



CM Design Group, Inc.

Carlos Gonzalez

2831 Exchange Ct.

West Palm Beach, FL 33409

RE: Development Review Committee Comments, Conditions & Certification Issues

Petition No.:

Petition Name:



Planet Kids IX

James K. Johnson

Project Manager: Eric McClellan, Planner I


Location: SWC of 92 nd

Ln. N. and Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd.

Request: Class A Conditional Use to allow a daycare, general.


The Development Review Committee (DRC) comments, certification issues and recommended conditions of approval for this petition are below. It is recommended that you contact the governmental agency identified in the heading above each item prior to the DRC meeting. The DRC will certify your application only upon resolution of all certification issues, acceptance of the recommended conditions of approval and compliance with the ULDC.

Original Submittal



November 21, 2001

October 23, 2003

ZONING DIVISION (Mr. McClellan, 233-5584)

General Application:

1. The following comments are based on the site plan and supporting documents submitted as of October 23,

2003. If not certified at the November 12, 2003 DRC meeting, then substantial site plan and document changes are due on November 25, 2003 for the December 10, 2003 DRC agenda. Additional staff comments may result from the revised documents and/or site plans.

The Zoning Division recommends that agent(s) contact neighborhood organizations at least sixty

(60) days prior to ZC/BCC Hearings. COMMENT

2. Responses to all DRC Comments/Certification Issues shall be in a written format. COMMENT

3. Revise all supporting documents (General Application, Tabular Data, Justification Statement, etc.) to be consistent with the revised site plan. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

4. Provide the appropriate envelopes for all property owners within 500 feet and an updated Notice Affidavit.


Site Plan:

5. Site Data table: clarify project number, FAR and building coverage; provide a Concurrency Approval table in accordance with the Technical Requirements manual; label Tier, gross floor area (GFA), number of children, building height, and number of stories/floors in appropriate order. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

6. Revise Proposed Property Development Regulations table to be accurate and consistent with site plan.


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7. Label use, number of children, square footage, height and stories/floors within footprint of proposed building. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

8. Clarify existing use for adjacent properties to north, south and west. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

9. Revise the east side of the proposed building to comply with the minimum side street setback (50’ required versus 48’ provided on site plan). CERTIFICATION ISSUE

10. Clarify discrepancy between dimensions labeled on plan versus actual (scale) dimensions for rear and side street setback, septic area, and terminal and interior landscape islands. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

11. Provide an additional drop-off stall (5 provided, 6 required) to satisfy the minimum requirements of ULDC

Table 7.2-1; label typical width and depth dimensions for a single drop-off stall, handicapped stall and standard parking space; label number of parking spaces in each row; provide dimension detail for drive aisle. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

12. Revise terminal and interior landscape islands to comply with the minimum dimension requirements of ULDC


13. Per ULDC Section 6.4.D.28.e.(5), provide a fence along the west side of the proposed building to fully enclose the activity area, to clarify/define the northern boundary of the play area, and to provide a barrier from the parking area. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

14. Staff recommends that the front façade of the building be oriented toward Seminole Pratt Whitney Road to minimize visual impact on the adjacent residential property to the north. COMMENT

15. Staff does not support the proposed location for the dumpster. Staff recommends that the dumpster be relocated closer to the building and away from right-of-way frontages to minimize visual impact. COMMENT

16. Additional comments and/or certification issues may be forthcoming pending revised documents. Also, contact staff to discuss site design and outstanding issues. COMMENT

LAND DEVELOPMENT (Mr. Choban, 684-4094 or Mr. Wisnefski, 684-4133)

1. No comments were received at time of publication. Contact the agency representative for additional information.

TRAFFIC (Mr. Ennis 684-4030) or (Mr. Uhren, 684-4042)

1. Eliminate parking spaces backing toward site entrance. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

2. Label centerlines for adjacent roadways so that right-of way can be checked. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

3. The "30' Road & Drainage Easement" on the south side of 92nd Lane North overlaps what is labeled as a

"30' R.O.W." Is this a right-of-way or an easement? CERTIFICATION ISSUE

4. The arrows for the turning movements at the site entrance and at 92nd Lane North/Seminole Pratt Whitney

Road do not distinguish as to how many turns are being made to each direction. Also, the June 30. 2003 traffic study shows a second site access (to Murcott Blvd.), which is no longer on the latest site plan. Please revise Figure 4 of traffic study and site plan turn lane arrows/numbers. Show total turning movements at the

92nd Lane North/Seminole Pratt Whitney Road intersection. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

SURVEY (Mr. Mark 684-4054)

1. All previous issues have been addressed. However, re-submittal of documents may generate new comments/certification issues. COMMENT


1. All previous issues have been addressed. However, re-submittal of documents may generate new comments/certification issues. COMMENT

HEALTH (Mr. Shippey, 355-3023)

1. All previous issues have been addressed. However, re-submittal of documents may generate new comments/certification issues. COMMENT

SCHOOL BOARD (Ms. Mills, 434-8028 or Mr. DeYoung 434-7343)

1. No comment.

COUNTY ATTORNEY (Ms. Taylor, 355-3388)

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1. All previous issues have been addressed. However, re-submittal of documents may generate new comments/certification issues. COMMENT

PLANNING (Mr. Bell, 233-5331)

1. The Planning Division has reviewed the request for a Class A Conditional Use to allow a daycare for 120 children and has found it to be consistent with the property’s RR-2.5 FLU designation. FLUE Policy 2.2.8b , states, "Institutional and Public Facility uses [such as daycare facilities] may be allowed in all future land use designations…(53-FLUE).” COMMENT

2. The subject property is in the Exurban Tier. Any proposed development located within the Exurban Tier is subject to policies in the Comprehensive Plan regarding the presentation and orientation of said development. FLUE Policy 1.3-i states, ”Where feasible considering the existing development pattern, the

County shall promote the development of central community places by clustering and co-locating neighborhood commercial uses, day care, places of worship, and public community-serving uses which may include, but are not limited to, a mix of government satellite offices, meeting space, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and libraries. Within these central community places, buildings should be sited to form a public common or green space for community use. Site planning, building orientation, architectural treatment, and landscaping of non-residential development should reflect the character of a rural community

(24-FLUE).” FLUE Policy 1.3-j also states, “The County shall continue to maintain the rural zoning regulations for areas designated Rural Residential in order to protect and preserve the rural communities of present and future residents of these areas. The regulations shall, at a minimum: 9. Include provisions that: encourage maximizing the preservation of open space and protection of native vegetation and tree canopy in front, rear, and side yards; preserve environmental systems; protect wildlife; and, retain the rural character of the Exurban Tier… (24-FLUE).”

In accordance with these policies, upon Development Review Officer (DRO) certification, the site plan will be conditioned to incorporate native vegetation into the buffer areas, which is compatible with the rural character of the community. In addition, since the subject site is located within the Exurban Tier, the proposed building shall comply with the Rural Design Guidelines of ULDC Section 6.6.D. The site plan does not reflect a parking surface layout that conforms to the above policies. The parking is shown on the sides of the site, which is consistent with the intent of the policies. However, the parking is paved rather than grass. The site plan should be revised to have grass parking. In addition, the building façade should be orientated to Seminole Pratt Whitney Road to minimize the impact on the character surrounding rural residential area. The dumpster shall also be moved from the sight line of Seminole Pratt Whitney Road.

Finally, the signage should be restricted to one (1) monument style sign only on Seminole Pratt Whitney

Road. Once these revisions have been made, the site plan would further policies in the Plan regarding institutional uses in the Exurban Tier. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

3. The applicant's certified site plan was reviewed for consistency with policies from the FLUE and

Transportation Element (TE), including FLUE Policy 4.3-g (77-FLUE), FLUE Policy 4.3-i (77-FLUE), TE

Policy 1.9-j (43-TE), TE Policy 1.9-l (43-TE), and TE Policy 1.9-m (43-TE), which encourage pedestrian connections and improved pedestrian accessibility both within and between sites. In order to comply with these policies, please revise the site plan to include a pedestrian connection from the day care center to the future/proposed sidewalk along Seminole Pratt Whitney Road. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

4. The subject site is located within the boundaries of the Western Northlake Corridor Land Use Study. The

Study states: “Institutional uses are encouraged in the Study are boundaries to meet the needs of the population.” The Study also encourages institutional uses to co-locate along Northlake Boulevard, east of

Coconut Boulevard. This proposed request is inconsistent with this recommendation. Upon DRO certification, Staff will mention this recommendation in the Zoning Commission and BCC Staff reports.

The City of Palm Beach Gardens and the City of West Palm Beach were participants in the Study.

Consistent with recommendations in the Study, Staff has previously notified these municipalities of the request. COMMENT

5. The subject property is also located within the boundaries of the Central Western Communities Sector

Planning Area (CWCSP). With regards to the CWCSP, the BCC directed staff in July 2000 to initiate a comprehensive regional planning effort in the central western portion of the County to address impacts associated with existing rural residential development and to develop a plan that will guide land use decision-making in the future. The Sector Planning effort is ongoing and the effort has not yet resulted in the adoption of a conceptual plan overlay for the area. The project’s status can be followed on the

Department’s website. COMMENT

6. The subject site is also located in the Acreage Neighborhood Plan (ANP). Planning staff reviewed the request and determined the following recommendations of the ANP apply to the proposed request:

Goal #1: Enhance the rural character of The Acreage and protect a large lot, single-family dwelling unit, residential neighborhood land use pattern. Goal #2: Preserve and protect “The Acreage’s” lifestyle while providing essential ingredients for the continued health of the community. Goal #4: To retain the current

Agricultural Residential (AR) zoning district. Rec.


Retain the existing Future Land Use

Classification of RR10 (Rural Residential) as shown on the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Atlas throughout The Acreage Unified Planning Area. Rec. L4.

Retain the existing zoning classification of AR

(Agricultural Residential) throughout The Acreage Unified Planning Area. Rec. L11.

All non-

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residential development orders, permits and future land use atlas amendments within The Acreage Unified

Planning Area shall be reviewed by The Acreage Landowner Association for compatibility with surrounding uses and consistency with The Acreage Community Plan. Rec. E6.

Private schools (pre-kindergarten through high school) should be allowed within The Acreage provided they are accessible by pedestrians and bicyclists, have their own water and septic system packages, and a self contained water treatment system.

Prior to DRO certification of the site plan, to be consistent with the goals and recommendations of the

Acreage Neighborhood Plan, the site plan and application need to:

1) demonstrate how the site plan enhances the rural character of the area;

2) provide walkways that allow access by pedestrians and bicyclists (walkway to Seminole Pratt); and

3) indicate that the site’s proposed well and septic system could handle the applicant’s proposed capacity

of 120 children to not require a package treatment plant.

Prior to DRO certification, the application, justification statement, and site plan shall be revised to address the above recommendations. CERTIFICATION ISSUE

BUILDING (Mr. Armour, 233-5269)

1. No comment.

PARKS & RECREATION (Ms. Matthews, 966-6652)

1. No comment.

WATER UTILITIES (Mr. Galicki, 641-3429)

1. No comment.

PREM (Mr. Banting, 233-0200)

1. No comment.

LWDD (Ms. Kraus or Mr. Crone, 737-3835)

1. Based on the letter dated December 5, 2001, the District has no objection to the certification of this petition.

COMMENT c: Petition File

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