Space Planning Guide for Community Health Care Facilities DECEMBER 2014 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Copies of this report can be obtained from Health Capital Investment Branch Email: INFOline: 1-866-532-3161 TTY 1-800-387-5559 Note The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC, the “ministry”) develops and issues technical and policy documents to provide information, advice and guidance to Health Service Providers (HSP) and those who plan, design and construct healthcare facilities. This planning document has been developed as a tool to provide information on the space planning and design of community-based healthcare facilities that aligns with and supports the ministry’s capital planning review and approval process. This document is not intended to cover entire technical submission requirements for any particular stage in the ministry’s capital planning review and approval process; users are cautioned not to use it as a stand-alone document. Contributors This document was developed with input from the Association of Ontario Health Centres, York University Faculty of Health, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Promotion Division, Local Health Integration Network Liaison Branch and Primary Health Care Branch and Public Health Ontario. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2.0 About the Guide .................................................................................................... 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Purpose..............................................................................................................................2 Intended Users ..................................................................................................................2 Development of the Guide ................................................................................................3 Related Documents ...........................................................................................................3 How to Use the Guide .......................................................................................................4 3.0 The Ministry’s Planning and Design Objectives: “OASIS” ............................... 5 4.0 The Guide .............................................................................................................. 6 Part A: The Facility's Role and Size .................................................................................. 6 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 Program and Service Definition........................................................................................6 Types of Programs and Services and Space .....................................................................6 Programs and Services and Capital Funding Eligibility ...................................................7 Space Needs and Developing a Master Plan.....................................................................7 Part B: Client Activity and Space Needs ........................................................................... 8 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 Types of Spaces ................................................................................................................8 Workload and Effective Room Utilization .......................................................................8 Workload Data Table – Appendix A ................................................................................9 Staffing and Space Needs .................................................................................................9 Determining a List of Rooms ..........................................................................................10 Part C: Determining Total Space Needs......................................................................... 12 C.1 C.2 C.2.1 C.2.2 Room Sizes and Functional Room Requirements – Net Square Feet (NSF) ..................12 Additional Design Factors to Reach the Total Area .......................................................12 Future Growth and Flexibility ........................................................................................13 Grossing Factors: Component Gross Square Footage (CGSF) and Building Gross Square Footage (BGSF) ..................................................................................................14 C.2.3 Applying the Grossing Factors .........................................................................................15 Part D: Design Considerations ........................................................................................ 16 D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 CSA-Z8000-11 Canadian Health Care Facilities ............................................................16 Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) .......................................................................16 Building Systems for Community-based Healthcare Facilities – Class “C” ..................16 Building Legislation, Codes and Standards ....................................................................17 5.0 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 17 6.0 Implementation ........................................................................................................... 17 7.0 Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 18 Appendix A – Workload Data Table................................................................................. 19 Appendix B - Room Sizes and Requirements (Space Tables) ...................................... 20 Space Planning Guide for Community Health Care Facilities 1.0 Introduction Community health care facilities deliver a range of primary health care services. These are services that the public can access close to home in non-hospital facilities. These services include: health assessment, diagnosis and treatment services, counselling and therapy services, education and support, as well as services to provide linkages to other on-site and outreach programs. These are services that do not need to be administered in a hospital. The ministry provides oversight for the planning and design for the following types of community-based health care facilities: Community Health Centres (CHC) Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHAC) Community-Based Mental Health Programs Community-Based Substance Abuse (Addictions) Programs Long-term Care Supportive Housing (typically supporting programs for the frail elderly, acquired brain injury, physically disabled and HIV/AIDS) This Space Planning Guide (“Guide”) is a planning tool designed to assist community Health Service Providers (HSP) to develop a proposed capital project for submission to the ministry for approval. The Guide supports current government priorities and recognizes fiscal challenges by assisting HSPs with the effective use of limited capital resources to plan high quality health care environments. The planning principles in this Guide promote “right-sizing” a facility to support efficient delivery of the HSP’s services and to limit excessive operating costs over the facility’s lifetime. The Guide will not replace the detailed work of the HSP and its planning and design consultant team to develop a facility; but it provides essential information that reflects the ministry’s capital funding structure and outlines the ministry’s facility planning expectations for a community health care setting. For Supportive Housing facilities, information in this Guide may be of assistance for clinical interview or counselling rooms, multi-purpose space, administrative spaces and general building support rooms. The Guide does not address resident sleeping rooms, residential and related spaces. 1 2.0 About the Guide 2.1 Purpose The purpose of the Guide is to: Establish a basic set of space-related parameters that meet the ministry’s planning and design objectives for the operational efficiency, accessibility, safety, security and infection control measures appropriate to the community health care setting; Identify the maximum amount of space that the ministry will provide funding for in an approved community capital project; and, Outline the basic steps to develop the space needs of a community health care facility. The Guide was developed in conjunction with the ministry’s “Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide” and it is intended that these two documents are used in tandem when planning proposed community capital projects. These two resources provide the information necessary for HSPs to understand the types and amount of space the ministry will cost share1 for approved community capital projects to meet program and service delivery needs. The Guide’s focus is to provide guidance in defining space allocation and, in doing so, does make reference to some technical building considerations necessary to health care facilities. However, the purpose of the Guide is not to provide complete technical facility design guidance. For technical building requirements such as building codes, electrical /emergency power, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, infection control, sterilization procedures and construction-related issues, the HSP and its design team must refer to the applicable legislation, codes, standards and other best practice industry sources. 2.2 Intended Users The Guide is intended for the following individuals and groups: Administrators to develop an estimate of their facility’s space needs; Functional programmers, architects and engineers to ensure that planned space meets best practice design and ministry planning, design and funding requirements; Other technical and health care professionals such as infection control and occupational health and safety personnel; and, Ministry staff to confirm compliance with space and functional requirements that meet the ministry’s planning and design objectives (“OASIS” – see Section 3.0). 1 Cost Share otherwise known as shareable costs (def): The amount of a total project cost that the ministry can provide capital funding for under ministry cost share guidelines (i.e. not all costs in a capital project can be funded by the ministry. The non-shareable costs are the responsibility of the HSP). 2 The Guide is written to provide generic information so that both the principles and specifics can be applied consistently to a variety of community health care facility types. It is the role of the HSP to determine which components of the Guide are most applicable to its programs and services. 2.3 Development of the Guide The Guide incorporates consultation with community health care facility stakeholders; input from various levels of Health Capital Investment Branch; and, input from other Ontario government programs such as Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Liaison Branch, Primary Health Care Branch, Health Promotion and Public Health. It also consolidates elements of Canadian health care facility standards and other health care planning guidelines to present a comprehensive set of recommendations for the communitybased, primary health care setting. 2.4 Related Documents Capital Planning and Approvals Process Documents The ministry’s capital planning review and approvals process consists of various stages. Each stage builds on the information and level of detail of the previous stage. This Guide should be used in conjunction with the following ministry documents: The MOHLTC-LHIN Joint Review Framework for Early Capital Planning Stages Toolkit, November 9, 2010 (MOHLTC-LHIN Toolkit) Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide Capital Planning Manual (1996) Legislation and Regulations For all capital projects, it is the responsibility of the HSP to ensure that project submissions are compliant with all legislation, codes and standards, such as, but not limited to the most current versions of the Ontario Building Code; the Ontario Fire Code; the Electrical Safety Act, other CSA standards for health care facilities, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act; the Occupational Health and Safety Act and future issues of these regulations. CSA Z8000-11 Canadian Health Care Facilities (CSA Z8000) Appendix B of the Guide incorporates and adapts the applicable components of CSA Z8000 for primary and community health care facilities. Released in November of 2011, CSA Z8000 sets new national standards for the planning and design of a wide range of health care facilities, including acute care, but extending to primary care and ambulatory settings. CSA Z8000 is not legislated; however, it is accepted by the ministry as the best practice standard for Ontario health care facility design. In the absence of another Canadian standard for community health care facilities, this ministry Guide is based on the CSA Z8000 and future issues of it. 3 The ministry strongly recommends all HSPs purchase of copy of CSA Z8000 and become familiar with its overarching principles and specific recommendations, as applicable to the HSP’s programs and services. 2.5 How to Use the Guide The Guide is organized in four parts: Part A: The Facility's Role and Size Part B: Client Activity and Space Needs Part C: Determining Total Space Needs and Appendix B (Space Tables) Part D: Design Considerations – Reference to CSA-Z8000 The sequence of Parts A through D reflects the basic steps of space planning which can be described as: Establishing the program parameters; Developing fundamental spatial relationships to support functional programming; Arriving at a total facility area estimate; and, Refining the space needs to support building systems and meet detailed room functions. The Guide should be able to assist administrators and their consultants to arrive at an initial total space budget/estimate of floor area needed to meet the facility’s operational objectives and safely and effectively deliver programs and services. This initial space budget will not replace a detailed functional and operational program and facility design, but it will provide the initial assumptions that reflect the ministry’s capital funding policy. Once a space budget is defined, it can be verified through more detailed planning and design with the input of the HSP and its planning and design team including functional programmers, architects, engineers and an infection control professional (ICP). As the design progresses, the planning and design team should refer back to the details of Appendix B: Room Sizes and Requirements to ensure that the final room designs address the necessary technical requirements. These technical requirements incorporate CSA Z8000 and other CSA standards and therefore, reflect current, recognized best practice in Canada. At any time, please contact the ministry for assistance on use and application of the Guide. 4 3.0 The Ministry’s Planning and Design Objectives: “OASIS” A fundamental goal in the planning and design of capital health care projects is to create an environment that enables health services to be delivered in a most effective and efficient, accessible and safe manner while respecting the needs of patients or clients, and staff. Capital resources should be used effectively so that all capital projects are built as a long-term investment for the community they serve. The ministry’s planning and design goals and objectives are captured under the ministry’s “OASIS” principles. These principles also form the fundamental principles of CSA Z8000. Operational Efficiency; Accessibility, Safety and Security, Infection Prevention and Control; and, Sustainability When undertaking a capital project, the ministry expects that these objectives will be met. Please contact the ministry for more information on the OASIS objectives 5 4.0 The Guide Part A: The Facility's Role and Size A.1 Program and Service Definition Creating a “list of rooms” is the end-product of the early planning phases of a facility. Before beginning to identify individual rooms or the physical layout of the facility, the program/service needs should be developed. The HSP should determine the needs of its client population regarding: the client population; programs and services; a vision of how staff can most effectively deliver the needed programs and services; and, the required staff complement. These parameters are outlined in more detail in the MOHLTC-LHIN Toolkit for the Pre-Capital, Proposal and Functional Program submissions. For more information on defining service delivery, please contact the LHIN. A.2 Types of Programs and Services and Space Definition of the programs and services that will be delivered from the facility is an important step to understanding the general space needs of the facility. The following program and service categories are typically found in community health care facilities: 2 “Core Program” health care services: These services include: health assessments; diagnosis and treatment; counselling; primary mental health care; chronic disease management; health promotion; family planning; coordination with outreach community care providers, and others. These programs are typically defined through the programs and service agreements that the HSP has with its operating funding agency (LHIN). Allied Health services: These services include a range of clinical support services that complement the clinical care team and contribute to the client’s health and well-being as part of an integrated care approach. Services may include: physiotherapy; occupational therapy; speech therapy; social work; chiropody; and, spiritual care.2 These programs may or may not be defined in the organization’s service agreements. Other programs: These programs are commonly referred to as “community partners” and may include outreach workers from other organizations; community food programs; CSA Z8000-11, Canadian Health Care Facilities; November, 2011; CSA; p. 244. 6 youth programs; and, many others. In some cases, these programs are not LHIN funded programs (e.g. may receive municipal funding or funded through a charitable foundation or program). A.3 Programs and Services and Capital Funding Eligibility To define early planning space estimates and for budget planning purposes, the HSP should be familiar with which programs receive operational funding from the LHIN and those partner programs that are funded through other sources such as a municipal funding program, charitable foundation, outreach hospital program, another ministry, or other non-ministry, government agency. The capital costs for the construction of space for partner programs that do not receive operational funding from the LHIN are not eligible for ministry funding under the ministry’s funding allocation for community projects. In such a case, other sources of funding will need to be secured to build the partner space. Please refer to the Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide and consult with the ministry to identify and confirm funding eligibility for partner organizations. It is important for the HSP to understand which programs can receive capital funding from the ministry and which cannot. The total availability of capital funding from all sources will impact the affordability of how much space can be constructed. A.4 Space Needs and Developing a Master Plan A master plan explores the potential for developing a specific site for the facility. When a facility is planning to occupy a site over a period of time, the master plan helps to identify immediate and future needs. Multi-service, large hospitals require a master plan that envisions how the facility will expand and replace itself over a 30 - 50+ year timeframe, usually on a large campus or across multiple sites. Smaller community health care facilities typically have a 15 20 year planning term and are often located in leased space within commercial buildings or in single buildings with infrastructure similar to a medical office building. Depending on the size and scale of the community HSP, the “master plan” may be a plan of a property and a proposed new building; a plan of an existing single building to be renovated; or, a floor layout within a multi-tenant building. The project may be new/purpose built or a tenant leasehold improvement project. If the HSP envisions staged or phased growth over time, the ministry requires a master plan that illustrates the expected growth phases. In either case -- new build or leasehold -- prior to selecting a location, building or space, it is necessary to define the overall amount of space needed to meet the immediate programs/service needs and account for some future growth or flexibility. The next step will describe how to identify the initial space needs to inform the master plan. 7 Part B: Client Activity and Space Needs Space needs are typically identified through the creation of a Functional Program, which includes detailed information to describe the programs, workload and staffing and spatial requirements and layout (or “block diagrams”). For more information on the Functional Program, please refer to the MOHLTC-LHIN Toolkit. B.1 Types of Spaces This Guide categorizes spaces into two types of activities: 1) Clinical Space*: rooms required for primary health care staff to perform their core functions and clinical support rooms (e.g. general waiting areas, exam rooms, counselling rooms, specialized care rooms, labs, medical staff offices, and medical/clinical utility support rooms). *The term “clinical space” is not intended for counselling space for interviewing clients and/or families for non-physically based condition treatment or education. 2) Facility Support Space: non-clinical rooms and areas for administration and community activities and functional rooms. These are grouped as follows: Administrative Support Spaces – required to support the delivery of primary and allied health care staff (e.g. reception, general waiting areas, work areas, staff facilities) Shared Spaces – shared by both core program and allied health staff to deliver programs (e.g. interview, counselling and meeting rooms, kitchens) Cultural Spaces – special rooms required for the delivery of core health care programs that are directly related to the culture of a specific patient/client group (e.g. traditional healing, meditative or ceremonial spaces) Building Facility Support Spaces – rooms required for the facility to be functional (e.g. garbage, storage, mechanical and electrical) B.2 Workload and Effective Room Utilization The relationship between operations and space should result in most effective usage or “rightsizing” of physical space; that is, all rooms are used with the least amount of time vacant or “down time”, while allowing for some flexibility for unexpected or informal use. The ministry does not support assumptions that individual, dedicated rooms are required for single functions or “one-time” events unless there is clinical or program evidence. 8 Opportunities should be identified where staff and group activities can share space based on effective scheduling. The number of common areas should be carefully planned to eliminate down time and facilitate sharing across programs. The following are a few examples of preferred relationship between operations and space: Exam Rooms and Waiting Room Size: Standard exam rooms should be planned to be flexible for different uses and occupied 80% of the time. Using data such as annual visits, appointments or encounters; clinic hours; and, how long patients stay in a room will guide the optimum number of rooms and numbers of people in a waiting room. Clinical Office Space: Collaborative team space with workstations in a shared space with access to a swing or spare office for privacy should be planned as opposed to dedicated, private offices. Meeting Rooms: Effective scheduling of the programs should facilitate sharing of rooms across multiple program groups, or rooms subdivided for flexibility. If the facility’s full programming is met and there is still scheduling time available, the space may be considered for use for other community partners. Using data such as number of group types, frequency and length of group sessions and a draft schedule will help determine the optimum number of rooms. Administrative Offices: Number of staff; function (full-time/part-time); hours of use/frequency; and, privacy needs should be used to determine whether private offices, workstations or shared offices are appropriate. B.3 Workload Data Table – Appendix A To determine the activity of the facility and effective room utilization, the organization should have information on how many patients it services, the range of services being provided and how patients are being treated, such as on-site or “face-to-face” visits with health service providers and telephone consultations. The number and types of visits is information needed to determine the type and amount of physical space needed to deliver those services. The “Workload Data” table in Appendix A is a tool to provide an overview of this information. The ministry will request this table to be completed and submitted as part of the project early planning development process. The ministry will review the table to assist the organization in determining the optimum number of rooms for the appropriate functions. For assistance on completing this table, please contact the ministry. B.4 Staffing and Space Needs Staffing is also an important factor in determining space needs. The ministry is only able to commit capital funding for space that has operational funding committed to it. Typically, community HSP operational staffing budgets are determined by the LHIN. An HSP may find that the LHIN has a fixed operational budget for the staff, despite a projected increase in client volumes. In such as case, where the HSP may be planning for more space to support increased volumes, the ministry recommends that the HSP work with its LHIN to review the relationship of staff to volumes to ensure that the number of funded staff can reasonably 9 manage the anticipated volumes. Please refer to the MOHLTC-LHIN Toolkit for the LHIN’s process for review, alignment and endorsement of the program and services, which includes service delivery capacity. If the LHIN’s review and endorsement confirms an increase to the operational budget for additional staff to meet projected increased volumes, then the ministry is able to support space to accommodate more space to meet those volumes (with the assurance that increased budgets and recruitment will be achieved). If the LHIN cannot endorse operational budget increases for additional staff, the ministry recommends that the organization develop alternative solutions to address demand. For example, increased hours could be considered, or an area for future expansion or future offsite facilities could be envisioned as part of a master plan (should future additional staff funding be approved). B.5 Determining a List of Rooms Once the programs and services, staffing and workload have been assessed and their impact on space determined, a list of rooms can be determined: Clinical and group rooms through analysis of activity, workload and utilization; Efficient administration space determined through evaluation of staff needs; Remaining rooms required for the facility to fully function. See Table B1. The following table is a sample list of rooms that could be found in a community health centre. Each facility will have its own complement of rooms based on specific programs and functions. Table B1. Example of a Room List for a Community Health Centre Reception Area Shared Meeting/Multipurpose Spaces Reception Desk with Intake Interview Area Meeting Room(s) (# and size based on activity) Waiting Room (incl. Child area) Storage for meeting room supplies/furniture Scooter/Stroller Parking Refreshment Station (optional) Public Washrooms (access to) Demonstration Kitchen (Diabetes Programming) Medical Records Room Cultural Spaces (specific to functional program) Clinical Area Administration Spaces Examination Rooms Administration Offices and workstations/shared areas Interview/Counselling Room(s) Building Support Rooms Medication Area (room, or cupboard) IT Server / Telephone Room(s) Clean Utility Room Housekeeping Room Soiled Utility Room Electrical and Mechanical Rooms Patient Washroom(s) (single, barrier-free) Mechanical Room Practitioner Work Spaces Garbage / Waste Holding Room Swing Office (with Team model) Storage 10 Table B2. Space Needs Table After all rooms and spaces have been identified, a Total Space Needs Table can be created. Please contact the ministry for a sample Space Needs template table. The table should be organized using the format shown below: Program FTE (related to Program Staff (#) Room Type/ Function Area per Room (SF) Number of Rooms Total Area of Rooms Variance from original planned Area (%) * Room Requirements *add column after initial submission for comparison between planning stages Area per Room - Room Size Appendix B of this Guide presents sizes of each room type that is eligible for capital funding by the ministry. These room sizes reflect the recommended areas as per CSA Z8000 and the limits of ministry funding capacity. The HSP should use the Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide as a companion document when developing the space needs table. Please refer to Part C of this Guide for description of Appendix B. The total area of these room sizes will result in the “net area” of the facility, excluding space needed for circulation. The subsequent development of the net room areas into the total building area of the facility (sometimes referred to as “the gross-up”) is described in Part C of the document. A space needs table that identifies the rooms, net areas and eventual total building area is sufficient for the Pre-Capital or Proposal stage as outlined in the MOHLTC-LHIN Toolkit. At the Functional Program stage, the additional sections of the table are to be completed. Space Variance As planning progresses, changes to room size and/or requirements are likely to occur. The planning team must note the difference and provide an explanation in the Variance column. For room size, the variance should be described in both square feet difference and as a percentage from the original Area of Room. This version of the Space Needs table, which “tracks” the variances should be completed and submitted with each capital stage submission. Please contact the ministry for a sample Space Comparison template table. Room Requirements Each room should have a defined function or range of functions based on the program or services being delivered or performed. In addition to program-specific functional needs, the “Requirements and Recommendations” in the Appendix B Tables must be included. These Room Requirements can be documented in the Space Needs table or separately. The organization should include an Infection Control Professional (ICP) as part of its planning team. The ICP should be involved at this early stage to ensure infection control measures are accounted for in the early planning decisions and subsequently incorporated in room requirements. The ministry will use Appendix B to review the planning submissions and will request clarification or revision where there are discrepancies. 11 Part C: Determining Total Space Needs C.1 Room Sizes and Functional Room Requirements – Net Square Feet (NSF) The Room Sizes and Functional Room Requirements Tables (“Space Tables”) in Appendix B are defined in two major categories: Clinical Support Spaces Facility Support Spaces The Space Tables provide a complement of rooms that may occur in a community health care facility. Each room has an assigned Net Square Foot area (NSF) and a list of Room Requirements and Recommendations. The NSF defines the net amount of space for each room type, not including space for circulation or building structure and thickness of walls (building structure and exterior wall thickness is only required to be calculated in new-build projects). The Room Requirements and Recommendations column define the ‘mandatory’ and ‘advisory’. The advisory items are recommended if they are appropriate to the program needs. It is the responsibility of the HSP and its consultants to ensure that the mandatory requirements and appropriate advisory elements are incorporated in the early planning space estimates and at subsequent detailed design. A total Net Square Foot (total NSF) area is the result of adding the total room net areas. The NSF for each room is a guide, representing recommended sizes based on CSA standards for functionality and infection, prevention and control and the ministry’s funding limits. If rooms are sized larger than in the space tables in Appendix B, the ministry will require LHINendorsed clinical or program evidence demonstrating the need for the increase and LHIN support for the operating cost impact. Please refer to the Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide. C.2 Additional Design Factors to Reach the Total Area Planning factors must be applied to the total NSF to achieve a Total Building Gross Square Footage (BGSF). These include: Future Growth and Flexibility 12 Component Grossing Factor Building Grossing Factor C.2.1 Future Growth and Flexibility To accommodate minor changes and/or growth in core programs, the ministry may support up to 5% of the total net area to be added to the total NSF. For Community Health Centres, this space is intended to support growth and flexibility for the primary care or clinical program (as opposed to group space or administrative space). For other community HSPs, it is intended for general program-related areas. The ministry will review a variety of factors in its consideration of the space (e.g. effective utilization of the planned spaces, lease terms, location etc.). Any projected growth above 5% must be submitted to the ministry for review. The HSP should work with the LHIN, using client profile projections and any data that the facility has tracked and can demonstrate as evidence for growth. Soft Space Planning Future growth/flexibility space can be accommodated adjacent to the clinical zone or core program area by using spaces that can be converted with minimal capital investment. For example, storage, office space or interview rooms that can be easily relocated could be planned adjacent to the clinical zone. If the soft space is intended for future clinical functions, the mechanical ventilation of this space should be designed with the potential to provide enhanced ventilation requirements with minimal alteration. Future Growth and Flexibility Up to 5% of the total NSF or an actual area. This number becomes the new total NSF. 13 C.2.2 Grossing Factors: Component Gross Square Footage (CGSF) and Building Gross Square Footage (BGSF) The following factors are recommended to be used at early planning stages to estimate overall space budgets. Variables such as existing space configuration, structure or special program needs may change the actual area represented by these factors. As planning progresses into detailed design, the actual areas should be measured and compared against these factors. i) Component Gross Square Footage (CGSF) To account for the space required for circulation between rooms and zones, at early planning stages, a planning factor is applied. This factor results in the Component Gross Square Footage or “CGSF”. At later design stages, this area can be calculated on the drawings by the design team and compared against the assumed CGSF planning factor. The ministry expects planning to be efficient and balanced to minimize circulation space, yet ensure safety and quality to achieve good patient flow, workflow and staff movement and support accessibility. ii) Building Gross Square Footage (BGSF) To account for the thickness of exterior walls, minor vertical engineering spaces (plumbing, ventilation and electrical) and any vertical spaces such as stairways and elevators, an additional factor is applied to the CGSF. This factor results in the Building Gross Square Footage or “BGSF”. For new-build projects, the BGSF factor must be applied to ensure that cost estimates account for construction materials and building configuration. For leasehold projects, there is no vertical space or exterior wall thickness to calculate. The extent of the space is the rentable boundary. Therefore, the “CGSF = BGSF”. Common Space: For leasehold projects, the facility will share some spaces with other tenants (e.g. common lobby / main entrance areas, service rooms, vestibules, stairways and elevators). The lease must clearly define these spaces with an associated area and lease rate. The HSP will be responsible to pay for the use of that space within the agreed-upon rent from its operational budget. Common space is not added to the total area and is not included in the capital funding used to construct the space. The Landlord is responsible for all basic upgrades to those areas, and therefore, any upgrade work should not be included in the capital costs. However, if the facility requires specialized improvements, it should consult with the ministry to determine if the capital improvements to those spaces would be eligible for ministry funding support. 14 C.2.3 Applying the Grossing Factors i) CSGF: For leasehold and new-build projects: Component Grossing Factor Apply a factor of 1.35 (+35 %*) to the total NSF to arrive at the total area of the facility (within exterior walls). 35% should accommodate the circulation space necessary to link together the net spaces and area occupied by internal walls. Projects may experience a lower factor once the building design is refined. For leasehold projects: the CGSF is the total gross floor area for the capital project. *35% represents a blend of areas within the facility. Once floor plans have been developed, the actual circulation area should be measured and documented. ii) BGSF: New-build projects For new build projects, an additional grossing factor beyond the 35% factor is required to account for the thickness of exterior walls, minor vertical engineering spaces (plumbing, ventilation and electrical) and any vertical spaces such as stairways and elevators (if more than 2-storeys). Building Grossing Factor Apply a factor of 1.15 (+15 %*) to the CGSF to arrive at the BGSF. The BGSF is now the total building area of the capital project. Projects may experience a lower factor once the building design is refined. *15% represents an approximate building gross up for recent new build projects. Once floor plans have been developed, the actual building gross up area should be measured and documented. 15 Part D: Design Considerations D.1 CSA-Z8000-11 Canadian Health Care Facilities The ministry strongly encourages each HSP and its planning and design team to obtain a copy and be familiar with the standard and future updates. See Section 2.4 of this Guide. D.2 Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Understanding the gamut of IPAC planning, from the early identification of the client risk profile with the preparation of an Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA), to location of hand hygiene sinks and alcohol-based hand rub stations, is critical to planning a facility. Section 4.5 of CSA Z8000 provides an excellent overview of the principles and issues to be considered. The ministry requires that the IPAC measures of CSA Z8000 are incorporated into community health care facilities and requires the HSP to retain an independent, accredited infection control professional (ICP) as part of the facility planning and design team to lead the implementation of the standards and best practice. D.3 Building Systems for Communitybased Healthcare Facilities – Class “C” Health care facilities require a higher level of building services, such as ventilation, electrical and plumbing services than a commercial building or use. It is the responsibility of the HSP and its consultants to ensure that the facility design meets required health and life safety regulations, and is designed to standards that create the appropriate physical environment for the type of health care that is being provided. As many community health care facilities are located in leased premises, selection of a suitable location and lease terms may be impacted by the feasibility of the existing building system to meet health care facility requirements. Class “C” Health Care Facilities: Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Standards Community health care facilities are classified as “Class C” facilities, as defined in CAN/CSA Z317.2 Special Requirements for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems in Healthcare Facilities (CSA Z317). “Class C” facilities are described by CSA as ambulatory facilities including outpatient clinics and doctors’ clinics. The standard requires enhanced ventilation and filtration systems. This standard is embedded in the Ontario Building Code legislation; however, it is often overlooked in early planning of smaller health care facilities, such as community health centres. 16 If the ventilation requirements are not addressed in early planning, designing to these standards late in project planning or retrofitting results in unnecessary cost increases and delays. The ministry expects that facilities will be designed to meet the CSA standards and these systems accounted for in early capital cost budgets and more detailed cost estimates. D.4 Building Legislation, Codes and Standards All facilities must be designed to meet applicable legislation, codes and standards. The ministry expects that all facilities will be in compliance with the Ontario Building Code. The Ontario Building Code references many standards as “good engineering practice”. These include the Fire Code, the Electrical Safety Act and relevant CSA standards for health care facilities. Establishing criteria for items such fire and life safety for building occupants, cabling requirements, emergency power needs and plumbing requirements will impact budget planning and possibly, site selection. Incorporation of the impacts of these requirements should be addressed as early as possible in the planning process. 5.0 Conclusion Through the use of this Guide, health care facility administrators and planners should be able to arrive at a total space requirement for the capital project by applying the progressive steps of program definition, effective room utilization and staffing needs, matched with the careful assignment of rooms to support functions. The ministry encourages that at all capital planning stages, the HSP and its design team strive for the effective use of space to create a safe and quality environment for the delivery of health care. Please contact the ministry with any questions or for assistance in the application of this Guide. 6.0 Implementation This Guide will be distributed by the ministry to community health care sector stakeholders as an approved guidance document for the planning and review of community capital proposals. Comments and/or questions are welcomed and can be directed to the information at the front of the Guide. Feedback will be collected by the ministry for consideration for future revisions. 17 7.0 Bibliography CHIR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research); Canadian Standards Association CSAZ317.1-09 - Special Requirements for Plumbing Installations in Healthcare Facilities Canadian Standards Association CAN/CSA-Z317.2-10 - Special Requirements for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems in Healthcare Facilities Canadian Standards Association CSA Z317.13-07 - Infection Control during Construction or Renovation of Healthcare Facilities Canadian Standards Association CSA Z8000-11 - Canadian Healthcare Facilities Capital Planning Manual (1996), Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 1996 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRES TAKE BIG STEP FORWARD Community Health Centres Will Increase Access to Primary Care, Strengthen Communities; News Release Communiqué; Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care/ Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée, July 17, 2006, 2006/nr-082 Declaration of Alma-Ata, International Conference on Primary Healthcare, Alma-Ata, USSR, 612 September 1978; Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) 2010 Guidelines for Healthcare Construction, Facility Guidelines Institute, Washington D.C. Generic Output Specifications - Beta GOS (2008). Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Health, Not Healthcare – Changing the Conversation. 2010 Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, December 1, 2011 Looking Back, Looking Forward - The Ontario Health Services Restructuring Commission (1996-2000) A Legacy Report , The Ontario Health Services Restructuring Commission (HSRC), March 2000 MOHLTC‐ LHIN Joint Review Framework for Early Capital Planning Stages Toolkit, November 9, 2010 Ontario’s Action Plan for Healthcare: Better patient care through better value from our healthcare dollars, February 2012, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion First International Conference on Health Promotion Ottawa, 21 November 1986 WHO/HPR/HEP/95.1; 18 Appendix A – Workload Data Table Please contact the ministry for a copy of this form and any questions regarding the form. Workload Data for Community Health Service Providers HSP to complete all cells highlighted in yellow Facility Name: Funding Status (use drop down options) Stage of Project: (usedrop down options) Date submitted: Project Name and HCIS #: Completed by: Historic Current Current year previous full (adjust for full year visit history year) Operations Overview Information Select Select Projected Variance Variance Opening year Opening Year minus Current Year Explanation (short reason for variance) Total number of patients with one or more site visits in year Total number of phone encounters with patients in year Operating days per year Hours of operation per day NOTE: Site visit information (one patient may access one or many services). Populate only services provided. Add or delete categories as required. Number of Private Site Visits (per calendar year - Jan1 to Dec 31) Average visit time in minutes (excluding waiting) Private Visits Historic Current Projected Current year previous full (adjust for full year visit history year) Opening Year minus Current Year Opening year Primary Care MD Primary Care Mental Health/Psychiatric Services NP Primary Care Counselling, education and treatment programs (private) Rehabilitation Health Promotion Illness prevention/Education Diabetes Education Maternal/Child Social Work Traditional Care (e.g. Aboriginal Healer) Counselling Geriatrics Allied Health Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Audiology Dietician Podiatry/Chiropody Other Diagnostics (blood work, ECG, etc.) Total number of site visits *Variance Factors (volumes) Variance Confirmed funding for incremental FTEs Adding FTEs within existing budget Program Transfer Total Varience Factors (must equal Variance) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group Programs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average program time in minutes Historic Group/collaborative programs Small Group (5-10 participants) Medium Group (10-30 participants) Large Group (30-100 participants) Current Current year previous full (adjust for full year visit history year) Projected *Variance Factors (volumes) Variance Variance Increased Funding for more FTE Opening year Program Transfer Adding FTEs within existing budget Total Varience Factors (must equal Variance) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Food-related programs Small Group (up to 10 participants) Large Group (up to 30 participants) *Variance Factors- Explanation: If any variance categories have been selected, provide explanation to support projected increased volumes Draft - June 19, 2014 19 Appendix B - Room Sizes and Requirements (Space Tables) Appendix B1 - CLINICAL SPACES Room Name/Item Examination Room Standard Net Area (SF) 120 Requirements and Recommendations CSA Z8000 requires all items as "requirements" or "Mandatory", unless stated under the "Advisory" heading. Those under "Advisory" are recommendations. The ministry supports the "Mandatory" items as planning and design requirements. If a HCF (Health Care Facility) cannot provide the space or amenities required, the Functional Program must provide a description why the requirement cannot be met and the alternative measures to achieve the room function and requirements. (a) Each examination/treatment room shall have a minimum clear floor area according to the space requirements , exclusive of fixed casework. (b) A wall mounted hand hygiene sink shall be located adjacent to the door along with a hand hygiene station at the exterior of the door on the hallway side. Note: this sink shall be used for washing of hands only and shall not be used for the disposal of waste or any other substance. See Hand Hygiene Sink requirements. (c) Privacy curtain shall be located adjacent to the door but away from door swing; another curtain dividing space around exam table may be considered. (d) Exam table shall be required to suit the function of the room. (e) Blood pressure cuff, paper towel dispenser, sharps container and hand hygiene station shall be mounted next to the exam table. (f) Soiled linen hamper and soiled garbage container shall be provided. (g) The minimum door width shall meet the requirements of the Ontario Building Code (approximately 900mm or 36") but must be wide enough to support the accessibility needs of the client profile. **see Advisory comments. (h) A minimum 1500 [5'-0"] turning circle shall be provided for standard wheelchair accessibility on one side of the exam room. (i) A minimum 1500 [5'-0"] turning circle shall be provided for standard wheelchair accessibility on one side of the exam room. (j) Sharps disposal shall be provided in a safe location and near the point of use, in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation. (k) If in accordance with the HCF's record management and operational budgets, provision shall be made within the room for electronic charting and access to health records. (l) The room arrangement shall provide for access and clearance (800 mm) [2'-6"] on one side and at the foot of an adult patient as accommodated on an extended examination table. (m) If the HCF has been approved for Ontario Telehealth Network (OTN) access, provision should be made for Telehealth through room colour, lighting, acoustics, the selection and placement of furniture, and adequate space for Telehealth equipment. (n) An exam light shall be provided over the therapy area. (o) Rooms used for pelvic exams shall allow for the foot of the examination table to face away from the door. (p) Where renovation work is undertaken, every effort shall be made to meet these minimum standards. In such cases, each room shall have a minimum clear area of 9.0 sq.m. (100 SF), exclusive of fixed or wall-mounted cabinets and built-in shelves. Advisory: (a) Rooms should be laid out in similar configuration. (b) Each room should contain a work counter that can accommodate writing; staffaccessible supply storage facilities; an examination light. (c) A vision panel adjacent to or in the door may be considered. (d) The door width for examination rooms should be considered to support the HCF's accessibility plan and client profile: for example, for access to examination rooms by wheelchairs, other mobility devices, bariatric patients, and those that require other mobility support, a door width of 1050mm (41") may be considered. 20 Appendix B1 - CLINICAL SPACES Room Name/Item Examination Room – Large Net Area (SF) 140 (scooter access and/or family accommodation) Hand Hygiene Sink (HHS) Interview Room / Counselling 10 120 Examination Isolation Room (Airborne Precaution Room or "APR") • examination room • ante room • prep alcove 120 55 22 Requirements and Recommendations as per requirements for Standard Examination Room but larger for family or for scooter/mobility device access. The ministry supports one Large Exam Room per facility. For facilities providing services to populations with specific cultural needs, where the patient is regularly accompanied by several people (translator, multiple family members), or, the patient population includes a large proportion of scooter users, more than one Large Examination Room may be required. This need must be clearly demonstrated by the Functional Program, with exam room utilization calculations and patient flow descriptions to illustrate that all rooms are occupied effectively. The LHIN and ministry must both provide written agreement that the need directly supports the provision of Primary Health Care services for the facility's population. If a HCF identifies the need for a larger room for more complex procedures than can be accommodated in a standard exam room, consider an additional Large Exam Room, as supported by the room utilization model. (a) Clearance shall be provided for a scooter turning circle of 1800mm [6'-0"]. (b) Depending on the clinic model and space availability, consideration should be given to two points of entry: from a patient corridor/waiting zone and from a staff/clinical work zone. See "Hand Hygiene Requirements" for full requirements for the HHS and waterless hand hygiene stations as required by CSA (see Appendix B4). Counselling rooms can be sized as interview rooms (2-4 people). The room should be furnished to meet the needs of the patient type. The required furnishings and arrangements to support the patient care needs and ensure staff safety should be determined by the Functional Program. Please refer to Facility Support Spaces for requirements for Interview/Counselling Rooms. In general, community health care facilities should not require the inclusion of an APR. Patients with respiratory infections can be managed through prescribed Infection Control Management procedures such as separated waiting areas, masking and gowning, and protection of health care workers through correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Refer to Public Health Ontario for recommended procedures. The need for an APR must be demonstrated by the Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) and presented in the Functional Program with a business case/rationale that demonstrates need for isolation and enhanced negative pressure air handling system, based on patient population risk and access, or lack of access to other health care services for transportation and holding of an infectious patient. Inclusion of an APR must be coordinated with the Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) and the LHIN, for example, if the HCF is a designated influenza assessment clinic. Written confirmation from EMO and the LHIN that a HCF warrants an APR must be provided to the ministry. The following requirements apply in addition to Examination Room-Standard. (a) Ventilation must meet CSA Z317.2 for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) requirements (in addition to enhanced ventilation for the clinical area). (b) Prep Alcove: A clean area for staff to put on PPE before entering the room shall be provided. (c) A contained soiled area shall be provided outside the procedure room for staff to remove PPE and clean hands prior to entering a public corridor. (d) Layout and service requirements shall conform to current infection prevention and control guidelines (refer to CSA Z8000-11 and Public Health Ontario resources). (e) Depending on the Functional Program, a two-piece barrier-free washroom, directly accessible from within the examination room and for the exclusive use of the Isolation Room and its patient, may be considered. 21 Appendix B1 - CLINICAL SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations Specialized Rooms The ministry supports the use of generic, standardized rooms for treatment. The need for treatment rooms with specialized requirements must be demonstrated in the Functional Program through patient profile data, volumes and room utilization. The following is provided for guidance, should a standard or larger examination room be demonstrated that it is clinically and/or functionally unsuitable for specific treatments. Chiropody Assessment / Therapy / Treatment Room 180 Physiotherapy / Recreational / Occupational Therapy Office with combined Treatment Area Physiotherapy / Occupational / Therapy Activity Room if no administrative 170 space provided, one workstation for therapist administrative functions may be required. Diagnostics Area (such as bloodwork, EKG, specimen collection) space per chair for blood taking 250 Combined assessment, examination and procedure room for foot care, usually associated with a diabetes program. The Functional Program should describe the extent of foot care procedures of the program. (a) Room to comply with common requirements and recommendations for an examination/procedure/treatment room. (b) Space within the room shall be adequate to permit the treatment chair to be reclined. (c) Room shall be located close to clean and soiled utility rooms. (d) Room shall meet required ventilation and Infection, Prevention and Control requirements of the College of Chiropodists of Ontario. Advisory: (a) Room should be located near other diabetes program-related rooms. (b) Room should be located with convenient access to the reception/waiting area, staff workstations, photocopy room. Office is intended for examinations/assessments with sufficient storage for demonstration equipment and educational material. If practitioners are partial FTEs, the office should be designed to be shared, to maximize utilization. (a) Office shall include a hand hygiene sink (see Appendix B4) The ministry supports shared use of one Physiotherapy / Occupational Room to serve both programs. (a) Room shall include a hand hygiene sink. (b) Room shall be located close to clean and soiled utility rooms. 50 120 80 Size to be determined by Functional Program and shall meet infection prevention and control requirements. Need for a dedicated diagnostic area must be demonstrated in the Functional Program that other diagnostic services cannot be met by other services within the immediate area (such as a hospital or testing labs). The ministry supports patient-centered care practices that bring services to the patient. Diagnostics should be accommodated within the client visit in the examination room. For a dedicated Diagnostics area, the Functional Program must demonstrate why diagnostic services cannot be provided in the examination room. (a) Space shall include hand hygiene sink (if multiple stations, not less than one sink for every four places). (b) A separate clinical technique sink shall be provided. (c) Space shall be provided for storage of phlebotomy supply carts and for preparation of biopsy procedure trays (as applicable to services provided/performed). Dental Examination/Operating Suits Dental Practitioner's Office type 1: one desk, no meeting space type 2: one desk, 2 visitor chairs 100 Dental Records Area 100 Clinical dental programs within a community HCF typically receive operational funding from municipal or regional public health unit or other ministry-funded programs. The HSP must provide written confirmation of ongoing funding commitment from the organization and demonstrate volumes and room utilization to the ministry. Sizes of rooms and functional requirements vary across practitioners and should be developed in collaboration with the user group. The space allocations presented here are for early planning assumptions only and must be reviewed and modified as necessary by the user group. Planners and designers must comply with all guidelines and regulations as available 110 22 Appendix B1 - CLINICAL SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) / Storage Dental Exam Room/Operatory Dental Dark Room (if required) Dental Laboratory / "Clean" area Dental Sterilization / "Dirty" area Dental Mechanical/"Pump" 100 80 120 120 50 Requirements and Recommendations from The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO), as the regulatory body for dentistry practice in Ontario, as well as any other requirements by the agency providing operational funding. Compliance with all technical requirements relating to (but not limited to) such as ventilation, lead lining / protection, water temperature and instruments is required. It is the responsibility of the planners and designers to ensure that all regulations and requirements are satisfied. (a) The rooms must be organized as a suite of rooms, adjacent to each other for good patient wayfinding and workflow. Final room sizes to be determined based on technical requirements. Size is proposed for early planning purposes. (b) Operatory rooms should have access to daylight if possible. Support rooms that do not require daylight should be strategically organized to maximize access to daylight for client areas. (c) The Dental Mechanical area may require an electrical panel dedicated to the Dental Suite. Room to be sized according to technical requirements. Size is proposed for early planning purposes. Clinical Area Administration Spaces Charting Alcove 20 Health Practitioner Workstation (open) 65 Post-Secondary Student / Learner Workstation (open) 65 Clinical Administrative Spaces workstation combined Office / Exam Room combined > see (e) for other office sizes, please refer to Appendix B2, Facility Support Spaces 65 160 65 Hotelling Workstation Visiting Specialists or Volunteers Medical Library (for staff) 0 A dedicated area for intermittent charting/administration may be required for larger clinics, as demonstrated by the Functional Program. Assign one workstation to each part-time practitioner/staff member for administrative functions. Counselling or care-related functions shall be assigned space to suit the function (i.e. A part-time counsellor may require access to an enclosed interview/counselling room). If the area is designed as a collaborative, "open workstation" model, access to a "swing office" can be included for privacy/small meetings. (a) Adequate space and lockable storage is required for each user. (b) If the space is a collaborative area, acoustic privacy shall be considered. The need for an additional administrative work area to be used by clinical Learners or volunteer staff must be demonstrated by the Functional Program and linked to the direct delivery of an ongoing post-secondary primary health care related program. For Learners, the facility must demonstrate a formal relationship with a post-secondary institution and provide a Clinical Teaching Plan to identify link to the primary care program, Learner activities, frequency and administrative space needs. Dedicated clinical and/or examination rooms for Learners, is not supported. Private office space is supported only for health care practitioners who do not have access to an examination room (such as Allied Health Workers), or require an enclosed office to conduct combined administration and examination/counselling functions. For administrative clinical work, a collaborative team/hub model in a workstation zone or room is supported. The Functional Program must demonstrate need and utilization of private offices. If a private office is used for treatment, or giving of injection (such as insulin), a Hand Hygiene Sink is required. Offices not used for treatment are recommended to be located adjacent to and within the "Class C HCF" ventilation zone of the clinical area to support future flexibility. Advisory: (a) Patient care areas should have priority for exterior views and access to daylight. However, if possible, staff offices should have an exterior view. (b) All offices should be acoustically insulated for confidentiality. (c) The entry door should have a vision panel with blinds. (d) Office users should have a sightline to the door when seated at their workstations. (e) For a combined Office/Exam room, the treatment area is designed as per requirements for Standard Examination Room but with additional space for a workstation of 50SF (circulation included within the 120 SF of the Exam space). One generic workstation as a flexible work area for occasional administrative tasks for visiting specialists and/or volunteers. Shelving for storage of medical books/volumes is to be included in workstation 23 Appendix B1 - CLINICAL SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations areas/offices/meeting rooms that are conveniently accessible to users, as determined through the design process. Dedicated space is not supported. Clinical Area Support Spaces Client/Patient Washroom (single, two-piece, barrier-free) 50 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Refer to Ontario Building Code for barrier free standards and requirements (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Client/Patient Washroom with Shower (single, three-piece, barrier-free) 75 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Medication / Medical Storage Depending on the amount of medication held/administered in the HCF, a locked cupboard may be sufficient, as determined by the Functional Program. 100 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Each clinical area or zone shall have one patient-dedicated washroom. A second washroom may be considered as determined by the Functional Program and number of examination rooms. The toilet and sink shall be hands free operation. Dispensers for paper towels shall be hands free (i.e., the hands only touch the towel). A mirror and coat hooks shall be provided. Toilets with tanks shall not be used, due to the risk of condensation. If urine specimens are being provided in the HCF, procedures for pick-up/transport shall ensure that no cross contamination occurs into the general clinic area. The door shall be easily accessible by staff, while allowing privacy. There shall be sufficient space for a 1500 mm [5'-0"] wheelchair turning radius. The washroom shall be barrier-free and meet all building code requirements for accessibility. The toilet, sink and grab bars shall be capable of supporting 250kg [500 lb]. If bariatric clients are included in the demographic and space needs demonstrated in the Functional Program, washroom fixtures and related physical design must be adequately specified. One client/patient washroom can contain a shower, if required for infection, prevention and control purposes to allow staff to safely examine the client/patient. The need must be demonstrated by the Functional Program that it serves the HCF's target population and that operational measures (e.g. staffing, utilities and maintenance) are in place. Written LHIN endorsement for provision of a client/shower is required with the Functional Program. As integrated with a two-piece washroom, the shower area shall be open to the toilet area and a minimum dimension of 1200x1500mm [4'-0" x 5'-0"]. Showers shall have no floor lip, but the entire room shall be sloped to a drain; the floor shall have a non-slip finish with an integral cove base. The shower shall have grab bars and a fold-down seat. A readily accessible emergency call device shall be provided, with shut-off only at source. The washroom shall be barrier-free and meet all building code requirements for accessibility. The washroom shall accommodate storage for soiled clothes, clean linens, and shelving. If bariatric clients are included in the demographic and space needs demonstrated in the Functional Program, washroom fixtures and related physical design must be adequately specified. A scientific refrigerator/freezer shall be provided, as determined by the Functional Program. Alarms and emergency power needs for refrigeration shall also be determined by the Functional Program. Built-in battery backup systems are preferred. The room/area shall be secure with access restricted to clinical staff. A hand-hygiene sink shall be mounted on the wall adjacent to the door. If medication is being prepared, the sink shall be mounted away from the medication area due to risk of splashing and aerosolization. Ease of access and observation of the area should be considered. Ensure necessary area and clearances for access to refrigerators. 24 Appendix B1 - CLINICAL SPACES Room Name/Item Clean Storage/Supplies Net Area (SF) 120min (if room) can be an enclosed room or alcove with double doors Soiled Utility / Holding • small (minimum) 130 • medium 150 Requirements and Recommendations (a) An enclosed room shall not be less than 120 SF. An alcove with double doors may be sufficient, as determined by the Functional Program. (b) Clean and soiled utility rooms shall be separated spaces. (c) Decontamination of or cleaning up supplies shall not be permitted in the clean utility room. (d) Areas for storage of clean and sterile supplies shall conform to CSA Z314.15. (e) Clean utility rooms shall not include a hand hygiene sink in the room. There shall be a hand hygiene station located outside the room. (f) The room or area shall be secure with access limited to clinical and support staff. (g) If reprocessing of medical equipment is performed, the space shall meet the requirements of CSA Z314.8, CSA Z314.2 and CSA Z314.3 as applicable. (h) The room shall have designated locations for the types of items being stored e.g. (i) clean and sterile supplies (ii) clean linen (iii) crash carts*, as determined by the Functional Program. *Crash carts are not usually required in for primary care, as the facility does not provide emergency or acute services for patients. Need for use, maintenance and storage of a crash cart(s) should be determined through the Functional Program, with a description of why crash carts are required for that facility. (i) The room should be located close to the centre of the care area. (j) Shelving units or cart surfaces shall have cleanable, smooth and non-porous surfaces tolerant of hospital-grade disinfectants. (k) Storage of equipment and supplies shall not be exposed to direct airflow from the HVAC system in accordance with CSA Z314.15 and CSA Z314.3. Storage should be away from the window, due to the risk of condensation. (l) Flooring shall be of seamless impermeable, non-slip material. Wall base and floor edges should be an integral cove base, tightly sealed against the wall and constructed without any gaps. (m) The principles of ergonomics shall be addressed when designing the storage space and locations of supplies. (n) Shelving for clean and sterile supplies shall be at least: (i) 230 mm off the floor; (ii) 450 mm from the ceiling; and (iii) 50 mm from outside walls. (a) Clean and soiled utility rooms shall be separated spaces. (b) Soiled utility rooms shall only be used for temporary storage or supplies and equipment that will be removed for cleaning, reprocessing or destruction. (c) The room shall be located and arranged to provide easy access for staff to deposit soiled supplies. (d) Soiled utility rooms shall be designed and equipped to minimize/contain the aerosolization of waste. (e) A hand hygiene sink shall be provided. Note: This sink shall be separate from the utility/cleaning sink. (f) Space shall be provided at the point of use for rinsing of gross soil or debris from reusable devices. (g) Easy access shall be provided for closed human waste container, cleaning devices or disposable human waste container devices. (h) Flooring shall be of seamless impermeable, non-slip material. (i) Splash protection shall be provided on walls near water supply, sinks or human waste management systems. (j) Counter tops shall be of non-porous material, free from seams and tolerant of routine daily cleaning with hospital grade disinfectants. (k) The room shall be secure with access restricted to clinical and support staff. (l) Doors shall be kept closed and not propped open. (m) The room shall be designed to minimize exposure of patients, staff, and visitors to odour, noise and the visual impact of medical waste operations. 25 Appendix B1 - CLINICAL SPACES Room Name/Item Soiled Utility / Holding (cont'd) Housekeeping / Janitorial Closet or Room Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations (n) The room shall have the capacity to: (i) segregate wastes into HCF approved containers; (ii) hold soiled linen and items for return to outsource service; (iii) contain a human waste management system - if required/detailed by need in Functional Program; (iv) contain supplies associated with waste management systems; and, (v) provide for cleaning soiled patient equipment that is not returned to outsourcing for sterilization. (o) Spray wands shall not be used for rinsing of items. Equipment used for removal of gross soiling shall minimize aerosolization of particulates. (p) Space shall be provided for separate mobile containers for soiled linen, general waste, medical/hazardous waste, confidential waste, and recycling, etc. (q) The room shall provide storage for carts that will be used to move the soiled material from the room. (r) Hoppers should not be required in a primary care setting. Need must be demonstrated through the Functional Program. If they are used, they shall be designed to contain any splash and the controls shall be located so as not to expose staff to contaminants. (s) A washer / disinfector shall be provided in accordance with the Functional Program. Refer to Appendix B2-Facility Support Spaces 26 Appendix B2 - FACILITY SUPPORT SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations CSA Z8000 requires all items as "requirements" or "Mandatory", unless stated under the "Advisory" heading. Those under "Advisory" are recommendations. The ministry supports the "Mandatory" items as planning and design requirements. If a HCF (Health Care Facility) cannot provide the space or amenities required, the Functional Program must provide a description why the requirement cannot be met and the alternative measures to achieve the room function and requirements. Administrative Support Spaces for the Clinical Zone/Area Reception / Control Desk provide an additional 30% of total FTE area for storage provide an additional 50SF for a small triage/interview area for confidentiality that provides accessibility 65 per FTE Workstation space to be calculated using FTEs as opposed to occupants, as multiple receptionists may share workstation(s) depending on scheduling/ work planning. Functional Program to demonstrate utilization of workstations and FTE / Staff assignments. Additional work space may be considered for peak-time staff if demonstrated in the Functional Program. (a) The reception/control desk shall be positioned so that there is security control and staff can easily provide and receive information. (b) The area shall be designed according to accessibility, ergonomic and occupational health and safety principles. Refer to Accessibility Directorate of Ontario for staff and visitor accessibility requirements. (c) The station shall be designed to ensure personal security for staff. Security can be achieved through engineering controls such as: (a) desk height; (b) transparent screen: (i) A screen shall be erected at the reception desk to provide protection for staff during the triage function from patients who may be or are infectious. The screen also provides separation of contact with surface materials (i.e. shared pens, other materials). Provision of a screen is a key component of the ICRA and must be reviewed with the HCF, ICP and architect during the design phase. The screen can be made of a transparent material that can sustain regular cleaning with cleaners and disinfectants. The patient intake process and planning of the desk and screen area shall consider confidentiality and privacy needs. (ii) If a screen is not provided, the ICP must provide to the ministry an explanation of the reason why it is not deemed required and what alternative screening measures will be implemented. The ministry reserves the right to require installation of a screen. Note: a screen may not be appropriate for community-based mental health programs that are based on a model of integration; however, the HCF must provide written confirmation of alternative infection control and staff safety/security measures. (d) All entry points to the clinical area beyond the Reception Desk shall be secure and require controlled access. Consider operations so that staff do not need to leave the area to escort patients (such as intercom, "runners", volunteers). (e) Plan the Reception Area to accommodate a patient screening process that enables staff to determine if patients are infectious and require to be seated in the separated area of the Waiting Area. Advisory: (a) Depending on workflow model, consideration should be given to create a secondary, designated area (workstation) for re-booking appointments to ease congestion / crowding at the intake area. (b) A counter should be provided at the back of the workstation for storage of paper and other procedural material. This material should not be laying on the front counter that is approached by patients. (c) Consideration should be given to create a secondary entry for the movement of supplies and garbage. (d) The placement of the computer should be convenient to allow for easy input, but not to obstruct visual connection between staff and patient, nor to be visible by the patient. (e) Staff shall have easy access to a hand-hygiene station. This can be a wall-hung sink in the area or an alcohol-based sanitizer. (f) An alcohol-based sanitizer shall be easily accessible to patients at the counter. (g) Planning of the desk and shall address confidentiality and privacy. (h) Consider space for charting, as determined by the workflow model. 27 Appendix B2 - FACILITY SUPPORT SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations Waiting Area general seating 15 per seat wheelchair/scooter/ba riatric 30 per chair separated area for infectious patients(once screened and masked) 20per seat (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Children's Waiting Zone (open to Waiting Area) up to 45 15 per child (a) (b) (c) Visitors' Coat Area 1 lineal foot for 2 coats up to 20 Medical Records / File Room up to 150 If within Medical Records/ File Room: space is additional to filing area; should accommodate 1 photocopy machine with worktable 50 If enclosed room, separate from File Room area 120 Assume an open coat hook area to contain 20 coats; space is in addition to Waiting Area seat calculations. Design coat area to keep the Waiting Area free from clutter and congestion. (a) For protection of patient records and privacy, the area shall be secure and accessible only to staff and other designated personnel, as determined by the Functional Program. (b) The principles of ergonomics shall be addressed when designing the storage and filing spaces and equipment selection. Photocopy / Workroom For early planning purposes, allocate two seats per treatment space (exam room and/or counselling) For early planning purposes, of the total number of seats, include 10% for wheelchair/scooter/bariatric places. If more than 10% is required, provide explanation in Functional Program as related to patient population profile. For early planning purposes, of the total number of seats, include 20% for separated/infectious patients (once screened and masked). Determine the anticipated number of spaces based on Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA). If the HCF includes a dental program, consider seating based on clinic scheduling and workflow. Waiting rooms for patients and accompanying persons shall be located close to the entrance. Waiting rooms should be located such that they can be observed by the reception / appropriate staff at all times. Zones shall be created so more infectious persons can be directed to a separate area. Note: Zones can be established through seating, air flow, colors, walls, etc. Public washrooms shall be provided in close proximity. Waiting areas shall be sized to accommodate wheelchairs, scooters, and/or strollers. Different seating types that include chairs with arms, armless chairs, and bariatric seating shall be provided as appropriate to the expected patient population. Seating should be able to be cleared readily except where client demographic/program requires non-movable furniture. A telephone should be provided with local calling access and accessibility functions. Consider a charging station for scooters if not accommodated elsewhere. For early planning purposes, assume space for three children. Area is in addition to Waiting Area calculations. Inclusion of a child waiting zone is conditional on supervision of children in this area being the responsibility of adult client caregiver(s) and not HCF staff. The area should be located adjacent to and open to the general Waiting Room / Area. The walls shall be of impact-resistant materials. The floor shall be of resilient, water-resistant material; area should be able to be cleared readily. Parents are encouraged to bring their own books/toys for the short waiting period. The HCF is recommended not to provide toys or play equipment. Please refer to CHICACANADA PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS-Toys, October 2011. Can be a separate room or integrated with file room. (a) If integrated with the Medical Records/File Room, access to the Photocopy area shall prevent unauthorized access to the Medical Records/File Room. (b) For protection of patient records and privacy, the area shall be secure and accessible only to staff and other designated personnel, as determined through the Functional Program. (c) The principles of ergonomics shall be addressed when planning the work area. (d) Ensure adequate ventilation for office machines. 28 Appendix B2 - FACILITY SUPPORT SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations Staff Support Spaces Administrative Offices type 0: workstation (administrative assistants) type 1: one desk, no meeting space type 2: one desk, 2 visitor chairs type 3: one desk, small meeting area type 4: one desk, meeting area/4 chair type 5: Shared Office (2 FTEs) Staff Lunchroom / Lounge 15 SF / person + 50SF for kitchenette space 200 assumes 10 staff (50% occupancy of approx. 20 FTEs) storage/locker area for staff in addition to Lounge area (see below) 65 100 Advisory: (a) Patient care areas should have priority for exterior views and access to daylight. However, if possible, staff offices should have an exterior view. (b) All offices should be acoustically insulated for confidentiality. 110 120 (c) The entry door should have a vision panel with blinds. 150 (d) Office users should have a sightline to the door when seated at their workstations 160 up to 200 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Staff includes Primary and Allied Care program staff and students. Note: volunteers may or may not have access to the staff lounge, as defined per user group. A kitchenette shall be provided. A hand-hygiene sink shall be provided, in addition to kitchenette in-counter sink. Natural light should be considered. Room should accommodate hanging coats and boot storage. Room shall have controlled access by staff and authorized persons only. Room shall accommodate lockers for staff if required (see below). Room shall accommodate storage area for students on placement and volunteers, if those persons are related to direct delivery of a program/service. Locker Area within Staff Lunchroom/Lounge • purse locker 1.5 ea • half locker 4.5 ea Staff Washroom - twopiece barrier-free Private office space for HCF Administrators or Allied Health staff who require an enclosed office for privacy functions are supported. Administrative Assistants should be assigned 1 workstation; a rationale for an enclosed office will be required with the Functional Program. 50 Lockers are intended for staff who do not have access to a dedicated workstation or enclosed office space to store personal belongings. (a) Size of locker to be determined by use as demonstrated by Functional Program (if only for storing personal valuables, purse-size locker; if staff are changing, then half-size locker is appropriate.) (b) Lockers should be assigned to a single individual. (c) For students on placement and/or volunteers, an additional storage/locker area of up to 10% of the Staff Lounge Space is supported, demonstrated by the number of students/volunteers in the facility at any one time. Up to two staff washrooms shall be provided within or convenient to the clinical care area, based on numbers of FTE as demonstrated in the Functional Program. If only one staff washroom is provided, it may include a shower (see below); if two washrooms are provided, one shall be two-piece with wheelchair turning radius and the other can include a shower (see below). (a) All washrooms shall be accessible as per the Ontario Building Code accessibility requirements. (b) At least one staff washroom shall accommodate a 1500 mm [5'-0"] wheelchair turning radius. 29 Appendix B2 - FACILITY SUPPORT SPACES Room Name/Item Staff Washroom with Shower (single, three-piece, barrier-free) Net Area (SF) 75 Requirements and Recommendations One Staff shower may be included to address infection, prevention and control issues, to allow staff to shower if they become soiled during an examination/treatment. The Functional Program should describe the need for a Staff Shower based on the HCF's client population. Shower should be strategically located between the clinical area and Staff Lounge/Lockers. Please refer to requirements for Client/Patient Shower. Shared Spaces Meeting Rooms For conference-style seating, assume one meeting table and non-fixed chairs. Allocate 25 SF per occupant with minimum room size of 120 SF. • Interview / Counselling Room** (2 - 4 people) 120 (a) Space includes table, seating, circulation and cupboard storage. • Small Meeting Room (up to 6 people) 150 (b) Include a minimum 1500mm (5'-0") linear cabinet along one wall for equipment and material storage and display. • Medium Meeting Room (up to 15 people) 375 (c) Include 1 - 2 whiteboards. (d) Include voice and data and cabling. (e) Include for Ontario Telenetworking (OTN) infrastructure, if the HCF is approved for OTN services. (f) Doors shall have a glazed insert. (g) Interview Room for counselling purposes: (i) may be furnished with more comfortable, lounge furniture. (ii) furniture shall be arranged so that the Practitioner has direct access to the door for safety. (iii) consider a low-mounted mirror to be used by the client / patient in a sitting position. (iv) include hand hygiene station, in accordance with Public Health Ontario guidelines. (v) include dimmable lighting controls. (h) Consider shelving for communal reference material. (i) Rooms shall be design for acoustic privacy. 25 (a) Locate in an accessible area for all users and for after-hour access. (b) Consider location in proximity to group program areas / rooms. (c) Ensure that procedures are in place for maintaining cleanliness of area (in-counter cup sink). (d) Design station to accommodate bar fridge if refrigeration is necessary. Note: the ministry does not provide capital support for appliances such as kettles, coffee makers, bar fridges. **• if a Quiet Room is required, designate one Interview Room for flexibility Refreshment Station Multipurpose Rooms • Group Room (up to 30 people) up to 360 Multi-purpose rooms are typically used for educational sessions/presentations/group activities. Multi-purpose rooms are intended for the internal use of the HCF for the direct delivery of its programs and services. For flexible room / furniture configurations, assume non-fixed seating and movable tables. Allocate 10 SF per person. 30 Appendix B2 - FACILITY SUPPORT SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) • Multi-Purpose Room (31 100 people) up to 1,000 Storage - Multipurpose Rooms Visitors' Coat Area • 1 lineal foot for 2 coats up to 100 20 (a) Tables and chairs that provide maximum flexibility should be provided. (b) Include a minimum 5'-0" linear cabinet along one wall for equipment and material storage and display. (c) Storage for materials and equipment should be considered. Consider which items can be stored in general storage and which require convenient storage in or close to room. (d) Include voice and data and cabling. (e) Include for OTN infrastructure, if the HCF is approved for OTN services. (f) Consider movable partition/divider for larger rooms to improve flexibility and utilization. (g) Include provisions for audio-visual equipment. Note: please refer to Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide for retractable screens and built-in projectors. (h) Include dimmable lighting controls. (i) Include hand hygiene station, in accordance with Public Health Ontario guidelines. Storage for additional foldable chairs and tables, convenient to all multi-purpose rooms. Assume an open coat hook area to contain 20 coats. (a) Coat area should be visible from reception area or related to group rooms (inside rooms for users, or in area that is easily supervised). For early planning purposes, allocate 250 SF for groups of 8-10 demonstrations (typical for Diabetes Education programs); allocate 400 SF for groups of 11-20. Sizes to be determined at Functional Program. Kitchens greater than 400 SF must be justified through a description of ministry-funded, LHIN supported programs that require such access. Volumes, activities and frequency and sharing of use must be clearly documented with written confirmation from the contributing programs outlining the space needs to deliver the program. LHIN review and written endorsement will be required. Demonstration Kitchen Single Group Demonstration (8 - 10 people) up to 250 Multi-Group / Larger Demonstration (11 20 people) up to 400 Child Care Room or Area Requirements and Recommendations 15 per child 120 min room size For Community Mental Health and Addiction facilities or programs (CMHAs), that are providing meals as demonstrated in the Functional Program and project scope, a commercial kitchen will be required in accordance with applicable codes and regulations . Compliance with the requirements (including grade/specifications of appliances) of the Health Protection and Promotion Act Food Premises Regulation, including initiating and obtaining any approvals required by a Public Health Inspector is the responsibility of the HCF. Kitchen design and infrastructure must comply with applicable codes and regulations. (a) Locate with convenient or direct adjacency to meeting room or multi-purpose room where group programs have food related programs. (b) Consider one or two barrier-free accessible workspaces; integrate for maximum flexibility. Note: the ministry does not provide capital support for motorized adjustable countertops. Dedicated space for childcare for clients/patients with small children who need supervision while the parent is at a healthcare appointment or meeting; or, if HCF has a direct program/service, such as Early Years, as supported by the Functional Program. It is the HCF's responsibility to determine the legal requirements to provide dedicate child care and determine the facility planning requirements to meet applicable legislation and regulations. Written LHIN endorsement for the provision of child care space and operational funding for child care staffing must be provided. Note: Please refer to the Community Health Service Provider Cost Share Guide for capital funding policies for child care spaces. The following areas for early planning purposes; exact sizing of space to be determined through the Functional Program based on size of facility and operations. All technical building / facility support spaces shall have secured / controlled access. Building Support Spaces 31 Appendix B2 - FACILITY SUPPORT SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations Housekeeping / Janitorial Room 75 (a) A housekeeping closet shall be provided in the clinical area; minimum of one closet per 7,000 SF. (b) Every housekeeping room shall have a floor-based 600 mm × 600 mm sink. This sink shall be protected by an easily cleanable wall surface up to 1200 [3'-11"] mm from the finished floor. (c) The housekeeping room shall be large enough to store at least one housekeeping cart - as determined by the Functional Program. (d) Wall protection shall be provided to prevent damage by the carts to a height of 1200 mm [3'-11"]. (e) Room shall include: (i) floor sink for dumping of dirty water from pails, etc.; (ii) fresh water source (hot and cold) for filling pails, etc.; (iii) hand hygiene sink with paper towel dispenser and waste container; (iv) non-fixed shelving unit for storage of supplies (i.e., paper towels, toilet paper) (v) fixed shelving for storage of small quantities of cleaning products. (f) The room shall be secure with access restricted to clinical and support staff. Waste Holding / Garbage Room Regular Garbage, Biological Waste, Recycling, Shredding 120 (a) Garbage room must be located close to the facility's service entrance. Transport of waste shall not occur through clinical program areas. Assume 120 SF for early planning; larger space may be required based on Functional Program Mechanical / Electrical Room Voice and Data Server Room Elevator Machine Room General Storage Laundry In a leasehold facility, garbage rooms are the responsibility of the Landlord as part of the tenant common space. Ensure that terms for access and maintenance are included in the lease. (b) Ensure secure and controlled access. (c) Ensure ample space to permit required separation and storage of waste. (d) Provide ventilation as required by applicable codes and regulations. 50 up to 120 50 (As required) Ensure adequate ventilation / cooling and acoustic control to adjacent rooms. up to 15 SF per FTE General storage can be distributed throughout facility as determined through Functional Program. Does not include medical supply storage or storage associated with the multi-purpose room(s). 50 For early planning purposes, allocate 50 SF. Final size must be determined through engineering design to meet function and applicable codes and regulations. Ensure adequate ventilation / cooling. Laundry should be a stackable washer/dryer with minimal shelving in the kitchen to launder kitchen linens only. The use of cloth gowns for staff and patients should be reviewed as part of the ICRA; consideration should be given to disposal paper gowns. Other laundry purposes must be demonstrated in the Functional Program. (a) Laundry facilities should not be used for laundering patient clothing. (b) Appliances should be residential grade for kitchen linens. 32 Appendix B2 - FACILITY SUPPORT SPACES Room Name/Item Scooter Parking/Storage assume space for 3 scooters Net Area (SF) 150 15 per vehicle Baby Carriage/Stroller Storage assume space for 5 strollers 25 Requirements and Recommendations The use of mobility aids (scooters) is increasing and the size of scooters is increasing. Planning should address the need for scooter storage/parking based on the patient demographic. For early planning, allocate 150 SF. Space should be provided for the parking and/or storage of mobility aids in locations where parking/ storage will be needed. Such locations include but are not limited to entrances, waiting rooms, clinical areas, and meeting spaces. Space to be refined in Functional Program based on client profile. The HCF should establish with the clinical planning team and the ICP, whether scooters should be driven into the clinical area, or if there is a transfer point. At such a transfer point, space for scooter and wheelchair storage must be accommodated. Charging stations shall be provided. If recharging of multiple scooters will take place in a designated area, the area shall meet the applicable requirements for electrical safety and ventilation. (a) In areas of scooter traffic, ensure that floor and wall materials and finishes are highly durable to withstand impact. 5 per stroller Planning should incorporate storage areas for strollers to prevent obstruction of corridors and other circulation/waiting areas. The HCF should determine an average number of strollers that would require parking/storage. The location must be in accordance with fire safety planning and maintaining clear exit pathways. Space above 25 SF must be demonstrated through the Functional Program to illustrate that the space required is directly related to the patient population and programs offered that result in a higher proportion of parents and small children (i.e. Early Years, Youth Parenting programs). 33 Appendix B3 - CULTURAL SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations This Appendix addresses cultural spaces related to the delivery of programs and services of the community HCF. The Functional Program shall demonstrate how the inclusion of cultural spaces is integral to the delivery of community healthcare to the target population. Evidencebased references are recommended as opposed to anecdotal descriptions. The inclusion of such spaces will require review and approval by the ministry. The sizes and space allocations are presented for guidance only, for information at the early planning stages. Actual sizes shall be demonstrated by the Functional Program through detailed description of the ceremony, space features and anticipated number and characteristics of the users. Aboriginal Spaces Sweetgrass Ceremonies general seating 15 30 wheelchair Sweat Lodge 8 ft diameter circle to seat 8 - 12 people approx. 225 approx. 320 10 ft diameter circle to seat 15 - 16 people Medicine Wheel Traditional Healing Medication / Herb Room / Space 150 Functional Program to provide description of function, room requirements, establish space based on number of persons in the room / space. (a) Must conform to applicable codes, and regulations. Note specific municipal regulations/requirements. (b) If seating is provided, it should contain comfortable furniture and diverse seating sizes and arrangements. For early planning purposes, allocate 20 SF per person. Functional Program to provide description of function, room requirements; establish space based on number of persons in the room / space. (a) The Lodge must conform with applicable codes and regulations similar to those required for saunas. (b) The Lodge Room should have a central fire pit. Must conform to applicable codes, and regulations. Note specific municipal regulations/requirements. (c) Acoustical treatment should be provided to ensure a silent environment. (d) Doorways need to be of sufficient width to allow for access/transport of hot materials. (e) The Lodge Room must have the capability to be completely darkened. (f) The location of the Sweat Lodge should ensure privacy and be away from other buildings. (g) Planning should consider process of changing, storing of personal articles and movement (once changed) to Sweat Lodge. (h) Inclusion of shower facilities is not required but may be considered with rationale in the Functional Program. Functional Program to provide description of function, room requirements, establish space based on number of persons in the room / space. (a) The Medicine Wheel is an ancient Aboriginal symbol represented as a circle bisected by two perpendicular lines that cross at the centre point and terminate at the outer edge. These lines yield four spokes at right angles to each other that demarcate four quadrants within the circle. It is not anticipated that incorporating the Medicine Wheel symbolism in the project will have dedicated room or space requirements, although the symbol may inform the concept of the facility. Functional Program to provide description of function, room requirements. Room or space is typically separate from the Medication Room for Western medicine. Variety of shelving types required for various container formats including storage of bags and sacks on floor. Workstation / table with good lighting for preparation and packaging. Refrigeration is required; emergency power for refrigeration to be considered. Finely calibrated / accurate humidity and temperature controls required. Secure access required. A work sink may be required. A hand hygiene sink should be considered either in the room or outside of the room. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 34 Appendix B3 - CULTURAL SPACES Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations Other Spaces Meditative Space (a) Therapeutic Garden (a) (b) (c) (d) Functional Program to provide description of function, room requirements, and establish space based on number of persons and characteristics/needs in the space. Space may be required for multi-purpose functions such as a calming/stabilizing room for mental health or distressed clients/patients/visitors; a quiet room for chronic pain management/yoga, stretching. Ensure room contains building controls for flexibility: dimmable lighting; temperature control; ventilation. Functional Program to provide description of function and requirements that demonstrates need for garden activities to directly support a primary health care program. Functional Program to explore possible community partnerships for either access to off-site gardens, or funding of garden as part of the HCF. Aboriginal-related facilities may incorporate a garden for growing of traditional healing plants and herbs as demonstrated in the Functional Program. Storage and cleaning to be provided for garden tools and materials. A handwash sink must be provided for cleaning of soiled hands. Exterior landscaping area and any exterior or 'accessory' building must meet zoning requirements. Security provisions for site access must be in place as part of the construction and operational costs. Site lighting for security must be incorporated. Advisory: (a) Consider indoor growing opportunities (i.e. herb gardens) that can be incorporated into shared spaces (i.e. kitchen, meeting room). 35 Appendix B4 - HAND HYGIENE REQUIREMENTS Room Name/Item Hand Hygiene Sink Net Area (SF) 10 Requirements and Recommendations Hand hygiene sinks shall be constructed and installed as follows: (a) Materials: (i) Materials shall be non-porous, e.g., porcelain, enamel, vitreous china, or 18 gauge (or thicker) stainless steel. (ii) Granite or marble shall not be used. (b) Size: (i) Hand hygiene sink size shall be sufficient to prevent recontamination (from splashing) during use. Minimum inside dimension should be 350 × 250 mm and a minimum depth of 225 mm. (ii) Cup or bar sinks shall not be used for hand hygiene. Note: Common requirements for the minimum depth of hand hygiene sinks range from 190 to 225 mm. The current recommendation is based on the CHICACanada Healthcare Facility Design Position Statement. (c) Construction: (i) Hand hygiene sinks shall be shaped to prevent splashing and with a collar directing runoff into the sink basin. (ii) Sink shall not be capable of taking a sink plug. (iii) Sink and spout shall be designed such that splashing and aerosolization is minimized. The spout shall not direct water directly into drain but should hit the basin surface in front of the drain. (iv) Spouts shall be free of aerators\modulators\rose sprays and shall not swivel. (v) Strainers and anti-splash fittings at outlets shall not be used. Note: These can easily become contaminated with bacteria. (vi) The outside rim shall be of minimal width and have the surface angled down towards the inside to prevent pooling of water and placement of objects on the rim. (vii) Traps shall be metal. Gaskets at the skin/drain connection shall be plastic or neoprene. Rubber gaskets shall not be used. (viii) Trap size shall be 40 mm diameter. Note: Trap size relates to drainage time and water flow time. (ix) Overflows shall not be used. Note: Overflows are difficult to clean and become contaminated very quickly, serving as reservoirs of bacteria. (x) Adequate flow rate shall be provided to ensure the removal of soap residue. Note: The effectiveness of rinsing is a function of the flow rate, the pressure, and time. (d) Location: (i) Sinks shall be wall-mounted and at least 1 m away from any fixed work surface or separated by a splash barrier. Sinks shall not be inserted into or immediately adjacent to a counter. (ii) Hand hygiene sinks shall be installed at least 865 mm above the floor and shall not have storage underneath (due to proximity to sanitary sewer connections and risk of leaks or water damage). (e) Controls: (i) Taps and controllers shall be hands free. Electric eye, foot pedal, or faucet blade controls may be used. Electric eye operation shall be triggered by hand, not body, placement. A means shall be provided to control the temperature. (ii) Automatic temperature control shall not be used. (iii) Electric eye technology shall have a backup that allows for operation during power interruptions and shall have a means for users to adjust water temperature adjacent to the sink. (f) Backsplash: (i) Adjacent wall surfaces shall be protected from splashes with impermeable back/side splashes. Backsplashes shall be seam free. All edges shall be sealed with a waterproof barrier. Backsplashes shall include the area under the paper towel dispenser and soap dispenser. (ii) Backsplashes shall extend a minimum 600 mm above sink level and a minimum of 250 mm below sink level. (g) Soap and lotion dispensers:(i) Liquid soap and lotion dispensers shall have hands free operation and mounted to permit unobstructed access and minimize splashing 36 Appendix B4 - HAND HYGIENE REQUIREMENTS Room Name/Item Net Area (SF) Requirements and Recommendations ordripping onto adjacent wall and floor surfaces.(ii) Liquid dispensers (soap or lotion) shall use non-refillable bottles and shall be placed to prevent splash-up contamination. Hand Drying Accessible Sinks Waterless hand hygiene station (alcohol based or other waterless hand hygiene dispenser) N/A (a) Single-use paper towels shall be provided. Cloth drying towels shall not be used. Note: Paper hand-towels dry hands rapidly and dispensers can be used by several people at once. They are considered to be the lowest risk of cross-infection and are the preferred option in clinical practice areas. The World Health Organization recommends drying hands with single-use paper towels and does not recommend electric air dryers due to length of time to dry and risk of aerosolization. (b) Towel dispensers shall be mounted to permit unobstructed access and minimize splashing or dripping onto adjacent wall and floor surfaces. (c) Towel dispenser design shall be such that towels are dispensed singly. They shall either be hands-free or designed so that only the towel is touched during removal of towel for use. (d) Hot-air dryers shall not be used for hand hygiene sinks. (e) Paper waste receptacles shall be a corrosion free material and wide mouth design. (f) Space shall be allowed for the placement of waste bins in close proximity to the hand hygiene sink. (g) To avoid recontamination of the hands, paper towels should be available to use on the exit door hardware and a trash container for used towels should be located near the exit door. (h) Bins, with a waste bag, shall be provided in close proximity to each hand hygiene sink. If bins are lidded the bin shall be foot-pedal operated. (a) Hand hygiene sinks shall be located at a level where they can be used by people in wheelchairs and shall be available as per HCF requirements and as per the Ontario Building Code. These are in addition to hand hygiene sinks used by staff. (b) Hand hygiene sinks should be in accordance with ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1. Wheelchair accessible sinks should be wall mounted, made of vitreous china, 510 mm long by 685 mm wide, slab type provided with combination centre set faucets, gooseneck spout, open drain with perforated strainer, and 32 mm cast brass adjustable P-trap with tailpiece. Hand hygiene stations shall be installed at the point of care to improve adherence to infection prevention and control principles. Advisory: (a) Stations should be installed outside treatment rooms at the entrance. (b) Numbers of stations should be reviewed with the local Fire Department official and/or Chief Building Inspector. Definitions FTE ICP ICRA IPAC OTN PPE HHS HWS Full Time Equivalent Infection Control Professional Infection Control Risk Assessment Infection Prevention and Control Ontario Telemedicine Network Personal Protective Equipment Hand Hygiene Sink Hand Wash Sink 37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Catalogue # CIB-XXXXXXX Month/Year © Queen’s Printer for Ontario