impacts in Energy Conversion Processes Revealed by a Novel Exergoenvironmental Analysis”,
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
IMECE 2007, November 11-15, 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA, IMECE2007-42210.
106. Tsatsaronis, G., “Exergoeconomic Optimization”, Keynote lecture, Proceedings of the 4th
European Congress “Economics and Management of Energy in Industry”, November, 27-30,
2007, Porto, Portugal, CD-ROM, 10 pp.
107. Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T., “Design Improvement of an Energy Conversion System Based
on Advanced Exergy Analysis. Proceedings of the 4-th European Congress “Economics and
Management of Energy in Industry”, November, 27-30, 2007, Porto, Portugal, CD-ROM,
10 pp.
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108. Jüdes, M., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Entwurfsoptimierung von Energieumwandlungsanlagen mit
mehreren Betriebspunkten”, VDI Tagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, November 2007,
Leverkusen, Germany, 978-3-18-092018-4, pp. 199-210.
109. Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “How to Calculate the Parts of Exergy Destruction in an
Advanced Exergetic Analysis”. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Efficiency,
Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2008 (A.
Ziebik, Z.Kolenda, W.Stanek, editors), Cracow-Gliwice, Poland, June 24-27, 2008, pp. 185-194.
110. Meyer, L. , Castillo, R., Buchgeister, J., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Identification of Economically and
Environmentally Relevant Components of an Energy Conversion System Using Exergoeconomic and Exergoenvironmental Analysis”, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference
on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,
ECOS 2008 (A. Ziebik, Z.Kolenda, W.Stanek, editors), Cracow-Gliwice, Poland, June 24-27,
2008, pp. 271-278.
111. Griepentrog, H., Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. “A Novel Concept for Generating Electricity
and Vaporizing LNG” Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs,
Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2008 (A. Ziebik,
Z.Kolenda, W.Stanek, editors), Cracow-Gliwice, Poland, June 24-27, 2008, pp. 559-566.
112. Jüdes, M., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Improving a mathematical optimization technique with the aid of
exergy-based variables”, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs,
Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2008 (A. Ziebik,
Z.Kolenda, W.Stanek, editors), Cracow-Gliwice, Poland, June 24-27, 2008, pp. 757-764.
113. Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. “A general exergy-based method for combining a cost analysis
with an environmental impact analysis. Part I – Theoretical Development”. Proceedings of the
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2008, November
2-6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, IMECE2008-67218.
114. Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. “A general exergy-based method for combining a cost analysis
with an environmental impact analysis. Part II – Application to a cogeneration system”.
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
IMECE 2008, November 2-6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, IMECE2008-67219.
115. Griepentrog, H., Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk, T. “LNG vaporization using a novel co-generation
system”. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition, IMECE 2008, November 2-6, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, IMECE200867208.
116. Morosuk T., Tsatsaronis G., “Advanced exergoeconomics and its application to power systems”,
Proceedings of the Conference on District Energy, Portoz, Slovenia, March 22-24, 2009, p.99109 (ISBN 978-961-92367-1-0).
117. Jüdes, M., Christidis, A., Koch, C,, Pottel, L., and Tsatsaronis, G., „Combined optimization of the
operation of existing power plants with the design and operation of heat storage systems for a
large district heating network”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Efficiency,
Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2009 (S.
Nebra, S. de Oliveira Jr, and E. Bazzo, editors), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August 31 through
September 3, 2009, pp. 291-300.
118. Morosuk,T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Comparative evaluation of LNG-based cogeneration systems”,
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation
and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2009 (S. Nebra, S. de Oliveira Jr, and E.
W:/sekretariat/büro/resume2906.wpd - March 26, 2012
Bazzo, editors), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August 31 through September 3, 2009, pp. 577-586.
119. Buchgeister, J. Meyer, L., Castillo, R., and Tsatsaronis, G., „Exergoeconomic and
exergoenvironmental analysis of different options for electricity production using SOFC with
integrated allothermal biomass gasification”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference
on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,
ECOS 2009 (S. Nebra, S. de Oliveira Jr, and E. Bazzo, editors), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August
31 through September 3, 2009, pp. 923-932.
120. Schmidt, M., Erlach, B., and Tsatsaronis, G., „Comparison of Ian IGCC with pre-combustion
carbon capture and an IGCC design with chemical-looping combustion”, Proceedings of the 22nd
International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2009 (S. Nebra, S. de Oliveira Jr, and E. Bazzo, editors), Foz
do Iguacu, Brazil, August 31 through September 3, 2009, pp. 1281-1290.
121. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk,T., Exergoeconomic analysis of a power plant
with chemical looping combustion”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on
Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems,
ECOS 2009 (S. Nebra, S. de Oliveira Jr, and E. Bazzo, editors), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August
31 through September 3, 2009, pp. 1291-1302.
122. Tsatsaronis, G. and Morosuk, T. “Advances in exergy-based methods for improving energy
conversion systems”, in Optimization using Exergy-based Methods and Computational Fluid
Dynamics, (G. Tsatsaronis, and A. Boyano, editors), Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Papierflieger Verlag,
2009, pp 1-10.
123. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Boyano, A., and Morosuk, T., “Evaluation of energy
conversion systems including CO2 capture using exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental
analyses”, in Optimization using Exergy-based Methods and Computational Fluid Dynamics, (G.
Tsatsaronis, and A. Boyano, editors), Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Papierflieger Verlag, 2009, pp 11-23.
124. Boyano, A., Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis G., “Exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental
analyses of hydrogen production from natural gas using steam methane reforming”. in
Optimization using Exergy-based Methods and Computational Fluid Dynamics, (G. Tsatsaronis,
and A. Boyano, editors), Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Papierflieger Verlag, 2009, pp 45-54.
125. Tsatsaronis, G. “Exergetic and Economic performance – Strategies for Optimizing Energy
Systems” Proceedings of the LowEx Symposium, October 28-29,2009, Kassel, Germany, pp.
126. Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk,T., “LNG-based cogeneration systems. Part 1: Comparison of gasturbine-based concepts”, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2009, November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida,
USA, IMECE2009-10459.
127. Tsatsaronis, G., Morosuk,T., and Cziesla, F., “LNG-based cogeneration systems. Part 2:
Advanced exergy-based analyses of a concept”, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2009, November 13-19, 2009, Lake
Buena Vista, Florida, USA, IMECE2009-10460.
128. Boyano, A., Tsatsaronis, G., Morosuk,T., and Blanco-Marigorta, A.M., “Advanced exergetic
analyses of chemical processes”, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2009, November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista,
Florida, USA, IMECE2009-10463.
129. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk,T., “Exergoeconomic analysis of an advanced
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zero-emission plant”, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2009, November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida,
USA, IMECE2009-11015.
130. Morosuk T., Bin Omar M.N., Tsatsaronis G., Naw R., “Advanced Exergetic Analysis of a
Refrigeration System for Liquefaction of Natural Gas”, Proceedings of the 23rd International
Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy
Systems (ECOS 2010), June 13-17, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.
131. Boyano, A., Blanco-Marigorta, A.M., Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Advanced Exergetic
Analysis of a Steam Methane Reforming System for Hydrogen Production”, Proceedings of the
23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2010), June 13-17, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.
132. Christidis, A., Koch, C., Pottel, L., and Tsatsaronis G., “The Contribution of Heat Storage to the
Profitable Operation of Combined Heat and Power Plants in Liberalized Electricity Markets”,
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation
and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2010), June 13-17, 2010, Lausanne,
133. Erlach, B, and Tsatsaronis G., “Upgrading of Biomass by Hydrothermal Carbonisation: Analysis
of an Industrial-scale Plant Design”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS
2010), June 13-17, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.
134. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis G., Morosuk, T., and Carassai, A., “Conventional and Advanced
Exergetic Analyses Applied to a Combined Cycle Power Plant”, Proceedings of the 23rd
International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2010), June 13-17, 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.#
135. Tsatsaronis, G. “Minimization of Costs and Environmental Impact Using Exergy-Based Methods”,
Proceedings of the Conference: The Future for Sustainable Built Environment with High
Performance Energy Systems, October 19-21,2010, Munich, Germany, pp. 185-198.
136. Tsatsaronis, G., Boyano, A., Morosuk,T., and Blanco-Marigorta, A. M., “Advanced
Exergoenviromental Analysis of a Steam Methane Reforming Process for Hydrogen
Production”, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress
and Exposition, IMECE 2010, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
137. Christidis, A., Koch, C., Pottel, L., Tsatsaronis, G., „Der Beitrag von Wärmespeichern zur
kostenoptimalen Bereitstellung von Fernwärme und Strom im Versorgungsgebiet Berlin der
Vattenfall Europe AG“, In P. Girbig. W. Fichtner. R. McKenna, Hrsg., VDI Expertenforum
„Energieeffizienz in den Städten und der Industrie von morgen“, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 22. –
23. Februar, 2011, Seiten 61–75.
138. Hofmann, M., Christidis, A., Schneider, J., Tsatsaronis, G., „Optimierung eines Energiesystems
mit Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen und Kurzzeit-Wärmespeichern“, In P. Girbig. W. Fichtner.
R. McKenna, Hrsg.,VDI Expertenforum Energieeffizienz in den Städten und der Industrie von
morgen, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 22. – 23. Februar, 2011, Seiten 43–59.
139. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis G., Morosuk, T., and Carassai, A., “Advanced Exergoeconomic
Analysis Applied to a Complex Energy Conversion System”, Proceedings of the ASME 2010
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2010, November 12-18,
2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, IMECE2010-38555.
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140. Tsatsaronis, G., Griepentrog, H., and Morosuk,T., “Exergetic Analysis of Systems Generating
Electricity Through Expansion of Natural Gas”, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2010, November 12-18, 2010,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, IMECE2010-38561.
141. Morosuk, T., Tsatsaronis, G., Boyano, A., and Gantiva, C., “Advanced Exergy-Based Analyses
Applied to a System including LNG Regasification and Electricity Generation”, Proceedings of
the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and
Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2011), July 4-7, 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp.
142. Morosuk, T., Tsatsaronis, G., and Zhang, C., “Conventional Thermodynamic and Advanced
Exergetic Analysis of a Refrigeration Machine using a Voorhee’s Compression Process”,
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation
and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2011), July 4-7, 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia,
pp. 1707-1722.
143. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis, G., Morosuk, T., and Paitazoglou, C., “LCA, Conventional and
Advanced Exergoenvironmental Analysis Applied to a Combined Cycle Power Plant ”,
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation
and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2011), July 4-7, 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia,
pp. 2721-2731.
144. Morosuk, T., Tsatsaronis, G., Koronaios, C. “Reduction of Environmental Impact Using ExergyBased Methods”, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost,
Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2011), July 4-7,
2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 2745-2755.
145. Erlach, B., Harder, B., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Combined Hydrothermal Carbonization and
Gasification of Biomass with CCS”, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on
Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS
2011), July 4-7, 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp. 3642-3657.
146. Tsatsaronis, G., and Morosuk,T., “Advanced Exergetic Analysis of Energy-Intensive Processes”,
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference “Process Engineering and Chemical Plant
Design 2011”, (G: Wozny and L. Hardy, eds), September 19-22, 2011, Berlin, Germany,
Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, pp. 83-92.
147. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis G., and Morosuk, T., “Cost Reduction Strategies for an Oxy-Fuel
Power Plant with CO2 Capture: Application of an Advanced Exergoeconomic Analysis to an
Advanced Zero-Emission Plant”, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, November 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado,
USA, IMECE2011-62675.
148. Petrakopoulou, F., Tsatsaronis G., and Morosuk, T., “Exergy and Environmental Impact:
Advanced Exergoenvironmental Analysis Applied to a Concept of an Advanced Zero-Emission
Plant”, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition, IMECE 2011, November 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA, IMECE2011-62678.
149. Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Advanced Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Refrigeration
Machine: Part 1- Evaluation”, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, November 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado,
USA, IMECE2011-62688.
150. Morosuk, T., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Advanced Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Refrigeration
Machine: Part 2- Improvement”, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical
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Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, November 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado,
USA, IMECE2011-62688.
151. Christidis, A., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Das ökonomische Potential von Wärmespeichern bei
Heizkraftwerken im heutigen Strommarkt”, Proceedings der VDI-Tagung “Optimierung in der
Energiewirtschaft 2011”, 22. und 23. November 2011, Nürtingen, Germany, pp. 223-240.
152. Spieker, S., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Dimensionierung von Mini-KWK-Anlagen zur Teilnahme am
liberalisierten Strommarkt”, Proceedings der VDI-Tagung “Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft
2011”, 22. und 23. November 2011, Nürtingen, Germany, pp. 241-258.
Numerische Berechnung der Reaktionskinetik und der Transportvorgänge in vorgemischten
laminaren Methan-Luft/Sauerstoff-Flammen (Numerical Analysis of the Reaction Kinetics and
the Transport Phenomena in Premixed, Laminar Methane-Air Flames), Ph.D. Thesis, Technical
University of Aachen, FRG, July, 1977, 88 pp.
Thermoökonomische Analyse von Energieumwandlungsprozessen (Thermoeconomic Analysis
of Energy-Conversion Processes), Dr. Habilitatus Thesis, Technical University of Aachen, FRG,
January 1985, 88 pp.
Technical Reports:
Tsatsaronis, G., "Kritische Analyse der Reaktionskinetik des "Luftmodells" bestehend aus den
fünf Komponenten N2, O2, NO, N und O (Critical Analysis of the Reaction Kinetics of the "Air
Model" Consisting of the Five Components N2, O2, NO, N and O)," Report for the Gesellschaft
für Weltraumforschung, Vertrag Nr. RV I 1-TP-14/72, RWTH Aachen, FRG, August 1974, 40 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Berechnung von NOx-Konzentrationen in Gasturbinen-Brennkammern,
bearbeitete Fassung des Doktorvortrages vom 7. Juli 1977, LTT-Bericht (Calculation of NOx
Concentrations in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers," revised edition of the Doctoral
Presentation on July 7, 1977; Report from the Institute of Thermodynamics), RWTH Aachen,
FRG, September 1977, 34 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Schuster, P., "Bilanzierung des Prozesses zur hydrierenden Vergasung von
Braunkohle zu synthetischem Erdgas (SNG) unter Einkopplung der Wärme aus einem
Hochtemperaturreaktor (Analysis of the Brown Coal Hydrogasification Process for SNG
Production by Using Heat from a High-Temperature Nuclear Reactor)," Forschungsbericht zum
Auftrag 15016/78 für (Report for the) Rheinische Braunkohlenwerke AG, RWTH Aachen, FRG,
April 1979, 88 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Mathematische Modelle zur Analyse der Reaktionskinetik in Gasgemischen
(Mathematical Models for the Analysis of Reaction Kinetics in Gas Mixtures)," Fortschritt-Bericht
der VDI-Zeitschriften, Reihe 6, Nr. 72, Düsseldorf, FRG, September 1980, 38 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., "Simulation eines Solar Systems mit Hilfe des TRNSYS-Programms, LTTBericht (Simulation of a Solar System by Using the TRNSYS Program, Report from the Institute
of Thermodynamics)," RWTH Aachen, FRG, June 1981, 48 pp.
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Tsatsaronis, G., "Thermodynamic Analysis of Energy and Fuel Conversion Processes," Desert
Research Institute, Energy Systems Center, Report ESC-TR-81/03, Boulder City, NV, USA,
September 1981, 84 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Winhold, M., "Thermoeconomic Analysis of Power Plants," EPRI AP-3651,
RP 2029-8, Final Report, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA, August 1984,
212 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Stojanoff, C. G., "Thermoeconomic Analysis of Electric Power Generation
from Salt-Gradient Solar Ponds in Southwest USA," Final Report, U. S. DOE, Western Area
Power Administration, Contract No. DE-AC65-85WPI 6015, June, 1986, 80 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., Winhold, M. and Stojanoff, C. G., "Thermoeconomic Analysis of a GasificationCombined-Cycle Power Plant," EPRI AP-4734, RP 2029-8, Final Report, Electric Power
Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA, August, 1986, 172 pp.
Munukutla, S. , Tsatsaronis, G., and Anderson, D., "Evaluation of the Turbine Hood
Performance for J. M. Stuart Station Unit 2," Final Report prepared for Dayton Power and Light
Company, Center for Electric Power, Tennessee Technological University, January 1988, 23 pp.
Munukutla, S., Tsatsaronis, G. and Anderson, D., "Evaluation of the Turbine Hood Performance
for Chesterfield Power Station Unit 5.," Final Report prepared for Virginia Power Company,
Center for Electric Power,Tennessee Technological University, April 1988, 24 pp.
Anderson, D., Munukutla, S., and Tsatsaronis, G., "Simulation Software for a Power Plant on a
Microcomputer," Final Report prepared for Southern Company Services and Georgia Power
Company, Center for Electric Power, Tennessee Technological University, June 1988, 53 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., Tawfik, T. and Lin, L., "Assessment of Coal Gasification/Hot Gas Cleanup
Based Advanced Gas Turbine Systems – Exergetic and Thermoeconomic Evaluation," Final
Report submitted to Southern Company Services and the U.S. Department of Energy,
DE_FC21_89MC26019, Center for Electric Power, Tennessee Technological University,
October 1990, 75 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., Sanae, M. and Tawfik, T., "Software Package for the On-Line Thermoeconomic
Analysis of the Performance of Miller Steam Plant," Final Report submitted to Alabama Power
Company, Center for Electric Power, Tennessee Technological University, December 1990, 33
Tsatsaronis, G. and Tawfik, T., "Study of a Revised KRW-Based GCC Power Plant for Plant
Wansley," Final Report submitted to Southern Company Services and the Electric Power
Research Institute, RP2773-5, Center for Electric Power, Tennessee Technological University,
December 1990, 71 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., Lin, L., Pisa, J. and Tawfik, T., "Thermoeconomic Design Optimization of a
KRW-Based IGCC Power Plant," Final Report submitted to Southern Company Services and the
U.S. Department of Energy, DE-FC21-89MC26019, Center for Electric Power, Tennessee
Technological University, November, 1991, 129 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., Krause, A., Tawfik, T. and Lin, L., "Thermoeconomic Evaluation of the Design
of a Pressurized Fluidized-Bed Hydroretorting Plant," Final Report submitted to the Institute of
Gas Technology and the U.S. Department of Energy, DE-AC21-87MC11089, May, 1992, 84 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Krause, A., “Exergetic Evaluation of a Shell-Based IGCC Power Plant
Design”, Final Report submitted to Shell Synthetic Fuels, Inc., Houston, Texas, March, 1994, 46
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Tsatsaronis, G. and Krause, A., “Thermoeconomic Evaluation of a Shell-Based IGCC Power
Plant Design”, Final Report submitted to Shell Synthetic Fuels, Inc., Houston, Texas, May 1994,
78 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., Krane, R.J. and Krause, A., “Thermoeconomic Evaluation of the Columbian
Chemicals Standard Carbon Black Process”, Final Report submitted to Columbian Chemicals
Company, Swartz, Louisiana, August 1994, 61 pp.
Krause, A., Tsatsaronis, G., and Nales, J., “Thermoeconomic Analysis and Evaluation of Design
Options for Refinery-Residual-Based IGCC Systems”, Final Report prepared for Fundación
Repsol (Madrid, Spain), TUB, Institut für Energietechnik, Berlin, February 1998, 235 pp.
Kapanke, K., Erlach, B., and Tsatsaronis, G., “Optimization of the Use of Heat and Power Plants
in Polish Industrial Companies” (in German), Final Report prepared for the Ministry of Education
and Research, Bonn, Germany, Project Number GM 2063, December 2001.
Werner, C. und Tsatsaronis, G., „Kraftwerkskonzepte mit integrierten hybriden
Meerwasserentsalzungsanlagen“ Final report prepared for Siemens Aktiengesellschaft,
Dezember 2006.
Rüther, E. und Tsatsaronis, G., „Auswahl, Untersuchung und Bewertung von Methoden zur
Bestimmung der stoffstrombezogenen Kosten von Produktionsanlagen“, Final report prepared
for BASF, Februar 2007.
Morosuk, T. und Tsatsaronis, G., „Exergetische Analyse eines Konzepts zur Gewinnung von
Arbeit aus der Verdampfung von verflüssigtem Erdgas“ Final report prepared for Greif-Stiftung,
Juli 2007, 86 pp.
Morosuk, T. und Tsatsaronis, G., „Exergoeconomic Analysis of Systems Generating Electricity
through Expansion of Natural Gas“ Final report prepared for Greif-Stiftung, February 2010, 192
Selected Presentations:
"Untersuchung des Methan-Sauerstoff-Reaktionsmechanismus; Verkürzung des Mechanismus,"
Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 1976, VDI (Investigation of the Methane-Oxygen Reaction Mechanism; Shortening of the Mechanism, Colloquium on Thermodynamics, German Eng. Soc.),
Göttingen, Germany, October 7-8, 1976.
Lück, K. C. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Comparison between Predicted and Experimental
Temperatures and OH-Concentrations in One-Atmosphere Methane-Air Flames," Euromech
Colloquium 1977: Processes in High Temperature Gases, Aachen, Germany, March 21-23,
Tsatsaronis, G. and Lück, K. C., "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations in Flat MethaneAir Flames at Various Equivalence Ratios," Sixth International Colloquium on Gasdynamics of
Explosions and Reactive Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, August 22-26, 1977.
Tsatsaronis, G., Schuster, P. and Rörtgen, H., "Exergetische Bilanzierung des Processes zur
hydrierenden Vergasung von Braunkohle zu SNG unter Einkopplung von Kernreaktor-Wärme,
W:/sekretariat/büro/resume2906.wpd - March 26, 2012
Sitzung der Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen, VDI-GVC, Fachausschuss Hochtem-peraturtechnik (Exergetic Analysis of the Brown Coal Hydrogasification
Process for SNG Production by Using Heat from a High-Temperature Nuclear Reactor," Meeting
of the German Chem. Eng. Soc.-Division: High-Temperature Techniques), Stuttgart, Germany,
January 17-18, 1980.
Knoche, K. F. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Exergetische Bewertung eines ADAM/EVA-Prozesses zur
Stromerzeugung," Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 1980 (Exergetic Evaluation of an ADAM/EVA
Process for Electric Power Production, Colloquium on Thermodynamics, German Eng. Soc.),
Bad Mergentheim, Germany, October 6-8, 1980.
Tsatsaronis, G., Schuster, P. and Rörtgen, H., "Exergetic Analysis of a Nuclear Coal
Hydrogasification Process," Symposium sur la Gazeification et al Liquefaction du Charbon,
Liege, Belgium, October 21, 1980.
Tsatsaronis, G., Schuster, P. and Rörtgen, H., "Exergetic Analysis of a Nuclear Coal
Hydrogasification Process," American Institute of Chemical Engineers National Meeting, Detroit,
MI, USA, August 16-19, 1981.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Hasberg, W., "Thermodynamische Analyse der hydrierenden Vergasung
von Braunkohle zu SNG unter Einkopplung von HTR-Wärme, Kolloquium "Prozesswärme aus
Hochtemperaturreaktoren" des SFB 163 (Thermodynamic Analysis of the Hydrogasification
Process for SNG Production by Using Heat from a High-Temperature Nuclear Reactor,"
Colloquium on Process Heat from High-Temperature Nuclear Reactors, German Science
Foundation), Aachen, Germany, September 17-18, 1981.
"Reduction of the Irreversibilities in Combustion Processes," invited presentation at the
University of California - San Diego, La Jolla, California, September 28, 1981.
"Thermodynamic Analysis of a Coal Hydrogasification Process," invited presentation at the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, September 30, 1981.
Spindler, K. and Tsatsaronis, G., "Theoretische Untersuchungen eines neuen Prozesses zur
Erzeugung von Wasserstoff und elektrischem Strom aus Kohle und Prozesswärme, Sitzung der
Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen, VDI-GVC-Fachausschuss
Hochtemperaturtechnik (Theoretical Investigations of a New Process for Hydrogen and Electric
Power Production by Using Coal and High-Temperature Process Heat," Meeting of the German
Chem. Eng. Soc.-Division High-Temperature Techniques), Düsseldorf, Germany, January 2021, 1983.
Tsatsaronis, G., Winhold, M., Panahi, Z., and Stojanoff, C.G., "Predictions of Electric Power
Generation from Salt-Gradient Solar Ponds in Southern Nevada," American Institute of
Chemical Engineers National Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, August 25-28, 1985.
Knoche, K. F., Tsatsaronis, G., Eisermann, W., Hasberg, W., Hesselmann, K., Schuster, P.,
Roth, M., and Winhold, M., "THESIS -- A Computer Code for the Exergoeconomic Analysis and
Optimization of Energy-Intensive Processes," Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim, California, Dec. 7-12, 1986.
"Exergoeconomic Analysis of Energy-Conversion Plants," invited presentation of the William
Maxwell Reed Mechanical Engineering Seminar, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
February 26, 1987.
Tsatsaronis, G. and Winhold M., "Simulation and Exergoeconomic Analysis of Power Plants," IV
International Symposium on Second Law Analysis of Thermal Systems, Rome, Italy, May 25-30,
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"Thermoeconomic Analysis of Energy Systems," invited presentation at the Universidad
Nacional de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, June 29, 1988.
"Thermoeconomic Analysis of Energy-Intensive Chemical Processes" (in German), invited
presentation at the Krupp Koppers GmbH, Essen, Germany, July 20, 1988.
"On the Interaction Between Thermodynamics and Economics," Ninety-Eight Meeting of the
Tennessee Academy of Science, Cookeville, Tennessee, November 18, 1988.
"Thermodynamics Meets Economics in Energy Systems," invited presentation at the monthly
meeting of the Chattanooga Section of ASME, Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 14, 1989.
Tsatsaronis, G. Tawfik, T. and Lin, L., "Integrated Gasification-Combined-Cycle Power Plants Performance and Cost Estimates," Ninety-ninth Meeeting of the Tennessee Academy of
Science, Nashville, Tennessee, November 17, 1989.
Ackermann, P., Smith, J. D., and Tsatsaronis, G., "A Model for NOx Formation in Utility Boilers
to be Used in Expert System Development," Ninety-ninth Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of
Science, Nashville, Tennessee, November 17, 1989. A similar paper with the same title was
presented at the 1990 Spring Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Banff, Alberta,
Canada, April 28-May 2, 1990.
"Thermoeconomic Analysis of Energy Systems" (in German), invited presentation at the
Technical University of Aachen, Germany, October 19, 1990.
"Thermoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of IGCC Power Plants," invited presentation at
the Graduate Mechanical Engineering Seminar, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, April 2,
"Comparative Evaluation of IGCC Power Plants" (in German), invited presentation at the
Technical University of Berlin, Germany, June 10, 1991.
"Exergy Analysis in Search of Cost-Effective Solutions," invited presentation at the Institute of
Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinois, October 2, 1991.
"Exergy Analysis and Exergoeconomics Applied to Fuel-Cell System Optimization,"invited
presentation at the Second Meeting of the Advanced Fuel-Cell Commercialization Working
Group (AFCWG-II), New York City, October 23, 1993.
"Exergoeconomic Applications to Energy Systems," invited presentation at the Bucharest Heat
Transfer and Thermodynamics Workshop, June 30-July 2, 1994, Bucharest Polytechnic
University, Bucharest, Romania.
"Exergoeconomics: Is It Only A New Name?”, invited presentation at EUROTHERM Seminar
No. 41: Exergoeconomical Analysis and Optimization in Chemical Engineering, July 17, 1995,
Aachen, Germany.
"Thermoeconomic Optimization of Power Plants" (in German) invited presentation at the
Duisburger Kongress: Mathematik in Industrie und Wirtschaft, March 10-13, 1997, Duisburg,
“Recent Developments in Thermoeconomics” keynote lecture at the internatinal conference
ECOS ‘98, Nancy, France, July 8-10. 1998.
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“Avoidable and Unavoidable Losses in Energy Systems” (in German), invited presentation at the
interdisciplinary Conference ”Abfallenergieverwertung - ein Schritt von der Energie- zur
Entropiewirtschaft”, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2./3. Dezember
1999, Berlin.
“Exergoeconomics: Thermodynamics meets Economics” invited presentations at
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, November 13, 2000.
UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, July 5, 2004
Technical Unversity of Moldova, Chisenau, October 11, 2004
Royal Technical University, Stockholm, November 2, 2004
“Exergy Analysis and Economics”, invited presentation at the Technical University of Helsinki,
November 4, 2004.
“Exergy Analysis and Exergoeconomics Applied to Energy Conversion Systems”, invited
presentation at Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon, Korea, October 4, 2007.
“Exergoeconomic and Exergoenvironmental Evaluation of Energy Conversion Plants” (in
German) Keynote Lecture, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Erlangen, Germany, September 24-26,
“Understanding Energy Conversion through Advanced Exergoeconomic and
Exergoenvironmental Analyses”, Calvin W. Rice Lecture, ASME IMECE 2008, Nov. 3, 2008.
“Understanding and Improving Energy Conversion Processes with the Aid of Exergy- Based
Methods”, Keynote Lecture at the ELCAS International Conference, Nisyros, Greece, June 4-6,
“Exergy and Economics” (in German), invited presentation at the BMWi LowEx Symposium,
Kassel, Germany, October 28,2009
“Minimization of Costs and Environmental Impact Using Exergy- Based Methods”, invited
presentation at the international Conference The Future for Sustainable Built Environments with
High performance Energy Systems, Munich, Germany, October 19-21, 2010.
Invited Series of Lectures:
Thermodynamic Analysis of Energy and Fuel Conversion Processes, University of Santa
Catarina, Florianopolis, Brasil, October 19-30, 1981.
Modeling and Thermodynamic Analysis of Coal-Fired Steam Power Plants, Western Energy
Supply and Transmission Associates, Reno, NV, June 1984.
Thermoeconomic Analysis of Energy-Conversion Processes, Technical University of Aachen
(RWTH), Aachen, Germany, semester class taught each summer, 1985-1994.
Exergoeconomic Analysis of Energy-Intensive Chemical Processes, Instituto Mexicano del
Petroleo, Mexico City, Mexico, June 27-July 1, 1988.
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Exergoeconomics Applied to the Optimization of Large Coal-Fired Power Plants, DOOSAN
Heavy Industries & Construction Co., October 1-2, 2007, Changwon, Korea.
Short Courses:
G. Tsatsaronis, R.J. Krane, Thermoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of Energy-Intensive
Processes, Short Course organized by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Houston,
Texas, March 29-30, 1993.
G. Tsatsaronis, R.J. Krane, Thermoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of Energy Systems,
Short Course organized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Chicago, Illinois,
April 19-21, 1994.
G. Tsatsaronis, F. Cziesla, Analysis, Evaluation and Optimization of Complex Energy
Conversion Plants (in German), Short course organized by Haus der Technik, Berlin, Germany,
April 2-4, 2003.
G. Tsatsaronis, Exergy Analysis, Short Course presented at the 1st INSPIRE Workshop, Nova
Gorica, Slovenija, June 5-8, 2007.
G. Tsatsaronis, Economic Analysis, Short Course presented at the 1st INSPIRE Workshop,
Nova Gorica, Slovenija, June 5-8, 2007.
G. Tsatsaronis, Exergoeconomic Analysis, Short Course presented at the 1st INSPIRE
Workshop, Nova Gorica, Slovenija, June 5-8, 2007.
G. Tsatsaronis, Advanced Exergy Analysis, Short Course presented at the 1st INSPIRE
Workshop, Nova Gorica, Slovenija, June 5-8, 2007.
G. Tsatsaronis, Energieumwandlungsanlagen -- Analyse, Bewertung und Optimierung, Short
course organized by Haus der Technik, Berlin, Germany, March 12-13, 2008.
G. Tsatsaronis, and T. Morosuk, Thermo-Econimics, Summer School of Thermodynamics 2011,
Anzio, Italy, June 20 – July 2, 2011.
Co-Editor of Bound Volumes:
M. J. Moran, R. A. Bajura and G. Tsatsaronis, "Analysis and Design of Advanced Energy
Systems: Computer-Aided Analysis and Design," American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
AES - Vol. 3-3, 1987, 92 pp.
W. J. Wepfer, G. Tsatsaronis and R. A. Bajura, "Thermodynamic Analysis of Chemically
Reactive Systems," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES - Vol. 4, 1988, 108 pp.
R. A. Bajura, C. H. Marston and G. Tsatsaronis, "Analysis and Design of Energy Systems:
Computer-Aided Engineering," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES - Vol. 10-1,
1989, 90 pp.
G. Tsatsaronis, R. A. Gaggioli, Y. M. El-Sayed and M. K. Drost, "Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Exergy Analysis," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES-Vol. 19, 1990,
66 pp.
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G. Tsatsaronis, M. J. Moran and A. Bejan, "Education in Thermodynamics and Energy
Systems," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES-Vol. 20, 1990, 70 pp.
G. Tsatsaronis, R. A. Bajura, W. F. Kenney and G. M. Reistad, "Computer-Aided Energy
Systems Analysis," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES-Vol. 21, 1990, 104 pp.
D. A. Kouremenos, G. Tsatsaronis, and C. D. Rakopoulos, "Analysis of Thermal and Energy
Systems," Proceedings of the International Conference, Athens, Greece, June 3-6, 1991,
1040 pp.
G. M. Reistad, R. A. Gaggioli, A. Bejan and G. Tsatsaronis, "Thermodynamics and Energy
Systems--Fundamentals, Education and Computer Aided Analysis," American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, AES-Vol. 24, 1991, 109 pp.
Valero and G. Tsatsaronis, "ECOS '92 – Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Efficiency, Costs, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Systems," June 15-18, 1992,
Zaragoza, Spain, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992, 755 pp.
R.F. Boehm, et al., "Thermodynamics and the Design, Analysis, and Improvement of Energy
Systems – 1992," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES-Vol. 27, 1992, 389 pp.
J. Szargut, K. Kolenda, G. Tsatsaronis and A. Ziebik, "Energy Systems and Ecology," Volumes
1 and 2, Proceedings of the International Conference ENSEC '93, Cracow, Poland, July 5-9,
1993, 1038 pp.
G. Tsatsaronis, "Design of Energy Systems," Proceedings of the Second Biennial European
Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis," London, England, July 4-7,
1994, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AES-Vol. 33, 110 pp.
Y. A. Gögüs, A. Öztürk and G. Tsatsaronis, Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and
Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference,
Istanbul, Turkey, July 11-14, 1995, Volumes 1 and 2, 812 pp.
A.B. Sabir, G. Tsatsaronis, C. Bohatier, R.J. Krane, M.G. Fertis and K.M. Abbott, Proceedings of
the 1996 Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Volume 1, ASME, PD-Vol. 73,
New York, 1996, 251 pp.
H. Auracher, M. Feidt, and G. Tsatsaronis, Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer of
Refrigeration Machines and Heat Pumps, Proceedings of the Eurotherm Seminar N. 59, Nancy,
France, July 6-7, 1998.
Bejan, M. Feidt, M.J. Moran and G. Tsatsaronis, Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and
Environmental Aspect of Energy Systems and Processes, Proceedings of the International Congress, Nancy, France, July 8-10, 1998, 1204 pp.
M. Ishida, G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran and H. Kataoka, Efficiency, Costs, Optimization,
Simulation and Environmental Aspects of Energy Systems - Proceedings of the International
Conference ECOS ‘99, Tokyo, Japan, June 8-10, 1999, 492 pp.
G. Tsatsaronis, M.J. Moran, F. Cziesla and T. Bruckner, ECOS 2002, Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
Impact of Energy Systems, Berlin, Germany, July 3-5, 2002, 1741 pp.
R. Rivero, L. Monroy, R. Pulido, and G. Tsatsaronis, ECOS 2004, Proceedings of the 17th
International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental
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Impact of Energy Systems, Guanajuato, Mexico, July 7-9, 2004, 1528 pp.
S. Kjelstrup, J.E. Hustad, T. Gundersen, A. Rosjorde, and G. Tsatsaronis, Shaping our future
energy systems, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2005, Trondheim,
Norway, June 20-22, 2005, 1690 pp.
C. Frangopoulos, C. Rakopoulos, and G. Tsatsaronis, Proceedings of the 19th International
Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy
Systems, ECOS 2006, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece, July 12-14, 2006, 1768 pp.
Tsatsaronis, G., and Boyano A. , Optimization Using Exergy-based Methods and Computational
Fluid Dynamics, Proceedings of the International Conference, October 20-23,2009, Berlin,
Germany: Papierflieger Verlag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 2009, 260 pp.
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