Module Handbook PPRE Postgraduate Programmme Renewable

 Module Handbook PPRE Update Valid from Oct. 2009 Postgraduate Programmme Renewable Energy Index of Contents 1. Module Renewable Energy Basics ............................................................................. 2 2. Module Wind Energy ................................................................................................. 7 3. Module Solar Energy ................................................................................................. 11 4. Module Energy Meteorology & Storage Technology ................................................ 17 5. Module Energy Systems & Society ............................................................................ 23 6. Module Biomass & Hydro Power .............................................................................. 27 7. Module Case Study .................................................................................................... 34 8. Specialisation ............................................................................................................. 38 9. External Practical Training ......................................................................................... 40 10. Master Thesis ............................................................................................................ 41 11. Study Plan for PPRE und EUREC (Core/1. Semester) ................................................. 42 I Module Renewable Energy Basics Wind Energy Solar Energy Energy Meteorology & Energy Storage Energy Systems & Society Biomass & Hydro Power Case Study Specialisation External Practical Training Master Thesis Module guarantor Peinke / Blum Peinke Parisi / Holtorf Heinemann Heinemann / Golba Blum Parisi / Holtorf Peinke (Wind) Riedel (PV) Heinemann (Energy Meteorology) Agert (Storage Technolgy) Siebenhüner (Energy Policy) Parisi / Holtorf (Rural Energy Supply) Golba Supervisor Master Thesis 1 1.
Module Renewable Energy Basics Module description: Field Courses Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructor Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Work Load Renewable Energy Basics Physical basics of renewable energy ¾ Winter Intro Lab ¾ RE Basics ¾ Semiconductor Physics ¾ Electrical Power Systems ¾ Pump Characteristic (Winter Lab) ¾ Summer Intro Lab ¾ Data Logger Lab ¾ Simulation Winter and Summer Semester Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke Dipl. Ing. Hans Holtorf Dpl. Phys. Jörg Ohland Dipl. Ing. Paul Ziethe Coordination Introductory Lab: Dipl. Biol., MSc. Evelyn Brudler Coordination winter labs: Dipl. Phys. Udo Kulschewski English MSc Renewable Energy 32 h Lab 16 h Lecture 1 h/w Lecture 1.5 h/w Lecture 6 h Lab 8 h Lab 8 h Lab 2 h/w PC Lab Work Load: 210 h Winter Intro Lab RE Basics Semiconductor Physics Electrical Power Systems Pump Characteristic Summer Intro Lab Data Logger Lab Simulation 2 Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Learning Objectives 7 CP During winter term this module is about • is about a harmonization of knowledge and skills of the participants in the fields of electricity, lab work (measuring and sensors) and basic knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, radiation and others. By reviewing questions and topics in the field of renewable energies, the skills should be refined. Therefore (as in the following modules) there will be laboratory experiments under intensive supervision and the students’ scientific skills will be strengthened. Students train their skills to set‐up experiments, to fulfil reasonable measurements, to evaluate the lab work and to train their skills in scientific report writing • Basic knowledge in semiconductor physics is given on atom‐model, pn‐junction and basic physical properties of PV‐
Cells • Basic knowledge on electrical power systems is given During the summer term data loggers and data handling will be introduced. Students get trained in programming of data loggers for specified appliances (quality of data) and learn how to deal with large quantities of data. During simulation software different licensed and freeware simulation software for energy system simulation get introduced. Students learn about necessary input data and suitability for different system layouts. At the end of the module the students should know the physical effects of the different energy conversion processes of fluid dynamics (Bernoulli equation), Radiation transfer and interaction with matter, the photoelectrical effect and chemical energy conversion processes as well as the dependency of generator and load. The student should be able to use the formulas of the underlying laws. Dimensions of the different effects should make a classification and an estimation of importance possible. Electric machines (generators) as well as electric sensors play an overall technical role. Students should be able to measure and evaluate energy systems by means of sensors and data logging and do error analysis on the measured data. Furthermore students should have gained acquaintance with simulation software. The emphasis of this module is the knowledge of facts. Practices for interdisciplinary links and a critical reflection and coherent presentation of a range of topics will be done in the following modules. 3 Content The topics of the module are: z Simple electric circuits, electric sensors z AC and DC, electromagnetic fields z Electric motors and generators z Radiation and energy transfer, Interaction between radiation and matter z Heat transfer: heat conduction and convection z Thermodynamic machines and circuits z Basics about fluids (Bernoulli Gl. With applications) z Buoyancy and flow resistance z Chemical reactions and their energy conversion z Atom models, chem. bonds, atomic structure z All‐solids, semiconductors and band model, doping, Fermi disposition, p‐n junction, semiconductor diode z Meteorological parameters of air and their measurement (humidity, pressure, temperature, wind direction and speed) z Solar radiation and its measurement (spectral, global, direct, diffuse) z Economic basic terms, interest calculation, time value of money Winter Intro Laboratory • Simple electric circuits • Internal resistance of energy supply units • Measuring of time based signals • Measuring of temperature and irradiance • Introduction of standard temperature sensors and radiation measurement • Introduction of measurement instruments (multi‐meter, oscilloscope, flat bed scanner) RE Basics Basics of • Thermodynamics • Hydrodynamics • Radiation transfer • Semiconductor physics • Chemical and biological conversion processes 4 Method of Evaluation Media used Electrical Power Systems • Basics of DC • Basics of AC • Basics of magnetic fields • Transformers • DC machines • Asynchronous machines • Synchronous machines Summer Intro Laboratory • Statistical and systematic faults • Error analysis in systems • Entropy • Introduction of wind measurement sensors Datalogger Laboratory • Capacity, load limit • Potential divider • Programming of different dataloggers Pump Characteristic • Integration of a load system and a RE source • Head • Combination of the pump and system head curves Simulation • Dimensioning software for plant planning, hands‐on The RE Basics module aims to equalize the levels of the students with different subject backgrounds and prepares them for the subsequent modules. This is the reason why RE Basics is a block course right in the beginning of the semester. The practical realization of the introduction labs should help to refresh the working and measuring principals in the laboratory work as well as to get to know the fellow students, their work, and approach regarding problem solving. Written exams or practical lab exams Blackboard, Slides and Overhead Transparencies, Presentations, Experimental lab work, Tutorials 5 Literature Kittel, Charles: Introduction to Solid State Physics, 1986; John Wiley & Sons. Merz, Hermann: , 2002 Electric machines and drives, fundamentals and calculation examples for beginners; VDE‐Verlag. Mukund Patel, 1999: Wind and Solar Power Systms, CRC Press, London Nahvi, Mahmood & Edminister, Joseph, 2003: Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits; 4th ed., McGraw‐Hill. Sørensen, Bent, 2003: Renewable energy. Its physics, engineering, use, environmental impacts, economy and planning aspects; 2nd ed., Acad. Press. Taylor, John Robert, 1997: An introduction to error analysis ‐‐ the study of uncertainties in physical measurements; Univ. Science Books; Sausalito, Calififornia; 2. ed.. Twidell, Johnl & Weir, Tony, 2006: Renewable Energy Resources; reprint of 1st ed., Taylor& Francis. General books on experimental laboratory work and report writing; recommended from Oldenburg university library: Kirkup, Les, 1994: Experimental methods ‐‐ an introduction to the analysis and presentation of data; Brisbane, Wiley. Winter and Summer Lab Reader of the programme PPRE 6 2.
Module Wind Energy Module Description Field Courses Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructor Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Work Load Wind Energy Wind Energy conversion processes and technology, hydrodynamic ¾ Wind Energy I ¾ Wind Energy II ¾ Wind Energy Technology ¾ Wind Tutorial ¾ Wind Energy Conversion (Winter Lab) ¾ Small Wind Energy Converter (Summer Lab) ¾ Excursion ¾ Excursion Winter and Summer Semester Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke Dr. Hans Peter Waldl Dipl. Ing. Rainer Klosse Coordination of labs: Dipl. Phys. Udo Kulschewski English MSc Renewable Energy Lecture 2 h/w Lecture 2 h/w Lecture 8 h Exercise 1 h/w Lab 6 h Excursion 8 h Lab 8 h Exercise 6 h Excursion 8 h Work Load: 210 h Wind Energy I Wind Energy II Wind Energy Technology Tutorial Wind Winter Lab: Wind Energy Conversion Excursion Summer Lab: Small Wind Energy Converter Wind Tutorial Excursion 7 Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Learning Objectives Content 7 CP Energy Meteorology The students will investigate the theoretical energy potential of wind energy, the theoretical maximums of the wind energy conversion process, and the dependence of wind energy output on wind turbine placement. The students will become competent in modelling and methods of determining wind energy potential, output assessment, and determining power curves. The students will obtain an understanding about the mechanical and electrical system of a WEC. In addition they will learn systematically about aspects in the building of wind parks. The students are required to discuss aspects of sustainability (3‐pillared model) as inherent components of wind park planning. Along with the technical side of wind park operation, the basics of wind park economics will be addressed. Energy conversion process in Wind Turbines • Wind Resource as input for a Wind Energy Converter • Aero‐dynamic and Mechanical Aspects of Wind Turbines • Construction Principles of Wind Turbines • Power Characteristics of Wind Turbines • Control Systems • Electronic Control and Grid Integration Evaluation of Wind Resources • Weibull‐Distribution • Wind velocity measurements to determine energy yield • Basics of WAsP‐Method, Partial models using WAsP • MCP Method of long‐term corrections of wind measurement data in correlation to long‐term reference data • Conditions for stable, neutral and instable atmospheric conditions • Wind yield from wind distribution and the power curve • Basics in appraising the yearly wind yield from a wind turbine 8 Wake Effect and Wind Parks • Recovery of original wind fields in the downstream of wind turbines • Basics of Risø Models • Spacing and efficiency in wind parks • Foundation of off‐shore wind turbines • Positive and Negative Effects of Wind Parks Wind Park Business • Income from the energy yield from wind parks • Three‐Pillar model of Sustainability: "magic triangle" • Profit optimization by increase of energy production Wind Energy Technology • Electrical system, rotation speed, steep installation • Mechanical load and moment • Mechanical load • Electrical system rotation speed, variable installation • Measurements from load and moment, strain gauge test bridge, fatigue extrapolation • Wind diesel systems in small island grids (ca. 30kW) Laboratory: Knowledge of energy conversion process in components of wind turbines in a small wind tunnel • Drag • Lift • Blade shape • Determination of the power coefficient • Cp/ lambda curve for power adjustment • Tip speed velocity relationship Analysis of wind data of wind energy converters • Theoretical max. power extraction from wind, dependence on design, location und load • Calibration of anemometers and direction sensors • Parameter determination in view of the data analysis • Wind Rose • Weibull‐Distribution • Large amounts of data 9 Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature Exercise • Mathematical calculations from lectures Excursion • Professional visit of a wind turbine manufacturer/behind the curtain view of production • Hannover‐Messe (fair)/ innovation, developments and technologies in industry all over the world • Business contacts to network Practical Trainings or Master Thesis work The Wind Energy is connected to the Energy Meteorology & Storage Technology Module. The fluctuating availability of wind as a resource is covered in Energy Meteorology. The students will be able to apply this scientific knowledge during the Case Study. The module is connected to the Wind Research group in the University of Oldenburg where it is possible for one to explore deeper during the summer semester. Exam Blackboard, Slides and Overhead Transparencies, Beamer presentations, Experimental laboratory work, Tutorials Burton, T., Sharpe, D., Jenkins, N. & Bossanyi, E., 2001: Wind Energy Handbook, John Wiley. Gasch, Robert & Twele, Jochen, 2004: Wind Power Plants: Fundamentals, Design, Construction and Operation; Earthscan Publications Ltd.., Last access: 2/2009, Last access: 2/2009, Last access: 2/2009 Winter and Summer Lab Reader of the programme PPRE 10 3.
Module Solar Energy Module Description: Field Courses Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructors Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Solar Energy Photovoltaic und Solar Thermal ¾ PV Systems I ¾ Solar Thermal I ¾ Tutorial Solar Energy ¾ PV Systems II ¾ Solar Thermal II ¾ PV Cell Characteristics (Winter Lab) ¾ Solar Collector (Winter Lab) ¾ Solar Home System (Summer Lab) ¾ Solar Thermal System (Summer Lab) ¾ Tutorial Solar Energy Winter and Summer Semester Prof. Dr. Jürgen Parisi Prof. Dr. Jürgen Parisi Dipl. Ing. Hans Holtorf Coordination Work: Dipl. Phys. Udo Kulschewski English MSc Renewable Energy 1 h/w 1 h/w 1 h/w 1 h/w 1 h/w 6 h 6 h 8 h 8h Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Exercise Lab Lab Lab Lab PV Systems I Solar Thermal I PV Systems II Solar Thermal II Tutorial Winter Laboratory: PV Cell Characteristics Winter Laboratory: Solar Collector Summer Laboratory: Solar Home System I Summer Laboratory: Solar Thermal System 11 Work Load Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended Prerequisites Learning Objectives 3 h Exercise Work Load 210h 7 CP Solar Energy Tutorial Energy Meteorology The Solar Energy Module conveys knowledge about Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal systems and components. The students learn to dimension and economically evaluate installations, on both a general and detailed level with the help of software. Furthermore, the students will gain insight into the manufacturing process for Solar Energy components. The Solar Energy Module empowers students to: • Evaluate a solar installation with respect to the quality rating as well as the quality of the output • Make decisions about the application of a solar installation vs. another energy supply system for location specific situations (meteorological, technical, economic, local availability and potential) • To define a measuring system to characteristics of components or to monitor and evaluate a solar installation • Evaluate the potential, limitations and appraisal of Solar thermal and Photovoltaic applications • Assess the relevance of a system and ambient parameters • Review and weigh statements in the media: both general and detailed discussions • Classification of various software, ranging from dimensioning software to time step‐simulation programmes, with an awareness of the varying qualities of programmes for each applied model. With the successful conclusion of the Solar Energy Module, students will have gained competence to participate in critical discourse about the possibilities and limitations of Solar Energy. The Solar Energy Module addresses the central issues: • PV Technology • Rural Energy Supply • Energy Policy 12 Skills The Solar Energy Module empowers students to: 1. To Evaluate: A solar installation with respect to the energy specification • Priority of the Energy Output: o Electricity vs. Heat • Quality of the Energy Output o Loss of Load Probability o Solar Fraction o Voltage and Frequency Stability o Temperature 2. To Decide: About the adoption of various alternatives: PV/ wind/ small hydro/ hybrid system/ conventional system or solar thermal/ heat and power coupling for location specific situations (meteorological, technical, potential, availability, cost, etc.) 3. Potential and Limits of Application: of solar thermal or photovoltaic applications for a given demand and location specific data 4. To measure Solar Components and Systems Determine the necessary measurement parameters and choose the sensors for the appraisal of PV and solar thermal components and installations (Pnominal, P, U, I, T, G, …). 5. To evaluate and weight statements: In media, discussions, … • General and detailed 6. Software Classification: • Classification of dimensioning software regarding chart and time step simulation • Classification of time step simulation after model depth • Sensitivity analysis for parameters of software Continuing Events The Solar Energy Module prepares for • Specialisation in Photovoltaics/ Thin‐Film Photovoltaic Research Group of the University of Oldenburg • Specialisation in „Rural Energy Supply“ 13 Content Components: Descriptions of components in stationary as well as dynamic installations: • Mode of Operation • Technology • State of Art Technology • Characteristics Photovoltaic: PV Cells – Generator, Charge Controller, Inverter, Storage (Battery), Miscellaneous Components (Wiring, Mounting, …) Solar Thermal Collector (Flat Plate, Vacuum, Concentrating), Storage, Charge Controller, Miscellaneous Hydraulic Components System: Descriptions of systems in stationary and dynamic installations • Construction • Interaction of Components • Income • Losses Photovoltaic: PV Island Systems, PV Grid‐coupled systems, PV pump systems, Hybrid systems Solar Thermal Warm Water Production, Heat‐Supporting Solar Thermal Systems, Solar Cooling, Solar Thermal Power Stations Laboratory: PV Cell Characteristics • Physical properties of solar cells and temperature dependence • Simulation of a solar cell with the help of the 1 diode model • Current‐voltage characteristic curve (I‐V Curve) construction • Load dependence of the maximum power point • Measurement of electrical current with the help of a shunt • Non‐homogeneous artificial light sources 14 Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature Solar Collector • Available heat‐ Efficiency of radiation conversion/ Heat losses • Determining a collector’s characteristics • Systematic failures, sensor offset, calculation of errors Solar Home System • Generator‐load‐battery‐calibration • Charge controller • Data acquisition from data loggers/data analysis Thermosyphon • Energy balance in a dynamic collector/storage system • Effectiveness of a heat exchanger • Efficiency dependence on storage temperature • Material characteristics in collector construction Exercise • Mathematical exercises of lecture content The Solar Energy Module builds, similar to the Wind Energy Module, a connection between the Energy Meteorology/ Storage Technology Modules and the Case Study Module. Through the application of knowledge of Solar Resources and its measurement, and an understanding of a system’s dependence on load peaks as well as storage requirements, the students will be qualified for the implementation of solar energy projects in the Case Study Module The module is connected to the Thin‐Film Photovoltaic Research Group of the University of Oldenburg, which allows for a deepening understanding in the Summer Semester. Exam Blackboard, Slides and Overhead Transparencies, Beamer presentations, Excursion Duffie, John A. & Beckman, William A. , 2006: Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Wiley. Green, Martin A. , 1981: Solar cells : operating principles, technology and system applications, Prentice Hall. Green, M.A., 2007: Third Generation Photovoltaics, Advanced Solar Energy Conversion, Springer Series in Photonics Heimrath, R., 2004: Simulation, Optimierung und Vergleich solarthermischer Anlagen zur Raumwärmeversorgung für Mehrfamilienhäuser, PhD Thesis, TU Graz. 15 Henning, H.M. 2003: Solar assisted air conditioning of buildings ‐ A handbook for planners. International Organization for Standardization, 1994: Test methods for solar collectors, IEA, Geneva Markvart, Tom and Castaner, Luis, 2003: Practical Handbook of Photovoltaics, Fundamentals and Applications, Elsevier Science McQuiston, Faye, Parker, Jerald & Spitler, Jeffrey, 2005: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Wiley Nelson, Jenny, 2003: The Physics of Solar Cells (Properties of Semiconductor Materials), Imperial College Press. Peuser, Felix A., Remmers, Karl‐Heinz & Schnauss, Martin, 2002: Solar Thermal Systems, Successful Planning and Construction, Earthscan Publications Ltd. Stuart R. Wenham, Martin A. Green, Muriel E. Watt& Richard Corkish (Edit.): Applied Photovoltaics, Earthscan Publications Ltd.; 2007 Twidell, John & Weir, Toni, 2005: Renewable Energy Resources Taylor & Francis. Weiss, Werner, 2004: Solar Heating Systems for Houses: A Design Handbook for Solar Combisystems, IEA Winter and Summer Lab Reader of the programme PPRE 16 4.
Module Energy Meteorology & Storage Technology Module Description: Field Courses Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructors Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Work Load Energy Meteorology & Storage Technology Energy Meteorology Storage Technology Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Selective Surface (Lab) Solar Spectrum (Lab) Lead Acid Battery (Lab) Hydrogen & Fuel Cell (Lab)optional Meteorological Sensors & Data (Lab) Exercise Winter and Summer Semester Dr. Detlev Heinemann Dr. Detlev Heinemann Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert/ Dr. Bettina Lenz Dr. Robert Steinberger‐Wilckens Coordination Work: Dipl. Phys. Udo Kulschewski English MSc Renewable Energy 2 h/w Lecture 2 h/w Lecture 1 h/w Lecture Lab 6 h Lab 6 h Lab 6 h Lab 8h Exercise 3 h Work Load: 210h Energy Meteorology Storage Technology Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Selective Surface (Lab) (eligible for election) Solar Spectrum (Lab) Storage systems (Lab) Meteorological Sensors & Data (Lab) Exercise 17 Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended Prerequisites Learning Objectives Content 7 CP In this module, the students learn about the problems and challenges of energy supply due to fluctuating energy resources with varying and seasonal load profiles. This knowledge is coupled with the knowledge on state of the art storage technologies and their appliances due to capacity and efficiency. Students will be presented to a deeper view into the solar irradiance conversion process as well as the atmospheric radiation balance of the earth. From this, stems Wind Energy Meteorology. On the demand side they will gain knowledge on actual storage technology, its function, power class, cyclic life time, and actual state of research and development. Electro‐chemical storage and hydrogen technology is covered in more depth. Students gain inside energy storage technologies as energy efficient and environmentally benign technologies supporting renewable energy implementation. The module • enables students to calculate energy resources by wind and solar radiation • aims at establishing a basic understanding of a wide variety of energy storage technologies without going too much into scientific depth • enables the students to assess storage technology options on all scales of energy and power • gives the students a good basis to investigate technological details in greater depths • aims at establishing a basic understanding of state of the art technology in fuel cell technology • give an overview over options, chances and risks of H 2 & FC technologies • enables the students to assess technology options • supply the students with a good basis to further investigate technological details, once needed Especially in the laboratory work, the students will gain further knowledge through obtaining proper measurement data, and data and system analysis of the interplay between energy resources, demand and storage. Section I : Solar Irradiance • Radiation laws • Solar Geometry 18 •
Interaction of solar irradiance with the atmosphere Radiation Climatology Solar Radiation Model Statistical Properties of Solar Irradiance Measuring devices to ascertain Solar Radiation balance Satellite‐supported data acquisition to assess Solar Irradiance Section II: Wind Flow • Origin and Potential of atmospheric energy movements, Heat balance of the atmosphere • Physical laws of atmospheric flow • Wind circulation in the atmosphere, Local Winds • Wind flow in atmospheric layers(Vertical Structure, Ekman Layer) • Assessment of Wind potential(European Wind Atlas: Model, Concept) • Wind Measurements Storage Technology • Energy Storage o Primary Battery o Secondary Battery o Other electro‐chemical technology (Redox‐Flow Battery, Super capacitor, H2/Fuel Cell) o Non‐electric storage technology (Flywheels, adiabatically compressed air, Super conductors, Hydro Pump Storage Stations, Dams) • Heat Storage o Physical basics of Heat Storage Losses o Criteria for suitable Heat Storage and materials o Long term heat storage for low and high temperatures: Seasonal, Evaporation, Chemical • „Bridge Technologies“ o Heat Pumps o Combined Heat and Power Units (CHP) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell • world wide energy use and resources • role of hydrogen and fuel cells in world energy supply 19 •
hydrogen production and handling safety issues life cycle analysis and technology assessment introduction to electrochemistry fuel cell types and basic principles fuel cell applications fuel cell systems manufacturing of fuel cells degradation and lifetime issues market introduction of hydrogen Laboratory Solar Spectrum (Lab) • Spectral Distribution of various light sources/ Understanding about the nature of light • Capacity of Spectrometers • Calibration of the Spectrometer • Understanding of the interaction between light and material Selective Surfaces (Lab) • Optical qualities of surfaces, α(vis)/ε(ir) • Equilibrium Temperature (atmospheric, high vacuum) • Heat transfer mechanisms • Quantifying known and unknown heat flow • Analysis of measured and expected values Lead‐Acid Battery (Lab) • Charge and Discharge cycles of a lead‐acid accumulator under constant electric load • Life cycle of battery capacity • Number of Charge and Discharge • Power/Voltage Characteristics Meteo Data (Lab) • Wind and Solar Irradiation Analysis/ Net Energy Analysis • Data logger: Parameter Determination for different sensors/programming/data handling • Evaluation Criteria: Temporal resolution • Proper Operation: max. Voltage/ Electrical Signal (Frequency, Voltage), Large Amounts of Data 20 Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature Hydrogen/Fuel Cell (Lab) • Investigation on efficiency of the electrolysis • Investigation of efficiency of fuel cell Exercise Mathematical exercises of lecture content The Energy Meteorology & Storage Technology module acts as a basic module for the understanding of availability and connection between solar and wind energy, as well as the requirement for proper storage. This transfers to the Case Study Module. The module is connected to the Energy Meteorology Research Group of the University of Oldenburg (Dr. Heinemann), the research group on storage technology at the co‐institute Next Energy to the university of Oldenburg (Prof. Agert) and the research group of SOFC at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Dr. Steinberger‐Wilkens). Tests and Lab Reports Blackboard, Slides and Overhead Transparencies, Beamer presentations, Excursions Baxter, Richard, 2005 : Energy Storage: A Nontechnical Guide, PennWell Corp Bockris/Reddy, 1998: Modern Electrochemistry, Plenum Press, New York/London. Fisch, N., et al., 2005: Wärmespeicher, Bine Informationsdienst, Solarpraxis, Berlin. Fuel Cell handbook (DoE):; Last access: 2/2009 Hoogers, Gregor, 2002: Fuel Cell Technology Handbook (Mechanical Engineering Series, CRC, 1 edition. IEA: World Energy Outlook (, Last access: 2/2009 Iqbal, M., 1984: An Introduction to Solar Radiation Academic Press, Toronto Larminie,James & Dicks, Andrew, 2003: Fuel Cell Systems Explained, Wiley, 2nd edition. Linden, D. & Reddy, T.B., 2002: Handbook of Batteries. Third Edition, McGraw‐Hill, New York. Liou, K.‐N.: An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation, 2002: Academic Press; 2 edition. Nitsch, Joachim & Winter, Carl‐Jochen, 1988: Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier: Technologies, Systems, Economy, Springer. Peixoto, Jose .P.& A.H. Oort, 2007: Physics of Climate BookSurge Publishing. 21 Rasmussen, B., 1988: Wind Energy, 2, Routledge; 1 edition Sathyajith, Mathew, 2006: Wind energy : fundamentals, resource analysis and economics, Springer Stull, R.B., 1988: An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology Springer; 1 edition. Helpful for some contents: Callen, H.B., 1985: Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics, Wiley, , 2nd edition. Winter and Summer Lab Reader of the programme PPRE 22 5.
Module Energy Systems & Society Module Description Field Courses Study Semesters Module Coordinator Instructors Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Energy Systems & Society Energy Systems I Energy Economics Country Report Excursion Guest Lecturer Energy Systems II Sustainability of RE/Resources Energy & Society / Social Factor Tutorial Winter and Summer Semester Dr. Detlev Heinemann Dr. Detlev Heinemann Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhühner Dipl. Phys. Udo Kulschewski English 2 h/w 2 h/w 8 h 1 h/w 1 h/w 2 h/w 2 h/w 4 h 3 h Lecture Lecture Lecture Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Excursion Exercise Energy Systems I Energy Systems II Energy Policy Energy Economics Country Report Sustainability of RE/Resources Energy & Society / Social Factor Excursion Tutorial 23 Work Load Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended Prerequisites Learning Objectives Work Load: 210 h 7 CP Knowledge Technology: • Knowledge about terminology and definitions to analyze publications and statistics in the field of energy reserves, resources and consumption on a global scale. • Knowledge of current technology in plant construction for conventional and RE technology, as well as the future potential. • Knowledge of Energy distribution, grid integration and dependence on available energy from fluctuating supply of renewable energy resources • Knowledge of the potential of storage systems Politics/Socio‐Economics • Basics of analysis of energy systems • Knowledge of the interaction between energy and the environment • Knowledge of the flexible mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol and the resultant possibilities for developing countries • Knowledge about consumption models and its dependence on political and economical issues Skills • Develop a basic understanding of concepts of political analysis. The students will evaluate relevant factors in the political decision‐making process and identify possible advantages. • Develop an understanding of markets as an instrument in the decision‐making process for future developments. Develop an understanding of climate protection and climate change as an economic issue • Balance criteria of renewable energy potential for future energy supply concepts • They will develop the skills to distinguish relevant technical and socio‐economic aspects of RE and Conventional energy supply technology. Competencies • Develop criteria for sustainability 24 •
Content Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature Develop criteria and use it to evaluate economic, social and ecological factors in conjunction with sustainable renewable energy conversion • The students will develop an awareness of the general repercussions of RE technologies on the environment • Competence designing various RE technologies in conjunction with conventional energy transmission. The Energy Systems and Society Module spans the gap between the economic, energetic and socio‐economic issues. The module will present the developmental potential of energy efficiency growth in the energy conversion process and address the issues of energy quality (Exergy). The module covers an understanding of global energy reserves, resources and energy supply. This means power plant technology, technical level of the power plants (Combined Cycle, Co‐Generation, Stirling Machines, Heat Pumps etc.) as well as the technical level of storage technology, which can aid the fluctuating supply of renewable energy to meet varying load profiles. With the help of the International Databank Organization, the distribution and allocation of energy to the world’s population and the developmental potential of countries with respect to specific data (GDP, Literacy Rate, Child Death Rate, Energy Consumption/ Inhabitant) will be assessed. Global Energy scenarios will be presented. Furthermore, the students will gain a view of the environmental impact of energy use and the most important influential factors such as greenhouse gasses, ozone and other pollutants. Through the preparation of the Country Report, the students will bring together this knowledge in a presentation about a country or region. This will offer an appreciation of the basic concepts of sustainability. The students will have to analyse the presented expertises (Brundtland Report, Kyoto Protocol, et al.). They learn the basic methods to analyse external costs, LCA, CDM, and global energy consumption scenarios. They will also analyse the economics of climate protection projects and the analysis of RE projects depending on different economic framework. Furthermore, this module will give a picture of the basic concepts of energy politics. It is here that the decision making process, action groups/ stake holders, and the administrative hurdles such as the criteria for success of various implementation strategies (top‐down, bottom‐up, best practices) will be debated. The module takes the technical aspects which the other modules handle, bring them together and situate them among socio‐
economic problems and questions of sustainability. This module is closely connected with the Case Study and benefits the students in the planning of energy supply systems in a wide range of social contexts. Exam and Presentations Blackboard, Slides and Overhead Transparencies, Beamer presentation, Excursion Blok, Kornelis, 2007: Introduction to energy analysis, Amsterdam : Techne Press Boyle, Godfrey, Everett, Bob & Ramage, Janet, 2004: Energy systems and sustainability, Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford University Press. BP: Statistical Review of World Energy 2006 (, Letzter Last access 2/2009 25 Brundtland, Gro Harlem; World Commission on Environment and Development: Our common future : Oxford Univ. Press, 1987 Chartcenko, Nikolaj Vasil'evic, 1998: Advanced energy systems, London,Taylor & Francis. IEA (International Energy Agency): Energy Balances (OECD, Paris, 1999) Dahl, Carol Ann, 2004: International energy markets : understanding pricing, policies and profits Tulsa, Okla. : PennWell. Dincer, Ibrahim & Rosen, Marc A., 2008: EXERGY: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, World Scientific Publishing Company. Goldemberg, Jose, 1990: Energy for a sustainable world New Delhi [u.a.], Wiley Eastern, 1990 Johansson, Thomas B. (Edit), 1993: Renewable energy : sources for fuels and electricity Washington, DC., Island Press. Meadows, Donella, Randers, Jorgen & Meadows, Dennis, 2004: Limits to growth, The 30‐Years Update; Chelsea Green Publishing Vermont.Nakicenovic, Nebojsa, 1998: Global energy perspectives: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Cambridge Univ. Press. Potter et al, 2006: Thermodynamics for engineers, Schaum's outlines. Ramage, Janet, 1997: Energy ‐ a guidebook Oxford Univ. Press. Stoft, Steven, 2002: Power System Economics: Designing Markets for Electricity, Wiley‐IEEE Press. UNDP (Ed.): World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability (,, last access 2/2009 Publications of international Organisations: UN publications: SEI: http://www.sei‐ NREL: World Watch Institute: Friends of the earth: Greenpeace: Winter and Summer PPRE Lab Reader 26 6.
Module Biomass & Hydro Power Module Description Field Courses Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructors Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Biomass & Hydro Power Biomass I Biomass II Micro‐Hydro Micro‐Hydro (Winter lab, optional)Exercise Excursion Biogas Workshop Biogas (Lab) Improved Cook Stoves & Solar Cookers (Summer Lab) Exercise Winter and Summer Semester Dr. Konrad Blum Dr. Konrad Blum MSc. Jan Lam, Felix ter Heegde (SNV Netherlands) Dipl. Phys. Udo Kulschewski English 2 h/w 2 h/w 1 h/w 1 h/w 4 h 32 h 8 h 8 h 3 h Lecture Lecture Lecture Exercise Excursion Workshop Lab Lab Exercise Biomass I Biomass II Micro‐Hydro Exercise Excursion Biogas Workshop Biogas (Lab) Improved Cook Stoves & Solar Cookers (Lab) Exercise 27 Work Load Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended Prerequisites Learning Objectives Work Load: 210 h 7 CP Basic Understanding of: • Chemical Thermodynamics • Biological Conversion Process • Power • Chemistry • Thermodynamics o Energy Conservation o Conservation of Momentum • Hydrodynamics o Continuity equation o Bernoulli o Laminar and Turbulent Flow o Head loss in pipes o Friction Losses • Chemical and Process Engineering • Electrical Power Conversion • Economics Objectives of the Biomass Module The students will understand the principles and potential uses for biomass as well as the shortcomings of biomass as a renewable energy. The students will develop an understanding of the growth and degradation of every type of biomass, as well as the basics of a balanced ecosystem and the sustainable use of biomass. Students gain basic understanding on biomass processing technologies. In cooperation with the Energy Systems & Society Module, one shall gain an understanding of the connection between man and the function of a healthy ecosystem and its preservation. Competence The students gain competencies with critical discourse of competitive uses of biomass between human consumption, animal 28 Content feed, raw material and fuel. The students are taught the issues concerning biomass transportation as well as the economical and ecological criteria involving its planning and use. They develop criteria, in order to address the complex relation between the future and a sustainable energy supply. The students gain competence to better the living conditions of rural inhabitants in developing countries through improved applications of biomass for daily energy needs. Objectives for the Hydro Power Module The students will assess various systems of hydro power supply given hydro‐geographical and climate data. They are to evaluate the situation and choose a suitable turbine design and power output for a years’ fluctuating water. They gain knowledge about risk factors and the successful implementation of a project under difficult climatic or socio‐economic conditions. Competencies In addition, the students learn how renewable energy can supplement water supply systems. Among these systems are PV and Wind driven pump systems. Here the students will study the working principles and energy conversion process for pumps and generators, as well as the system characteristics under changing loads. The students gain the competence to develop and implement a hydropower system. They develop the criteria to assess possible technical implementation of RE projects with consideration of social, economic, climatic and infrastructural issues as well as make choices for a sustainable implementation of the project. Also here, the content of the Energy Systems & Society Module will be reiterated, during which the students develop criteria for the sustainable use of water. Students conduct a detailed analysis to develop a factually based assessment of projects under ecological consideration, for example, dam construction and its ecological impact (Methane emissions, Impact from flooding, etc.) overuse of water resources. They will also acquire competencies in the field of socio‐economic evaluations, for example the impact on the local market through centralization and decentralization of the energy and water supply. Biomass Basic Understanding of: • Nature or photosynthesis: chemical storage of solar energy; Efficiency of Plants • Composition of biomass: sugar, starch, fat, oils, protein, lignin • Knowledge of typical crop yield and energy content of various plants • Typical energy crops in different climates • Form and distribution of biomass uses in different geographic and climatic regions • Traditional and modern energetic uses of biomass as well as the efficiency and technology • Degradation process of biomass: Micro organisms, classification and metabolism (main degradation) Sustainable Biomass Use • Soil fertility, decrease and destruction of natural fertility 29 •
Soil ecology Growth and diversity of biomass Roll of the micro‐organism in the metabolic cycle Technology The guiding theme are the principles of traditional and modern energetic use of biomass, the constraints and efficiencies for food preparation, transport, and thermal and electrical energy production • Biomass cookers, ‐ Improved Cook Stoves • Wood gasification • Biogas‐ equipment • Biodiesel production • Ethanol production from sugarcane • Methanol production Hydropower The students gain the ability to: • Calculations of hydropower potential throughout the course of a year o Hydro‐geographic and climatic conditions o Agricultural and ecological requirements • Technology, layout und design for small and large hydropower installations • Physical principles of the energy conversion process from hydropower o Potential energy o Kinetic energy o Calculation of the power output from a hydropower system • Technical o Turbine design o Functioning principles of energy conversion in different turbine types (Pelton, Cross‐Flow, Francis Turbine) o Dimensioning of water storage, purification and penstock • Generators o Hydroelectric working principles • Pumps o Head • Storage 30 o Peak load Biogas Workshop/Domestic Biogas • Roll of biogas in rural development • Biochemical process • Small family owned installations • Construction • Dimensioning and flow calculations • Economic Aspects • Biogas and global warming: Emission reduction, Gold Standard Method • Biogas feedstock: quality, usage • National program for the mass implementation of biodigesters: terms and conditions; program structure Biogas Workshop/Large scale systems • Process optimization of wet fermentation • Self‐mixing biodigester • Dry Fermentation • Financing through banks • Agricultural waste for biodigesters • Modern combined heat and power units (CHP) for biomethane Biogas Lab • Starting conditions and stabilization of the process • Feeding • Measuring of Chemical Parameters • Standard Analysis Method (Dry substance, etc.) • Temperature Dependence • Retention Period Exercises Mathematical review of the lecture content Further Learning The module is not connected to a research group at the University of Oldenburg. Therefore, a specialization in Biomass is not available. The content of the Biomass Module is strongly connected with the content of the Energy Systems & Society Module. The 31 Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature implementation of RE technologies and their restrictions will be addressed through discussion of technical and social sustainability of small and large installations. Tests, Lab Reports Blackboard, Slides and Overhead Transparencies, Beamer presentations, Excursion Biomass Bagain, Sundar & Shakya Idira, 2005: A successful Model of Public Private Partnership for Rural Household Energy Supply, Bhojvaid, P.: Biofuels towards a greener and secure energy supply, Rajkamal electric Press, Delhi. Devi, Lopamudra, 2005: Catalytic Removal of biomass tars, Selbstverlag, Eindhoven FAO:, Last access 2/2009 Karki, Amrit, Shrestra, Jagan Nath & Bagain, Sundar, 2005: Biogas, BSP‐Nepal. Klass, Donald L., 1998: Biomass for Renewable Energy, Fuels, and Chemicals, Academic Press. Stassen, Hubert, Quaak Peter & Knoef,Harrie, 1999: Energy from Biomass: A Review of Combustion and Gasification Technologies (World Bank Technical Paper), World Bank Publications. Rahman, Tazmilur, 2006: Green energy development model in the St. Martins Island and energy from coconut palm biomass, Dhaka/Nowroze Kitabistan. Van der Burgt, Maarten & Higman Chistopher, 2008: Gasification, Gulf Professional Publishing; 2nd edition. Hydro Energy Davis, Scott & Laschuk, Corrie, 2003: Microhydro, Clean Power from Water, New Society Publishers. Harvey, Adam & Brown, Andy, 1998: Micro‐Hydro Design Manual: A Guide to Small‐Scale Water Power Schemes, Practical Action. Inversin, Allen, 1990: Micro‐Hydropower Sourcebook, NRECA international Foundation, Washington. Ludwig, Art, 2005: Water Storage: Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds for Domestic Supply, Fire and Emergency Use, Oasis Design. Smith, Nigel, 2008: Motors as Generators for Micro‐Hydro Power, Practical Action; 2nd edition. Thake, Jeremy, 2000: The micro‐hydro Pelton turbine manual: design, manufacture and installation for small‐scale hydro‐power, 32 ITDG Publ., London. Winter and Summer Lab Reader of the programme PPRE 33 7.
Module Case Study Module Description Field Course Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructors Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Work Load Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended Prerequisites Case Study Project Work Project Work Project Financing Excursion Tutorial Guest Lecturers Sommersemester Prof. Parisi Prof. Dr. Parisi; Dipl. Ing. Hans Holtorf Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner English MSc Renewable Energy 3 h/w 1 h/w 40 h 3 h 18 h Work Load: 210 h 7 CP Seminar Lecture Excursion Exercise Lecture Project Work Project Financing Excursion Tutorial Guest Lecturer 34 Learning Objectives Content The objective of the case study is to develop an autonomous energy supply system for an off‐grid customer. Options can be: Island Grid (ex. Village Co‐op) Off‐Grid System In addition, the implementation of the supply system under the social and economic conditions will be considered and realized by successful project management. During the Case Study the students will acquire knowledge of government subsidies. Guidance will be provided via external or internal experts. The concept of the Case Study is to train and develop social as well as team awareness. The students will visit and live at an off‐grid energy supply system during a multi‐day excursion, the goal of which is to incorporate the designer and their project design. Students gain competence to work as a team on a case study, fulfilling requirements like time management, feasibility study, setting milestones, do research, distribute work and presenting the result as a group. The excursion goes further to include visits to companies and research centers in the field of renewable energy, the InterSolar Fair, a view of production work and research activity. In addition, the students will make contacts for potential employment, cooperation, and/or masters thesis. Knowledge/Hard Facts 1. Feasibility Study/Criteria a. Legislation b. Social aspects and background c. Geography d. Climate e. Infrastructure (streets, service personnel) 2. Energy Demand: Calculation of heat and power requirements for an autonomous system a. Domestic hot water/ process heat b. Heating c. Cooling/Dehumidification d. Absolute power, heat and refrigeration requirement, energy demand on dehumidification e. Analysis of load profile (thermal and electric) 3. Planning/Requirements of the load profile (levelling of the peak load), analysis of available regenerative energy and additional fossil fuel requirements a. Bioenergy b. Wind energy c. Solar energy (local, seasonal, daily) 35 d. Hydro power e. Conventional energy backup 4. Dimensioning regenerative and conventional energy supply systems a. System parameters (Loss of Load Probability, Solar Fraction, Performance Ratio) b. System autonomy/storage technology c. Storage load d. Levelling of storage load profile e. Seasonal and daily energy fluctuations f. System stability g. Backup system h. Sizing and selecting energy supply units i. Identifying the system as base load or peak load with grid‐supported systems 5. Economic Considerations a. Price of energy/unit (€/kWh) b. Maintenance/availability/durability of components c. Selection and reason for selection under respective socio‐economic conditions and legislation Design‐Tools The hands‐on seminar uses various simulation programs for the design of renewable energy systems and is an integrated component of the second semester and the Case Study. 1. RETSCREEN (Analysis tool for renewable energy systems, Freeware) 2. HOMER (Simulation tool for hybrid systems, Freeware) 3. T‐Sol (Thermal design program) 4. WAsP – (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) Skills 1. Teamwork a. Work sharing/time management b. Cooperation (learn from one another) c. Discussion/ decision making 2. Project Management a. Milestones b. Scheduling c. Conclusions d. Final presentation 36 Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature Coaching/Externe Expertise The students work with expert internal and external contacts to solve more difficult questions 1. Supply of meteorological data: Univ. Oldenburg 2. Heat demand in buildings: external, IBP 3. Electrical demand/Load Profile: Univ. Oldenburg 4. Wind‐ diesel system: external, DEWI 5. Solar thermal: Univ. Oldenburg 6. PV‐system: external 7. Hydro power: external 8. Bioenergy: Univ. Oldenburg 9. Storage technology: Univ. Oldenburg 10. Lighting protection (optional, external) Socio‐Economic Work 1. Sustainability of renewable energy 2. Project management/project financing In the Case Study Module students apply the technical knowledge, the new‐learned skills and competencies from the previous six modules. The module embeds the experiences, knowledge and capabilities of the students in the technical economic, as well as social and cultural issues they will deal with, all of which lead to the master’s thesis. Final Report, Presentation Simulation programs, Beamer presentations, Guest Speakers, Workgroups, Excursion Frankel, Ernst, 2005: Managing Development: Measures of success and failure in development, Palgrave Macmillan. Ghatak, Subrata, 2003: Introduction to Development Economics, Rouledge, New York. Hall, Anthony & Midgley, James, 2004: Social Policy for Development, Sage Publication India. Pindyck, Robert S. & Rubinfeld, Daniel L., 2001: Microeconomics, 5. ed., Prentice‐Hall Internat. Green, Christopher, Kirkpatrick, Colin& Murinde, Victor, 2005: Finance and Development, Edgar Elgar Publishing. Sociological, socio‐economic and cultural literature found in the PPRE library 37 8.
Specialisation Module Description Field Courses Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructors Language Attribution to the Curriculum Specialisation Wind Energy Solar Energy Energy Meteorology & Storage Technologies Energy Systems Case Study Advanced Topics in Wind Energy Advanced Topics in organic Thin Film PV Technologies Advanced Topics in Energy Meteorologie Advanced Topics in Storage Technology Energy and Social Systems Rural Energy Supply Summer Semester Responsibles listed below for each specialisation Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke Dr. Ingo Riedel Dr. Detlev Heinemann Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert/Dr. Bettina Lenz Prof. Bernd Siebenhüner Dipl. Ing. Hans Holtorf English MSc Renewable Energy 38 Subject hours per week (h/w): Work Load Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended Prerequisites Learning Objectives Content Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature 2 h/w plus tutorial, if announced Work Load: 60 h 2 Lecture/Seminar To be announced Successful attendance and understanding of the First Semester’s courses Deeper knowledge in one of the offered specializations. Actual developments and/or research in the offered specialisations Test, written take‐home work or oral presentation Lecture notes, Blackboard, Beamer presentation. Open 39 9.
External Practical Training Module Description: Field Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructor Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Work Load Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Learning Objectives Content Method of Evaluation Literature External Practical Training World Wide • Research Institutions or Universities • Industry Work • Organisation and International Cooperation Winter Semester Dipl. Phys. Michael Golba Advisor of the particular institution English/German/Other MSc Renewable Energy Research Fieldwork/applied research Attendance Hours /Work Load: 270 h 9 CP • Ability to develop work concepts fur scientific work • Theoretical and practical experience in the field of scientific work • Preparation for a scientific masters thesis • Presentation of findings and critical appraisal of your own work Introspection and (if needed) change of emphasizes in the 6 month master thesis An 8‐week External Practical Training at a research center or university, Industry or International cooperative organization, with the goal of preparing for the master thesis. The module prepares the participant for the subsequent master thesis with the necessary contacts and knowledge as well as practical experience and knowledge. Final Report and Oral presentation of results Katz, Michael Jay, 2006: From research to manuscript: a guide to scientific writing, Springer, Dodrecht. 40 10.
Master Thesis Module Description Field Study Semester Module Coordinator Instructors Language Attribution to the Curriculum Subject hours per week (h/w): Work Load Credit Points Prerequisites according to examination regulations Recommended Prerequisites Learning Objectives Content Method of Evaluation Media Used Literature Master Thesis Research, Research & Development Projects, Plant engineering and planning in the RE field, Institutions of development cooperation, Sustainable research institutions 3rd Semester Dr. Konrad Blum Not applicable English/German/Other Final Work Research Work; Institutional or Field work 6 Months 30 CP Successful completion of the module tests Specialized knowledge and competence in the chosen master’s thesis topic in research or application oriented work. Confidence and aptitude with scientific work Research work: Culmination of concepts, Planning, Implementation, Written Final Thesis Oral defence of final thesis Written Master Thesis 15 minute oral presentation with discussion 41 11.
Study Plan for PPRE und EUREC (Core/1. Semester) The structure of the study plan focuses on the heterogeneity of the addressed target group. PPRE holds in high esteem the natural sciences and engineering sciences with professional experience in the field of Renewable Energy with a strong focus on developing and emerging markets. The study plan is divided into the following: Winter Semester Review Course “Levelling“ Laboratory Work Lecture External Practical Scientific Work Training Consideration of the future Master Thesis Summer Semester Master Thesis Further Laboratory Work Lecture Socio‐economic aspects of implementing RE technologies Project Work Specialisation Scientific Masters Thesis Presentation • Intro lab • Renewable Energy Basics Components of RE Technology Broad basic knowledge for each field of education In: • Research • Industry • Research & Development Projects • Project Executing Organization of Development Cooperation RE Systems In‐depth teaching on the given subjects Seminar Autonomous improvement of energy supply systems, Improved teamwork Deepening activities in the research groups of the University of Oldenburg In: • Research • Industry • Research & Development Projects • Project Executing Organization of Development Cooperation 42 