2862 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 57, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2009 CMOS Distributed Amplifiers With Extended Flat Bandwidth and Improved Input Matching Using Gate Line With Coupled Inductors Kamran Entesari, Member, IEEE, Ahmad Reza Tavakoli, and Ahmed Helmy Abstract—This paper presents a state-of-the-art distributed amplifier with coupled inductors in the gate line. The proposed coupled inductors, in conjunction with series-peaking inductors in cascode gain stages, provide bandwidth extension with flat gain response for the amplifier without any additional power consumption. On the other hand, gate-inductor coupling improves the input matching of the amplifier considerably. The detailed analysis and design methodology for the proposed distributed amplifier are presented. The new four-stage distributed amplifier, fabricated using an IBM 0.18- m complementary-metal–oxide–semiconductor process, achieves a power gain of around 10 dB, input and output return losses better than 16 and 18 dB, respectively, a noise figure of 3.6–4.9 dB, and a power consumption of 21 mW over a 16-GHz flat 1-dB bandwidth. The measured IIP3 of the amplifier is between 0.1 and 3.75 dBm across the entire band. Index Terms—Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS), coupled inductors, distributed amplifiers, monolithic microwave integrated circuit. I. INTRODUCTION ITH INCREASING interest on commercial wideband integrated systems such as radars and wireless ultrawideband and optical receivers, there is a demand for wideband complementary-metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) amplifiers in the front-end section of such systems. Distributed amplification is one of the well-known methods to provide such performance by absorbing the parasitic capacitances of parallel gain stages into an artificial transmission line, which, in return, guarantees the gain uniformity and input/output matching within the bandwidth of operation [1]. Various distributed amplifiers have been reported in a 0.18- m CMOS process recently. Liu et al. [2], [3] presented distributed amplifiers with 1-dB bandwidths of 14 and 22 GHz, respectively. The reported amplifiers with cascode W Manuscript received June 17, 2009; revised September 17, 2009. First published October 30, 2009; current version published December 09, 2009. K. Entesari and A. Helmy are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 USA (e-mail: kentesar@ece.tamu.edu; manarman@neo.tamu.edu). A. R. Tavakoli was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 USA. He is now with the Aquantia Corporation, San Jose, CA 95035-7456 USA (e-mail: tavakoli@ece.tamu.edu). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2009.2034044 gain stages suffer from high power consumption and considerable input mismatch. Shigematsu et al. [4] employed the resistive-source-degeneration technique for common-source gain stages to achieve a 1-dB bandwidth of 39 GHz. Although this technique improves the bandwidth enormously, it results in low gain, high power consumption, and high input mismatch. Tsai et al. [5] implemented distributed amplifiers with cascaded gain stages to achieve high gain–bandwidth product, but the amplifier consumes a huge amount of power, and the input matching is poor. High power consumption and poor input matching have been the important drawbacks of the reported amplifiers, because bandwidth extension has traditionally been achieved by reducing the loading capacitance of the gate line provided by the single-stage amplifier. Therefore, to achieve similar gain performance, the power consumption of the amplifier has been increased. Also, due to nonuniform loading of the gate line, the input matching has been degraded, particularly at higher frequencies. The nonuniform loading appears because of frequency dependence of the gate-line capacitance, which comes from the Miller effect of the gain stage. The proposed three-stage distributed low-noise amplifier in [6] used standard cascode gain stages, and the power consumption and noise figure (NF) are considerably reduced by mW , optimizing the bias point of the amplifiers but the achieved 1-dB bandwidth is only around 6.2 GHz. To increase the gain–bandwidth product while keeping the power consumption low, the distributed amplifiers in [7] employed a three-stage amplifier with cascode gain cells with series-peaking inductor and achieved a 1-dB bandwidth of 11 GHz with a power consumption of 21.6 mW. The advantage of peaking inductor is to increase the gain-bandwidth product of the gain stage without increasing the power consumption. On the other hand, gain peaking does not allow maximum-flat-bandwidth extension. It also changes the input Miller capacitance of the gain stage at higher frequencies, which degrades the uniformity of the gate line and limits the input matching of the amplifier. The proposed amplifier in [8] employs inductive peaking with the stagger-tuning technique to achieve bandwidth enhancement with gain flatness. Since the gain cells are replaced by cascaded stages to boost the gain, the total power consumption of the amplifier is considerably high mW . Also, the input matching of the amplifier is degraded at high frequencies that are close to cutoff due to nonuniform loading of the gate line caused by the Miller capacitance. The proposed weighted amplifier in [9] employs coupled inductors in both gate and drain lines to minimize 0018-9480/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ENTESARI et al.: CMOS DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIERS WITH EXTENDED FLAT BANDWIDTH AND IMPROVED INPUT MATCHING 2863 Fig. 2. Simulated power consumption versus 3-dB bandwidth for a cascode gain stage with and without L for a gain of 4 dB. The value of L is adjusted for a gain peaking of 1.24 dB. Fig. 1. (a) Conventional distributed amplifier with artificial transmission lines and g cells. (b) Common-source gain stage. (c) Cascode gain stage with seriespeaking inductor (L ). (d) Proposed gain stage with coupled inductors in the gate line. the size of the amplifier and also allows the transconductance of different stages to be different to optimize the NF of the amplifier with an added degree of freedom. This paper presents a CMOS distributed amplifier that takes advantage of the gate line with coupled inductors, in conjunction with cascode gain stages with series-peaking inductors employed in [7]. This approach provides bandwidth extension with flat gain response and improves the input matching of the amplifier simultaneously without any additional power consumption. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the proposed amplifier architecture is demonstrated and a design methodology for flat-bandwidth extension and input-matching improvement is proposed. Circuit design and implementation are discussed in Section III, and the simulation and measurement results are presented in Section IV. II. DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIER ARCHITECTURE A. Background Fig. 1(a) shows a conventional distributed amplifier with artificial transmission lines and cells, where , and , are the gate- and drain-line inductors and capacitors, respectively. In order to guarantee a constructive addition of forward path currents at the bandwidth of operation, the signals cell ( should be in phase at the output of each or ). For proper input/output matching, the characteristic impedance of gate/drain lines and the termination impedance ( ) should be the same . As a result, and in an ideal amplifier. The cutoff frequencies of the emulated transmission lines are given by [1] (1) is limited by the input capacitance of the cell, Usually, which means that the bandwidth of the distributed amplifier while keeping large can be optimized by optimizing enough to provide the required gain. Therefore, in practice, and an additional output parallel capacitance is to be the same as . Fig. 1(b) shows a needed to increase common-source gain stage. The main drawback of this structure is the Miller capacitance at the gate of each gain stage, which results in bandwidth reduction. To avoid this issue, a cascode stage ). The cascode bandwidth can be used (Fig. 1(c), where is primarily limited by the pole associated to the internal node of , the cascode cells whose value is is the output capacitance of , is the input where , and is the transconductance of . capacitance of To suppress the cascode-stage dominant pole at higher frein Fig. 1(c)] is quencies, a bandwidth-enhancing inductor ( added to the amplifier [7]. This compensation method results if bandwidth in high-frequency gain peaking at the drain of extension without power-consumption penalty is desired [8]. To see how much power-consumption improvement is achieved in the cascode topology, the coscode stage in by employing . The simulation is Fig. 1(c) is simulated with and without performed for a gain of 4 dB mS and the same 3-dB bandwidths using the IBM 0.18- m CMOS process is adjusted for a gain design kit in Cadence.1 The value of peaking of 1.24 dB for maximum-bandwidth extension. Fig. 2 shows the simulated power consumption versus bandwidth . For a bandwidth of for a cascode stage with and without 16 GHz, a power-consumption improvement factor of 1.8 is allows one to increase the transistor achieved. Employing size to achieve the same transconductance with lower power consumption for the same bandwidth. This gain peaking does not allow flat-bandwidth extension. It at higher frealso changes the input Miller capacitance of quencies, which degrades the uniformity of the gate line and, hence, the input matching of the amplifier. The proposed gain stage in Fig. 1(d) extends the maximum flat bandwidth and improves the input matching simultaneously by introducing mutual coupling with a coefficient of between two adjacent gate inductors, as will be discussed later in this section. B. Gate Line With Coupled Inductors Fig. 3(a) shows the equivalent circuit of the gate line with is the effective loading cacoupled inductors, where pacitance at the input of the cell and has strong frequency dependence, particularly for cascode cells with series-peaking 1Online. Available: www.cadence.com Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2864 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 57, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2009 Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of the gate line with: (a) coupled inductors, (b) T-model for the coupled inductors, and (c) effective L and C (!). inductor. The coupled inductor is substituted by a T-model in is the mutual inductance between Fig. 3(b), where inductors. The negative inductance is in two adjacent . Fig. 3(c) shows the equivalent gate-line cirseries with cuit with effective inductance and capacitance given by (2) Since , is always larger than physical inductance . As a result, a gate line with lower physical inductance (ohmic loss) can be used. Also, is less sensitive to the with frequency because of coupling coefvariation of ficient , which also allows the input-matching improvement, of the new as will be discussed later. The cutoff frequency gate line is found by evaluating at as follows: (3) Hence, Fig. 4. (a) Schematic of a cascode gain stage with peaking and a gate line with calculation. coupled inductors and (b) the small-signal model for G close to the source impedance ( ) within the band of interest is achievable, as will be seen in Section II-F. C. Gain Stage Fig. 4(a) shows the ac equivalent circuit of the cascode gain stage with series peaking and the gate line with coupled inductors. Fig. 4(b) shows the high-frequency small-signal model that is suitable for calculating the total transconductance as follows: (6) where is the transconductance of the , and neglecting cascode stage. Assuming that and , the voltage gain ( ) is calcuthe effect of and transfer functions lated by multiplying the given by (4) (7) The dependence of on frequency is known for a spe-cell topology, as will be discussed in Section II-C. cific , increasing improves the bandwidth of Since with similar the gate line compared to the case where physical . Also, the characteristic impedance of the new line is defined as (8) where is the transconductance of and (9) As a result, (10) (5) Similar to , has also less dependence on , which means that the gate-line characteristic impedance is less degraded by the -cell frequency variation. Also, by adjusting the value of using and , an input matching that is has a pole at . The inductive behavior due to resonates with at higher frequencies, reof sulting in gain peaking at in the frequency response [8]. Fig. 5 shows the normalized transconductance of the cascode stage, , versus frequency i.e., has for different values of . For a small value of , showing a gain roll-off at the a low-frequency pole midband. By increasing , decreases, the gain roll-off at the Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ENTESARI et al.: CMOS DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIERS WITH EXTENDED FLAT BANDWIDTH AND IMPROVED INPUT MATCHING Fig. 5. j G jf ) ( j versus frequency for different values of L 2865 . Fig. 6. Two different signals passing through the gate and drain lines between two arbitrary gain stages. midband disappears, and gain peaking increases. Therefore, the is selected to achieve the maximum bandwidth with value of minimum roll-off at the midband. The effective loading capacitance of the cascode stage at node ‘ ’ in Fig. 4(b) is calculated using the Miller effect equivalent circuit of the coupled gate line with effective values derived in (2) is used as follows: of and (11) (14) Finally, the transfer function of the gate line is given by Also, to provide matching at the drain line (15) (12) is a function of frequency itself, as described Since in (8) and (11), the transfer function of the gate line is not simply a second-order low-pass response. The input return loss of the gain stage is found by calculating the input impedance in Fig. 4(b) and using the equation and is given by (13), shown at the bottom of is the coefficient of this page. The term the highest order term in both numerator and denominator polyreduces the value of this coefficient for nomials. Increasing at a certain frequency. This means that the a certain value of will shift to higher frequencies, and poles and zeros of in case has a small value at low frequencies, increasing increases the frequency at which starts to degrade. Equations (14) and (15) provide the required values of and for the given , , and to provide phase matching, as will be seen in Section II-F. Drain-line inductors can also be coupled similar to the gateline ones with a coupling factor of . Since there is no Miller effect and nonuniform loading at the drain of in Fig. 1(d), reasonable output matching is achievable without coupling the drain-line inductors. The advantage of coupling the drain-line inductors is to reduce their effective value by a factor of to achieve smaller inductors with lower loss. Since reducing the size of the amplifier has not been the major purpose of this paper, drain-line inductors are not coupled to each other to simplify the layout implementation. E. Number of Stages D. Drain Line With the coupled inductor in the gate line, the phase delays of the gate and drain lines between each gain stage are different. Fig. 6 shows two different signals passing through the gate and drain lines between two arbitrary gain stages and adding up at the output of the second stage. Both signals are passing does through equal series-peaking inductors. Therefore, not generate any phase difference between the two signals. cell, the To provide in-phase signals at the output of each There is no limit on the number of stages in a distributed amplifier with lossless artificial lines. However, both gate and have limited drain artificial lines are lossy in practice ( and quality factors). Therefore, there is an optimum value for the number of stages of an amplifier with artificial lines [Fig. 1(a)], which is given by [1] (16) (13) Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2866 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 57, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2009 where and are real parts of the gate- and drain-line propagation constants, respectively. Assuming that the losses of and are negligible, and are approximated by [1] M (17) where and are the losses of inductors and , and and are the imaginary parts of the gate- and drain-line propagation constants, respectively. To find out the optimum ) for the gain stage with coupled inducnumber of stages ( tors in the gate line [Fig. 1(d)], the effective inductance ( ) presented in (2) is employed. By combining (2), (16), and (17), is given by (18), shown at the bottom of this page, where and . The opcells timum number of stages for the amplifiers with cascode [Fig. 1(c)] in CMOS technology is calculated to be three in [2], [3], [6], and [7], considering the loss of the reported inductors on silicon. For the proposed distributed amplifier, the optimum number of gain stages can be set higher (four in this design) due to the lower loss of inductors in artificial gate lines as a result of mutual coupling. The design procedure presented in Section II-F shows how is found using (18), assuming that the loss of inductors is known. F. Design Methodology To achieve an overall flat response for , the gate-line cutoff frequency needs to be selected in a way that the transfer at function of the line compensates the gain peaking of , meaning that (19) By substituting in (12), (19) is modified into (20) M Fig. 7. Simulated aspect ratio of transistors and in Fig. 1(d) versus the power consumption of each gain stage for different values of gain per stage. Solving the aforementioned equation for the given , , and results in the required gate-line cutoff through (11). frequency ( ) and the value of To have a matched gain stage at the input, (5) is evaluated at to satisfy or (21) and and solving two By knowing the values of nonlinear equations (4) and (21) together, the required values are found to achieve a flat response and acceptable of and input matching. Also, by solving (14) and (15) at , using the , the values of and will be values of , , and found. In conclusion, a design methodology is proposed based on the derived equations. The purpose of this methodology is to design a distributed amplifier with cascode gain stages and coupled gate-line inductors to achieve a maximum flat bandwidth and acceptable input matching for a given total gain and power consumption. A summary of systematic design steps is explained first, and these steps are then applied to design the desired distributed amplifier in an IBM 0.18- m process, as detailed in the following. ) to Step 1) Assume the optimum number of stages ( be a number between three and five. Therefore, it is within the range of optimum number of stages reported for various distributed amplifiers [1]. The total gain and power consumption of the amplifier and, thus, for each stage are given. Step 2) Find the transistor biasing current and aspect ratios for a certain gain and power consumption per stage using Fig. 7. It shows the simulated aspect ratio of transistors (18) Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ENTESARI et al.: CMOS DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIERS WITH EXTENDED FLAT BANDWIDTH AND IMPROVED INPUT MATCHING Fig. 8. Simulated j(V =V )(jf )j , jG (jf )j , and jS (jf )j of a single gain stage for L (jf )j = 1:24 dB). different values of k (L = 0:3 nH, f = 16 GHz, and jG and in Fig. 1(d) versus the power consumption of each gain stage for different values of gain per stage using . Cadence, assuming that , , , and using Step 3) Extract the values of Cadence and knowing the calculated aspect ratios. Step 4) Calculate the value of cascode-stage transcon) using (9) and (10) and maximize the ductance ( by adjusting bandwidth of the cascode amplifier to cancel the gain roll-off effect due to the pole ), as shown in Fig. 5. ( Step 5) Find the effective loading capacitance of the cas) at using (11). code stage ( Step 6) Calculate the gate-line cutoff frequency ( ) using . (20) to achieve a flat response for and by solving (4) and Step 7) Find the values of (21), assuming the matching condition at the vicinity of . and and evaluating Step 8) Knowing the values of , calculate , , and (14) and (15) at to provide the required phase matching between the gate and drain lines. Step 9) By finding the practical values of loss for the calcuand using the available design kit, calculate the lated and the optimum number of values of , , , and stages using (18). If this number is the same as what is assumed in Step 1), then the design is finalized. If not, change , and repeat all the following steps until a the value of is achieved from Steps 1) to 9). similar value of This design methodology is applied to design a distributed amplifier in an IBM 0.18- m process as follows. Step 1) A four-stage amplifier with an overall power gain of 10 dB and a power budget of around 21 mW is consid- 2867 =2 values of: (a) 0.1 nH, (b) 0.2 nH, and (c) 0.3 nH and ered (power gain per stage 4 dB and power consumption per stage 5.25 mW). Steps 2) and 3) The appropriate device aspect ratio is then selected for a given gain and power consumption per stage m m. using Fig. 7 The values of parasitic capacitances are then calculated using Cadence ( pF, pF, pF). and Steps 4) and 5) For the selected transistor aspect ratio, the series-peaking inductor ( ) is adjusted to be around 0.3 nH to maximize the flat bandwidth of the cascode gain stage GHz , as shown in Fig. 5. In this case, dB. Also, is calculated from (11). Step 6) To achieve the flat response within the bandwidth, the cutoff frequency ( ) is calculated to be around 21.7 GHz using (20). Step 7) By solving (4) and (21) together, the values of and are found to be 0.2 and 0.4 nH, respectively. is calculated to be 0.5 nH through Step 8) The value of , , and GHz (14), assuming that to equalize the gate- and drain-line phase shifts. Step 9) The losses of inductors nH and nH are found to be 3.4 and 4.2 using the IBM 0.18- m CMOS process design kit, and the value of is found to be close to four using (18) at . To verify the proposed design methodology, the effect is investigated on the of various combinations of ), the total normalized gate-line insertion loss ( ), transconductance ( and the input return loss ( ) of a single gain stage Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2868 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 57, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2009 Fig. 10. Layout of a center-tapped differential inductor. Fig. 9. Schematic of the entire four-stage amplifier, including bias-Ts. using (6)–(13) and MATLAB.2 Fig. 8 shows the simulated , , and of the nH, gain stage for different values of and , where GHz, and dB. nH [Fig. 8(a)], a peaking in the gateIn case of on the line, line response is observed due to the effect of which adds up to the peaking introduced by the cascode stage. As a result, the overall peaking of the total transconductance , this peaking is minimum, but the is increased. For input return loss is worse than 10 dB for the 8–16-GHz freimproves the input matching, but quency range. Increasing the peaking level in the total response becomes unacceptable. nH [Fig. 8(b)], the effect of gate-line In case of is eliminated by increasing insertion-loss peaking due to compared to the previous case. The gate-line inthe value of sertion loss cancels out the peaking of at for , and a flat transconductance response is achieved with dB over the band of interest. Increasing to 0.3 improves the gate-line cutoff frequency and input matching, but the total transconductance shows peaking at because increases . Therefore, flat-bandand width extension is not achieved, although input matching shows , the gate-line cutoff frequency more improvement. For drops below . As a result, does not achieve maximum-flat-bandwidth extension. nH [Fig. 8(c)], the cutoff frequency of In case of for a lower value of , which limits the line drops below the bandwidth extension ( provides the lowest bandwidth extension). To increase the cutoff frequency of the line, needs to increase considerably ( 0.5–0.8), which results in at the total or partial peaking cancellation of for or 0.8, respectively. On the other hand, increasing does not improve the gate-line response at lower frequencies as much as that at frequencies that are close to cutoff (an insertion loss of 0.8–1 dB is observed for the gate line around ). Therefore, the 6–8-GHz frequency range for the overall transconductance response is not completely uniform within the band of interest, which results in a larger input misnH. match compared to the previous case where The results of the aforementioned simulation show a gain stage nH, and provides the widest flat rewith GHz. As shown sponse with best input matching for and using the proearlier, similar values are obtained for posed design methodology. 2Online. Available: www.matlab.com Fig. 11. Simulated: (a) inductance, quality factor, and (b) coupling coefficient of the gate-line coupled inductor versus frequency using Sonnet. III. CIRCUIT DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION The four-stage amplifier with an of 16 GHz, a power gain of 10 dB, and an overall power budget of 21 mW is implemented using the procedure explained in the previous section. Fig. 9 shows the schematic of the entire four-stage amplifier, including two bias-Ts that were used at the input and output RF terminals to bias different gain stages during the measurement. The coupled inductor is implemented differentially, as shown in Fig. 10 [10]. When the windings of the inductor are designed properly, the magnetic fields add constructively due to strong mutual coupling between the two inductors, resulting in an increase in inductance without a corresponding increase in series at 16 GHz). In order resistance and a higher inductor ( to consider high-frequency effects in inductor/mutual coupling realization, electromagnetic simulation is used. The metal/dielectric profile of the process is employed in Sonnet3 to optimize the layout of each inductor. The simulated inductance, quality factor, and coupling coefficient of the implemented gateline coupled inductor versus frequency are shown in Fig. 11. In layout implementation, a ground plane is used to shield the inductors from each other. The distance between the ground plane and inductors is optimized using full-wave simulation to 40 dB while minimizing reduce the unwanted coupling to the extra parasitic capacitance. All the inductors are realized with the top metal layer, which is the thickest and farthest layer 3Online. Available: www.sonnet.com Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ENTESARI et al.: CMOS DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIERS WITH EXTENDED FLAT BANDWIDTH AND IMPROVED INPUT MATCHING 2869 TABLE I CIRCUIT ELEMENT VALUES AND TRANSISTOR ASPECT RATIOS FOR THE IMPLEMENTED DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIER Fig. 12. Microphotograph of the proposed CMOS distributed amplifier with a chip size of 1.4 0.85 mm (including the testing pads). 2 Fig. 14. Simulated and measured: (a) input return loss (S ) and (b) output return loss (S ). Fig. 15. Measured NF of the distributed amplifier. Fig. 13. Simulated and measured gains (S ) and reverse isolation (S ). from the substrate to reduce the substrate loss. The parasitic capacitance of the wide-drain-line inductors is considered at the output of each gain stage to avoid additional drain capacitances for phase velocity balance between the gate and drain lines. are implemented using standard spiral Both inductors and structures and optimized using full-wave simulation. The transistors are laid out with maximum number of fingers and close to minimum width to minimize the effective series gate resistance [11]. Tapering is used to connect inductors to transistors and pads to minimize the parasitic capacitance due to discontinuities. Capacitance degeneration at the source of in Fig. 1(d) results in negative input resistance at the gate of at very low frequencies. To avoid this problem, series resistance . ( ) and shunt capacitance ( ) are added to the gate of compensates the gain reduction at higher frequencies because of . Table I shows the circuit element values and transistor aspect ratios for the implemented distributed amplifier. Fig. 12 shows a microphotograph of the fabricated distributed amplifier with a chip size of 1.4 mm 0.85 mm (including the testing pads) using an IBM 0.18- m CMOS process. Fig. 16. Measured third-order intercept point (IIP ) of the distributed amplifier. IV. SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT RESULTS The CMOS distributed amplifier chip was tested via on-wafer probing using ground–signal-ground coplanar air probes. -parameter measurements of the circuit were carried out using an Agilent N5230C vector network analyzer. The measurements V are performed under operating conditions of and the overall current consumption of 16 mA. Fig. 13 shows and reverse the simulated and measured forward gains Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2870 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 57, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2009 TABLE II PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF RECENT DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIERS IN A 0.18-m CMOS PROCESS 1-dB bandwidth. 3-dB bandwidth. isolation , verifying the accuracy of postlayout simulations. The power gain is around 10 dB with 1-dB frequency band around 16 GHz, and the in-band isolation is less than 30 dB. No gain peaking is observed in the gain response due to the employment of coupled gate-line inductors. The superior input–output isolation is partly due to the utilization of cascode cells in the proposed amplifier. Fig. 14 shows the simulated and and , respecmeasured input and output return losses ( and remain below 16 and 18 dB in the operating tively). band, respectively. The improved input return loss is also due to the employment of coupled gate-line inductors, which results in a more uniform transmission line, as discussed earlier. The measured NF of the distributed amplifier is shown in Fig. 15. The NF is around 3.6–4.9 dB within the band of interest. The linearity measurement was performed using an Agiversus frelent E4446A spectrum analyzer. The measured quency is shown in Fig. 16 and varies between 0.1 and 3.75 dBm within the band of interest. Table II shows a comparison among different performance parameters for recent distributed amplifiers fabricated using a 0.18- m CMOS process and this work. All the amplifiers listed in Table II were measured using bias-Ts. V. CONCLUSION A distributed amplifier with coupled inductors in a gate artificial transmission line has been proposed to extend the flat bandwidth and improve the input matching of the amplifier without any power-consumption penalty. The detailed analysis of the distributed amplifier, including the gate line with coupled inductors and the gain stage, has been presented. In addition, a design methodology for extending the flat bandwidth and improving the input matching of the amplifier has also been proposed. The fabricated circuit in a standard 0.18- m CMOS process has exhibited a passband gain of 10 dB and a flat 1-dB bandwidth of 16 GHz. Because of the coupled gate-line inductors, an input matching that is better than 16 dB has been achieved. Also, the circuit has consumed a dc power of 21 mW. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank M. El-Nozahi for his help in measurement. IIP = OIP 0 Gainj REFERENCES [1] T. T. Y. Wong, Fundamentals of Distributed Amplification. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1993. [2] R. C. Liu, C. S. Lin, K. L. Deng, and H. Wang, “A 0.5–14 GHz 10.6-dB CMOS cascode distributed amplifier,” in Proc. IEEE VLSI Circuits Symp. Dig., Jun. 2003, pp. 139–140. [3] R. C. Liu, K. L. Deng, and H. 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In 2006, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. His research interests include the design of RF/microwave/millimeter-wave integrated circuits and systems, RF microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), related front-end analog electronic circuits, and medical electronics. Dr. Entesari was the recipient of the 2009 Semiconductor Research Corporation Design Contest Second Project Award for his work on dual-band millimeter-wave receivers on silicon. Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ENTESARI et al.: CMOS DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIERS WITH EXTENDED FLAT BANDWIDTH AND IMPROVED INPUT MATCHING Ahmad Reza Tavakoli received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2006, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 2008. Since then, he has been an Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineer with the Aquantia Corporation, San Jose, CA. 2871 Ahmed Helmy was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1983. He received the B.Sc. degree (with honors) and M.Sc. degree in electronics engineering from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 2005 and 2008, respectively, and is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station. From 2005 to 2008, he was a Research Assistant with the Yousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center, The American University, Cairo, Egypt. His research interests include MEMS, sensors, and RF design. Authorized licensed use limited to: Texas A M University. Downloaded on January 28, 2010 at 13:12 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.