PHYS 242 Course outline W14 I Electrostatic Fields Introductory

PHYS 242 Course outline W14
I Electrostatic Fields
Introductory comments
1 Coulomb’s Law
2 Electric Field Intensity or Electric Field Strength ( E )
3 E due to Continuous Charge Distributions
4 Electric Flux Density ( D)
5 Gauss’s Law and Applications
6 Divergence of Electrostatic Fields
7 Maxwell’s (1st) Equation
8 Additional Comments re E fields Inside Conductors with Cavities with q
9 Electric Potential (V)
10 Curl of Vector Field and Stokes’s Theorem
11 Curl of E and Maxwell’s (3rd) Equation
12 Gradient of V (Relation between V and E )
13 Electric Dipole and Flux Lines
14 Energy Density in Electrostatic Fields
II Electric Fields in Material Space
1 Convection and Conduction Currents
2 Ohm’s Law
3 Polarization P in Dielectrics
4 Field due to Polarized Dielectric
5 Physical Interpretation of Bound Charge Densities σ b and ρb
6 The Electric Displacement D and Gauss’s Law in Presence of Dielectrics
7 Electric Susceptibility, Dielectric Constant and Strength
8 Continuity Equation and Relaxation Time
9 Boundary Conditions
III Capacitors and Review of DC Circuits
1 Capacitors (without/with dielectrics)
2 Review of DC Circuits (Kirchhoff’s Laws)
3 Charging/Discharging RC Circuits
IV AC Circuits
1 Electromagnetic Induction
2 Faraday’s Law
3 Lenz’s Law
4 Induced emf and Electric Fields
5 Inductance
6 LR Circuits (DC charging/discharging)
7 Energy in Magnetic Field
8 Introduction to Alternating Current (AC) circuits
- the Phasor, Root-Mean-Square Values, Power
9 Phasor Approach Using Complex Notation
- Kirchhoff’s laws, Low Pass and High Pass Filters
Note re choice of textbook for the W14 offering of PHYS 242
The textbook chosen for this course is “Introduction to Electrodynamics” (4th edition) by David
Griffiths. In addition, the availability of a good 1st year physics text (e.g. “Physics For Scientists
and Engineers” (7th edition) by Serway and Jewett) is required for the magnetic induction and
AC circuits part of this course.
The electricity parts of this course have been taken from both the text by Griffiths and the book,
“Elements of Electromagnetics” (5th edition), by M.N.O. Sadiku. The order of presentation of the
material, making up this component of the course, largely follows the book by Sadiku.
For convenience the outlines of the pertinent chapters of the books by Griffith, Sadiku and
Serway/Jewett are given below.
From “Introduction to Electrodynamics” (4th edition) by Griffiths:
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Coulomb's Law
2.1.3 The Electric Field
2.1.4 Continuous Charge Distributions
2.2.1 Field Lines, Flux, and Gauss’s Law
2.2.2 The Divergence of E
2.2.3 Applications of Gauss’s Law
2.2.4 The Curl of E
2.3.1 Introduction to Potential
2.3.2 Comments on Potential
2.3.3 Poisson’s Equation and Laplace’s Equation
2.3.4 The Potential of a Localized Charge Distribution
2.3.5 Boundary Conditions
2.4.1 The Work it Takes to Move a Charge
2.4.2 The Energy of a Point Charge Distribution
2.4.3 The Energy of a Continuous Charge Distribution
2.4.4 Comments on Electrostatic Energy
2.5.1 Basic Properties
2.5.2 Induced Charges
2.5.3 Surface Charge and the Force on a Conductor
2.5.4 Capacitors
4.1.1 Dielectrics
4.1.2 Induced Dipoles
4.1.3 Alignment of Polar Molecules
4.1.4 Polarization
4.2.1 Bound Charges
4.2.2 Physical Interpretation of Bound Charges
4.2.3 The Field Inside a Dielectric
4.3.1 Gauss’s Law in the Presence of Dielectrics
4.3.2 A Deceptive Parallel
4.3.3 Boundary Conditions
4.4.1 Susceptibility, Permittivity, Dielectric Constant
4.4.2 Boundary Value problem with Linear Dielectrics
4.4.3 Energy in Dielectric Systems
4.4.4 Forces on Dielectrics
From “Elements of Electromagnetics” (5th edition) by Sadiku:
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Coulomb’s Law and Field Intensity
4.3 Electric Fields Due to Continuous Charge Distributions
4.4 Electric Flux Density
4.5 Gauss's Law-Maxwell's Equation
4.6 Applications of Gauss's Law
4.7 Electric Potential
4.8 Relationship between E and V-Maxwell's Equation
4.9 An Electric Dipole and Flux Lines
4.10 Energy Density in Electrostatic Fields
4.11 Application Note-Electrostatic Discharge
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Properties of Materials
5.3 Convection and Conduction Currents
5.4 Conductors
5.5 Polarization in Dielectrics
5.6 Dielectric Constant and Strength
5.7 Linear, Isotropic, and Homogeneous Dielectrics
5.8 Continuity Equation and Relaxation Time
5.9 Boundary Conditions
5.10 Application Note-High Dielectric constant Materials
From :Physics for Scientists and Engineers” (7th edition ) by Serway and Jewett:
Chapter 31 Faraday’s Law
31.1 Faraday's Law of Induction
31.2 Motional emf
31.3 Lenz's Law
31.4 Induced emf and Electric Fields
31.5 Generators and Motors
31.6 Eddy Currents
Chapter 32 Inductance
32.1 Self-Induction and Inductance
32.2 RL Circuits
32.3 Energy in a Magnetic Field
32.4 Mutual Inductance
32.5 Oscillations in an LC Circuit
32.6 The RLC Circuit
Chapter 33 Alternating Current Circuits
33.1 AC Sources
33.2 Resistors in an AC Circuit
33.3 Inductors in an AC Circuit
33.4 Capacitors in an AC Circuit
The RLC Series Circuit
Power in an AC Circuit
Resonance in a Series RLC Circuit
The Transformer and Power Transmission
Rectifiers and Filters
PHYS 242 2014W Session
Course Content
I Electrostatic Fields
Office: Physics, room 366
Introductory comments
1 Coulomb’s Law
2 Electric Field Intensity or
Electric Field Strength ( E )
Dr. Hartwig Peemoeller
Office hours: W 12:30-1:30, F 4:30-5:30
Please include the text “phys242” in the
subject of any emails.
Texts: “Introduction to Electrodynamics” by
Griffiths, 4
edition and
“Physics for Scientists and Engineers 7
edition” by Serway and Jewett, or
equivalent text
(e.g., “Essential University Physics” by
Wolfson “Fundamentals of Physics” by
Halliday, Resnick and Walker
“University Physics 13 edition” by Young
and Freedman)
Lectures will be held in MC 2034
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30- 9:50
Lectures are an integral part of this course
and attendance is required.
3 E due to Continuous Charge
4 Electric Flux Density ( D )
5 Gauss’s Law and Applications
6 Divergence of Electrostatic
7 Maxwell’s (1st) Equation
8 Additional Comments re E
fields Inside Conductors with
Cavities with q
9 Electric Potential (V)
10 Curl of Vector Field and
Stokes’s Theorem
11 Curl of E and Maxwell’s (3rd)
12 Gradient of V (Relation
Course web site
8 Continuity Equation and
Relaxation Time
9 Boundary Conditions
between V and E )
13 Electric Dipole and Flux Lines
14 Energy Density in
Electrostatic Fields
II Electric Fields in Material
1 Convection and Conduction
2 Ohm’s Law
To be announced.
3 Polarization P in Dielectrics
4 Field due to Polarized
5 Physical Interpretation of
Bound Charge Densities
σ b and ρb
6 The Electric Displacement D
and Gauss’s Law in Presence of
7 Electric Susceptibility,
Dielectric Constant and Strength
III Capacitors and Review of DC
1 Capacitors (without/with
2 Review of DC Circuits (Kirchhoff’s
3 Charging/Discharging RC Circuits
IV AC Circuits
1 Electromagnetic Induction
2 Faraday’s Law
3 Lenz’s Law
4 Induced emf and Electric Fields
5 Inductance
6 LR Circuits (DC
7 Energy in Magnetic Field
8 Introduction to Alternating
Current (AC) circuits
- the Phasor, Root-Mean-Square
Values, Power
9 Phasor Approach Using Complex
- Kirchhoff’s laws, Low Pass and
High Pass Filters
Final Exam
Midterm Test
There will be 6 to 8 assignments. Due dates
will be indicated on the assignments.
There will be a 150 minute exam to
be scheduled by the registrar. The
exam schedule will be placed on the
UW web site by the registrar’s
February 13, 6:30-8:00 pm in
Physics room 313.
In general, late submissions will not
be accepted. Exceptions due to
illness, or other reasons beyond the
student’s control, will be considered
on an individual basis.
The drop-off box for assignments is just
outside (on right hand side) of physics room
211A (opposite to room 204)).
Assignments will be posted on LEARN at
least one week before the due date.
Solutions for all assignments will be posted
Please see the note below regarding the
return of assignments.
Pink tie calculators only are
permitted for purposes of writing the
exam. Please see the following web
site for details
Pink tie calculators only are permitted
for purposes of writing the midterm test.
Please see the following web site for
Course mark
Assignments 20%
Midterm Test 20%
Final Exam
Note re assignment returns:
The assignments will be marked and returned to you (normally in a week) by being placed inside cardboard boxes
outside room 366 in physics (see the Note below).
NOTE: Marked assignments will be left in boxes outside of room physics 366 for no longer than two weeks.
Students who prefer an alternative return method must so advise the instructor (HP) by email by January 20, 2014
and staple an appropriately sized stamped self-addressed envelope to each assignment submitted so that it may be
returned by mail.
Unclaimed assignments: Unclaimed assignments will be retained until one month after term grades become official
on Quest. After that time, they will be destroyed in compliance with UW’s confidential shredding procedures.
Calendar course description:
Course ID: 013643
PHYS 242 LEC,TUT 0.50
Electricity and Magnetism 1
Coulomb's law, electric fields, Gauss' law, potential, capacitance, properties of dielectrics, DC
circuits, AC circuits.
[Note: Students with PHYS 122 prior to Winter 2012 need to include PHYS 191 as a
prerequisite. Offered: W,S]
Prereq: One of PHYS 112, 122 (taken Fall 2011 or later), PHYS 191; One of MATH 128, 138,
148; (MATH 227 or Coreq: AMATH 231).
Coreq: PHYS 242L for science students except Mathematical Physics plan.
Antireq: PHYS 222, 223, 241, 252
Important Dates:
See the University of Waterloo website for important dates connected with your program.
For students with disabilities:
AccessAbility Services, located in Needles Hall, Room 1132, collaborates with all academic
departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities without
compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require academic accommodations
to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with AccessAbility Services at the
beginning of each academic term.
Some Academic Regulations:
1) Academic integrity: In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the
University of Waterloo community are expected to promote honesty, trust, fairness, respect and
Note on avoidance of academic offences: All students registered in the courses of the Faculty of
Science are expected to know what constitutes academic integrity, to avoid committing academic
offences, and to take responsibility for their actions. When the commission of an offence is
established, disciplinary penalties will be imposed in accord with Policy #71 (Student Academic
Discipline). For information on categories of offences and types of penalties, students are directed
to consult Policy #71 ( If you need
help in learning what constitutes an academic offence; how to avoid offences such as plagiarism,
cheating, and double submission; how to follow appropriate rules with respect to “group work”
and collaboration; or if you need clarification of aspects of the discipline policy, ask your TA
and/or your course instructor for guidance. Other resources regarding the discipline policy are
your academic advisor and the Undergraduate Associate Dean.”
Grievance: A student who believes that a decision affecting some aspect of his/her university
life has been unfair or unreasonable may have grounds for initiating a grievance. Read Policy
#70, Student Petitions and Grievances, Section 4. When in doubt contact the department’s
administrative assistant who will provide further assistance.
Discipline: Students are expected to know what constitutes academic integrity, to avoid
committing academic offenses, and to take responsibility for their actions. Students who are
unsure whether an action constitutes an offense, or who need help in learning how to avoid
offenses (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) or about “rules” for group work/collaboration should seek
guidance from the course professor, academic advisor, or the Associate Dean of Science for
Undergraduate Studies. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalties,
students should refer to Policy #71, Student Discipline. For information on typical penalties,
students should check Guidelines for the Assessment of Penalties,
Appeals: A decision or penalty imposed under Policy 33 (Ethical Behavior), Policy #70 (Student
Petitions and Grievances) or Policy #71 (Student Discipline) may be appealed, if there is a
ground. Students, who believe they have a ground for an appeal should refer to Policy #72
(Student Appeals).
Waterloo's Office of Academic Integrity provides numerous resources on academic integrity for
students, faculty and staff.
2) Travel and final exam period: “Student travel plans are not considered acceptable grounds
for granting an alternative examination time.” (You may wish to start checking the registrar’s web
site starting in the middle of February:
3) Make-up exams, tests, assignments: In general there will be no make-up exams, make-up
tests or make-up assignments for PHYS 242. Exceptions due to illness, or other reasons beyond the
student’s control, will be considered on an individual basis.
4) Verification of Illness form (VIF) or other compelling documentation.
If a student is unable to complete course requirements (usually final exam, midterm test), then
the student must inform the instructor (ideally, beforehand but within 48 hours of the exam) and
present the appropriate documentation (i.e. a completed VIF or other compelling documentation)
within five business days.
Please be aware that only VIFs issued from our campus Health Services
( will be acceptable documentation when the service is
available (
A student who is sick on a weekend, during off‐hours, while out of town or receiving ongoing
care from a family physician or specialist may have to provide valid and suitably informative
VIF from other health service providers. Information should include
1) date of the physician assessment
2) dates of illness
3) level of incapacitation, and
4) whether the diagnosis was made by the physician or based on description by the student.
This policy will also apply to non‐Science students taking Science courses.