TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Data sheet DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULADOR_AH No part of this publication may be reproduced by whatever means without the prior written permission of Ingeteam T&D. One of the main aims of Ingeteam T&D lies in the continuous improvement of the company’s equipment and, therefore, the information contained in this catalogue may be modified without prior notification. For further information, consult the corresponding manual or contact us directly. INDEX MODEL CODING SELECTION........................................................................................................ 4 VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................... 5 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND CONFIGURATION ...................................................................... 6 Model A Voltage regulator settings .............................................................................................................. 6 Model B and C Voltage regualtor settings .................................................................................................... 7 Measuring unit settings ............................................................................................................................. 9 COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................... 10 HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE (HMI) ......................................................................................... 11 STANDARDS AND TESTS ........................................................................................................... 14 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 15 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................. 18 CONSTRUCTION FEATURES ...................................................................................................... 19 CONNECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 20 Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR III TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR MODEL CODING SELECTION Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 4 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONFIGURATION The TCP-A-VR voltage regulator is equipped with: A CPU-IH module for control and communications functions. Independent power supply from the CPU module. 32 (Model A) / 96 (Model B and C) digital inputs, 8 digital outputs and 7 analogue inputs. 1 measurement module. Man-machine interface with LCD display on the front panel. Alarm LEDs on the front panel. Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 5 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND CONFIGURATION MODEL A VOLTAGE REGULATOR SETTINGS Setting Minimum Maximum Step SI/NO. Indicates whether the regulator checks the maneuver performed. Dispone de tomas Número de tomas 9 31 1 Tipo lectura de toma Tiempo toma inválida (dseg) Remarks ED/BCD/EA 0 32767 1 Convertidor 0-5mA/0-20mA/4-20mA Entrada analógica PPAL/RSVA Tensión nominal Indicates in kVx10 the rated voltage value of the primary Tensión TT Indica en kVx10 el valor del primario del transformador de tensión del que se recoge la medida Intensidad nominal primario Indicates in A the value of the rated current from the primary of the current transformer Lógica de subida DIRECTA/INVERSA Maniobra con tiempo VARIABLE/FIJO Factor de tiempo Allows to scale the delay to the regulator operation, obtained from the basic time Paro por subtension (%x10) 0 800 10 Tensión retroceso rápido (%x10) 1000 1200 10 Grado insensibilidad (%x10) 4 50 1 Int. max conmutación (%x10) 0 1200 10 Compundaje corriente (%x10) 0 100 1 Compundaje máximo (%x10) 0 150 1 Pulso de orden subir/bajar toma (dseg) 1 50 1 Fallo de orden subir/bajar toma (dseg) 1 30000 1 Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 6 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR MODEL B AND C VOLTAGE REGULATOR SETTINGS Setting Minimum Maximum Step Number of taps 9 31 Remarks 1 Direct(rise tap is rise voltage)/ Reverse (rise tap is lower voltage) Commutation logic Vref or setpoint (% x 10Vn) 900 1100 Insensitivity (%x 10Vn) 4 50 V ref fine adjustment (%x 100Vn) 1 1200 1 The variation value over the reference voltage from which the regulator will command to commute taps. 1 Operation mode Fixed (time delay) / Variable (reverse curve) Time delay K (s) 1 180 1 This value will be only taken into account when the first setting “operation mode” is defined as fixed and as long as the voltage reading does not exceed the value set as U> Quick commutation Time delay 2 (s) 1 600 1 This additional time factor is used when a first commutation has not be able to reach the insensitivity band Maximum compensation (% x 10Vn) 0 150 1 In order to avoid high overvoltages, due to the load increasing, this setting limits the maximum value of achieved calculation voltage U< Locking(% x 10Vn) 700 990 1 Locking by undervoltage. Autolocking of the automation due to the voltage reading below the programmed value U>Quick communtation (%x 10Vn) 1000 1200 1 Quick setback voltage. Voltage value over which the regulator will have to eliminate the operation delay, and it will carry out pulses to lower voltage. I>Locking (%x 10In) 0 1200 1 Autolocking by overcurrent. It defines the maximum current that allows carrying out tap changing commands in automatic mode LCD: With Ur and Ux settings, plus the current reading and the angle between the voltage and the current, the calculation value to add to the reference one can be obtained. Compensation mode Z: With the Uz setting, together with the current reading, the calculation value to add to the reference one can be obtained Ur (compoud in the secondary of the measurement transformer VT) 0 25 1 Ux (compoud in the secondary of the 0 25 1 Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 7 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Setting Minimum Maximum Step Remarks measurement transformer VT) Uz (% x 10Vn) 10 100 1 Ic heavy (low) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Ic heavy (high) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Ic normal (low) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Ic normal (high) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Ic slight (low) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Ic slight (high) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Ic weak (low) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Ic weak (high) secondary A (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc heavy (low) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc heavy (high) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc normal (low) (secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc normal (high) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc slight (low) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc slight (high) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc weak (low) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc weak (high) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc critical (low) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 Vc critical (high) secondary V (tenths) 0 4095 1 0:Binary Tap type 0 2 1 1:BCD 2:Analog Defines the way the regulator gets the TAP indication 0 -> 0-1mA Tap analog input 0 3 1 1-> 0-5mA 2-> 0-2,5mA 3-> 4-20mA Data exchange by GOOSE (model C) Enabled Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 8 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Setting Minimum Maximum Step Remarks Disabled Model A available in Spanish and models B and C in English. MEASURING UNIT SETTINGS The TCP-A-VR is equipped with a measuring unit which takes measurements from the voltage and current measurement transformers. It must be set correctly in accordance with the corresponding settings pages in order that the correct measurements are applied in relation to the regulation. Setting Minimum Maximum Step Transformer I phase ratio 1 10000 0,1 Transformer I neutral ratio 1 10000 0,1 Voltage transformer ratio 1 10000 0,1 Simple rated voltage (V) 50 200 120 230 0,1 0,1 Constant real power (kWh) 1 10000 1 Constant reactive power 1 10000 1 Real power full scale 40 100 4500 7500 0,1 0,1 Models 120 – 120/√3 Models 220V Reactive power full scale 40 100 4500 7500 0,1 0,1 Models 120 – 120/√3 Models 220V Apparent power full scale 40 100 4500 7500 0,1 0,1 Models 120 – 120/√3 Models 220V Frequency Remarks 50/60Hz Connection type Models 120 – 120/√3 Models 220V A, B, D, E, F, G Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 9 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR COMMUNICATIONS Model A is equipped with: 1 FOC, FOP, RS232 or RS485 rear serial communication port in the COM2 for PROCOME protocol communication. 1 FOC, FOP, RS232 or RS485 rear serial communication port in the COM3 for DNP3.0 protocol communications. The unit will behave as an RTU remote centre. 1 RS232 serial communication port in the free COM4 for monitoring. 1 RJ45 or FOC Ethernet port (ETH1) protocol PROCOME TCP/IP for settings and monitoring Model B and C are equipped with: 1 FOC or FOP rear serial communication port in the COM-2 for PROCOME slave protocol communication. In the COM-4 has a RS232 port for maintenance. Model C is equipped with an ethernet RJ45 or FOC (ETH1): o PROCOME TCP/IP for settings and monitoring. o IEC61850 for monitoring. In model B this port is used for PROCOME TCP/IP In model C ethernet redundancy [(FOC + FOC) or (RJ45 + RJ45)] is optional. Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 10 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE (HMI) 4 INDICATOR LEDs TWO COLOUR STATUS LED 16 LEDS AND LABELS GRAPHIC SCREEN (60x112mm / 240x128 pixels) 5 KEYS WITH CONTROL FUNCTIONS FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAY AND RUNNING OF COMMANDS WITH SELECTION SYSTEMS To the right of the display, the unit is equipped with a keypad providing the following functions: “INF”: Allows the user to navigate through the different screens configured in the display each time this button is pushed: Main screen displaying all the charger's status and measurements. Screen indicating whether the card's 1 digital inputs are enabled or disabled, and if there is card failure. Screen indicating whether the card´s 2 digital inputs and digital outputs are enabled or disabled, and if there is card failure. Screen indicating whether the card´s 3 digital inputs and digital outputs are enabled or disabled, and if there is card failure. Screen indicating whether the card´s 4 digital inputs and digital outputs are enabled or disabled, and if there is card failure. Alarm screens. Date and time. “SEL”: From the main screen, the user is able to select the item on which the command is to be run. The selected item will flash. “DES”: Not used. “I”: This button will trigger a command on the selected item. “O”: This button will disable a command on the selected item. Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 11 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR The HMI is equipped with the following light indicators: 1 two colour status LED: LED green: Functioning correctly LED red: Functioning incorrectly Slow flashing: Equipment has not been configured Rapid flashing: Equipment has been configured 4 LEDs, which usually indicate the following: LOC: Local Position FCOM: Communications failure alarm DEF: Regulation defect alarm ORD: Command output indication The left-hand side of the unit's (Model A) front panel is also equipped with 16 LEDs that indicate the status of the following signals: LED1: Regulator in local mode LED10: Overcurrent lock LED2: Regulator in manual mode LED11: Voluntary lock LED3: Regulator in automatic mode LED12: Reserve LED4:Failure in tap reading LED13: Reserve LED5: Maximum tap LED14: Reserve LED6: Minimum tap LED15: Reserve LED7: Maximum order LED16: Failure in communication with the LED8: Minimum order measurement module LED9: Undervoltage lock For model B and C: LED1: Maximum Tap LED9: Heavy load LED2: Minimum Tap LED10: Normal load LED3: Tap discordance LED11: Slight load LED4: Invalid Tap LED12: Weak load LED5: Quick commutation LED13: No load LED6: External locking LED14: Locking from other device LED7: Parallel unknown LED15: Operators decision LED8: Motor in progress LED16: Failure in communications with the measurement module Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 12 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR The HMI of the model A has the folllowing screen for signaling and local control: The HMI of the model B and C has the folllowing screen for signaling and local control: Offers the posibility to work as Single, Master or Slave: Single-Single: Each regulator controls its tap changer. Master-Slave: The regulator in “Master” mode controls its own tap changer and the “Slave”`s one. Model A available in Spanish and models B and C in English. Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 13 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR STANDARDS AND TESTS Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 14 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CPU Module 1 32-bit microprocessor, 66MHz clock 16 Mbytes SDRAM memory for variables and the running of firmware and applications 1 Mbyte SDRAM memory for storing settings, variables, etc. 8 Mbytes FLASH memory for firmware, settings, applications and back-up Demodulated IRIG-B input Digital output for indicating HW status 1 FOC, FOP, RS232 or RS485 rear serial communication port in the COM2 for PROCOME protocol communication (Model A). 1 FOC, FOP, RS232 or RS485 rear serial communication port in the COM3 for DNP3.0 protocol communications (Model A). 1 FOC or FOP rear serial communication port in the COM2 for PROCOME protocol communication (Models B and C) 1 RS232 serial communication port in the free COM4 for monitoring. Serial communication characteristics: Communication mode: Half-duplex or Full-duplex Baud rate: 600 to 115200 bps (maximum for PFO, 56000bps) It is equipped with an FOC or RJ45 Ethernet port (ETH1) for settings and monitoring (redundancy optional in model C) Ethernet communication characteristics: F.O. (100 Base-Fx) Operating speed: 10/100 Mb Multimode G.F.O.: 62.5/ 125µm Connector: ST (SC optional) Max. Optical Power at transmitter output: -20dbm Max. receptive optical power: -31dbm Wavelength: 1300nm Allowed attenuation: 8 db with 62.5 /125 µm glass fibre. Maximum distance: 1.5 Km RJ45 (10/100 Base-Tx) Operating speed: 10/100Mb Insulation: 500 Vac. Communication capacity: 10 /100Mbps in Half-duplex (Ethernet) Cable length: 100m maximum Power Supply Module 24 Vdc P.S. module Input voltage range: 19-34 Vcc Output power: 40 W Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 15 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR 48 Vdc P.S. module Input voltage range: 34-60 Vcc Output power: 40 W 125 Vdc P.S. module Input voltage range 86-165 Vdc Output power: 40 W 220 Vdc P.S. module Input voltage range 165-280 Vdc Output power: 40 W Converter digital input, digital output and analogue input module 4 I/O modules (2 in model A and 4 in model B and C) 16DI + 8DO Module 16DI + 7AI Module 32DI Module (Only in model B and C) Digital input characteristics Galvanic separation by means of optoisolators Supervision circuit with the following checking functions: Module power supply voltage Module access monitoring Digital input voltage 24 Vdc DIs 18-34 Vdc 48 Vdc DIs 36-60 Vdc 110-125 Vdc DIs 86-160 Vdc 220 Vdc DIs 165-264 Vdc Surges (10 sec.) 44% Input type Externally powered contact Nominal burden per input 3 mA Digital anti-bounce filter 1 ms. Digital output characteristics The outputs are supplied with voltage-free contacts Supervision circuits with the following checking functions: Module power supply voltage Module access monitoring, with output disabling if access is not gained within 100 ms Independent output hardware selection, checking and execution system Breaking capacity (L/R=40 ms) 48 Vdc 0.5 A 125 Vdc 0.3 A 220 Vdc 0.2 A Closure capacity (0.5 s) 30 A Permanent current 5A Current (1 s) 50 A Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 16 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Analogue input characteristics Adaptation and filtering of 7 analogue inputs Insulation via optoisolators between the input and the internal logic Insulated part powered via +5Vdc/-5Vdc converter with galvanic separation 12-bit A/D conversion for successive approaches Supervision circuits with the following checking functions: Module power supply voltage Conversion failure Incorrect conversions Optoisolator failure Measurement range ±2,5mA, ±5 mA, ±20 mA Resolution 11 bits + sign Accuracy 0.2% at 25ºC Connection type 2 wires per measurement Insulation With internal logic 2,500 Vac Between inputs: Standard No Insulated 1,000 Vac Measurement Module Current circuits (1/5 A rated currents) Thermal capacity Permanent 20 A Short time 500 A (1sec.) Very short time 1250 A (half cycle) Burden at Curr=1 A <0.35 VA Burden at Curr = 1 A <0.02VA Voltage circuits Thermal capacity Vn= 120-120/√3 V Permanent 200 V Short time 250 V (1 min) Burden at 63.5 V; 0.015 VA at 100 V; 0.27 VA Vn= 220 V Permanent 350 V Short time 375 V (1 min) Burden at 220 V; 0.17 VA at 345V; 0.40 VA Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 17 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Internal supply burden (+5Vdc) 16 DI module with a common DI for each 8 DIs + 8 independent DOs 350mW 16 DIs, with one common input for each 8 inputs, + 7 AIs, with one common point. 1.5W Additional burden per active DI: 2.5mW Additional burden per active DO: 450mW Directing of input / output modules All I/O modules are equipped with 4 micro-breakers. The micro-breakers enable the identification, by means of a unique code, of each module within the unit. The “OFF” value = “1”, whilst the “ON” value =”0” Internal front view of the direction switches ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Operating temperature -20 to +75 º C Storage temperature -40 to +85ºC Relative humidity Up to 95% without condensation Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 18 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONSTRUCTION FEATURES TCP-A-VR regulator dimensions Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 19 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONNECTIONS 32 digital inputs module 16 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs module 16 digital inputs and 7 analog inputs module Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 20 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Connection A. Three-cable wye connection: 3 VT and 3 CT Connection A. Four-cable wye connection: 3 VT and 3 CT Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR 21 TCP-VR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia • Edificio 108 48170 Zamudio, Bizkaia, Spain Tel +34 94 601 8900 Fax +34 94 601 8901 Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution S.A. DSE_TCP-A-VR_VOLTAGE_REGULATOR Ingeteam Transmission & Distribution, S.A. 22