April 2, 2015 Kim Kreimeyer Aurora Marijuana Enforcement Division City of Aurora 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, 5th Floor Aurora, CO 80012 RE: Initial Submission Review – Highpoint Commons Retail – Site Plan Application Number: DA-1129-03 Case Number: 2015-6005-00 Dear Ms. Kreimeyer: We have reviewed and addressed the comments from the Initial Submission Review letter dated March 18, 2015, for the above referenced project. The following is our response (in blue): SUMMARY OF KEY COMMENTS FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS: - Review and respond to community and external comments (see Item 1) - Review and respond to all comments located on the redlined plan set. - Easement dedication. (see items 13A and Water Department’s redline comments) - Meeting City and General Development Plan signage standards (see item 9A) - Four sided architecture design requirements (see items 8A and 8B) PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS Reviewed by: Kim Kreimeyer / kkreimey@auroragov.org / 303-739-7126 / PDF comment color is Teal. 1. Community & External Referral Questions Comments and Concerns *1A. Please review and address the memo from Xcel energy (see attached) Response: The letter has been reviewed and the comments will be followed. *2A. Comments were received from two abutting residence. Please review and address the comments below: Name: Terrall Rankin Organization: 4326 S Ceylon Way Address: Aurora co 80015 Phone: 303-617-1356 Email: terrall_rankin1@msn.com Best Retail at Highpoint Shopping Center Page 2 Comment: We don’t need any more traffic on Quincy Ave. What’s going to happen to Rite Aid? Response: To the best of our knowledge, Rite Aid will continue its current operations. Name: Charles Gilbert Organization: 4405 s andes way Address: aurora Colorado 80015 Phone: live4ever@comcast.net Email: live4ever@comcast.net Comment: Hello, I am not happy with the location of a retail marijuana store at the location of Quincy and Reservoir Rd. It is too close to Horizon Middle School, as well as family homes. I think these stores should be in areas that are more commercially zoned, and not so close to neighborhood home communities. Thank You, Charles Gilbert Response: We appreciate the concern, but we are following the existing zoning prescribed for the property. 2. Completeness and Clarity of the Application *2A. Please edit your site plan notes as shown on redlines Response: The Site Plan notes have been edited per redlines. *2B. Revise zoning in data table to reflect PCZD/PD-com. Response: This has been changed. *2C. Please increase the font size throughout the plans set so the text is legible when printed on 11”x17”. These prints will be part of the Planning Commission packet. Response: The font size has been increased throughout the plan set. 3. Zoning and Land Use Comments 3A. The proposed colors, tan and light brown, meet the General Development Plan requirements and the accent color does not exceed 20 percent limitation of any one building elevation. Response: The building colors meet these standards. 4. Waivers Requested or Required 4A. No waivers are requested or required. Response: Comment acknowledged. 5. Transportation Issues 5A. The existing Easement Agreement establishes a cross access easement through the subject site addressing the city’s concern with access to the Rite Aid Pharmacy drivethrough. No further documentation is required. Response: Comment acknowledged. Best Retail at Highpoint Shopping Center Page 3 6. Parking 6A. The application of Code Section 146-1508 (C) is acceptable for the reduction of one parking space. Response: Comment acknowledged. 7. L andscape Design Issues Reviewd by: Kelly K. Bish, RLA, LEED AP / kbish@auroragov.org / 303-739-7189 / PDF comments in Teal. *7A. The next submission should have a complete planting plan with plant call-outs and an updated plant schedule. The Landscape Manual is currently being updated. Landscape construction drawings are no longer required. All landscape submittals are to include plant schedules and plant call-outs during the first submission. Response: Comment addressed. Submission has complete planting plan with callout and updated plan schedule *7B. Label all streets. Response: All streets have been labeled. *7C. Clarify the mulch type to be used in all planting beds. The notes indication two possible scenarios. Response: The mulch type has been defined. *7D. Update/remove the note that references the use of cobble around trees and shrubs. Response: Note has been updated to reflect that cobble will be used in all shrub beds and cedar mulch will be used in all perennial/annual beds. *7E. Provide a table that addresses the building perimeter landscape requirements and how that is being met. Building perimeter landscaping is required where the building faces a public transportation corridor (Quincy Avenue) or where there is a main entrance. Parking lot island landscaping can count toward meeting that requirement if it is within 20’ of the building façade. Response: Table has been provided. 8. Architectural and Urban Design Issues 8A. Screening of Roof Top Mechanicals are required to be fully screened. The building parapet on the south elevation is the only elevation that is fully screening the roof top mechanical unity. This does not meet the current requirement for screening. Please extend the parapets on the north, west and east side of the building to fully screen the unit. Below is the city’s requirement for screening. “All rooftop mechanical equipment and vents greater than eight inches in diameter must be screened. Screening may be done either with an extended parapet wall or a freestanding screen wall. Screens shall be at least as high as the equipment they hide. If equipment is visible because screens don’t meet this minimum height requirement, the Director of Planning may require construction modifications prior to the issuance of a permanent Certificate of Occupancy.” Best Retail at Highpoint Shopping Center Page 4 Response: The elevations of the parapet heights has been increased to screen RTU’s. *8B. The building elevations don’t meet the GDP requirement for four-sided architecture. The same architectural elements, i.e., corner feature, wainscot, awnings, lighting, etc., on the south elevation should be repeated on all sides of the building. See redlined plans for more details. Response: Brick wainscot has been added on all elevations to meet GDP requirement. 9. Signage Issues *9A. There appears to be a miscalculation of the overall sign square-footage. Per Code Section 146-1609, Table 16.3, Permitted Signs for Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Uses, the maximum sign square-footage for this site is 88 square-feet. The longest building frontage with a public entrance is 44 feet (44x2=88). The GDP allows for a monument sign 25 square-feet per face (50SF total) in addition to the city’s allowable square-footage. Please revise the Data Table to show the correct allowable sign squarefootage for walls signs as 44SF and monument sign at 25 SF per face (max 50 SF). Response: Sign square footage has been revised. New proposed sign is 38 square feet. *9B. The monument sign design doesn’t meet the GDP requirement. Please review approved plan 1983-6018-10, Sheet SP5 for the monument sign detail and revise the plans to meet the GDP requirement. Response: The Monument sign has been revised to meet the GDP requirement. 10. Environmental Issues 10A. There are no known environment issues at this time. Response: Comment acknowledged. 11. Other Site Planning and Technical Issues Reviewed by: Cathryn Day, Planner II/GIS Addresser, cday@auroragov.org, 303-739-7357 11A. Use existing address 19151 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80015 Response: Address updated. REFERRAL COMMENTS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES 12. Building Department *12a. Go to https://www.auroragov.org/CityHall/MarijuanaRegulations/index.htm for the Aurora Marijuana Enforcement Division rules and regulations. You can contact either John Eckert or Richard Lacoste at 303-739-7420 to request a pre-submittal meeting before final plans. We are currently reviewing and inspecting to the 2009 International Codes, as well as ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003, and the 2014 National Electrical Code. Best Retail at Highpoint Shopping Center Page 5 Feel free to contact either John Eckert or Richard Lacoste in the Building Division at 303739-7420 if you have questions or concerns. Response: Comment acknowledged. 13. Civil Engineering Reviewed by: Rick Hunter / 303-739-7307 / rhunter@auroragov.org / PDF comment color is orange *13A. Show a water quality facility for this site. Provide a drainage easement around the water quality facility. Response: A grass lined swale, as shown in the Site Plan set is provided for water quality. 14. Life Safety Reviewed by: Katie Quintana / 303-739-7631 / kquintan@auroragov.org / PDF comment color is blue. *14A. Site specific notes are duplicate, please eliminate duplicate notes and update required notes. Change Specific Note #5 to Site Plan Note #18 – Cover Sheet. Response: Site Plan notes have been updated. *14B. Include the following information in Data Block: 2009 IBC Construction Type of structure(s). Indicate if structures are fire sprinklered or non-fire sprinklered. Building Occupancy Classification – Cover Sheet. Response: These are now included on the cover sheet. *14C. Provide Knox box at front main entrance, show Knox symbol – Site, Landscape & Elevation Sheets. Response: Knox box is now shown on all sheets. *14D. Accessible parking detail and sign package can be on the Civil Plan, also provide Fire Lane Signage and location on Civil Plans. Response: Accessible parking detail and sign package was moved to the Civil Plans. *14E. Provide accessible route to employee entrance and a public-way. Relocate accessible parking to west side of parking lot, show accessible ramps, crosswalks and sidewalk detail (see redline on plans) – Sheet 3. Response: An accessible route is delineated on the Site Plan. *14F. Provide a 1 foot-candle illumination at walking surface along accessible route – Sheet 10. Response: Photometric drawings will include this foot candle requirement. 15. Real Property Reviewed by: Darren Akrie / 303-739-7331 / dakrie@auroragov.org / PDF comment color is magenta *15A. Please see site plan for minor site plan comments. Response: Site Plan redlines have been addressed. Best Retail at Highpoint Shopping Center Page 6 *15B. If applicant has additional easements needed that were not dedicated by the subdivision Plat then these easements will have to be dedicated by separate document. Please contact Maurice Brooks for the easement dedication process either by phone or email Mbrooks@auroragov.org or 303-739-7294 if applicant has items identified on the site plan that will be encroaching into easements dedicated to the City then a license agreement will be required. Please refer to this link for necessary documentation. Please refer to this link for document requirements. https://www.auroragov.org/DoingBusiness/BuildingandDevelopment/RealProperty/index .htm Response: The easement dedication process has been started for the proposed water meter easement. *15C. If portions of the monument sign fall within the easement, a license agreement will be required. Please contact Jeff Hanna at jhanna@auroragov.org or 303-739-7327 to start this process. Response: Comment acknowledged. 16. Aurora Water Department Reviewed by: James DeHerrera / 303-739-7296 / jldeherr@auroragov.org / PDF comment color is red. 16A. See redline comments. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions. Response: Redline comments were addressed.